Aabs AAB-forex Corps: (As Amended by Circular No. 794 Dated 18 April 2013)

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dividends, profits and earnings which accrue thereon shall be purchased from AABs and
AAB-forex corps.

(As amended by Circular No. 794 dated 18 April 2013)

Section 43. Inward Foreign Investments Prior to 15 March 1973.

Repatriation of divestment proceeds and remittance of dividends, profits and earnings
from foreign investments certified by stock transfer agents to have been made prior to
15 March 1973 may be serviced using foreign exchange purchased from AABs and
AAB-forex corps, without prior BSP approval. In the absence of said certification, such
investments may be registered with the BSP subject to submission of documentary
requirements under Appendix 12.

Section 44. Investments by Philippine Residents

1. General policy –

a. Residents may invest in instruments enumerated in item 2 hereof, without

prior BSP approval funded by:

(i) their foreign currency deposit account/s (whether offshore or onshore);


(ii) FX purchased from AABs/AAB-forex corps of up to USD60 million or its

equivalent in other foreign currency per investor per year, or per fund
per year for qualified investors (QIs).

b. Investments by residents (except AABs) funded with foreign exchange

purchased from AABs or AAB-forex corps in excess of the USD60 million limit
per investor per year shall require prior approval by the BSP: Provided, That
the purchase of foreign exchange for investments by managed or trusteed
accounts (other than pooled funds) shall be considered as part of the foreign
exchange purchases by the principal or trustor of such accounts for
determining compliance with the limits.

c. QIs may apply with the BSP for a higher annual investment limit. For
purposes of this section, QIs shall be limited to the following: insurance and
pre-need companies; collective/pooled funds, whether in a corporate or
contractual structure, such as mutual funds, Unit Investment Trust Funds
(UITFs) and variable insurance; public or private pension or retirement or
provident funds and such other entities and funds as the BSP may determine
as QIs on the basis of such factors as financial sophistication, size and
regularity of financial transactions, net worth and size of assets being
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