Running Head: History Reflection 1
Running Head: History Reflection 1
Running Head: History Reflection 1
Yasmin Tzib
University of Belize
The museum was opened on 1994. It has three floors representing the three worlds of the
Maya; the sky, the earth, and the underworld. The inside of the museum is designed like a forest
which gives it a glimpse of the real nature (see figure 2). The exhibits represent all aspects of the
Maya world including the social classes, politics and customs. All these features are of
importance not only as a representation of the Mayan culture but also to understand and
appreciate the significance and worth of this culture in
history. After visiting the Museo de la Cultura Maya, the way
I viewed the Mayan culture changed for the better, not only
do I now really appreciate the culture but now I know the
significance and contribution of the Mayan culture to
historical knowledge.
Figure 3: Third floor- Figure 4: Second floor- Figure 5: First floor- the
the sky the earth underworld
History Reflection 3
Within, the museum is divided into eight sections: development of the Mayan culture, the
origins, and aspects of daily living (agriculture, commerce, science and technology, and cosmos).
This gives an organized and informational view of the different aspects of Mayas culture (see
figure 6).
The museum contains displays of an ample period of the Maya civilization (see figures 7 and 8)
of its expansion of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. Its relationship to nature, architecture and
urban development, commerce, interaction with other cultures and Spanish conquerors are of
principal theme. These displays give a detailed and vibrant outlook into the significant historical
background of the Mayan culture.
There were many artifacts that all represented part of history, for instance the display of
Maya cities. These showed the structure and settling format of the Mayas. It also contains stelae
and agronomic displays. These artifacts allow one to have a better visualization of the history of
the Mayan culture overall.
Figure 6: daily living section Figure 7: Maya cities Figure 8: Maya cites
History Reflection 4
DeLange, G., & DeLange, E. (n.d.). Museum Of The Mayan Culture Chetumal, Quintana Roo,
Mexico Travel Or Tour Pictures, Photos, Information, & Reviews. In DeLange. Retrieved
May 8, 2018