September 19 - 25, 2018 Sports Reporter
September 19 - 25, 2018 Sports Reporter
September 19 - 25, 2018 Sports Reporter
Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 79 No. 29 September 19 - 25, 2018 25 cents
Kyle Troup Upsets Jason Belmonte to Win Amanda Nardiello Slams 300-815
PBA-WBT Storm Lucky Larsen Masters Title At Ocean Lanes
MALMO, Sweden – Kyle Troup In the first stepladder match, LAKEWOO, NJ - Amanda Tom Panebianco shot 280, Rob
of Taylorsville, N.C., threw Ireland’s Christopher Sloan Nardiello topped the scoring in the Sherman 279, Rick Wittenburg
strikes on seven of his first eight opened in the seventh frame of a Joe Goertz Classic Memorial 269, and Gene Sargent and Dan
shots on his way to upsetting top close match, but recovered by League blasting a high game of Gross 267.
qualifier and defending champion throwing six strikes to close out 300 and a high series of 815.
Jason Belmonte of Australia, the contest and eliminate nine-
248-232, in the title match of the time PBA Tour champion Bill Quentin Collins 300-808 at Lodi Lanes
PBA International-World O’Neill of Langhorne, Pa., 236- LODI, NJ - Quentin Collins found 808 while contesting in the
Bowling Tour Storm Lucky 234. the line to collect a 300 game en Monday 670 Trios League at Lodi
Larsen Masters at Baltiska Troup advanced to the title route to the session high series of Lanes.
Bowlinghallen. match with a 235-187 win over
Troup, a 27-year-old 10th-year Sloan, a 24-year-old third-year Patrick Zenker Smashed 300
PBA member, earned his third PBA member from Dublin, who
PBA Tour title along with a was unable to sustain his first- At Maple Lanes RVC
$16,500 first prize, completing a PBA photo game momentum. Sloan threw ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Michael Travers rolled 266, Dean
sweep of the top three positions Champ Kyle Troup one strike and had an open in his Patrick Zenker earned top honors Tischer 265-239, Walter
by two-handed players. first six frames while Troup start- in the Wednesday Night Mixed Schroeder and Barry Vineberg
Belmonte, who led qualifying as well as the “Step ed with four strikes. A pocket 7-10 in the sixth frame League firing games of 300-254 247, and James DeSantis 245.
Three” round leading into the stepladder finals, saw slowed Troup, but he came right back with another for a high series of 769.
his hopes for a title repeat when he failed to convert three strikes to roll to an easy win.
the 2-10 split in the fourth frame and left the 2-8 in The Malmo tournament – named in honor of Brian Beale 300 at Farmingdale Lanes
the ninth frame after rallying behind a string of four Swedish PBA star Martin Larsen – was a World
FARMINGDALE, NY - Brian 772, Anthony D'Elia 289-223-
strikes. Bowling Tour points event. The tournament format
Beale topped the scoring in the 238-750, Meghan Wing 247-279-
The colorful Troup, dressed in matching jersey and involved multiple six-game qualifying squads to
Wednesday Duos League blasting 226-752, Sean Mott 278-236-269-
slacks in Sweden’s blue-and-yellow national colors, arrive at 60 finalists. Qualifiers 34-60 bowled the
games of 226-258-300 for a high 783, Kyle Durfee 278, and Eric
also bowled without his trademark “afro” hairdo in four-game Step One, with the top 11 advancing to
series of 784. Smyth 268.
denying Belmonte his third title of the 2018 season. Step Two along with qualifiers 9-33.
Don Perillo shot 248-289-235-
“This is my first trip to Sweden,” Troup said. “I
couldn’t ask for a better result.” See TROUP Page 4
Coming Up on FloBowling
Jay Boyle Wins Hammer/Strike Zone Open Closing out the month, PBA Xtra Frame on FloBowling will visit
North Carolina and California to cover another weekend doubleheader:
For Second PBA50 Regional Title the PBA50 Storm Invitational at Planet Fun Bowling and Entertainment
By Russ Mills - PBA a previous career best finish of Center in Shallotte, N.C., and a PBA Regional event, the PBA Double
POTTVILLE, Pa. – Jay Boyle of seventh place, failed to strike out Decker West/Northwest Open presented by Roto Grip from Double
Garnet Valley, Pa. defeated Ray in the final frame to force a tie. Decker Lanes in Rohnert Park, Calif., Sept. 29-30.
Textor of Kennedy, N.Y., 213- Boyle earned $1,500 along with The PBA50 Invitational, Saturday and Sunday, Sept.29-30, will
188, to win the PBA50 his title while Textor earned $750 involve a field of 14 including 2018 PBA50 Player of the Year Michael
Hammer/Strike Zone Open at the as the runner-up. Haugen Jr., PBA50 Cup winner Brian Kretzer, PBA60 Player of the Year
Ron Mohr, Walter Ray Williams Jr., Norm Duke, Parker Bohn III,
Strike Zone Alleys for his second Boyle defeated Darryl Bower of
Lennie Boresch Jr., Amleto Monacelli, Ryan Shafer, Bob Learn Jr., Pete
career PBA50 Regional title and Middletown, Pa., 235-224, and
Weber, Harry Sullins, Brian Voss and Johnny Petraglia.
a $1500 payday. Textor defeated Glenn Smith of
All PBA Xtra Frame on FloBowling events are covered live from start
Boyle, who had gone undefeat- New York City, 210-170, in the
to finish. One last reminder: existing Xtra Frame subscribers need to
ed throughout the earlier elimina- semifinal round. Bower and
transition their current subscriptions to FloBowling by visiting
tion rounds, left the door open for PBA photo Smith each earned $625 as semi- New subscribers can enroll
Textor when he failed to double Champion Jay Boyle with proprietor final round losers at
in his 10th frame. Textor, who had Terry Brenneman
2 SPORTS REPORTER September 19 - 25, 2018
Cara Lukosius and Leslie Bohn Inducted into Monmouth County Hall of Fame
By Joanne Ramsey Additional awards for Bowler of the Year went to
Cara Lukosius and Leslie Bohn were inducted into Michael Conover and Leslie Bohn, High Average to
the Monmouth County Hall of Fame during the coun- Michael Conover 244 and Alexa Guirk 217, High
ty awards dinner at the Gramercy at Lakeside Manor Series to Jonathan Coscia 851 and Janine Smith 781,
in Hazlet, NJ. High Game 300 to Rosanne Lada, Amanda Nardiello
Cara has been an avid bowler in Monmouth County and Renee Wilson.
for over 20 years. She has multiple 300’s and 800’s Also at this event awards were presented to the
to her credit, and has won the MC Queens youth bowlers for High Average: Kamerin Peters 206
Tournament seven times and twice in Ocean County. and Ryan Carlisi 224, High Series Brittany Lucci 715
In 1993, Cara was named MC Bowler of the Year. In and Ryan Carlisi 773. High School Seniors
2005, she was on a 4 person team bowling in Scholarships were awarded to Justin Korman and
Memory Lanes in Red Bank, which won National David Schuld. In addition, the Junior Gold and
recognition as holding the highest 4 person mixed National Championship winners were present and
team record for a team game of 1042. Cara was honored, including Joseph Dominguez on Winning
WASA Bowler of the Year in 2000, and has 8 WASA the U12 Boys Division Junior Gold Championship.
titles, She was also named WASA Sportswoman of Second year in a row the U12 Boys Championship
the Year. Cara has been inducted into the NJ State has gone to Monmouth County.
USBC WBA Hall of Fame, the Ocean County WBA Chrissy Lee was installed as President of the asso-
USBC Hall of Fame, the WASA Hall of Fame and the ciation along with Vice President Joanne Ramsey,
NJSIAA Coaches Hall of Fame. In 2009, Cara was Chaplain Robert E. Hodges, Parliamentarian Lou
named NJ State Boys Coach of the Year. She was Colucci, Association Manager John Barrett,
Head Bowling Coach in the Brick Township School team in the NJ State Women’s Inter-County Financial Admin Joanne M. Ramsey and youth
District for 22 years and when she retired made sure Tournament in 2009. Members of this team are com- Admin Ron Glick.
that the new coach was up to her standards before prised of the top five women in average for the year Directors: John A Barrett, Leslie Bohn, David A
leaving. and Leslie was second high average with a 222. Campbell, Lou Colucci *, Charles Dillard (Aux),
Leslie has first place titles in the Monmouth Leslie has bowled a certified 300 game, and 800 Maria Eberhardt, Joseph Fellion, Dennis J Giberson,
County Women’s Championship tournament in 2014 series. She has three 299 games and three other Ronald J Glick, Robert E Hodges *, John J Jennings,
for All Events, in 2012 for the Team event, in 2011 series between 750 and 799. She has a 10-year com- Paulette D King, David A Kline Jr, Michael W Lee
for A/E and Singles and Doubles. In 2011, she and posite average of 213 based on over 800 games. *, Walter McKnight Jr, Mark Mihaly *, Adams
her partner won the MC Mixed Doubles title, and in Leslie is tireless in her passion and dedication to Murphy Sr, Alexander E Queen, James Rogers,
2016, she was on the winning team in the MC Bahr youth bowling. Her many skills, knowledge and abil- Robert B Rogers, Brian Rosseter, Joseph SanFilippo,
Trophy Event, In addition, she has eight 2nd and 3rd ities are seen as a teacher, coach, fundraiser, and Steve Stein, Michael Stevens, Michael Valanzano,
place finishes across the County Championship, the travel organizer to youth practices, clinics, leagues, Raymond P Vogel *, and Kenneth Wolf.
Mixed Doubles and the Queens tournaments. Leslie tournaments and Junior Gold events. She received (*Life members on the board)
was also on the Monmouth County Championship the 2017 Volunteer of the Year Award from the
USBC International Bowling Campus.
September 19 - 25, 2018 SPORTS REPORTER 3
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September 19 - 25, 2018 SPORTS REPORTER 5
Joe Conigliaro 299-812
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Joe Conigliaro topped the scoring in
the Custom Thumbz Singles League firing games of 299-267-246
for a high series of 812.
Anthony Smith rolled 290, Glenn Smith 278, Marc Walton and
Mike Lancaster 266, and Joe LaSpina 257.
Pat Zenker 289
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Pat Zenker rolled a high game of 289
in the Wednesday Night Mixed League.
Walter Schroeder rolled 268, Robert Lellig 265, Mike Forrai and
Ray Brooks 257, and Alex Bogolubsky 254.
John Balbi 760
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - John Balbi topped the scoring in the
Monday King Trios League firing games of 236-278-246 for a high
series of 760.
John LaBau rolled 266-254-722, Joe DiRe 259, Paul Palmeri and
David Ciofalo 258, and Euly Carr 256.
Raoul Vegosen 279
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Raoul Vegosen led the scoring in the
Thursday Mixed League rolling a high game of 279.
Shaun Berkowsky hit 265, Dan DiGirolamo 247, and Rick
Boremski 245.
Kent Jones 269
ROCKVILLE CENTRE,NY - Kent Jones rolled 269, Ed Frontera
and Jay McCray 257, Joe DiRe 256, and Patrick Zenker 248 in the
Thursday Senior Birds League.
Donald Jones 268
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Donald Jones rolled a high game of
268 in the Tuesday Adult/Junior League.
Nicholas Brusseler rolled 237, Colleen Kingsepp 233, John Genna
236, and Charlie Torres 227.
In the Monday Bar Wars League Brandon Gaines shot 199-178,
Scott Idson 185, and Jack McCarthy 182.
Kevin Gracey 258
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Kevin Gracey paced the scoring in
the Nostalgia Mixed League rolling a high game of 258.
James Luvert hit 230, and Peter McCabe 214.
Bob Schiavone 255
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Bob Schiavone rolled 255, John
Migliano 250, Ed Frontera 248, and Bob Moskowitz 243 in the
Wednesday AM Doubles League.
Sean McGinn 241
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - In the Thursday El Cheapo Mixed
League Sean McGinn rolled 241, John Moran 233, and John
LaBau, Sr. 223.
Classic Trios
0 9 :; <
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4 7
6 % & '
Monday 6:00 Monday Nite Mixed 4 Mixed 9/10
Monday 6:15 Chester Men/MonNight Men 4 Men 9/10
Monday 9:00 Classic Trios/Singles 3 Mixed/Any 9/10 %( & )*+
% ( ,)"-.)/