April 14, 2010 SportsReporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940

Vol. 71 No. 6 April 14 - 20, 2010 50 cents

Pete Weber Re-Writes PBA History with Kevin Spann 820 At Majestic
HOPELAWN, NJ – Kevin Spann 24-234-627, and Lauro Perez 211-
Marathon Open Victory topped the scoring in the Sun. Nite 212-610.
Mixed League firing games of In the Thu. Mixed Nuts League
PBA Hall of Famer passes Roth with 35th title, 280-287-253 for a high series of Mike P. Kennelly hit 246-224-644,
820. Don M. Hellhake 234-214-620,
hands rival Williams PBA Player of the Year honors Eliot Carrasco shot 254-268-682, Pat Moreno 213-210-614, John
John Delgado 221-252-663, Cid Syslo 236-609, Kevin Kennelly
BALTIMORE, Md. – Hall of Famer Pete Stentella 215-234-644, Tino 226, Mike V. Kennelly 213-215,
Weber of St. Ann, Mo., re-wrote the Professional Mendez 205-234-630, Carole and Joe Herber 213.
Bowlers Association(PBA) history book when Lopez 217-213-627, Elio Carasco
he defeated top qualifier Mike Scroggins of
Amarillo, Texas, 268-224, to win the Lumber
Liquidators Marathon Open at AMF Country
Ray Greig, Mike DeBiasio 300
Club Lanes.
With his 35th career victory, breaking his tie
At Holiday Bowl
for third place on the all-time PBA Tour titles list OAKLAND, NJ – Ray Greig and lied a 774 set.
with Mark Roth, Weber denied Scroggins’ bid to Mike DeBiasio each blasted per- Lenny Frost shot 760, Al Winkler
become 2009-10 PBA Player of the Year, and fection with a 300 game in the 752, Frank Gallo and Shawn
handed that crown to his long-time rival, Walter Tuesday Early Men’s League at Aiello 289, Jerry Ptasienski 280,
Ray Williams Jr. of Ocala, Fla. Holiday Bowl. Greig had high and Lenny Frost and Jack Baldwin
Williams therefore becomes the first to win the series with 788, and DeBiasio tal- 279.
PBA Player of the Year title seven times, break-
ing a tie with the late Earl Anthony. Williams, Paul DiSturco 300 at Rockaway
with 47 career titles, and Anthony, with 43, are
now the only two with more PBA titles than ROCKAWAY, NJ – Paul DiSturco 205-753, Danny Kykforuk 289-
Weber. topped the scoring in the County 257-734, Dave Labar 268, Bill
“I feel like I just won my first title,” the teary- Tuesday Night Mixed League at Ratliff 267, Tim Ward 257, John
eyed Weber said. “I don’t know what to say. It’s Rockaway Lanes firing perfect Pezzino 256, Pat Wilfong 233-
been three years since I won. I thought I was with a 300 then adding games of 255-679, Linda Barber 220-204,
never going to win again.” PBA LLC Photo 202 and 225 for a 727 series. and Cheryle Lakatos 233.
Pete Weber rewrites PBA History with his 35th PBA Walter Wormann shot 246-213-
Weber led the title match throughout, starting
with five strikes before converting a single-pin
spare. He then threw another four strikes to end Roth. He was my idol growing up. I feel kind of bad
Scroggins’ hopes for a third 2009-10 title and his first about going past him, but not really.”
USBC New Record Set for
Player of the Year award. Scroggins entered the finals Weber advanced to the title match with a 233-212
in a three-way title in the Player of the Year competi- victory over Brad Angelo of Lockport, N.Y., in the
3-Men, 2-Women Team Score
tion, but he needed to win the title because he trailed semifinal match. Angelo eliminated defending The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) confirmed that the
Williams in the overall competition points tie-breaker. Marathon Open champion Wes Malott of Pflugerville, Banggerrr’s team out of Hudson Lanes has earned the national team
“So Walter Ray owns me another one,” Weber said, Texas, in the opening game, 207-192, and Chris score record high game for posting the highest team score in history by
referring to the payback he wants because of Williams’ Barnes of Double Oak, Texas, 256-227, in the second a 3-men, 2-women team when they turned in a 3667 tally.
dominance over Weber on television. “But I said yes- game before losing to Weber. Rolling a 751 to lead the team to the record was Rell Smith of Jersey
terday, if Mike was going to win Player of the Year, he The championship round was conducted on the Dick City, N.J, followed by Team Captain Gregory Mintz of Staten Island,
was going to have to earn it and I’m sure the other guys Weber lane condition, one of seven used during the N.Y., with 748, Jason Kaye of Bayonne, N.J., 746, Jacqueline Mintz of
on the show felt the same way. tournament. Scroggins, as top qualifier, selected that Staten Island N.Y., 740 and Joann Amistad-Borowski of Carteret, N.J.,
“Mike, I’m sorry I shot 268 at you…not,” Weber pattern for the TV finals. rolling a 682 game.
grinned. “It was Mike’s choice, but winning on the pattern
On breaking his titles tie with Roth, Weber said, “I named in honor of my father makes it even more spe-
never thought I’d get to 34 titles, let alone pass Mark cial,” Weber said.

Joey Kowalski, Tom Jordan Hit 300

At North Arlington Bowl
NO. ARLINGTON, NJ – Joey Kowalski rolled per- 267-770, Rody Kemple 279-752, Mike Veneziano
fect when he fired a 300 game en route to an 801 259-742, Russ Van Housen 279-739, John Ross 290-
series in the Sunday Morning Trios League at North 738, Marcel Danley 277-737, Joe Collins 268-725,
Arlington Bowl-O-Drome Tom Jordan was perfect as Noah Lynch 279-713, Al-Torre Hooper 269-713,
well with a 300 in a 735 set. Lewis Managault 244-711, and Bobby Willis 269-
Rob Mockenhaupt took high series honors with an 706. From the left; Rell Smith, Joann Amistad-Borowski,Team Captain
810 highlighted by a 279 game followed by Pete Through 24 weeks there have been 19 800’s and 24 Gregory Mintz, A.M. Joseph Fabian H.C.U.S.B.C.B.A. presenting
Honan who hit 279-805 300’s. Tom Jordan has 5 800’s and Mike McCabe has award, Jason Kaye and Jacqueline Mintz, Joann is holding future
Alton Jenkins bowled 278-774, George Mendes 4 300’s. bowler Alexis.
2 SPORTS REPORTER April 14 - 20, 2010

Joe Stillman and Diana Cardinali are LIGBT Champions

Sayville, NY - Joe Stillman, of of W. Babylon, who bowled great all
Staten Island, won his second Long day and shot a 205 in the shootout to
Island Generations Bowling Tour earn $350.
(LIGBT) Scratch Title and its $1,000 The 210 and under handicap event
top prize and winning her first had another great turnout of 77
Handicap LIGBT trophy was Diana bowlers with the top 19 advancing to
Cardinali, of Rocky Point, NY, earn- the finals. It only took a 603 series,
ing $500. including handicap and bonus pins,
To celebrate the PBA coming to to advance. All finalists were guar- The word courage is tossed and 195 pounds, his long
Long Island in March the PBA anteed a minimum of $100, $40 about very loosely when it arms reached out on any lane
Cheetah pattern was used for the more than the $60 entry fee. comes to sports, and you can and his strong hand and fin-
tournament. The top scratch qualify- Diana Cardinali, the handicap hardly equate the courage of gers produced a ball that
ing series was by Chris Ziesig of champion, day almost ended her quest athletes in the same way you hooked so effectively that it
Hicksville, NY, who averaged 236 for early as she was the cut score to apply it to heroes in battle seemed to tear up the lane as
4 games. It took a 216 average to advance to the finals (603- 495 and at such sites as those of it rolled down the left Side.
make the cut in the under scratch divi- scratch). Ironically, she beat out her the terrorist attacks. He had racked up a national
sion and a 207 average in the senior father, Robert by 4 pins, to advance.
But there certainly is an and a regional pro title, three
division. A special thanks to all of the Although Diana squeezed in she
element of courage in athletic Newsday Opens and dozens
PBA bowlers that came down and showed everyone she belonged as she
competition and that includes of other titles.
watched including the US Open dominated every finals round with
bowling. But we're talking about a
Champion Tom Smallwood and handicap scores of 236, 259, and 259.
I've seen all types of coura- heart transplant more than
Masters Champion John Nolan. In the Handicap Championship
geous performances in bowl- 25 years ago when it
Joe Stillman’s road to victory began Shootout Diana rolled a 224 (191
ing, physical and mental, appeared to be a miracle to
with an 873 series in qualifying which scratch) to beat second place finisher,
bowlers rolling with thumbs just survive. Battista not only
placed him 7th. In the final rounds Joe advanced com- and high qualifier, Billy Daniels of Amityville by 11
that looked more like raw survived but went on to cash
fortably with scores of 223,192, and 278. In the final pins 213 (177 scratch.) Billy needed a strike on his
hamburger and needed pain in five of 12 pro tournaments
Shootout Joe took immediate control with the front 8 first ball in the tenth to win the title but a split forced
killer and numbing drugs to and at that time was the only
and finished with a 276 which was 50 pins more than him to accept second place and the $300 prize.
continue, and I've seen heart transplant athlete com-
second place finisher Chris Ziesig who earned $600. Finishing third was Robert Lovaglio of Seaford, NY,
Finishing third was the Senior Champion, Don Hicks rolling 196 and taking home $250. bowlers so stricken with ail- peting in any pro sport.
ments that they were forced He took about 40 pills a
to throw up between frames day, watched his diet careful-
Chris Barnes Defeats Anthony Pepe and others that limped to the ly and bowled or played golf
line and still, others bowling for four hours almost every
To Win Chris Barnes Challenge with the death of loved ones day. He continued for years
WEST BABYLON, N.Y. - Chris Frame. In the richest Chris the second game but three opens on their minds, But if I had to after, into his late forties.
Barnes had his hands full once Barnes Challenge to date, Pepe in the final game proved to be his pick the most courageous it As you might expect, as the
again but managed to defeat 21- posted the maximum bid of undoing. "I would just like to would have to be the late most successful heart trans-
year-old Anthony Pepe of $5,000 earlier this week for the thank everyone who came out to Dick Battista. plant patient ever at that
Queens, N.Y., in the fifth and opportunity to take on Barnes support me," said Pepe, a crimi- In 1976 he was named the time, Battista was in great
final Chris Barnes Challenge pre- who matched the $5,000 bid. nal justice major at Nassau most courageous athlete in demand as a speaker and
sented by Columbia 300 of the "New York is one of the few Community College. "I've been the nation because he came guest at all types of functions,
2009-10 season at AMF Babylon hotbeds left for action," Barnes in this situation before so I'll just back from near death, and As the honored guest at a
Lanes. said. "I was pretty confident we have to learn from it and move his story after that inspired sportswriter's dinner where
Barnes, the 2007-08 PBA were going to get the maximum forward." all bowlers, and hundreds of he was honored as the come-
Player of the Year, defeated Pepe bid and anticipated a great show. Pepe is a 33-time winner in thousands who had almost back athlete of the year,
681-649 in the three-game total "Anthony is a great player and I Junior Bowlers Tour competition given up hope. It was after Battista had the crowd in
pins match to win the $10,000 think he's among the next genera- on the East Coast, has a personal- rolling 85 gruelling games in tears and in awe of his
pot. tion of young bowlers who has best 837 series, and recently won the 1975 Newsday Open, long return.
The match was conducted on the potential to do great things in the Brunswick Summer Classic considered the All-Star of the Battista often said that tie
PBA's Shark pattern and was the sport." for $10,000 at Brunswick East, that Battista was felled enjoyed talking to older
webcast on PBA.com's Xtra Pepe had a nine-pin lead after Carolier Lanes in North by a heart so weakened that groups and to people who
Brunswick, N.J. While he has it was operating at less than because of heart attacks or

Sports Reporter never bowled in a PBA Tour

event, he has limited experience
in a handful of PBA Regionals.
20 percent of his normal
capacity. For 40 minutes or
so he was clinically dead., "I
other ailments were down on
themselves and life in gener-
Editor/Publisher - Dan McDonough Barnes ended with a 3-2 record had no pain, just a feeling of "Most people don't realize
Pat McDonough - 1967-1996 in the five Chris Barnes peace and I recall the doctors that bowling is a great healer,
Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant Challenge events conducted dur- running around and trying to a fine exercise for those recu-
Henry Allen Immaculatta D'Elia ing the second half of the season. save me and wondering why perating from any kind of
Contributing Writers they just didn't leave me medical or mental problems,
Chuck Pezzano George Faytok Joan Taylor alone." Battista recalled from a heart attack to a knee
Dick Evans John Jowdy later. operation to an ulcer attack,
Martin Michel Vince Albrech Joe Rizzi But save him they did and so long as you follow your
For information regarding advertising, some two months later he doctor's advice."
subscriptions, or editorial content call: received a change of heart, a Now what was that you
(201)865-5363 Member
brand new pulsating organ of
power from an 18 year-old
were saying about that irrita-
tion to your thumb that had
Fax: (201) 865-6246 accident victim was trans- you thinking of quitting? Just
E-mail - Sportsreporter@mail.com planted into his rugged body. think of the Battista saga and
Battista always had been the hope., and courage he
Sports Reporter known far his great physical instilled in so many, and be
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094 strength. An impressive 6-2 happy you bowl.
April 14 - 20, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 3

300 GAME

300 GAME


300 GAME


298 GAME
300 GAME
300 GAME

289 GAME

268 GAME
4 SPORTS REPORTER April 14 - 20, 2010

Kyle Landau Top At Bowler City THE LEADERS AT LEVITTOWN

By Vince Albrecht
Hackensack, NJ - Ramsey junior Kyle Landau grabbed the spotlight NORTH Morris Stein 253 Jim Fenimore 713
in the Stan Niemiec Youth Travel League, garnering the top set with Justin Sullivan 795 Morris Stein led the Saturday Jim Fenimore led the scoring in
685, carving out scores of 202-247-236 in leading his torrid Holiday Omega Mixed League firing a the Thu. Night Hits & Misses
Bowl II to a decisive three-game sweep of beleaguered Bowler City. high game of 253. League firing a 244 game for a
Sullivan topped the scoring in the
HB II’s 2496 was their best net output of the season as Rich Gutches Charlie Mottola hti 247, Ricahrd high series of 713.
Monday Men’s Tavern League fir-
220,229-625, Ryan Landau 237,207-606 and Colette Malyack 205-580 Karaman 244, Matt Karaman 237, Irv Freed hit 248-247, Larry
ing games of 279-279-278 for a
joined Kyle in thrashing the maples. Best scores for Bowler City came and Maria Padovano 233. Feriso and Gerard Packard 246,
high series of 795.
from Ray Geller 201, Will Blanco 199 and young David Grant 182. Bruce Nielsen shot 268-757, Michael Sala 249 and Ken Weiss 245.
Not to be outdone by their sister entry, Holiday Bowl I peppered the Owen Mintz and Bryuan Beach Michael Sala paced the scoring in
sticks with a scorching 944 finale to wrench the league lead away from 279, Mike Tear 276, Darren Barlow the Monday Seniors League firing Ed Werbeck 269
Fair Lawn II. Northern Highlands’ Alex Hubelbank made her HB I 748, and Bob Considine 269. a high game of 249. Ed Werbeck led the scoring in the
debut with games of 201,226 while teammates’ Kevin Macchia Anne Zajack rolled 225-224, Bob Sandkuhl hit 234, Bill Sala Mon. LIA League firing a high
223,211,236-670, Ryan Kattine 216,225,203-644 and anchor Rob Gina Bachety 216, Madeline 223-224, Steve Gechoff 215, and game of 269.
Andresen 279-650 collaborated with Alex to produce 2536, the day’s Picciano 215, and Jaime Olson Dick Conlon and Mike DeZervos John Pappas shot 255, Chris
top team threesome. Spearheading Fair Lawn II was Jaylin Floyd who 209 in the Tueesday Meadow 214. Mueller 253, Tony Santilli 248,
furnished some pin-melting of his own with 202,214,225-641. Joe Cullen 247, and Patty
Ladies League. SOUTH
Barbara Davis rolled 230, and Werbeck 225.
Ellen Dippel 201 in the Josh Handler 764
Wednesday Ladies of the Morning Josh Handler led the scoring in Peter Schimmel 268
League. the Friday Astoris Federal Men’s
Peter Schimmel paced the scor-
Steve Lucchi 297 League tossing games of 259 and
ing in the Tue. BK Sweeneys
258 for a high 764 set.
Steve Lucchi topped the scoring League firing games of 2668-255.
Denis Mendelson shot 278-758,
in the Thursday Early Mixed Rob Marino rolled 2592-45,
Tom Ruland 280k Dave Fekete
League firing a high game of 297. Mike Gregorio 266, Bill
267, Keith Pappas 259, Anthony
Marc Stegman rolled 255, Hammond 265, Richire Rossol
Gatterdam 258, and Bill Graven
Timmy O’Toole 253, Kevin 254, Tony DiNome 257, and Nina
Lucchi 246, and Joe Castro and Senff 223.
Dan Linson 245. Charlie Diana 759 Regina Sander shot 236, Jenn
Ed Snyder 723 Charlie Diana led the scoring in DiIorio 218, Reg Traina 214, and
the Wed. Grumman League firing Christine Kempf 210 in the Tue.
Ed Snyder paced the scoring in a 279 game for a high series of Early Birds League.
the Wednesday Men’s Nite Out 759.
League firing a high game of 288 Rob Risi shot 278, Neil
and a high series of 723. Ernest Kerkenide 258
Vicidomini 277, Bob
Chuck Coene hit 256-256-700, Ernest Kerkenide led the scoring
Nunnenkamp 265, Dave Micca
Josh Goldbard 255-278, Dominick in the Fri. Prime Time Mixed
and Chris Williams 256, and
Turilli 254, and Bill Goldrick 249- League firing a high game of 258.
Bryan Goslin 266.
251. Clyde Turner hit 249, Bill Dwork
Virginia Vannier rolled 237,
Sam Katz 700 247, Bob Starzec 246, Regian
Ginny APpel 233, and Barbara
Collins 237, Cindy Lou Ribeiro
Sam Katz led the EMJC Once a Colling 213 in the Wed. Ladies
216, and Margaret Uminsky 213.
Month League rolling 256-245 for Scratch League.
a 700, and Minna Schwarz 224.

MONTVALE Guy Fiumarelli Tops Seniors

JUNIORS WAYNE, NJ - Guy Fiumarelli was the high scorer in the T-Bowl Senior
League week 8 rolling 222-603. John DeVos trailed with 199-564.
MONTVALE, NJ - Bryan Kist Bill Marrinan came in with 213-543, Tony Sano 222-536, Don Merritt
continued his hot bowling in the 187-524, Al Smetana 186-508, Rudy Parente 204-507, and Georg
Montvale Singles, blasting a 725 Kattermann 215-501.
series with games of 279, 235 and Muriel Henches was the big shooter for the ladies with 179-473 fol-
211. Some other good scores were lowed by Teresa DeLuzio 177-463,
rolled by Mike Wuhrman (246, Janet Romaine 169-458. Nice games by Evelyn Troost 171, Terri
235), Billy Olszewski (241, 213), Parker 168.
Nick Rossi(231, 219), Bobby In another session Guy Fiumarelli and Mike Corbo shared high hon-
McCarthy (221, 207), Jon ors, Guy with 230-550, and Mike 224-530. Al Smetana hit 190-522, Bill
Frantin(220), Ray Lavender(212), Kamp 193-516, All Ruffini 180-513, and Ron Zarnet 224-505. Top scor-
Jason Prezant (207, 206), Eric er for the ladies was Lee Sambataro 178-469 followed by Anni
Sibbald (202). Kattermann 157-456, and Teresa DiLuzio 164-454. Janet Romaine,
JoAnn Both and Bonni Piccininni all rolled 171 games, Barbara Vleit
In the Strikers league Alec 168, and Rose Sabatelli 167.
Gillinder rolled a 188, Ryan
Chormanski shot a 169, Jamie
Mage bowled games of 165 and
Tom Kaynak Tops OLV
161, Ryan ??? shot a 142 game WAYNE, NJ - Tom Kaynak, firing on all cylinders rolled 247-701 to
and Sydney Ficarotta rolled games pace the scoring in week 8 of Our Lady of the Valley League at T-Bowl
of 121 and 117. II. Ben Bucaro was right on his tail shooting 247-696.
Additional high scorers were Jeff Dudas tossing 267-682, Mark
For the Power preps, Colin Galliano 256-682, Carl Ingraffia 258-672, Brian Dodd 257-669, and
Hanrahan bowled a 124 game, and Rich Shanley 235-662.
Amanda Dembeck rolled games of Carl Ingraffia with a 179 average earned the 250 game USBC award.
81 and 80.
April 14 - 20, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 5

Margaret Ziobro Tops at N. Arlington Nick Gavron AT HOLIDAY BOWL

By Vince Albrecht Leads At N. A. Andrew Davidowicz 770 Ed Casler 739
North Arlington, NJ - Team Awesome lived up to its name in Adult- OAKLAND, NJ – Andrew OAKLAND, NJ – Ed Casler led
Junior action at North Arlington rolling past Juicy, 7-0 behind twelve- By Vince Albrecht
North Arlington, NJ - Nick Davidowicz led the scoring in the the scoring in the Sun.
year-old Margaret Ziobro; earning this week’s Bantam Bowler of the Tuesday Early Men’s League fir- Gutterdusters League firing games
Week recognition, Margaret soared 58 sticks above her average, clos- Gavron’s adult partner was
unavailable for Friday evening’s ing a 289 game for a high series of of 279-247 for a high series of
ing with 152, her finest game of the season. 770. 739.
In position encounters, the pace-setting Cardinals rode fourteen-year- Adult-Junior play at North
Arlington, but Nick took matters in Eric Manger hit 279-759, Danny Lisa Killi shot 257-219-682, Ray
old Will Blanco’s 223, 238 power scores to a 5-2 win over powerful Blanos 269-731, Dwayne Shuart Jellif 256-678, Joe Donnarumma
S.A.S., which benefited from a pair of deuces from Nick Gavron. Café his own hands and crushed the
maples with one of his better out- 268-726, Ken Sanford 722, John 235-653, and John Ellicott 617.
Tra-Ell shocked the A Team, 7-0 to grab a share of second place while Alessandrello 722, Frank
the Mighty Chipmunks fell victim to the Ghosts. ings, 266-651. His prowess earned Keith Cienki 734
his S.A.S. team a closely-contested Stampone 718, Brian Soctt 717, OAKLAND, NJ – Keith Cienki
Bantams topping their averages were Margaret Ziobro +58 and and Neal Galletta 711.
Nicole Fonseca +16. Deuces among the adults were Kevin Gavron three-game conquest of Café Tra- led the scoring in the Wed. Early
225-211, Joey Hughes 224, Tim Bray 217-213-212 and Vin Albrecht Ell, solidifying its hold on second Chuck Coslet 728 Mixed League firing a 279 game
205. place; nine-year-old Nicole OAKLAND, NJ – Chuck Coslet for a high series of 734.
Fonseca recorded a triple digit led the scoring in the Pops Coslet Ed Casler rolled 289-722, Chuck
finale for Tra-Ell, but the team Memorial League firing games of Coslet 258-718, Frank Serico 252-
dropped a three-pin nail-biter. 277-247 for a high series of 728. 716, Scott Hedden 678, Rich
In other action, the A Team gave Butch Mathews shot 266-710, Gutches 652, Kathy Geddings
the first place Cardinals all they Bryan Guelph 256-700, Joe Noce 255-641, and Debbie4 Marcarelli
could handle before dropping a 247-651, Joe Gerace, Jr. 615, and 256.
tough 4-3 decision to the Birds Kathy Hanek 220-188.
whose best was young Will

Blanco’s 194. Team Awesome
recorded its second straight white-
wash to leapfrog into third place
as twelve-year-old Margaret
Ziobro continued her streak of
above-average outings. The ROUTE 22, UNION, NJ
Mighty Chipmunks squeezed past
Juicy, 4-3, pulling out total wood
by a mere sixteen sticks after
Juicy’s young Chris McBride DANNY WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR
helped his team salvage a second
Over-average young keglers
were Nicole Fonseca +29,
Margaret Ziobro +18 and Chris
McBride +8. Margaret’s adult PARKWAY LANES
Route 46 East at GSP, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
counterpart Tim Bray stretched his
“deuces” streak to eleven with 201-791-4680

SUMMER leagues
games of 254-224-223.

Now is the time to

advertise that
Special Event in the
now forming
Sports Reporter George’s Memorial
4 per team- Mixed - 7:00 pm - start June
PBA Experience
Singles-Mixed - 6:30 pm - start May

4 per team - any combo - 7:00 pm - start June
370-440 Summer Doubles
2 per team-any combo - 7:30 pm - start June

Parkway Foursome
Any combo - 7:30 pm - start June

Summer Dominicans
4 per team-Men’s - 7:30 pm - start June
Summer Foursome
4 per team – any combo - 7:00 pm - start June

Parkway Summer Scrambles
Walk-in Event - 8:00 pm - starting June

King of the Hill
Walk-in Event - Sign-ups at 6:30 pm - start June
6 SPORTS REPORTER April 14 - 20, 2010


Kyle McKissock 299 Mitch Weinberg 761 Lies’l Apgar 733 Jason Maulbeck 692 Dan Smith 259
MADISON, NJ – In the CMIL Mitch Weinberg fired 289-761, Lies’l Apgar topped the scoring Jason Maulbeck led the scoring Dan Smith rolled 259, Joe Fosko
League Kyle McKissock blasted a and Jennifer Dunklin 245-696 in in the Plaza Ladies Trio League in the Plaza Junior-Major League 233-660, Joe Izzo 620, Barbara
near perfect 299 high game, Mitch the CMIL League. blasting a 266 game for a high firing a high game of 279 and a Olas 235-604, and Dee Sorensen
Weinberg 752, Lissette Tapanes Oren Warter 763 series of 733. high series of 692. 195 in the Pharma Plus League.
255, and Margaret Bryhe 644. Oren Warter paced the scoring in Valerie Stewart hit 203, and Neil Monka shot 240, Evan Lori Pucek 247
Joe Parisi 277 the Tuesday Doubles 400 League Marilyn Kalunas 201. Weinberg 227-628, Matt Kereder In the Chatham Collisionettes
Joe Parisi led the Pat Martinelli firing a 269 game for a high series F. Zimmerman 704 617, and Laura Zaugg 188. League Lori Pucek hit 247, Alice
Friday Classic firing a high 277. of 763. Frank Zimmerman led the Morris Marty Garcia 266 Bednarik 226, and Stacey Pacio
Cesare Badolato hit 274, Pete Mike Cornell hit 279-690, Greg County Police & Fire League Marty Garcia paced the scoring 185.
Caporaso 268-716, Matt Frank Neff 228, Dave Hanft 623, Pam blasting a 278 game and a high in the Wednesday Trio League fir-
703, Mike Yoboud 702, Ellen Feehan 210, and Linda Bogert series of 704. ing a high game of 266. MADE YOU LOOK !
Moore 244-608, Sue Dobrinsky 207. David Lee hit 259, Tim McKenna Dick Raymond hit 259-663, Ben
242-635, and Joy Wona 224. 683, Dan Pridham 671, and Geffken 246-663, Eric Voelksen Sports Reporter
Carolyn Granato 187. 705, and Stephanie Rahn 236. Advertising works.

Gotta Have It
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; ] V L Ia5 Ia\ P "85 1;76 4AA78 -6<7
"851;764A78-6<7 Squad Time: 1:00 PM
*7?? 4- :;?0 7): -
"XU""XU : --6<- : 16/
Finals: May 2, 2010 Majestic Lanes 525 Route 9 N Hopelawn, NJ
78 -6 <7 )44A7=
) A7=<0*7?
<0 *7?
? 4- :; Squad Time: 2:00 PM

W ] Z V IUM V \.W Z U I\" Format: Qualification rounds will consist of two 4 game blocks with a 45 minute
* W _ TM Z[_ Q T TM V \M Z_ Q \ P\ P M Q ZPQOP M [ \ !
! break in between sets. Qualify in either the North house (Lodi) or the South house
(Howell) to make it to the finals. Top ten qualifiers from each house go to finals on
May 2, 2010 at Majestic Lanes.
0 I V LQK IXQ [J I [ M L! N
L ZWU Average: Individuals must use their highest 2008-2009 USBC book average for 21
; K ZI\KP, Q ^ Q [ Q W V "* W _ T [O IUM [IK ZW [ [ TIVM[
T I VM [  games. If no 2008-2009 book average, use highest current average for at least 21
X , Q ^ Q [ Q W V "*
" * W _ T [O
[  O IUM [I
[ IK ZW [ [T
[  T I VM [  games as of April 1, 2010. (Bring league sheet for verifi-
All prize monies returned 100%
= V4 Q U Q \M LZM M V \ Z QM [X T IK MW V K M  Handicap 90% of 230 Fee Breakdown
<W XQ VM IKPLQ ^ Q [ Q W VZM K M Q ^M; KP W T I Z[PQ X5W VM a Walk-ins welcome Lineage $32.00
10 PIN rule not in affect Brackets &
Expense $15.00
J I [ M LW VM V \ Z QM [  Side Pots
Prize Fund $53.00

.00 USBC
BC Certified
Make checks payable to Gotta Have It and mail entry to 52 Reservoir Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Name: ____________________________________________________
Q V I T [";
" ; I\ ] ZL Iaa5
a 5 Ia
Ia V L 


Address: __________________________________________________
.Q V I T [N W Z U I\"
<W XJ W _ TM Z[Q VM IKPLQ ^ Q [ Q W V_ Q T TIL ^ I V K M\ W\ P MN Q V I T [  7>- : 
 Phone: _______________________ E-mail: ______________________
V[ K P W T I Z[P Q X [
6 W V?Q V VM Z[_ Q T TIL ^ I V K M\ W\ P M++ W V \M V LM Z[*ZIK S M \.Q V I T5 I\KP_ Q T T
I [J M M VI_I ZLM L USBC ID: ____________________ AVG 08-09 ___________________
K W V [ Q [ \W N?Q V VM Z[*ZIK S M \KP IU X Q W VI V L+ W V \M V LM Z[*ZIK S M \KP IU X Q W V 
0IVLQKIX,Q^Q[QWV"*W_TMZ[_QTTZMKMQ^MIWVMOIUMPIVLQKIXNWZMIKPOIUM I  Squad Choice House _____________Saturday or Sunday ____________
For more information, please call James Joyner at 732-991-0604
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.7:),,1<176)416.7:5)<176+76<)+<".:)63?14316;76 6;76 !!!!
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April 14 - 20, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 7


Bobby Willis 782 Bob Olstead 719 Joe Karas 704 Tom Mernagh 772 Russ Knapp 748
ROCKAWAY, NJ – Bobby Willis Bob Olstead led the Mixed Joe Karas paced tthe Fri. Nite PISCATAWAY, NJ – Tom PISCATAWAY, NJ – Russ Knapp
topped the scoring in the Classic League with games of 278-226- Men’s League firing games of Mernagh topped the scoring in the paced the scoring in the Thursday
Trios League blasting 279-224- 215 for a high series of 719. 246-219-236 for a high 704. Classic League blasting games of Men’s League blasting games of
279 for a high series of 782. Chris Casey rolled 268-222-222- Erik Garv shto 256-216-223-696, 279-269-224 for a high series of 249-266-233 for a high series of
Noel Vega rolled 279-264-236- 712, Don Zeiler 255-232-225-712, John Rotella 266-222-680, David 772. 748.
779, Joe Bourlier 289-238-720, Glen Malmstone 258, Jim Testa Martorano 255, Heriberto Matias Gus Spruill hit 214-226-264-704, Bob Sartin hit 240-242-266-748,
Joe Karas 257-243-213-713, Scott 256, Keri May 241-206-220-667. 249, Tim Panek and Ed Cook 246. Glenn Willston 268, Walter Keith Urquhart 279-225-226-630,
Van Syckle 244-224-241-790, Kevin Sikora 719 Joe Miller 658 Kronert 246-238, Doug Borcher Glenn Williston 236-257-234-727,
George Valerius 258, and Lies’l 245, Jeff Bolton 246, and Tom Tom Mernagh 257-245-202-704,
Kevin Sikora led the Monday Joe Miller paced the Monday
Apgar 258-256-214-728. Sheehan 248. DJ Cramer, Jr. 267-257, and Mike
Nite Mixed League rolling 279- Early Birds with 249-225-214 for
J.W. Albensi III 765 In the Wednesday Women’s Bienvenue 267.
246 for a high series of 719. a 678.
Handicap League Gail Keith Urquhart 711
J.W. Albensi III led the Lake Ricky Exner rolled 236-232-205- Kevin Bradley rolled 235-229-
Kleinkncech 247, and Carole Keith Urquhart shot 216-285-
Hiawatha A.C. blasting 266-265- 673, and Judy Von Itter 218. 658, Ron Muscra 277, Ray
Morgan 235. 210-711, and Matt Devita 255 in
234 for a high series of 765. Rob Ewaskiew 715 Skovonsky 268, John Nogrady
John Podgurski rolled 257-256- 259, Sheila Sell 208-207, and the Wednesday AT&T League.
Rob Ewaskiew led the scoring in Tim Sickoria 758
213-726, Jamie Sweetser 290- the County Tuesday Night Mixed Annette Koyooumijian 290. Jim Kemp 257
228-716, Sam Sapio 279-222-201- Matt Sokol hit 206, and Linda Tim Sickoria led the scoring in Jim Kemp rolled 257, Don
tossing 268-222-225 for a high
709, Connor Griffin 267, Ed Cordasco 202 in the Holy Rollers the Thursday Men’s League firing Jackson, Jr. 247, and Ray Rose
series of 715.
Gabel 254, Alex Dalmedo 252. League. games of 268-238-252 for a high 245 in the Friday Leftovers
Gene Pukas rolled 258-227-658,
Bill Karpack 743 Scott Struble 647 series of 758. League.
Charles Wilfong 267, Sandy
Russ Knapp shot 244-253-258-
Bill Karpack led the NorBu Turner 209-200-601, Dot Scott Struble paced the scoring in
755, Ed Bienvenue 228-231-254-
Lodge League firing 258-248-237 Newsome 217, and Dawn the PBA Experience League firing
713, Ron Alberti 237-244-224-
for a 743. Andreano 216. games of 244-204 for a high series
705, Tom Sheehan 246-219-237-
It pays to advertise
Wilson Garcia rolled 237-234- Jerry Szekula, Jr. 656 of 647. in the
702, Thomas Regan 269, Gary
222-693, John Jenkins 22, and John Neral hit 215-202-215-632,
Stacey Titus 215.
In the Friday Tri Mixed League
Jerry Szekula rolled 237-237-656, Eric Martin 211-203-610, and Ken
Wittmer 263, and Tony Soletto
and Don Amann 255.
Sports Reporter
and Michelle Halko 202. Yokobosky 239.
8 SPORTS REPORTER April 14 - 20, 2010


Sal Angotti 774 Eric Haltli 717 Peter J. Iovino 695
Majestic Lanes HOPELAWN, NJ –Sal Angotti
topped the scoring in the Garden
Eric Haltli led the scoring in the
Merck League tossing 233-237-
Peter J. Iovino paced the Tuesday
Nite Trios tossing 243-235-217-695.
525 Route 9 North, Hopelawn, NJ 08861 State Mixed firing 279-257-238 247 for a high series of 717. Benjamin Sheedy shot 276-660,

SUMMER LEAGUES for a high series of 774.

Richard Hecht hit 257-241-259-
John Halliday rolled 258-204-
259-712, Tom Vickery 255-238-
Brian R. Schwal 247-202-202-
651, Anthony Buffardi 236-237-
Featuring 757, Sean Williams 243-243-235-
721, Jose Medina 246-236-689,
663, Matt Lombardo 244-244-
660, Frank Mroz 221, and
647, and David Kornbluh 244.
Joe Herber 670
6 Annual
Chris Herrick 226-236-673, Anthony Scutari 235. Joe Herber paced the Gemini
Patrick Graffeo 213-234-222-669, Michael Morris 716 Towing League rolling games of
“PBA Sport Shot Singles”
and Robin Scordato 230-243-636. Michael Morris led the scoring in 237-217-216 for a 670 high set.
Elio Carrasco 729 the NJ Turnpike League firing Brian Balint shot 225-201-221-
Wednesday Night at 8:00 p.m. Elio Carrasco led the Sunday games of 239-222-255 for a high 647, John Baginski 224-201-214-
Bowling on a different PBA shot each week Nite Mixed rolling 252-233-244 series of 716. 639, Rich Rosin 225-234-638.
16 weeks, $30 per week - Starting May 19th for a high 729 set. Tom Boscia hit 234-225-650, Mike Vicidomini 671
Cid Stentella shot 201-225-247- Drew Rucinski 202-200-227-629,
$2,000 First Place Mike Vicidomini paced the
(Based on 40 bowlers) 673, Elliot Carrasco 204-258-658, and Tony Riggiano 233-610. Atlantic City Trios tossing 223-
The last night of bowling the top 5 bowlers bowl for Lenny Novak 220-225-648, and Rollin E. Ball 689 257 for a high series of 671.
an extra $500 on the US open Shot! Tino Mendez 258. Rollin E. Ball led the scoring in Ernesto Cabrera rolled 223-236-
Don Anione 720 the Thursday Nite Mixed pitching 657, Mike Rodriguez 205-202-
Monday Budweiser “MAIN EVENT” Don Anione topped the His & 250-236-203 for a high series of 247-654, Bob Joseph 214-216-
Handicap - 8:00 p.m. - Starting June 7 Hers firing 236-239-245-720. 689. 621, Joseph Krupinski 222-204-
KyleJannuzzi hit 243-211-214- Jim MacBride shot 219-224-243- 618, and Chris Krupinski 245.
$5,000.00 First Place 668, Dennis deCrosta 214-247- 686, Mike Piomelli 257-224-677, Joe Herber 663
(Based on 20 teams)
201-662, Mary Ellen Oehler 221- Thomas Poulos 225-244-665, Joe Herber led the Thursday
224-212-657, Mike Schugel 239- Andrew Smith 249-200-647, Kurt
Tuesday 400 Handicap Doubles 205-215-659, and Andy Shafer Moszkowski 231-224-623, and
Mixed Nuts with 226-223-663.
8:00 p.m. Starting May 18th 224-214-214-652. Judy MacBride 202.
Joe Mosquera shot 225-236-651,
Barbara M Skokan 215-221-626.
$3,000.00 First Place
(Based on 30 teams) (Had 40 Teams Last Year)
BERGEN COUNTY USBC Tournament within
Thursday and Sunday Nights All Saturday &
You Can Bowl April 24 & 25, 2010 6th ANNUAL – HANDICAP DOUBLES A Single Tournament
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - Only $9.00 per person For an additional $20.00
May 1 & 2, 2010 TOURNAMENT Use same three games
cash (1 in 10 )
Thursday Junior Have-A-Ball Certified by the United States Bowling Congress
Handicap - 6:00 p.m. Starts May 27th
$11.00 per week - 15 weeks of bowling HOLIDAY BOWL
Divisions 29 Spruce Street
THE 15TH WEEK IS FREE! Based on Team Average OAKLAND, NJ 07436
3 FREE GAMES EVERY WEEK! Div A: 375 & Under Phone: 201-337-6516
Div B: 376 and Over
Pizza Party at End of Season
**PBA PATTERN DIVISION *** May 2, 2010, 1:00 P.M. Bergen County Bowling Association
PRIZE FEE RETURNED – 100% Prize Fund .............................. $ 30.00
Tournament Director
Thursday Performance Ball Trios AT LEAST 1 PRIZE FOR EACH
Lineage....................................... 16.50 614 Kinderkamack Road
Expenses .................................... 13.50
Everyone receives the ball of your choice !!!EIGHT TEAMS!!! River Edge, NJ 07661
Team Total............................. $ 60.00 Phone: 201-265-3365
8:00 p.m. - $23.00 per week - Starts June 3rd Fax: 201-265-2606
Make Checks Payable to: BCBA DOUBLES
Wednesday Night (Please print or type)

Guys and Dolls Mixed BOWLER #1 BOWLER #2

Handicap - 6:30 p.m. Starts May 26th Name (ID Number) Name (ID Number)


Address Address

City, State Zip City, State Zip
MEN’S – WOMEN’S - CHILD/ADULT Phone (Cell Phone) Phone (Cell Phone)

Also Accepting Team and League Reservations for 2010/2011 Season Association (League Name) Association (League Name)
*Bowl in a Modern Clean Facility*
*With a Customer Friendly Staff* HIGHEST BCBA 08-09 Average HIGHEST 08-09 BOOK Avg. HIGHEST BCBA 08-09 Average HIGHEST 08-09 BOOK Avg.

GALACTIC BOWLING Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice of date and time below.
Saturday Saturday
Saturday Nights 10 p.m. to closing April 24 10:00 AM_____ NOON_____ 3:00 PM_____ May 1 10:00 AM_____ NOON_____ 3:00 PM_____

Call For More Information Sunday Sunday

April 25 10:00 AM_____ 1:00 PM_____ May 2 10:00 AM_____ 1:00 PM_____
Visit us on the web at: www.majesticlanes.com Entry Closing Date – May 2, 2010 – 1:00 PM

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