Review of Literature HDFC

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 Zhihai Zhang, (2000)29 in his article, recommended that governments could only play a role in

shaping the context and institutional structure surrounding companies, while governments
could not create competitive industries, only companies could do that. If the quality of people,
especially governmental officials, top management, and employees does not improve, it is very
difficult for the country to improve product quality.
 Eldon Y. Li, Xiande Zhao and Tien-Sheng Lee, (2001)30 in their article, focused more on meeting
service standard and providing prompt services while banking institutions in the UK focused
more on understanding and meeting customers’ needs.
 Fitzsimmons (2001)31 in his article, stated that the service quality forms an important aspect in
the perception of services as it had both marketing and operations orientations.
 Hasan (2002)35 found that online home banking had came out as a significant strategy for banks
to attract and retain customers. About 75 percent of the Italian banks had adopted some form
of internet banking during the period 1993-2000. The study also found that the higher likelihood
of adopting active internet banking activities was by larger banks, banks with higher
involvement in off-balance sheet activities, past performance and higher branch network.
 Rao, N.V. (2002)36 in his article, explained that customer service was becoming an important
aspect in gaining competitive edge for survival with growth and profits for banks. The key to
success in the changed environment would be the bank’s ability to reach the client at his door
step. Sankareswari, S. (2003)40 in her dissertation, clearly pointed out that even though banks
were computerized, the customer service was not up to the mark. There was a delay in
encashment of cheque book and so on.
 Sathya Swaroop Debasish (2003)41 in his article revealed that the foreign banks operating in
Delhi provided better service quality as compared to private and public sector banks. Also, he
pointed a disappointing fact that the public sector banks which accounted for over three –
fourth of banking business in the country had failed to ease their customers.
 Gouri Shankar, A. (2004)45, in his article, suggested that excelling and managing customer
relationship was the future of any business. Customer focusing was not to be viewed as just a
business strategy but should become a corporate mission. The challenging areas for banks
would be in the area of people, technology and competition.
 Michel Laroche, Linda Uelschy, C. Shuzo Abe, Mark Cleveland and Peter Yannopoulos, P.
(2004)46 in their article, pointed out the influence of culture on the measurement of service
quality and satisfaction in the dentists’ office settings. Respondents from the United States,
Canada, and Japan participated in a 2x2 factorial experiment in which the authors manipulated
both high and low expectations and service performance in a series of scenarios. With partial
metric invariance, latent mean comparisons it was revealed that regardless of expectations and
at lower performance level, Japanese respondents reported lower quality perceptions and
satisfaction ratings than those of their U.S. and Canadian counterparts. Thus, there was some
evidence that Japanese consumers were more conservative in their evaluations of superior
service but were less critical (or more forgiving) of inferior service. Managerial implications and
future research directions were also discussed in this article.
 Alka Sharma and Versha Mehta, (2005)50 in their article, studied that the service quality
perception among the customers of the banks was the most critical issue. This research supports
the present study which is an attempt in the same direction, where quality perceptions of the
four leading banks have been compared to reach logical conclusions.
 Chang and San’s (2005)51 investigated the relationship between service quality, customer
satisfaction and profitability in the Taiwanese banking industry. The conclusion of the study was
that the performance scale developed in the SERVPERF model and customer satisfaction in the
profitability model were 47 confirmed in the Taiwanese banking industry. The study also
revealed that service quality was an antecedent of profitability.
 Harbhajan Bansal (2006)63 in his article stressed that quality was not an event and it was an
ongoing process. As far as service organizations were concerned, quality was not the
responsibility of quality control department only; rather it was a matter to be taken care of by
the entire business system.
 Santhi, C.T. (2006)64 in her dissertation, pointed out that the customers were benefited by long
term profitable relationship with banks in terms of improved service quality, personalized care,
reduction of customer stress, customer empowerment and so on. It also increased customer
retention, loyalty and satisfaction
 Nyangosi et al. (2009)77 collected customers' opinions regarding the importance of internet
banking and the adoption levels of different internet banking technologies in India and Kenya.
The study highlighted the trends of internet banking indicators in both countries. The overall
result indicated that customers in both countries had developed a positive attitude and they
give much importance to the emergence of internet banking.
 Singh Sultan and Komal (2009)78 in the Business Intelligence Journal presented a paper titled,
“Impact of ATM on customer satisfaction a comparative study of SBI, ICICI and HDFC bank. This
paper presented the impact of ATM on customer satisfaction. This was a comparative study of
three major banks i.e. state bank of India, ICICI and HDFC bank. This paper had been divided into
two sections.

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