ITC Imp Ques
ITC Imp Ques
ITC Imp Ques
8 or 16 Marks:
channel with a bandwidth of 10khz and an S/N ratio of 20db ?
(iii) Find the bandwidth required for an Awgn channel for error-free transmission of
the output of this source if the S/N ratio is 25db. NOV /DEC 2007
13. A discrete memoryless source X has five equally likely symbols.
(i) Construct a shannon-Fano code for X, and calculate the efficiency of the
(ii) Repeat for the Huffman code and compare the results. NOV /DEC 2007
14. Encode the following messages with their respective probability using basic
Huffman algorithm :
Message M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
Probability 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32
Also calculate the efficiency of coding coding and comment on the result.
15. Alphanumeric data are entered into a computer from a remote terminal through a
Voice grade telephone channel. The channel has a bandwidth of 3.4khz and output
signal-to-noise ratio of 20db.The terminal has a total of 128 symbols.Assume that
the symbols are equiprobable and the successive transmissions are statistically
independent.Calculate the information capcity of the channel , and the maximum
symbol rate for which error free transmisssion over the channel is possible.
16.Find capacity of a Binary(symmetric)channel in bits/sec, when probabity of error
Is 0.1 and the symbol rate is 1000 symbols/sec. NOV /DEC 2005
117.Apply Huffman Encoding procedure to following message ensemble and
2 average length of encoded message also. Determine the coding efficiency.Use
3 coding alphabet D = 4. There are 10 symbols.
[X] = [x1,x2,x3,……x10]
P[X] = [0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 0.15, 0.10, 0.08, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.02]NOV /DEC 2005
418. A discrete memoryless source has an alphabet of five symbols with their
5 Probabilities for its output as given here:
0 [X] = [ X1, X2, X3, X4, X5]
P[X] = [0.45, 0.15, 0.15, 0.10, 0.15]
Compute two different Huffman codes for this source. For these two codes find
(i) Average Code word length
(ii) Efficiency and Redundancy APRIL/MAY 2008
1. What is ADPCM?
2. What will happen if speech is coded at low bit rates?
3. Compare and contrast DPCM and ADPCM.
4. Explain - Adaptive Subband Coding.
5. Give the principle behind DPCM. NOV/DEC 2008
6. What is granular noise? NOV/DEC 2008
7. Write the condition required to avoid the slope overload distortion in delta
modulation. MAY/JUNE 2007
8. Why subband coding is preferred for speech coding? NOV/DEC 2007
9. What do you mean by slope overload distortion in delta modulation?
NOV/DEC 2007
10. What is quantization noise and on which parameter it depends?
11.Differentiate vocoder and waveform coder. APRIL/MAY 2008
12.Draw the block diagram for differential pulse code modulator. NOV/DEC 2005
13.Explain slope overloading. NOV/DEC 2005
8 or 16 Marks:
1. With the block diagram explain the operation of a basic ADPCM. Also,
Explain how a basic ADPCM scheme obtains improved performance over a DPCM
scheme. NOV/DEC 2007
2. Explain the working principle of Dela Modulation? State the drawbacks of
delta Modulation and suggest solution.NOV/DEC 2007
3. Explain Adaptive Quantization and Prediction with Backward estimation
in ADPCM system with block diagrams. APRIL/MAY 2008
4. Explain Dela Modulation (DM) system with block diagrams? What is Slope
overload error? State condition to avoid Slope Overload errors? How granular
noise and Slope Overload error is minimized in ADM systems?APRIL/MAY 2008
5. Consider a sinusoidal signal m(t) = Acoswmt applied to a Delta modulator with
stepsize ∇ . Show that Slope Overload noise will occur in A > __∇__wm Ts
NOV/DEC 2003
6. Delta Modulator is designed to Operate at 3times the Nyquist rate for a
signal with 3khz bandwidth. The Quantized stepsize is 250mv. Determine the
maximum amplitude of 1khz input sinusoidal for which DM does not have slope
Overload Noise.
7. With a neat block diagram explain Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
8. Compare PCM , DM , ADM , DPCM , ADPCM.
9. Write notes on:
(i) Adaptive Subband coding. NOV/DEC 2008
(ii) Adaptive Delta Modulation.
10. Write notes on:
(i) LPC. NOV/DEC 2008
(ii) Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
11. With neat sketch and supportive mathematical expressions, briefly explain the
working principle of Differential pulse code modulation. MAY/JUNE 2007
12. Briefly describe about the two schemes available for coding the speech signals
at low bit rates, namely , Adaptive differential pulse code modulation and
Adaptive subband coding. MAY/JUNE 2007
13. Explain a PCM system to digitize a speech signal .What are A-law and µ-law?
14. A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder. The
Bit rate of the system is equal to 50 * 106 bits/sec.
(i) What is the maximum message bandwidth for which the system operates
(ii) Determine the output signal-to-quantization noise ratio when a full load
sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency 1 mhz is applied to the input.
1 0 0 0 1 1
G = 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 0
5. Consider a (7,4) cyclic code with generator polynomial g(x) = 1+x+x3 .Let data
d=(1010) . Find the corresponding systematic codeword. MAY/JUNE 2007
6. Consider the (7,4) Hamming code defined by the generator polynomial
g(x)=1+x+x3 The codeword 1000101 is sent over a noisy channel producing the
received word 0000101 that has a single error. Determine the syndrome
polynomial s(x) for this received word. Find its corresponding message vector m
and express m in polynomial m(x). NOV/DEC 2006
7. How is syndrome calculated in cyclic codes? NOV/DEC 2006
8. The SEC (7,4) Hamming code can be converted into a double error detecting and
single error correcting (8,4) code by using an extra parity check. Construct the
generator matrix for the code and also construct encoder and decoder for the code.
NOV/DEC 2007
9. A convolutional encoder has a single shift register with 2 stages, 3 modulo-2 adders
and an output multiplexer.The generator sequences of the encoder are as follows
g1(x)=(1,0,1) and g2(x)=(1,1,0) and g3(x)=(1,1,1).Draw (i) the block diagram of
the encoder, (ii) state diagram, and also explain the working principle of the
encoder. NOV/DEC 2007
10. Construct a Convolutional encoder for the following specifications:
Rate efficiency = ½, Constraint length = 4. The connection from the shift registers
to modulo-2 adders are described by the following equations:
g1(x) = 1+x
g2(x) = x
Determine the output codeword for the input message 1110. APRIL/MAY 2008
11. Explain cyclic codes with its generator polynomial and parity check polynomial.
NOV/DEC 2008
12. Consider the (7,4) Hamming code with P = 1 1 0.Determine the codeword for
The message 0010. Suppose the codeword 1100010 is received.Determine if the
codeword is correct. If it is in error correct the error. NOV/DEC 2008
1. Differentiate loss less and lossy compression technique and give one example
2. Compare Static Coding and Dynamic Coding.
3. Compare Arithmetic Coding and Huffman Coding
4. What is Run length Coding?
5. What is GIF Interlaced mode?
6. What is JPEG standard?
7. Give some examples of lossy and lossless compression algorithms.
NOV/DEC 2006
8. What is the major advantage of the adaptive Huffman coding over static
Huffman Coding? NOV/DEC 2007 MAY/JUNE 2007
9. Write the formula for quantization which is used in JPEG compression.
NOV/DEC 2007
10. List the three tokens available at the output of the entrophy encoder in JPEG
algorithm . MAY/JUNE 2007
11. Distinguish between global color table and local color table in GIF.
12. How dynamic Huffman coding is different than basic Huffman coding?
13. Why graphic Interchange Format is used extrensively in the internet?
14. Define Statistical encoding. NOV/DEC 2008
15. What is differential encoding? NOV/DEC 2008
e = 0.3, n = 0.3, t = 0.2, w = 0.1, z = 0.1
Use Arithmetic coding technique to encode this string. APRIL/MAY 2008
14. List the different types of lossless and lossy data compression techniques.
15. Why lossy compression techniques are used for speech,audio,and video.Justify
your answer with numeric calculations. APRIL/MAY 2008
16. Explain dynamic Huffman coding .Illustrate it for the message . “This is”.
NOV/DEC 2008
17. Write notes on the following:
(i) GIF.
(ii) Digitized Documents. NOV/DEC 2008
1. What is LPC?
2. What is CELP?
3. Define Pitch,Period,Loudness.
4. What is Perceptual Coding?
5. What is MPEG?
6. How CELP provides better quality than LPC in speech coding? APRIL/MAY 2008
7. Distinguish between global color table and local color table in GIF.
8. Mention two basic properties of linear prediction. MAY/JUNE 2007
9. List the three features which determine the perception of a signal by the ear.
NOV/DEC 2007
10. Define the terms ‘group of pictures’ and ‘prediction span’ with respect to video
Compression. NOV/DEC 2007