C2.2 Sebu8137-04 M
C2.2 Sebu8137-04 M
C2.2 Sebu8137-04 M
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© 2010 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
April 2010
Operation and
C2.2 Generator Sets
NCB1-Up (Generator Set)
GBE1-Up (Generator Set)
XYE1-Up (Generator Set)
56 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
When Required
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 61
Fuel System - Prime ............................................. 71
Generator - Dry ..................................................... 77
Generator Load - Check ....................................... 79
Generator Set - Test ............................................. 79
Rotating Rectifier - Test ........................................ 87
Every Week
Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 59
Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 61
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 63
Electrical Connections - Check ............................. 65
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ..... 66
Engine Oil Level - Check ...................................... 66
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................. 76
Generator - Inspect ............................................... 77
Instrument Panel - Inspect .................................... 82
Walk-Around Inspection ........................................ 88
Every Year
Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 59
Alternator Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace ............... 59
SEBU8137-04 57
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Note: Use whichever of the following that occurs Every 1000 Service Hours
first in order to determine the maintenance intervals:
fuel consumption, service hours, and calendar time Alternator Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace ............... 59
. Before each consecutive interval is performed, all Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ...................... 69
maintenance from the previous intervals must be
performed. Every 1000 Service Hours or 1 Year
Products that operate in severe operating conditions Rotating Rectifier - Check ..................................... 87
may require more frequent maintenance.
Every 2000 Service Hours
When Required Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 59
Engine Mounts - Inspect ....................................... 66
Battery - Replace .................................................. 60
Starting Motor - Inspect ........................................ 88
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 61
Engine - Clean ...................................................... 65
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Single Element) - Every 2000 Service Hours or 6 Months
Replace ............................................................... 65 Insulation - Test ..................................................... 83
Fuel System - Prime ............................................. 71
Generator - Dry ..................................................... 77
Every Year
Generator Set - Test ............................................. 79
Rotating Rectifier - Test ........................................ 87 Engine Air Cleaner Element (Single Element) -
Replace ............................................................... 65
Every 3000 Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 63
Electrical Connections - Check ............................. 65 Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange ................ 70
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ..... 66 Water Pump - Inspect ........................................... 89
Engine Oil Level - Check ...................................... 66
Fuel System Primary Filter/Water Separator - Every 3000 Service Hours or 2 Years
Drain ................................................................... 73
Generator Load - Check ....................................... 79 Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Walk-Around Inspection ........................................ 88 Replace ............................................................... 64
Overhaul Considerations ...................................... 84
SEBU8137-04 59
Maintenance Section
Alternator - Inspect
Alternator - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1405-040
If twin belts are installed, check and adjust the
tension on both belts.
Alternator Belt -
Inspect/Adjust/Replace Adjustment Procedure
SMCS Code: 1357-036; 1357-510
Inspection Procedure
To maximize the engine performance, inspect the
belts for wear and for cracking. Replace belts that are
worn or damaged.
Typical example
(1) Adjusting bolt
(2) Mounting bolts
Replacement Procedure
Batteries give off combustible gases which can
explode. A spark can cause the combustible gas-
es to ignite. This can result in severe personal in-
jury or death.
2. Check the condition of the electrolyte with the 4. Proceed with necessary system repairs. Reverse
245-5829 Coolant Battery Tester Refractometer. the steps in order to reconnect all of the cables.
• A mixture of 0.1 L (0.11 qt) of ammonia and 1 L Clean the cooling system and flush the cooling
(1 qt) of clean water system before the recommended maintenance
interval if the following conditions exist:
Thoroughly rinse the battery case with clean water.
• The engine overheats frequently.
Use a fine grade of sandpaper to clean the
terminals and the cable clamps. Clean the items • Foaming is observed.
until the surfaces are bright or shiny. DO NOT
remove material excessively. Excessive removal • The oil has entered the cooling system and the
of material can cause the clamps to not fit properly. coolant is contaminated.
Coat the clamps and the terminals with 5N-5561
Silicone Lubricant, petroleum jelly or MPGM. • The fuel has entered the cooling system and the
coolant is contaminated.
Note: Inspect the water pump and the water 4. Start and run the engine at low idle until the
temperature regulator after the cooling system has temperature reaches 49 to 66 °C (120 to 150 °F).
been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
the water pump, the water temperature regulator and 5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
the hoses, if necessary. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
Drain cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve
(if equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
system with clean water. Close the drain valve (if
equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the drain
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- plugs. Refer to Torque Specifications, SENR3130
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, for more information on the correct torques.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- Fill
Do not fill the cooling system faster than 5 L
1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. (1.3 US gal) per minute to avoid air locks.
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling Cooling system air locks may result in engine damage.
system filler cap.
2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped). 1. Fill the cooling system with Extended Life Coolant
If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain (ELC). Refer to this Operation and Maintenance
valve, remove the cooling system drain plugs. Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations”
topic (Maintenance Section) for more information
Allow the coolant to drain. on cooling system specifications. Do not install the
cooling system filler cap.
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle. 2. Start and run the engine at low idle. Increase the
Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used engine rpm to high idle. Run the engine at high
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full idle for one minute in order to purge the air from
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by the cavities of the engine block. Stop the engine.
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.
3. Check the coolant level. Maintain the coolant level
within 13 mm (0.5 inch) below the bottom of the
For information regarding the disposal and the pipe for filling. Maintain the coolant level within
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar 13 mm (0.5 inch) to the proper level on the sight
dealer or consult Dealer Service Tools. glass (if equipped).
Cooling System Coolant Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
Extender (ELC) - Add during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081 collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
Cat ELC (Extended Life Coolant) does not require nent containing fluids.
the frequent additions of any supplemental cooling
additives which are associated with the present Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
conventional coolants. The Cat ELC Extender only Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
needs to be added once. suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
Use only Cat Extended Life Coolant (ELC) Extender Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
with Cat ELC. mandates.
Do NOT use conventional supplemental coolant addi- 1. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
tive (SCA) with Cat ELC. Mixing Cat ELC with conven- order to relieve pressure. Remove the cooling
tional coolants and/or conventional SCA reduces the system filler cap.
Cat ELC service life.
2. It may be necessary to drain enough coolant from
Check the cooling system only when the engine is the cooling system in order to add the Cat ELC
stopped and cool. Extender.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines gaskets on the cooling system filler cap. Replace
to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns. damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap.
Failure to replace your water temperature regulator
on a regularly scheduled basis could cause severe
engine damage.
Note: If only the water temperature regulators are Periodic cleaning of the engine is recommended.
replaced, drain the coolant from the cooling system to Steam cleaning the engine will remove accumulated
a level that is below the water temperature regulator oil and grease. A clean engine provides the following
housing. benefits:
• Easy detection of fluid leaks
Check all exposed electrical connections for Note: Caution must be used in order to prevent
tightness. electrical components from being damaged by
excessive water when you clean the engine. Avoid
Check the following devices for loose mounting or electrical components such as the alternator, the
for physical damage: starter, and the ECM.
NOTICE g00109823
Water or condensation can cause damage to gen- Illustration 48
erator components. Protect all electrical components (1) Air cleaner element. (2) Clamp.
from exposure to water.
1. Loosen clamp (2) which fastens air cleaner
element (1) to the air inlet. Remove the dirty air
NOTICE cleaner element and clamp.
Accumulated grease and oil on an engine is a fire haz-
ard. Keep the engine clean. Remove debris and fluid 2. Install clamp (2) on new air cleaner element (1).
spills whenever a significant quantity accumulates on
the engine. 3. Install new air cleaner element (1) to the air
inlet and tighten clamp (2). Refer to Torque
Specifications, SENR3130 for the correct torque.
66 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect
(If Equipped) If the service indicator does not reset easily, or if the
yellow core does not latch at the greatest vacuum,
SMCS Code: 7452-040 the service indicator should be replaced. If the new
service indicator will not reset, the hole for the service
Some engines may be equipped with a different indicator may be plugged.
service indicator.
The service indicator may need to be replaced
Some engines are equipped with a differential gauge frequently in environments that are severely dusty, if
for inlet air pressure. The differential gauge for inlet necessary. Replace the service indicator annually
air pressure displays the difference in the pressure regardless of the operating conditions. Replace the
that is measured before the air cleaner element and service indicator when the engine is overhauled, and
the pressure that is measured after the air cleaner whenever major engine components are replaced.
element. As the air cleaner element becomes dirty,
the pressure differential rises. If your engine is Note: When a new service indicator is installed,
equipped with a different type of service indicator, excessive force may crack the top of the service
follow the OEM recommendations in order to service indicator. Tighten the service indicator to a torque
the air cleaner service indicator. of 2 N·m (18 lb in).
Test the Service Indicator Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
Service indicators are important instruments. contact the skin.
Illustration 50
g00110310 To ensure that the sample is representative of the
(Y) “ADD” mark. (X) “FULL” mark. oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil
NOTICE To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools
Perform this maintenance with the engine stopped. and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil
samples must be clean.
1. Maintain the oil level between “ADD” mark (Y) and
“FULL” mark (X) on oil level gauge (1). Do not fill Caterpillar recommends using the sampling valve
the crankcase above “FULL” mark (X). in order to obtain oil samples. The quality and the
consistency of the samples are better when the
sampling valve is used. The location of the sampling
NOTICE valve allows oil that is flowing under pressure to be
Operating your engine when the oil level is above the obtained during normal engine operation.
“FULL” mark could cause your crankshaft to dip into
the oil. The air bubbles created from the crankshaft The 169-8373 Fluid Sampling Bottle is
dipping into the oil reduces the oil's lubricating char- recommended for use with the sampling valve. The
acteristics and could result in the loss of power. fluid sampling bottle includes the parts that are
needed for obtaining oil samples. Instructions are
2. Remove the oil filler cap and add oil, if necessary. also provided.
Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap.
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
SMCS Code: 1000-008; 1348-554-SM; contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
7542-554-OC, SM rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.
In addition to a good preventive maintenance
program, Caterpillar recommends using S·O·S oil If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve,
analysis at regularly scheduled intervals in order use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is
to monitor the condition of the engine and the designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
maintenance requirements of the engine. S·O·S oil tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion
analysis provides infrared analysis, which is required into the sump.
for determining nitration and oxidation levels.
For instructions, see Special Publication, PEgj0047,
Obtain the Sample and the Analysis “How To Take A Good S·O·S Oil Sample”. Consult
your Caterpillar dealer for complete information and
assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your
• Engine model
68 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
If equipped with an auxiliary oil filter system or a re-
mote oil filter system, follow the OEM or filter manu-
facturer's recommendations. Under filling or overfilling
the crankcase with oil can cause engine damage.
To prevent crankshaft bearing damage, crank the en-
gine with the fuel OFF. This will fill the oil filters before
starting the engine. Do not crank the engine for more
than 30 seconds.
Note: The oil cooler (1) and the adapter (2) are
installed to the C2.2/3024CT engine only.
4. Apply clean engine oil to the new oil filter seal (3).
4. Remove the oil level gauge in order to check the
oil level. Maintain the oil level between the “ADD”
NOTICE and “FULL” marks on the oil level gauge.
Do not fill the oil filters with oil before installing them.
This oil would not be filtered and could be contaminat-
ed. Contaminated oil can cause accelerated wear to i03840829
engine components.
Engine Valve Lash -
5. Install the oil filter. Tighten the oil filter until the
oil filter seal contacts the cylinder block or the oil
SMCS Code: 1102-025
cooler. Tighten the oil filter by hand according to
the instructions that are shown on the oil filter. Do
The initial valve lash adjustment on new engines,
not overtighten the oil filter.
rebuilt engines, or remanufactured engines is
recommended at the first scheduled oil change. The
Fill the Engine Crankcase adjustment is necessary due to the initial wear of
the valve train components and to the seating of the
1. Remove the oil filler cap. Refer to this Operation valve train components.
and Maintenance Manual , “Refill Capacities
and Recommendations” for more information on This maintenance is recommended by Caterpillar
lubricant specifications. Fill the crankcase with the as part of a lubrication and preventive maintenance
correct amount of oil. Refer to this Operation and schedule in order to help provide maximum engine
Maintenance Manual , “Refill Capacities” for more life.
information on refill capacities.
70 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange
• Misfire
Only qualified service personnel should perform this • Rough running
maintenance. Refer to the Systems Operation/Testing
and Adjusting Manual, “Valve Lash and Valve Bridge Fuel Injection nozzles should be cleaned, inspected,
Adjustment” article or consult your Caterpillar dealer tested, and replaced, if necessary. Refer to Special
for the complete valve lash adjustment procedure. Instruction, SEHS7292 for using the 8S-2245
Injection Cleaning Tool Group. Consult your
Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve Caterpillar dealer about cleaning the fuel injection
adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re- nozzle and testing the fuel injection nozzle.
duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
and/or shortened engine component life. NOTICE
Never wire brush or scrape a fuel injection nozzle.
Wire brushing or scraping a fuel injection nozzle will
damage the finely machine orifice. Proper tools for
cleaning and testing the fuel injection nozzles can be
Ensure that the engine cannot be started while this obtained from Caterpillar dealers.
maintenance is being performed. To help prevent
possible injury, do not use the starting motor to
turn the flywheel. The following items are symptoms of a malfunction of
the fuel injection nozzle:
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
additional time for the engine to cool before mea- • Abnormal engine operation
suring/adjusting valve lash clearance.
• Smoke emission
Ensure that the engine is stopped before measuring • Engine knock
the valve lash. To obtain an accurate measurement,
allow the valves to cool before this maintenance is Each fuel injection nozzle must be isolated one at
performed. a time in order to determine the malfunctioning fuel
injection nozzle.
Refer to the Service Manual for more information.
1. Start the engine.
2. Loosen each fuel line nut one at a time at the fuel
Fuel Injection Nozzles - injection pump. A cloth or similar material must be
used in order to prevent fuel from spraying on the
Test/Exchange hot exhaust components. Tighten each nut before
loosening the next nut.
SMCS Code: 1254-013; 1254-081
3. A defective fuel injection nozzle may be identified
when a fuel line nut is loosened and the following
conditions are present:
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-
cal components can cause a fire. • The exhaust smoke is partially eliminated or the
exhaust smoke is completely eliminated.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared
to collect the fluid with suitable containers before
opening any compartment or disassembling any com-
ponent containing fluids.
1. Ensure that the fuel valve (1) for the fuel filter that
has an element is in the ON position. The fuel
valve for the fuel filter that has a canister may be
located away from the engine. Refer to the OEM
information for further details.
Ensure that the engine is stopped before any servicing
or repair is performed.
Note: For illustration 55, the fuel return hose (5) may
need to be removed at the fuel injection pump.
g01118416 The water separator is not a filter. The water separator
Illustration 57
separates the water from the fuel. The engine should
(1) Screw never be run when the water separator is more than
(2) Element
(3) Glass bowl
half full of water. Engine damage may result.
(4) Sensor connection
(5) Drain
(6) Bottom cover
7. Open the air vents(1 and 2) until fuel free from air
flows from the vents. Close the vents.
The water separator is under suction during normal
engine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tight-
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fuel
Illustration 59
2. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly.
Fuel System Secondary Filter -
Replace 3. Open the fuel drain (2) in the bottom of the
filter assembly, if equipped. Drain the fuel into a
SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE suitable container.
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component.
SEBU8137-04 75
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace
Illustration 61
Illustration 60
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Fuel Tank
Fuel quality is critical to the performance and to the
service life of the engine. Water in the fuel can cause
excessive wear to the fuel system. Condensation
occurs during the heating and cooling of fuel. The
condensation occurs as the fuel passes through the
fuel system and the fuel returns to the fuel tank. This
causes water to accumulate in fuel tanks. Draining
Illustration 62
g01122131 the fuel tank regularly and obtaining fuel from reliable
sources can help to eliminate water in the fuel.
5. Assemble the following items: seal (5), filter
element (6) and casing (7). Drain the Water and the Sediment
6. Install the assembled items to the filter head (4). Fuel tanks should contain some provision for draining
water and draining sediment from the bottom of the
7. Install the locking ring (8) to the filter head. Rotate fuel tanks.
the locking ring in order to lock the assembly.
Open the drain valve on the bottom of the fuel tank
The fuel system will need to be primed after the in order to drain the water and the sediment. Close
new filter is installed. Refer to this Operation and the drain valve.
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”.
Note: Failure to properly close the drain can allow air
into the system, which could have detrimental results
to performance.
Fill the fuel tank after operating the engine in Drying Methods
order to drive out moist air. This will help prevent
condensation. Do not fill the tank to the top. The The following methods can be used for drying a
fuel expands as the fuel gets warm. The tank may generator:
• Self-circulating air method
Some fuel tanks use supply pipes that allow water
and sediment to settle below the end of the fuel • Oven method
supply pipe. Some fuel tanks use supply lines that
take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank. If NOTICE
the engine is equipped with this system, regular Do not allow the winding temperature to exceed 85 °C
maintenance of the fuel system filter is important. (185.0 °F). Temperatures that are greater than 85 °C
(185.0 °F) will damage the winding insulation.
Fuel Storage Tanks
Drain the water and the sediment from the fuel Self-Circulating Air Method
storage tank during the following conditions:
Note: Disable the excitation before using this method.
• Weekly
Run the engine and disconnect the generator load.
• Oil change This will help circulate air. Operate the generator
space heaters.
• Refill of the tank
Oven Method
This will help prevent water or sediment from being
pumped from the storage tank into the engine fuel Place the entire generator inside a forced air drying
tank. A four micron(c) absolute filter for the breather oven for four hours at 65 °C (149 °F).
vent on the fuel tank is also recommended. Refer
to Special Publication, SENR9620, “Improving Fuel NOTICE
System Durablity”. Use a forced air type oven rather than a radiant type
If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to Radiant type ovens can cause localized overheating.
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel.
When possible, water separators should be used. Generator - Inspect
SMCS Code: 4450-040
Generator - Dry
SMCS Code: 4450-569 Personal injury or death can result from improper
troubleshooting and repair procedures.
Do not operate the generator if the windings are wet. If The following troubleshooting and repair proce-
the generator is operated when the windings are wet, dures should only be performed by qualified per-
damage can occur due to insulation breakdown. sonnel familiar with this equipment.
The high voltage that is produced by an operating • The voltage rating of the generator
generator set can cause severe injury or death.
Before performing any maintenance or repairs, • The type of dirt that is being removed
ensure that the generator will not start.
Cleaning (Assembled Generators)
Place the engine control switch in the “OFF” posi-
tion. Attach “DO NOT OPERATE” tags to all start- NOTICE
ing controls. Disconnect the batteries or disable
Do not use water to clean the generator.
the starting system. Lock out all switchgear and
automatic transfer switches that are associated
with the generator. NOTICE
Do not use trichloroethane, perchlorethylene,
Refer to Safety Section, “Generator Isolating for trichloroethane or any alkaline products to clean the
Maintenance” for information regarding the procedure generator.
to safely isolate the generator.
Cleaning may be required at the point of installation.
Proper maintenance of electrical equipment requires At this point, complete disassembly of the generator
periodic visual examination of the generator and may not be necessary or feasible. In this case,
periodic visual examination of the windings. Proper a vacuum cleaner should be used to pick up the
maintenance of electrical equipment also requires following items: dry dirt, dust, and carbon. This will
appropriate electrical checks and appropriate thermal prevent the spreading of these contaminants.
checks. Insulation material should be examined for
cracks. The insulation material should be examined A small nonconductive tube may need to be
for accumulations of dirt and dust. If there is an connected to the vacuum cleaner. This will allow the
insulation resistance value that is below normal, a vacuum cleaner to clean the surfaces that are not
conductive path may be present. This conductive exposed. After most of the dust has been removed,
path may be made of one of the following materials: a small brush may be attached to the vacuum hose
in order to loosen dirt that is more firmly attached to
• Carbon the surface.
• Salt After the initial cleaning with a vacuum, compressed
air may be used to remove the remaining dust and
• Metal dust dirt. Compressed air that is used for cleaning should
be free of moisture and free of oil. Air pressure
• Dirt that is saturated with moisture should be a maximum of 210 kPa (30 psi) in order to
prevent mechanical damage to the insulation. If the
These contaminants will develop a conductive path above cleaning procedures are not effective, consult
which may produce shorts. Cleaning is advisable if a Caterpillar dealer.
heavy accumulations of dirt can be seen or if heavy
accumulations of dust can be seen. If excess dirt is
the cause of a restriction in the ventilation, cleaning Cleaning (Disassembled
is also advisable. Restricted ventilation will cause Generators)
excessive heating.
NOTICE Do not use water to clean the generator.
To avoid the possibility of deterioration to the genera-
tor windings, do not clean the generator unless there
is visual, electrical, or thermal evidence that dirt is NOTICE
present. Do not use trichloroethane, perchlorethylene,
trichloroethane or any alkaline products to clean the
If harmful dirt accumulations are present, a variety generator.
of cleaning techniques are available. The cleaning
procedure that is used may be determined by one of
the items on the following list:
An initial insulation resistance check should be When a three-phase generator is installed or when
made on the generator in order to confirm electrical a three-phase generator is reconnected, ensure that
integrity. A minimum reading of one megohm would the total current in any one phase does not exceed
be expected with severely contaminated generators. the nameplate rating. Each phase should carry the
A zero megohm reading may indicate an insulation same load. This allows the three-phase generator
breakdown. An insulation breakdown requires more to work at the rated capacity. If one phase current
than cleaning. An insulation breakdown requires exceeds the nameplate amperage, an electrical
repair. imbalance will occur. An electrical imbalance can
result in an electrical overload and an electrical
Use the following for cleaning the stator, the rotor, the imbalance can result in overheating on three-phase
exciter and the diode bridge: generators. This is not applicable to single-phase
• Unleaded Gasoline
The power factor can be referred to as the efficiency
• Toluene of the load. This can be expressed as the ratio of kVA
to actual kW. The power factor can be calculated by
• Benzene dividing kW by kVA. Power factor is expressed as a
decimal. Power factor is used to mean the portion
• Ciclohexare of current that is supplied to a system that is doing
useful work. The portion of the current that is not
Avoid permitting the solvent to run into the slots. doing useful work is absorbed in maintaining the
Apply the solvent with a brush. Use a sponge on the magnetic field in motors. This current (reactive load)
windings frequently in order to remove the debris. can be maintained without engine power.
Dry the winding with a dry cloth. Allow the solvent to
evaporate before reassembling the generator.
When power generation equipment must be in op- When servicing or repairing electric power gener-
eration to make tests and/or adjustments, high ation equipment:
voltage and current are present.
• Make sure the unit is off-line (disconnected
Improper test equipment can fail and present a from utility and/or other generators power
high voltage shock hazard to its user. service), and either locked out or tagged DO
Make sure the testing equipment is designed for
and correctly operated for high voltage and cur- • Make sure the generator engine is stopped.
rent tests being made.
• Make sure all batteries are disconnected.
During normal operation, monitor the power factor
and monitor generator loading. • Make sure all capacitors are discharged.
80 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace
Table 8 i03847809
4. Measure the AC voltage across the low voltage Inspect all clamps for the following conditions.
terminals of the transformer that correspond to the Replace any clamp which exhibits signs of any of the
following generator terminals: “T1” and “T2”, “T2” following conditions.
and “T3”, and “T3” and “T1”. Record the voltages.
• Cracking
• Looseness
• Damage
Inspect all couplings for leaks. Replace any coupling
which exhibits signs of leaks.
• Type of hose
• Type of fitting material Personal injury can result from removing hoses or
fittings in a pressure system.
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the hose
Failure to relieve pressure can cause personal in-
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the jury.
Do not disconnect or remove hoses or fittings un-
Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will
til all pressure in the system has been relieved.
heat set. Heat setting causes hose clamps to loosen.
This can result in leaks. A constant torque hose
clamp will help to prevent loose hose clamps. 1. Stop the engine.
Replace hoses that are cracked or soft. Replace 2. Allow the engine to cool.
hoses that show signs of leakage. Replace hoses
that show signs of damage. Replace hose clamps 3. Before servicing a coolant hose, slowly loosen the
that are cracked or damaged. Tighten or replace filler cap for the cooling system in order to relieve
hose clamps which are loose. any pressure.
Replace the Hoses and the Clamps 4. Remove the filler cap for the cooling system.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar 8. Replace the old hose with a new hose.
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” or refer to Special Pub-
lication, PECJ0003, “Caterpillar Shop Supplies and 9. Install hose clamps which have been inspected or
Tools Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable to col- install new hose clamps. Refer to Specifications,
lect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products. SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”, “Hose
Clamps” for information about selecting and
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and installing the proper hose clamps.
10. Refill the cooling system.
Cooling System 11. Clean the filler cap for the cooling system. Inspect
the gaskets on the filler cap. Replace the filler cap
if the gaskets are damaged. Install the filler cap.
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- 12. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, leaks.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system Fuel System
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
Lubrication System
3. Disconnect the old hose. 3. Replace the old hose with a new hose.
4. Replace the old hose with a new hose. 4. Install hose clamps which have been inspected or
install new hose clamps. Refer to Specifications,
5. Install hose clamps which have been inspected or SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”, “Hose
install new hose clamps. Refer to Specifications, Clamps” for information about selecting and
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”, “Hose installing the proper hose clamps.
Clamps” for information about selecting and
installing the proper hose clamps. 5. Start the engine. Inspect the air lines for leaks.
• moisture (water)
84 SEBU8137-04
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations
• The measured insulation resistance falls below the Exciter Field (Stator L1)
specified amount. The cleanup procedure does not
correct the discrepancy. 1. Isolate exciter field (L1) from the voltage regulator
by disconnecting wires 5+ and 6-. Prevent these
• The measured insulation resistance falls below the wires from coming into contact with each other
specified amount. The drying procedure does not and prevent these wires from contacting ground.
correct the discrepancy.
2. Connect one test lead of the insulation tester
The specified insulation resistance is an approximate (megohmmeter) to the generator enclosure
value. It can be possible to operate the generator with (ground).
less than the specified value. However, a generator
that has a low winding insulation resistance will be 3. Connect one test lead of the insulation tester
more likely to have a failure. (megohmmeter) to exciter field lead (5+ or 6-).
The following troubleshooting and repair proce- Exciter Armature (Rotor L2)
dures should only be performed by qualified per-
sonnel familiar with this equipment. 1. Isolate exciter armature (L2) from the rectifier
circuit. Disconnect the three wires of the exciter
armature from the rectifier blocks.
The insulation test gives accurate results only when
the generator windings are free of moisture and the 2. Connect one test lead of the insulation tester
generator windings are at room temperature. (megohmmeter) to the rotor shaft.
Each winding must have a minimum insulation 3. Connect one test lead of the insulation tester
resistance of one megohm. (megohmmeter) to any one exciter field lead.
Oil consumption is in proportion to the percentage Note: Overhaul programs vary according to the
of the rated engine load. As the percentage of the engine application and according to the dealer that
engine load is increased, the amount of oil that is performs the overhaul. Consult your Caterpillar
consumed per hour also increases. dealer for specific information about the available
overhaul programs and about overhaul services for
The oil consumption rate (brake specific oil extending the engine life.
consumption) is measured in grams per kW/h (lb per
bhp). The brake specific oil consumption (BSOC) If an overhaul is performed without overhaul service
depends on the engine load. Consult your Caterpillar from your Caterpillar dealer, be aware of the following
dealer for assistance in determining the typical oil maintenance recommendations.
consumption rate for your engine.
Rebuild or Exchange
When an engine's oil consumption has risen to three
times the original oil consumption rate due to normal These components should be inspected according to
wear, an engine overhaul should be scheduled. the instructions that are found in various Caterpillar
There may be a corresponding increase in blowby reusability publications. The Special Publication,
and a slight increase in fuel consumption. SEBF8029 lists the reusability publications that are
needed for inspecting the engine parts.
Overhaul Options
If the parts comply with the established inspection
Before Failure Overhaul specifications that are expressed in the reusable
parts guideline, the parts should be reused.
A planned overhaul before failure may be the best
value for the following reasons: Parts that are not within the established inspection
specifications should be dealt with in one of the
• Costly unplanned downtime can be avoided. following manners:
• Deflection
1U-8812 4 L (1 US gallon)
• Damage to the journals
• Bearing material that has seized to the journals 1U-5490 19 L (5 US gallon)
Check the journal taper and the profile of the 8T-7570 208 L (55 US gallon)
crankshaft journals. Check these components by
interpreting the wear patterns on the following 1U-8804 4 L (1 US gallon)
1U-5492 19 L (5 US gallon)
• Rod bearing
8T-5571 208 L (55 US gallon)
• Main bearings
Note: If the crankshaft is removed for any reason, Obtain Coolant Analysis
use the magnetic particle inspection process to check
for cracks in the crankshaft. The concentration of supplemental coolant additive
(SCA) should be checked regularly with test kits
Inspect the camshaft for damage to the journals and or with S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level I). Further
to the lobes. coolant analysis is recommended when the engine
is overhauled.
Note: If the camshaft is removed for any reason, use
the magnetic particle inspection process to check for For example, considerable deposits are found in the
cracks in the camshaft. water jacket areas on the external cooling system, but
the concentrations of coolant additives were carefully
Inspect the following components for signs of wear or maintained. The coolant water probably contained
for signs of scuffing: minerals that were deposited on the engine over time.
• Camshaft bearings
• Valve lifters
SEBU8137-04 87
Maintenance Section
Rotating Rectifier - Check
SMCS Code: 4465-535 The following procedure tests all three diodes within
a block. Check the positive rectifier block and the
negative rectifier block. If any meter reading does not
fall within the given ranges, replace the rectifier block.
The high voltage that is produced by an operating 1. Set the digital multimeter on the diode range.
generator set can cause severe injury or death. Remove all leads from the rectifier block.
Before performing any maintenance or repairs,
ensure that the generator will not start. 2. To test the negative rectifier block, follow these
Place the engine control switch in the “OFF” posi-
tion. Attach “DO NOT OPERATE” tags to all start- a. Place the red test lead on the negative “-”
ing controls. Disconnect the batteries or disable terminal (1). Place the black test lead on the
the starting system. Lock out all switchgear and following rectifier terminals: AC terminal (2), AC
automatic transfer switches that are associated terminal (3), and AC terminal (4). All readings
with the generator. on the meter should be between 0.4 and 1.0.
b. Place the black test lead on the negative “-” For maximum engine service life, make a thorough
terminal (1). Place the red test lead on the inspection of the engine compartment before starting
following rectifier terminals: AC terminal (2), AC the engine. Look for items such as oil leaks or coolant
terminal (3), and AC terminal (4). In all cases, leaks, loose bolts, worn belts, loose connections and
the meter should read “OL” (overload). trash buildup. Make repairs, as needed:
3. To test the positive rectifier block, follow these • The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
steps: damaged guards or replace missing guards.
a. Place the red test lead on the positive “+” • Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is
rectifier terminal (1). Place the black test lead serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
on the following rectifier terminals: AC terminal contamination.
(2), AC terminal (3), and AC terminal (4). In all
cases, the meter should read “OL” (overload). NOTICE
For any type of leak (coolant, lube, or fuel) clean up the
b. Place the black test lead on the positive “+” fluid. If leaking is observed, find the source and correct
rectifier terminal (1). Place the red test lead on the leak. If leaking is suspected, check the fluid levels
the following rectifier terminals: AC terminal more often than recommended until the leak is found
(2), AC terminal (3), and AC terminal (4). All or fixed, or until the suspicion of a leak is proved to be
readings on the meter should be between 0.4 unwarranted.
and 1.0.
Check the starting motor for proper operation. Check Excessive coolant leakage may indicate the need
the electrical connections and clean the electrical to replace the water pump seal. For the removal of
connections. Refer to the Service Manual for more water pump and the installation of water pump and/or
information on the checking procedure and for seals, refer to the Service Manual for the engine or
specifications or consult your Caterpillar dealer for consult your Caterpillar dealer.
• Inspect the lubrication system for leaks at the front
crankshaft seal, the rear crankshaft seal, the oil
pan, the oil filters and the valve cover.
Walk-Around Inspection
• Inspect the fuel system for leaks. Look for loose
SMCS Code: 1000-040 fuel line clamps.
• Inspect the piping for the air inlet system and the
Inspect the Engine for Leaks and elbows for cracks and for loose clamps.
for Loose Connections
• Inspect the alternator belt and the accessory drive
A walk-around inspection should only take a few belts for cracks, breaks or other damage.
minutes. When the time is taken to perform these
checks, costly repairs and accidents can be avoided.
SEBU8137-04 89
Maintenance Section
Water Pump - Inspect