Sprinkler Irrigation: By: R. J. Patel

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Sprinkler Irrigation

By : R. J. PATEL

Roll No.: 81 to 90
Sprinkler Irrigation is the method of applying irrigation
water above the soil surface in the form of spray or droplets,
similar to the natural rainfall. The spray is obtained by the flow of
water under pressure through small orifices or nozzels known as
sprinklers. Water is conveyed from the pump and distributed
through a network of pipes, called manline, submain, laterals and
Sprinkler irrigation is suitable for all crops (row crops, field
crops, and orchards) except jute and rice as these crops require
standing water.
The area of land wetted by a sprinkler depends on the
velocity head given to the water jet, the angle of flow of the jet,
the type of sprinkler and its design and the wind conditions
during irrigation.

Suitable Soils
Sprinkler Irrigartion is adaptable for almost
all types of soils but it is best suited to sandy loam soils
with high infiltration rates and undulating topography.
However, it is not suitable to very fine textured soils
where infiltration rate is less than 0.4 cm/hr. The
average water application rate for sprinkler system is
always chosen to be less than that of basic infiltration
rate of soils to avoid the surface ponding and runoff

 Suitable for complete range of topographic conditions.
 No requirement of land leveling.
 Light texture soil also can be irrigated.
 High irrigation efficiency due to uniform distribution of water.
 Accurate and precise depth of water can be applied.
 Application of soluble fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides can
be appled along with water.
 Preperation of field channels and bunds are not required.

 High initial investment.
 Power requirement is usually high since sprinkler operates
with more than 1.5 kg/cm2 water pressur.
 Loss of water due to evaporation.
 High wind velocity causes uneven distribution of water.
 Delicate flowering plants cannot be irrigated.
 Fine texture solis having low infiltration rate cannot be
irrigated efficiently.
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

On the basis of method of water application

 Rotating sprinklers – Impact sprinklers, gear driven,
reaction type and fixed head sprinkler
 Perforated Pipe system

On the Basis of Principle of operation

 Whirling sprinkler
 Turbo Hammer Sprinkler
 Propeller sprinkler
 Mini sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

Impact Sprinkler Gear Driven Sprinkler

Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

Whirling Sprinkler
Turbo Hammer Sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

Mini Sprinkler
Propeller Sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Travelling Gun type Sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Travelling Gun type Sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Portable Solid-Set Sprinkler System
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Centre-pivot Sprinkler System
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

On the basis of Movement

 Set move irrigation system
a) Hand move
b) Tow move
c) Side roll
d) Gun type
 Solid set System
 Continous Move systems
a) Center-pivot sprinkler system
b) Linear move system
c) Traveller sprinkler systems
Hand move irrigation system Gun type irrigation system

Tow move irrigation system

Side roll sprinkler system
Solid set irrigation System
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

On the basis of Portability

 Portable system
 Semi-portable sysetm
 Semi-permanent system
 Permanent system

On the basis of precipitation rates

 Low volume sprinkler
 Medium volume sprinkler
 High volume sprinkler
Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Spray Pad Sprinklers


Smooth Deflector Pad Serrated Deflector Pad

Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
Pop up Part Circle Sprinkler
Layout of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

PVC pipe

Filter Pump


HDPE pipe

Service saddle
End plug
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system

A sprinkler system usually consists of following


1) Pumping Unit 2) Filters

3) Main Lines 4) Submain Lines
5) Lateral Lines 6) Sprinkler heads
7) Riser pipe 8) Non-return valve
9) Air release valve 10) Vacumm release valve
11) Pressure Regulators 12) Booster pump
13) Fertilizer applicator 14) Other accessories
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Pumping Unit

Pumping Unit :
Pump is required to carry water from
source to main line and laterals up to sprinkler
head or nozzle from where it is spray applied to
crops. A high speed centrifugal or turbine pump can
be used for operating sprinkler irrigation system.
Centrifugal pump is used when the vertical distance
from the pump inlet to water surface is less than
8m. Fro pumping water from deep wells or more
than 8 m a turbine pump is suggested.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system

Filter is called the heart of micro irrigation system. A filter
removes the suspended impurities from the irrigation water and
prevent the blocage of sprinkler nozzles. The type of filtration
depends upon the source of water used and size of nozzle. The
measurement of pressure before and after the filters will be
done for control purposes. A drop in pressure indicates the
extend of clogging and need for cleaning. Automatic filters are
self cleaned by the process of back flusing.

Three different types of filters are used viz.

a) Sand filter b) Screen Filter c) Disc filter
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Sand Filter
Sand Filter: Inlet
This filter is effective against both
ingorganic and organic suspended solids. Uniform sized
This type of filter is essentional for using Crushed sand
water from open sources. In most of the Candle/
sand filters the media material is uniform mushroom
sized crushed sand. When water is
allowed to pass through this filter dirt and
alge present in the water are trapped and
water alone passes throught the Outlet
interconnected voids formed in the sand
then to mushrooms to outlet .
These Filters are cleaned by back flushing action, in which the
flow of water is forced in back ward direction; due to which the
deposited materials inside filter gets lift and become free, which are
finelly removed by opening the flush valve.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Screen Filter:
This filter is
compulsory for every
sprinkler irigation system.
This filter cleans sand and
other foreign particles
from water. Mesh of
screen size varies between
20 to 200 mesh. The larger
the number smaller the
particle size screen will
filter out.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Disc Filter:
This filters are very effective to
remove the particles like sand and
organic matters. This filter consists of a
stack of round disks. The face of each
disc is covered with small bump of
differemt sizes, which forms a tiny
pyramid shaped sharp point at the top.
Between series of disks there are small
size spaces through which the water
gets flow. For cleaning the disks are
seperated from each other and debries
are flushed through a flush outlet.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Disc Filter:
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Disc Filter: Mechanism
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler head

Range (Drive) Nozzle

Impact Arm
Angle Spreader Nozzle


Sprinkler head
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler head
Sprinkler head:
Impact sprinkle heads make use of a mechanical arm to impact
the stream of water that comes out of the head. This impact mechanism
is the reason behind its name. Impact sprinkler heads can cover a radius
of 45-feet average and is perfect for wide garden, lawn, or landscaped
areas. The impact arm helps in the distribution of water to produce finer
sprays. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of this sprinkler head is its
open design. Pieces of debris might get tangled in the sprinkler head and
disrupt its rotary and impact mechanism. When using this type of
sprinkler head, it is best to clean the head regularly to maintain smooth
spraying mechanism. Impact sprinkler heads can be set up at different
distances (12-inches or more) from the ground to protect it from the
interruption of debris. This type of sprinkler head can cover a radius of
15-feet average.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler head

Sprinkler head: It is the most

important component of the
system. It may rotate or remain
fixed. The operating pressure of
the sprinkler ranges from 1.5 to 7
kg/cm2. the operating pressure
ranging from 1.5 to 4 kg/cm2 is
considered most practical.the
rotating head sprinklers may have
1 to 2 nozzels. One nozzel applies
water at considerable distance
from the sprinkler and another
nozzel cover the area near the
sprinkler head.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system

The sprinkler head is attached to the laterals
by means of riser, the height of which must be adjusted
according to the crop irrigated. In field crops, the sprinkler
must be above the canopy of the crops at all times, but in
case of big orchads riser should be as small as possible. The
riser must be perpendicular to the lateral line because any
deviation will adversely affect the distribution pattern of the
sprinkler. Risers used for field crops are made from metals
having diameter of about 12 to 32 mm and for orchars are
made from plastic material placed below the canopy.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Schematic view of mini sprinkler

Schematic view
of mini sprinkler
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Main and Submain lines

Main and Submain lines: In sprinkler irrigation system generally main

and submain lines are made of HDPE, in very rare case people use PVC or
aluminum. HDPE type lines are movable while other two are fixed. Main
line carries water from pumpuing source and supplies to submain and to
laterals. The fixed type main line or submain line are burried in groung
upto 45 to 60cm depth. The velocity flow in mainline should not be
greater than1.5m/sec and friction head loss should be less than 5m per
1000m running length of pipe.

HDPE pipes PVC pipes Aluminum pipes

Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Lateral and Non-Return Valve

Lateral : Lateral conveys water from mainline or

submain to individual sprinkler head. Laterals are
generally portable. They might be made up of
lightweigt aluminum or HDPE and are generally
equipped with coupling devices.
Non-Return Valve: The function of non-retutn valve is
to prevent flow of water. The valve projects pump and
prevents the return flow of water injected with fertilizer
solution to the portable water system. This valve must be
installed in head unit at the point just before the
fertigation equipment.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Air release valve

Air release valve:

Air release valve is a normally-open valve. Until your system is
pressurized, the valve is simply open, and air is present. As pressure
builds within the system, unwanted air is forced to the highest point in
the system i.e., the normally open air-release valve. When pressure
within the system exceeds atmospheric pressure, air is expelled. As liquid
rises, the poppet becomes buoyant and eventually closes. It is possible
that trace amounts of air will remain in the system, depending on the
rapidity with which the valve closes. It is also likely that some trace
amounts of process liquid will be emitted. At system pressure of 10 psi,
the poppet will seal bubble tight against the orifice. When pressure and
liquid level drop, the valve will automatically re-open.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Air release valve

Air release valve:

Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Air release valve

Air release valve:


Air under pressure Liquid causes poppet to rise: As liquid continues to
flows out air under pressure still flows rise, poppet seals
out against orifice
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Fertilizer applicator

Fertilizer applicator:

Fertilizers may be applied through sprinkler systems. By

three ways fertilizers are injected.

1) Venturi
2) Fertilizer tank
3) Injection pump
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Fertilizer applicator-Venturi

Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Fertilizer applicator-Venturi

The principle behind the operation of the Venturi is the Bernoulli effect

The pressure differential follows Bernoulli's Equation.

Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Fertilizer applicator- Venturi

Venturi :
The fluid, either liquid or gaseous, enters the Venturi at the
location with a cross-sectional area A1, pressure P1, and velocity v1.  These
properties form the potential and kinetic energy of the fluid at one location. 
Energy is conserved in a closed system, that is, the sum of potential and kinetic
energy at one location must equal the sum of the potential and kinetic energy at
any another location in the system.  If potential energy decreases at one location,
the kinetic energy must proportionally increase at that location.  The fluid now
enters the throat of the Venturi with a new area A2, which is smaller than A1.  In
a closed system, mass can be neither created nor destroyed (law of conservation
of mass, simply, what goes in, must come out), and as such, the volumetric flow
rate at area A1 must equal the volumetric flow rate at area A2.  If the area at
location A2 is smaller than A1, the fluid must travel faster to maintain the same
volumetric flow rate.  This increase in velocity results in a decrease in pressure
which follows Bernoulli's equation After the pressure difference is generated, the
fluid is passed through a pressure recovery exit section where up to 80% of the
differential pressure generated at the throat is recovered.
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Fertilizer applicator- Fertilizer tank

Fertilizer tank
Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Other Accessories

Other Accessories

Service Saddle Bend

Basic components of sprinkler irrigation system
Other Accessories

Other Accessories


End CAp
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Inventory resources and conditions

Design of Sprinkler irrigation systems:

1. Inventory of resources and conditions
a. Map of the area (Survey map)
b. Water supply- source, availability and dependability
c. Type of crop
d. Depth of irrigation
e. Irrigation interval
f. Water application rate (limited by infiltration capacity)
g. Sprinkler spacing
h. Power source
i. Wind speed and direction
j. Soil Type.
k. Water Quality
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Discharge from a Sprinkler nozzle

Discharge from a sprinkler nozzle

q = Cd a √(2gh)
in which,
q = nozzle discharge, m3/s
a = cross-sectional area of nozzle, m2
h = pressure head at the nozzle, m
Cd = discharge coefficient, which is a function of friction and
contraction losses, which ranges from 0.80 to 0.95.
g = Acceleration due to gravity m/sec2
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Discharge from Twin Nozzle

Discharge from twin sprinkler nozzle

q = q1 + q 2
q = Cd a1 √(2gh) + Cd a2 √(2gh)
q = (d12 + d22) [ (π/4) Cd √(2gh) ]

a1 = Cross section area of large nozzle, m2

a2 = Cross section area of small nozzle, m2
d1 = Diameter of large nozzle, m
d2 = Diameter of small nozzle, m
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Recommended pressure and discharge

Recommended pressure and discharge for nozzle size

q = Kd x Hx
q = Sprinkler discharge lit/hr
Kd = Approximate discharge coefficient for sprinkler and
nozzle combined and the specific units used.
H = Sprinkler operating pressure (m).
x = Discharge exponent, usually 0.5 for sprinkler and micro –
i.e. q = Kd x √H
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Water spread area of sprinkler

Water Spread area of sprinkler

A = πR2
Where R = 1.35 √(dh)
A = Area covered by sprinkler, m2
R = Radius of the wetted area covered by the
sprinkler, m
d = Diameter of the sprinkler nozzle, mm
h = Pressure head at the nozzle, m
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Index of Jet brake-up

Index of Jet brake – up

Brake-up of jet of water is necessary to obtain the uniformity of
coverage and to minimize the droplet size. There is natural tendency
of jets to break-up because of air resistance. Generally, break-up
increases with pressure and by having slots in the nozzle. Slow
rotation sprinklers, which makes about 0.67 to 1 (rpm) for small
sprinklers and 0.25 to 0.5 (rpm) for large sprinklers provide good
Pd = (h) / ( 10 x q0.4)
Pd = Index for jet break-up,
q = sprinkler discharge, lit/sec
h = pressure head at sprinkler nozzle, m
If the value of Pd is greater than 2, then the condition of drop size is
good; if it is 4 then the condition of drop size is best and if it is
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Application Rate

Application rate of Sprinkler

The rate at which sprinkler apply water on the soil surface, when a
group of them are operating close together is called the application
rate. This is measured in mm/hr.
The application rate depends on,
a) The size of sprinkler nozzle.
b) Operating pressure of the system.
c) Spacing between the sprinklers.
Increasing the nozzle size or pressure and bringing the sprinkler close
together, will increase the application rate.

Application rate = [ Sprinkler discharge (lit/hr) ]/ [ lateral spacing(m) x

Sprinkler spacing(m) ]
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Design Of Sprinkler Irrigation – Application Rate

Application rate of Sprinkler

Normally, sprinkler irrigation systems are designed, such that no
runoff occurs. Thus, the rate at which a sprinkler system is designed
to apply water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil that is
the maximum rate at which water can enter the soil at a given time.
Basic Infiltration rate of different soil texture
Basic Infiltration rate (mm/hr)
Soil Vegetative condition Non – Vegetative

Coarse sand 19 to 25 8.9

Fine sand 13 to 19 6.4
Fine sandy loam 8.9 to 13 5.1
Silt loam 6.4 to 10.2 3.8
Clay loam 2.5 to 7.6 2.5
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler spacing

Sprinkler Spacing
The basic criteria used for the selection of spacing for any given
sprinkler nozzle pressure and wind velocity combination is the
uniformity of water distribution. To achieve uniform distribution of
water, it is necessary to overlap the area of the influence of the
sprinklers. The over lapping area increases with increase in wind
Recommended sprinkler spacing underSpacing
Maximum windy conditions
Wind Velocity, Square Spacing Triangular Spacing Rectangular spacing

0 to 4.8 55% of Diameter 60% of Diameter 50 % of Diameter

4.8 to 9.6 50% of Diameter 55% of Diameter 45 % of Diameter
9.6 to 19.2 45% of Diameter 50% of Diameter 40 % of Diameter
Above 19.2 40% of Diameter 45% of Diameter -
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Spacing /Sprinkler Laterals

Sprinkler Spacing
In general a coefficient of uniformity (Uc) of at least 85% is
recommended for delicate and shallow rooted crops, such as
potatoes and most other vegetables. A Uc between 75 and 83% is
generally adequate for deep rooted field crops, such as corn, cotton,
sugar beets etc. However, when applying chemicals through the
system a uniformity constant above 80% is recommended.
Design Of Sprinkler Laterals
The ASAE recommended that the total pressure variation in the
lateral practically should not be more than 10% of the design lateral
Assuming that, the flow is constant throughout the length without
sprinkler, the friction head loss in the lateral is calculated by using
different equations.
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

1. Scobey’s Equation:

ΔH = 4.10 x 106 x Ks x Q1.9 x D1-4.9 x L1 x F

ΔH = Total friction loss in lateral, m
Ks = Scobey's Coefficient for retardation.
L1 = Length of lateral pipe, m
Q = Total discharge, lit/sec
D1 = Inside Diameter of lateral, mm
F = Correction factor, based on number of sprinklers on one lateral.
Suggested values of F vary with the type of material. Recommended
values of Ks for designing purpose are 0.32 for new transit pipe, 0.40
for steel pipe or portable aluminum pipe with couplers and 0.42 for
portable galvanized steel pipe with couplers.
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

2. The Hazen – Williams equation
J = (ΔH1 x 100 ) / L = K x (Q/C)1.852 x D1-4.871 x F
J = Head loss gradient, m/100 m
ΔH1 = Total friction loss in lateral, m
K = Conversion constant, equal to 1.212 x 1012 for metric units
L = Length of lateral pipe, m
Q = Total discharge, lit/sec
D1= Inside Diameter of lateral, mm
F = Outlet factor, depends on number of outlets (sprinklers) on 1 lateral
C = The friction coefficient which depends on pipe material
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

2. The Hazen – Williams equation
It can also be written as
ΔH1 = K x (Q/C)1.852 x D1-4.871 x (L/100) x F
The values of C used in Hazen-Williams equation
Pipe Material C
Plastic (PVC) 150
Epoxy coated steel 145
Cement asbestos 140
Galvanized steel 135
Aluminum (with couplers) 130
Steel (new) 130
Steel (15 years old) or concert 100
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

The Hazen-Williams equation was developed for study of water
distribution systems that used 75mm or larger diameter pipes and
discharge greater than 3.2 lit/sec. Under these flow conditions, the
Reynolds number is greater than 5 x 104 and the formula computes
the frictional loss satisfactorily. However, for small diameter smooth
walled pipe used in the sprinkler system, the Hazen-Williams equation
with a C=150, under estimate the frictional losses. Hence for
simplicity a simple equation developed by Watters and Keller for use
with smooth plastic pipes less than 125mm in diameter can be used is
given by,

ΔH = K x (Q/C)1.75 x D1-4.75 x (L/100) x F

K is conversion constant, 7.89 x 107 for metric units
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

For larger plastic pipe, where the diameter is greater than 125mm,
the frictional head loss can be approximately calculated by,
ΔH = K x (Q/C)1.83 x D1-4.83 x (L/100) x F
K is conversion constant, 9.58 x 107 for metric units
These formulae are easy to use than the Hazen-Williams equation and
more accurately predict friction loss for 21⁰C water temperature
flowing in smooth plastic pipe.
The average head for design in a sprinkler lateral line can be
expressed approximately by,

Ha = H0 + 0.25ΔH + 0.4He
H0 = Ha - 0.25ΔH - 0.4He
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

Ha = Average pressure at nozzle, m
H0 = nozzle pressure at the farthest end of line,
ΔH = friction head loss in the lateral, m
He = maximum difference in elevation between the junction with the
main and the farthest sprinkler on the lateral, m
Head at main line due to lateral can be expressed as,
Hn = H0 + ΔH ± He + Hr ------- (1)
Hn = Head at the main line, m
Hr = Riser height, m
He is positive for uphill and negative for downhill
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

Substituting the value of Ho in equation (1)
Hn = Ha + 0.75H ± 0.6He + Hr
Design of mainline and submain
The diameter of mainline would depend on system capacity, which
will be decided by total number of laterals operated at a time. As, a
thumb rule, the main line friction loss of about 3 m for small systems
and 12 m for large systems may be allowed. The head loss an be
calculated by,
ΔHm = 1.21 x 10 10 x (Q/C)1.852 x Dm-4.871 x L
ΔHm= Total friction loss in mainline or submain, m
L = Length of pipe, m C = Friction coefficient,
Q = Discharge of pipe, lit/sec depends on pipe
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

Pressure requirement of the system :
The total pressure of the system depends on the sprinkler operating
pressure, riser pipe height, head loss due to friction in main and
submain and head loss due to fixtures and pumping water level. It
should be approximately equal to 10% of sprinkler operating pressure.
Ht = Hn + Hm + Hj + Hs
Ht = total design head required for pump, m
Hn = maximum head required at mainline to operate the
sprinkler on lateral at required average pressure, m
Hm = maximum friction loss in mainline, m
Hj = elevation difference between pump and junction of lateral and main, m
Hs = elevation difference between pump and water supply after drawdom
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals – System Capacity

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

Capacity of the sprinkler system :
Q = q x Ns
Q = discharge of all sprinklers, lit/sec
q = discharge of each sprinkler, lit/sec
Ns= total number of sprinkler operating at a time
The discharge of each sprinkler depends on sprinkler spacing and the
water application rate and can be computed as,
q = (Sl x Sm x I)/ 3600
q = discharge of individual sprinkler, lit/sec
Sl = sprinkler spacing along the lateral, m
Sm= lateral spacing along the main, m
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinkler Laterals – System Capacity

Design Of Sprinkler Laterals

Capacity of the sprinkler system :
The required system capacity may also be calculated by ,
Q = 2780 x A x d
F x H x E
Q = discharge capacity of the pump, lit/sec
A = area to be irrigated, ha
d = net depth of water application, cm
F = number of days allowed for completion of one irrigation
H = number of actual operating hours, hrs/day
E = water application efficiency, %
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Pump Selection

Pump Selection :
The pump required for sprinkler system should be of high head and low
discharge characteristics because the sprinkler usually requires high
pressure. The total head of the pump is also known as the dynamic
head and can be calculated as,
Total head of pump = suction head + delivery head + operating
pressure of sprinkler + filter loss + mainline
friction loss + fitting loss + elevation difference
Operating pressure of the sprinkler is about 25 m (2.5 kg/cm2)
Filter losses are assumed to be 2 m for sand filter and 2 m for
screen/disc filter.
Fitting losses are assumed to be 2 m
Design of sprinkler irrigation system
Pump Selection

Pump Selection :
Q x Hn
H.P. =
75 x Ep
Q = maximum flow rate of the system or pump capacity, lit/sec
Hn = Total dynamic head
Ep = Pump efficiency
H.P. = the horse power
Water Distribution Pattern

Uniform water distribution is necessary to maximize the crop

yield and quality and for an efficient use of available irrigation water
supplies. Although an absolute uniform application is not possible it can
be approached under field condition. The degree of uniformity is
affected by many factors and varies over wide limits. It largely depends
on the following factors:-
Wind velocity ( including direction)
Operating pressure
Nozzle size
Height of riser
Geometric pattern characteristic of the sprinkler
Rotation of the sprinkler
Water Distribution Pattern

Water distributed by a single sprinkler has approximately a

conical pattern where maximum application occurs near the sprinkler
and decreases partially to the edge of the area covered. Certain amount
of overlapping is, therefore necessary for uniform application.
Performance of a sprinkler system is judged on the basis of the
uniformity of distribution within an overlapped pattern. A measurable
index of the degree of uniformity which has been commonly adopted is
known as uniformity coefficient, Cu, proposed by Christiansen

 n

  x X = absolute deviation of
individual observation
Cu = 100 1.0  1  from the mean value m.
 nm  n = no of observation.
 
Water Distribution Pattern

Example:- In a given set of sprinkler layout, the depth of water, in cm,

caught in 25 open cans placed at regular intervals of 3 m with a sprinkler
area of 12m x 12m are given bellow. Calculate uniformity coefficient.
North Sol n

n = 25
0.58 0.55 0.51 0.62 0.61
Sum of all depths = 12.16cm
0.40 0.45 0.62 0.43 0.38
mean depth, m = 0.49 cm
0.36 0.52 0.60 0.42 0.43
West East Sum of absolute deviations
0.42 0.46 0.47 0.42 0.44
of individual depth from
0.54 0.42 0.52 0.47 0.52
the mean = ∑x =1.79 cm
South Substituting values in
above equation and simplifying,
Cu = 85.4 percent
Water Distribution Pattern

Wilcox et al (31) have proposed the use of a different uniformity co-

efficient, U, which has been defined by them as,
 S 
U  1001  
 m
Where S is the standard deviation of the readings and m is the mean
of the readings. The coefficient U, depends upon the standard
deviation as measure of the distribution uniformity and this involves
the square of the deviations of all readings from the mean. Squaring
the deviation gives added weight to the extreme readings and this is
the advantage that U has over Cu.
Benami and Hore (5) have proposed the use of a new
coefficient which is based on the consideration of deviations from the
means of the group of readings below the general mean and the group
above the general mean. Letting A represent this new coefficient.
Water Distribution Pattern

A = C1/C2
C1 = Mb – (∑Xb / Nb)
C2 = Ma – (∑Xa / Na)

Where Ma is the mean of the group of reading above the

general mean, Mb is the mean of the groups of readings below
the general mcan Na and Nb are the number of readings above
and below the general mean respectively, Xa is the absolute
deviation from Ma of the group of individual readings above the
general mean and Xb is the absolute from Mb of the group of
readings below the general mean.
Water Distribution Pattern

A = Na Mb Nb - ∑Xb
Nb Ma Na - ∑Xa

Mb Nb - ∑Xb = 2 Tb + Db Mb and
Ma Na + ∑Xa = 2 Ta + Da Ma
Na 2 Tb + Db Mb
A = N 2 Ta + Da Ma

Where Ta is the sum of readings above Ma, Tb is the sum of readings

below Mb, Da is the difference between the number of readings below
and above Ma( for the group above the general mean), and Db is the
Water Distribution Pattern

The above equation was suggested by Benami and Hore who

further found, on the basis of the analysis of actual sprinkler pattern
data, that a value of A = 0.60, in general, signified an effective water
distribution pattern. They, therefore suggested that the value of A must
be multiplied by 166 (i.e. 100/0.06) to give an absolute value of A for
the reference purpose in comparison to Cu.
Na 2 Tb + Db Mb
A = 166 x
Nb 2 Ta + Da Ma
Benami and Hore have claimed that coefficient A is a better
index of uniformity than the Cu coefficient.
Theoretical Ananlysis of Water

If a sprinkler is rotated at a uniform speed is perfectly still air, the

resulting pattern will be symmetrical about the centre. Depending upon
the shape and size of nozzles, operating pressure and other factors, the
pattern may be of any geometrical shape. Some of these shapes have
been studied by Cheristiansen. The pattern that results in most nearby
uniform depth of application has a cross-section approaching a triangle in
shape. For this pattern, Singh and Lal presented an analysis for calculating
the depth of water at any point resulting from a set of sprinkler. This
analysis is given below:-
If q is the average discharge from each sprinkler then the total
volume of water, Q, delivered by each sprinkler within time, t, is given by

Q = qxt
Theoretical Ananlysis of Water

This water spreads over the ground around the sprinkler in the form of
a cone whose volume equals ⅓πR2h where R is the radius of the spray
of sprinkler and h is the maximum depth of water application likely to
occur at the centre.

q x t = ⅓πR2h
And Hence,
h = 3 x Q x t ----- (1)
By proportion,hp which denotes the depth of water application at any
point P, located at a radial distance rp from the canter of sprinkler(fig.) is
given by

.P h
hp = (R - rp) ------ (2)
S1 R
R Substituting eq. (1) in (2)

3 x Q x t (R - r )
hp = p
πR 3
Since one sprinkler does not apply
water uniformly over the area, the
h system is to be so designed that
hp there is overlapping of spray by two
rp P or even more sprinklers.
Distribution pattern from an Individual Sprinkler
In the below figure at point p water is received from both the sprinkler. If
r1 and r2 are radial distance of point P sprinklers S1 and S2 respectively
then depth of water at point P will be

r1 r2
S1 S2

S1 S2
Theoretical Ananlysis of Water
of sprinkler and h is the maximum depth of water application likely to
occur at the centre.

q x t = ⅓πR2h

R h

rp P

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