GForce System

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Control System
Keeping You
In “Touch” With
Your Refrigeration

...and providing
new tools for
managing your
energy usage

Refrigeration Technologies/ GEA FES, Inc.

GEA FES, Inc., the first The GForce™ Panel can
compressor package manufacturer do the following:
■ Screw compressor control
to provide microprocessor-based ■ Rotary/Reciprocating compressor control
control for screw compressor ■ Centrifugal compressor control
Compressor sequencing
packages and systems, continues ■
■ Condenser fan/pump sequencing
to enhance the GForce™ control ■ Air unit cooling & defrost control
Vessel & Pump package control
panel, the most operator-friendly, ■
■ Chiller control
practical, and easy-to-use control ■ Refrigerant leak detection
panel in the industry. ■ kW limiting/load shedding

All of these functions and many more are

possible in a single, or distributed across
multiple, GForce™ panels.
GForce™ Panels to replace existing controls are A dedicated network can be built using only an
available for, and have been installed on the Ethernet switch and standard Ethernet CAT5 cable
following compressors: All types of FES packages, running to each GForce™ panel and to the remote
Grasso, Mycom, Howden WRV & XRV, Dunham-Bush, viewing computer. It’s as simple as that!
Kobe, Sullair, Frick, Stal and Sabroe twin screws;
Vilter and Hall single-screws; single and compound The GForce™ panel’s Ethernet Port also supports
recips manufactured by Grasso, Vilter, Mycom, Sabroe Modbus/TCP/IP industry standard protocols as well as
& Frick/York; and York and Carrier Centrifugals. Ethernet/IP protocol for providing access to an FES
MicroLINK SCADA System, a PLC, the plant’s DCS, or
any other supervisory system.
Easy Ethernet Communications
The GForce™ Ethernet port makes the panel highly Existing ComMENT Network?
compatible with outside communications. Through a A ComMENT Network interface option available for
secure Ethernet network, new or existing, a remote GForce™ panels makes new FES compressors
user is able to view and access the panel as if standing backward compatible with existing Micro-III based
right in front of it. Free FES supplied software or any sequencing via the FES ComMENT Network.
Java-enabled web browser can be used; no additional
software is needed.
General Description

Reliable & Secure

Built on an industrial processor
hardware platform and utilizing
the proven Microsoft Windows®
XP Embedded operating system Industrial Processor Assembly
software, the GForce™ Panel
Three levels of “watchdog” protection are
provides the reliability required designed into the panel hardware and soft-
by the Industry. ware to ensure that the compressor (or
other equipment) is only driven when the
panel is working properly. Even the inside
Want more details on its I/O Interface Board panel temperature is monitored, and will
reliability and construction? generate an alarm if too high. Each I/O
The GForce™ industrial processor is made for tough Interface Board provides up to 16 analog inputs (16-bit
environments and is designed for control purposes, resolution) and now up to 12 analog outputs (previ-
not for a desktop PC. It is based on an Intel processor ously 4).
that is currently used in many products. And
Rounding out the hardware is the I/O Rack connected
obsolescence is not a concern—the GForce ™ panel
to the I/O Interface Board. Each rack has space for
design allows for future replacement of a malfunc-
24 I/O modules configured as inputs or outputs by
tioning processor with a newer processor that is
the panel program. The industry standard modules
available, extending the panel’s useful life.
with fuse and LED indicator are available with a
built-in H-O-A toggle switch. Each I/O rack includes
Programs and data are stored on a “disk on chip”
a fuse tester and spare fuse.
type flash memory. The GForce™ mass storage
media will provide reliable data storage for many And the Software?
years. The GForce™ Panel’s operating application software
was developed directly from the FES Micro-III panel,
The GForce™ Panel screen is weather and chemical providing functionality that has been well-tested and
resistant, and it can withstand even a high-speed proven reliable since the mid 1990’s. This application
impact from a blunt object. The display’s backlight software interfaces to Microsoft’s Windows® XP
will last tens of thousands of hours; the panel’s Embedded operating system, custom tailored for the
screen saver feature makes sure these are hours of GForce™ panel hardware. Windows® XP Embedded
real use. and software tools used to develop the GForce™
application software are in use by many companies
Integral to the monitoring and control provided by and in many, many products operating throughout
the GForce™ panel is an I/O Interface Board custom- the world. By using proven operating system and
designed by GEA FES, Inc. for interfacing directly to development tools, the FES GForce™ development
the field devices. The processor accesses all field team has been able to concentrate on implementing
devices via a robust RS485/Modbus network connec- and testing the control and monitoring of the com-
tion to this I/O interface board, a very reliable means pressor and other refrigeration equipment. All help-
for reading the state of the inputs and directing the ing to ensure reliable GForce™ panel
outputs. software.

The I/O Interface Board, with its own microprocessor, Is it Secure?

can override the main processor and shut off the The GForce™ panel has 3 levels of security—Basic,
outputs for failsafe operation if it detects a problem. User, and Service—each with increased capabilities
It will direct all control outputs to their safe state. and each accessible via unique password entry.
■ Easy to Operate & View
The GForce™ Control Panel display is clear, crisp, Navigating from screen to screen is so easy it is almost
and easy to view. Utilizing a large 15” diagonal, natural. A touch of the Suction Pressure Display area
full 32-bit-color, LCD display with 1024 x 768 pixel near the compressor’s suction inlet will bring up a
resolution and a 120° viewing angle, the GForce™ screen with all Suction Pressure parameters —control,
provides high resolution color images, making even alarm & shutdown. Access of all panel information is
very detailed screens appear with superior clarity. one or two screen touches away!

The GForce™ display is also a resistive touch screen Multi-language support is included for standard screens
with active touch areas clearly indicated. The screen —English, German, French, Spanish, and Chinese are
can sense a stylus or a bare, oil-covered, or even standard. Further customization is available; the
gloved finger. GForce™ is adaptable for almost any language.

■ Easy to Maintain & Update

An ordinary USB Flash Memory Device plugged into The GForce™ Maintenance Scheduler lists tasks with
the GForce™ Panel’s USB port is the means for trans- time interval between service operations, time
ferring data to and from the panel. The transfer stamping when
capabilities are simple and versatile—operating program, service is done,
parameters, historical trend data, alarm history—all and tracking of
can be transferred from the GForce™ memory and time remaining
archived or used for analysis. Manuals and drawings, (in Run-time hours)
even a User’s document or picture in PDF format (SOP’s, until due.
equipment service photos, etc.) can be loaded into The GForce™
the panel’s memory and viewed on the panel display. Maintenance Log
Program updates are easy—the update is e-mailed provides a date
from FES and transferred to the GForce™ processor in and time-stamped
the field through this same USB port. log of activities
and a way for
For cleaning the screen, a Washdown mode is included. Users to enter
After cleaning, a series of touches in sequence at maintenance
specific points on the screen will return the screen to records and/or
its normal operational mode. notes for the next
shift Users to view.
■ Easy to Support
The GForce™ Panel can now generate its own startup all analog and digital control signals recorded for the
record document which lists current values of all analog 10 minutes prior to the shutdown. Analyzing this dis-
and digital points and all adjustable parameter settings. play or comparing the data to data still retained in
When trouble-shooting a problem, the refrigeration tech- panel's memory from earlier failures may help indicate
nician can quickly look at diagnostic utility screens, on- the source of the problem.
screen manuals, drawings and trouble-shooting guides. • To get additional help, the “Rx-Trend” data trans-
Also capturing “Rx-Trend” historical data, the technician ferred to a USB flash memory drive can be e-mailed to
can quickly display all analog and digital status with the the servicing contractor or FES for analysis and support
capability of e-mailing the data for diagnosis. assistance.
The GForce™ Panel has a minimal number of • Sensor or interface hardware failures can be
components to change and a minimal number of con- pinpointed using diagnostic screens available.
nections between them, making troubleshooting & • FES-supplied drawings, data sheets and parts lists
repair easier. The main components are: Processor/ stored in the panel memory can be viewed to locate
Touch Screen Assembly, I/O Interface Board, I/O Rack, the part that must be ordered, again right at the
Power Supply, I/O Modules, relays, and fuses. GForce™ panel.
Using the diagnostic & support features of the GForce™ • The repair can be logged into the panel’s own
Panel, how can an Operator find out why User-customized, date-stamped Maintenance Log for
a compressor shut down unexpectedly? future reference.
• The Shutdown Failure annunciation shows the • Alarms & shutdowns can automatically cause an email
actual shutdown condition. or text message to be sent to multiple levels of person-
• The “Rx-Trend” graphical screen displays the status of nel with acknowledgement capability when message
is received.
Screw ^
The Compressor view shows a
Compressor graphical representation of the
Control compressor and system components.

View it Your Way!

The GForce™ panel is
flexible. Operators can
view the compressor the ^
The OmniView is a tabular display
way they like to see it with of everything you need to know
a choice of three main about the compressor on a single
operating screens. screen, giving the ability to change
Many different tasks can a parameter and watch the effect.
be done at the panel
while the compressor is
parameter access; viewing ^
The Classic view, a favorite of
on-screen drawings and people who have worked with
manuals; maintenance
log and scheduler entries;
refrigeration systems for a long time;
viewing historical trend shows gauges, meters, lamps and
data and alarm history; etc. pushbuttons typical of an electro-
mechanical panel.

System Control
A single GForce™ System Panel can be configured for Up to 48 Analog Inputs, now 36 Analog Outputs, and
compressor sequencing, control and monitoring of 120 Digital I/O in one panel; Remote I/O GForce™
screw, reciprocating and rotary panels expand these to 160 Analog
vane compressors; control of Inputs, 120 Analog Outputs, and 480
condenser fans and pumps; Digital I/O. GForce™ Remote I/O Panels
control of air units; and other connect to their GForce™ Processor
refrigeration system functions Panel with a single, shielded, 3-wire,
like vessel/pump package control, communications cable, up to thousands
refrigerant leak detection, of feet in length.
engine room ventilation, and
KW monitoring and load

Panel Sizes and I/O GForce™ Main System Overview

Four panel sizes are currently available; all
are designed and built to meet UL/cUL
508A, Type 4 rating—22"H x 26"W x 8"D,
30”H x 26”W x 8”D, 40”H x 30”W x 10”D,
and 76”H x 36”W x 12”D.

Historical Trending

Compressor Sequencing
The Compressor Sequencing function is an energy
management control method that maintains stable
refrigeration plant suction pressures on process
temperatures by coordinating the operation of multiple
screw, recip and rotary vane compressors in a system.
The function’s purpose is to utilize the plant’s compressor
capacity in the most energy efficient manner.

• S equence up to 50 compressors— •E
 ach step has User-
GForce™-controlled via an Ethernet network; configurable opera-
FES Micro-III, Micro-II/IIE or MicroMASTER-controlled tion—starting, stop-
and Frick’s Plus or Quantum-controlled (version 3 or ping, loading, unload-
later) via the FES ComMENT network; electro- ing or automatic
mechanically- controlled recip and rotary vane com- control—for each com-
pressors via hard-wired digital I/O; on up to 4 suc- pressor individually.
tion air temperature levels.
 rum sequencer operation – a rise in suction pressure
above designated differential “moves” drum in
direction to increase capacity; drop in suction
pressure moves drum in decreasing capacity direction • Energy saving scheduler functions include:
and moving from step to step is governed by individu-
• Enable/Disable of compressors
al user-adjustable timers just for that step.
• Enable/Disable of sequencer
 ach step of sequencer has User-adjustable soak,
next step and previous step timers. •C
 hanging/Ramping suction pressure or process
temp setpoint

 inimize horsepower consumption at partial plant •A
 dding future GForce™ controlled compressors to
load. the sequencing on existing suction levels requires
 inimal installation costs using commonly-available no factory configuration changes, only Ethernet
Ethernet switches and Ethernet CAT5 cable to the wiring and User-adjustable addition of the compres-
GForce™ sequencing panel and to each of the sor using the GForce™ panel’s touch screen.
compressor panels. •T
 he sequencing function can be either added into a
 ecip and rotary vane compressors with electro- compressor's GForce™ panel or in a GForce™ panel
mechanical controls do not require replacement remote from the compressors.
of existing controls to be included in sequencing; •T
 ouch screen display of the sequencing GForce™
GForce™ panel is configured with the I/O needed panel can be used to remotely view operation of
for each recip or rotary. Existing safety switches are each compressor being sequenced.
left intact. • S equencer operates independently of the compressors;
 rovides cost effective and easily implemented therefore, it is unaffected by failed or marginally-
way of adding sequencing to existing compressor operating compressors.
installations. •T
 he sequencing function is fully predictable as
defined by the User’s setup.

Condenser Control
Condenser Control maintains stable system discharge
pressure by providing automatic cycling of the fans
and water pumps of evaporative or air-cooled
condensers. The condenser sequencer’s purpose is to
utilize the plant’s evaporative condenser capacity in
the most energy efficient manner. Other features are
provided to compliment and enhance this control.

 ontrols up to 50 devices on a common discharge  anual override of automatic stepping by
level. Factory configurable devices include any touching HOLD, LOAD (one step) or UNLOAD
combination of water pumps and single, dual, and (one step) screen buttons
variable speed fans. •T
 wo setup matrices exist so that two different fan/
 rum sequencer operation - rise in discharge pump sequences (example: winter/summer)
pressure above designated differential “moves” can be pre-programmed by the Operator. Matrix
drum in direction to increase evaporative condenser selection is manual or can be factory configured
capacity; drop in pressure moves drum in decreasing to change automatically based on ambient air
capacity direction. temperature or other system-defined function.
 condenser setup matrix allows the User to select •R
 un time is accumulated and displayed for each
and change each step of the sequencer at any time: device.
 he operation of each device—starting, stopping, •U
 ser-adjustable High-to-low spin down time for
high/low speed as well as automatic control for 2-speed fans
variable speed fans •U
 ser-adjustable Proportional, Integral and
 Soak” time for system to respond to change in Derivative constants for PID loop controlled
condenser capacity variable speed fans
• Delay times for stepping forward and backward • Energy saving scheduler functions include:
• The condenser setup matrix allows: • enable/disable of fans and pumps
• Any combination of device starting sequences • changing discharge pressure set point
• S ingle or multiple devices can be started or • switching control from one matrix to the other
stopped on the same step

Optional Features
 utomatic water pump lockout on low ambient keep the discharge pressure as low as possible
air temperature with a high discharge pressure while reducing wasted energy usage when ambient
override set point. outdoor conditions are not favorable for evaporative
 onitoring of condensed refrigerant liquid condensing.
temperature and alarm when non-condensables •H
 and-Off-Auto toggle switches in output modules
are in the system. for manual override of the condenser device control
 et-bulb control—floating discharge pressure outputs;
control set point based on wet-bulb temperature • Condenser sump monitoring/control
calculation using outside relative humidity and
ambient air temperature. This feature can help

Air Unit Control
The Evaporator Control functions provide temperature mon-
itoring and control for plant areas. Control outputs of the
GForce™ panel direct the opening and closing of valve sta-
tion solenoid or modulating valves and the starting and
stopping or speed control of air unit fans, providing the
cooling and defrost functions for each evaporator zone.

•G  Force™ panels can provide up to 80 configured • A ll defrost cycle timers—pump down, soft hot gas,
evaporator zone control groups for control of valve hot gas, bleed, and fan delay—are easily adjust-
stations and air unit fans. able.
• Zone control groups are factory-configured to • All zones have temperature alarm differential set
provide monitoring of a zone temperature and con- points above and below the current zone set point.
trol of fans and liquid, suction, soft hot gas, hot
gas, bleed, and humidity control solenoid valves.

•V arious standard features that can be used to es the turning on of zone fans to avoid power
minimize energy usage: spikes during power up.
• Zone defrost cycles can be initiated by liquid • Defrost loops provide a means for avoiding simulta-
runtime set point, scheduler, or manual initiate. neous zone defrosts; if defrost is initiated for a sec-
ond zone on a single loop, that zone’s defrost cycle
• Zone defrost terminate on coil temperature or will be delayed until the first zone’s defrost is termi-
other condition is possible through optional nated.
factory configuration.
• Easily-adjusted zone probe assignment is especially
• Zone temperatures can be lowered during useful for temporary re-assignment if a probe fails.
lower-cost energy periods and raised during peak
energy periods. • Zone outputs may be controlled from GForce™
panel with processor or from a remote I/O GForce™
• Ramping of zone temperatures is possible for panel; remote I/O panel can be located closer to
controlling temperature pull down and valve stations to minimize field wiring.
temperature increase rates.
• An extremely flexible Energy
• Fan cycling feature can be enabled for stopping Saving Scheduler is provided
the fans when the zone temperature is at set for initiating defrosts, chang-
point, another energy saving feature. Fans run ing/ramping zone tempera-
periodically for several minutes to agitate the air ture setpoints, enabling/dis-
in the room and to check the zone temperature. abling individual zones, and
• Automatically delayed startup of each zone stag- prohibiting individual zone defrosts;
all entries are user-defined.
Optional Features
• Factory configurable functions: •H  and-Off-Auto toggle switches in zone output
• Humidity control (Reheat function) modules provide means for manual override.
• Variable-speed air unit fan control • Fan isolation relays can be included in panel for
• KW limiting/load shedding zones with fan loads that exceed output module
current capacity.
• Heating control—hot gas or electric
• Defrost termination by coil temperature sensor or • Zone can be configured for Glycol air unit control.
other status • Defrost cycle can include a water-wash step.
Reciprocating and Rotary Vane
Compressor Control
Safety Monitoring and Capacity Control of reciprocating and rotary
vane compressors using direct, hard-wired I/O connections can be a
cost effective way of retrofitting existing instrumentation
or providing automated control for these compressors.

•E  ach recip/rotary compressor can be factory- •C  ontrol relay contacts are included for Oil Heater
configured with up to 5 capacity solenoid outputs and Oil Cooling control
and up to 10 capacity steps (including start). • Panel E-Stop switch is included
For total replacement of existing sensors and controls:
For those who wish to keep existing safety switches
• One GForce™ panel can accommodate up to four and devices, but still want sequencing of the 
reciprocating or rotary vane compressors with full compressor:
• A maximum of ten hard-wired compressors can be
• Capacity control of each compressor based on configured in one GForce™ panel
compressor’s own suction pressure is included
• If more than 10 are needed, a second GForce™
with load limiter functions standard.
panel can accommodate.
• Each compressor’s suction pressure, discharge
• Monitoring of safety shutdown input is included for
pressure, discharge temperature, oil pressure,
electro-mechanical safety annunciation.
motor current and a miscellaneous temperature
(e.g., for oil temperature or coolant temperature)
Optional features
are monitored with User-adjustable alarm and
safety shutdown set points provided. •D  ual Discharge configuration monitoring
• Unloaded Start and Oil Return outputs are available • 2-Stage reciprocating compressor control and

Management of Energy Usage and

Other Refrigeration System Monitoring and Control Functions
Many other functions •C  hiller system monitoring and control
normally needed in a • Monitoring of miscellaneous pressures, temperatures, levels and humidity with
complete refrigeration alarm annunciations
control system are  • Monitoring and control for glycol and water system with single or multiple pumps
also configurable in 
• Vessel and Pump Package monitoring and control with liquid level makeup control,
a GForce™ panel.
high and low liquid level alarms/shutdowns from level sensor and set points or float
These include, but 
switches, multiple pump lead/lag control with automatic switchover on loss of pump
are not limited to:
run interlock, loss of pump pressure or seal oil level.
• Refrigerant Leak Detector monitoring, alarm annunciation and equipment shutdown
• Fail-safe Engine Room Exhaust Fan control for room temperature and refrigerant
leak detection
• kW Usage monitoring and kW limiting functions
• Underfloor heating system monitoring and control
• NEW Energy Saving Scheduler, with both proactive (kW demand control)
and reactive (kW limiting/load shed control) operation, will save energy costs!

Computer System
 full-function, desktop PC-Based
Supervisory Control & Data
Acquisition (SCADA) System for an
FES Refrigeration Control System
 ble to communicate with and
provide SCADA functions for any
combination of FES Micro Panels,
FES PLC Panels and even PLC Panels
and Micro Panels supplied by other
• Includes Custom Overview screen

Satellite Panel showing P&ID and overview status

of the refrigeration system
The FES GForce™ Satellite Panel is used to • Includes Custom Planview screen of
display information from, and interact with, the facility showing location and
status of each air unit
multiple GForce™ compressor control and
 single point of collection for all
system panels. The front of the control panel historical and alarm history data
features a 15” full color LCD with a resistive
 rovides logging of supervisory
touch screen as the user interface. operations and changes
 ble to show any two screens
 Force™ panel dedicated to remote viewing selected by user at one time
 ble to remotely view information from, and
interact with, multiple GForce™ compressor and
system control panels
 iew up to four GForce™ panel screens at the
same time!
 rovides 15” full-color touch screen display, same
as all GForce™ panels
 rovides a cost-effective central HMI station
suitable for factory floor use; UL Type 4/Nema 4
enclosure rating standard, Nema 4X stainless or
fiberglass optional
 rovides a central location for documentation
storage/viewing and maintenance logging
 eplaceable processor/touch screen assembly
common for this panel and all other GForce™
 vailable with mushroom-style Emergency-Stop
switch for common point of equipment shutdown
via hardwired connections to other GForce™

Parts Centers
There are five strategically
located parts and compressor
rebuild centers in the United
States. Contact the nearest
center for certified FES parts.
GEA FES, Inc. Headquarters, York, Pennsylvania

3475 Board Road
York, PA 17406
Phone: 717-767-6411
Fax: 717-764-3627

18574 Van Road
Houston, TX 77049
Phone: 281-456-8500
Fax: 281-456-8504

3210 North Ad Art Road
Unit B1
Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: 209-931-3970
Fax: 209-931-1710

780 W. Randall Wobbe Lane
Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 479-751-6440
Fax: 479-751-6448

GEA Refrigeration CNA
3038 N.W. 82nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33122
Phone: 305-913-7500
Fax: 305-913-7501


3475 Board Road, York, Pennsylvania 17406
Ph: 717-767-6411 | Fax: 717-764-3627
Email: |

Form No. GForce 03-11

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