Comparative Study of Beam Using IS: 800-1984 & IS: 800-2007: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Comparative Study of Beam Using IS: 800-1984 & IS: 800-2007: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Comparative Study of Beam Using IS: 800-1984 & IS: 800-2007: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
allowable bending stress in compression may be taken the
same as that for tension.
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
b) The shear force is more in elastic method than limit state
by 13%.
2) Laterally Unsupported Beam
a) The moment carrying capacity for spans 1000mm &
2000mm is more in limit state method than elastic method for
almost all sections except ISHB200 to ISHB350 by about 5%.
b) For remaining spans, the moment carrying capacity is
more in elastic method by max. of 23% except for few
[1] Design Manual for Designing Steel Structure according to new
IS: 800-2007.
[2] Duggal.S.K. „Limit State Design of Steel Structures‟ Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited , New Delhi, 2010.,
3rd edition.
[3] Subhramanian K. „Design of Steel Structures‟ (Published in
India) by Oxford University Press 2007.
[4] IS: 800- 2007, Indian Standard, code of practice for general
construction in steel (second edition), Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi, 2008.
[5] IS: 800- 1984, Indian Standard, code of practice for general
construction in steel (second edition) Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi, 1985.
1) Laterally Supported Beam
a) The moment carrying capacity is more in limit state
method than elastic method by about 8% for smaller sections
and decreases upto 5% for ISHB150@34.6kg/m.
b) From ISHB200 to ISHB350, the moment carrying
capacity is less in limit state method than elastic method by
c) From ISHB400 to ISHB450, the moment carrying
capacity is again more in limit state method than elastic
method by 3%.
d) From fig. 2,3, as the span increases, the load goes on
e) From fig.4, the shear force is more in elastic method
than limit state by 13%.
2) Laterally Unsupported Beam
a) The moment carrying capacity for spans 1000mm &
2000mm is more in limit state method than elastic method for
almost all sections except ISHB200 to ISHB350 by about 5%.
b) For remaining spans, the moment carrying capacity is
more in elastic method by max. of 23% except for few
1) Laterally Supported Beam
a) The moment carrying capacity is more in limit state
method than elastic method by about 8% for smaller sections
and decreases upto 3% for higher sections.