Design With Strut and Tie Models ES en 2015 Training - MoC
Design With Strut and Tie Models ES en 2015 Training - MoC
Design With Strut and Tie Models ES en 2015 Training - MoC
Content 1. Introduction
2. Examples of D-regions in structures
3. Strut and tie models
4. Design of struts, ties and nodes
5. Example
Statical or
or both?
Strut-and-Tie Models
Prior to any cracking, an elastic stress field exists, which can
be quantified with an elastic analysis, such as a finite-
element analysis.
Cracking disrupts this stress field, causing a major
reorientation of the internal forces.
After cracking, the internal forces can be modeled via a
strut-and-tie model consisting of concrete compression struts,
steel tension ties, and joints referred to as nodal zones.
If the compression struts are narrower at their ends than
they are at midsection, the struts may, in turn, crack
longitudinally (cracked compression zones may lead to
failure if unreinforced
Compression struts
failing by crushing
Compression fan in
(CCC node)
1696 kN
1696 kN
948 kN 948 kN
2500 mm D2
848 kN 848 kN
848 kN 848 kN
2500 mm 189kN 943kN 943kN
D3 943kN 943kN
2500 mm
1054 kN 1054 kN
D4 D5
943kN 943kN
2500 mm
1. Isolate the D-Regions. The loading discontinuities
(wall has 2 statical discontinuities at the top and
bottom) dissipate in a distance approximately one
member dimension from the location of the discontinuity.
wall is divided into 2 D-regions separated by a B-
region. There are 3 more D-regions at the ends of the
columns which have little effect on the wall not
2. Compute factored loads. U=1.2440 + 1.6730 =
1696 kN
D-region D2
(i) Node A and struts A-B and A-L: Node A as a CCC node
(also hydrostatic node), either the node or one of the struts
A-B and A-L will control.
Node A: n = 1.0 (node is compressed on all faces) fce =
0.851.020 = 17 Mpa (VS. Rd,max = k1·’·fcd; ’=0,60(1-
fck/250) = 0,60(1-20/250) = 0,92 Rd,max = 1,0·0,92·11,33 =
6,26 Mpa)
Struts A-B and A-L: Bottle shaped struts s = 0.75 fce =
0.850.7520 = 12.8 MPa (VS. Rd,max = ·fcd; =0,60(1-
fck/250) = 0,60(1-20/250) = 0,92 Rd,max = 0,92·11,33 = 6,26
Mpa) governs according to ACI an area of
(16961000)/(0.7512.8) = 176667 mm2 is required. Column
area = 350 550 = 192500 mm2 ok (capacity reduction
factor = 0.75)
948 kN 948 kN
424 kN
848 kN 848 kN
848 kN 848 kN
Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018
5. Example
1200 mm
D-region D3
Nodes F and G are C-C-T nodes, similar to nodes B and L.
Use fce = 13.6 MPa, to determine the min dimensions for
all struts, ties, and nodes in D-region D3. See result in
column (7) of Table (CHECK as EXERCISE). All element
dimensions fit within the wall and supporting column
(i) Required area of reinforcement for tie F-G
Tie force Tu = 471 kN
Required As = 471000/(0.75420) = 1495 mm2
Thus, use 6 No. 19M bars, As = 1704 mm2, placed in two layers
of three bars per layer. This would put the centroid of these bars
approximately at mid-height of tie F-G whose height
(width)(131.9mm) is given in table below. All of these bars must be
hooked at the edges of the wall as shown in figure.
943 kN 943 kN
943 kN 943 kN
1054 kN 1054 kN
471 kN
943 kN 943 kN
Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018
5. Example