Design With Strut and Tie Models ES en 2015 Training - MoC

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June 2, 2018 Section 6.2 Shear


Content 1. Introduction
2. Examples of D-regions in structures
3. Strut and tie models
4. Design of struts, ties and nodes
5. Example

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

1. introduction

 Definition of Discontinuity Regions

 Structural members may be divided into portions called
B-regions (B = Beams, or BERNOULLI), in which beam
theory applies (linear strain distribution) and other
portions called D-regions (D = Discontinuity), where
beam theory does not apply and whose load flow
should be examined differently.
 D-regions can be geometric discontinuities, adjacent to
holes, abrupt changes in cross section, etc. or statical
discontinuities, which are regions near concentrated
loads and reactions

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

1. introduction

 Corbels, dapped ends, and joints (beam-column) are

affected by both statical and geometric discontinuities.
 For many years, D-region design has been by “good
practice,” by rule of thumb, and empirical.
 Three landmark papers by Prof. Schlaich (1982, 1987,
1991) changed this (according to MacGregor)
 Will present rules and guidance for the design of D-
regions based largely on these and other recent

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

2. Examples of D-regions in structures

Statical or
or both?

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

1. introduction

 Saint Venant’s Principle and Extent of D-regions

 Saint Venant’s Principle suggests that the localized effect of
a disturbance dies out about one member-depth from the
point of the disturbance. It may be the case, however, that
the whole structure represents a D-region such as in deep
beams or short walls.
 Figures (next slide) show D-regions in a number of structures
(discuss extent of D-Region above hole depth of D-region
is small  causing small B-region)
 ES EN 1992-1-1:2015 allows design with strut and tie
models (Section 6.5: 6.5.1 General, 6.5.2 Struts, 6.5.3 Ties,
6.5.4 Nodes S. 107)

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

2. Examples of D-regions in structures

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 Strut-and-Tie Models
 Prior to any cracking, an elastic stress field exists, which can
be quantified with an elastic analysis, such as a finite-
element analysis.
 Cracking disrupts this stress field, causing a major
reorientation of the internal forces.
 After cracking, the internal forces can be modeled via a
strut-and-tie model consisting of concrete compression struts,
steel tension ties, and joints referred to as nodal zones.
 If the compression struts are narrower at their ends than
they are at midsection, the struts may, in turn, crack
longitudinally (cracked compression zones  may lead to
failure if unreinforced

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 On the other hand, struts with transverse reinforcement

to restrain the cracking can carry further load and will
fail by crushing (see figure next slide)
 With reinforcement for crack control, strut is designed
with reduced fcd. (See Figure 6.24: Design strength of
concrete struts with transverse tension in ES EN-2:
 Failure may also occur by yielding of the tension ties,
failure of the bar anchorage, or failure of the nodal
zones. As always, failure initiated by yield of the steel
tension ties tends to be more ductile and is desirable

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

Compression struts
failing by crushing
Compression fan in

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 A strut-and-tie model for a deep beam is shown in

figure (next slide). It consists of two concrete
compressive struts, longitudinal reinforcement
serving as a tension tie, and joints referred to as
 The concrete around a node is called a nodal zone.
 The nodal zones transfer the forces from the inclined
struts to other struts, to ties and to the reactions.

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 A strut-and-tie model is a model of a portion of the

structure that satisfies the following:
 (a) it embodies a system of internal forces that is in
equilibrium with a given set of loads, and
 (b) the factored-internal member forces at every section in
the struts, ties, and nodal zones do not exceed the
corresponding factored-member strengths (resistances) for
the same sections
 The lower-bound theorem of plasticity states that the
capacity of a system of members, supports, and
applied forces that satisfies both (a) and (b) is a lower
bound on the strength of the structure. (see alternative
next slide)
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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 If for a given external loading we can find an

internal force system (in the struts, ties, and nodal
zones) that satisfies the condition of equilibrium and
boundary condition at all points, and the factored-
internal member forces at every section in the struts,
ties, and nodal zones do not exceed the
corresponding factored-member strengths for the
same sections, then the applied loads represent a
lower bound. (recall parallel for internal force
distribution was moment field in slabs)

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 For the lower-bound theorem to apply, the structure

must have:
 (c) sufficient ductility to make the transition from elastic
behavior to enough plastic behavior to redistribute the
factored internal forces into a set of forces that satisfy
items (a) and (b)
 The combination of factored loads acting on the
structure and the distribution of factored internal forces
is a lower bound on the strength of the structure,
provided that no element is loaded beyond its capacity.

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3. Strut-and-Tie Models

 In most applications of strut-and-tie models the

internal forces, FEd, due to the factored loads are
determined, and the struts, ties, and nodal zones
are proportioned using
 FEd < FRd (design format according to ES EN 1992-1-1)
(Design value of the nominal resistance of the struts,
ties, and nodal zones are greater than the design value
of the internal action effects)

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

4. Design of struts, ties and nodes

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

4. Design of struts, ties and nodes

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

4. Design of struts, ties and nodes

(CCC node)

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

4. Design of struts, ties and nodes

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

4. Design of struts, ties and node

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

5. Example

 Design of a wall loaded and supported by

 The 350 mm thick wall shown in Fig (SNS) supports
a 350 mm by 550 mm column carrying unfactored
loads of 440 kN DL 730 kN LL, plus the wt of the
wall. The wall supports this column and is supported
on 2 other columns which are 350 mm by 350 mm.
The floor slabs (not shown) provide stiffness against
out-of-plane buckling. Design the reinforcement. Use
fc’=20 MPa and fy= 420MPa

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

5. Example (D-region: stress
trajectories and strut and tie model)

Addis Ababa institute of Technology June 2, 2018

5. Example

1696 kN
1696 kN

948 kN 948 kN

2500 mm D2
848 kN 848 kN

848 kN 848 kN
2500 mm 189kN 943kN 943kN

D3 943kN 943kN
2500 mm
1054 kN 1054 kN

D4 D5

943kN 943kN

2500 mm

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5. Example

 Solution
 1. Isolate the D-Regions. The loading discontinuities
(wall has 2 statical discontinuities at the top and
bottom) dissipate in a distance approximately one
member dimension from the location of the discontinuity.
 wall is divided into 2 D-regions separated by a B-
region. There are 3 more D-regions at the ends of the
columns which have little effect on the wall  not
 2. Compute factored loads. U=1.2440 + 1.6730 =
1696 kN

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

5. Example

 3. Subdivide the boundaries of the D-regions and

compute the force resultants on the boundaries of the
D-region (Load Path Method)
 For D2, we can represent the load on the top boundary by
a single force of 1696 kN at the center of the column, or as
two forces of 848 kN acting at the quarter pts of the width
of the column at the interface with the wall. Strut-and-tie is
drawn using one force. The bottom boundary of Region D2
is divided into 2 segments of equal lengths, b/2 each with
its resultant force of 848 kN acting along the struts at the
quarter pts. This gives uniform stress on the bottom of D2.

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

5. Example

 4. Lay out the strut-and-tie models

 Two strut-and-tie models are needed, one in each of
D2 and D3. The function of the upper strut-and-tie
model of D2 is to transfer the column load from the
center of the top of D2 to the bottom of D2. The
compression stresses fan out from the column (2:1),
approaching a uds at the ht where the struts pass
through the quarter pts of the section. In D2 this occurs
at level B-L. Below this level struts B-C and L-K are
vertical and pass through the quarter pts of the width
of the section. This gives uniform compression stresses
over the width
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5. Example

 For D3, similarly, the load on top of D-region D3 will

be represented by struts at the quarter pts of the top
of the D-region. The strut-and-tie model in D3 transfers
the uniformly distributed loads, including the dead load
of the wall, from the top of D3 down to the 2
concentrated reactions where the wall is supported by
the columns.
 5. Draw the strut-and-tie models
 With recommendation that load-spreading struts have
(2 to 1) slope relative to the axis of the applied load
  = arctan (1/2) = 26.6

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5. Example

 D-region D2
 (i) Node A and struts A-B and A-L: Node A as a CCC node
(also hydrostatic node), either the node or one of the struts
A-B and A-L will control.
 Node A: n = 1.0 (node is compressed on all faces) fce =
0.851.020 = 17 Mpa (VS. Rd,max = k1·’·fcd; ’=0,60(1-
fck/250) = 0,60(1-20/250) = 0,92 Rd,max = 1,0·0,92·11,33 =
6,26 Mpa)
 Struts A-B and A-L: Bottle shaped struts  s = 0.75  fce =
0.850.7520 = 12.8 MPa (VS. Rd,max = ·fcd; =0,60(1-
fck/250) = 0,60(1-20/250) = 0,92 Rd,max = 0,92·11,33 = 6,26
Mpa)  governs according to ACI  an area of
(16961000)/(0.7512.8) = 176667 mm2 is required. Column
area = 350 550 = 192500 mm2  ok (capacity reduction
factor  = 0.75)

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5. Example

 (ii) Minimum dimensions for Nodes B and L: These are

C-C-T nodes  fce = 0.850.8020 = 13.6 MPa
1696 kN

948 kN 948 kN
424 kN
848 kN 848 kN

848 kN 848 kN
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5. Example


 6. Compute the forces and strut widths

 The calculations are given in tables below
Calculation of forces and strut widths in regions D2
D- Member V- H- Axial fce Width of
strut or
Region compo compo force nodal
D2 Node A 1696 0 1696 12.8 504.8
A-B 848 424 948 12.8 282.1
B-C 848 0 848 13.6 237.5
A-L 848 424 948 12.8 282.1
L-K 848 0 848 13.6 237.5
B-L 0 424 424 13.6 118.8
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5. Example

 Thiswill control the base dimensions of Nodes B and L

because struts B-C and L-K are prismatic struts that
could be designed by using s = 1.0.  The base
dimension of node B and the width of strut B-C is:
 ws = 848000/(0.7513.6350) = 237.5 mm.
 This is much less than b/2 (1250 mm), so the node easily fits
within the dimensions of the wall
 The height of node B is of interest for tie B-L. So,
 wt = 424000/(0.7513.6350) = 118.8 mm.
 This is a very small dimension and the reinforcement for tie B-L
will be spread over a larger distance and the dimensions of
nodes B and L will be much larger than the minimum values
calculated here

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

5. Example

 Check stress on the side of the nodal zone common

with the bottle shaped strut. It should not exceed fce
= 12.8 MPa. Since we have much bigger nodes this
will be satisfied easily. (Note the use of different
strengths fce, here on strut adjacent face because of
the extended nodal zone). If we had to design it as
a hydrostatic nodal zone then we had to use the
governing stress fce = 12.8 MPa on all faces and in
the nodal zone itself.

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5. Example

 (iii) Required area of reinforcement

 Tieforce Tu = 848  tan = 424 kN
 Required As = Tu/fy = 424000/(0.75420) = 1346 mm2
 Essentially a band of transverse steel having this area should be
provided across the full width of the wall extending about 25%
of the width of the wall above and below the position of tie B-L
so that the centroid of the areas of the bars is close to tie B-L.
See fig. Both ends of each bar should be hooked for proper
 Use 8 No. 16 M bars (As = 1592 mm2) at a vertical spacing of
300 mm, half in each face and hooked at both ends (See
figure SNS). This spacing provides a tie width of approx 1200
mm, as recommended above.

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5. Example

 1200 mm

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5. Example

 D-region D3
 Nodes F and G are C-C-T nodes, similar to nodes B and L.
 Use fce = 13.6 MPa, to determine the min dimensions for
all struts, ties, and nodes in D-region D3.  See result in
column (7) of Table (CHECK as EXERCISE). All element
dimensions fit within the wall and supporting column
 (i) Required area of reinforcement for tie F-G
 Tie force Tu = 471 kN
 Required As = 471000/(0.75420) = 1495 mm2
 Thus, use 6 No. 19M bars, As = 1704 mm2, placed in two layers
of three bars per layer. This would put the centroid of these bars
approximately at mid-height of tie F-G whose height
(width)(131.9mm) is given in table below. All of these bars must be
hooked at the edges of the wall as shown in figure.

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5. Example

943 kN 943 kN

943 kN 943 kN
1054 kN 1054 kN
471 kN
943 kN 943 kN
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5. Example

Calculation of forces and strut widths in region D3

D-Region Member V-compo H-compo Axial fce Width of

strut or
force nodal zone
D3 D-E 943 0 943 13.6 264.1
E-F 943 471 1054 12.8 295.2
F-G 0 471 471 13.6 131.9
G-H 943 471 1054 12.8 295.2
H-J 943 0 943 13.6 264.1
E-H 0 471 471 13.6 131.9

Dr-Ing. Girma Zerayohannes- AAiT-AAU 6/2/2018

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