Personalized Intelligent Tutoring System Using Reinforcement Learning
Personalized Intelligent Tutoring System Using Reinforcement Learning
Personalized Intelligent Tutoring System Using Reinforcement Learning
In this paper, we present a Personalized Intelligent Tutoring
System that uses Reinforcement Learning techniques to im-
plicitly learn teaching rules and provide instructions to stu-
dents based on their needs. The system works on coarsely la-
beled data with minimum expert knowledge to ease extension
to newer domains.
A Personalized Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) presents
individualized inputs based on a students needs and learn- Figure 1: Problem Overview
ing behaviour. In this paper, we use Reinforcement Learn-
with a weightage (wi ) for each type. The weightage defines
ing (RL) techniques to implicitly train the ITS with an adap-
the importance of the question type in the final evaluation
tive student model that estimates the student’s learning pat-
test-paper. At each step the ITS presents a question, records
tern. RL has the advantage of requiring no training data to
the student’s answer and then presents the solution to enable
learn - it essentially bootstraps which suits us due to the un-
the student to learn. The aim is to present questions such
availability of student specific labelling of data. As a proof
that they maximize the student’s learning at the end of the
of concept, we show that - using a coarsely labeled dataset
episode. Formulating the ITS as an RL problem allows it to
our tutoring system is able to significantly improvement stu-
be divided into 4 logical parts as shown in figure 1.
dent’s learning when compared against a non-intelligent tu-
toring system. The Teacher is an RL agent that interacts with the student
Based on its knowledge of the topic and experience gained through the environment suggesting a question-type (the ac-
during student interactions, the teaching system needs to tion) based on the current state of the student. At the next
suggest more relevant inputs to a student. To do this, an time step, it receives an answer from the student and a cor-
ITS must have a representation and understanding of the (i) responding reward.
topic or subject being taught (Knowledge/Data module), (ii) The Environment implements the action suggested by
student being taught (Student Model) and (iii) methods of choosing a question from the category selected by the agent.
instruction to present the inputs to a student in an optimal The Student component represents the student being taught
way (Pedagogic module). The knowledge module consists which can either be a real or a simulated student.
of problems with solutions (or hints) through which a stu- The Student Model serves as a state description for the RL
dent learns, a measure of difficulty level, details of the skills agent - providing an estimate of the student state and also
required to solve a problem, relations or dependencies be- a modified reward based on the observations from the envi-
tween different problems and topics etc. The student model ronment. The state of the system is estimated with the tuple
is based on prior knowledge about students learning habits, < {pi |iquesT ype}, n > where pi is the probability of the
external environment and on what constitutes skills and pro- student answering a question of ith -type correctly and n is
ficiency in a topic. The Pedagogic module represents the the fraction of the number of questions left to be shown in
knowledge a tutor has about the methods of instructions, the the episode. Note that the pi s indicate the state of the student.
optimal way of presenting it to students - the basis on which After everyk th step, the student model provides a weighted
the ITS suggests questions to a student. It is for learning this reward Nt wi pi (t) to the agent where pi (t) is the proba-
Pedagogic module i.e to implicitly train an ITS to teach - bility of answering question of ith -type correctly at time t in
that we use RL. the episode. Using a weighted reward based on the objective
function, instead of just based on the outcome of the imme-
ITS as an RL problem diate action, allows the agent to maximize return (long term
reward) at the cost of immediate rewards.
We look at the ITS as a finite horizon problem i.e. each
It would be difficult for an agent to learn its policies quickly
episode lasts for a fixed finite time. To minimize action
enough from a real student. Hence, the agent is initially
choices and labeling, each question in the data-set is catego-
trained against a simulated student allowing it to explore dif-
rized into different types based on its difficulty level along
ferent policies and learn; circumventing the risk of having an
Copyright c 2011, Association for the Advancement of Artificial adverse effect on a real student. It is with this learned policy
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. and the learning mechanism still in place that the agent in-
teracts with the real student to fine-tune its performance to lessons where a model has already been selected. We find
fit each student better. Depending on the current state of the that the more a student interacts with the system the more
student, the simulated student answers the question, views improvement is observed in his learning. Also, as the stu-
the solutions and updates its state according to equations dent becomes more proficient in a topic the agent minimizes
variance such that the final reward values are mostly near
pi (t + 1) = pi (t) + c · Xi,j (1)
the best case reward values of a random-agent. As expected,
pi (t + 1) = pi (t) + w · Xi,j (2) we find that maximum learning is observed for a Below-
where, question of type j is shown. c, w are constants and Average student and least learning for an Excellent student.
k<j pk (t)
Xi,j = αj,i · (1 − pi (t))
αj,i are constants. Equation 1 is used for questions’ an-
swered correctly and equation 2 for questions’ answered in-
correctly. Xi,j helps takes into account the current state of (a) After Lesson 1 (a) After Lesson 1
the student while performing an update.
RL Agent
We adapt our RL Agent to use an Actor-Critic algorithm
based on (Konda and Tsitsiklis 2000) where the RL Agent
has two components -The Actor and the Critic. The Critic (b) After Lesson 2 (b) After Lesson 2
follows a value function based method - learning Q(s, a)
for each state s while the actor follows a Policy Gradi-
ent approach with parameters representing the preference of
choosing actions. The critic calculates the error between the
value of state obtained in the current run and the estimated
value of the state. This error is then used by the Actor to (c) After Lesson 3 (c) After Lesson 3
update its preferences and refine its policy. The algorithm
selects actions using a soft-max policy (Sutton and Barto Figure 2: Below-Avg Student Figure 3: Average Student
1998) with critic Q-values factored into it.
The student model needs to estimate the state of the stu-
dent at every step i.e. it needs to estimate the start state
and the update parameters. As relatively few interactions are
available with a real student, estimating each of these pa-
rameters individually for each student is infeasible. Instead,
we use a set of student models with different parameter val-
(a) After Lesson 1 (a) After Lesson 1
ues representing different types of students and following a
set of update equations with their respective parameter val-
ues. The problem now reduces to selecting one of these rep-
resentative models for the student as interaction proceeds.
The simulated student on the other hand could follow up-
date rules completely unknown to the student model.
We utilize the transformation selection mechanism used (b) After Lesson 2 (b) After Lesson 2
in (Ravindran and Barto 2003) to select the student model.
A Bayesian Estimate of each model being the correct stu-
dent model is maintained. At each time-step the best model
according to the current estimate is selected moving to this
model’s estimated current state and suggesting actions based
on the selected model’s policy. To estimate the start state of
(c) After Lesson 3 (c) After Lesson 3
the student a set of questions of different types are presented
to the student - recording their answers without disclosing Figure 4: Above-Avg Student Figure 5: Excellent Student
the solutions. The student start state is estimated by the fre-
quency of questions correctly answered. References
Figures 2 to 5 compare learning achieved with our RL Konda, V., and Tsitsiklis. 2000. Actor-critic algorithms. In
agent (in red) against a random agent (in green) at the end SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 1008–1014.
of each lesson. Though we require atleast one lesson to Ravindran, B., and Barto, A. G. 2003. Relativized options:
select a student model we still observe some learning at the Choosing the right transformation. In ICML, 608–615.
end of first lesson. This can be attributed to learning made
through generalizations from states observed in subsequent Sutton, R. S., and Barto, A. G. 1998. RL : Introduction.