Viper17 Operation Descriptions: Table 8: "Controller Section "
Viper17 Operation Descriptions: Table 8: "Controller Section "
Viper17 Operation Descriptions: Table 8: "Controller Section "
x VOVP is the OVP threshold (see Table 8: "Controller section ")
x VOUT OVP is the converter output voltage value to activate the OVP (set by designer)
x NAUX is the auxiliary winding turns
x NSEC is the secondary winding turns
x VDSEC is the secondary diode forward voltage
x VDAUX is the auxiliary diode forward voltage
x ROVP together RLIM make the output voltage divider
Than, fixed RLIM, according to the desired IDLIM, the ROVP can be calculating by:
Equation 4
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The resistor values will be such that the current sourced and sunk by the CONT pin be
within the rated capability of the internal clamp.
Figure 26: OVP timing diagram