Sewer STD Specs 090801
Sewer STD Specs 090801
Sewer STD Specs 090801
August 1, 2009
Whenever in the specifications and contract the following terms, words, expressions or pronouns in place
of them are used, the meaning and intent shall be interpreted as follows:
Whenever it is provided that anything is "to be" or "to be done", "if" or "as" or "when" or "where approved",
"required", "directed", "prescribed", "satisfactory", "permitted", "ordered", "designated", "deemed
necessary", or words of like import, it shall be taken to mean and intend approved, required, prescribed,
permitted, ordered, designated, deemed necessary, or satisfactory, as the case may be, by the Engineer.
Whenever the word "Addenda" is used, it shall mean written notice or notices furnished to prospective
bidders prior to opening of bids and annexed to the contract.
Whenever the word "desirable", "suitable", "sufficient", "satisfactory", or others of a similar purport are
used, it is hereby agreed that the desirability, suitability, sufficiency, satisfactoriness, or other denominated
condition shall be as determined by the Engineer.
Whenever the term "railroad area" is used, it refers to and means that portion of the street included
between the tracks, the rails of the tracks and two (2) feet in width outside, and any other portion of the
street that the railway company is required by its franchise to maintain.
Whenever reference is made herein to any other specification, plan or section of these specifications, it
shall mean the latest revision thereof in effect at the time of invitation to bid, unless otherwise specifically
Whenever or wherever an article or any class of materials is specified by the name of any particular
patentee, manufacturer or dealer, or by reference to the catalogue of any such manufacturer or dealer, it
shall be taken as intending to mean and specify the article or materials described, or any other equal
thereto in quality, finish and durability, and equally as serviceable for the purposes for which it is or they
are intended. Nothing in these specifications shall be interpreted or taken to violate the provisions of
Chapter 13 of the New York City Charter including, without limitation, Sections 312 and 321 thereof.
(1) The sewers, water mains and appurtenances will be built on the lines, at the depths, at the grades
and in the manner shown on the contract plans and on any working drawings that are issued by the
Engineer. Deviations to avoid boulders, rock outcrops or utilities are expressly prohibited, unless
otherwise approved by the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee.
(2) LINE MAY BE CHANGED - If the line of the sewer and/or water main is changed from the location
shown on the plan(s), so that the Contractor avoids disturbing existing or additional pavements which the
Contractor otherwise would have had to disturb and replace, a sum of money representing the cost of
such avoided replacement will be deducted from the amount which would have been payable to the
Contractor upon the completion of this contract, had the line of the sewer and/or water main not been
changed. Where there are no applicable unit bid prices for temporary or final restoration of pavement and
the costs are included in the unit bid prices, this cost will be computed in accordance with and at the
prices specified in Subsection 1.07.6.
The Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee may change the line of the sewer and/or water main
or the location of the receiving basins, or other sewer and/or water main appurtenances, provided such
changes do not materially affect either the character or the amount of the work to be done, or the
conditions under which it is to be performed, and provided that the sewer and/or water main shall be built
within the limits of the streets shown on the plan(s), and the Contractor hereby agrees to make no claim
for damages or extra compensation on account thereof.
Unless otherwise expressly provided in the contract drawings, specifications and addenda, the Contractor
shall begin work at the outlet of the sewers to be connected thereto and proceed continuously upstream
therefrom and complete it in a manner that will permit the expeditious use of the sewer to be built under
the contract. For water main installations the sequence of work and shut down periods shall be
determined by the Engineer and approved by the Department of Environmental Protection, agency
borough distribution engineer. The means and methods of construction shall be such as the Contractor
may choose; subject, however, to the Engineer's right to reject means and methods proposed by the
Contractor that in the opinion of the Engineer will:
(2) Not produce finished work in accordance with the terms of the contract; or
(3) Cause excessive damage to existing conditions (i.e. Trees, Curbs, Sidewalks, etc.).
The Engineer's approval of the Contractor's means and methods of construction, or the Engineer’s failure
to exercise the Engineer’s right to reject such means and methods, shall not relieve the Contractor of the
Contractor’s obligation to complete the work of the contract; nor shall the exercise of such right to reject
create a cause of action for damages.
(1) New Year’s Day (3) Independence Day (5) Thanksgiving Day
(2) Memorial Day (4) Labor Day (6) Christmas Day
The above hours of work shall apply except when, because of failure to shut down any water main due to
any difficulty encountered, or because of any act or omission by the City, the work of connecting to
existing water mains is delayed, and such delay mandates that work be performed beyond 4:30 P.M. in
order to restore water service.
If the day preceding any of these holidays falls on a normal work day, then no water shutoffs will be
allowed on that day preceding the holiday and the Contractor shall cease construction operations and shall
restore the streets to public use by midday of that day. The Contractor may be granted permission to
continue working beyond midday on the day preceding a holiday if the Contractor requests written
permission at least seven (7) calendar days in advance from the Engineer and receives written approval
from the Engineer prior to the holiday.
Pursuant to the provisions of §24-222 of the Noise Control Code: the permissible hours of work shall be
on weekdays from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., unless a variance therefrom is provided in the contract.
Existing pavements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, flaggings, and crosswalks shall be properly adjusted to the
work done under this contract, as directed.
(A) Tree Preservation, Protection, Removal and Replacement shall be done in accordance with the
following New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications:
(B) When performing curb and sidewalk work around existing trees, the Contractor shall be required to
modify work methods of installing new curbs and sidewalks. This special modification of work shall be
done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway
Specifications Section 8.02 - Special Modification Of Work For Installation Of New Curb And
Sidewalks. Payment for this special modification work shall be made under following Highway item
(1) The Contractor shall employ all means and methods necessary to avoid removal of existing
trees. If it is determined by the Engineer to be absolutely necessary that existing healthy trees
within the contract area be removed due to the installation of new sewers, water mains or
pavements, replacement trees shall be planted within the project limits wherever possible but
the number planted shall not exceed that required by the equal caliper replacement rule.
Replacement trees shall be planted where directed by the Engineer and in accordance with the
standards of the Department of Parks and Recreation. Should the planting of trees require saw
cutting and removal of existing sidewalks, the cost of such work shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for the respective Tree Planting items of the contract. In no case shall any tree be
planted less than five (5) feet from a utility pole or in front of bus stops.
(2) The Contractor shall supply the office of the Director of Forestry of the Borough in which the
work of this project is being performed with the name and certificate of insurance of the
landscape contractor should one be needed for this project.
(3) The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be notified by the Contractor twenty-four (24)
hours in advance as to which trees are to be removed should this become necessary.
(4) In the event of tree trunk damage, the tree shall be bark traced within three (3) days.
(5) New house connections shall be constructed so as to provide safeguards to prevent existing
tree damage.
(6) No storage of material and/or equipment on Parks Department’s property will be allowed during
(7) A recent survey of all existing trees within the scope of this project may be available from the
Director of Forestry for the Borough.
(8) No additional or separate payment shall be made for the hereinabove work described in this
Subsection 1.06.5(C). The costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
items of the contract.
All fences, gates, shrubbery, lawn areas, pipes, retaining walls, paved entrances and exits, and all other
encroachments, encumbrances, or obstructions above or below ground surface, and the related
foundations and appurtenances which are upon the line of work when it is begun, or thereafter placed
thereon, and which are affected by the construction operation, shall be removed by the Contractor to the
extent directed by the Engineer, and shall be replaced and/or rebuilt to the satisfaction of the Engineer and
the property owner.
The Contractor shall take preconstruction photographs of all affected encumbrances as specified in
Subsection 1.06.31. The Contractor shall remove and restore all affected encumbrances and/or
All excess excavated material, with the exception of contaminated material, shall become the property of
the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of away from the site, at the Contractor’s expense.
Contaminated material shall be disposed of separately in accordance with contract requirements.
(1) A bench mark and the control lines for the alignment and levels necessary for the prosecution of the
sewer and water main work, where required, shall be established by a Licensed Professional Land
Surveyor retained by the Contractor. When necessary, the Land Surveyor shall obtain the required data
from the Topographical Bureau, Office of the Borough President, in the respective borough in which the
work is to be performed.
The Contractor shall also provide the alignment, elevation and position for all construction work between
the controls. Chiefs of Party employed by the Contractor, for establishing alignment and levels between
controls, shall hold a license issued by the State of New York as either a Professional Engineer or Land
The aforementioned shall be subject to check and correction by the Engineer. The Contractor shall keep
the Engineer informed at a reasonable time in advance of the time and place the Contractor intends to do
work. The Contractor, at the Contractor’s own expense, shall, when required, supply all stakes, range
piles, range sites, scaffolding, platforms, and staging necessary to place and maintain the controls for
lines and levels. The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy of all controls, lines and grades
established by the Contractor.
When ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor's survey party shall take all measurements and prepare cut
sheets and sketches, indicating elevations, locations and other field data pertaining to this contract.
Signed copies of such surveys and sketches with P.E. or L.S. seal affixed shall be delivered to the
Engineer as required.
During the progress of sewer work, the Contractor's Survey Party will be required to check the As-Built
Elevations of the completed work. Elevations shall be taken and furnished to the Engineer whenever a
five hundred (500) linear foot section of sewer is completed and at every manhole.
(2) CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE - The Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance
for the Engineer for inspection, measuring, investigation, etc., when required, without charge or expense
to the City.
(3) Unless otherwise noted the elevations indicated on the plans refer to the respective Borough Sewer
Datum specified below in feet above mean sea level as established by the U.S.C.G.S. at Sandy Hook,
New Jersey.
The Contractor shall safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, monuments and bench marks, made or
established on or near the line of the work, and the Contractor agrees to accept the responsibility for and
to remedy at the Contractor’s expense any mistakes that may be caused by the unauthorized disturbance
or removal of such points, stakes, grade marks, monuments and bench marks.
Prior to starting any excavation work the Contractor will be required to contact the respective President of
the Borough where the work is being performed to ascertain the exact locations of any City monuments
within the limits of the work. A copy of the locations of these monuments shall be given to the Engineer.
Based upon these locations the Contractor shall not disturb or excavate within five (5) feet of any City
monument until such time that said monument has been referenced or reset by a New York State
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor. Notification must be given to the respective Borough President's
Office prior to any resetting.
Upon permission from the Borough President's Office the Contractor shall take up and preserve such
Upon completion of the work the Contractor will be required to reset the monument at its original location
or set it at a new location as directed by the respective Borough President's Office.
A New York State Licensed Professional Land Surveyor at no cost to the City of New York shall perform
all work regarding the resetting of monuments. The costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices
bid for all items of work.
(1) Prior to the commencement of and during the progress of the work under this contract the
Commissioner shall have the right to undertake, and to grant permits for any construction, reconstruction
and repairing of any pipes, water mains, sewers, basins, subway ducts and railway tracks, and any
appurtenances thereof located on and adjoining the line of the work, and for any connections with and
additions to such pipes, etc.; and for such purposes, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to suspend
work on any part of this contract. The Contractor agrees that the Contractor will not interfere with nor
place any obstruction in the way of any person or persons who may be engaged upon such work.
(2) PERMITS FOR CONNECTIONS - The Commissioner is hereby authorized, by the contract or
otherwise, to connect any water mains, sewers or drains to the work built under this contract and to grant
permits to any person or persons to make connection therewith at any time before it is completed. The
Contractor agrees that the Contractor will not interfere with nor place obstructions in the way of such
persons as may be employed in building such water mains, sewers and drains, or in making such
connections, and the flow from such sewers, drains and connections will be permitted by the Contractor to
discharge into the work built under this contract and the Contractor agrees to make no claim for
compensation, damages or delay on account thereof. The issuance of such permits shall not be
considered as an acceptance by the City of the part of the sewer into which such connections empty or
flow, nor shall the Contractor on account thereof be relieved from the cleaning of the sewer prior to the
final examination of the work. No new connections or drains will be allowed made or joined to the work
built under this contract unless the Commissioner has duly issued a permit. This permit shall be shown in
all cases to the Engineer.
(1) The Contractor shall provide at the Contractor’s own cost for the flow of the sewers, drains and
watercourses interrupted during the progress of the work, and shall immediately remove and dispose of all
offensive matter. The flow throughout the entire length of such sewers and appurtenances as are to be
replaced by the work to be done under this contract shall be maintained by the Contractor. The
Contractor, as may be directed, shall, at the Contractor’s own cost and expense, remove all bulkheads
from the sewers with which the work under this contract will be connected.
Wherever the work to be built under this contract, or the trench in which it is to be constructed, follows the
line and occupies the place of or intercepts any existing sewer, drain, culvert, basin connection or house
connection, the Contractor shall connect the same with the sewer built under this contract.
The costs of providing temporary services shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
At no time will the Contractor be permitted to use open troughs or use the trench as a flume.
Before bidding, the Contractor shall examine the route of the existing sewer seeking all necessary
information (including the examining of the existing sewers for evidence of surcharging) and the
Contractor shall make own determinations of any and all conditions, particularly the method of the
Contractor’s fluming operations, which may affect the performance of the Contractor’s work and the
Contractor’s bid prices under this contract.
Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall submit the Contractor’s method of fluming to the
Engineer. The Contractor shall provide and construct flumes, temporary sewers, dams and other facilities
necessary to divert or otherwise take care of and maintain the flow in the existing sewer, including all
incidental work without separate payment. The cost thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for
all items of this contract.
(2) SEWERS TO BE KEPT CLEAN - During the progress of the work, and until the completion and
acceptance thereof, the sewers, drains, basins, culverts and connections built under this contract shall be
kept thoroughly clean throughout, and shall be left clean. They shall be free from all defects due to poor
materials or workmanship.
All existing catch basins located in the streets in which sewers are to be constructed within the limits of the
contract, shall be cleaned and connections flushed. Cleaning shall be performed after final restoration is
completed and prior to the final inspection.
Unless otherwise specified, the cost of cleaning the existing catch basins and connections shall be
deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
(A) (1) Prior to the start of any sewer work, the Contractor shall submit to the Borough Engineer a
typical fluming and/or bypass-pumping diagram. This diagram shall include detailed information
pertaining to the maintenance of existing sewer flow, house connection pickup, sizes of flume piping,
upstream and downstream damming, pump size, hours of operation, power driven air circulating
system and overflow weirs. No sewer work shall be performed before the Contractor receives written
confirmation of the Engineer's approval of the detailed fluming and/or bypass-pumping diagram. The
cost of all diagrams shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of this contract.
(2) The above referenced fluming diagram shall detail the Contractor's method to prevent debris,
silt, and grease from migrating downstream during any cleaning or construction operations. The
Contractor shall be required to clean the downstream sewer if debris, silt and/or grease from any
cleaning and/or construction operation are not captured and removed.
(B) In accordance with the approved fluming diagram, the Contractor shall provide and construct flumes,
temporary sewers, dams and other facilities necessary and required to maintain flow in existing
sewers and house connections. The costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the
various contract items. No separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
(C) The Contractor shall maintain fluming, and/or bypass pumping until such time that the Engineer
inspects and approves, in writing, that portion of sewer that has been completed.
In general, sewers, drains, culverts, basins, basin connections, manholes, etc., physically interfering with
the construction shall be removed and all others shall be abandoned, except as otherwise noted on the
plans or as specified or directed.
The cost of removing and abandoning existing sewers, water mains, drains, etc., including the breaking
down and filling in of inlets, basins, manholes, valve chambers and other appurtenant structures shall be
at the expense of the Contractor and shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work. No
separate or additional payment will be made for the removal and abandoning of existing sewers, water
mains, drains, etc., including the breaking down and filling in of inlets, basins, manholes, valve chambers
and other appurtenant structures unless there are specific items provided for in the Bid Schedule.
Unless otherwise specified, where inlets, basins, manholes and other appurtenant structures are to be
abandoned on existing sewers, drains, etc., the Contractor at the Contractor’s own expense, shall
bulkhead all pipe connection openings to existing structures, shall remove all castings off existing
structures, shall break down existing structures to a depth four (4) feet below final grade, shall break up
the existing structures’ bottom slab in such a manner as to prevent water from being trapped, and shall fill
in and compact the existing structures’ entire openings in accordance with Subsection 4.06.3 and as
directed by the Engineer. Unless specific items are provided for in the Bid Schedule, the cost of this work
shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
Unless otherwise specified, where water mains are to be abandoned, the Contractor at the Contractor’s
own expense, shall remove all valves, hydrants, valve boxes and covers off mains, and shall seal all ends
of mains. In addition valve chambers shall have their heads and covers removed, shall be broken down to
a depth four (4) feet below final grade, shall have bottom slab broken up in such a manner as to prevent
water from being trapped, and shall have the entire opening filled in and compacted in accordance with
Subsection 4.06.3 and as directed by the Engineer. Unless specific items are provided for in the Bid
Schedule, the cost of this work shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
Wherever sewers, drains, basin connections, etc., twelve (12) inches or larger in their least dimension and
water mains twenty-four (24) inches or larger in nominal diameter are to be abandoned they shall be
completely filled hydraulically with an excavatable flowable fill in accordance with Section 5.33 -
Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains or other methods submitted by the Contractor
and approved by the Engineer in writing. Payment for this work shall be made under the item labeled
The Contractor admits that the Contractor has carefully examined the location of the work, has made
special inquiries at the offices of the companies or individuals owning, controlling or operating pipes,
conduits, tunnels, tracks and other structures, and the Contractor has determined to the Contractor’s
satisfaction the character, size, location and length of such pipes, conduits, tunnels, tracks and other
structures, and the obligations, if any, of said companies or individuals to protect and remove the same;
that the Contractor has inspected the public records of the various City Departments having cognizance
and control of the City's water pipes, conduits and sewers, and the Contractor has made such further
personal inspection and investigation as the Contractor deemed proper to determine the correctness of
the information so obtained; and the Contractor clearly understands that the City does not insure the
accuracy of such records, reports or information, and agrees that the Contractor will not make any claim
against the City for damages or extra work caused or occasioned by the Contractor’s relying upon such
records, reports or information furnished by any City Department or any companies, either as a whole or in
The proposed water mains shall be constructed so as to meet existing water mains as shown on the
contract plans and as directed by the Engineer.
House connections and existing catch basin connections may not be shown on the contract plans.
The elevations and locations of underground facilities have been plotted on the plans by means of the
most reliable information available, however, their accuracy is not guaranteed.
Prior to the start of construction the Contractor shall investigate all elevations and locations of all existing
inlet and outlet sewers and manholes, water mains, utility facilities, etc. If the actual field locations and
elevations vary from those shown on the plans the Contractor must immediately notify the Engineer in
All of the aforementioned investigations must be performed prior to the start of construction and the cost
thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that from time to time revisions and additions are made in
the Sewer and Water Main Standard Drawings. A copy of the latest Standards may be obtained at the
following location:
All the work shown on the contract drawings shall be done in accordance with the Specifications and
Sewer and Water Main Standards.
The Contractor shall, except as otherwise provided for in Subsections 1.06.18 and 1.06.24, hereof, give
notice in writing to all utility and other companies or individuals owning or controlling any pipes, conduits,
tunnels, tracks or other structures which shall be found, upon excavating, to occupy the place of the
sewers, water mains and appurtenances thereof to be laid or built as required herein so that said
companies or individuals may remove their structures at their expense and the Contractor shall not cause
any hindrance to or interference with such companies or individuals in removing their structures.
However, if said utility, railroad, or other companies or individuals, within five (5) days after receipt of such
notice shall fail to remove their structures, the Contractor shall, upon the written approval of the
Commissioner, remove the same, it being expressly understood that the cost thereof shall not be a charge
against the City, but shall be a matter for adjustment between the Contractor and the company or
companies or individuals concerned.
The Contractor shall, except as otherwise provided for in Subsections 1.06.18 and 1.06.24, hereof, give
notice in writing to all utility and other companies or individuals owning or controlling any pipes, conduits,
tunnels, tracks or other structures which shall be found within one (1) foot of the limits of ordered
excavation or otherwise be in interference so that said companies or individuals may protect, support,
maintain or temporarily remove and replace their structures, and the Contractor shall not cause any
hindrance to or interference with any such utility company or companies or individuals in protecting,
supporting, maintaining or temporarily removing and replacing main and service pipes, conduits, tunnels,
lampposts, lamps, tracks or other structures. The Contractor agrees that the Contractor will suffer the
Contractors must comply with the provisions of 16 NYCRR Part 753 (also cited as Industrial Code 53 or
Code Rule 53), including, but not limited to, the provisions of Subparts 753-3.1(a) and (b), which states
that excavators shall notify the New York City One Call Center at 1-800-272-4480 at least two (2) but not
more than ten (10) working days, not including the date of the call, before the commencement of
excavation. Copies of which may be obtained at the following location:
Department of Labor
One Main Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Contractor as a result of the compliance,
noncompliance, or improper compliance by the franchised operators of underground facilities, with 16
NYCRR Part 753.
The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Contractor for the support, protection, temporary
removal, replacement and maintenance of underground facilities owned by franchised operators of such
The Contractor is advised that the provisions of 16 NYCRR Part 753 do not apply to City owned
utilities. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to determine the location of the City owned
underground distribution systems. The Contractor shall make own field observations and
research the City’s records to determine the location of such facilities before the commencement
of excavation.
The Contractor agrees, except as otherwise provided in Subsections 1.06.18 and 1.06.24, hereof, to
confer with and to make an offer to or entertain an offer from such private companies or individuals as
own the said pipes, conduits, tunnels, tracks or other structures, and the Contractor further agrees to enter
into an agreement with said utility or other companies or individuals by what terms and at what prices the
support, protection, maintenance, temporary removal and replacement of the pipes, conduits, tunnels,
tracks and other structures will be undertaken and accomplished and in the event of the failure to make
such agreement with said companies or individuals the Contractor will not complain nor make any
demand for additional compensation or pay for supporting, protecting, maintaining, temporarily removing
and replacing the said pipes, conduits, tunnels, tracks or other structures.
It is expressly understood that the cost of supporting, protecting, maintaining, temporarily removing and
replacing the said pipes, conduits, tunnels, tracks or other structures shall not be a charge against the
City, but shall be a matter of adjustment between the Contractor and the company or companies or
individuals concerned.
The Contractor agrees to sustain in their places and protect from injury all railroad tracks, gas mains,
conduits, subways, steam pipes and pneumatic pipes and all service connections therefrom and all other
property belonging to public service companies along the line of the work and outside of the line of
ordered excavation from direct or indirect injury by blasting, caving, or otherwise, and the Contractor
hereby assumes all expenses for direct or indirect damage which may be occasioned by injury to any of
them, and the Contractor agrees to have a sufficient quantity of timber and other necessary materials and
appliances on hand at all times and use the same as required for the sheeting and bracing of sides and
ends of excavation and for sustaining and supporting any structures that may be undermined, weakened
and endangered or threatened; and in case any damage or injury shall result to said structure through or
All prospective bidders are hereby advised that, pursuant to the "Gas Facility Cost Allocation Act", ("the
Act"), the City of New York has entered into an agreement ("the Agreement") with the gas companies
(Con Edison and National Grid (formerly Keyspan Energy Delivery)) operating in their respective areas of
the City to "share" the cost of facility relocation and/or support and protection of facilities disturbed by
proposed water and/or sewer and related City work specified in this contract. Therefore, bid items,
specifications and estimated quantities for the incremental costs of support and protection of certain gas
facilities have been included in this contract. The low bid for this contract shall be determined by
examining each bid for all work to be performed under this contract including any work of support and
protection of gas facilities to be performed. The Contractor shall not seek additional compensation from
gas companies except as specifically set forth in its contract. (See Addenda to the Specifications.)
The Contractor expressly admits and covenants that the drawings, specifications and other provisions of
this contract, if the work be done without fault or negligence on the part of the Contractor, do not involve
any danger to the fire alarm telegraph system of the City, sewers, water mains, hydrants, hydrant
connections, duct lines owned, leased or operated by the City, lamps, lampposts, monuments, sewer and
water service pipes, sidewalks, curbs, trees or any other city-owned properties or to the foundation walls
or vault walls, stoops or other parts of abutting or adjacent private buildings. The Contractor will at the
Contractor’s own expense make good any direct or indirect damage that shall be done in the course of
construction to any such structures or property through or by reason of the prosecution of the work.
Unless otherwise specified, at least forty-eight (48) hours before breaking ground for the purpose of
constructing the work on this contract, the Contractor agrees to give notice hereof in writing to each and
every City Department owning structures within the limits of the work and obtain their written permission
before the Contractor disturbs any property or structure under the jurisdiction of these Departments.
The Contractor shall notify the Fire Department’s Bureau of Fire Communications at Tel. No. (718)
624-4194 or (718) 624-3752 at least thirty (30) days in advance of starting construction and to make
an appointment to pick up FDNY base maps at 87 Union Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231. However,
said drawings are made available to the Contractor only as information in the possession of the City,
without any warranty, expressed or implied, as to their accuracy or sufficiency. The Contractor must
make own field check of all information obtained from these drawings before putting it to use.
All existing Fire Department Communication facilities shall be supported, protected and maintained,
and have provisions made for their continuous operation during construction. All alarm boxes and
posts must remain accessible. If, due to the Contractor’s operation, Fire Alarm Service is
inadvertently interrupted or Fire Communication System equipment or facilities are damaged, the
Contractor will be held responsible and shall replace them immediately at the Contractor’s own
expense and in accordance with Fire Department standards, specifications and requirements.
To request street mark outs of Fire Communications underground facilities, the Contractor must
contact Plant Operations Engineering at Tel. No. (718) 624-4194 or (718) 624-3752 at least thirty
(30) days prior to commencement of work.
The Contractor shall notify the Department of Parks and Recreation, not less than seventy-two (72)
hours prior to the start of construction to permit a survey and examination of the site by the
Department of Parks and Recreation Inspection Unit.
Existing water pipes or appurtenances owned, controlled or operated by the City, or any part of the fire
alarm telegraph system of the City, or any duct line or conduit owned, leased or operated by the City,
occupying the place of the sewers, water mains and appurtenances to be laid or built as required herein,
will be removed and relaid or rebuilt as required by the work of the contract. The cost thereof shall be
included in the prices bid for all the items for which there are contract prices, unless otherwise specified.
The Contractor agrees to support and to properly protect from injury the City fire alarm communication
system, all water mains and service water pipes, sewers and appurtenances and conduits or duct lines
owned, controlled or operated by the City which may be affected in any manner by the work done under
this contract, except as hereinbefore provided, and to protect all such water and service pipes from
freezing. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Commissioner shall be and is hereby authorized, after two (2)
days written notice to the Contractor, to relay and recaulk and repair the same immediately, in each block,
as the work progresses, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor, and the City hereby is
authorized to retain and deduct said cost out of the monies which may be due or become due to the
Contractor. In general, existing traffic signal and streetlighting conduits are not shown on the contract
drawings. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to determine the location of the traffic signal and
streetlighting underground distribution system. The Contractor shall make own field observations and
research the City’s records to determine the location of such facilities. The cost of all support, protection
and investigation performed by the Contractor as specified above shall be included in the prices bid for all
the items for which there are contract prices, unless otherwise specified. Should it prove necessary to
disturb existing traffic signals or streetlighting equipment that is the property of the City of New York, the
Contractor shall provide temporary signals and streetlighting. Upon completion of the work, traffic signals,
lamps, lampposts, and accessory equipment shall be restored and temporary facilities shall be removed.
Such work shall be accomplished in coordination with the Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic
Operations and the appropriate utility companies. All costs for connections, disconnections, supply,
erection, dismantlement, storage, and restoration of existing facilities shall be included in the prices bid for
all contract items, unless otherwise specified. Should the Contractor disturb, damage, or relocate any
conduits, junction boxes, traffic and/or lampposts, lamps or traffic signals in the streets affected by this
work, such damage or relocation shall be immediately repaired with the knowledge of and to the
satisfaction of the City. The cost of such work shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor, unless
otherwise specified.
All water service pipes damaged, cut or otherwise interrupted in the performance of the work under this
contract shall be repaired by a licensed plumber at the expense of the Contractor under the rules and
regulations of the City of New York. The Contractor shall obtain all no-fee permits for water service repair.
All water service pipes damaged during construction and requiring repair shall be replaced with one (1)
continuous piece from the water main to the farthest point of the damage utilizing a single coupling as
directed by the Engineer.
If, for the purpose of performing the work or any part thereof required by the contract, the City has entered
into an agreement with any railroad company, or the owner(s) of any property through or across which the
work, or any part thereof, is to be constructed, the Contractor agrees to carry on such work or such part
thereof, as directed, in accordance with the terms of such agreement, a copy of which is annexed and is
hereby agreed upon as forming part of this contract.
The Contractor hereby agrees that no excavated material or materials of construction shall be placed by
the Contractor or for the Contractor upon private property, unless by written permission of the owners or
lessees thereof. Any such material placed without written permission will be removed by the Contractor,
and all damages to said property remedied by the Contractor at the Contractor’s own cost and expense.
Unless such materials are removed and such damage remedied by the Contractor within forty-eight (48)
hours after service upon the Contractor of a written notice to do so, the Contractor agrees that the
Commissioner shall be and is hereby authorized to dispose of such materials, and to remedy such
damage and deduct the expense thereof from the moneys due or to become due under this contract.
Copies of all written permissions shall be given to the Engineer prior to the placement of any material on
private property.
The Contractor shall provide working conditions that are as safe and healthful as the nature of the
construction operation permits. All such safe and healthful working conditions shall be in accordance with
OSHA requirements and regulations. Sewer and water main construction that require proper lighting in
order to comply with OSHA shall be lighted with electric lights in sufficient number to insure proper work
and inspection.
The Contractor shall keep the air in all sewers and water mains in which work is being performed in a
condition suitable for the health of the workers. A sufficient supply of fresh air shall be provided at all
times in all places underground. Provisions shall be made for the testing and monitoring of gases and for
the quick removal of gases and dust created by operations in the sewers and water mains.
Should natural ventilation prove inadequate, ventilation plants of ample capacity shall be installed and
operated while the work is going on and at such other times as is required to produce conditions
hereinbefore specified.
No separate payment will be made for the providing of safe and healthful working conditions. The cost for
the above work shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
No excavated or other material necessary to be disposed of, excepting as herein otherwise specified, shall
be dumped or placed within the limits of any existing or projected public street or road, nor shall any
material be excavated and removed from such locations, without the written permission of the
Commissioner. In addition, no construction material or equipment shall be stored on public property
without all appropriate permits and the written permission of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall maintain and protect all pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the limits of the
contract in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard
Highway Specifications Section 6.70 - Maintenance And Protection Of Traffic.
The Contractor shall give notice in writing, at least forty-eight (48) hours before breaking ground for the
purpose of constructing the work mentioned herein, to the Department of Transportation, Fire Department,
Police Department, Department of Sanitation, Transit Authority and to any bus company operating on the
street(s) affected by the work. The Contractor shall cooperate with the City Departments and Agencies
and utility companies affected by the work of this contract.
(1) The Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of a competent professional photographer who,
at the direction of the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s authorized representative, shall take
Preconstruction Photographs and Construction Progress Photographs and such other photographs that
may be required during the period of this contract.
(2) The photographs will generally represent views of the original surface conditions of streets, curbs
and walks, buildings that show evidence of damage or disrepair, emergency situations, and views of the
work under construction. All photographic prints shall be 8" x 10" in size, single weight, of glossy finish
and in color. The Contractor shall furnish to the Commissioner, for each view taken, two (2) - 8" x 10"
color prints and one (1) negative, minimum size 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" in color. Prints shall be inserted in
standard weight Archival Quality clear poly sheet protectors and submitted in a hard cover three (3) ring
binder. The following information shall be imprinted, or indelibly printed, on a white border measuring no
more than one and one-half (1-1/2) inch at the bottom of the front of the photograph:
Each negative shall be numbered accordingly to correspond to the photograph and shall be inserted in
Archival Negative Preservers.
Photographs showing the original condition of all encumbrances and/or encroachments that may be
affected by the construction of the proposed sewer, water main and related work shall be taken prior to the
start of construction. These photographs shall be in addition to those required in paragraph (6) below.
(3) All photographs and negatives shall become the property of the Commissioner. All completed
photographs shall be delivered to the Borough Engineer, Department of Design and Construction, within
one (1) week after the photographs have been taken.
(4) The Photographer shall be available for taking the required photographs within forty-eight (48) hours
after receiving notification from the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s authorized representative.
(5) A minimum of four (4) views for every one hundred (100) linear feet of estimated sewer or water
main length will be taken for Construction Progress Photographs.
(7) No separate payment will be made for the expense of the Photographer or for the taking and
providing of all required photographs, negatives, etc.; the cost thereof shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for the various contract items.
(8) No separate payment will be made for the expense of furnishing the required binders; the cost
thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the various contract items.
(9) The Engineer reserves the right to reject any and all views that are not reasonably clear and
definitive. No separate or additional payment will be made for any additional photographs that are
required as a result of the rejecting of views. The cost shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the
various contract items.
For the purpose of design, borings have been taken for projects that include sewer work. If not included
as part of the contract documents, the boring samples, field and office records, and the reports on
subsurface conditions are available for inspection by bidders. The Contractor may obtain copies of the
boring records, reports, etc. at the following location:
Projects that only involve water main work may not have boring information available.
The City shall have the right to use and place in service any of the mains and appurtenances installed as
soon as the same are laid and connected. If these mains and appurtenances require testing and there is
a delay of over seven (7) calendar days in conducting such tests, regardless of the reason for delay in
such testing, the mains and appurtenances may be used before being tested. Such use shall not be
considered as an acceptance of the work or any part thereof, nor shall it affect the maintenance period as
(A) The specifications are intended to assure sewer and water supply facilities of great permanence and
of maximum degree of reliability of service.
(B) All materials, fixtures, fittings, supplies and equipment furnished under this contract shall be new, of
standard, first grade quality, and of the best workmanship and design. No inferior or low grade, or
obsolete articles will be approved or accepted, and all work of assembly, installation and construction shall
be done neat, first class and workmanlike in manner. The apparent silence of the specifications as to any
detail, or the apparent omission from them of a detailed description concerning any work to be done and
materials to be furnished, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best practice is to prevail and that
only the best material and workmanship is to be used; and interpretation of these specifications shall be
made upon that basis. Should any conflict occur in or between the drawings and specifications, the
Contractor shall be deemed to have estimated on the most expensive way of doing the work unless the
Contractor shall have asked for and obtained a decision in writing from the Commissioner before the
submission of the Contractor’s bid, as to what shall govern. In asking for prices on, or placing orders for,
materials, fixtures, fittings, supplies and equipment intended for use or installation under this contract, the
Contractor shall provide the manufacturer or dealer with such complete information from these
“This order is subject to inspection by The City of New York; and shall not be processed until
inspection instructions have been issued by the Engineer.”
(C) Whenever the characteristics of any required material are not particularly specified, such approved
material shall be used as is customary in first class work of the nature for which the material is employed.
The Contractor shall install any proprietary articles in full compliance with all recommendations of the
manufacturers of such articles.
Materials or equipment furnished for identical service or use shall be the product of one manufacturer,
except as otherwise approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall make all repairs to sewers, water mains, appurtenances and street surfaces labeled
“URGENT REPAIRS” within eight (8) hours of notification of such by the Engineer. If the Contractor fails
to make the required urgent repairs within the time specified, and because of the urgency of repairs it
precludes the issuance of a notice as provided in Article 48.2 of the Contract, the Commissioner shall
have the right to have the work done by others in the same manner as provided for under Article 51 of the
The Contractor must keep informed of the condition of the curbs, sidewalks, roadway pavement, gutters
and headers, etc., under the maintenance guarantee period specified in Article 24 of the Contract, and
will be required to keep the same in repair without notice from the Commissioner. In case of failure or
neglect on the Contractor’s part to do so, then the Commissioner shall have the right to purchase such
materials as deemed necessary, and to employ such person or persons as deemed proper, and to
undertake and complete said repairs by contract or otherwise and to charge the expense thereof against
any sum of money retained by the City, as specified in Article 24 of the Contract. When the expense to
the City is greater than the sum retained, the Contractor shall pay all such expense to which the City may
have been put by reason of the Contractor’s neglect to make such repairs as aforesaid.
The Contractor shall immediately repair and make good to the satisfaction of the Engineer all
disintegration, cracks, bunches, waves, deteriorations and defects of every nature or settlements or
depressions in the pavement, pavement base, subgrade material, gutters, headers, curbs, sidewalks, etc.,
which shall occur at any time during the maintenance guarantee period. Prior to proceeding with repairs
the Contractor must notify and obtain the approval of the Department of Design and Construction as to the
Contractor’s method of repairs. The City will repair all defects for which, in the opinion of the Engineer,
the Contractor is not responsible.
Where a settlement, depression or defect in the pavement, pavement base, subgrade material, gutters,
headers, curbs, sidewalks, etc., is a result of backfilling not placed under this contract, as certified by the
Engineer; or is caused by settlement of the backfill which is not due to the failure of the Contractor to
comply with the requirements of the specifications, but is due to the unstable condition of the soil
underneath the backfill, (as certified by the Engineer); the Contractor shall not be responsible for the
On unpaved streets, if the earth has not settled level with the adjoining roadway within thirty (30) days after
the backfilling of the trench, the Contractor shall bring the fill to the grade of the adjoining roadway.
The moneys deposited as specified in Article 24 of the Contract may be used on behalf of the City by the
Commissioner in replacing the curbs, sidewalks, headers, gutters, roadway pavement, pavement base or
surface of unpaved streets, subgrade material, etc., and in replacing, recaulking or repairing water mains,
water service pipes and appurtenances, should any settlement occur or other defect develop within the
time specified in Article 24 of the Contract, which in the opinion of the Engineer was due to improper
workmanship or materials supplied by the Contractor.
Should the Contractor fail to remedy defects promptly within two (2) days after the service of notice upon
the Contractor to do so, then the Commissioner shall have the right to have the work done by other parties
and deduct the cost thereof from any moneys due the Contractor under this contract. Within this period
no certificates given, nor payment made, shall be construed as accepting defective work or material or
condoning any negligence or omission.
The payment of the moneys deposited in accordance with Article 24 of the Contract will be contingent on
the Contractor’s compliance with all stipulations and requirements for surface restoration under the
maintenance guarantee as certified by the Engineer. The City will pay to the Contractor the sum
deposited or such parts thereof as may remain at the end of the specified period after the expense of
making repairs has been paid therefrom. The City will not pay any interest on any moneys deposited.
Where there are no applicable unit bid prices for temporary or final restoration of pavement and the costs
are included in the unit bid prices, deductions from partial payments for pavements, curbs, sidewalks, etc.,
that have been disturbed but not permanently restored will be made at the unit prices listed below for the
restoration required under the contract.
The Contractor shall exercise care and caution while performing the restoration work so as to insure the
maintenance of continuing service to all underground facilities.
The Contractor must complete the surface restoration work within the time fixed therefor in Article 14 of
the Contract, or within the time to which such completion may be extended. If the date for completion
should fall within the months of December through March (inclusive), and the Contractor has not finished
the surface restoration work, then in that case the Contractor may be eligible for an extension of time for
said months, or such part thereof as the Commissioner may determine the Contractor was precluded from
performing surface restoration work due to weather.
1.08.1 LABOR
(1) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Labor Law 220. The Contractor’s attention is
directed to the following five (5) requirements for full contract compliance with Labor Law 220; proper
payment, posting, sign-in sheets, information cards and identification badges.
(2) Payroll records shall be provided to the Engineer together with payment requests.
(3) A copy of the Letter of Transmittal is to be sent to the Department of Design and Construction. At
the time of completion, of all contract work, the Contractor shall obtain a letter from the Division of Labor
Services, evaluating the Contractor’s compliance with Executive Order No. 50 (E.O. 50). The Department
of Design and Construction cannot process a distribution of final payment until the above is complied with.
1.08.2 VENDORS
Prior to starting work, the Contractor will submit in writing the names of all vendors and manufacturers the
Contractor intends to use. The Contractor shall submit only one (1) vendor or manufacturer for each
product that is to be incorporated in the contract. The use of multiple vendors or manufacturers to supply
the same product will be prohibited. If a vendor or manufacturer is not on the approved list, the Contractor
will submit same for approval.
The Contractor shall, at the Contractor’s own cost and expense except as otherwise may be provided,
make the necessary arrangements for, and obtain all permits required for the Contractor’s work.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer, copies of all permits and all correspondence between the
Contractor and the permit-issuing agency, including copies of all routine forms that must be submitted as
a condition of such permits.
(1) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits from the Department of
Environmental Protection.
(2) Such permits and all City water necessary to perform the work of the contract, including but not
restricted to filling and testing water mains, will be furnished by the Department of Environmental
Protection from the nearest City hydrant without cost to the Contractor. An approved and certified RPZ
(Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventer) must be connected to the hydrant while the hydrant is being
used. All water shall be used as directed by the Engineer so that unnecessary waste may be avoided.
The Contractor shall receive upon request, all necessary no fee permits required by the New York City
Department of Transportation, to open, use, store equipment and conduct operations in the roadway.
At the time of completion of all contract work, the Contractor shall obtain a letter from the Director of
Contract Compliance Programs evaluating the Contractor’s Compliance with Part C, Section 9 of Local
Law 49 (LBE requirements) or applicable MBE/WBE requirements. The Department of Design and
Construction cannot process a final payment until the above is complied with.
All definitions of materials shall be in accordance with the Specifications on Nomenclature of the American
Society for Testing and Materials, Designations C125, C150, E6, A81 and E44, unless otherwise specified
(A) FINE AGGREGATE - mineral materials all of which pass a three-eighth (3/8) inch sieve.
(B) COARSE AGGREGATE - mineral materials all of which pass a three (3) inch sieve with not more
than ten (10) percent passing a Number Four (4) sieve.
2.01.3 ASPHALT
Any solid natural bitumen or a residue from the distillation of an asphaltic petroleum.
2.01.4 AASHTO
2.01.5 ANSI
2.01.6 ASTM
2.01.7 AWPA
2.01.8 AWWA
2.01.9 BITUMEN
The product obtained by pulverizing clinkers consisting essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, to which
no additions have been made subsequent to calcination other than water to cool the clinkers while they
are hotter than dull red and/or untreated calcium sulfate, except that not to exceed one (1) percent of
other materials may be added, provided that such materials have been shown not to be harmful.
Concrete produced at an approved plant, ready for use prior to discharge into a transporting vehicle.
An earthy or stony mineral aggregate consisting essentially of hydrous silicates of alumina, plastic when
sufficiently pulverized and wetted, rigid when dry, and vitreous when fired at a sufficiently high
2.01.13 CONCRETE
A homogeneous mixture consisting essentially of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water.
The degree of workability of freshly mixed concrete as indicated by the slump test.
A concrete mixture whose proportions are expressed in terms of a sack of cement (one (1) cubic foot) and
of separated volumes of damp-loose aggregates measured on the job. Damp-loose aggregates are
considered to be materials as delivered on the job.
2.01.18 GRAVEL
The coarse granular material, larger than sand grains, resulting from the natural erosion of rock.
2.01.19 ISO
Concrete whose constituent materials are proportioned at a central plant and mixed at the job, or concrete
whose constituent materials are proportioned and mixed at a job plant.
2.01.21 NAAMM
2.01.22 SAND
The fine granular material (usually less than one-quarter (1/4) inch in diameter) resulting from the natural
disintegration of rock or from the crushing of rock.
2.01.23 SHALE
A thinly stratified, consolidated sedimentary clay with well-marked cleavage parallel to the bedding.
2.01.24 SIEVE
An apparatus, in which the apertures are square, for separating sizes of material.
Analysis of aggregate by sieves in accordance with "Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates",
ASTM C136.
2.01.26 SLUMP
The settlement of the top surface of a truncated cone of freshly mixed concrete as determined in
accordance with the "Method of Slump Test for Consistency of Portland Cement Concrete", ASTM C143.
2.01.27 SPIB
All water carried by the aggregate other than that absorbed by the aggregate particles.
Concrete whose constituent materials are proportioned at a central plant and mixed with water in a
transporting vehicle.
The total quantity of water entering the mixture including the surface water carried by the aggregate
expressed in terms of U.S. gallons per sack (ninety-four (94) pounds) of cement.
2.01.32 WCLIB
Whenever any reference is made to a standard drawing and/or standard specification of any agency,
authority or department, it shall mean the latest edition or revision in effect at the time of invitation to bid.
2.02.1 INTENT
This section describes hub and spigot vitrified clay pipe and fittings for sewers and appurtenances.
2.02.2 KIND
Vitrified clay pipe and fittings shall be Full Inside Diameter Extra Strength. Socket sizes shall be standard
or deep and wide as specified.
2.02.3 SIZE
(A) Vitrified clay pipe shall be of the sizes shown in the following table:
2.02.4 BRAND
Each pipe shall have clearly impressed on its outer surface the class of pipe, the name of manufacturer
and the factory in which it was made. No more than one (1) brand of pipe for any one (1) size will be
(A) Vitrified pipe shall be manufactured from surface clay, fire clay, or shale, or a combination of these
(B) Vitrified pipe shall be thoroughly and perfectly burned without warps, cracks, or other imperfections,
and shall be unglazed fully. Only fully unglazed pipe shall be acceptable.
(A) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Pipe and fittings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM
Specification for Extra Strength Clay Pipe - Designation C700 except as modified herein.
(B) DIMENSIONS - Dimensions shall be in accordance with the Full Inside Diameter Extra Strength Pipe
Table in Subsection 2.02.3(A).
(C) SHAPE - All pipe shall be circular with hubs true and concentric with the barrel of the pipe.
(D) STRAIGHTNESS - Pipe intended to be straight shall have a maximum ordinate, as measured from
the concave side of the pipe, of not more than one-eighth (1/8) inch per foot of length.
(E) FITTING - Curved pipe shall be furnished in one-eighth (1/8) and one-quarter (1/4) bends as shown,
specified or required. Slants, branches and split pipe shall be in accordance with ASTM C700.
(F) STRENGTH, ABSORPTION AND RESISTANCE TO ACIDS - Crushing strength (by the three-edge
bearing method), absorption and resistance to acids shall be in accordance with ASTM C700.
(G) SOUNDNESS - When it is broken, vitrified pipe shall show dense and solid material, without serious
cracks or laminations. It shall be of such toughness that it can be worked with a chisel and hammer, and
when struck with a hammer, it shall have a metallic ring.
Joint material shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.07, and unless otherwise shown, specified
or ordered shall be Type 3 - Elastomeric Pipe Joint.
Vitrified pipe and fittings shall be subject to visual inspection at the site of the work. Individual imperfect
pieces may be rejected on account of any of the following:
(A) DIMENSIONS - Variations in any dimension exceeding the permissible variations given in the Full
Inside Diameter Extra Strength Pipe Table in Subsection 2.02.3(A).
(B) BARREL OR SOCKET FRACTURES OR CRACKS - Fractures or cracks passing through the barrel
or socket, except that a single crack in the spigot or a single fracture in the socket which will not affect the
strength of the joint may be permitted.
(C) INTERIOR CHIPS OR FRACTURES - Chips or fractures on the interior of the pipe or fitting
exceeding two (2) inches in length, one (1) inch in width, and of a depth more than one-quarter (1/4) of the
thickness of the shell.
(D) BLISTERS - Blisters that are broken or of such size or shape that will impair the strength of the pipe.
(E) FIRE OR HAIR CRACKS - Fire cracks or hair cracks sufficient to impair the strength, durability or
serviceability of the pipe.
2.03.1 INTENT
This section describes bell and spigot cast iron pipe and flexible joint cast iron pipe, including fittings and
special castings, for sewers and appurtenances.
2.03.2 KIND
(A) Cast iron pipe and fittings shall be of the following classes:
2.03.3 SIZE
(A) Cast Iron pipe shall be of the sizes shown in the Reference Specifications.
(C) Special castings shall be of the sizes and dimensions as shown, specified, or required.
2.03.4 BRAND
(A) Every pipe and fitting shall have distinctly cast upon it the initials of the manufacturer's name for
(B) The weight and class letter shall be conspicuously painted by the manufacturer, with white oil paint,
on the inside of each pipe and fitting after the coating has become hard.
(A) Pipe, fittings and special castings shall be made of cast iron of good quality, and of such character as
shall make the metal of the castings strong, tough and of even grain, and soft enough to satisfactorily
allow for drilling and cutting. The metal shall be made without any admixture of cinder iron or other inferior
metal, and shall be remelted in a cupola or air furnace.
(B) Pipe, fittings and special castings shall be smooth, free from scale, lumps, blisters, sand holes and
defects of every nature which render them unfit for the use for which they are intended. No plugging or
filling will be allowed.
(A) Pipe shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the American Standards
Association for Cast Iron Pit Cast Pipe, Designation A21.2 or for Cast Iron Centrifugally Cast Pipe,
Designations A21.6 and A21.8.
Fittings shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the American Water Works
Association for Cast Iron Fittings, Designation C100.
(B) Dimension, weight and allowable variations of pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with the
Reference Specifications.
(C) Special castings shall comply with the requirements stipulated herein for pipe and fittings.
2.03.7 COATING
Every pipe, fitting and special casting shall be thoroughly and evenly coated inside and outside with an
approved coal tar pitch varnish. The coating shall be smooth, tough and tenacious when cold and shall
not be brittle or have any tendency to scale off.
2.03.8 JOINTS
Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5 as defined for ductile iron pipe.
2.04.1 INTENT
This section describes hub and spigot cast iron soil pipe and fittings for sewers and appurtenances.
2.04.2 KIND
Cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall be extra-heavy cast iron and shall be uniformly coated with coal tar
pitch inside and outside and shall conform to ASTM A74 and ANSI A112.51.
Joints for hub and spigot cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall be made with positive double seal
compression type rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM C564.
2.04.4 SIZE
(A) Cast iron soil pipe shall be of the sizes shown in the following table:
(A) The pipe and fittings shall be iron castings suitable for installation and service in sewer lines, and
shall meet all applicable requirements and tests.
(B) The castings shall be made of gray cast iron, produced by an established commercial method that
provides adequate control over chemical and physical properties. The castings shall be sound, true to
pattern, and of compact close grain that permits drilling and cutting by ordinary methods. The interior
surface shall be reasonably smooth and free from defects that would make the castings unfit for the use
for which they are intended.
2.04.6 COATING
The pipe and fittings shall be uniformly coated with coal tar pitch; or similar material suitable for the
purpose; that is adherent, not brittle, and without a tendency to scale. The coating shall be evenly and
smoothly applied to all surfaces.
2.04.7 MARKING
Each length of pipe and each fitting shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer's initials or registered
trademark by which the manufacturer can be readily identified, and with letters to indicate the proper
classification. (ex. XH - Extra-Heavy)
The marking may be cast, stenciled, or otherwise applied on the pipe so as to be clear and legible at the
time of installation. The marking shall be cast on fittings and shall be located away from the spigot end so
as not to interfere with proper joining upon installation.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the Manufacturer's sworn statement that the inspection and
all specified tests have been made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of ASTM A74.
Pipe and fittings shall be subject to visual inspection at the site of the work. Individual imperfect pieces
that are not sound or are not free from cracks, sand holes, blowholes and cold spots will be rejected.
2.05.1 INTENT
This section describes unlined precast reinforced concrete pipe for sewers and appurtenances.
2.05.2 KIND
(A) Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be of the kinds and classes prescribed in ASTM C76, except
as otherwise noted.
2.05.3 SIZE
(A) Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be of the sizes prescribed in ASTM C76.
(A) CONCRETE - The Concrete shall be a homogeneous mixture of such proportions and quality that
the pipe will conform to the design and test requirements of these specifications. In no case, however,
shall the proportions of Portland Cement in the mixture be less than six (6) bags per cubic yard of
concrete. Each bag shall be ninety-four (94) pounds.
(B) CEMENT - Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Portland Cement (Type II - Moderate Sulfate Resistant).
(C) AGGREGATES - Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of
General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(D) CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT - Reinforcing steel shall be steel bars or steel wire fabric
conforming to the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
Steel reinforcing shall be circular. Elliptical or Quadrant reinforcing will not be permitted for Class III, IV or
V pipe.
(E) FORMS - Pipe shall be cast with perfectly machine-faced castings for forming the bell and spigot so
that they will be true circles, and when laid together, the annular space shall be perfectly uniform. The
inner and outer castings shall be sheet steel fitted to the top and bottom rings. Shell casings shall be
accurately formed to true concentric cylinders with tight joints. Approved sockets for spurs shall be cast or
cut to the sizes specified and approved with approved covers. The bells of the pipe shall be reinforced
with a single cage of steel in which the circumferential members are the same gage as those in the body
of the pipe but spaced no more than one (1) inch on centers.
(F) CASTING PIPE - The pipe shall be made by a manufacturer who has previous experience in the
manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe.
(H) Holes drilled or cast into pipe for lifting bolts shall be adequately plugged with a suitable precast
concrete plug that shall be properly grouted and sealed before backfill is placed.
(A) All requirements of ASTM C76 shall be conformed to in the manufacture of precast reinforced
concrete pipe including Section 9.3 - External Load Crushing Strength Test Requirements and Section 9.4
- Concrete Test Requirements, except as modified herein.
(2) Variations of the internal diameter shall not exceed the following:
(4) Mating pipe sections whose dimensions, although they lie within the tolerances
hereinbefore specified, result in joints which are not smooth, or which prevent easy
and proper assembly and close jointing, will not be accepted.
(5) Mating pipe sections shall have diameters of tapered bell and spigot surfaces
that do not vary more than one-sixteenth (1/16) inch from the theoretical diameters.
(C) SHAPE - All pipe shall be circular. The planes of the ends of the pipe shall be perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis.
All steel reinforcing shall be circular, at no time will elliptical or quadrant reinforcing be acceptable. When
greater strength test requirements are specified, the thickness of pipe and the area of circular steel
reinforcement shall be increased, or elliptical steel reinforcement may be added to the circular steel
reinforcement, all as approved by the Engineer.
(D) JOINTS - Pipe shall be constructed with approved lap or bell and spigot joints that will permit
watertight, smooth, and permanent joints. The joint shall not project beyond the barrel of the pipe for
pipes greater than forty-two (42) inches in diameter. Pipe with butt or square ends will not be accepted.
TYPE 4 JOINT - Ring Rubber Gasket of Circular Cross Section and Grooved Spigot Joint.
For Type 4 Joint (Ring Rubber Gasket of Circular Cross Section and Grooved Spigot Joint), the thickness
of the pipe at the root of the bell or socket shall not be less than one-half (1/2) the thickness of the pipe
barrel. The length of the spigot and the depth of the bell or socket shall be equal and shall be a minimum
of three (3) inches. The conic surfaces of the inside of the bell or socket and the outer surface of the
spigot shall be parallel and the angle of taper on these conic surfaces with respect to the longitudinal axis
(E) STRENGTH AND ABSORPTION - Crushing strength by the three-edge bearing method and
absorption shall be in accordance with ASTM C76, except as otherwise noted.
Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be subject to visual inspection at the site of the work. Individual
imperfect pieces may be rejected on account of any of the following:
(A) FRACTURES OR CRACKS - Fractures or cracks passing through the shell, except that a single end
crack that does not exceed the depth of the joint shall not be cause for rejection. However, if such single
end cracks exist in more than ten (10) percent of the pipe inspected, all of the defective pipe shall be
(B) MIXING AND MOLDING IMPERFECTIONS - Defects that indicate imperfect mixing and molding.
(D) SPALLS - Spalls deeper than one-half (1/2) the depth of the joint or extending more than four (4)
inches around the circumference. However, if spalls not deeper than one-half (1/2) the depth of the joint
or extending not more than four (4) inches around the circumference exist in more than ten (10) percent of
the pipe, all the defective pipe shall be rejected.
(F) WATER DEFICIENCY - The complete absence of distinct web-like markings, which is indicative of a
possible deficiency of water in the concrete mix, on the external surface of pipe made by any process in
which the forms are removed immediately after the concrete has been placed.
2.05.7 MARKING
Each length of pipe shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer's initials or registered trademark by
which the manufacturer can be readily identified, the lot number and the size and class of pipe. The
marking may be stenciled, or otherwise applied on the pipe so as to be clear and legible at the time of
2.06.1 INTENT
This section describes ductile iron pipe for sewers and appurtenances.
2.06.2 KIND
Pipe shall be centrifugally cast Ductile Iron Pipe, 60-42-10 grade and shall be ceramic epoxy lined.
Ductile Iron Pipe shall be Class 56 unless otherwise indicated.
2.06.3 BRAND
The weight, class or nominal thickness, and casting period shall be shown on each pipe. The
manufacturer's mark, the year of manufacture and the letters "DI" or "DUCTILE" shall be cast or stamped.
Pipe shall be centrifugally cast Ductile Iron Pipe, 60-42-10 grade and Class 56, unless otherwise
All inside surfaces of ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be ceramic epoxy lined (Amine Cured Novalac
Epoxy containing at least twenty percent (20%) by volume of ceramic quartz pigment as manufactured by
US Pipe “PROTECTO 401 Ceramic Epoxy”, or an approved equivalent.).
All outside surfaces of ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be coated with an asphaltic coating in
conformance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51.
2.06.5 JOINTS
Unless otherwise specified all joints for Ductile Iron Pipe shall be Push-On Joints.
(A) PUSH-ON JOINTS - Push-on joints shall be the Super Bell-Tite Joint of Amstead Industries, the
Tyton Joint of U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company, the Fastite Joint of the American Cast Iron Company or
such other joint as may be approved as equal by the City. For each bell, there shall be furnished a rubber
gasket. All of the above shall conform to the applicable provisions of ANSI Specification A21.11.
Unless otherwise specified, push-on joints shall be used for catch basin connections.
(B) MECHANICAL JOINTS - The joint material shall conform to requirements of ANSI Specification
A21.11. The mechanical joint installation shall conform to ANSI Specifications. Surface of joint in contact
with rubber gasket seal shall be brushed thoroughly with a wire brush just prior to assembly and all loose
rust or foreign material shall be removed. The cleaned surface shall be brushed with soapy water just
prior to slipping with torque indicating wrenches. The applied torque shall be within the ranges shown
When tightening bolts, the flanges shall be brought up toward the pipe flanges evenly by partially
tightening first the bottom bolt, then the top bolt, then the side bolts, and repeating the cycle until all bolts
are within the specified torque range. Over stressing of bolts to obtain tightening will not be permitted.
Mechanical joints showing visible leakage at the maximum permitted torque shall be disassembled,
thoroughly cleaned and reassembled.
(C) FIELD LOK GASKET SYSTEM - Field Lok Gasket Systems shall be as manufactured by the U.S.
Pipe and Foundry Company or approved equal.
These gaskets shall be installed on Tyton Joint Pipe (4" thru 12") and Fittings where specified in the
contract documents.
(D) TR FLEX RESTRAINED JOINT - TR Flex Restrained Joint Pipe shall be as manufactured by the
U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company or approved equal.
2.06.6 LINING
All ductile iron pipe sewers shall be ceramic epoxy lined. Ceramic epoxy lining shall be applied in
accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations and procedures. The thickness of the lining
shall be a minimum of forty (40) mils thick.
Final acceptance shall be based on tests and values conforming to Section 51-12 and 51-13 of the ANSI
Standard. Paragraph 51-12.3 shall be modified to read: "At least one (1) tensile sample and six (6)
impact samples shall be taken from pipe during each casting period of approximately three (3) hours,
such that each hour of production is equally represented. As an alternate, one (1) tensile and two (2)
impact samples shall be taken from pipe made from every fifth ladle in which inoculations for ductile iron
had been done, provided that less than three (3) hours have elapsed between the first and fifth ladle
inoculations. Samples shall be selected to properly represent extremes of pipe diameters and
If ductile iron pipe being made for New York City is intermixed with pipe being made for others, the New
York City pipe shall be the source of the sample, as closely located as possible to the above criteria of
time or ladle.
Rejected New York City pipe shall have all New York City identifying cast on or painted on markings
removed as soon as possible after rejection.
From the last length of pipe poured from each ladle in which inoculation for ductile iron is done, a ring shall
be cut from the spigot end. A ring section from such ring, at least one (1) inch wide, shall be subjected to
pressure along a diameter and the deflection measured. Preliminary evidence of ductility will be
presumed if the minimum deflection without failure is as follows:
If a ring does not meet the above deflection test, a second ring shall be cut and tested. If both rings fail,
either all pieces of pipe from that ladle shall be rejected by the manufacturer; or each New York City pipe
from that ladle successively preceding that pipe during manufacture shall be tested as above for
preliminary acceptance. When a pipe from that ladle is reached which passes the deflection test, that
pipe and the other pipes from that ladle preceding it shall be considered acceptable, subject to final
acceptance tests.
Pipe failing the deflection test shall have all New York City identifying marks removed. If all pipe made
from that ladle fail, a pipe cast from the last previous and first subsequent ladle shall be retested to assure
that the failures are confined to the bracketed ladle.
In lieu of ring tests for preliminary evidence of ductility, the City may accept an alternate test offered by a
manufacturer, provided that, in the opinion of the City, it gives such evidence of ductility and that the
frequency of such test during manufacture is acceptable to the City.
Ductile Iron Pipe shall be cut only by means of abrasive saws, hacksaws, wheel-type cutters, or milling-
type cutters. The use of "squeeze" type pipe cutters and cutting torches will not be permitted. The use of
diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
2.07.1 INTENT
This section describes materials for jointing vitrified clay pipe, concrete pipe, and cast iron pipe for sewers
and appurtenances.
2.07.2 KIND
(A) TYPE 1 - Gasket and Mortar Joint shall consist of a caulked jute or oakum gasket and cement
mortar packing.
(B) TYPE 2 - Premoulded Bituminous Compound Joint shall consist of collars of bituminous compound
cast in the bell and on the spigot ends of the pipe. Each of the collars shall have a minimum thickness of
one-quarter (1/4) inch and their surfaces shall be concentric with the pipe. Immediately prior to joining the
pipes, the collars shall be suitably treated.
(C) TYPE 3 - The design of the joint shall conform to ASTM C425, Type I, II or III.
The elastomeric material in the joint shall conform to the gasket specified in ASTM C361, except that for
Type I and Type II joints the tensile strength shall be not less than six hundred (600) pounds per square
inch and the elongation at break shall be not less than three hundred (300) percent.
The semiflexible material used in the Type II or Type III joint shall be a polyester resin.
(D) TYPE 4 - The ring rubber gasket shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C443. The outer
diameter of the spigot surface shall be grooved. The inner diameter of the bell surface shall be such that
when a round rubber gasket is snapped into the spigot groove and the two (2) pipes drawn together, the
gasket shall completely fill the annular space at the groove between the bell and spigot.
(E) TYPE 5 - The flexible butyl gasket joint material shall conform to Federal Specification SS-S-210A
and AASHTO M-198, and be of either rectangular or circular shape with a minimum cross-sectional area
of 0.78-square inches. The pipe joint material shall be applied to both circumferential planes of the pipe
joint, utilizing a primer specifically designed by the pipe joint manufacturer for such purpose. The joints
(1) The compound shall contain not less than thirty-five (35) or more than fifty-five (55) percent by weight
of mineral flour. The mineral flour shall be free from lumps and foreign material, and shall be
thoroughly dry when used. It shall pass the following sieve analysis:
(B) MORTAR - Mortar shall be Non-Air Entrained Portland Cement Mortar (Maximum 4% entrapped air)
for spaces less than one (1) inch and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
2.08.1 INTENT
This section describes Gray Iron and Malleable Iron Castings in the borough in which the work is being
performed for sewers and appurtenances.
Gray Iron and malleable iron are not to be used for valves, cast iron pipe or castings subject to high
2.08.2 KIND
(B) Gray iron castings shall be at least Class No. 30B, with a minimum tensile strength of thirty thousand
(30,000) pounds per square inch as per ASTM A48.
(A) Castings shall conform to either the drawings or patterns or both as specified.
(B) The weight of each casting shall be conspicuously painted thereon in white oil paint.
(C) Each casting shall have the initials of the manufacturer’s name, the date of manufacture and the
initials of the plant of manufacture integrally cast on it at time of manufacture.
(A) The iron shall be such as will make castings, which are of close and even grain and easily machined.
(B) Casting shall be true to pattern, free from cracks, gas holes, flaws and excessive shrinkage.
Surfaces of castings shall be free from burnt on sand and shall be reasonably smooth after cleaning.
Runners, risers, fins and other cast on pieces shall be removed. Plugging and filling will not be allowed.
(C) When "machining" is specified or shown on the drawings, it shall mean the use of a machine or
machines having cutting tool or tools to produce such surfaces and dimensions to a true and even
(D) The underside of the seating rim of manhole covers shall be machined. The upper side of the cover
seating rims of manhole heads shall also be machined.
(A) Gray iron castings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A48.
(B) Malleable iron castings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A47.
(C) When a particular chemical composition is required in gray iron castings, it shall be as specified.
2.09.1 INTENT
2.09.2 KIND
Wrought iron shall be tough, fibrous, uniform in quality, ductile and malleable, thoroughly welded in rolling
and free from surface defects.
2.10.1 INTENT
2.10.2 KIND
All galvanizing shall be done by the hot-dip process, or, the electrolytic process.
(A) Zinc coating shall be adherent, smooth, continuous and thorough. It shall be free from such
imperfections as lumps, blisters, gritty areas, uncoated spots, acid and black spots, dross and flux.
(C) Threading shall be done before galvanizing. The coating shall not interfere with the intended use of
the material.
(A) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Galvanizing shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A123.
(B) WEIGHT OF COATING - The weight of zinc coating per square foot of actual surface shall average
not less than two (2.0) ounces and no individual specimen shall show less than one and eight-tenth (1.8)
ounces as determined in accordance with ASTM A90.
(C) UNIFORMITY OF COATING - Coating shall be uniform as determined by visual inspection. If, in the
opinion of the Engineer, visual examination is not conclusive, uniformity of coating shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM A239. Galvanized articles, so tested, shall withstand seven (7) - one (1) minute
dips without exposing base metal or showing adherent copper deposit.
(D) ADHERENCE - The coating shall adhere so as not to be removable by any reasonable handling and
erection. Light blows with a one-half (1/2) pound hammer shall not cause peeling of the coating adjacent
to the area deformed by the hammer blows.
2.11.1 INTENT
This section describes granite slabs to be used in drop-pipe manholes and junction chambers for sewers
and appurtenances.
Granite slabs shall be sound, durable, fine grained and free from rifts and laminations. Granite slabs shall
be saw cut to the required dimensions and continuous dovetail groves shall be cut into the back faces of
the slabs to receive the silicone bronze bolt heads.
2.11.3 SETTING
The granite slabs shall be set in a full bed of fresh mortar, in compliance with the requirements of Section
2.12.1 INTENT
2.12.2 KIND
(A) Castings shall conform to either the drawings or patterns or both, as specified.
(B) The weight of each casting shall be conspicuously painted thereon in white oil paint.
(A) The steel shall be such as will make castings that are of close and even grain and easily machined.
(B) Casting shall be true to pattern, free from cracks, gas holes, flaws and excessive shrinkage.
Surfaces of castings shall be free from burnt on sand and shall be reasonably smooth after cleaning.
Runners, risers, fins and other cast on pieces shall be removed. Plugging and filling will not be allowed.
(C) When "machining" is specified or shown on the drawings, it shall mean the use of a machine or
machines having cutting tool or tools to produce such surfaces and dimensions to a true and even
Waterstops shall be provided in all construction joints in water bearing structures and at other such
locations as required by the contract drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Waterstops in expansion joints shall be PVC and shall be installed where shown on the contract drawings
or as determined by the Engineer.
The polyvinyl chloride shall be extruded from an elastomeric plastic compound of which the basic resin
shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The compound shall contain any additional resins, plasticizers,
stabilizers or other materials needed to insure qualities that will meet the requirements of the Corps of
Engineer’s Specifications CRD-C-572-65.
The Contractor shall furnish certification that the Contractor’s proposed waterstops meet the above
Waterstops for construction joints shall be flat ribbed type, six (6) inches wide with a minimum thickness at
any point of three-eighth (3/8) inches.
Waterstops shall be carefully positioned so that they are embedded to an equal depth in concrete on both
sides of the joint. They shall be kept free from oil, grease, mortar and other foreign matter. Where
necessary, PVC waterstops shall be braced or supported. Such method shall be submitted to the
Engineer for review.
2.13.4 PAYMENT
Payment for furnishing and installing the waterstops shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for waterstops.
Only riveted type gratings shall be installed by the Contractor in water main structures. Grating
designs shall be in accordance with applicable Water Main Standard Drawings or as shown on the
contract drawings. Other designs of equal strength, rigidity and serviceability may be submitted to
the Engineer for approval.
The Contractor may use either Type A or Type B gratings in sewer structures. Grating designs shall
be in accordance with Sewer Design Standards or as shown on the contract drawings. Other
designs of equal strength, rigidity and serviceability may be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
One type of aluminum grating shall be used exclusively throughout the project.
(A) TYPE A - Extruded shape assembly shall consist of parallel extruded bearing members, spaced
one (1) inch apart (clear distance), laterally braced by extruded members spaced alternately
four (4) inches on centers to give the grating the required strength, rigidity and durability. At
supports, lateral bracing between members shall be in continuous line for the full width of the
(B) TYPE B - Pressure locked assembly shall consist of parallel bearing bars spaced not more than
one (1) inch apart (clear distance) joined by cross bars spaced not more than four (4) inches on
centers to form rectangular openings. Cross and bearing bars shall be slotted for joining. Slots
in bearing bars shall terminate with dovetail recesses above the neutral axis. Slots in cross bars
shall terminate below the neutral axis. Cross bars shall be forced down into the slots of the
bearing bars and their bottoms spread into the dovetail recesses to make tight rigid joints.
(A) ALUMINUM GRATING - The riveted type grating assembly shall consist of parallel main or
bearing bars spaced not more than one and one-eighth inches (1-1/8”) apart joined by crimp or lacing
bars attached by cold driven rivets spaced not more than seven inches (7”) on center in accordance
with the ANSI/NAAMM MBG 531-00 Metal Bar Grating Manual, Designation R-18-7. Grating finish
shall be mill finish as fabricated. The minimum allowable main or bearing bar size shall be 2” x 3/16”.
(B) STEEL FRAME - The steel frames for aluminum gratings shall conform to Section 2.19.
Aluminum gratings, anchored frames and accessories shall conform to the requirements specified
herein and to the following specifications or approved equal:
2.14.4 GENERAL
The Contractor shall check all dimensions in the field after all piping and equipment are set in place and
determine the exact dimensions and locations of openings and cutouts. Templates shall be made where
Gratings that are specified in the Water Main Standard Drawings and Sewer Design Standards shall not
require detailed working drawing submittal.
Completely detailed drawings of all other gratings shown on the contract drawings, and which are not
specified as Water Main Standard Drawings and Sewer Design Standards, shall be submitted by the
Contractor for approval of the Engineer in accordance with the specifications. These gratings shall not be
manufactured until the Contractor’s working drawings have been approved.
Gratings shall be accurately fabricated, free from warps, twists or other defects which affect the
appearance and serviceability of the grating. The tops of the main or bearing bars, crimp or lacing bars,
and cross bars shall be in the same plane.
Gratings shall be installed with each section readily removable and replaceable. Adjacent units shall be
neatly fitted together. The clearance at the ends and between sections of grating shall be a maximum of
one-quarter (1/4) inch. Gratings shall be set with a full and uniform end bearing on the supports to
preclude rocking movement. Wedges or similar shimming devices shall not be used. Edges of gratings
shall be neatly banded with bearing bars.
Approved aluminum fastening devices shall be installed to hold the gratings rigidly to the supports with
means for easy removal. Fastening devices shall not protrude above the walking surface of the grating.
Fasteners shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
2.14.8 CUTOUTS
Cutouts shall be provided in the grating as directed by the Engineer for the passage of pipe, valve stems,
columns and similar work. Where more than four (4) bearing bars are included in the cutout, banding bars
Aluminum surfaces in contact with concrete or dissimilar metals shall be thoroughly protected with a heavy
coating of bituminous paint or other approved insulating material.
2.14.10 PAYMENT
Payment for furnishing and installing the aluminum grating in water main structures shall be deemed
included in the price bid for the item labeled “FURNISHING AND PLACING CAST-IN-PLACE
CONCRETE CLASS 40 AND PRECAST CONCRETE CLASS 50”. No separate or additional
payment will be made for the aluminum grating.
Payment for furnishing and installing the aluminum grating and the anchored aluminum frame in
sewer structures shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract. No separate
or additional payment will be made for the aluminum grating and anchored aluminum frame.
IN WATER MAIN STRUCTURES - Separate payment shall be made for furnishing and installing the
anchored steel frame for the aluminum grating under the price bid for the item labeled “FURNISHING,
This section describes the concrete work required for the construction of the sewers, water main,
manholes, chambers and all incidental and appurtenant work shown on the drawings or required by the
(A) The "General Specification 11 - Concrete" and “Instructions To Architect/Engineer For Specifications
For Concrete” of the Department of Environmental Protection is declared to be part of this specification,
the same as if fully set forth elsewhere herein. Copies of these specifications may be obtained from the
Department of Design and Construction, Division of Infrastructure, Design Services, Specifications, 30-30
Thomson Avenue, Long Island City, New York, 3rd Floor. Concrete work shall conform to all
requirements of these specifications except as modified by this detailed specification.
(B) The reference numbers in this detailed specification are keyed to the section numbers of the
"General Specification 11 - Concrete" and prefixed with a "D". The detailed specifications supplement
"General Specification 11 - Concrete" unless there is conflict in which case the detailed specification shall
D For purposes of this section the Supervising Engineer for Concrete Construction shall be
considered the Engineer and will be assigned by the Department. The Engineer will be
responsible for all testing and inspection of concrete.
The New York City Building Department does not have jurisdiction over the work of this
contract. All references to the New York City Building Department, or the Commissioner
thereof, shall be considered as references to the New York City Department of Design and
Construction and its Commissioner.
D 1.7 Field Reference - The references noted in "General Specification 11 - Concrete" shall be
furnished on all contracts over five million ($5,000,000.00) dollars.
Coarse and Fine Aggregate for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with
Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be three-quarter (3/4) inch (No. 67), unless smaller size
aggregate is required due to the nature of the work.
D DELETE Subparagraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f) of GS11.
The following tolerances will be permitted during the production of the concrete:
The Contractor may submit for approval concrete mixes that (within two (2) years of the
contract) have been previously approved and used on other jobs with any Bureau of the
Department of Environmental Protection or the Department of Design and Construction.
Such submittals shall contain evidence that the concrete mix was approved within two (2)
years of this contract and shall show that the concrete will be produced at the same mix
plant, that the cement and admixtures are the same type (though not necessarily the same
brand), that the water/cement ratio is the same and that adjustments have been made in
the mix for air content, specific gravity and gradation of the aggregates. Average gradation
of aggregates intended for use shall be shown and computations included showing that the
requirements for yield and percent (%) mortar be met. Except for high range water
reducers, other liquid admixture may be omitted from computations of water/cement ratio,
yield or percent (%) mortar.
If the Contractor elects to submit a concrete mix that was not previously approved, the
Contractor shall submit the new concrete mix in accordance with Chapters 2 and 3 of
General Specification 11 as modified herein.
Unless otherwise shown, specified or required by the Engineer, all concrete shall be Class
40, 4,000-psi, non-air entrained concrete. The concrete mix for all structures, except for
concrete cradles and encasements, shall contain six hundred sixty (660) pounds per cubic
yard of cementitious material of which eighty-five percent (85%) shall be cement (Type 2,
ASTM C150) and fifteen percent (15%) an approved mineral admixture Class F (Fly Ash,
ASTM C618). The concrete mix for concrete cradles and encasements shall contain six
No additional payment will be made for any admixture used. The concrete mix shall be
proportioned using a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.42. Design slump shall be in
accordance with 3.6 of GS11. Coarse and Fine Aggregates shall be proportioned so that
the percent (%) mortar is in accordance with of GS11 and yield is in accordance
with of GS11. In computation of yield, non-air entrained concrete shall be assumed
to have an entrapped air content of one (1) percent.
D 3.5.1 DELETE the first sentence of 3.5.1 and SUBSTITUTE the following:
Where specifically shown or specified normal weight concrete shall contain entrained air
as indicated in Table 3.5.1.
D DELETE the last part of Paragraph of GS11 starting with the words "in the
schedule..." and ending with the words ".... as applicable."
D 4.2 All shop drawings, data and design for formwork shall be submitted to the Engineer for
4.7.7 - Forms shall not be removed without the permission of the Engineer. In general,
forms shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to safely support its
own load plus any superimposed loads that might be placed thereon.
Forms shall be left in place the minimum length of time specified below, from the date of
placing concrete. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the concrete at all times,
and any damage to the work, including any caused by premature removal of forms, shall
be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and without
any cost to the City of New York. However, in any event, forms shall be left in place the
minimum lengths of time specified below, from the time of placing concrete:
In lieu of the above minimum lengths of time for stripping of forms the Contractor may elect
to use the Windsor Probe Test System or approved equal method of nondestructive
testing of concrete in place as follows:
(A) On monolithic sewers with clear spans not exceeding sixteen (16) feet, a minimum
time of forty (40) hours is required after placing the concrete before testing the concrete by
(B) If any individual test indicates a strength lower than that specified, then the concrete
represented by this test shall be subject to further testing as directed by the Engineer to
determine when the formwork may be removed.
If any one (1) individual probe indicates a strength below that required, two (2) additional
probes shall be taken at that location. For monolithic structures with a minimum clear
height of five (5) feet or more, tests shall be taken on the underside of the roof surface. All
other structures shall be tested on the top surface of the roof. When tests are taken on the
top surface of the structure the results shall be corrected to indicate the strength on the
underside of the surface by reducing test results by ten (10) percent.
(C) No separate payment will be made for the testing of the concrete and the testing
device as described above. The cost of this work shall be included in the prices bid for all
sewer and water main items for which there are contract prices.
The removable portion of form ties shall be removed from the concrete immediately after
removing the forms.
Care shall be taken in removing forms, wales, shoring supports and form ties to avoid
spalling or marring the concrete.
Subsequent to the removal of forms, all slabs, girders and beams, subject to their own
weight only, shall continue to be adequately supported by bracing and/or shoring for a
minimum period of four (4) days from the date of placing concrete. Members subject to
additional loads during construction shall be adequately shored, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, to support both the members own weight and such additional construction loads
in such a manner as will protect the members from damage by the loads. This shoring
shall not be removed until the member has acquired sufficient strength to support safely its
weight and the loads upon it.
D 5.3 Unless otherwise shown or specified, steel reinforcing bars shall comply with the
requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60, billet steel bars for concrete reinforcement,
deformed, intermediate grade.
For all concrete, it is the Contractor's responsibility to see that the concrete producer shall:
(a) Verify that batched weights conform to the required weights and proportions, and to
the water/cement ratio established in the approved mix adjusted for moisture content,
fineness modulus and gradation of aggregates.
(b) Verify that the quality and condition of the materials conform to the applicable
(c) Attest, on a ticket accompanying each load, to the specified strength of the concrete,
the actual weights of the batched ingredients, the gradation of the aggregates, the weight,
or volume, of water charged into the mixer at the batch plant or to be added at the job site.
(d) A copy of the computer tape recording the batched weights shall also be included.
8.5.7 - All concrete shall be poured against forms unless otherwise specified in the
contract documents or approved by the Engineer.
Sheeting used as forms shall be provided with approved protection placed between the
concrete and the sheeting. In addition where sheeting is used as forms an additional three
(3) inches of concrete shall be added to all surfaces of structures in contact with the
sheeting. The cost for this additional concrete and protection shall be deemed included in
the prices bid for all items of the contract. No separate or additional payment will be made
for this work.
D 8.11.1 DELETE in first line of 8.11.1 the words "Section 8.9.4" and SUBSTITUTE the following
words "Section 8.10.4".
The Contractor shall retain the services of an independent testing laboratory to provide for
all the services outlined in to of GS11, with the exception of those tests
specified herein to be performed by the Engineer and the City Retained Laboratory.
D From of GS11, DELETE "by the New York City Building Code"
The Contractor may, if the Contractor so desires, take cylinders corresponding to those
taken by the Engineer for the City Retained Laboratory. However, determination of
payment will be based solely on the cylinders taken by the Engineer for the City Retained
The Contractor will be responsible for safe delivery of concrete cylinders to the Department
of Design and Construction Laboratory. The Department of Design and Construction
testing laboratory will provide the services for the curing and breaking of the test cylinders.
The Contractor shall provide empty cylinder molds and facilities for the proper care of
these cylinders while on the site, and shall safeguard them against injury and protect them
from the elements.
The Engineer will be responsible for the preparation, documentation and labeling of the
cylinders and for notifying the Contractor, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, when
The Contractor shall make arrangements to protect all cylinders from damage during
loading, transport to, and unloading at a Department of Design and Construction
designated testing laboratory, and shall obtain a receipt for delivered cylinders, which shall
be submitted to the Engineer.
Class 40 concrete shall be accepted without qualification if the strength of the concrete, as
determined from the average cylinder strength is not less than 4,000-psi. For Class 40
concrete that tests below 4,000-psi but above 3,200-psi, the sum of 0.125 dollars per cubic
yard per psi of deficiency shall be permanently retained from the payment due the
Contractor. Whenever Class 40 concrete tests less than 3,200-psi it shall be rejected and
removed. All other concrete shall be evaluated in accordance with the procedures outlined
in Chapter 18 of GS11.
18.8 Retainage
For concrete that tests below 4,000-psi, permanent retainage from payment due the
Contractor shall be as specified in Section D 18.1.2.
Concrete that is potentially deficient for reasons other than for strength of concrete as
specified in Section D 18.1.2 and that cannot be brought into compliance and is
nevertheless accepted by the Commissioner shall be subject to the following permanent
retainage. For every cubic yard of concrete so placed, the sum of one hundred (100)
dollars per cubic yard shall be permanently retained from the payment due the Contractor.
D 19.7 DELETE this Section in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE the following:
Unless otherwise shown, detailed or specified, concrete drainage and water main
structures (sewers, manholes, cradles, encasements, chambers, thrust blocks, basins and
similar type structures) shall be built in accordance with the Sewer Design Standards,
Water Main Standard Drawings and Standard Sewer and Water Main Specifications.
2.16.1 INTENT
This section describes brick for use in water main installation, sewer construction, appurtenances, and for
lining of sewers.
2.16.2 KIND
(B) Unless otherwise specified, Type 1 shall be used and shall be either solid or cored, as directed by the
2.16.3 SIZE
2.16.4 BRAND
Brick shall be made from clay or shale and burned so that they are free from cracks, warpage and
exposed stones, pebbles or particles of lime.
Except as otherwise provided herein, brick shall comply with the following requirements:
Brick shall be subject to visual inspection. Individual imperfect brick will be rejected for any of the
following causes:
(1) DEFECTS - The presence of cracks, warpage, stones, pebbles or particles of lime that would affect
the serviceability of the brick.
(2) IRREGULAR SHAPE - Brick not of rectangular cross-section with substantially straight square
corners or where ends and at least one (1) edge do not have plain surfaces.
(3) VARIATION IN SIZE - Brick which vary from specified size by more than plus or minus one-eighth
(1/8) inch in either transverse dimension or by more than plus or minus one-quarter (1/4) inch in
(4) VARIATION FROM APPROVED SAMPLES - Brick that shall vary from the standard of comparison
as established from the approved samples.
(A) Approximately one (1) percent of each type of brick shall be taken at random for visual inspection. If
five (5) percent of the sample is not acceptable on the basis of visual inspection, the entire delivery shall
be rejected. The Contractor, however, may cull such a delivery at the Contractor’s own expense and
resubmit the delivery for acceptance.
(B) Brick may be inspected either (a) at the place of manufacture, or (b) at the dock or siding as
unloaded, before delivery on the street, or (c) at both locations. All deliveries will be subjected to further
inspection at the place of use, and brick that do not comply with the specification requirements will be
(A) The bricks shall be wet when laid and each brick shall be laid in cement mortar so as to form full bed,
end and side joints at one operation. The joints shall not be wider than three-eighth (3/8) inch, except
when the bricks are laid radially, in which case the narrowest part of the joint shall not exceed one-quarter
(1/4) inch. Brickwork shall be smoothly coated both inside and outside with a layer of cement mortar one-
half (1/2) inch thick. Brickwork shall be laid with a satisfactory bond, and as it progresses shall be racked
back in courses, unless otherwise permitted.
(B) All fresh brickwork shall be carefully protected from freezing and from the drying effects of the sun
and wind, and if required, it shall be sprinkled with water at such intervals and for such time as may be
directed. Brickwork shall be protected from injuries of all sorts, and all portions that may become
damaged or may be found defective shall be repaired or if directed, be removed and rebuilt. In freezing
weather bricks shall be heated sufficiently to remove all ice and frost before lying.
2.17.1 INTENT
2.17.2 KIND
(A) Mortar shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15.
(B) Unless otherwise specified, mortar shall be either Non-Air Entrained Mortar (maximum 4% entrapped
air) for spaces less than one (1) inch or Non-Air Entrained Mortar (maximum 4% entrapped air) for spaces
one (1) inch or more as specified by mortar bedding or joint requirements. (See General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.)
(A) Mortar shall consist of sand mixed with Portland Cement, water and additives when required in
definite proportions so as to produce a stiff mixture. Proportions shall be in accordance with General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(B) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15. Type II cement shall be used unless otherwise specified.
(C) Sand for mortar shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(D) Water shall be drawn from mains owned by or supplying water to the City of New York.
(A) PROPORTIONING INGREDIENTS - The materials shall be measured in accordance with General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(B) MIXING INGREDIENTS - Mortar shall be mixed in a suitable box or on a tight platform, and never
upon pavement or ground. Cement and Sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry, until the mixture has a
uniform color. Clean, fresh water shall then be added and the mass worked until a mortar, which is
uniform and of the required consistency, is produced. Mortar shall be mixed in no greater quantity than is
required for the work in hand. Mortar that has set sufficiently to require retempering shall not be used.
When required by the Engineer, ingredient materials, after measuring, shall be mixed in an approved
rotating drum type batch mixer. Mixing shall be for a period of not less than one and one-half (1-1/2)
The mixing and use of mortar in freezing weather shall be subject to the same requirements as herein
specified for mixing and placing concrete under similar conditions.
2.18.1 INTENT
2.18.2 KIND
(A) Grout shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15.
(B) Unless otherwise specified grout shall be Cement Grout composed of neat cement and water.
(A) Cement Grout shall consist of neat cement and water mixed to a consistency suitable for the work on
(B) Cement and Sand Grout shall consist of sand mixed with Portland Cement, water and additives when
required in definite proportions so as to produce a mixture of cream like consistency. Proportions shall be
in accordance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(C) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15. Type II cement shall be used, unless otherwise specified.
Cement for dilute grout shall be screeded, if so directed, to remove the coarser particles.
(D) Sand for grout shall comply with the requirement of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(E) Water shall be drawn from mains owned by or supplying water to the City of New York.
(A) PROPORTIONING INGREDIENTS - The materials shall be measured in accordance with General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(B) MIXING INGREDIENTS - Grout shall be mixed in a suitable box or on a tight platform, and never
upon pavement or ground. Cement and Sand Grout shall be thoroughly mixed dry, until the mixture has a
uniform color. Clean, fresh water shall then be added and the mass worked until a mixture, which is
uniform and of the required consistency, is produced. Grout shall be mixed in no greater quantity than is
required for the work in hand. Grout that has set sufficiently to require retempering shall not be used.
When required by the Engineer, ingredient materials, after measuring, shall be mixed in an approved
rotating drum type batch mixer. Mixing shall be for a period of not less than one and one-half (1-1/2)
minutes at a rate of not less than fourteen (14) nor more than twenty-two (22) revolution per minute and
shall be continued until a homogeneous mixture is produced. The grout shall be kept constantly agitated
until used.
The mixing and use of grout in freezing weather shall be subject to the same requirements as herein
specified for mixing and placing concrete under similar conditions.
2.19.1 INTENT
This section describes structural, reinforcing and miscellaneous steels such as steel I-beams, expanded
metal or any other structural steel or steel shapes, bands, and other steel work required by the drawings
or ordered by the Engineer. KIND
Structural steel shall be of one kind, and unless otherwise specified, shall have minimum yield strength
(Fy) of thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds per square inch. BRAND
Test specimens and every finished piece of steel shall be stamped with melt or blow number, except that
small pieces may be shipped in bundles securely wired together, with melt or blow number on a metal tag
All delivered material shall be new, unused and not part of previously fabricated structures.
Structural steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A36. Steel for structural rivets shall comply
with the requirements of ASTM A141. IDENTIFICATION
Structural steel plates, shapes and bars shall be tested in accordance with the test methods prescribed by
ASTM, provided, however, any applicable method of test or examination as approved by the Engineer
may be employed.
Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
Steel for round stock for connecting lugs and bands shall conform to ASTM A36, Standard Specification
for Carbon Structural Steel.
Unless otherwise specified, bolts and studs shall conform to ASTM A307, Grade B, and nuts shall be
A563, Grade B.
(1) PRIOR TO ERECTION - All steel work (except reinforcing bars and fasteners) shall be shop
cleaned and given one (1) thorough shop coat of red oxide alkyd base primer.
(2) AFTER ERECTION AND PRIOR TO ENCASEMENT - All steel work (except reinforcing bars
and fasteners) shall be cleaned and receive another thorough coat of red oxide alkyd base
primer. (Where shop coating is damaged during shipping, handling or installation, the areas
damaged shall be recleaned and receive a base coat prior to receiving this second coat.)
2.19.6 PACKING
Packing of all steels shall be in accordance with the best commercial practice.
2.20.1 INTENT
2.20.2 KIND
2.20.3 SIZE
Timber and lumber shall be of the sizes shown, specified or required. Sizes given are nominal sizes.
2.20.4 BRAND
(A) YELLOW PINE - Yellow pine timber and lumber shall be either Structural Square Edge and Sound
Longleaf or Dense Structural Square Edge and Sound Shortleaf grade.
(B) DOUGLAS FIR - Douglas fir timber and lumber shall be Select Structural grade.
(A) YELLOW PINE - Yellow pine timber and lumber shall conform to the requirements of the Southern
Pine Association Standard Specifications.
(B) DOUGLAS FIR - Douglas fir timber and lumber shall conform to the requirements of the West Coast
Lumberman's Association Standard Grading and Dressing Rules.
2.21.1 INTENT
2.21.2 KIND
Steel sheet piling shall be the continuous interlock type and of an approved type and shape.
2.21.3 SIZE
(A) Sections of piling shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, specified or required.
(C) At changes in direction and at closures, special fabricated or rolled steel sheet piles shall be
furnished as shown, specified or required.
2.21.4 BRAND
Each length of steel sheet piling shall be stamped with a steel die or rolled with the following information:
Manufacturer's Name or Mark, Date of Manufacture and Inspector's Mark.
Steel sheet piling shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A328.
2.22.1 INTENT
This section describes timber piles to be used, treated in accordance with Section 2.23.
2.22.2 KIND
2.22.3 SIZE
(A) DIAMETERS - Diameters of piles, measured under the bark, shall conform to the minimum
diameters specified in the following table:
(A) MATERIAL, GENERAL - Piles shall be cut from sound, live trees or from fire-killed, blight-killed, or
wind-felled timber that has not been attacked by decay or insects. Piles shall have a gradual taper from
the place of butt measurement to the point and shall be cut above the ground swell.
(B) WORKMANSHIP, GENERAL - Knots and limbs shall be trimmed or cut smoothly, flush with the
surface, and butt and point shall be sawed square with the axis of the pile.
(C) PILES FOR TREATMENT - In addition to the requirements given under (A) and (B) above, piles for
treatment shall be free from splits and shall have minimum sapwood thicknesses at the butt of not less
than one and one-half (1-1/2) and one (1) inch for yellow pine and Douglas fir, respectively. Bark,
including not less than eighty (80) percent of the inner skin, shall be removed as soon as practicable after
piles are cut. Care shall be taken not to remove or damage the sapwood but to leave it smooth and clean.
No piece of inner skin left on a pile shall be more than three-quarter (3/4) inch wide or eight (8) inches
long, and there shall be not less than one (1) inch of clean wood surface between strips.
(D) DRIVING SHOES - When driving shoes are required, they shall be of an approved design and
securely fastened to the piles whose end shall be suitably pointed.
(A) GENERAL - Timber piles shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D25 for Round Timber Piles,
Class B, except as otherwise specified herein. Driving shoes shall be malleable iron or cast steel
conforming to the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12, respectively.
(B) SOUNDNESS - Piles shall be straight and sound. They shall be free from decay, red heart, twist of
grain exceeding one-half (1/2) of the circumference in any twenty (20) feet of length, unsound knots,
numerous knots, sound knots in clusters, numerous holes, shake more than one-third (1/3) of the
diameter of the pile, scars from turpentine scores except scars not exceeding thirty-six (36) inches from
scoring of recent date which is sound and free from insect damage, pronounced short bends, reversed
bends, crooks greater than one-half (1/2) of the diameter of the pile at the middle of the bend, and from all
other defects which might impair their strength or durability.
(C) SOUND KNOTS - In piles fifty (50) feet and less in length and in the sections between midlengths
and the butts of piles more than fifty (50) feet in length, sound knots shall be not greater in diameter than
one-third (1/3) of the least diameter of the pile at the section where they occur, except that no knot shall
exceed four (4) inches in diameter. In the sections between midlengths and the points of piles more than
fifty (50) feet in length, sound knots shall be not greater in diameter than one-half (1/2) of the least
diameter of the pile at the section where they occur, except that no knot shall exceed five (5) inches in
(D) STRAIGHTNESS - A straight line joining the centers of the butt and point shall lie within the body of
the pile.
(E) SHORT BENDS - Short bends shall not exceed the following: The distance from the center of the
pile to a line joining the centers of the pile above and below the bend shall not exceed four (4) percent of
the length of the bend nor two and one-half (2-1/2) inches.
2.23.1 INTENT
This section describes wood preservative and treatment of timber, lumber and timber piles.
(A) Wood preservative shall be CCA for yellow pine and ACZA for Douglas fir.
(B) Treatment of timber, lumber and timber piles shall be the impregnation of these materials with CCA
or ACZA by the pressure process.
(C) PEELING PILES - Bark, including not less than eighty (80) percent of the inner skin, shall be
removed as soon as practicable after piles are cut. Care shall be taken not to remove or damage the
sapwood but to leave it smooth and clean. No piece of inner skin left on a pile shall be more than three-
quarter (3/4) inch wide or eight (8) inches long and there shall be not less than one (1) inch of clean wood
surface between strips.
(D) CUTTING AND DRILLING - Insofar as practicable, all cutting and drilling shall be done before the
timber, lumber or piles are treated.
(E) COATING CUT SECTIONS - The exposed wood of timber, lumber and piles cut or drilled on the job
shall be painted with copper naphthenate preservative containing a minimum of 2.0% copper metal, or
other preservative approved under AWPA Standard M4.
(F) INCISING - Before treatment, all Douglas fir timber three (3) inches and over in thickness and lumber
shall be incised in an approved manner, except when incising will unfit lumber for the use intended.
(A) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - The wood preservative shall conform to AWPA Standard P5 for
waterborne preservatives.
(B) TREATMENT - The treatment of timber, lumber and timber piles shall be in accordance with the
AWPA specifications for the various materials as listed in the following table:
MATERIAL SEASONING (Lbs. per cu. ft.)
C1, C3 (UC4C, UC5B) Piles X 1 2.50
C1, C3 (UC4C, UC5B) Piles X 1 2.50
C1, C2, C18 Timber and X 1 2.50
(UC4C, UC5A) Lumber, all
C1, C2, C18 Timber and X 1 2.50
(UC4C, UC5A) Lumber Under
5" Thick
5" and Over X 1 2.50
(D) WOOD - Timber and lumber shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.20. Timber piles shall
conform to the requirements of Section 2.22.
This section describes the material required to backfill sewer and water main trenches and excavations.
(A) GENERAL - All material for backfilling shall have a moisture content and gradation suitable for
attaining the required density.
All material for backfilling shall be free from frost at the time of placement.
Miscellaneous fill material removed from the trenches and excavations shall not be considered as
acceptable backfill material unless found acceptable and approved in writing by the Engineer.
The project site subsurface conditions may consist partially of variable thickness layers of Unsuitable
Material. This material may not be considered as acceptable backfill material as described herein, or as
determined by the Engineer.
(B) SELECT GRANULAR FILL - Select granular fill material shall be approved clean earth or sand of low
silt and clay content (less than five (5) percent passing the No. 200 sieve), free from bricks, blocks,
excavated pavement materials and debris, stumps, roots and other organic matter, as well as ashes, oil
and other perishable or foreign matter and shall not contain particles larger than one-quarter (1/4) inch in
diameter. For the purpose of this contract, this backfill material shall be called Select Granular Fill.
(C) APPROVED EXCAVATED SUITABLE FILL - All approved excavated suitable fill material within the
project limits shall be utilized for backfill as specified in Subsection 4.06.2(C). Approved excavated
suitable fill material shall be approved earth, free of bricks, blocks, excavated pavement materials and
debris, stumps, roots and other organic matter, as well as ashes, oil and other perishable or foreign matter
and shall not contain stones larger than six (6) inches in their largest dimension. Stones shall be so
distributed that all interstices are filled with fine material. The percentage of silt and clay or fines (portion
of material passing a No. 200 sieve) for approved excavated suitable fill material shall not exceed the
limits stipulated below. For the purpose of this contract, this backfill material shall be called Approved
Excavated Suitable Fill.
All excavated material meeting the parameters specified above with a fine content equal to or less than
twenty (20) percent (portion of material passing a No. 200. sieve) shall be reused. All excavated material
meeting the parameters specified above with a fine content greater than twenty (20) percent and equal to
or less than thirty (30) percent (portion of material passing a No. 200. sieve) can be reused if the
Contractor can demonstrate that the material can be compacted to a Standard Proctor Dry Density of
ninety-five (95) percent. Excavated materials with a fine content exceeding twenty (20) percent as defined
above are extremely sensitive to moisture and the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping the material
dry, and for determining and maintaining the proper moisture content to achieve the required level of
compaction. All excavated material with a fine content exceeding thirty (30) percent shall be discarded.
(D) CLEAN FILL - Clean fill material shall be approved clean earth or sand of low silt and clay content
(less then twelve (12) percent passing No. 200 sieve), free from bricks, blocks, excavated pavement
materials and debris, stumps, roots and other organic matter, as well as ashes, oil and other perishable or
foreign matter and shall not contain stones larger than six (6) inches in their largest dimension. Stones
shall be so distributed that all interstices are filled with fine material. For the purpose of this contract, this
backfill material shall be called Clean Fill.
(E) PROCESSED FILL - If approved in writing by the Engineer, excavated material determined to be
unsuitable may be processed (i.e. screened, blended and/or crushed) to produce select granular fill
material or clean fill material. Such processed materials must be in compliance with the materials
2.25.1 INTENT
This section describes riprap; stone ballast; screened gravel and screened broken stone; broken stone;
slope pavement; and crushed stone.
(A) RIPRAP - Riprap shall consist of stones of acceptable size and quality, placed in embankments or to
form foundations. All riprap shall be granite, dolomite, gneiss, traprock or other approved hard and
durable stone. No riprap stone shall be smaller than the commercial two and one-half (2-1/2) inch stone.
In general, riprap stone shall be graded from two and one-half (2-1/2) inches to eighteen (18) inches so
that the smaller stones shall fill voids between the larger stones. When available and suitable for the
purpose larger stones will be permitted. Larger stones will be required for slope facing.
(B) STONE BALLAST - Stone ballast shall be broken stone, sound, hard and roughly cubical in shape, or
gravel of sizes known as commercial two and one-half (2-1/2) inch.
(C) SCREENED GRAVEL AND SCREENED BROKEN STONE - Screened gravel and screened broken
stone shall be clean, well-graded, sound, hard, roughly cubical in shape and free from organic and other
deleterious materials. They shall have a maximum size of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches and a
minimum size of one-quarter (1/4) inch.
(D) BROKEN STONE - Broken stone shall be broken stone, sound, hard and roughly cubical in shape, or
gravel of sizes known as commercial one and one-half (1-1/2) inch.
(E) SLOPE PAVEMENT - Slope pavement shall be not less than eighteen (18) inches in depth, normal
to the slope and shall be composed of sound, hard and durable quarried or split stones. Except when
used for pinning or wedging, the stones shall be not less than six (6) inches thick and from twelve (12) to
eighteen (18) inches long.
(F) CRUSHED STONE - Crushed stone shall be broken stone, sound, hard and roughly cubical in shape
and shall comply with ASTM C33, Size No. 67. Crushed stone shall have a maximum size of three-
quarter (3/4) inch and a minimum size of one-quarter (1/4) inch with the following gradation:
2.26.1 INTENT
This section describes polymer concrete pipe for use in microtunneling/pipe jacking installation operations
of sewers and appurtenances. Polymer concrete pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM
D6783. Where requirements herein specified are more stringent than ASTM requirements, the more
stringent specification shall apply.
(A) Polymer concrete pipe shall be a very dense, nonporous, corrosion-resistant and homogeneous
composite structure of the classes prescribed in ASTM D6783.
2.26.3 SIZE
(A) Polymer concrete pipe shall be of the sizes prescribed in ASTM D6783.
(A) POLYMER CONCRETE: The Polymer Concrete shall be a very dense, corrosion-resistant and
homogeneous mixture of cured thermosetting resin and kiln-dried silicate aggregate in such proportions
and quality that the pipe will conform to the design and test requirements of these specifications. It may
also contain curing agents, granular or platelet fillers, thixotropic agents, pigments, or dyes.
(B) THERMOSETTING RESIN: Thermosetting Resin shall comply with the requirements of ASTM
D6783. Unless otherwise approved prior to manufacture, only polyester or vinyl-ester resin systems shall
be used. Pipe shall not contain Portland cement or other corrodible elements.
(C) FILLER: Kiln-dried silicate aggregates, sand and quartz powder shall conform to the requirements of
(D) ADDITIVES: Resin additives, such as curing agents, granular or platelet fillers, thixotropic agents,
pigments and or dyes, when used, shall not be detrimental to the pipe.
(E) FORMS: Pipe shall be cast with perfectly machine-faced castings for forming the joint so that they
will be true circles, and when laid together, the annular space shall be perfectly uniform. The inner and
outer castings shall be sheet steel fitted to the top and bottom rings. Shell casings shall be accurately
formed to true concentric cylinders with tight joints. Approved sockets for spurs shall be cast or cut to the
sizes specified and approved with approved covers.
(F) CASTING PIPE: Pipe shall be manufactured by the vibratory vertical casting process resulting in a
dense, nonporous, corrosion-resistant, and homogeneous material.
(G) ELASTOMERIC GASKETS: All Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477. Gaskets shall
be Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) or Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) and suitable for the
service intended.
(H) STAINLESS STEEL SLEEVE COUPLING: Stainless steel joint sleeve couplings shall meet the
requirements of ASTM A276.
(I) JOINTS: Joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM D4161. The pipe shall be connected with a
stainless steel sleeve coupling. This coupling shall either be mounted integral to the pipe at one end and
utilize an elastomeric sealing gasket at the other end or shall utilize elastomeric sealing gaskets at both
ends as the means to maintain water-tightness. The joints shall have an outside diameter equal to or
slightly less than the outside diameter of the pipe. When the pipe is assembled, the joints shall be
essentially flush with the outside diameter of the pipe. Joints at tie-ins shall be as approved in writing by
the Engineer.
(J) FITTINGS: Fittings shall be of the same structural design and materials as adjoining pipe. Fittings
shall be manufactured with mitered sections of pipe and joined by epoxy bonding.
(K) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: When specifically required by the contract polymer concrete pipe shall
be provided with threaded injection ports and check valves with stainless steel threaded plugs for the
(M) LIFTING BOLT HOLES: Holes drilled or cast into pipe for lifting bolts shall be adequately plugged
with a suitable polymer concrete plug that shall be properly glued and sealed before backfill is placed.
(N) MANUFACTURER’S EXPERIENCE: The pipe manufacturer shall have employed manufacturing
methods and material formulations in the manufacture of polymer concrete pipe for a minimum of five (5)
years. The manufacturer shall provide a list of references that demonstrate the successful installation of a
minimum of one thousand (1,000) feet of polymer concrete pipe by using pressurized face
microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment with a closed face tunnel shield and positive controlled face
pressure within the United States. The Manufacturer shall submit such references, which shall include, at
a minimum the description of the project(s), a listing of the location(s), date of project(s), owner, pipe class
and size, type of installation equipment utilized, maximum line and grade deviations and other information
relevant to the issue of the successful installation of polymer concrete pipe.
(A) The polymer concrete pipe shall conform to the minimum structural standards as follows:
(1) Each pipe shall be free from all defects, including indentations, cracks, foreign inclusions, and
resin-starved areas that, due to their nature, degree, or extent, detrimentally affect the strength
and serviceability of the pipe. The pipe shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color,
opacity, density, and other physical properties.
(2) The inside surface of the pipe shall be free of bulges, dents, ridges, and other defects that result
in a variation of inside diameter of more than one-eighth (1/8) inch from that obtained on
adjacent unaffected portions of the surface.
(3) Joint sealing surfaces shall be free of dents, gouges, and other surface irregularities that will
affect the integrity of the joint.
(1) Inside Diameters - Inside Diameters and tolerances on inside diameters for pipe shall be in
accordance with ASTM D6783.
(2) Lengths - Pipe shall be supplied in nominal lengths of eight (8) or ten (10) feet. Tolerance on
nominal length for pipe shall be ±1-inch.
(3) Wall Thickness - Wall thicknesses and tolerances on wall thicknesses for polymer concrete
pipe shall be in accordance with ASTM D6783. The minimum wall thickness, measured at the
narrowest point along the pipe, shall provide sufficient axial compression strength to withstand
anticipated loads. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum factor of safety against ultimate
jacking load shall be 3:1.
(4) End Squareness - The planes of the ends of the pipe shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis within a tolerance of 0.06-inch for nominal diameters through 39-inches, 0.12-inch for
(5) Pipe Straightness - The pipe shall not deviate from straight by more than 0.04-inch/foot for
nominal diameters through 39-inches, 0.06-inch/foot for nominal diameters 42-inches through
78-inches, and 0.08-inch/foot for nominal diameters 84-inches through 144-inches when
measured in accordance with ASTM D6783.
(6) Pipe Roundness - The outside diameter shall not vary from true circle by more than one percent
(1.0%) when measured in accordance with ASTM D6783.
All sampling and production testing (for workmanship, dimensional, and physical requirements),
qualification testing (for hydrostatic pressure, chemical resistance, joint tightness), and control testing (for
chemical resistance) shall be done in accordance with ASTM D6783.
(A) PLANT INSPECTION: The City and/or the City’s designated representative shall be entitled to
inspect and witness the manufacturing process of the pipe.
(B) VISUAL INSPECTION: Polymer concrete pipe shall be subject to visual inspection at the site of the
work by the Engineer. The Engineer may reject any individual imperfect pieces on account of any
chemical and/or physical defects in workmanship as stated in Subsection 2.26.5. However, if such
chemical and/or physical defects exist in more than ten (10) percent of the pipe inspected, the entire lot of
defective pipe shall be rejected.
2.26.8 MARKING
Each length of pipe shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer's initials or registered trademark by
which the manufacturer can be readily identified, the lot number and the size and class of pipe. The
marking may be stenciled, or otherwise applied on the pipe so as to be clear and legible at the time of
Packaging, handling and shipping shall be performed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions
or ASTM D6783; whichever is more stringent.
3.01.1 GENERAL
(A) The Contractor will be required to retain the services of an independent New York State Licensed
Testing Laboratory to perform all materials testing on this project, except as otherwise specified. Prior to
the start of manufacture the Contractor shall submit the name of a Testing Laboratory for approval to the
Engineer. Upon approval this laboratory will be required to set up a program for the testing of all materials
to be utilized on this project. All costs associated with the testing of materials shall be borne by the
Contractor and the costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
All materials, as well as the plant and methods of manufacture, shall be subject at all times to the
inspection and approval of the Engineer. All materials inspected and approved at place of manufacture,
quarry, dock or siding may be subject to further inspection at the place of use, and any materials failing to
comply with the specification requirements will be rejected.
The Engineer may at any time order such other and further inspection, examination, and tests, as the
Engineer may deem necessary and proper to satisfy the Engineer that the work and materials are in
compliance with these specifications.
The Contractor shall give the Engineer sufficient advance notice prior to starting the manufacture of the
materials. The Engineer shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract is being performed to
all parts of the manufacturer's works which concern the manufacture of the materials. The manufacturer
shall afford the Inspector, without charge, all reasonable facilities to satisfy the Inspector that the material
is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. In the absence of an Inspector at the plant
during manufacture, the Engineer may accept a certificate of test.
(B) METALS - Certificates of mill tests of chemical and physical properties of metals shall be furnished
on all deliveries, unless otherwise permitted. The Contractor shall indicate in the shipping invoices the
heat or melt numbers that will permit positive identification of the mill tests with the materials delivered.
(C) CONCRETE - The manufacture of concrete shall be subject to inspection at all times. The
Contractor shall give the Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice prior to starting the
manufacture. All apparatus, applicable specifications and other facilities needed for making the required
tests or examinations including scales, sieves and facilities for moisture tests, shall be provided at the
plant by the Contractor. All testing apparatus and equipment shall be of standard and approved type.
(D) TREATED WOOD - Timber, lumber and timber piles to be treated shall be inspected and tested
before and after treatment at the plant. No shipment of treated material shall be made unless it has been
accepted by the Engineer as satisfactory under the Inspector's report. The Inspector shall seal or stamp
accepted treated material prior to shipment.
(E) TREATED TIMBER PILES - Before delivery on the site of the work, all piles shall be inspected. An
independent Testing Laboratory approved by the Commissioner shall do the inspection. The expense for
the inspection shall be borne by the Contractor.
Each delivery shall be accompanied by the required number of delivery tickets, stating the name, type and
grade of the material, quantity contained in the delivery, name of Contractor, and Contract Number.
Invoices for bulk shipments of Portland Cement shall contain information that will permit positive
identification of the material delivered.
Whenever, during the course of the work, the Contractor receives new deliveries of materials, their use
will not be permitted until they have been examined and approved by the Engineer. Mixed lots varying in
origin, brands or trademarks will not be accepted on any contract unless specifically permitted by the
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with facilities and laborers to assist in the inspection and
sampling of the materials in use or to be used at any time before the start and during the course of the
Samples taken from the various deliveries during the progress of the work, when tested and analyzed,
shall conform to the requirements of the specifications and shall have qualities equal to those of the
approved samples submitted. No material other than that equal to the approved samples shall be used
without the written permission of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall furnish and deliver as directed, without charge, samples, affidavits, and other
information required of the materials intended to be used, as follows:
(A) FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATES - A statement in writing of the specific sources of the fine and
coarse aggregates the Contractor proposes to use.
LINER BRICK - Twelve bricks proposed to be used on the work, accompanied by a certificate giving the
name and location of the plant from which it is proposed to obtain brick for use on the work, together with
a copy of a report from an approved laboratory giving results of tests of such bricks.
(C) VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE - Specimens of sound, full size pipe, up to one (1) percent of the number of
pipe in each size of pipe furnished, except that in no case shall less than one (1) specimen of each size be
(D) PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - One (1) percent of each size of reinforced concrete
pipe shall be selected by the Director of the Laboratory and moved to the laboratory at the expense of the
Contractor for test for ultimate loading. Additional field tests may be made by the Director of the
Laboratory for first crack loading. After testing, the Contractor shall remove any reinforced concrete pipe
from the laboratory.
(E) JOINT MATERIALS FOR PIPE - Two (2) pounds of Type 2, Premoulded Bituminous Compound, in
suitable containers properly labeled with the name or brand, Contract Number and Title, Contractor's
name and date.
(F) OTHER MATERIALS - Samples of adequate size and quantity of any of the other materials, in
suitable containers, each properly labeled with the name or brand and specified source of the contents
and name of the Contractor.
3.02.2 METHODS
(A) The Engineer shall select all samples of materials for testing. Except as herein otherwise specified,
sampling of materials shall be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the following and other
applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials:
(1) Brick C279, C32
(2) Cement, Portland C183, C184, C187,
C188, C190, C191
(3) Concrete Cylinders, Standard Method of Making and Storing C31
Compression Test Specimens of Concrete in the Field
(4) Iron Castings A47, A48
(5) Steel Castings A27
(6) Stone, Slag, Gravel, Sand and Stone Block D75
(1) BARGE LOAD - A gross sample shall be taken from at least four (4) points, at a depth of at least one
(1) foot below the surface of the stone on the boat and at equal distance along a diagonal line from
bulkhead to bulkhead. These samples shall be consolidated into one (1) sample for test purposes.
(2) TRUCK LOAD PILE - A gross sample shall be taken from at least four (4) points, at a depth of at
least one (1) foot below the surface of the pile, at equal distance between base and top. These
samples shall be consolidated into one (1) sample for test purposes.
(3) SIZE OF SAMPLE - The gross sample shall be not less than twice the weight of the laboratory
sample, and it shall be quartered down to the size of a laboratory sample.
At least one (1) laboratory sample of the aggregate weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds shall be
taken from each size as representing the delivery thereof.
(C) CONCRETE TEST CYLINDERS - All work related to Concrete Test Cylinders shall be in accordance
with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(D) STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT - Three (3) pieces at least twenty-four (24)
inches in length shall be taken from each size and heat number delivered.
Except as herein otherwise specified, methods of test shall be as prescribed under the various sections of
Division II and by the following and other applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and
(1) Brick C279, C32
(2) Compressive Strength (Mortars) C109
(3) Cement, Portland C183, C184, C187,
C188, C190, C191,
C114, C151
(4) Clay Lumps in Aggregate C142
(5) Concrete, Standard Methods of Making Compression Tests of Concrete C39
(6) Consistency of Portland Cement Concrete (Slump Test) C143
(7) Fineness by Air Permeability C204
(A) INSPECTION - All pipe shall be inspected at the manufacturer's yard for compliance with the
requirements of ASTM C700. An independent Testing Laboratory retained by the manufacturer shall
perform this inspection. The Testing Laboratory shall be licensed in both the State wherein the inspection
and testing is to be performed and also in the State of New York.
(B) TESTING - The Testing Laboratory shall assign an identifying number for each lot of one hundred
(100) lengths of pipe for every size manufactured for the project and shall also affix said lot number to
each pipe length.
For crushing strength tests, the Testing Laboratory shall select one (1) pipe length from each lot. Where
less than one hundred (100) lengths of pipe are to be required for any pipe diameter, at least one (1) pipe
length will be selected for testing purposes; however, the Laboratory with the approval of the Engineer
may waive this requirement at their discretion.
The specimens selected shall be tested for crushing strength by the three-edge bearing method in
accordance with ASTM C301, Standard Methods of Testing Clay Pipe. This test shall be under the
supervision of the Testing Laboratory. The minimum crushing strength required will be those strengths
listed in ASTM C700, under Table I, for Extra Strength Clay Pipe.
The Testing Laboratory will reject all pipe of the lot from which the tested length specimen has been taken
if the actual strength of the pipe tested fails to meet the minimum three-edge bearing strength. However,
the manufacturer may request that the Testing Laboratory select two (2) other lengths of pipe representing
that lot from which the original pipe tested was selected from, to be tested. Should the tests on these two
(2) lengths of pipe prove satisfactory, the lot represented by these lengths of pipe will be accepted.
Should the tests on one (1) or both of these lengths of pipe prove unsatisfactory, no other test on any
other lengths of pipe from this lot will be made and all other pipe in this particular lot will be rejected.
Pipe shall not be released from the manufacturer's plant for shipment to the job site until the Testing
Laboratory has certified the results of the tests.
Rejected New York City pipe shall have all New York City identifying cast on or painted on markings
removed as soon as possible after rejection.
In addition the report shall include the specification requirements for the above items, where applicable.
The reports shall be submitted to the Engineer within three (3) days after testing, and no pipe shall be
incorporated into the work until these reports have been received and accepted by the Engineer.
The cost of all of the above shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
All requirements of ASTM C76, shall be conformed to in the manufacture of precast reinforced concrete
pipe including ASTM C497 regarding Standard Methods of Testing.
(A) INSPECTION - All pipe shall be inspected at the manufacturer's yard for compliance with the
requirements of ASTM C76. An independent Testing Laboratory retained by the manufacturer shall
perform the inspection. The Testing Laboratory shall be licensed in both the State wherein the inspection
and testing is to be performed and also in the State of New York.
(B) TESTING - For pipe testing purposes, the Laboratory will select one (1) length from each one
hundred (100) lengths of each pipe diameter manufactured for this contract. Where less than one
hundred (100) lengths of pipe are required for any pipe diameter, at least one (1) length will be selected
for testing purposes; however, the Laboratory with the approval of the Engineer may waive this
requirement at their discretion. The Laboratory shall witness all tests on pipe.
The Testing Laboratory will reject all pipe of the lot from which the tested length has been taken if the
actual or corrected strength of the pipe tested fails to meet the three-edge load bearing strength test
requirement. However, the manufacturer may request that two (2) other lengths of pipe, representing that
lot from which the original pipe was selected, be tested. The Laboratory will select these two (2) lengths of
pipe. Should the tests of these two (2) lengths of pipe prove satisfactory, the lot represented by these
lengths of pipe will be accepted. Should the test on one (1) or both of these lengths of pipe prove
unsatisfactory, no further tests on any lengths of pipe from this lot shall be made, and all the pipe in this
particular lot will be rejected. Pipe shall not be released from the Manufacturer's plant for shipment to the
site of the work, until the Testing Laboratory certifies the results of the tests.
The pipe manufacturer shall provide an approved and certified testing machine with a hydraulically
operated jack and direct reading gauges requiring no calibration.
Rejected New York City pipe shall have all New York City identifying cast on or painted on markings
removed as soon as possible after rejection.
perform hydrostatic tests on pipe and rubber gasket joints in accordance with ASTM C361, Section 8. -
Hydrostatic Tests. Hydrostatic tests shall be for a hydrostatic head of twenty-five (25) feet or as otherwise
specified. The hydrostatic pressure tests on joints shall be made on the joint of two (2) sections of pipe
assembled and properly connected in accordance with the joint design submitted on the shop drawing and
approved by the Department of Design and Construction.
All manufacturers supplying Reinforced Concrete Pipe to the Department of Design and Construction
shall, for each size pipe and gasket combination submitted for approval, have on file with the Department
a Certified Statement attested thereto by the City Inspector/Representative or Testing Laboratory that the
Hydrostatic Test on Pipe and on Rubber Gasket Joint called for was performed in accordance with ASTM
C361 and passed.
The cost of all of the above shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
(1) On all shop drawings submitted to the Department of Design and Construction for approval, the
following statement shall be made thereon:
(a) All requirements of ASTM Specifications for Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe as called for in
the specifications have been complied with in the manufacture of the pipe.
(b) A statement that a satisfactory Hydrostatic Test has been performed on the pipe in accordance
with ASTM C361 during the last twenty-four (24) months and is on file in the Department of
Design and Construction. Statement shall include date of test and copy of Certification.
(2) All shop drawings submitted shall be in conformity with the latest master drawings submitted by the
manufacturer and on file with the Department of Design and Construction.
(3) The Department of Design and Construction is to be allowed a minimum of two (2) weeks to review
shop drawings. Jobs of greater complexity are to receive proportionately more time for review.
The description and location of the work for this contract are specified on Attachment 1 (Bid Information).
The Contractor shall conduct the Contractor’s operations so as to cause a minimum interference to
vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The time, place and manner in which the work is to be performed shall be
as directed by the Engineer. Only as much of the roadway as the Engineer shall designate, may be
closed to traffic and only for as long as the Engineer may prescribe. The work shall be prosecuted
simultaneously at one or more places as ordered by the Engineer.
All work shall be done in open trenches or excavations except where construction by tunneling methods is
specifically provided for in the contract documents.
The Contractor, in order to prevent damage to subsurface structures and adjacent buildings, to safeguard
persons and property and to minimize inconvenience to traffic and the public, also to protect the structure
to be installed and to provide suitable and safe working conditions, shall adequately sheet and brace
trenches or excavations. Except as otherwise provided, deviations from the above will be permitted only
where, in the judgment of the Engineer, such exception will not result in any of the hazards described
(A) All trenches in earth shall be excavated with vertical sides, and shall be supported by close sheeting,
properly braced, unless otherwise permitted. Sheeting and bracing shall extend from at least the existing
surface of the ground to an adequate depth below the subgrade of the structure, except where otherwise
specified on the plans, or permitted by the Engineer in writing. Sheeting must be driven below the area of
the pilot cut. Driving of sheeting above the pilot cut is subject to the directions of the Engineer.
Pilot cuts for trenches shall not exceed five (5) feet at any time. The Engineer may reduce the depth of
the pilot cut should soil and subsurface conditions warrant such action.
The Engineer may direct the Contractor to use other types of equipment, and to revise the procedure
during the excavation of the pilot trench and the driving of the sheeting should it be found necessary to do
Trenches, five (5) feet in depth or less, need not be sheeted and braced, except where the trenches are in
close proximity to existing structures or subsurface structures or where the Engineer, in writing,
specifically prohibits the use of a nonsheeted trench.
(B) Where shown, specified or permitted in writing by the Engineer, the sides of the trenches shall be
sloped to elevations approved by the Engineer. Side slopes must be stable and shall be, in the dry, at
least one and one-half (1-1/2) vertical on one (1) horizontal. In all cases, the sides of the trench
excavations shall not be sloped to the elevations lower than two (2) feet above the top of the water main
and sewer pipe, poured-in-place sewers and box shaped or other nonpipe sewers. The maximum width
of trench shall be in conformity with Subsection 4.02.4.
(1) Minimum Widths - Unless otherwise specified or approved by the Engineer, the minimum widths
of sewer trenches shall be such as to meet the following:
(a) The minimum width in earth between inner faces of the lowest stage of sheeting, from
subgrade of sewer trench to a minimum height of two (2) feet above the top of the pipe, for
circular pipe sewers, elliptical pipe sewers, basin connections, house connections, and
other circular pipe drains shall not be less than the standard width of the cradle plus six (6)
inches minimum each side. This minimum shall be maintained at all times, except where
sheeting is to be used as formwork. Where sheeting is to be used as formwork the
minimum width of trench shall be determined by the Engineer.
(b) The minimum width in earth between inner faces of the lowest stage of sheeting, from
subgrade of sewer trench to a minimum height of two (2) feet above the top of poured-in-
place sewers and box shaped or other nonpipe sewers, or to a minimum height specified
on the sheeting and bracing drawings for other structures (i.e. manholes, chambers, etc.),
shall not be less than the greatest external width of the poured-in-place sewers, box
shaped or other nonpipe sewers, and other structures plus six (6) inches minimum each
side. This minimum shall be maintained at all times, except where sheeting is to be used
as formwork. Where sheeting is to be used as formwork the minimum width of trench
shall be determined by the Engineer.
(c) The minimum width in rock between faces of the lowest stage of vertical rock cut lines
from subgrade of sewer trench to a minimum height of two (2) feet above the top of all
circular pipe sewers, basin connections, house connections, other circular pipe drains,
elliptical pipe sewers, poured-in-place sewers and box shaped or other nonpipe sewers, or
to a minimum height specified on the sheeting and bracing drawings for other structures
(i.e. manholes, chambers, etc.), shall not be less than the standard width of the cradle or
the greatest external width of the poured-in-place sewers, box shaped or other non pipe
sewers, and other structures plus eight (8) inches minimum each side.
(2) Maximum Widths - Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the maximum widths of sewer
trenches shall be such that the maximum width in earth or in rock between inner faces of the lowest
stage of sheeting or faces of the lowest stage of vertical rock cut lines from subgrade of sewer trench
to a minimum height of two (2) feet above the top of all circular pipe sewers, basin connections,
house connections, other circular pipe drains, elliptical pipe sewers, poured-in-place sewers and box
shaped or other nonpipe sewers, or to a minimum height specified on the sheeting and bracing
drawing for other structures (i.e. manholes, chambers, etc.) shall not be greater than the standard
width of the cradle or the greatest external width of the poured-in-place sewers, box shaped or other
nonpipe sewers, and other structures plus eighteen (18) inches maximum each side.
(3) Minimum Depth - The minimum depth of sewer trench shall be the depth required in order to
construct the sewer structures, together with foundations, complete to the lines and grades and to
the elevations shown and specified on the contract documents and as directed by the Engineer.
(a) The Contractor is advised that for pipe sewers and precast box or other sewers, the
minimum width of trenches and clearances on each side of the sewers that the Contractor
elects to use shall be such as to permit for a good and workmanlike caulking and sealing
of all joints.
(b) In rock trenches the Contractor may, with the written permission of the Engineer, omit the
use of side forms. No rock shall project inside the minimum width vertical rock cut lines
herein specified. Where provisions for future house connections are specified in the
contract or required by the Engineer, the rock cut line shall be a minimum of one (1) foot
(c) Where the Contractor elects to cut the Contractor’s sewer trench in rock by means that will
result in overbreakage, rather than resorting to means which will insure adherence to the
maximum allowable width of sewer trench, the Contractor shall be required to fill the
spaces between the edges of the pipe sewer cradle or the external neat line of the poured-
in-place sewers and box shaped or other nonpipe sewers and the sides of the rock cut with
concrete, from subgrade of trench to a minimum height of two (2) feet above the top of the
sewer. Should the overbreakage result in an additional width of trench sufficient to
overload the sewer, the Contractor shall, at the Contractor’s own expense, provide
additional strength or concrete encasement and/or reinforcement for the sewer, as
required by the Engineer.
(d) If the Contractor elects to carry the excavation in earth below the required subgrade of the
sewer trench, the Contractor shall backfill the sewer trench to the required subgrade with
either properly compacted stone ballast or with concrete, as directed by the Engineer. If
the Contractor elects to carry the excavation in rock below the required subgrade of the
sewer trench, the Contractor shall backfill the trench to the required subgrade with
concrete or stone ballast as directed by the Engineer. No separate or additional payment
shall be made for such backfilling where required, nor for any additional excavation and
sheeting, the cost thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all contract items
of work.
(1) Where the structures are to be supported on piles and the Contractor deems it necessary to
widen the trench beyond the maximum widths herein specified in order to permit the driving of such
piles, the Contractor shall apply to the Engineer in writing for permission to widen the trench.
(2) Any widening or enlargement of excavation permitted in writing by the Engineer upon the
request of the Contractor in order to perform the work as specified in the contract documents and/or
to expedite the Contractor’s construction operations, will not be measured for any separate or
additional payment, but the costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all contract
items of work.
In cases where sheeting and bracing will not adequately protect adjacent structures from damage and
settlement, the Contractor will be required to use such methods as are necessary to safely support and
maintain adjacent and abutting property and structures and to maintain the work safe to life, limb and
Sheeting and Bracing of the trenches shall be done in accordance with Section 4.05 - Sheeting And
Unless otherwise specified in the plans or these specifications or specifically permitted in writing by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall remove all sheeting and bracing throughout this project as per Subsection
When sheeting is specifically shown on the plans or specifically described in the specifications or
specifically ordered in writing by the Engineer to be left in place all work shall be done in accordance with
Subsection 4.05.2.
Prior to the backfilling of trenches and excavations all formwork shall be removed.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or ordered in writing by the Engineer, there shall not
be more than six hundred (600) feet of open trench in a roadway at any one time. (Trenches backfilled
but not yet temporarily paved are considered open trenches.)
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or ordered in writing by the Engineer, all trenches in
rock shall be excavated to its full depth for a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet in advance of the length
of water main pipe and sewer conduit permitted to be laid; however, the total length of trench shall not be
less than fifty (50) feet. The only exception to this is at its upper end or ends, where rock shall be
excavated to its full depth to a distance of not less than five (5) feet beyond the water main pipe and sewer
conduit to be built. (See Section 5.27.)
Trenches for basin connections and house services shall not be opened on both sides of the street at the
same time unless permission has previously been given to close the street. Unless otherwise directed,
each trench for basin connections and house services shall be fully excavated for its entire length before
any pipe is laid therein.
The Contractor shall clear and grub the surface over the trenches and excavations of all trees and stumps
and remove the same from the site of work. All work associated with tree stump removal shall be done in
accordance with Subsection 1.06.5 of the specifications and as specified by the Department of Parks and
Recreation permits.
If required, any or all of the excavated material shall be satisfactorily disinfected or deodorized prior to
removal from the site of work.
Materials of construction shall be so deposited, and the work shall be so conducted as to leave open and
free for traffic all crosswalks and a space on each sidewalk not less than one-third (1/3) the width of such
sidewalk but not less than five (5) feet in width. A roadway not less than one-third (1/3) of the width of the
total roadway but not less than eleven (11) feet shall be provided for the free passage of vehicles, unless
otherwise specified in Subsection 1.06.29 or permitted in writing by the Engineer. Street hydrants, water
gates, fire alarm boxes and letter boxes shall be kept accessible for use at all times. Not more than two
hundred (200) feet of available sidewalk shall be used at any time for storage of materials of construction.
During the progress of the work the Contractor shall maintain all crosswalks, sidewalk, driveways and
roadways in a safe, neat, clean and satisfactory condition. The work shall at all times be so conducted as
to cause a minimum of inconvenience to public travel and permit safe access to private and public
property along the line of the work. All work shall be done in accordance with Subsection 1.06.29 and
Department of Transportation permits.
Excavated material shall not be stored at any time along the line of the work.
(1) All material excavated from the first one hundred (100) feet of trench shall be carted away by the
Contractor as soon as excavated. The material subsequently excavated, if suitable for backfill in
accordance with Section 4.06, may be used to backfill the trench in which the water main pipe and
sewer conduit has been built and for which permission to backfill has been given.
(2) Where deficiency of acceptable backfill material occurs, the required amount of suitable backfill
material shall be brought to the work and used to backfill the trench.
The subgrade of all trenches and excavations shall be constructed neat and compacted to the elevations
and grades required as shown or specified in the contract documents, and as directed by the Engineer.
For Sewer Trenches And Excavation Only - Upon completion of the sewer trenches and excavations and
prior to placement of structures, the Contractor shall take in-place soil density tests of the subgrade (the
number and locations of these tests shall be as directed by the Engineer), and shall compact the
subgrade, as directed by the Engineer, to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of Standard Proctor
Maximum Dry Density (as determined by AASHTO T-99 Test Method). All soil density testing shall be
done in accordance with Subsection 4.06.4 - Soil Density Testing.
4.02.13 FENCE
The Contractor shall completely enclose by temporary fences all trenches and excavations and all other
potentially hazardous locations as determined by the Engineer, as soon as such conditions exist. Fences
shall be constructed, placed, maintained, measured and payment made for in accordance with Section
5.24 of the specifications.
Where specified or required, the Contractor shall construct and maintain, as directed, suitable temporary
walks and bridges for pedestrians and vehicles. Temporary walks and/or bridges must be installed across
trenches at all active hydrant locations and crosswalks specified, required or ordered. Where specified or
required, temporary bridges shall be installed across trenches in order to provide vehicles access to
driveways. Where specified or required, street intersections and/or sidewalk areas shall be temporarily
bridged or decked over and kept open to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
The Contractor shall work one-half (1/2) of an intersection at a time and shall keep the other one-half (1/2)
of the intersection open to vehicular traffic at all times, unless otherwise specified.
The Contractor shall, at each intersection, maintain open for pedestrian traffic at least one (1) pedestrian
crossing, unless otherwise specified or ordered in writing by the Engineer.
If a trench runs between the lane designated for emergency traffic and a hydrant(s), a walkway over the
trench at each hydrant location must be installed and maintained by the Contractor.
All designated pedestrian walks, crosswalks and bridges shall be protected from the excavation area and
the construction operation through the use of an approved barrier, temporary fence, or other temporary
devices and in a manner approved by the Engineer. As a minimum requirement, pedestrian crossings
over excavations shall be constructed with steel plates and lined on both sides of the plates with
temporary fence attached to timber curbs. Where steel plates cannot be used a substantial timber walk or
bridge shall be constructed with temporary fence attached to timber curbs on both sides of the walk or
bridge. Such crossings shall have a clear distance between timber curbs with fencing of not less than
three (3) feet in width.
All temporary walks, crosswalks and bridges shall be maintained in a safe, neat, clean and satisfactory
condition and shall be suitably lighted at night. All walks, bridging and decking shall be firmly secured so
as to eliminate any possible shift or movement.
The removal of the pavement and the placing of the temporary walkways, bridging or decking shall be
done during the hours of the day or night designated by the Engineer, which will cause the least
inconvenience to business properties along the line of the improvement and to public travel in general. If
approved in writing by the Engineer, during certain hours of the day or night designated by the Engineer,
sections of walks, bridging or decking, no more than eight (8) feet in length may be temporarily removed
for the purpose of removing excavated material or receiving materials of construction or for backfilling. All
All work shall be done in accordance with Subsection 1.06.29, Department of Transportation Permits and
as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the work keep the trenches and excavations free
from water. The water from the trenches and excavations shall be disposed of in such a manner as will
not cause injury to the public health, nor to public or private property, nor to the work completed or in
progress, nor to the surface of the streets, nor cause any interference with the use of the same by the
public. All sewers used for disposal of water from the trenches and excavation during construction shall
be acceptably cleaned.
When in order to comply with the above, it is deemed necessary to widen sewer trenches and excavations
beyond the allowable maximum width, to permit the installation of well points, the Contractor shall, as
directed by the Engineer, provide either pipe of additional strength or concrete encasement at no
additional cost to the City.
The Contractor shall, with the Contractor’s own equipment, provide dewatering where required at no
additional cost to the City. The cost for all labor, equipment, materials, etc. required to dispose of water
from the trenches shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
All dewatering and discharge pipes and hoses which cross traveled roadways shall be placed in such a
manner so as to eliminate any disruption of traffic flow. If so ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
place the pipes and hoses in shallow trenches that will then be plated over. All header pipes shall be
buried below existing roadway grade at driveways in order to maintain access to driveways.
All plates shall be firmly secured so as to eliminate any possible shift or movement.
All pumps used in the dewatering operation shall be electric and shall be powered directly from a Con
Edison drop, unless otherwise unavailable.
Dewatering by means of well points or deep wells will not be allowed in the Boroughs of Brooklyn or
Queens where the rate of pumping exceeds forty-five (45) gallons per minute unless the appropriate
permit has been secured from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
(A) Earth Excavation shall include the removal and disposal of all materials of whatever nature
encountered in the prosecution of the work, unless otherwise specified. All materials of whatever nature
encountered shall be defined as including, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) soil;
(2) stones;
(3) soft weathered rock that can be excavated by mechanical means other than air hammer or
drilling and blasting;
(4) miscellaneous fill and refuse, anything thrown away or rejected as worthless or useless
(both organic and inorganic material) that can be excavated by mechanical means other
than air hammer or burning and cutting;
(5) sidewalk pavements (all types) and curbs (all types) within limits of trenches and
excavations and cutbacks;
(6) existing man-made objects or structures within the trenches and excavations, which
objects or structures are shown on the contract drawings or indicated in the specifications,
(C) If the City anticipates that any of the items in paragraph (B) above need to be excavated and
disposed of, a separate contract item will be included in this contract.
If a separate contract item is not included in the contract and the City determines: (1) that the Contractor
could not have reasonably anticipated that such materials would need to be excavated and disposed of;
and (2) that such excavation and disposal would materially affect the Contractor’s costs; then such
excavation and disposal shall be paid for as Extra Work.
The widths of trenches in earth and the dimensions of excavations in earth shall be in accordance with
Section 4.02 of the specifications.
(A) The trenches in open cut shall be excavated to the depth required for the foundations of the sewer
conduit and appurtenances. Where conditions are such as to make it necessary to excavate to additional
depths, as directed by the Engineer, (except conditions described in Subsection 4.03.3(B) below)
separate payment shall be made under the item(s) labeled “ADDITIONAL EARTH EXCAVATION
INCLUDING TEST PITS”, and as described in Section 5.36 - Additional Earth Excavation Including
Test Pits.
All irregularities in the bottom of the sewer trenches and excavations shall be filled to the required
subgrade with Stone Ballast as directed by the Engineer.
Backfill of the sewer trench to subgrade, shall be as described in Section 5.28 - Riprap, Stone Ballast,
Broken Stone And Slope Pavement for sewer trenches and excavations and payment shall be made
under the item labeled “STONE BALLAST”.
(B) Where the subgrade of the sewer trenches and excavations cannot be maintained in a dry condition,
except in locations where the sewers and appurtenances are on piles, the Contractor shall excavate the
trenches and excavations to an additional depth of six (6) inches below the subgrade of the sewers and
appurtenances and backfill the trenches and excavations to the subgrade of the sewers and
appurtenances with Stone Ballast.
The cost for this additional excavation, sheeting, installation of stone ballast, labor, materials, plant,
equipment and insurance required or necessary to complete this work shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for the respective sewer or appurtenance items.
Excavation of boulders in open cut shall include the excavation, removal and disposal of boulders or parts
thereof from within the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trenches and excavations, more than one-half
(1/2) cubic yard in volume. The term boulders as used herein shall include riprap, rock fill, thrust blocks
and loose masonry.
4.04.2 REMOVAL
The Contractor may elect to remove an entire boulder when partly extending into the trench. Boulders
shall be removed from the site of the work immediately after being excavated and measurements taken by
the Engineer. Excavated boulders shall become the Contractor's property and shall be properly disposed
of at the Contractor's expense.
No separate or additional payment will be made for excavating, removal and disposal of boulders one-half
(1/2) cubic yard or less in volume, or for demolishing and removing existing water main chambers and
sewer structures; the cost thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of this contract.
No separate or additional payment will be made whenever the Contractor elects to remove an entire
boulder that extends partly into the trench or excavation. Payment will only be made for that volume of the
boulder that is within the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trench or excavation. No separate or
additional payment will be made for the removal of boulders or for the filling of voids left by the removal of
boulders beyond the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trench or excavation.
(A) The sides of the trenches and excavations shall be supported by adequate sheeting and properly
braced. All sheeting and bracing systems the Contractor elects to use or are ordered by the Engineer or
the Department shall comply with these specifications and must receive the approvals stated herein.
Timber sheeting and bracing shall be vertical sheeting with ranges and braces or horizontal sheeting
supported by vertical steel soldier beams and the necessary bracing.
(B) Where the material to be excavated is of such character as to render it necessary, the sheeting shall
be tongued and grooved and driven to such depths below the subgrade as may be directed.
(C) Where the nature of the material encountered or the safety of the adjacent structure render it
necessary, the Contractor may resort to the use of steel sheet piling with prestressed bracing or the
Contractor may underpin the structure or buildings.
(D) Other sheeting systems may be permitted upon approval of the Department of Design and
Construction. (Trench Boxes will not be permitted for use in trenches and excavations that exceed twelve
(12) feet in depth. (See Subsection 4.05.4(E).))
(E) In general, sheeting and bracing in trenches and excavations shall be designed and installed so that
the sheeting shall not be braced or blocked against any part of the new structure, or manholes, or
chambers. When conditions warrant, bracing against such structures may be permitted following the
approval of drawings prepared and submitted by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New
York, showing the assumed design loads and stresses, and details of such bracing.
(G) Unless otherwise specified in the plans or these specifications, the Contractor shall remove all
sheeting and bracing throughout this project as per Subsection 4.05.7.
When sheeting is specifically shown on the plans or specifically described in the specifications or
specifically ordered in writing by the Engineer to be left in place, it refers to all sheeting and bracing in
trench excavations for water main pipe and sewer conduit including manholes, valves and chambers.
Excavations for catch basins, basin connections, house services and other excavations not considered
part of the trench excavation for water main pipe and sewer conduit shall have their sheeting and bracing
removed entirely.
When sheeting is to be left in place, all elements such as rangers and braces, of the sheeting used, must
be left in place, except for such temporary braces that require removal in order to make way for the
structure. Where it is necessary to remove such temporary braces, the sheeting shall be rebraced in a
manner approved by the Engineer; however, in no case shall the sheeting be braced against the side of
the structure unless approved in writing by the Engineer. Where lagging and soldier beams are used, the
soldier beams and all the rangers and braces shall also be left in place. Where steel sheeting is used, the
rangers and braces shall also be left in place.
When sheeting is to be left in place, the Contractor shall cut sheeting at the elevations ordered in writing
by the Engineer; however, in general such cutoffs shall not be less than four (4) feet below the final grade.
Timber sheeting shall be cut off by sawing. Steel sheeting or soldier beams shall be cut off by burning.
Breaking off of sheeting will not be permitted. The Contractor shall remove from the trench and away
from the site of work, to the Contractor’s own place of disposal, all cut sheeting and soldier beams
together with all rangers, lagging and braces above the ordered elevation of cut. Where the removal of
rangers and braces above the ordered elevation of cut is determined by the Engineer to render the
sheeting system unstable, rangers and braces shall be placed prior to cutting at a level below the ordered
elevation of cut and left in place.
No separate or additional payment will be made for sheeting and bracing that is specifically shown on the
plans or specifically described in the specifications to be left in place in sewer trenches and excavations,
regardless of the type used nor for the removal from the trench and excavation and the disposal away
from the job site of the cut sheeting, bracing and rangers. The cost thereof shall be included in the prices
bid for all sewer contract items of work, except when separate payment for sheeting and bracing is
provided, in this case the cost shall be included therein. When sheeting is specifically ordered by the
Engineer, to be left in place in sewer trenches and excavations, the cost for all labor, materials, cutting,
removal, disposal, insurance and work required to leave sheeting in place shall be determine in
accordance with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
If sheeting is specifically shown on the plans or specifically described in the specification to be left in place
in sewer trenches and excavations and the Contractor requests permission to remove the sheeting and
bracing in place or requests that the sides of the trenches be sloped, and such procedures are approved
in writing by the Engineer, an acceptable credit shall accrue to the City for the portion of the sheeting and
bracing removed or omitted.
(A) Timber sheeting and bracing shall be of new or acceptable used timber free from injurious defects.
(B) Steel soldier beams shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19 - Structural, Reinforcing
And Miscellaneous Steel, except that approved used material will be permitted. Steel sheet piling shall
(C) Steel Plates for use as sheeting will be permitted provided that they are properly installed and
supported. The use of steel bracing frames which partially support the steel plates will be permitted up to
a depth of twelve (12) feet. The use of steel plates in conjunction with trench boxes will not be permitted
(trench boxes can not be considered as steel bracing frames).
(D) Steel Sheeting shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.21 and shall be installed with
continuous interlock.
(A) GENERAL - Timber sheeting and bracing and other sheeting systems shall be of sufficient
dimensions and strength, and steel sheeting shall be of sufficient type, size and weight, to support
adequately the sides of the trenches and excavations and insure the safety of adjacent structures and
shall be installed in accordance with the approved sheeting details. The Contractor shall be solely
responsible for the adequacy and sufficiency of all sheeting and bracing used.
(B) SHEETING - Unless otherwise specified, timber sheeting and bracing shall be driven or placed
ahead of the excavation in such a manner as to prevent the loss or slippage of ground in order to
safeguard adjacent surface and subsurface structures. The sheeting shall be driven to adequate depth
below subgrade. As the work progresses, any voids back of the sheeting shall be filled and compacted in
accordance with Section 4.06 and as directed by the Engineer.
(C) Sheeting can be used as forms for concrete work. Whenever sheeting is used as formwork as
specified or approved by the Engineer only timber sheeting will be permitted unless otherwise approved or
specified in writing by the Engineer. When sheeting is used as formwork, an approved protection shall be
placed between the sheeting, bracing or soldier beams and the concrete. In addition, when sheeting is
used as formwork for any structure or portion thereof, the thickness of that structure or portion of such
structure shall be increased be three (3) inches beyond the original neat line of such structure or portion
thereof. In no case shall the sheeting, soldier beams or other bracing encroach upon the original neat line
of the structure. In such instances when sheeting, soldier beams or other bracing is found to encroach
upon the neat line of the structure, the Engineer shall direct the Contractor to remove such sheeting,
soldier beams or other braces and redrive and/or replace the sheeting, soldier beams or other braces
outside the neat line of the structure. All sheeting used as formwork shall be removed.
(D) All open cuts shall be excavated with vertical sides and properly supported with close sheeting and
bracing in conformity with the requirements of Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation and with Industrial Code
Rule 23 - "Protection of Persons Employed in Construction and Demolition Work" and 16NYCRR Part 753
of the Industrial Code - "Protection of Underground Facilities" of the State of New York, Department of
Labor, Board of Standards and Appeals.
(E) The Contractor is advised that trench boxes will be permitted for use as a sheeting system provided
that the depth of trench does not exceed twelve (12) feet. The use of trench boxes to partially sheet
trenches that are greater than twelve (12) feet in depth, will be strictly prohibited.
Should trench boxes meeting the above requirements be utilized, the trench will not have to be sheeted
completely to subgrade. The trench box will be permitted to “hang up” to a maximum of two (2) feet above
subgrade provided that the existing soil in the area of the subgrade can “stand up” on its own without
sheeting. Should running ground be encountered or should the soil in the subgrade area begin to slough
off, the Contractor will be required to extend the trench box to subgrade. The Engineer shall always
maintain the right to order the Contractor to lower the trench box to subgrade as required.
All sheeting and bracing drawings submitted for approval which indicate trench boxes must be designed
for the full depth of trench (to subgrade) and shall show the trench box extending to subgrade.
(F) Sloped sides will not be permitted, unless shown, specified or permitted in writing by the Engineer.
The Contractor will be required to submit Shop Drawings detailing the sheeting system whenever the
depth of cut exceeds five (5) feet.
(A) Before commencing any excavating operation the Contractor shall have approved drawings from the
Department of Design and Construction for all types of sheeting and bracing systems, cofferdams,
shoring, underpinning, bridging, decking and all other temporary or permanent supporting structures
(B) The Contractor shall submit for approval five (5) copies of sheeting and bracing drawings, and other
structures (i.e. decking, bridging) drawings that the Contractor proposes to use for the work and allow a
minimum of two (2) weeks to review same. This time requirement is to be considered in forming a work
(C) The Contractor shall have these drawings prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer, currently
registered in the State of New York. Such drawings shall be submitted together with design calculations,
references, tables and charts. Both drawings and design calculations shall bear the imprint of the
Licensed Professional Engineer’s seal and signature.
(D) In designing the sheeting stated above, the Contractor's Engineer shall take note of the standard
minimum load diagram requirements for Watertight and Non-Watertight sheeting structures. (See Sewer
Design Standards.)
(E) The following notes shall be required on all sheeting detail submissions:
(1) If the actual surcharge is in excess of three hundred thirty (330) pounds per square foot the
Contractor shall adequately reinforce the sheeting and bracing as required at no additional cost
to the City.
The sheeting and bracing drawings shall also include but not be limited to the following: the density of the
soil, the internal angle of friction of the soil, the stress grade and type of lumber, the allowable steel
stresses and the sequence of construction operation where required.
(F) Shop drawings of sheeting, bracing and other structures used by the Contractor shall be signed by
and carry the seal of a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York. These drawings shall be
submitted together with proper design computations bearing the same seal and signature. Shop drawings
Shop drawings shall be numbered consecutively and shall accurately and distinctly present the following:
(H) All sheeting submissions shall reflect the means and methods chosen by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer. Whenever steel sheeting systems (including trench boxes, frames and plates,
etc.) are submitted which would render the crossing of Utilities (i.e. water mains and sewers) impossible
the Contractor shall also submit, for approval, a system which can be utilized to permit such crossings (i.e.
wood sheeting).
(I) The submission of multiple sheeting systems shall be kept to a minimum. Whenever the Contractor
submits multiple systems they must be accompanied with a Location Plan shop drawing to indicate the
exact location where these various systems are to be installed. Since the approval of multiple systems will
delay the sheeting approval process the Contractor is requested to submit a schedule indicating the time
frame that these systems are required. In addition the Contractor will be required to install these multiple
systems at the locations indicated on the submitted Location Plan. Should the Contractor request to
change the sheeting system at any particular location the Contractor will be required to resubmit the
sheeting drawing, for approval, even though the revised sheeting system may have been approved at
another location within the project area. The Contractor is reminded that the approval time for any given
sheeting system may require up to four (4) weeks.
The following criteria shall be used in calculating the required sheeting, bracing and/or decking systems.
(A) All compression members (struts) shall be designed with a factor of safety of two (2.0). The factor of
safety of two (2.0) shall be a value above and beyond the allowable value for compressive stresses for
steel as designated in the "Manual of Steel Construction" (AISC), and for wood as designated in the
"National Design Specification for Stress-Grade Lumber and its Fastening". All other allowable stresses
(not including compression members) may be increased by thirty-three and one-third (33-1/3) percent
where sheeting and bracing is deemed a temporary structure.
(B) A factor of safety shall be used to determine the minimum embedment for sheeting as follows:
(C) Embedment shall be calculated in accordance with the procedures and standard minimum load
diagrams specified herein. The maximum allowable embedment for vertical timber sheeting shall not
exceed three feet six inches (3'-6"). The minimum embedment shall be two (2) feet.
(D) The Contractor is advised that the maximum allowable bending stress (Fb) for all timber members
shall not exceed one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) pounds per square inch. If the Contractor
elects to use a bending stress higher than Fb = 1,750-psi, written certification of bending stress test results
shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to use of such material in construction.
(F) The Contractor shall compute and include in the Contractor’s submission of drawings and
calculations the following:
(1) Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or approved in writing by the Engineer,
the minimum live load on decking shall be AASHTO HS20-44 or Contractor’s equipment or
heaviest truck loading (i.e. concrete trucks) whichever is greater plus an impact factor of thirty-
three (33) percent.
(2) Unless otherwise approved timber mats shall extend a minimum of three (3) feet from sheeting
line on either side of trench.
(3) Unless otherwise approved a minimum one thousand (1,000) pounds per square foot surcharge
load shall be used for sheeting below decking.
(H) Maximum trench widths shown on sheeting details shall not exceed those allowed by the standards
or specifications.
(I) The Contractor shall provide an individual cross-sectional sheeting (trench) detail for each size water
main pipe and sewer conduit to be constructed unless permission to do otherwise is granted.
(J) Where the water table lies above the subgrade of trench and a well point or deep well dewatering
system is not used, the Contractor shall include the effect of hydrostatic loading in calculations for both
watertight and non-watertight sheeting.
(K) Sheeting details shall accurately depict actual field operations. The Contractor shall be restricted to a
maximum five (5) feet deep pilot cut and all details must reflect this. Additional braces and wales may be
required to install sheeting due to the five (5) feet maximum pilot cut restriction. The Contractor shall not
assume that additional pilot cut depths will be allowed.
All sheeting design and requirements shall be in strict conformance with this section and all appropriate
Addenda to the specifications.
Unless otherwise specified in the plans or these specifications, the Contractor shall remove all sheeting
and bracing throughout this project.
(A) The sheeting shall be removed in lifts during the backfilling operation in order to permit proper
placement and compaction of material against the structure and the earth bank. This work shall be
accomplished in conjunction with the removal of wales and braces. In no case shall the lifts for sheeting
exceed the specified or otherwise approved depth of compaction layer.
(B) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, the Contractor’s method for installation
and removal of sheeting and the method for backfilling the trench. The submission shall also specify if
there are any location(s) where sheeting cannot be removed and detail the reasons why the sheeting
cannot be removed. The submission shall be signed by and carry the seal of a New York State Licensed
Professional Engineer. These methods must be strictly adhered to.
(D) If the Contractor is required to leave the sheeting system in place in order to protect City owned utility
crossings and structures, payment will be made in accordance with Subsection 4.05.2.
(E) This section shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor of the Contractor’s obligation under the
contract to maintain, protect and support (temporarily and permanently) all City owned utilities within the
influence lines of the excavated trenches. The Contractor in accordance with the standards of the
agencies having jurisdiction thereof shall perform such maintenance, protection and support.
(F) The cost of maintenance, protection and support (temporarily and permanently) of City owned utilities
shall be included in the prices bid for all items for which there are bid prices.
(G) If a soldier beam and lagging sheeting system is utilized then all parts of the system (i.e. soldier
beams, bracing, wales and lagging) must be removed.
(H) There shall be no additional payment made for repairing, replacing and/or relocating City owned
utilities that may be damaged and disturbed due to the Contractor's removal of sheeting operation, or for
work performed by the Contractor as directed in Subsection 4.05.7(E) above.
There shall be no separate payment for the sheeting and bracing of trenches and excavation of all sewer
conduits and appurtenances thereto including manholes, chambers, catch basins, etc. The cost of all
labor, material, plant, equipment and insurance necessary or required to furnish and install all timber and
steel sheeting together with all necessary rangers, bracing, lagging, soldier beams, etc., excavation for the
placing of sheeting, backfill and compaction behind sheeting to prevent loss of ground, cut off of sheeting
as specified, together with all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications
and as directed by the Engineer, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the respective contract
All trenches and excavations shall be backfilled immediately after the structures are built and inspected,
and the Engineer has given permission to backfill.
(A) GENERAL - All material for backfilling shall have a moisture content and gradation suitable for
attaining the required density.
In general, it is expected that material excavated from a trench shall be used to backfill only the upper portion
of the trench. It is not expected that such material will be used to backfill the lower portion of the trench.
The project site subsurface conditions may consist partially of variable thickness layers of Unsuitable
Material. This material may not be considered as acceptable backfill material as described herein, or as
determined by the Engineer. No separate or additional payment will be made for the removal, testing and
off-site disposal of such unsuitable materials, the cost of which shall be deemed included in the prices bid
for all contract items of work.
The Contractor shall take such borings, excavate such test pits and make such sieve analyses as the
Contractor may deem necessary to schedule the Contractor’s operations consistent with the need of having
an adequate supply of satisfactory backfill material available along the line of the installation work so that the
All material for backfilling shall be free from frost at the time of placement.
Miscellaneous fill material removed from the trenches and excavations shall not be considered as
acceptable backfill material unless found acceptable and approved in writing by the Engineer.
(1) Select Granular Fill material shall meet the requirements of Subsection 2.24.2(B).
(2) For Sewer Trenches And Excavations - Select Granular Fill material shall be placed in the lower
portion of the sewer trench within the following limits: full width of trench, and from subgrade of
trench to a point not less than two (2) feet above the top of the sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on
cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin and house connections, culverts, etc.).
Select Granular Fill material shall also be placed around all catch basins.
(3) For All Trenches And Excavations - Select Granular Fill material shall also be placed within any area
less than two (2) feet wide in its least dimension (i.e. space between face of trench and outside face
of structure, cavities behind sheeting left in place, filling of voids left by removal of boulders beyond
the limits of sheeted trench, etc.) and within eighteen (18) inches around all underground facilities
(i.e. pipes, mains, conduit, cable, etc.)
(4) The cost of providing select granular fill material as specified hereinabove, together with all labor,
materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance necessary and required for delivering,
placing, compacting and testing of select granular fill material all in accordance with the
specifications and as directed by the Engineer, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
contract items of work. Also included in the prices bid for all contract items of work shall be the cost
of removing and disposing of that portion of the excavated material that cannot be reused. No separate
or additional payment shall be made for this work.
(1) Approved Excavated Suitable Fill material shall meet the requirements of Subsection 2.24.2(C).
(2) All approved excavated suitable fill material within the project limits shall be utilized for backfilling the
remainder of the trenches and excavations. Approved excavated suitable fill material will be accepted
for backfill within the following limits:
For Sewer Trenches - Full width of trench and from a point not less than two (2) feet above the top of
the sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin
and house connections, culverts, etc.) to the underside of the pavement.
(3) The cost of providing approved excavated suitable fill material as specified hereinabove, together
with all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance necessary and required for
the hauling, storing, placing, compacting and testing of approved excavated suitable fill material all in
accordance with the specifications and as directed by the Engineer, shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for all contract items of work. No separate or additional payment shall be made for this
(1) Clean Fill material shall meet the requirements of Subsection 2.24.2(D).
(2) Clean fill material shall be fill ordered in writing by the Engineer where there is a deficiency of
acceptable backfill. Clean fill material shall be required in order to fill voids caused by the removal of
For Sewer Trenches - Full width of trench and from a point not less than two (2) feet above the top of
the sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin
and house connections, culverts, etc.) to the underside of the pavement.
(3) This backfill shall be exclusive of the normal backfill required in the trenches and excavations for
proposed conduits, pipes and associated structures for which payment is included therein. Payment
shall be made in accordance with Subsection 4.06.6.
(1) Processed fill material shall meet the requirements of Subsection 2.24.2(E).
(2) If approved by the Engineer, processed fill material may be used as select granular fill material or
clean fill material.
(3) Payment for the costs of all labor, material, equipment and insurance necessary and required to
furnish and deliver, and to place, compact, sample and test these processed acceptable backfill
materials shall be in accordance with Subsection 4.06.6. (Excavated material that is hand groomed
and/or groomed with the use of excavating equipment of bricks, blocks, pavement materials, debris,
stumps, roots, stones, boulders, timber, wood, etc., so as to render the excavated material
acceptable for backfill; whether ordered by the Engineer or at the Contractor’s own discretion; shall
not be considered as processed material but shall be considered as approved excavated suitable
material. No separate or additional payment will be made for the use of this groomed excavated
material as backfill, the cost of all labor and material shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
contract items of work.)
Sewer conduits for which permission to backfill has been given shall be covered before the completion of
each day's work to the following depths:
For Sewer Trenches - From subgrade of trench to a point not less than two (2) feet above the top of the
sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin and house
connections, culverts, etc.).
Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, this backfill shall be progressively deposited to
equal depths on all sides of the sewer conduit in uniform and successive horizontal layers not exceeding
six (6) inches in depth for the entire width of the trench or excavation and each successive layer shall be
solidly compacted by mechanical tamping or other approved means in such a manner as to avoid injury to
the sewer conduit and so as to achieve the required density.
Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, backfilling of the remainder of the trenches and
excavations from a point not less than two (2) feet above the top of the sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on
cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin and house connections, culverts, etc.) to the
underside of the pavement shall be progressively deposited in uniform and successive horizontal layers
not exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in depth for the entire width of the trench or excavation and each
successive layer shall be solidly compacted by mechanical tamping or other approved means so as to
achieve the required density.
The use of backhoe buckets for the compaction of backfill material in all trenches and excavations will not
be permitted.
Backfill shall proceed simultaneously with the withdrawal of sheeting. Withdrawal of sheeting below levels
previously backfilled and compacted is prohibited.
The Contractor shall retain the services of a testing laboratory, in accordance with Subsection 4.06.4 -
Soil Density Testing, to make all compaction tests of backfill materials used and placed. All compaction
tests shall be witnessed and verified by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer, copies of in-process compaction reports certified by an
Independent Testing Laboratory. These certified compaction reports shall be submitted as directed by the
Compaction to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density shall be
attained by the use of impact rammers, plate or small drum vibrators, or pneumatic button head
compaction equipment. The equipment shall be capable of exerting a pressure equivalent to two hundred
fifty (250) to three hundred (300) pounds per inch width of compression roll, or an equivalent pressure if
other than smooth wheel or pneumatic tired rollers are permitted. In areas inaccessible to power rolling or
adjacent to construction that may be damaged, other types of approved compaction equipment may be
Hand tamping shall not be permitted except in the immediate area of underground facilities. The backfill
within the immediate area of underground facilities shall be deposited progressively in layers not
exceeding six (6) inches in depth on all sides of the underground facilities, wetted (except where clay) in
lifts of six (6) inches and lightly hand tamped with as many strokes as required to achieve ninety-five (95)
percent of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. Where no specific written information is available to
the Engineer, the definition of the immediate area shall be the area within eighteen (18) inches around all
underground facilities.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper compaction of all backfill in accordance with the
specifications. The Contractor shall also be responsible for determining and maintaining the proper
moisture content of the backfill material at all times during the compaction process.
The Contractor shall backfill with material that has the optimum moisture content, as result of Proctor
Analyses, so as to provide for the proper compaction of that material. In order to obtain the optimum
moisture content, water shall be added, as required, and shall be thoroughly incorporated into the soil.
Manipulation shall be provided whenever necessary to attain uniform moisture distribution to the soil.
When the moisture content of a layer about to be compacted exceeds the required optimum moisture
content, compaction shall be deferred until the required optimum moisture content is achieved or, if
directed by the Engineer, a more suitable material shall be substituted. No separate or additional payment
shall be made for any costs associated with the achievement of optimum moisture content, including any
additional excavation due to the removal of any layer not meeting the specified requirements and for the
replacement of any layers with suitable material. Costs shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
items of work.
In-place soil density tests shall be required to ensure that the soil compaction requirements of the
specifications are met. In-place soil density tests shall be taken for each and every layer of backfill
placed, at a maximum of one hundred (100) foot intervals along the length of each layer. However, the
location of the tests shall vary horizontally along each successive layer, such that no two (2) tests are
conducted at the same station location as any previous layers. The number and locations of in-place soil
density tests shall be as directed by the Engineer.
Up to each one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of each type of backfill soil utilized, for which in-place soil
density tests are to be performed, shall undergo a minimum of one (1) Proctor analysis in order to
determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the soil material to be tested. Due
to varying soil conditions, additional Proctor analyses may be required by the Engineer. The number and
locations of all samples to undergo Proctor analysis shall be as directed by the Engineer.
Proctor analyses and in-place soil density tests shall be performed in accordance with Subsection 4.06.4
- Soil Density Testing.
Where sheeting has been used for the excavation, it shall be pulled when the excavation has been filled or
backfilled to the maximum unsupported depth allowed by New York State Department of Labor Industrial
Code Rule 23 and Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for
Construction. Where a difference exists between regulations, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
Select granular fill material, approved excavated suitable fill material and clean fill material shall not be
used to fill voids in the subgrade of the trenches and excavations for proposed sewer conduits and
associated structures unless otherwise specified on the plans or in the contract documents, or as ordered
in writing by the Engineer.
(A) INTENT - This section describes the performance of Proctor analyses of designated soils and the
testing of designated soils for in-place density, to ensure that soil compaction requirements for the project
are met. The Contractor shall retain the services of an independent Soils Testing Laboratory, subject to
the prequalification requirements hereinafter specified, to perform the work under this section.
(1) Prior to start of work, the Contractor shall submit to the Commissioner the name, address and
phone number of each of three (3) independent testing laboratories, for consideration as the
Soils Testing Laboratory for this project.
(2) All proposed testing laboratories shall be completely independent from the Contractor or any
subsidiary thereof.
(3) All proposed testing laboratories shall be duly licensed by the New York City Department of
Buildings, such license to be maintained for the duration of the project. Testing laboratories
licensed outside of New York may be considered subject to the prior approval of the
(4) All proposed testing laboratories shall have a proven record of performance in providing the soil
testing services specified under this section.
(5) The Commissioner will select one (1) testing laboratory from the list of three (3) submitted, to
perform the work required under this section. The Commissioner reserves the right to select an
alternate testing laboratory if all proposed laboratories are deemed unacceptable.
(6) It is understood that no subcontract for the performance of required soil testing work will release
the Contractor from the Contractor’s responsibility under the contract to execute all work in
conformance with the project plans and specifications.
(C) SCOPE OF WORK - Under this section, the Contractor and approved Laboratory shall furnish all
labor, materials, plant, equipment, insurance, and necessary incidentals required to: obtain soil samples
from the site or other locations, transport to Laboratory, perform Proctor analyses of soil samples and
submit written documentation of results; perform in-place soil density tests and submit written
documentation of results; and perform all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the specifications
and as directed by the Engineer.
(1) PROCTOR ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES - Soils for which in-place density tests are to be
performed shall undergo a Proctor analysis in order to determine the maximum dry density and
optimum moisture content of the soil material to be tested. Soils designated for Proctor analysis may
include existing subgrade materials as well as proposed fill material, as directed by the Engineer.
The number and locations of soil samples to undergo Proctor analyses shall be as specified and as
directed by the Engineer.
The maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content of each soil sample shall be
determined by the Standard Proctor Test in accordance with AASHTO T-99 (ASTM D698). If, in the
opinion of the Laboratory, a soil sample is too granular to achieve realistic maximum dry density and
optimum moisture content readings by the Standard Proctor Test method, other appropriate test
methods (Vibratory Table, etc.) may be substituted, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Written documentation on Laboratory stationery of the results of each Proctor analysis shall be
furnished to the Engineer, such documentation to include the following:
(2) IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY TESTS - In-place soil density tests will be required to ensure that soil
compaction requirements for the project are met. In-place soil density tests and results shall be
performed and completed on site by the approved testing laboratory.
Test locations may include: existing subgrade material upon which fill material is to be placed, or
upon which sewer conduits, water main pipes, catch basins, basin connection pipes or other
structures are to be constructed; compacted fill material for pavement construction or for backfill of
sewer conduits, water main pipes, catch basins, basin connection pipes or other structures; and
other locations as directed by the Engineer. The number and locations of in-place soil density tests
shall be as specified and as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that it will be necessary in some cases to excavate
through temporary pavements in order to test the compaction of backfill over sewer conduits, water
main pipes, etc., and upon completion of the test, backfill and place new temporary pavement as
necessary. No separate or additional payment will be made for such excavation, backfill or
replacement of temporary pavement. All costs shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
items of work.
The preferred test method for determining the in-place dry density and moisture content of the soil is
the Sand Cone Test, in accordance with AASHTO T-191, T-205. Other approved types of density
tests (nuclear, etc.) are permitted, provided that density values corresponding to those obtained by
the Sand Cone Test method are established to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Such alternate
density test methods shall be checked at least once every fifty (50) tests against the Sand Cone Test
method, as directed by the Engineer, to minimize equipment calibration errors. No separate or
additional payment will be made for additional density tests taken solely for calibration purposes. All
costs shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
After the in-place dry density of the soil is determined, the Degree of Compaction shall be computed
by the following formula:
Written documentation on Laboratory stationery of the results of each in-place soil density test shall
be furnished to the Engineer, such documentation to include the following:
(D) EVALUATION OF SOIL TEST RESULTS - All natural earth subgrade, fill and backfill material under
this contract shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of Standard Proctor Maximum
Dry Density.
The Degree of Compaction, as determined above, will be used for control purposes in determining
compliance with project compaction requirements. However, it will be the responsibility of the Engineer to
evaluate the results of the soil tests performed and determine the acceptability of subgrade preparation
and fill construction.
(E) METHOD OF PAYMENT - The cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, insurance and
necessary incidentals required to perform all Proctor Analyses including the obtaining of soil samples,
transportation of samples to the Laboratory, providing of written documentation of all results, and
performing all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the specifications and as directed by the
Engineer, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all contract items of work. No separate or
additional payment shall be made for any costs associated with the performing of all Proctor Analyses of
soil samples.
The cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, insurance and necessary incidentals required to perform
all In-Place Soil Density Tests including the providing of written documentation of all results, and
performing all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the specifications and as directed by the
Engineer, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all contract items of work. No separate or
additional payment shall be made for any costs associated with the performing of all In-Place Soil Density
When sheeting is withdrawn all cavities remaining in or adjoining the trench and excavation shall be filled
and meet all the requirements of Subsections 4.06.2 and 4.06.3. When sheeting is left in place all
cavities behind such sheeting shall be filled as directed and in such a manner so as to ensure compliance
with all the requirements of Subsections 4.06.2 and 4.06.3.
Unless otherwise shown on or specified in the contract documents, the Contractor shall backfill and
compact all trenches and excavations to the underside of the pavement. Where deficiency of acceptable
backfill material occurs, the trenches and excavations shall be backfilled with the acceptable backfill
materials as specified in Subsection 4.06.2. Payment for the cost of all labor, material, equipment and
insurance necessary and required to furnish and deliver these acceptable backfill materials, where a
deficiency of acceptable backfill material occurs, shall be made as follows:
(A) For providing acceptable select granular fill material (whether natural or processed) to satisfy the
requirements of Subsection 4.06.2(B) payment for the cost shall be deemed included in the prices
bid for all contract items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
Payment will be made for Select Granular Fill material when ordered, in writing, by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 5.37 of the specifications.
(C) For providing acceptable clean fill material (whether natural or processed) to satisfy the requirements
of Subsection 4.06.2(D) payment shall be made under the contract item labeled “CLEAN
BACKFILL”. The Contractor’s attention is directed to Section 5.29 - Clean Backfill of the
The cost of rehandling and acceptably disposing of excavated material deemed not suitable for backfill
and which requires replacement with clean backfill (with the exception of excavated material that is
classified as hazardous material) shall be deemed included in the price bid for the contract item labeled
The cost for all labor, materials, equipment and insurance necessary and required to place, compact,
sample and test provided acceptable backfill material shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
contract items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
For retaining compacted backfill, only temporary bulkheads will be allowed over sewer conduits, basin
connection pipes, etc. Such temporary bulkheads shall not be constructed of stone, and they shall be
removed as the adjacent trenches and excavations are backfilled. This removal of temporary bulkheads
along with the backfilling of adjacent trenches and excavations shall proceed simultaneously and shall be
accomplished in strict accordance with Subsections 4.06.2 and 4.06.3.
As the trenches are backfilled, the Contractor shall remove all surplus material, and regrade and leave
free, clear and in good order all roadways and sidewalks adjacent to the completed work and within fifty
(50) feet of the end of the completed work. During the progress of and until the final acceptance of the
work, the Contractor shall maintain in good and safe condition the surface of roadways and sidewalks over
and adjoining all the trenches and excavations, and promptly fill in depressions over and adjoining the
trenches and excavations caused by the settlement of the backfill. All surplus material or any part thereof
shall be deposited, if required by the Engineer and at the Engineer’s direction, on the streets and avenues
within the limits of this contract where they are below grade or contain depressions. Such work shall be
performed in such a manner so as to leave the surfaces of the backfill compact and even with the
adjoining surfaces, and shall be done in accordance with Subsection 4.06.3.
The criteria for construction of adjacent conduits and/or pipes in the same trench shall be defined as
(A) When shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents or ordered in writing by the Engineer,
conduits and/or pipes shall be constructed within the same excavation between two (2) lines of sheeting or
between two (2) lines of sheeting with an intermediate line of sheeting between the conduits and/or pipes.
(B) When the clear distance between the closest side faces (i.e. walls, edge of pipe, cradles) of the two
(2) conduits and/or pipes is 4'-6" or less for a continuous distance of at least ten (10) feet, the conduits
and/or pipes may be constructed (with the written permission of the Engineer) within the same excavation
between two (2) lines of sheeting or between two (2) lines of sheeting with an intermediate line of sheeting
between the conduits and/or pipes.
The conduits and/or pipes to be constructed under this section shall be constructed in accordance with the
respective specifications that pertain to each, and payment for the work of each constructed as adjacent
parallel conduits and/or pipes in the same trench shall be paid for under the contract item bid for each of
the respective conduits and/or pipes.
Where the Contractor is permitted to use a common trench for the installation of two (2) or more adjacent
conduits and/or pipes, the Contractor shall excavate to the subgrade of the higher-level conduit and/or
pipe first.
While excavating for the lower level conduit and/or pipe, the Contractor shall install intermediate sheeting
within the common trench in order to maintain the undisturbed subgrade of the higher-level conduit and/or
In the event the subgrade is over excavated or otherwise disturbed, the Contractor shall replace the
disturbed or over excavated subgrade with well-compacted crushed stone complying with Subsection
2.25.2(F). No separate or additional payment will be made for the placing and compaction of this crushed
Under no condition is the Contractor permitted to install any conduits, pipes or associated structures on
disturbed subgrade.
The contract price for construction of adjacent conduits and/or pipes in the same trench shall be paid at
the respective unit prices per linear foot for each size and type of conduit and/or pipe to be constructed
adjacent to each other in the same trench and each shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples, tests and insurance required or necessary to construct each of the conduits and/or
pipes of the sizes, types, materials and dimensions shown by the normal sections and special sections
and to the lines and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and bracing (except when there is a
contract item for sheeting); pumping; fluming; bridging; break down and filling in of abandoned
appurtenances; connections; maintaining flow in conduits; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and
installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor, after obtaining the written permission of the Engineer, may elect, at the location(s)
specified, to construct the adjacent conduits and/or pipes in separate trenches, or at different times.
When the Contractor elects to do this, no additional sums will be paid for constructing the conduits and/or
pipes individually in separate trenches or at different times. Where conduits and/or pipes are not
adjacent, they will be constructed in separate trenches as required and will also be paid for at the
respective unit prices bid for each size and type of conduit and/or pipe.
The cost of placing the intermediate sheeting as specified herein shall be deemed included in the prices
bid for all items of the contract.
Unless otherwise specified or directed, in all areas (except projects within the Borough of Staten Island)
where an existing roadway pavement of any type is disturbed by the work done under this contract (i.e.
over trenches, excavations, test pits) but not permanently restored immediately thereafter, the Contractor
shall temporarily restore the surface of roadway pavements where disturbed with not less than four (4)
Unless otherwise specified or directed, in all areas where an existing sidewalk pavement of any type is
disturbed by the work done under this contract (i.e. over trenches, excavations, test pits) but not
permanently restored immediately thereafter, the Contractor shall temporarily restore the surface of
sidewalk pavements where disturbed with not less than two (2) inches of binder mixture or asphaltic
concrete mixture (as applicable, and as determined by the Engineer) on dirt immediately after completion
of backfilling and compactions.
On all projects within the Borough of Staten Island where an existing roadway pavement of any type is
disturbed by the work done under this contract (i.e. over trenches, excavations, test pits) but not
permanently restored immediately thereafter, the Contractor shall temporarily restore the surface of
roadway pavements where disturbed with not less than four (4) inches of binder mixture or asphaltic
concrete mixture (as applicable, and as determined by the Engineer) on six (6) inches of subbase
immediately after completion of backfilling and compactions. The subbase shall be Recycled Portland
Cement Concrete (Material D, only) in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation
(NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.67 - Subbase Course, Select Granular
All temporary pavement shall be thoroughly compacted and laid flush with the surrounding pavement.
Such temporary restoration shall be maintained in acceptable condition until replaced by final restoration.
Unless otherwise specified or directed, the temporary surfacing shall not be replaced with the permanent
restoration for a period of not less than six (6) weeks, after it has been laid to the satisfaction of the
Department of Design and Construction.
All temporary pavement restoration shall be done in conformance with Section 5.31.
The Contractor shall maintain all temporary restoration, in a suitable and safe condition for traffic until the
final restorations have been made or the work finally accepted.
Should settlement occur or other defect develop in temporary pavement, which in the opinion of the
Engineer may cause hazards or undue inconvenience to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the Contractor
shall immediately restore such pavement to proper grade or otherwise repair the defects.
At such times as may be directed, the Contractor shall remove from the street and site of the work, all
materials which were placed thereon by the Contractor as a consequence of performing this work and
which are not required by the contract to be left as part of the finished work. The entire work and portions
of the street affected thereby shall be left clean and in a satisfactory condition. Payment for clean up shall
be deemed included in the price bid under the contract item labeled “MAINTENANCE OF SITE”. No
separate or additional payment will be made for any required clean up work.
The Department of Design and Construction has been assigned the following marker colors:
Markers shall be placed six (6) inches adjacent to the curbside of the trench upon placing temporary
restoration. Spacing shall be every twenty-five (25) linear feet if trench is over seventy-five (75) feet in
length. For trenches under seventy-five (75) feet in length markers shall be placed approximately one-
Markers shall be painted in the shape and size of a three (3) inch diameter solid circle.
Marker colors shall correspond to Federal Specification #TT-P-115D and Federal Standard Booklet #595.
Traffic Base White shall be stained or tinted to match the assigned colors as per Federal Standard #595
(color standards).
Material Requirements shall be satisfied under Section 3.1 through 3.3 of the Federal Specification #TT-P-
Qualitative Requirements shall be satisfied under Section 3.4 through 3.5.10 of the Federal Specification
Restoration of permanent roadway pavement shall include the restoration of each kind of roadway
pavement shown, specified or required. The Contractor shall obtain the Standard Details of Construction
and the Standard Highway Specifications of the New York City Department of Transportation.
The materials for roadway pavement to be restored shall conform in all respects to the requirements set
forth in the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway Specifications of the New York City
Department of Transportation.
(A) SAWCUTTING - All saw cutting of pavements shall be done in conformance with Subsection
5.30.2(A) and Subsection 5.30.6(B).
(B) REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT - All pavement excavation shall be done in conformance with
Section 5.30.
(C) FINAL RESTORATION - All Final Restoration shall be done in conformance with Section 5.32.
At least forty-eight (48) hours before making any restoration of pavements destroyed during the
construction of the sewers in this contract the Contractor shall notify the Department of Transportation that
the Contractor intends to make such restoration so that the necessary inspection can be provided.
Unless otherwise shown, specified or directed, all unpaved roadways, unpaved gutters and unpaved
sidewalk areas affected by the work done under this contract shall be restored by the Contractor to the
same condition in which they were at the time of the opening of bids for this contract, as determined by the
Department of Design and Construction. The cost for this restoration shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for all items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for any restoration of
unpaved areas.
Before laying any final pavements, sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs, etc., the trenches and excavations shall
have been filled and compacted all in accordance with Section 4.06.
At such times as may be directed, the Contractor shall remove from the streets all materials which were
placed thereon by the Contractor as a consequence of performing this work, and which are not required
by the contract to be left as part of the finished work. The entire work and portions of the streets affected
thereby shall be left in a satisfactory condition. The sidewalks and crosswalks shall be swept clean of all
material that may have come thereon by reason of the work under this contract, and if required, they shall
be sprinkled with water during the sweeping. Payment for clean up shall be deemed included in the price
bid under the contract item labeled “MAINTENANCE OF SITE”. No separate or additional payment will be
made for any required clean up work.
The Contractor shall broom clean all streets after final restoration has been made.
Cores will determine the thickness of all pavements. Tests for composition and all other testing required
by the Department of Design and Construction will be determined from cores. Unless otherwise specified,
cores shall be taken and tested at the Contractor's expense by an approved independent New York State
Licensed Testing Laboratory. The taking of all cores and all tests to be performed shall be in accordance
with the requirements of the Department of Transportation. The results of all measurements and tests
shall be certified by the Testing Laboratory and shall be submitted to the Department of Design and
One (1) core shall be taken for each two hundred (200) linear feet of trench up to one thousand (1,000)
feet of trench and thereafter one (1) core shall be taken for each three hundred (300) feet of trench,
except that not less than three (3) cores shall be taken per contract. Deductions in contract payments will
be made for core deficiencies in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation
(NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specification Section 5.04 - Deficiencies In Bituminous Pavements
And Concrete. Such deductions shall be transferred to the Department of Transportation in order to
provide for the cost of repairs.
The guarantee and maintenance period shall be eighteen (18) months after the date of substantial
completion of the work as certified by the Department of Design and Construction. The guarantee shall
cover failure of any kind of the restored pavement, curb, sidewalk and etc., from whatever cause. In the
event that a pavement failure is not maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Department of
Transportation, repairs of pavement, curbs and sidewalks will be made by the Department of
Transportation. Where seeding, sodding, etc., is not maintained in a manner satisfactory to the
Department of Transportation, repairs will be made by the Department of Transportation. All cost
associated with work performed by the Department of Transportation will be deducted from the
Contractor’s payments. The cost of this work shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Department
of Transportation.
The Department of Design and Construction will secure acceptance of final restoration from the
Department of Transportation as a condition for final payment to the Contractor and before release of
monies deposited for the guarantee period.
The Department of Design and Construction has been assigned the following marker colors:
Markers shall be placed in the center line of the trench upon placing permanent restoration. Spacing shall
be every twenty-five (25) linear feet if trench is over seventy-five (75) feet in length. For trenches under
seventy-five (75) feet in length markers shall be placed approximately one-third (1/3) the length apart. A
minimum of two (2) markers shall be required for all trenches over ten (10) feet long. For trenches or cuts
less than ten (10) feet, one (1) marker in the geometric center of the cut shall be required.
Markers shall be painted in the shape and size of a three (3) inch diameter solid circle.
Marker colors shall correspond to Federal Specification #TT-P-115D and Federal Standard Booklet #595.
Traffic Base White shall be stained or tinted to match the assigned colors as per Federal Standard #595
(color standards).
Material Requirements shall be satisfied under Section 3.1 through 3.3 of the Federal Specification #TT-P-
Qualitative Requirements shall be satisfied under Section 3.4 through 3.5.10 of the Federal Specification
The Contractor shall be required to provide a “PROJECT SIGN” in accordance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 1.06.46 -
Project Sign And Rendering.
The Contractor (when directed in an Addendum to this project) shall be required to provide a “PROJECT
RENDERING SIGN” in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Standard Highway Specifications Section 1.06.46 - Project Sign And Rendering.
The Contractor shall be required to provide “TEMPORARY NOTIFICATION SIGNS” in accordance with
New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section
1.06.46A - Temporary Notification Signs.
Sewers shall be tested for leakage when specified, required or ordered by the Engineer. When sewers
are to be tested for leakage, the methods of testing shall be in accordance with the requirements herein.
All sewers whether tested or not shall be constructed so the quality of leakage or infiltration shall not
exceed the quantities herein specified.
The quantity of leakage or infiltration for gravity sewer pipe lines with rubber gasket or other joint
materials, for gravity sewer pipe lines entirely encased in concrete and for gravity monolithic concrete
The quantity of leakage for concrete pressure sewer lines shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) gallons
per inch of inner diameter, per mile of sewer, per day.
No individual joint in any completed sewer under test shall leak an amount in excess of one-eighth (1/8)
gallon per hour per inch of inner diameter.
Leakage in sewers of other than circular section shall not exceed an amount based on a circular section
having an equivalent inner perimeter.
Leakage tests for precast concrete, vitrified clay and cast iron gravity pipe sewers under thirty-six (36)
inches in diameter shall be made by the internal pressure test method. The Contractor shall make them
as the construction progresses, before any backfilling material is placed, unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer. All joints of pipe under test shall be entirely free from earth or other foreign material. The
trench shall be dewatered and kept dry for the duration of such test.
To determine the leakage in gravity pipe sewers by the internal pressure method, the section of the sewer
to be tested shall be plugged and bulkheaded at both heads. The sewer section and the manhole or a
riser not less than six (6) inches in diameter shall be filled with water until the internal pressure in the
sewer pipe is equivalent to a pressure head of not less than four (4) feet above the exterior crown of the
sewer section at the upstream end, unless otherwise specified in the specifications. Such hydrostatic
head shall be maintained for the duration of the test by adding water.
Leakage by the internal pressure test method shall be determined by measuring the amount of water used
to maintain the required water level in the manhole or riser.
Leakage tests for gravity pipe sewers thirty-six (36) inches in diameter or over shall be made by the
infiltration test method in accordance with Subsection 4.11.4 except where sewers are constructed above
the ground water level. In this case leakage tests shall be made by the internal pressure test method.
Leakage tests on monolithic sewers shall be made by the infiltration test method after backfilling and upon
return of the ground water to its normal level, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Infiltration shall be measured by using low measuring weirs in the invert of the sewer or by other approved
Leakage tests on monolithic sewers constructed above the ground water level shall be made by the
internal pressure test method in accordance with Subsection 4.11.3.
Leakage tests for all pressure sewers, including outfall sewers, but excluding tunnel sewers, shall be
made by the internal pressure test method as specified for gravity pipe sewers under thirty-six (36) inches
in diameter in Subsection 4.11.3 except that the Contractor shall maintain at the upstream end of the
sewer section under test a hydrostatic head of ten (10) feet above the crown of the sewer for the duration
of the test, unless otherwise specified in the specifications.
Leakage tests for sewers constructed in tunnel shall be made by the infiltration method in accordance with
Subsection 4.11.4.
An eight (8) hour test for leakage will be required for all sewers, tested by the internal pressure method
and not less than a twenty-four (24) hour test for all sewers tested for infiltration before any sewer is
accepted, unless the Engineer directs otherwise.
The Contractor shall furnish the necessary supply of clean water and all temporary weirs, bulkheads,
pumps, valves, plugs, piping, gages and other approved appliances graduated finely enough to readily
indicate drop in pressure, required in the test. Internal pressure tests shall be made promptly and as often
as necessary to expedite backfilling and completion of sections of the work.
Leakage or infiltration in excess of the specified amount shall be located and stopped and all visible leaks
shall be stopped to the satisfaction of the Engineer. When this work is completed the structure shall again
be tested. These procedures shall continue until the leakage requirement is met. If, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the leakage or infiltration requirements are not met and all visible leaks are not stopped by the
Contractor's repairs, the Contractor, at the Contractor’s own expense, shall remove, take out and
reconstruct as much of the original work as the Engineer may direct.
The Engineer may waive leakage tests by the infiltration method. Such waiver shall be in writing by the
Engineer and will generally be based on indications from observations by the Engineer that the leakage is
well below allowable amounts.
No separate or additional payment will be made for fulfilling the requirements specified above and the
costs thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
Where shown, specified or approved, sewers shall be laid on crushed stone bedding or completely
encased in crushed stone.
Truck receipts showing the size of the stone shall accompany all stone delivered on the project. The
Contractor will be responsible for and shall bear the cost of periodic testing of the stone by sieve analysis.
An approved independent testing laboratory that is approved by the City shall perform testing. The
Engineer may request testing of the stone gradation whenever the Engineer deems it applicable. Reports
on the sieve analysis must be submitted to the Department of Design and Construction no later than ten
(10) days after the analysis request.
Crushed stone not meeting the aforementioned gradation will not be accepted and stone that has been
placed and was found unacceptable shall be excavated and replaced at no additional cost to the City.
(3) Excavate bell holes and lay the pipe barrel on the stone bedding.
(4) Pipe stubs from twelve (12) inches to eighteen (18) inches shall extend from manhole walls or other
wall faces.
(5) The bedding shall be shovel sliced under the haunches of the pipe to fill the voids in this area.
Slicing should be done when the bedding material is no higher than one-fourth (1/4) of the pipe
(7) When encasement is required backfill the trench with the specified stone bedding by hand to a point
twelve (12) inches above the top of the pipe being careful not to disturb the pipe alignment and
protect the pipe from damage.
(8) Where sheeting is removed, the void left must be filled with the specified stone bedding.
(9) When removing the sheeting the Contractor will be responsible to maintain the sewer at the true
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work,
except where otherwise described in this section.
The requirements of Sections 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.13 and 5.16 shall also apply with the exception of
references to concrete cradle and concrete encasement.
As per the specifications the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining true line and grade.
Whenever true line and grade is not attained it will be the Contractor's sole responsibility to remove and
reinstall any and all sewer pipe deemed required by the City and shall be done at the Contractor's
Unless otherwise specified, the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance
required and necessary to furnish, deliver, install and perform all work as specified in DIVISION IV -
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS, from Sections 4.02 to 4.12, inclusively, shall be deemed
included in the prices bid for all contract items of work.
No separate or additional payment will be made for any of the materials and work described in DIVISION
IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS, from Sections 4.02 thru 4.12, inclusively, except as
otherwise specified.
Reinforced concrete sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and shapes shown.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(C) Pipe for spurs and risers shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02 for vitrified clay pipe, or
Section 2.04 for cast iron soil pipe, or Section 2.06 for ductile iron pipe.
(D) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(A) GENERAL - Reinforced concrete sewers shall be constructed to the sizes and dimensions shown by
the normal sections and special sections and to the lines and grades shown on the plans or ordered.
Transverse and longitudinal construction joints shall be located where approved by the Engineer.
(C) INVERTS - Inverts of reinforced concrete sewers shall be formed between transverse templates and
shall be screeded. Where the radii of inverts are too small to permit screeding between templates, the
inverts shall be shaped by means of interior forms. The concrete for inverts shall be deposited
continuously for the entire cross section and for such longitudinal distances as approved. Inverts shall be
carefully protected from all injury during the progress of the work. The inverts of reinforced concrete
sewers shall be troweled smooth. Unless otherwise permitted or ordered, not less than twelve (12) feet of
invert for reinforced concrete sewer shall be built at one operation.
(D) SIDE WALLS - Concrete in the sidewalls of sewers shall be deposited continuously to the height, to
the thickness and for such longitudinal distances as approved.
(E) ROOFS - Concrete in the roofs of sewers shall be deposited continuously for the full depths and for
the entire widths of the roofs and for such longitudinal distances as approved. The outer surfaces of roofs
shall be finished true and smooth.
(F) BULKHEADS - Approved construction joint bulkheads with provisions for keying and doweling
adjoining sections shall be provided, where required.
(G) REINFORCEMENT AND STRUCTURAL STEEL - The steel reinforcement shall be of the
dimensions and shapes shown, and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Structural steel shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, and
installed as directed.
(H) CONNECTIONS - Connections and branches shall be built where shown on the plans or where
directed. All unconnected branches shall be closed with bulkheads of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick
unless otherwise shown on the plans, or specified.
(I) SPURS AND RISERS - Spurs and Risers shall be built to the details shown on the plans or as
directed. Locations of spurs and risers and height of risers are not shown on the plans. Need for and
location of spurs and risers and height of risers will be determined by the Engineer at time of construction.
(J) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(K) WATERSTOPS - Waterstops shall be provided between each successive pour in accordance with
Section 2.13. Details shall be submitted for waterstops as part of the shop drawings.
(A) DESCRIPTION - When specifically stated in the contract documents the Contractor will be permitted
to use precast sections in lieu of pouring the proposed reinforced concrete sewer in place.
The precast section shall be a four (4) sided box section with open ends to be monolithically cast of
reinforced concrete. All inside surfaces shall be smooth so as not to restrict flow. All curves and bends
must be poured in place.
(1) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15 except that the concrete shall have a concrete design mix of five thousand (5,000)
pounds per square inch (minimum twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of four thousand
(4,000) pounds per square inch). The maximum allowable chloride content in the concrete shall not
exceed one-tenth (1/10) of one percent by weight of cement. The maximum water/cement ratio shall
not exceed forty-seven (47) percent by weight.
(2) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II unless otherwise specified. Coarse and Fine
Aggregate for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with Subsection of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be
three-quarter (3/4) inch unless smaller size aggregate is required due to nature of work.
(3) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(4) Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15 and shall have a minimum specified yield strength of sixty-
five thousand (65,000) pounds per square inch.
(5) High range water reducing admixtures meeting the requirements of ASTM C494 Type F and having
been previously approved by the New York State Department of Transportation may be used.
(C) DETAILS - The minimum dimensions and minimum reinforcement utilized for the construction of box
sewers shall be those shown on the contract documents. However, the Contractor will be required to
submit computer printouts for the design of precast box sections that may result in additional concrete
thickness and/or additional steel.
The design submitted shall be in general conformance with ASTM C789 or C850 (as required) and ACI
Specification. The following design parameters shall be used:
(D) JOINTS AND GASKETS - Each section of box sewer shall have an approved lap and spigot joint that
will permit water tight smooth and permanent joints. The minimum lap shall be four (4) inches. Sections
with butt or square ends will only be permitted where connections are made to poured-in-place sections.
Each spigot end shall be manufactured with a groove or step to accept a gasket. The gasket shall be a
one (1) inch diameter neoprene ring gasket and shall be cemented to the spigot groove of each section.
In lieu of a one (1) inch diameter neoprene gasket the Contractor will be permitted to request alternate
gaskets provided that they are a one (1) piece continuous ring, manufactured of neoprene rubber and
pass the hydrostatic test.
(E) TESTING - Concrete utilized in the construction of precast box sewers shall be tested in
conformance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15, with the exception
that the concrete, steel reinforcement, fabrication and manufacture shall be tested and certified as to
compliance by an independent Testing Laboratory licensed in the State of New York and approved by the
Department of Design and Construction.
Hydrostatic tests, identical to those performed for reinforced concrete pipe and as defined in these
specifications, shall be performed and must be satisfactorily completed prior to acceptance. The gasket
shall conform to ASTM C443 and must be tested for a joint deflection of one (1) inch.
Testing shall also conform to all applicable sections of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF MATERIALS,
SAMPLING, AND METHODS OF TEST of these specifications.
In addition all manufacture of sections shall be witnessed by an approved licensed independent Testing
Laboratory and Certified as to Compliance with the standard drawings and specifications.
The costs of all testing as described above shall be deemed included in the price bid per linear foot of
"Reinforced Concrete Sewer".
(F) LATERAL CONNECTIONS TO PRECAST SECTIONS - Connections to the walls of precast sections
for which the opening is greater than ten (10) inches shall be provided integral with the precast sections at
the time of manufacture, and shall have a minimum additional steel reinforcement of two (2) number five
(5) reinforcement bars on each face around the opening.
Connections to the walls of precast sections for which the opening size is ten (10) inches or less may be
made by core drilling holes in the field.
Openings in walls for connections shall be placed so that a minimum distance of one (1) foot is provided
between the inner top of the precast section and the inner top of the opening. In addition a minimum
distance of one (1) foot shall be maintained between the edge of the opening and the end of the section.
Openings in roofs required for risers shall be provided at time of manufacture and shall be shown on the
shop drawings.
Locations of openings are not shown on the plans. The Engineer will determine the need for and location
of openings at the time of construction. The Contractor shall provide openings as required by the field
conditions and as directed by the Engineer.
Lateral pipes (i.e. spurs, risers, drains) shall be installed flush with the inside face of the box section and
all annular spaces shall be filled with nonshrink grout that shall comply with the requirements of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(H) INSTALLATION - All precast box sections shall be laid on a well-compacted six (6) inch thick layer of
crushed stone, the material shall be in conformance with Section 4.12 of these specifications. In addition,
two (2) rows of 2" x 8" pressure treated wood planks shall be laid parallel and continuous along the entire
length of the trench. The planks shall be laid so that their outer edges align with the inside walls of the
precast section. The planks shall be laid within the stone bedding to line and grade in order that when the
sections are placed on the planks the required line and grade will be met.
After the bedding has been prepared the initial box section shall be placed on the prepared base. Coil
inserts and lifting slings or their equivalent shall be used in the placing of all sections. After the initial
section is in place, successive precast sections shall be lowered into position and slid upon the planks as
close as possible to the previous section. Pipe pullers or their equivalent shall then be utilized to bring the
pipe to within one-half (1/2) inch of the previous section. All internal annular spaces and external roof
annular spaces shall then be filled with a nonshrink grout.
(I) SHOP DRAWINGS - The Contractor will be required to submit five (5) sets of shop drawings
depicting all details regarding the manufacture and installation of precast boxes. The shop drawings shall
show dimensions, reinforcement details, connection details, design parameters and construction
All shop drawings and calculations shall bear the seal and signature of a New York State Licensed
Professional Engineer. Shop drawings shall show the Contractor's name, the manufacturer's name, the
project number and title, drawing description, drawing number and date.
(J) MARKINGS - The manufacturer shall mark each individual piece with permanent markings on the
inside of the box section. The following minimum information shall be listed:
(K) DELIVERY OF SECTIONS - No sections shall be delivered to the job site until they have attained the
specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength as evidenced by cylinder testing. In addition five (5)
copies of all test results, steel supplier certifications, independent Testing Laboratory certifications, and
fabrication and manufacture certifications must be submitted to the Engineer prior to delivery or at the time
of delivery.
(L) MANUFACTURE - Precast box sewers shall be built in conformance with approved drawings and
shall be cast in steel forms.
Devices used to position reinforcement shall be made of, or coated with, material so that corrosion of the
device will not occur. Sufficient devices to position the reinforcement for required concrete cover shall be
provided. Tack welding or any other welding of specified steel reinforcement will not be permitted.
Redundant steel reinforcement may be tied or fastened.
(M) CURING - All precast sections shall be subjected to curing by one of the following methods:
(1) STEAM CURING - Sections may be placed in a curing chamber, free from outside drafts, and cured
in a moist atmosphere maintained at a temperature between one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit
and one hundred sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, by the injection of steam for a period of not less
than twelve (12) hours or, when necessary, for such additional time as may be needed to enable the
pipe to meet the strength requirements. Steam curing shall not commence until at least two (2)
(2) WATER SPRAY CURING - Under the conditions of enclosure described in the above paragraph on
"Steam Curing", sections may be cured by subjecting it to a continuous fine spray of water in an
enclosure maintained at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for a period
of not less than seventy-two (72) hours or such additional time as may be necessary to meet the
strength requirements.
(3) SATURATED COVER CURING - The sides and top of each section shall be covered with heavy
burlap or other suitable material saturated with water before applying and kept saturated at a
temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for seventy-two (72) hours or such
additional time as may be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
Precast Sections shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures until the required twenty-eight (28) day
compressive strength is achieved.
The quantities of reinforced concrete sewers to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear
feet of each size and type of sewer, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required,
measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
Payment will be made from inside face of manhole or chamber to inside face of manhole or chamber,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents.
The contract price for “REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for
each size and type of sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples,
tests and insurance required and necessary to construct the reinforced concrete sewers of the sizes and
dimensions shown by the normal sections and special sections and to the lines and grades shown,
including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth
Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of
abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; spurs as required (except when there is a contract price
for Spurs); maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items
necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Unless otherwise shown, reducers or conformers will be paid for at the contract price for the sewer at the
larger ends thereof.
Where precast reinforced concrete sewers are specifically permitted on the contract documents, the cost
for furnishing, delivery and installation of precast reinforced concrete sewers, complete as shown,
specified, or ordered together with additional excavation and sheeting associated with the widening and
deepening of a trench due to increased width of precast reinforced concrete sewer and due to the
placement of a continuous crushed stone and plank grade pad; crushed stone; planks; connections and
all work incidental thereto all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards shall be deemed
included in the contract price bid for “REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWERS". No additional or separate
payments will be made for any work associated with the installation of precast reinforced concrete sewers.
Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all labor and materials required to provide all the
openings in the precast reinforced concrete sewer for spurs, risers and drains, where shown on the plans
or as directed by the Engineer, all in accordance with the specifications.
Payment for Reinforced Concrete Sewers will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Reinforced Concrete Sewers have thirteen characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Flat Top Reinforced Concrete Sewers:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh character shall define the Number Of Barrels of the Sewer:
S - Single Barrel
D - Double Barrel
T - Triple Barrel
(4) The eighth, ninth and tenth characters shall define the Width of the Sewer. (The eighth and
ninth characters representing the unit of feet and the tenth character representing the unit of
inches (in three (3) inch increments) for the Width of the Sewer.) See examples below:
040 - 4’-0”W
093 - 9’-3”W
146 - 14’-6”W
(5) The eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth characters shall define the Height of the Sewer. (The
eleventh and twelfth characters representing the unit of feet and the thirteenth character
representing the unit of inches (in three (3) inch increments) for the Height of the Sewer.) See
examples below:
050 - 5’-0”H
089 - 8’-9”H
126 - 12’-6”H
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes shown.
(A) Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.05. Kind, class
and size of pipe shall be as shown or specified.
Approved openings with covers for spurs or risers shall be provided where shown or required.
(B) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(C) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified herein.
(D) Flexible butyl gasket shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 5, and as specified
(E) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(A) GENERAL - Precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes
and to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as ordered.
(C) JOINTS - All pipe forty-eight (48) inches and larger in its least dimension shall have all interior and
exposed exterior joints completely filled with cement mortar. Joints must be watertight. They shall be
troweled or otherwise finished to make them smooth and flush with the interior surface of the pipe.
(1) Type 4 - Ring Rubber Gasket of Circular Cross Section and Grooved Spigot Joint shall be used for
Circular Reinforced Concrete Pipe joints. Pipe for which these types of joints are specified shall be
cast with perfectly machined castings for forming the bells and spigots so that they will be true circles
and when laid together the annular space for the rubber gasket shall be perfectly uniform.
The design of the joint shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C361.
The manufacturer of the rubber gaskets to be used shall be submitted for approval before pipe laying
For Type 4 - Ring Rubber Gasket and Grooved Spigot Joints, the following shall apply:
(a) Immediately before laying the pipe a round rubber gasket shall be snapped into the spigot
groove and shall be completely covered with soap or wax compound or other approved
(2) Elliptical Reinforced Concrete Pipe Joint Material shall be Type 5 - Flexible Butyl Gasket, conforming
to Federal Specification SS-S-210A and ASSHTO M-198. The pipe joint material shall be of either
rectangular or circular shape with a minimum cross-sectional area of 0.78-square inches. The joint
material shall be applied to both circumferential planes of the pipe joint, utilizing a primer specifically
designed by the pipe joint material manufacturer for such purpose. The joints shall be hand cleaned
of all foreign material prior to placing the joint material and primer. The joint material shall be
overlapped (not butted) to assure a complete seal.
(3) Inspection - Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the finished joint shall be left exposed for
inspection and approval by the Engineer. A suitable ladder affording easy access for such inspection
shall be provided.
(D) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth and uniform
invert. Unless otherwise directed, not less than fifteen (15) feet of pipe sewer shall be laid in one
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe sewers shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
The ends of the pipe that enter masonry walls shall be cut to fit the inner face of the masonry. Unless
otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in.
(E) CRADLES - Precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers shall be laid in continuous concrete cradles.
Concrete cradles for pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown on the Sewer
Design Standards and as directed by the Engineer.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes that
are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded in the
concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
pipe laying begins. The use of wood blocks or fieldstones will not be permitted.
(F) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT - Where shown, specified or required, precast reinforced concrete pipe
sewers shall be fully encased in concrete.
(G) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(H) OPENINGS FOR SPURS OR RISERS - Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall have openings to
receive Tee-Branches and Wye-branches at such points as the Engineer may designate and the size and
shape of the openings shall be such as to provide a continuous and smooth inside surface with the branch
pipe. A socket shall be formed in the shell of the pipe to receive spur or riser pipe, which will permit an
annular space of five-eighths (5/8) inch around the spur pipe for caulking, with an approved nonshrink and
watertight compound. The depth of the socket shall at least be two (2) inches. Unconnected openings for
spurs and risers, or dead ends of spurs and risers shall be closed with approved tile or precast concrete
plugs or with hand tightening (wing nut type) expandable plugs as manufactured by O.R.H.A. Industries or
Jones Manufacturing Co., or approved equal, so as to provide a watertight seal. The threads are to be
greased prior to tightening to ensure a proper seal without stripping.
(I) FIELD CUTTING - Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be cut only by means of wheel type cutters,
milling type cutters or as approved by the Engineer. The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be
(J) CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER - Wherever the proposed sewer is to connect with an existing
manhole in which there is a branch pipe that is damaged or of unsuitable size or in improper position to
receive the new sewer, such pipe shall be removed and be replaced with a pipe of suitable size in the
proper position. The ends of pipe that enter masonry shall be neatly cut to fit the inner face of the
masonry. Unless otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in. Inverts of
existing manholes shall be modified according to the new pipe size and position in accordance with the
plans or as ordered by the Engineer. The cost of such connections and modifications to existing
manholes shall be deemed included in the prices bid per linear foot of the respective sewer items.
The quantities of precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers to be measured for payment shall be the
number of linear feet of each size, kind and class of sewer incorporated in the work, complete, as shown,
specified or required, measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
Payment will be made from inside face of manhole or chamber to inside face of manhole or chamber,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents. When circular precast manholes are
incorporated into the work, the inside face of the manhole shall be the vertical plane at which the sewer's
outside diameter transverse to the horizontal center line of the sewer intersects the inside wall of the
circular precast manhole.
The contract price for “PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid
per linear foot for each size, kind and class of sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to construct the precast reinforced
concrete pipe sewers of the sizes and to the lines and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all
materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and
bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances;
connections; concrete cradle and encasements; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and
furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto,
all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all the labor and materials required to provide all the
openings in the precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers for house connection drains and risers, where
shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, all in accordance with the specifications.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified and ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe Sewers will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Numbers for Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe Sewers have twelve characters. (The
decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe Sewers:
(3) The seventh character shall define the Class of Sewer Pipe:
3 - Class III or Class HE-III
4 - Class IV or Class HE-IV
5 - Class V
(4) The eighth character shall define the Kind of Bedding for Sewer Pipe:
C - On Concrete Cradle
E - Encased In Concrete
(5) The ninth, tenth and eleventh characters shall define either the Diameter of the Pipe for
Circular Sewers or the Width of the Pipe for Horizontal Elliptical Sewers. (The ninth, tenth and
eleventh characters representing the unit of inches for either the Diameter of the Pipe for Circular
Sewers or the Width of the Pipe for Horizontal Elliptical Sewers.) See examples below:
024 - 24”
121 - 121”
(6) The twelfth character shall define the Shape of Sewer Pipe:
D - Circular Pipe (Diameter)
W - Horizontal Elliptical Pipe (Width)
(7) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Vitrified pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and kinds shown.
(A) Vitrified pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified.
(B) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(C) Cement grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18.
(D) Gasket and mortar joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 1, and as specified
(E) Premoulded bituminous compound joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 2,
and as specified herein.
(F) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and as specified
(G) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified herein.
(H) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(A) GENERAL - Vitrified pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and kinds and to the lines and
grades shown on the plans or as ordered.
The Contractor shall furnish and have available on the project site E.S.V.P. in various lengths to ensure
that the final spur locations are properly aligned with the new house connections or reconnections.
(1) Unless otherwise specified, or approved in writing by the Engineer, all joints for vitrified pipe sewers
shall be either Type 3 - Elastomeric Pipe Joint, or Type 4 - Ring Rubber Gasket of Circular Cross
Section and Grooved Spigot Joint, or shall be a Compression Ring of a Resilient Material and
Grooved Spigot Joint, and the following shall apply:
(a) Vitrified pipe joints of elastomeric material shall be factory applied. The method employed to
mould the joint shall be such as to insure even distribution of material, smooth contact surfaces
and tight joints when the pipe is laid. Care shall be taken in transporting and handling pipe to
prevent deformation or damage to the joint material.
Immediately before inserting the spigot end into pipe previously laid, the contact surfaces of
both the spigot and bell of the pipe shall be cleaned by effective means and then coated with a
lubricating agent recommended by the manufacturer of the joint material being used.
The pipe shall then be drawn up home so that the inner edge of the jointing material on the
spigot edge shall be approximately flush with the outer edge of the jointing material in the bell
and the joint material shall remain in continuous compression around the full circumference of
the pipe. None of the jointing material on the spigot end shall be exposed beyond the bell.
(b) If the Contractor employs a joint that relies upon a ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint or
a compression ring of a resilient material having a controlled and calculated shape that will be
compressed within the annular space to form a closing seal, the gasket or compression ring is
to be kept in its container until required. Immediately before inserting the spigot end into pipe
previously laid, the contact surfaces of both the spigot and bell of the pipe shall be cleaned by
effective means and then coated with a lubricating agent recommended by the manufacturer of
the joint material being used. Before snapping the gasket or compression ring into the spigot
groove, the gasket or compression ring shall also be coated with the same lubricating agent.
The pipe shall then be drawn up home. After the joint has been assembled a check is to be
made to see if the gasket or compression ring is looped out of the groove due to misalignment
on showing home before successive pipe lengths are installed. If the gasket or compression
ring is looped out, the joint must be reassembled with a new gasket or compression ring.
(2) When specified or approved in writing by the Engineer the following joints will be acceptable, and the
following shall apply:
(a) Type 1 - Gasket and Mortar Joint shall be made in the following manner: A closely-twisted
hemp or oakum gasket of adequate diameter and in one (1) piece of sufficient length to pass
around the pipe and lap at the top shall be solidly rammed into the annular space between the
pipes with a suitable caulking tool. Before being placed, the gasket shall be saturated with neat
cement grout. The remainder of the space shall then be completely filled with mortar and the
joint wiped inside and finished to a smooth bevel outside.
(b) Type 2 - Premoulded Bituminous Compound may be made at the site or in the yard of the pipe
supplier. The methods employed to mould the joint shall be such as to ensure even distribution
of material, smooth contact surfaces and tight joints when the pipe is laid. Care shall be taken
in transporting and handling pipe to prevent deformation or damage to the premoulded
bituminous joint material.
The bell and spigot of the pipe shall be cleaned by effective means and then coated with an
approved primer. The joint material shall be cast on the pipe using approved metal forms.
Before inserting spigot into pipe previously laid, contact surfaces shall be cleaned and coated
with an approved solvent or adhesive on both surfaces. An approved mechanical device shall
then draw up the pipe so that the spigot edge is within at least one-quarter (1/4) inch of the
shoulder of the bell.
(D) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth and uniform
invert. Unless otherwise directed, not less than fifteen (15) feet of pipe sewer shall be laid in one
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe sewers shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
The ends of the pipe that enter masonry walls shall be cut to fit the inner face of the masonry. Unless
otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in.
(E) CRADLES - Vitrified pipe sewers shall be laid in continuous concrete cradles. Concrete cradles for
pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown on the Sewer Design Standards,
and as directed by the Engineer.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes that
are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded in the
concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
pipe laying begins. The use of wood or other material shims will be required as directed by the Engineer.
(F) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT - Where shown, specified or required, vitrified pipe sewers shall be fully
encased in concrete.
(G) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(H) SPURS AND RISERS - Location of spurs and risers and height of risers are not shown on the plans.
Need for and location of spurs and risers, and height of risers will be determined by the Engineer at the
time of construction. The Contractor shall provide vitrified pipe Wye or Tee branches for spurs as
required by the field conditions and as directed by the Engineer.
Unconnected dead ends of spurs and risers shall be closed with approved tile or precast concrete plugs or
with hand tightening (wing nut type) expandable plugs as manufactured by O.R.H.A. Industries or Jones
Manufacturing Co., or approved equal, so as to provide a watertight seal. The threads are to be greased
prior to tightening to ensure a proper seal without stripping.
(I) FIELD CUTTING - Vitrified pipe shall be cut only by means of wheel type cutters, milling type cutters
or as approved by the Engineer. The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
(J) CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER - Wherever the proposed sewer is to connect with an existing
manhole in which there is a branch pipe that is damaged or of unsuitable size or in improper position to
receive the new sewer, such pipe shall be removed and be replaced with a pipe of suitable size in the
proper position. The ends of pipe that enter masonry shall be neatly cut to fit the inner face of the
masonry. Unless otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in. Inverts of
existing manholes shall be modified according to the new pipe size and position in accordance with the
plans or as ordered by the Engineer. The cost of such connections and modifications to existing
manholes shall be deemed included in the prices bid per linear foot of the respective sewer items.
The quantities of vitrified pipe sewers to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet of
each size, kind and class of sewer incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required,
measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
Payment will be made from inside face of manhole or chamber to inside face of manhole or chamber,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents. When circular precast manholes are
incorporated into the work, the inside face of the manhole shall be the vertical plane at which the sewer's
outside diameter transverse to the horizontal center line of the sewer intersects the inside wall of the
circular precast manhole.
The contract price for “VITRIFIED PIPE SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size,
kind and class of sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests
and insurance required and necessary to construct the vitrified pipe sewers of the sizes and to the lines
and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See
Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down
and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; concrete cradle and encasements;
crushed stone bedding and encasements; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and
furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto,
all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified and ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the line of the work and to do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Vitrified Pipe Sewers will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Vitrified Pipe Sewers have nine characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Vitrified Pipe Sewers:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh character shall define the Kind of Bedding for Sewer Pipe:
C - On Concrete Cradle
E - Encased In Concrete
S - On Crushed Stone Bedding
T - Encased in Crushed Stone
(4) The eighth and ninth characters shall define the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe. (The eighth and
ninth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe.) See
examples below:
08 - 8”
15 - 15”
(5) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
Ductile iron pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes shown.
(A) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified.
(C) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(E) Crushed stone shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.12.
(A) GENERAL - Ductile iron pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes and to the lines
and grades shown on the plans or as ordered.
(1) Joints shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5. Unless otherwise
specified in the specifications and standards, or ordered by the Engineer, all joints for ductile iron
pipe sewers shall be "push-on" joint type.
(2) Inspection - Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the finished joint shall be left exposed for
inspection and approval by the Engineer. A suitable ladder affording easy access for such inspection
shall be provided.
(D) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth and uniform
invert. Unless otherwise directed, not less than twenty-four (24) feet of pipe sewer shall be laid in one
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe sewers shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
The ends of the pipe that enter masonry walls shall be cut to fit the inner face of the masonry. Unless
otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in.
(E) STONE CRADLE AND ENCASEMENT - Ductile iron pipe sewers shall be laid in a crushed stone
bedding or encasement as shown on the plans and as shown on the Sewer Design Standards for ductile
iron pipe alternate. The requirements of Section 4.12 shall apply to the work done hereunder.
(F) CONCRETE CRADLE AND ENCASEMENT - When specifically shown, specified or required, ductile
iron pipe sewer shall be laid in a continuous concrete cradle or fully encased in concrete. Concrete
cradles for pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown, specified or directed.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes that
are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded in the
concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
pipe laying begins. The use of wood blocks or fieldstones will not be permitted.
(G) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(H) SPURS AND RISERS - Location of spurs and risers and height of risers are not shown on the plans.
Need for and location of spurs and risers, and height of risers will be determined by the Engineer at the
time of construction. The Contractor shall provide ductile iron pipe Wye or Tee branches for spurs as
required by the field conditions and as directed by the Engineer.
(I) FIELD CUTTING - Ductile iron pipe shall be cut only by means of abrasive saws, hack saws, wheel
type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the Engineer. The use of "squeeze" type pipe cutters
and cutting torches will not be permitted. The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
The outside of the cut end shall be beveled about one-quarter (1/4) inch at an angle of about thirty (30)
degrees all around the pipe, with a coarse file or a portable grinder.
(J) CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER - Wherever the proposed sewer is to connect with an existing
manhole in which there is a branch pipe that is damaged or of unsuitable size or in improper position to
receive the new sewer, such pipe shall be removed and be replaced with a pipe of suitable size in the
proper position. The ends of pipe that enter masonry shall be neatly cut to fit the inner face of the
masonry. Unless otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in. Inverts of
existing manholes shall be modified according to the new pipe size and position in accordance with the
plans or as ordered by the Engineer. The cost of such connections and modifications to existing
manholes shall be deemed included in the prices bid per linear foot of the respective sewer items.
The quantities of ductile iron pipe sewers to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet of
each size, kind and class of sewer incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required,
measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
Payment will be made form inside face of manhole or chamber to inside face of manhole or chamber,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents. When circular precast manholes are
incorporated into the work, the inside face of the manhole shall be the vertical plane at which the sewer's
outside diameter transverse to the horizontal center line of the sewer intersects the inside wall of the
circular precast manhole.
The contract price for “DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each
size, kind and class of sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples,
tests and insurance required and necessary to construct the ductile iron pipe sewers of the sizes and to
the lines and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming;
bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; concrete cradle
and encasements; crushed stone bedding and encasements; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling;
cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work
incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified and ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the line of the work and to do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Ductile Iron Pipe Sewers will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Ductile Iron Pipe Sewers have ten characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Ductile Iron Pipe Sewers:
(3) The seventh character shall define the Class of Sewer Pipe. (Note: All Ductile Iron Pipe for
Sewers is Class 56. Class 54 is provided on a special case basis only.):
6 - Class 56
4 - Class 54
(4) The eighth character shall define the Kind of Bedding for Sewer Pipe:
C - On Concrete Cradle
E - Encased In Concrete
S - On Crushed Stone Bedding
T - Encased in Crushed Stone
(5) The ninth and tenth characters shall define the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe. (The ninth and
tenth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe.) See
examples below:
08 - 8”
16 - 16”
30 - 30”
(6) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
Cast iron pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes shown.
(A) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified.
(B) Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5 as defined for ductile iron pipe.
(C) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(E) Crushed stone shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.12.
(A) GENERAL - Cast iron pipe sewers shall be constructed of the sizes and classes and to the lines and
grades shown on the plans or as ordered.
(1) Joints shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5 as defined for
ductile iron pipe. Unless otherwise specified in the specifications and standards, or ordered by the
Engineer, all joints for cast iron pipe sewers shall be "push-on" joint type.
(2) Inspection - Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the finished joint shall be left exposed for
inspection and approval by the Engineer. A suitable ladder affording easy access for such inspection
shall be provided.
(D) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth and uniform
invert. Unless otherwise directed, not less than twenty-four (24) feet of pipe sewer shall be laid in one
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe sewers shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
The ends of the pipe that enter masonry walls shall be cut to fit the inner face of the masonry. Unless
otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in.
(E) STONE CRADLE AND ENCASEMENT - Cast iron pipe sewers shall be laid in a crushed stone
bedding or encasement as shown on the plans and as shown on the Sewer Design Standards for ductile
iron pipe alternate. The requirements of Section 4.12 shall apply to the work done hereunder.
(F) CONCRETE CRADLE AND ENCASEMENT - When specifically shown, specified or required, cast
iron pipe sewer shall be laid in a continuous concrete cradle or fully encased in concrete. Concrete
cradles for pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown, specified or directed.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes that
are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded in the
concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
pipe laying begins. The use of wood blocks or fieldstones will not be permitted.
(G) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(H) SPURS AND RISERS - Location of spurs and risers and height of risers are not shown on the plans.
Need for and location of spurs and risers, and height of risers will be determined by the Engineer at the
time of construction. The Contractor shall provide cast iron pipe Wye or Tee branches for spurs as
required by the field conditions and as directed by the Engineer.
(I) FIELD CUTTING - Cast iron pipe shall be cut only by means of abrasive saws, hack saws, wheel
type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the Engineer. The use of "squeeze" type pipe cutters
and cutting torches will not be permitted. The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
The outside of the cut end shall be beveled about one-quarter (1/4) inch at an angle of about thirty (30)
degrees all around the pipe, with a coarse file or a portable grinder.
(J) CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER - Wherever the proposed sewer is to connect with an existing
manhole in which there is a branch pipe that is damaged or of unsuitable size or in improper position to
receive the new sewer, such pipe shall be removed and be replaced with a pipe of suitable size in the
proper position. The ends of pipe that enter masonry shall be neatly cut to fit the inner face of the
masonry. Unless otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in. Inverts of
existing manholes shall be modified according to the new pipe size and position in accordance with the
plans or as ordered by the Engineer. The cost of such connections and modifications to existing
manholes shall be deemed included in the prices bid per linear foot of the respective sewer items.
The quantities of cast iron pipe sewers to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet of
each size, kind and class of sewer incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required,
measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
Payment will be made form inside face of manhole or chamber to inside face of manhole or chamber,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents. When circular precast manholes are
incorporated into the work, the inside face of the manhole shall be the vertical plane at which the sewer's
outside diameter transverse to the horizontal center line of the sewer intersects the inside wall of the
circular precast manhole.
The contract price for “CAST IRON PIPE SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size,
kind and class of sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests
and insurance required and necessary to construct the cast iron pipe sewers of the sizes and to the lines
and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See
Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down
and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; concrete cradle and encasements;
crushed stone bedding and encasements; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and
furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto,
all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified and ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the line of the work and to do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Cast Iron Pipe Sewers will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Cast Iron Pipe Sewers have ten characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Cast Iron Pipe Sewers:
(3) The seventh character shall define the Class of Sewer Pipe. (Note: All Cast Iron Pipe for
Sewers is Class 50. Class 100 is provided on a special case basis only.):
5 - Class 50
1 - Class 100
(4) The eighth character shall define the Kind of Bedding for Sewer Pipe:
C - On Concrete Cradle
E - Encased In Concrete
S - On Crushed Stone Bedding
T - Encased in Crushed Stone
(5) The ninth and tenth characters shall define the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe. (The ninth and
tenth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Sewer Pipe.) See
examples below:
08 - 8”
16 - 16”
30 - 30”
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
5.05A.1 INTENT
Sewers in jacked steel sleeves shall be constructed to the sizes, kinds and classes of pipe specified and
in accordance with the details shown on the contract drawings. The construction of sewers herein shall be
by means of the jacking of a steel sleeve with the use of microtunneling techniques and the insertion of a
carrier pipe.
Microtunneling shall be defined as the trenchless installation of the pipe by jacking the pipe behind a
remotely controlled tunnel-boring machine. The microtunnel machine shall be capable of adequately and
safely counter-balancing prevailing hydrostatic conditions and shall be a slurry shield or an earth pressure-
balanced shield or an approved equal. The microtunnel machine shall be capable of performing in the
“Hydroshield” mode with the opportunity to support the face with Bentonite slurry. In addition it shall be
equipped with the following:
The microtunnel-boring machine shall be capable of tunneling both rock and boulders of all sizes.
(1) Before commencing any operations associated with the construction of sewers in jacked steel
sleeves the Contractor shall submit a detailed description of the proposed method of installation
including locations and dimensions of jacking/receiving pits, insertion procedures and all shop
drawings required for review and approval by the Engineer. These submittals shall include
procedural details to allow the Engineer to evaluate the procedure to be used. All pertinent
dimensions, material properties, and design calculations must be shown.
(2) Shop drawings shall be submitted in accordance with all applicable provisions of Subsection 4.05.5 -
Shop Drawings, as required. Design criteria shall be submitted in accordance with all applicable
requirements of Subsection 4.05.6 - Design Criteria, as required.
(4) No work associated with the construction of sewers in jacked steel sleeves shall commence until the
Contractor receives all required approved shop drawing from the Department of Design and
Construction, Division of Infrastructure.
(A) Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.05. The minimum
class and thickness of pipe shall be Class V, Wall B. Size of pipe shall be as shown or specified. Precast
reinforced concrete pipe shall be protectively coated in accordance with Subsection 5.05A.10.
(B) Vitrified pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified.
(C) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified.
(D) Steel Sleeves shall have an outer diameter (O.D.) as shown or specified and shall have a minimum
sleeve thickness as specified in table below. The steel shall conform to ASTM A134 (plates: ASTM A283,
Grade C) API std. 5L, Grade B. The jacked sleeve shall be designed to withstand jacking thrust as well as
external loads. A factor of safety of 2.5 shall be used for jacking thrusts. Hydrostatic tests will not be
required for steel sleeves.
(E) Cement mortar for joints shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(F) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and for precast reinforced concrete pipe with Subsection 5.02.3(C), and for vitrified pipe with
Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(G) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and for vitrified
pipe with Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(H) Joints for ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5.
(I) Grout utilized to fill the voids between the steel sleeve and the sewer carrier pipe shall be Low
Weight Cement Grout - Mearlcrete Cellular Concrete manufactured by the Mearl Corporation or
approved equal.
(a) Grout shall consist of neat Portland cement, water, Mearlcrete Foam Liquid concentrate
and other materials as recommended by the Mearl Corporation or approved equal.
(b) Portland cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II.
(c) Mixing water shall be a maximum of six (6) gallons per bag of cement (water/cement ratio
is 0.53), and be potable, free from deleterious amounts of acid, alkali, salts, oils and
organic materials.
(J) Grout utilized to fill the voids between the outside of the jacked sleeve and the soil shall be Pressure
Pressure Grout:
(a) Pressure grout shall consist of neat Portland cement or it shall be mixed in a proportion by
volume of one (1) part Portland cement and one (1) part sand or it shall be mixed by
volume of one (1) part Portland cement to one and one-half (1-1/2) parts lime flour and
one-fiftieth (1/50) part Interplast IV.
(b) All parts shall be mixed with clean fresh water to the desired consistency. In no case shall
more than eight (8) gallons of water be mixed per bag of cement.
The Contractor shall install jacking and receiving pits properly braced to withstand both external loads
(soil, water, etc.), and internal jacking loads. The Contractor shall furnish, install and remove to the extent
required; thrust blocks or whatever provisions may be required in driving the sleeve forward. A jacking
frame with integrated pipe guides or steel rails or beams embedded in concrete shall be used in the pit for
placement and alignment of each piece of sleeve during installation procedures.
The steel sleeve shall be jacked into position by the use of jacks of sufficient capacity to push the pipe and
microtunneling machine through the soil. Upon completion of each jacked section (jacking pit to receiving
pit) the Contractor shall immediately pressure grout from the interior of the steel sleeve in conformance
with Subsection 5.05A.9.
The Contractor shall follow the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer regarding the installation of the
carrier pipe. The recommended installation method used by the Contractor shall be such that no damage
will occur to the carrier pipe when it is inserted.
The Contractor shall install the sewer carrier pipe to the line and grade required within the steel sleeve.
Carrier pipe shall be properly braced and supported with spacers that are electrically insulated from the
steel sleeve. The braces/supports/spacers shall be installed and positioned in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations and shall not inhibit the flow of grout. The Contractor shall submit
design and method of bracing prior to installation of carrier pipe for approval by the Engineer. Proper
precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent floatation or motion of the water main during the
grouting operation.
The excavated pits shall be dewatered wherever required due to groundwater conditions. The Contractor
shall lower and maintain the groundwater level below the invert of the steel sleeve at all times during
construction by dewatering means to prevent inflow of water or water and soil into the pit.
(1) Lines and grades shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 1.06.8 and as amended
herein. The Contractor shall establish the baselines and benchmarks in accordance with this
(2) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies of field notes used to establish all lines and
grades. However, the Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the Contractor’s
(3) If there is any movement during construction, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to detect
and correct it as required.
(1) The microtunnel boring machine shall be capable of controlling the volume of excavated
material removed from the excavation face at all times.
(2) The microtunnel-boring machine shall be fully steerable both horizontally and vertically.
(3) Guidance of the microtunnel-boring machine shall be through a remote console, in or adjacent
to the jacking pit or shaft. At a minimum, the thrust force, rate of advance, distance along
heading, deviation from line and deviation from grade shall be monitored and displayed on the
remote console.
The Contractor shall carry out the Contractor’s operations in strict accordance with OSHA and the
Manufacturer’s safety requirements.
After the steel sleeve has been installed the Contractor shall drill 4-inch casing pipes from the ground
surface down to the top centerline of the steel sleeve. The number of casing pipes placed shall be at a
minimum, one at each end of the steel sleeve. The Engineer may order the drilling of additional casing
pipes for grouting along the length of the steel sleeve. Payment for all work required for the drilling of
additional casing pipe together with fittings, excavation requirements, removal of casing pipe, etc. ordered
by the Engineer, shall be made under Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
The Contactor shall wash out the material inside the 4-inch casing pipes, then drill holes in the top of the
steel sleeve and install fittings to the ends of the casing pipe that will produce a sealed connection to both
the casing pipe and the steel sleeve. These fittings shall provide a sealed connection so that the insertion
of grout between the steel sleeve and the carrier pipe can proceed with no leakage of grout to the outside
soil area of the steel sleeve.
The Contactor shall remove any debris due to the installation of the casing pipe from the inside of the steel
sleeve to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The microtunneling/pipe jacking subcontractor utilized to perform the work required under this contract
must be experienced in work of this nature and must have successfully completed tunneling project(s) in
the last five (5) years using pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment with a closed face
tunnel shield and positive controlled face pressure. The Contractor shall submit a description of such
project(s), which shall include at a minimum, a listing of the location(s), date of project(s), owner, pipe type
and size, type of equipment utilized, maximum line and grade deviations and other information relevant to
the issue of the successful completion of such project(s).
The microtunneling/pipe jacking machine operator(s) is required to have at least three (3) years of
tunneling experience, and to have worked on at least two (2) microtunneling/pipe jacking projects using
the same type of equipment required for this project, namely, pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking
equipment with a closed face tunnel shield and positive, controllable tunnel face pressure. Submit the
names, resumes and experience summaries of two (2) machine operators who will be available for this
assignment, one (1) of which shall be assigned to this project.
Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit the name and resume of the
microtunneling/pipe jacking subcontractor for approval.
All connections between successive steel pipe lengths shall be continuously butt-welded. Welds shall be
made in conformance with AWS D1.1. Upon completion of a bore (jacking pit to receiving pit) the
Contractor shall pressure grout all voids between the outside of the jacked sleeve and the soil and shall
install the carrier pipe and completely fill all voids between the inside of the sleeve and the outside of the
carrier pipe with low weight cement grout.
Prior to the insertion of the carrier pipe the Contractor will be required to remove and properly dispose of
all sediments and deposits from within the steel sleeve.
The Contractor shall furnish all water and pumping equipment necessary for the cleaning operation. After
cleaning, the sleeve shall be clean and entirely free from projections that might interfere with the insertion
of the carrier pipe through it.
As soon as possible after the completion of the cleaning operation, the Engineer will conduct a visual
inspection of the pipe for any defect or leakage so those repairs, if necessary, can be made. No carrier
pipe shall be installed until authorized by the Engineer.
Upon completion of a jacked section (jacking pit to receiving pit) the Contractor shall immediately pressure
grout from the interior of the steel sleeve. Pressure grout shall be placed under pressure to fill all annular
voids between the outside of the jacked sleeve and the soil.
Systems of standard pipe, fittings, hose and special grouting outlets embedded in the sleeve shall be
provided by the Contractor. Care shall be taken to insure that parts of the system are maintained free
from dirt. Cement grout shall be forced under pressure into the grouting connections. Grouting shall start
at the lowest connections and shall proceed until grout begins to flow from upper connections.
Connections shall then be made to those holes and the operation continued to completion. During the
grouting process, each grout plug shall be removed and the grout-mixing machine shall be connected to
the hole by means of a hose and nipple cut to the same thread as the screw plug.
The sleeve shall have grout holes equipped with pipe half couplings. Three (3) grout holes spaced one
hundred twenty (120) degrees on center shall be installed on each section of pipe. The two (2) inch
standard pipe half couplings welded into the holes in the sleeve shall be provided with threaded cast iron
plugs. Plugs shall be no less than five-eighths (5/8) inch in diameter.
Apparatus for mixing and placing grout shall be capable of mixing effectively and stirring the grout and
then forcing it into the grout connections in a continuous uninterrupted flow. When grouting is completed
the grout plugs in each section shall be screwed into the grout holes for their full length and tightened to
provide a watertight seal.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent grout from escaping and setting on inner
surface of steel sleeve. The Contractor shall remove such grout and restore the surface to its original
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer all facilities necessary for the inspection of pressure grouting
operation to ensure complete filling of the annular void. These facilities shall include removing of grout
plugs as required for inspection behind the steel sleeve. Any voids found shall be grouted at once as
directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall keep and furnish to the Engineer an accurate log of grouting operations, pressures,
rates of pumping, amount of cement for each change in water/cement ratio and such other data as are
required by the Engineer. The log shall be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer or the Engineer’s
representative after each shift.
After the carrier pipe is satisfactorily installed, the carrier pipe shall be secured to the steel sleeve at each
end with a 12-inch long concrete plug. Unless otherwise shown on the contract drawings, the Contractor
shall submit along with the required submittal in Subsection 5.05A.3 the design of these concrete plugs.
The design of these concrete plugs shall incorporate a method for securing the concrete plugs to the ends
of the steel sleeve and carrier pipe so as to be capable of withstanding the grouting pressures without
slippage or blow-out at the ends.
After approval by the Engineer the entire annular space between the inside of the steel sleeve and the
outside of the sewer carrier pipe shall be filled with Low Weight Cement Grout in one continuous
uninterrupted operation in a manner to prevent occurrence of any voids between the steel sleeve and the
carrier pipe.
The grout fill shall be placed by pneumatic or pumping equipment under a pressure between 10 and 15-
psi to ensure that the entire void space has been evenly and completely filled. The pressure must be
continuously monitored and care must be taken to avoid pressures above 15-psi. Equipment and
methods of placement of the grout fill will be subject to review by the Engineer.
The volume of the grout being placed shall be monitored and recorded. A comparison between the
theoretical volume and the actual volume of grout placed shall be done and any discrepancies shall be
brought to the attention of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall also fill the holes used to place the grout.
All concrete carrier pipes shall be coated inside with two (2) coats of Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M
protective coating and with one (1) coat of a white Acrylic topcoat (Kop-Coat 600 Acrylic) or approved
Coating on the concrete carrier pipe shall be applied prior to its placement in the Steel Sleeve. Prior to
coating the concrete carrier pipe the Contractor shall be required to receive written approval from the
Engineer that the surface to be coated is judged suitable to receive the protective coating as
recommended by the coating manufacturer and/or the Engineer.
The Contractor is notified that if for any reason the coating manufacturer and/or Engineer conclude that
the surfaces are not ready for coating, then immediately prior to applying the coating the surfaces shall be
cleaned and/or treated as directed. Surfaces shall be brushed and thoroughly cleaned. Surfaces must
then be permitted to dry thoroughly. All work shall be performed to the complete satisfaction of the
Prior to applying the protective coating all requirements and conditions of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF
Base and hardener shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and after final
mixing shall be applied in the presence of the Engineer within the time period stipulated by the
manufacturer of the coating material. The Engineer shall certify to the adequacy of the coating work (i.e.,
mixing application). The coating shall be evenly applied in required number of coats by an airless
spraying procedure approved by the Engineer.
Each protective coat shall be at least ten (10) mils minimum dry film thickness. The total thickness for all
pipes of the finished protective coating shall be twenty (20) mils minimum dry film thickness.
The Engineer prior to final acceptance of the work shall certify all coating and thickness of coatings.
After the second coat has been approved by the Engineer, a white top coat, three (3) mils minimum dry
film thickness, shall be applied as recommended by the coating manufacturer and/or Engineer.
The quantity of sewers in jacked steel sleeves to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear
feet of each size, kind and class of sewer together with jacked steel sleeve incorporated in the work,
complete, as shown, specified or required, measured horizontally along the center lines of sewers.
The contract price for “SEWERS IN JACKED STEEL SLEEVES” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot
for each size, kind and class of sewer together with jacked steel sleeve and shall cover the cost of all
labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and tests required and necessary to construct the sewers in
jacked steel sleeves to the sizes and to the lines and grades shown, including the earth excavation of all
materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and
bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; connections; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; jacking and
receiving pits; installation of steel sleeves; grouting for soil stabilization; application of protective coating
and top coating to interior surfaces of concrete carrier pipe; installation of carrier pipe sewers; grouting
required to fill the voids between the inside of steel sleeves and the outside of carrier pipe sewers;
preparation, submittal and approval of all required shop drawings and designs; obtaining of all necessary
permits; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do
all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the contract drawings, specifications and standards and
as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified and ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the jacking and receiving pits and in the line of the work and to do all the work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and 1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor, materials and equipment required to install
concrete plugs and for installing and removing 4-inch grouting casing pipes.
Payment for Sewers In Jacked Steel Sleeves will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Sewers In Jacked Steel Sleeves have eleven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Sewers In Jacked Steel Sleeves:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Carrier Sewer Pipe. (The
seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Carrier
Sewer Pipe.) See examples below:
10 - 10”
16 - 16”
30 - 30”
(5) The tenth and eleventh characters shall define the Diameter of the Jacked Steel Sleeve Pipe.
(The tenth and eleventh characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Jacked
Steel Sleeve Pipe.) See examples below:
30 - 30”
66 - 66”
(6) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
5.05B.1 INTENT
This section describes construction of precast polymer concrete pipe sewers and/or precast reinforced
concrete pipe sewers by direct jacking.
Precast polymer concrete pipe sewers and/or precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers by direct jacking
shall be constructed of the sizes, kinds and classes shown or specified. The construction of sewers
herein shall be by means of the direct jacking of precast polymer concrete pipe sewers and\or precast
reinforced concrete pipe sewers with the use of microtunneling techniques.
Microtunneling shall be defined as the trenchless installation of the pipe by jacking the pipe behind a
remotely controlled tunnel-boring machine. The microtunnel machine shall be capable of adequately and
safely counter-balancing prevailing hydrostatic conditions and shall be a slurry shield or an earth pressure-
balanced shield or an approved equal. The microtunnel machine shall be capable of performing in the
“Hydroshield” mode with the opportunity to support the face with Bentonite slurry. In addition it shall be
equipped with the following:
The microtunnel-boring machine shall be capable of tunneling both rock and boulders of all sizes.
(1) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Precast polymer concrete pipe shall comply with the
requirements of Section 2.26. The minimum class of pipe shall be Class V. Size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified.
(2) Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Precast reinforced concrete pipe shall comply with the
requirements of Section 2.05 and as amended herein. The minimum class and thickness of
pipe shall be Class IV, Wall C. Size of pipe shall be as shown or specified. Precast reinforced
concrete pipe shall be protectively coated in accordance with Subsection 5.05B.9.
(1) Submit shop drawings to the Engineer for review showing all details of intermediate jacking
stations, and concrete pipe including steel reinforcement, joint dimensions for all pipe and
fittings, etc.
(2) (a) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Design calculations demonstrating ASTM D6783 class
and allowable axial jacking forces.
(b) Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Design calculations demonstrating ASTM C76 class
and allowable axial jacking forces.
(a) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Pipe shall be designed for all superimposed dead loads
due to weight of earth plus an allowance for HS20 live loading; or to the ASTM D6783
class; whichever is more stringent.
(b) Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Pipe shall be designed for all superimposed dead
loads due to weight of earth plus an allowance for HS20 live loading; or to the ASTM C76
class; whichever is more stringent.
Pipe shall be designed for the maximum anticipated jacking loads, distributed over the minimum
cross sectional area of the pipe, using a safety factor of at least three (3). Designs shall
consider bending and shear attributable to the eccentricity of the load on the jacking face.
(1) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Joints shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.26.
(a) Microtunneling precast reinforced concrete pipe joints shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval.
(b) The outer walls of pipe shall be straight and the joints flush or slightly recessed in relation
with the pipe outer diameter.
(2) Joints for pipe 54-inches in diameter and greater shall consist of a steel bell and
steel spigot with a solid rubber gasket contained in the groove of the steel spigot.
(3) The pipe joints shall be capable of (without the loss of seal or damage to the joints):
(4) Pipe joints shall be protected by the installation of pressure-distributing compression rings
(spacers) made of low modulus material (e.g. chipboard, knot-free soft wood, fiberboard,
plywood). The pressure-distributing compression rings shall be placed between pipe ends to
reduce load concentrations on the pipes caused by unplane/unsquare ends, nonstraight
sections or angles between the axis’ of adjacent pipes (due to steering). Pressure-Distributing
Compression Rings should be as uniform as possible in compression resistance (modulus) so
as not to be the cause of load concentrations.
(1) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Pipe shall be manufactured and supplied in accordance with
Section 2.26.
(b) Steel reinforcement shall consist of a minimum of two (2) cages of welded wire fabric
conforming to ASTM A185.
(c) Pipe shall be supplied in ten (10) foot lengths, except where shorter lengths are required
for proper stationing.
(e) The concrete pipe shall be cast vertically between inner and outer rigid steel forms.
Mechanical vibrators shall be used to compact the concrete and ensure smooth concrete
(f) After casting, the pipe in its forms shall be placed in a suitable enclosure and following a
delay period of 1 to 4-hours, cured by the introduction of steam.
(3) All Precast Concrete Pipe - Each pipe shall have three (3) factory installed threaded injection
ports and check valves with stainless steel threaded plugs to facilitate the Contractors
lubricating operation and to grout the pipe in place upon completion of each bore. The injection
ports (connections) shall be spaced one hundred twenty (120) degrees on center. Injection port
fittings shall comply with ASTM A53, standard weight Schedule 40, black.
(1) The pipe manufacturer shall have at their facility a fully equipped laboratory and staff to perform
all testing on jacking pipe.
(2) Precast Polymer Concrete Pipe - Testing shall be done in accordance with Section 2.26.
(a) Testing shall be done in accordance with ASTM C76. The manufacturer shall be required
to perform the following additional tests and dimensional checks:
(A) The wall thickness in the joint and barrel shall not vary by more than (+/-) 3-
percent of the nominal wall thickness.
(B) The outside diameter of pipe shall not vary from theoretical by more than +1/32,
-1/16-inch per foot of inside diameter.
(1) For length of opposite sides (taping pipe 180-degrees apart), a tolerance of
1/4-inch is required for pipe 48-inches in diameter and less, and 3/8-inch for
pipe 54-inches in diameter and greater.
(D) The normality of the joint face shall have a maximum deviation of (+/-) 1-degree
from perpendicular.
The surfaces of each jacking pipe shall be examined for airholes and gate offsets.
The maximum allowable airhole shall be 3/4-inch diameter and the maximum gate
offset shall be 1/8-inch. Airholes exceeding this criterion shall be filled with neat
cement and gate offsets greater than 1/8-inch shall be ground smooth.
Just prior to lowering the precast concrete pipe into the trench, the joint surfaces shall be wiped clean and
lubricated with a manufacturer recommended lubricant. A pressure-distributing compression ring shall be
placed between the mating vertical joint surfaces to evenly distribute the jacking load. Precast Concrete
Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and standard practices.
The Contractor shall install jacking and receiving pits properly braced to withstand both external loads
(soil, water, etc.), and internal jacking loads. The Contractor shall furnish, install and remove to the extent
required; thrust blocks or whatever provisions may be required in driving the precast concrete pipe
The precast concrete pipe shall be jacked into position by the use of jacks of sufficient capacity to push
the pipe and microtunneling machine through the soil. Upon completion of each jacked section (jacking
pit to receiving pit) the Contractor shall immediately pressure grout from the interior of the precast
concrete pipe in conformance with Subsection 5.05B.7.
Just prior to lowering the precast concrete pipe into the trench, the joints shall be wiped clean and
lubricated with an approved lubricant. Upon completing the joint, the position of the gasket shall be
checked with a feeler gage supplied by the manufacturer. If the gasket(s) is found not to be in the proper
position, the joint shall be remade and the gasket(s) replaced. Joint openings shall not exceed the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(1) Lines and grades shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 1.06.8 of the specifications
and as amended herein. The Contractor shall establish the baselines and benchmarks in
accordance with this contract.
(2) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies of field notes used to establish all lines and
grades. However, the Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the Contractor’s
work. All survey work shall be performed under the direction of a New York State Licensed
Surveyor and all submissions shall be sealed and signed by the Licensed Surveyor.
(3) If there is any movement during construction, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to detect
and correct it as required.
(4) The microtunnel excavation and run of jacked precast concrete pipe shall be controlled as such
that the deviation from grade is not more than one (1) inch nor from line more than three (3)
inches. The Contractor shall make note of all possible encumbrances and structures in the line
of work that may restrict clearances.
(1) The microtunnel-boring machine shall be capable of controlling the volume of excavated
material removed from the excavation face at all times.
(2) The microtunnel-boring machine shall be fully steerable both horizontally and vertically.
(3) Guidance of the microtunnel-boring machine shall be through a remote console, in or adjacent
to the jacking pit or shaft. At a minimum, the thrust force, rate of advance, distance along
heading, deviation from line and deviation from grade shall be monitored and displayed on the
remote console.
The Contractor shall carry out the Contractor’s operations in strict accordance with OSHA and
Manufacturer’s safety requirements.
Microtunneling/pipe jacking subcontractor utilized to perform the work required under this contract must be
experienced in work of this nature and must have successfully completed tunneling project(s) in the last
five (5) years using pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment with a closed face tunnel
shield and positive controlled face pressure. The Contractor shall submit a description of such project(s),
which shall include, at a minimum a listing of the location(s), date of project(s), owner, pipe type and size,
type of equipment utilized, maximum line and grade deviations and other information relevant to the issue
of the successful completion of such project(s).
Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit the name and resume of the
microtunneling/pipe jacking subcontractor for approval.
Upon completion of a bore (jacking pit to receiving pit) the Contractor shall grout all voids between the
outside of the jacked precast concrete pipe and the soil.
5.05B.7 GROUT
Pressure Grout - Pressure grout shall be placed under pressure to fill all voids between the outside of the
jacked precast concrete pipe and the soil.
Pressure Grout - Pressure grout shall consist of neat Portland cement or it shall be mixed in a proportion
by volume of one (1) part Portland cement and one (1) part sand or it shall be mixed by volume of one (1)
part Portland cement to one and one-half (1-1/2) parts lime flour and one-fiftieth (1/50) part Interplast IV.
All parts shall be mixed with clean fresh water to the desired consistency. In no case shall more than
eight (8) gallons of water be mixed per bag of cement.
Systems of standard pipe, fittings, hose and threaded injection ports and check valves with stainless steel
threaded plugs (factory installed) embedded in the concrete pipe walls shall be provided by the Contractor.
Care shall be taken to insure that parts of the system are maintained free from dirt. Cement grout shall be
forced under pressure into the threaded injection ports. Grouting shall start at the lowest injection port and
shall proceed until grout begins to flow from upper injection port. Connections shall then be made to those
injection ports and the operation continued to completion. During the grouting process, each stainless
steel plug shall be removed and the grout-mixing machine shall be connected to the injection port by
means of a hose and nipple cut to the same thread as the injection port.
Upon completion of bores (jacking pit to receiving pit) the Contractor shall pressure grout between the
outside of the jacked concrete pipe and the soil.
The jacked precast concrete pipe shall be supplied with embedded factory installed threaded injection
ports and check valves with stainless steel threaded plugs flush with the inside and outside faces of the
pipe so as to prevent infiltration of displaced earth during the jacking and grouting processes. Stainless
steel threaded plugs when installed shall be flush with the inside face of the pipe. Factory installed
threaded injection ports and check valves with stainless steel threaded plugs shall be of a diameter
approved by the Engineer and compatible with the requirements of the Contractor’s grouting operation.
Three (3) injection ports spaced one hundred twenty (120) degrees on center shall be installed on each
Apparatus for mixing and placing grout shall be capable of mixing effectively and stirring the grout and
then forcing it into the injection ports in a continuous uninterrupted flow. When grouting is completed the
stainless steel threaded plugs in each section shall be installed into the injection ports so as to provide a
watertight seal.
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer all facilities necessary for the inspection of grouted jacked
precast concrete pipe to ensure complete filling of the void. These facilities shall include removing of
stainless steel plugs as required for inspection behind the jacked precast concrete pipe. Any voids found
shall be grouted at once as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall keep and furnish to the Engineer an accurate log of grouting operations, pressures,
rates of pumping, amount of cement for each change in water/cement ratio and such other data as are
required by the Engineer. The log shall be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer or the Engineer’s
representative after each shift.
(A) Before commencing any operations associated with the construction of direct jacking of precast
concrete pipe sewers the Contractor shall have all required approved shop drawings and designs from the
Department of Design and Construction, Division of Infrastructure, Design Section. These drawings shall
include but not be limited to the following:
(B) Shop drawing shall be submitted in accordance with all applicable provisions of Subsection 4.05.5 -
Shop Drawings, as determined by the Design Section and as required herein. The design criteria shall
be submitted in accordance with all applicable provisions of Subsection 4.05.6 - Design Criteria, as
determined by the Design Section and as required herein.
(C) The Contractor shall allow a minimum of four (4) weeks for review.
(D) Reports - The Contractor shall maintain a Daily Log of all microtunneling activities. A copy of this log
shall be submitted to the Engineer on a daily basis. The log, at a minimum, shall indicate the following in
relationship to the advancement rate. The maximum advancement rate utilized shall be one (1) foot.
Upon the completion of Microtunneling Activities the Contractor will be required to submit a report that will
include copies of all Daily Logs along with a description of any unusual events or problems encountered
during the microtunneling operation. In addition, all numerical data shall be entered into an Excel 2000
format. A copy of the Excel file shall also be submitted.
All jacked precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be coated inside with two (2) coats of Koppers Bitumastic
No. 300-M protective coating and with one (1) coat of a white Acrylic topcoat (Carbocrylic White S800) or
approved equals.
Coating on the jacked precast reinforced concrete pipe shall be applied prior to its placement. Prior to
coating the jacked precast reinforced concrete pipe the Contractor shall be required to receive written
approval from the Engineer that the surface to be coated is judged suitable to receive the protective
coating as recommended by the coating manufacturer and/or the Engineer.
The Contractor is notified that if for any reason the coating manufacturer and/or Engineer conclude that
the surfaces are not ready for coating, then immediately prior to applying the coating the surfaces shall be
cleaned and/or treated as directed. Surfaces shall be brushed and thoroughly cleaned. Surfaces must
then be permitted to dry thoroughly. All work shall be done to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.
Prior to applying the protective coating all requirements and conditions of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF
Base and hardener shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and after final
mixing shall be applied in the presence of the Engineer within the time period stipulated by the
manufacturer of the coating material. The Engineer shall certify to the adequacy of the coating work (i.e.,
mixing application). The coating shall be evenly applied in required number of coats by an airless
spraying procedure approved by the Engineer.
Each protective coat shall be at least ten (10) mils minimum dry film thickness. The total thickness for all
pipes of the finished protective coating shall be twenty (20) mils minimum dry film thickness.
The second protective coat shall not be applied until the first protective coat is allowed to dry tack free. If
a protective coat is permitted to cure more than seventy-two (72) hours, it must first be treated and/or
conditioned as recommended by the coating material manufacturer before application of an additional
coat will be permitted.
The Engineer prior to final acceptance of the work shall certify all coating and thickness of coatings.
After the second coat has been approved by the Engineer, a white top coat, three (3) mils minimum dry
film thickness, shall be applied as recommended by the coating manufacturer and/or Engineer.
The quantity of direct jacked precast concrete pipe sewers to be measured for payment shall be the
number of linear feet of each kind, type, size and class of direct jacked precast concrete pipe sewer
incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required, measured horizontally along the
center lines of sewers. Measurement shall be from inside face of manhole to inside face of manhole.
The contract price for “DIRECT JACKED PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE SEWERS” shall be the unit price
bid per linear foot for each kind, type, size and class of direct jacked precast concrete pipe sewer and
shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and tests required and necessary to
construct the direct jacked precast concrete pipe sewers of the sizes and to the lines and grades shown,
including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth
Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; connections; maintaining flow in
sewers; backfilling; jacking and receiving pits; installation of precast concrete pipe sewers by direct
jacking; grouting for soil stabilization; preparation, submittal and approval of all required shop drawings
and designs; obtaining of all necessary permits; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items
necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans,
specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Direct Jacked Precast Concrete Pipe Sewers will be made under the Item Number as
calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Direct Jacked Precast Concrete Pipe Sewers have ten characters. (The
decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Direct Jacked Precast Concrete Pipe Sewers:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Precast Concrete Pipe
Sewer to be Direct Jacked. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for
the Diameter of the Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer to be Direct Jacked.) See examples below:
24 - 24”
78 - 78”
(4) The ninth character shall define the Kind of Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer to be Direct Jacked:
R - Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.)
P - Polymer Concrete Pipe (P.C.P.)
(5) The tenth character shall define the Class of Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer to be Direct
4 - Class IV
5 - Class V
(6) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
5.05C.1 INTENT
It is the intent of this section to provide for the reconstruction of existing sewers by the installation of a
resin-impregnated flexible tube that is inflated within the existing conduit to form a hard, impermeable,
corrosion resistant pipe within a pipe. When cured, the cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) will be formed to the
original conduit.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the Contractor shall use a Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) approved cured-in-place-pipe lining method on all existing sewers shown, specified, or
ordered to be reconstructed under this contract by use of an approved lining method. All such work shall
comply with the terms of this specification and with the manufacturer’s standards set forth for the lining
method(s) selected by the Contractor.
Under this method the Contractor shall reconstruct existing sewers by the insertion of a flexible polyester
felt fiber lining tube that has been saturated with a thermosetting resin. The liner shall be inserted into the
existing sewer either by direct inversion (ASTM F1216) using a head of water or air, or by pulling the tube
into place by winching and then inflating it by inversion of a calibration hose (ASTM F1743). The
thermosetting resin shall then be cured by either circulating hot water through the tube or by circulating hot
air (a mixture of steam and air) or by circulating steam to cure the resin into a hard impermeable pipe.
The Contractor shall make all investigations of the existing sewers to be reconstructed and shall
determine and select the most effective approved lining method(s) appropriate for installation in the
existing sewers to be reconstructed. The Contractor shall be responsible for the successful completion of
all work required herein; failure of the Contractor’s selected lining method(s) to be satisfactorily installed in
the existing sewers shall not relieve the Contractor of the Contractor’s responsibility to provide
satisfactorily reconstructed sewers.
Any cost associated with the removal of the unsatisfactorily installed liner and the subsequent, satisfactory
reinstallation of an approved liner shall be borne solely by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall not
make any claim against the City for this additional required work.
Once installed, the liner shall extend from manhole to manhole in a continuous tight fitting watertight pipe-
within-a-pipe, and be chemically resistant to sewage gases and materials. During the warranty period any
defects that might affect the integrity or strength of the liner shall be immediately repaired or replaced by
the Contractor, at the Contractor’s expense, pursuant to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Specifications ASTM D638, D790, D2990,
F1216, F1743 and the manufacturer's standards are hereby made a part of this specification.
The liner shall be fabricated to a size that when installed will neatly fit the internal circumference of the
sewer to be lined. The liner thickness shall be designed to adequately resist all external pressures and
conditions (e.g. deflection, ring bending, buckling and minimum stiffness). The length of the liner shall be
that deemed necessary to effectively span the distance and carry out the insertion and seal of the liner at
the inlet and outlet manholes. The Contractor shall verify the lengths in the field before cutting the liner to
length. Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit design calculations for wall
thickness to the Engineer.
Allowance for circumferential and longitudinal stretching of the liner during installation shall be made as
per the manufacturer’s standards for the approved method of lining chosen. Under no circumstances
shall the finished wall thickness of liner be less than six (6) millimeters in thickness.
(D) DESIGN PARAMETERS - The following design parameters shall be used in the design of pipe liners
in addition to the manufacturer’s standards:
(E) LINER MATERIAL - The Contractor shall furnish, prior to use of the lining materials, satisfactory
written guarantee of the Contractor’s compliance with the liner manufacturer’s standards for all materials
(polyester felt tubing, including the polyurethane covered felt and the thermosetting resin) and techniques
being used in the method.
Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit to the Engineer the types of resins and
the resultant cure schedules for each length and size of sewer to be lined. The finished liner shall
incorporate thermosetting materials that will withstand the corrosive effects of the normal existing
(F) SAFETY - The Contractor shall carry out the Contractor’s operations in strict accordance with all
OSHA and manufacturer's safety requirements. Emphasis shall be placed upon safety requirements for
entering confined spaces and working with hot water and steam.
The Contractor shall erect such signs and other devices as are necessary for the safety of the work site
and shall secure the site and conform all work to the safety requirements of all pertinent regulatory
(G) AIR QUALITY - The Contractor is advised that all liner installation work shall be carried out in full
compliance with all City, State, and Federal laws, rules, and regulations regarding Air Quality and Safety.
(H) TELEVISION INSPECTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION - All bidders are advised that a digital audio-
visual inspection was made of the sewers to be reconstructed and that this recording (the “DEP
recording”) is available for review prior to bid opening. All prospective bidders are urged to view this
recording in order to assess the suitability of the lining methods for use on this project. The City of New
The Contractor will also be required to perform another television inspection and digital audio-visual
recording of the sewer a maximum of seven (7) days prior to the setting up of the liner insertion equipment
at the site. This inspection will be performed, utilizing a radial eye camera, to determine the latest
condition of the sewer and to accurately identify the location of active service connections. Should the
results of this television inspection show a condition different than that shown on the DEP recording, the
Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer.
For each section to be lined, the Contractor shall certify in writing that the DEP approved method the
Contractor intends to use is suitable.
(I) CLEANING - The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment and shall do all work
necessary to remove and dispose of all debris, sediment, silt, refuse, timber, roots, and materials of all
kinds which can be removed by conventional non-excavation type pipe cleaning equipment located in the
existing sewers and manholes. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer if such debris, etc.,
cannot be removed by conventional non-excavation type pipe cleaning equipment.
Protruding service connections shall be removed and paid for consistent with Section 5.16A.
(J) FLOW BYPASSING - The Contractor shall provide for the diversion of flow of existing sewers at
existing upstream manholes (if available) and pump the flow into an existing downstream manhole. The
pumps and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. The proposed
bypassing system shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and no work shall commence until such
approval is granted.
(K) SERVICE CONNECTIONS - The Contractor shall be required to determine which service
connections are active and shall be responsible for controlling (or maintaining) the flow for each active
service connection along the line of the sewer to be rehabilitated. Where necessary, the flow from an
active service connection shall be bypassed to a manhole downstream of the proposed work by means of
pumping from the trap located in the basement of the affected building. However, should such bypassing
be judged unfeasible by the Engineer, the Contractor shall excavate to the service connection outside the
building area (sidewalk or roadway as determined by the Engineer) and bypass the connection from this
point. The pump and bypass line for each service connection shall be of adequate capacity and size to
handle the flow.
Prior to the commencement of any work, the Contractor shall make all necessary investigations and
prepare a plan for the controlling (or maintaining) of the flow and, where necessary, for the bypassing of
active service connections. This plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and no work shall
commence until such approval is granted.
(L) EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION - The Contractor shall provide suitable temperature and pressure
gauges in accordance with the manufacturer's standards and specifications. High-pressure steam hoses
and fittings have to be rated in accordance with the steam generator used. Thermocouples are to be
marked for each fluid to be conveyed: RED-steam; BLUE-water; GREEN-air. The pulling winch shall be
equipped with a tension gauge (Type-Martin Decker or Approved Equal) - smooth running and variable
speed. The cutting device shall be a Gulectron type or approved equal remote monitored device when
used inside the lined pipe.
The Contractor shall prepare and inspect all necessary tools and any spare parts that are required for
equipment that suffer frequent breakdowns, and shall ensure that said tools and spare parts are available
at the site. Supporting equipment, such as pumps and generators, shall be provided at the site in the
event there is a fluid surge and pumping is required on an emergency basis. The Contractor shall also
prepare and make operable all necessary communication equipment for the Contractor’s field crew.
(M) INSTALLATION OF LINER - Prior to the installation of liner, the Contractor shall fully comply with
Subsections 5.05C.2(C) through 5.05C.2(L), inclusively, and with any additional requirements set forth
in the specific provisions applicable to the respective lining methods. The Contractor shall not proceed
with the installation of liner until the Engineer, in writing, certifies such compliance and directs the
cool (below one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F)) and before opening the service connections, a
preliminary television inspection and digital audio-visual recording of the newly installed liner shall be
performed to determine if the liner is properly installed.
(O) SERVICE CONNECTIONS - After the liner has been installed, the Contractor shall re-open all
existing active service connections and those inactive connections ordered by the Engineer. These
service connections shall be re-opened and paid for consistent with Section 5.16B.
(P) FINAL TELEVISION INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION - A final television inspection and digital
audio-visual recording of the newly lined sewer including the restored service connections shall be
performed immediately after work is completed. Should the results of this final inspection reveal any
defects, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to repair or replace these defects
as ordered by the Engineer at the sole expense of the Contractor.
Payment for this final television inspection will be made under the item labeled “TELEVISION
(Q) WORK SCHEDULE - The Contractor shall be permitted to occupy the lane immediately above the
sewer location and the parking lane immediately adjacent to the site of work unless otherwise specified.
No further roadway or traffic restrictions shall be permitted.
(1) PREPARING AND INSERTING THE LINER - The Contractor shall designate a location where the
uncured resin in the original containers and the unimpregnated liner will be impregnated prior to
installation. The Contractor shall allow the Engineer and/or the Engineer’s representative to inspect the
materials and chemical impregnation “wet out” procedure. A resin and catalyst system compatible with
the requirement of this method shall be used. The quantities of the liquid thermosetting materials inserted
into the lining tube shall be as per manufacturer's standards so as to fully saturate the liner material and
provide the lining thickness specified.
Prior to installation of liner, the downstream sewer manhole adjacent to the sewer section to be lined shall
be plugged.
The chemical impregnated liner material shall be inserted into the sewer line being reconstructed through
the existing manhole by either the direct inversion method or by the pull-in-place method, as
recommended by the manufacturer. The head used to extend the liner tube shall be sufficient enough to
fully extend the tube both circumferentially and longitudinally. The head used will fall within the
manufacturer's guidelines to insure that a proper finished thickness is achieved and that the liner fit snug
to the existing pipe wall producing dimples at service connections and flared ends at the entrance and exit
Winch cable shall be equipped with a tension gauge to measure tension during pull through.
Inflation of liners and heat source method used shall be accomplished in accordance with manufacturer’s
standards and specifications.
Curing temperatures and pressures shall be monitored so as not to overstress the liner and cause
damage or failure of the liner prior to cure.
The use of a lubricant is recommended and such lubricant shall be compatible with liner and resin.
The Contractor will be required to monitor and remove styrene to acceptable levels during the inflation and
curing processes. An activated carbon filtration system shall be employed to remove styrene from both
(2) CURING OF LINER - After inflation or inversion is completed, the Contractor shall supply a suitable
heat source. The equipment shall be capable of delivering steam or hot water to the far end of the liner to
uniformly raise the temperature in the entire liner above the temperature required to initiate and effect
curing of the resin system. The temperature shall be determined by the resin/catalyst system employed.
The heat source shall be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the temperature and pressure of the
incoming and outgoing heat exchanger circulating heating medium. Thermocouples shall be placed
between the liner and the invert at each manhole so as to determine and record the temperature of the
liner and time of exotherm.
Initial cure shall be deemed to be completed when inspection of the exposed portions of the liner show it
to be hard and sound; and when temperature reading(s) at the interface of the liner with the host pipe
indicate sufficient heating has occurred. The cure period shall be of a duration recommended by the resin
manufacturer; modified for the site specific conditions at the time curing is effected. During this cure time,
the temperature inside the liner will be continuously maintained in the range required.
Once the cure is complete, the Contractor shall cool the hardened liner to a temperature below one
hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100ºF) before relieving the internal pressure. Cool down shall be
accomplished as recommended by the manufacturer. Care shall be taken in the release of the internal
pressure so that a vacuum will not develop that could damage the newly installed liner.
The finished lining shall be continuous over the entire length and be free from visual defects such as
foreign inclusions, dry spots, pinholes and delamination. The lining shall be impervious and free of any
leakage from the pipe to the surrounding ground or from the ground to the inside of the lined pipe.
If due to broken or misaligned pipe at the access manhole, the lining fails to make a tight seal, the
Contractor shall apply a seal of a resin mixture compatible with the liner.
After the curing has been completed, any residual water and condensation that adheres to the inner wall
of the liner shall be removed. This residual water shall be collected and pumped from the channel of the
downstream manhole and circulated through a separate carbon filtration unit before discharge into a
downstream sanitary or combined sewer manhole. In the case of lining a storm sewer section, the
collected filtered residual water and process water shall not be discharged into the downstream manhole
or stream, but discharged into a nearby sanitary manhole.
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the length of reconstructed sewer, accepted by the
Engineer, measured horizontally along the centerline of the sewer from inside face of manhole to inside
face of manhole.
LINING METHOD” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size sewer reconstructed by a cured-
in-place-pipe DEP approved lining method and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples and tests required or necessary to reconstruct the sewers of the sizes shown
including the cleaning of the existing sewers using conventional non-excavation type pipe cleaning
equipment; television inspection prior to installation; diversion of flow of existing sewers; controlling (or
maintaining) the flow for all active service connections; necessary bypassing and pumping of the existing
active service connections; repair of active service connections; all necessary excavation, backfilling and
compaction; complete installation of the liner; preliminary television inspection of installed liner; temporary
and permanent restoration of all disturbed sidewalk and pavement areas (unless items for temporary and
permanent restoration are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule); cleaning up; and furnishing and
installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for this final television inspection will be made under the item labeled “TELEVISION
Payment for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using D.E.P. Approved Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP)
Lining Method will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using D.E.P. Approved Cured-In-Place-
Pipe (CIPP) Lining Method have nine characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the
third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using D.E.P.
Approved Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Lining Method:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define either the Diameter of the Sewer for Existing
Circular Sewers or the Width of the Sewer for Existing Horizontal Elliptical Sewers, Vertical
Elliptical Sewers and Egg-Shaped Sewers. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the
unit of inches for either the Diameter of the Sewer for Existing Circular Sewers or the Width of the
Sewer for Existing Horizontal Elliptical Sewers, Vertical Elliptical Sewers and Egg-Shaped
Sewers.) See examples below:
10 - 10”
30 - 30”
(4) The ninth character shall define the Shape of the Existing Sewer:
D - Circular (Diameter)
H - Horizontal Elliptical
V - Vertical Elliptical
E - Egg-Shaped
R - Rectangular
(5) The tenth and eleventh characters shall define either Circular or the Height of the Sewer for
Existing Horizontal Elliptical Sewers, Vertical Elliptical Sewers and Egg-Shaped Sewers. (The
tenth and eleventh characters representing either Circular or the unit of inches for the Height of
the Sewer for Existing Horizontal Elliptical Sewers, Vertical Elliptical Sewers and Egg-Shaped
Sewers.) See examples below:
00 - Circular
19 - 19”
32 - 32”
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
5.05D.1 INTENT
It is the intent of this section to provide for the reconstruction of existing sewers by the use of
pneumatically placed concrete otherwise known as shotcrete. When cured, the shotcrete will be formed
to the original conduit.
The reconstruction of existing sewers using shotcrete method shall be performed in strict accordance with
Subsections 5.05D.3 through 5.05D.7, inclusively
Prior to performing the work of repairing and reconstructing (shotcreting) the existing sewers and sewer
portions through the manholes, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean the existing sewers and sewer
portions through the manholes in accordance with Section 5.18A.
Upon completion of the cleaning of the existing sewers and sewer portions through the manholes to be
reconstructed (shotcreted) the Contractor shall inform the Engineer of such and shall perform no further
work until such time that the Engineer inspects and notifies the Contractor, in writing, that the sewers and
sewer portions through the manholes have been cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. At the time of
this inspection the Engineer shall inform the Contractor of all areas that require sewer repair. If it is
determined by the Engineer that the sewer has been damaged and/or that injection grouting is required to
fill surrounding voids and/or stop infiltration/exfiltration of the existing sewer to be reconstructed
(shotcreted), the Contractor shall perform the sewer repair work in accordance with Section 5.20A -
Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting and Section 5.20B - Shotcrete For Repair Work.
(A) Cement shall be Type V Portland Cement which conforms to requirements of Specification C150 of
the American Society for Testing Materials and to General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15. Each bag of cement shall be deemed to be one (1) cubic foot.
(B) Sand shall conform to the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15. The term "dry" as applied to sand, designates a normal moisture content of from three (3)
percent to six (6) percent.
(C) Water shall be fresh, clean and free from oils, acids, alkali or organic matter.
(D) Reinforcement shall consist of 2x2-12-gauge or 3x3-10-gauge galvanized welded wire mesh. The
wire mesh shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials for
"Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement", Serial Designation A82 and "Welded Steel Wire
Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement", Serial Designation A185. Welded wire mesh shall have a minimum
yield strength of thirty-five thousand (35,000) pounds per square inch.
Admixtures may be used in the shotcrete mix to enhance certain properties. However, no admixtures may
be used without the prior approval of the Engineer. Laboratory test results or Manufacturer's data must be
submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer proving that the admixture will not detract from the specified
twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength. The admixture must also be compatible with the existing
sewer, wire mesh and cement used in the newly applied shotcrete.
All admixtures considered for inclusion in the shotcrete mix shall comply with the State of New York,
Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, Section 711-08 "Admixtures". The name of the
admixture must be found on the "Approval List" issued by the NYS DOT Materials Bureau. The brand
name of the approved admixture must be plainly marked on the admixture container.
(A) DESCRIPTION - The Contractor will be responsible for the reconstruction of existing sewers and
sewer portions through the manholes via the use of pneumatically placed concrete otherwise known as
shotcrete. The Contractor has the option of using either the Dry-Mix Shotcrete Process or the Wet-Mix
Shotcrete Process.
The Dry-Mix Shotcrete Process is a process in which the dry cement-aggregate mixture is thoroughly
mixed and fed into a special mechanical feeder or gun called the delivery equipment, then the mixture is
introduced into the delivery hose by a metering device such as a feed wheel, rotor or feed bowl or by air
pressure (orifice feed) and conveyed by compressed air to a nozzle, at the nozzle water is injected under
pressure through a water ring and intimately mixed with the other ingredients and the resulting mixture is
jetted from the nozzle at high velocity onto the surface to be shotcreted.
The Wet-Mix Shotcrete Process is a process in which all ingredients including mixing water are thoroughly
mixed and introduced into the chamber of the delivery equipment, then the mixture is metered into the
delivery hose and moved by displacement or conveyed by compressed air to a nozzle, at the nozzle an
accelerator is usually added and additional air is injected through an air ring to increase velocity and
improve the gunning pattern, and then jetted from the nozzle at high velocity onto the surface to be
The delivery system consists of the nozzle, water ring or air ring, and any necessary valves connected to
the delivery hose.
(1) DRY-MIX SHOTCRETE PROCESS - Dry-Mix Shotcrete shall be mixed in the proportion of one
(1) bag of Portland Cement to three (3) cubic feet of sand, volumetrically batch measured by
means of batch boxes or a proportioning plant approved by the Engineer. Wheelbarrows or
shovels will not be permitted for measuring. The same source of sand shall be used throughout
the contract. The dry shotcrete mixture shall not be altered unless otherwise directed by the
Dry-Mix Shotcrete shall be thoroughly mixed in a dry state either by hand or in a mechanical
mixer before placing in the hopper of the cement gun or other apparatus.
Water shall not be added to the mix after mixing or before using the cement gun. Sufficient
water shall be added at the nozzle to achieve a four thousand (4,000) pound per square inch,
twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength.
Dry shotcrete mixture that has gone for a period of forty-five (45) minutes or longer from the
time of mixing without being incorporated into the work shall be discarded. Remixing or
tempering shall not be permitted.
(2) WET-MIX SHOTCRETE PROCESS - Wet-Mix Shotcrete shall be mixed in the proportion of one
(1) bag of Portland Cement to three (3) cubic feet of sand, volumetrically batch measured by
means of batch boxes or a proportioning plant approved by the Engineer. Sufficient water shall
be added to the mix to achieve a four thousand (4,000) pound per square inch, twenty-eight (28)
day compressive strength. Wheelbarrows or shovels will not be permitted for measuring. The
same source of sand shall be used throughout the contract. The wet shotcrete mixture shall not
be altered unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Wet-Mix Shotcrete shall be thoroughly mixed by a mechanical mixer to the desired consistency
and in accordance with ACI 506R-90 before placing in the hopper of the cement gun or other
Wet shotcrete mixture that has gone for a period of forty-five (45) minutes or longer from the
time of mixing without being incorporated into the work shall be discarded. Remixing or
tempering shall not be permitted.
(C) EQUIPMENT - Batching and mixing equipment shall be capable of thoroughly mixing the materials in
sufficient quantity to maintain placing continuity. The pneumatic mixing and delivering equipment shall be
of sufficient capacity.
For Dry-Mix Process the lower chamber shall deliver material to the delivery hose continuously during the
upper chamber recharging period.
Gaskets in the equipment shall be kept in good condition in order to avoid reduced pressure and
consequent reduced velocity of material during the charging periods. The interior of the drums, feed
gearing, and valves shall be cleaned at regular intervals (at least once every shift).
For rough or heavy work, nozzle pressures of fifty (50) to sixty (60) pounds shall be maintained.
For high lifts or long hose lengths pressures of seventy (70) to seventy-five (75) pounds shall be
maintained in order to insure against clogging.
Any standard type of air compressor will be satisfactory, provided it is of sufficient capacity to maintain,
without interruption, the pressures and volume of air necessary for the longest hose delivery. Air
compressor capacity determinations shall include allowances for the air consumed in blowing rebound,
cleaning reinforcement and other incidental uses. Compressor equipment shall be of such capacity as to
insure air pressures, at the special mixer, nozzle, etc., capable of producing the required velocities.
Water pressure shall be maintained at a minimum of fifteen (15) pounds greater than the highest air
pressure required for placing. Both air and water pressures shall be uniformly steady (nonpulsating).
Velocities of four hundred twenty-five (425) to five hundred fifty (550) feet per second shall be maintained
using a one and one-half (1-1/2) inch nozzle.
Velocities other than specified shall be allowed only if approved in writing by the Engineer.
Nozzles for Dry-Mix Process shall be of the "Pre-Mixing" type, with a perforated water feed ring inside the
nozzle to direct an even distribution of water through the material at the place of application.
Nozzles for Wet-Mix Process shall be the type with a perforated air injection ring inside the nozzle to
increase exit velocity and provide a spray pattern.
(D) QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SHOTCRETING CONTRACTOR - Prior to starting any shotcreting work,
the Contractor shall submit, for the Engineer's review and approval, the resumes, with references, of the
Shotcreting Contractor and the Contractor’s onsite project management personnel. The Shotcrete
Contractor or the Contractor’s onsite project management personnel must have satisfactorily completed a
minimum of three (3) similar or larger shotcreting projects elsewhere within the three (3) year period prior
to the date of the opening of the bid. If the approved onsite project management personnel are removed
from the project, the Shotcreting Contractor is required to replace that personnel immediately with
qualified personnel and submit the replacement personnel experience resumes to the Engineer for
(2) FOREMEN shall each have had adequate experience as a Nozzleman and adequate
experience on similar work.
(3) NOZZLEMEN shall be qualified workmen, each having had adequate experience in similar
work. It shall be a Nozzleman's responsibility to:
(a) Place the material with the proper amount of water at the nozzle in order to insure
complete hydration. Place the material so as to prevent excessive rebound. Normal
rebound shall range from twenty (20) percent to thirty-five (35) percent of the sand
depending on the type of work.
(b) Direct the Reboundman where to clear away rebound for the subsequent placement of
shotcrete and/or to cut out slugs, sand spots and sand slough pockets. Such defects shall
be replaced after the surrounding shotcrete has taken its initial set. (Immediate
replacement is not desirable because additional sloughs may result in the surrounding
(c) Hold the nozzle at the proper distance, (minimum of three (3) feet except in confined
locations), and at the proper angle to secure maximum compaction with minimum loss of
material. This angle should be as near perpendicular to the surface as the type of work
(d) Direct the crew when to start and stop feeding material, and to stop the work when the
material is not being delivered uniformly to the nozzle.
(e) Determine and insure that the air pressure at the gun is uniform and is maintaining proper
material velocity at the nozzle, and that the water pressure is a minimum of fifteen (15)
pounds greater than the highest air pressure required for placing.
(4) GUNMEN shall have sufficient experience to operate the special pneumatic mixer, direct the
work of mixer crews, maintain proper pressure on the pneumatic gun to insure the necessary
nozzle velocities, and insure that the material is uniformly fed to the nozzle.
(1) WORK INCLUDED - The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment and do all
work necessary to install, maintain, and eventually remove all temporary lighting.
(a) Temporary lighting shall consist of electric wire stringers attached to the crown of the
sewer being worked on. The stringer shall not present a hazard to those workers inside
the sewer. Lighting pigtails shall be attached to the stringer every twenty-five (25) linear
feet. Bulb wattage shall be sufficient to adequately light the section of sewer being worked
on. Bulbs shall be replaced in kind as needed.
(b) The Contractor shall maintain the temporary lighting until such time as the Engineer
inspects and approves the newly shotcreted crown and upper walls of that particular run of
sewer. Temporary lighting may be removed as soon as the Engineer approves and
accepts the newly shotcreted sewer section.
(2) COST - All costs associated with Temporary Lighting shall be deemed to have been included in
the unit price bid per linear foot of Sewer Reconstruction.
(G) CONNECTIONS TO HYDRANTS - The Contractor shall strictly comply with the New York State
Department of Health's Public Water Supply Guide on "CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL". In order to
insure strict compliance with the State Guide, all connections to Hydrants shall be provided with an
approved and certified “REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE BACKFLOW PREVENTER” in accordance with
the Department's Standards and as directed by the Engineer. The cost for all labor, materials and
equipment required to complete this work shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of this
(H) MEANS AND METHODS - Upon completion of the cleaning and repair of the existing sewers and
sewer portions through the manholes to be reconstructed (shotcreted) the Contractor shall inform the
Engineer of such and shall perform no further work until such time that the Engineer inspects and notifies
the Contractor, in writing, that the sewers and sewer portions through the manholes have been repaired
and cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer and that the Contractor may proceed with the installation of
the wire mesh. After such notification the Contractor shall attach 2x2-12-gauge or 3x3-10-gauge
galvanized welded wire mesh to the sewer. The wire mesh shall be properly fastened to the surface of the
sewer by galvanized anchors. Mesh must be rigidly secured to the anchors with 16-gauge steel tie wires
so as to prevent the mesh's movement or deflection. Mesh shall be placed approximately one and one-
half (1-1/2) to two (2) inches from the surface of the sewer. When sheets of mesh intersect, they shall be
lapped a minimum of six (6) inches and the lap shall be securely tied together. The mesh shall be cut
properly and carefully bent to closely follow the contours of the area to be shotcreted. Galvanized anchors
shall be spaced as needed to properly hold the mesh in place. The galvanized anchors shall be
expansion anchor type bolts with a hook on the exposed end, or an approved equal. An expanding sleeve
shall be on the embedded end and positively locked in a predrilled hole.
Four (4) small plastic depth gauges shall be attached as a ring around the inner surface of the sewer, one
(1) at the crown, one (1) at the invert, and one (1) at each spring line. The gauge shall show a depth of
three (3) inches. The gauge rings shall be placed five (5) linear feet apart parallel to the center line of the
sewer. The preset three (3) inch gauge guides shall be positioned just below the proposed finish coat of
shotcrete. The gauges will be left in place within the shotcrete.
Immediately prior to applying shotcrete to the sewer, all surfaces and wire mesh shall receive a final
thorough cleaning by water blasting to remove anything which could interfere with the bond between the
shotcrete and the surface of the sewer or the wire mesh. Upon completion of the installation of the wire
mesh, placement of the plastic depth gauges, and the final cleaning of the existing sewers and sewer
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment and shall do all work necessary to place
the wire mesh and shotcrete over the entire surface area of the interior of the existing sewer, including the
invert, walls and crown, in accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
Reconstruction (Shotcreting) of the existing sewer shall include shotcreting and wire mesh through the
manholes over the entire section of the interior of the manholes up to a line of elevation equivalent to the
inner top of the largest sewer.
(I) SEQUENCE OF SHOTCRETE APPLICATION - Wire mesh shall be installed around the entire inner
face of the sewer. The sewer shall then be cleaned by water blasting. Shotcrete shall be applied to the
invert and lower walls from spring line to spring line to the full design thickness in a one (1) layer
application if possible. However, a maximum two (2) layer application will be permitted, providing that the
time interval between the successive layer is sufficient to allow for initial set to develop (harden slightly or
stiffen), and that the first layer of shotcrete is placed to a sufficient depth so as to completely cover the
wire mesh. Prior to application of the second layer all loose, uneven or excess material, glaze, laitance
and rebound shall be removed from the base coat by brooming, scraping, screeding or other approved
methods. Also any surface deposits that take a final set shall be removed by sandblasting and the surface
cleaned with an air-water blast. The surface of the base coat shall be thoroughly examined for hollow
areas resulting from rebound pockets or lack of bond. Hollows, sags or other defects shall be cut out.
The surface of the base coat to be shot shall be left open, rough and highly textured to improve bond, and
shall be damp. Curing compounds or other bond breaking materials shall not be applied to the surface of
the base coat. When the shotcreting of the invert and lower walls is complete the surface shall be finished
in an approved manner, and then sufficient time shall be given to allow the invert and lower walls to cure.
At this point in time, the Contractor may request that the Engineer perform a walk through inspection of
the invert in the dry. If the Engineer approves and accepts the shotcreted invert, a gentle flow of
nonturbulent sewage flow will be permitted over the cured and accepted invert. In no event may the top
surface of flow be higher than twelve (12) inches below the spring line. If the invert and lower walls are
not approved and accepted by the Engineer, flow will not be permitted on the invert until such time as the
Contractor performs remedial work, which in turn has been approved and accepted by the Engineer.
Upon acceptance of the invert the Contractor shall apply shotcrete to the crown and upper walls from
spring line to spring line in a maximum two (2) layer application. The first layer of shotcrete shall be
placed to a sufficient depth so as to completely cover the wire mesh. The second layer of shotcrete may
be placed at a later time after the first layer has substantially hardened. Prior to the application of the
second layer all loose, uneven or excess material, glaze, laitance and rebound shall be removed from the
base coat by brooming, scraping, screeding or other approved methods. Also the surface of the base
coat shall be thoroughly examined for hollow areas resulting from rebound pockets or lack of bond.
Hollows, sags or other defects shall be cut out. The surface of the base coat to be shot shall be left open,
rough and highly textured to improve bond, and shall be damp. Prior to the application of the second layer
the surface of the base coat shall be cleaned with an air-water blast. Curing compounds or other bond
breaking material shall not be applied to the surface of the base coat. When the shotcreting of the crown
and upper walls is complete the surface shall be finished in an approved manner and then sufficient time
shall be given to allow the crown and upper walls to cure. The Engineer shall then perform a walk through
inspection of the crown and upper walls. If the crown and upper walls are not approved and accepted by
the Engineer, the Contractor will perform remedial work. The remedial work must be approved and
accepted by the Engineer. Temporary lighting shall be maintained until the crown and upper wall
shotcrete work is accepted by the Engineer.
(J) APPLICATION - Shotcrete shall not be placed on a frozen surface nor during freezing weather at the
site of application. Shotcrete shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the
following twenty-four (24) hours will drop below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit at the site of application.
Construction joints or day's work joints shall be sloped off to a thin clean, regular edge, preferably at a
forty-five (45) degree slope. Before placing the adjoining work, the sloped portion and adjacent shotcrete
shall be thoroughly cleaned as necessary and then moistened and scoured with an air jet.
(1) High wind separates the cement from the sand at the nozzle.
(2) Temperature approaches freezing temperature at the site of application (temperature falls
below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit) and the shotcrete cannot be protected.
(3) Rain (other than a very light sprinkle) would washout the shotcrete.
(L) SURFACE FINISH - The nozzleman shall bring the shotcrete to an even plane and to well formed
corners by working up to the guides, using somewhat lower placing velocity than normal.
After the body coat has been placed, the surface shall be trued with a thin edge screed to remove high
areas and expose low areas. Low areas shall be properly filled with shotcrete to insure a true surface.
After the surface of the shotcrete has been trued the entire surface shall be broom finished.
(M) CURING - All shotcrete shall be cured in accordance with ACI 506R-90 and as specified and as
directed by the Engineer.
The freshly shotcreted invert shall not be disturbed until it has attained an initial set, as determined by the
Engineer. All fluming and/or bypass pumping shall be maintained during the curing process.
Determination of the strength of the shotcrete will be based on the average strength of test cubes made in
the manner hereinafter described. The test cubes shall be 4" x 4" x 4". A minimum of one (1) set of three
(3) test cubes will be required at the start of the project for the first three hundred (300) linear feet of sewer
shotcreted with a minimum of one (1) additional set made for every additional three hundred (300) linear
feet of sewer shotcreted. During the progress of the reconstruction, the Engineer will have test cubes
made to determine whether the shotcrete being produced complies with the contract requirements. Test
cubes will be made and stored in accordance with ASTM C31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39,
except as otherwise modified by the Engineer. Each test will consist of three (3) cubes; one (1) to be
tested at seven (7) days, the other two (2) at twenty-eight (28) days.
Test cubes shall be made at the point of shotcrete deposit and shall be representative of the batch from
which they are taken. The Contractor under the Engineer’s supervision shall provide the necessary labor
and facilities required to make, store and care for the test cubes. They shall be safeguarded against injury
and protected from the elements.
The Engineer will be responsible for the preparation, documentation and labeling of the test cubes and for
notifying the Contractor, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, when a shipment of test cubes is
ready for delivery, so that cubes can be tested for the standard twenty-eight (28) day and/or seven (7) day
tests. Test cubes shall be transported to the testing laboratory when directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall make arrangements to protect all cubes from damage during loading, transport to,
and unloading at a Department of Design and Construction designated testing laboratory, and shall obtain
a receipt for delivered test cubes, which shall be submitted to the Engineer.
(a) A minimum of One (1) Test cube set shall be taken at the start of the project for the first
Three Hundred (300) Linear Feet of Sewer Section Shotcreted;
(b) Then a minimum of One (1) Test cube set shall be taken for every additional Three
Hundred (300) Linear Feet of Sewer Section Shotcreted.
Should the average strength of the seven (7) day test cubes fail to meet the seven (7) day strength
requirements for the specified shotcrete, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to change the mix. All
tests will be made by the Department of Design and Construction designated testing laboratory. The
Contractor may, if the Contractor so desires, take test cubes corresponding to those taken for the
Department of Design and Construction designated testing laboratory. However, determination of
payment will be based solely on the test cubes taken for the Department of Design and Construction
designated testing laboratory. The sampling shall be based on the quantities indicated hereinafter.
Shotcrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4,000) pounds per square inch at
the end of twenty-eight (28) days. The Contractor shall be considered to have met the requirements of the
specifications for shotcrete placed in the section of sewer, when the average strength of all twenty-eight
(28) day test cubes taken for that section of sewer is equal to or better than the four thousand (4,000)
pound per square inch requirement.
The strength of shotcrete placed in each section of sewer will be recorded as the average strength of all
twenty-eight (28) day test cubes taken for that section of sewer, determined in accordance with the
following conditions: Test cubes exhibiting strengths in excess of one hundred fifteen (115) percent of the
specified minimum strength will be considered to have only a strength of one hundred fifteen (115)
percent of the specified minimum strength in determining the average strength of the shotcrete. The
cubes exhibiting strengths below the specified minimum strength will be considered as having the
exhibited strength in determining the average strength of the shotcrete.
(O) TELEVISION INSPECTION AND RECORDING - Upon completion of all work the Contractor shall
perform a television inspection and digital audio-visual recording of all sewers reconstructed in
accordance with Section 5.17 of the specifications. Payment for television inspection and digital audio-
visual recording shall be made under the item labeled “TELEVISION INSPECTION AND DIGITAL AUDIO-
The quantity of sewers reconstructed by shotcreting process to be measured for payment shall be the
number of linear feet of existing sewer reconstructed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, as shown,
specified or required, measured horizontally along the centerline of the existing sewer through the
shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size and type of existing sewer and shall cover the cost
of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and tests required or necessary to reconstruct the
existing sewer as specified herein, including the taking, storing and protecting of test cubes; fluming
and/or diversion of the flow in the existing sewer; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items
necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
When the average strength of the test cubes equals or exceeds four thousand (4,000) pounds per square
inch, the appropriate shotcrete incorporated in the existing sewer will be paid for at the contract price bid.
In the event the Contractor should take exception to the results as determined by test cubes taken for the
Department of Design and Construction designated testing laboratory, the Contractor may, at the
Contractor’s own cost, elect to take core borings of the completed shotcrete work at places to be
designated by the Engineer. Such core borings will be tested by the Department of Design and
Construction designated testing laboratory. The Contractor, at the Contractor’s own expense, may elect
to take corresponding core borings adjacent to the Department's core borings and employ a recognized
testing laboratory to make comprehensive tests. All such tests shall be done in the presence of a
representative of the Department of Design and Construction designated testing laboratory. The core
borings must be delivered to the laboratories by the Contractor immediately so that compressive tests can
be performed as close to the twenty-eight (28) day compressive test requirement as is possible. The
result of the test of each Contractor's corresponding core boring will be averaged with that of the adjacent
Department's core boring, and the resulting averages will be used to determine the average strength of
the shotcrete in lieu of the comparable test cube results. Determination of payment based on the average
strength of core borings will be made according to the method specified herein.
Core borings having strengths exceeding one hundred twenty-five (125) percent of the specified minimum
strength will be considered to have a strength of only one hundred twenty-five (125) percent of the
specified minimum strength in determining the average strength of the shotcrete. Core borings exhibiting
strengths below the specified minimum strength will be considered as having the exhibited strength in
determining the average strength of the shotcrete.
Where cores have been removed within the limits of this contract, the Contractor shall refill core openings
with a proper patch of non-shrink cement mortar at no cost to the City.
Payment for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Shotcrete Method will be made under the Item
Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Shotcrete Method have sixteen
characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Shotcrete
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth characters shall define either the Diameter of the Sewer
for Existing Circular Sewers or the Width of the Sewer for Existing Sewers of Other Shapes (e.g.
Rectangular, Arched, Elliptical, and Egg). (The seventh and eighth characters representing the
unit of feet and the ninth and tenth characters representing the unit of inches for either the
Diameter of the Sewer for Existing Circular Sewers or the Width of the Sewer for Existing Sewers
of Other Shapes.) See examples below:
0600 - 6’-0’
0903 - 9’-3”
1008 - 10’-8”
1311 - 13’11”
(5) The twelfth character shall define the Kind of Existing Sewer:
B - Brick
C - Concrete
(6) The thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth characters shall define either Circular and
Arch-Shaped or the Height of the Sewer for Existing Sewers of Other Shapes (e.g. Rectangular,
Elliptical, and Egg). (The thirteenth and fourteenth characters representing the unit of feet and the
fifteenth and sixteenth characters representing the unit of inches for the Height of the Sewer for
Existing Sewers of Other Shapes.) See examples below:
0000 - Circular and Arch-Shaped
0600 - 6’-0’
0903 - 9’-3”
1008 - 10’-8”
1311 - 13’11”
(7) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
5.05E.1 INTENT
This section describes the reconstruction of existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers using a cement lining
Cement shall be Type V High Sulfate-Resistent Portland Cement conforming to the requirements of ASTM
C150 and to General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Each bag of cement
shall be deemed to be one (1) cubic foot.
Water shall be fresh, clean and free from oils, acids, alkali or organic matter.
Cement-mortar mixture for cement lining shall consist of one (1) part Silica-type Sand and one (1) part
Type V High Sulfate-Resistent Portland Cement.
The design of the cement-mortar mixture is to be corrosion proof and the thickness shall be consistent
with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, for Double Thickness.
Cement lining for ductile iron or cast iron pipe shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.
Cement-mortar for lining shall not be retamped and shall not be used after it has been mixed for more
than one (1) hour.
Surface crazing and cracks in the newly placed cement lining shall not exceed that specified in AWWA
The Contractor shall provide for the diversion of flow of existing sewers at existing upstream manholes (if
available) and pump the flow into an existing downstream manhole. The pumps and bypass lines shall be
of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. The proposed bypassing system shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval and no work shall commence until such approval is granted.
The Contractor shall be required to determine which service connections are active and shall be
responsible for controlling (or maintaining) the flow for each active service connection along the line of the
sewer to be rehabilitated. Where necessary, the flow from an active service connection shall be bypassed
to a manhole downstream of the proposed work by means of pumping from the trap located in the
basement of the affected building. However, should such bypassing be judged unfeasible by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall excavate to the service connection outside the building area (sidewalk or
roadway as determined by the Engineer) and bypass the connection from this point. The pump and
bypass line for each service connection shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow.
Prior to the commencement of any work, the Contractor shall make all necessary investigations and
prepare a plan for the controlling (or maintaining) of the flow and, where necessary, for the bypassing of
active service connections. This plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and no work shall
commence until such approval is granted.
Prior to performing the work of cement lining the existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers, the Contractor
shall thoroughly clean the existing sewers in accordance with Section 5.19.
After the pipe is clean and dry, cement-mortar shall be applied to the walls of the pipe by the rotating head
of an electric or air powered machine and the cement-mortar shall be finished with a rotating trowel or a
conical drag trowel positioned just behind the dispensing head consistent with the diameter of the pipe.
As the machine moves through the pipe, it shall leave a smooth, troweled (nonstructural) finish. The
mortar shall be mixed on site in a mixing van or concrete batch plant located near the access manhole.
The mortar shall then be transported from the mixing plant to the high-speed centrifugal sprayer through
high-pressure hoses or shall be mechanically delivered. In pipes 24-inches and less in diameter, the
sprayer and trowel shall be dragged through the pipe by a winch system controlled outside of the
excavation. For pipes greater than 24-inches in diameter, a manned, machine driven liner shall deliver
and finish the mortar. Once the mortar has been applied the thickness of the liner shall be checked for
adequacy in the presence of the Engineer.
The application of the cement-mortar and the speed of the trowel must remain consistent throughout the
entire run so as to ensure the thickness of the lining is uniform. The lining-machine operator shall regulate
the mortar application. Grinding of the lining will not be permitted.
After the cement liner has been accepted, the pipe shall be capped at both ends to allow for proper curing
of the mortar. Water can be introduced into the pipe without pressure to allow curing twenty-four (24)
hours after installation of the cement lining.
Services connections along the cement-lined section must be clear of any mortar. Clogged service
connections shall be cleared about one (1) hour after the cement lining is completed using compressed air
to blow open the service line at the connection to the sewer.
After completion of installation and curing of the liner, the Contractor shall perform a final television
inspection and digital audio-visual recording of the rehabilitated pipe in accordance with the Section 5.17
of the specifications.
The quantity of ductile iron or cast iron sewer cement lined to be measured for payment shall be the
number of linear feet of each size in-place existing ductile iron or cast iron sewer actually cement lined,
complete and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, measured along the centerline of the ductile iron or cast
iron sewer.
METHOD” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size and type of existing sewer reconstructed
using cement lining method and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and
tests required or necessary for the cement lining of the in-place existing ductile iron or cast iron sewer
including the diversion of flow of existing sewer; controlling (or maintaining) the flow for all active service
connections; necessary bypassing and pumping of the existing active service connections; repair of active
service connections; all necessary excavation, backfilling and compaction; temporary and permanent
restoration of all disturbed sidewalk and pavement areas (unless items for temporary and permanent
restoration are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule); cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other
items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans
and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor is notified that separate payment will be made for the final television inspections and digital
audio-visual recordings ordered by the Engineer as specified herein under the item labeled “TELEVISION
Payment for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Cement Lining Method will be made under the Item
Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Cement Lining Method have ten
characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Reconstruction Of Existing Sewers Using Cement Lining
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Kind of Existing Sewer to be Cement
CL - Cast Iron Pipe (C.I.P.) to be Lined
DL - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.) to be Lined
(4) The ninth and tenth characters shall define the Diameter of the Existing Sewer to be Cement
Lined. (The ninth and tenth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the
Existing Sewer to be Cement Lined.) See examples below:
12 - 12’
36 - 36”
(5) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Chambers shall be constructed of the sizes and shapes shown complete with frames and covers.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Frames and covers shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract plans, complying
with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel covers, when required, shall
comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(D) Steps shall be cast iron and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1, or shall be
copolymer polypropylene plastic manhole steps with one-half (1/2) inch Grade 60 steel reinforcement and
shall comply with the Sewer Design Standards.
(E) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(F) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(G) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
(H) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03.
(I) Vitrified clay pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02.
(J) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06.
(K) Bluestone shall be tough, sound, durable, fine graded sandstone or quartzite, free from injurious
seams and other imperfections and saw cut to the required dimensions. It shall be set in a full bed of
fresh mortar in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(L) Granite slabs shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.11.
(M) Aluminum floor gratings shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.14.
(A) GENERAL - Chambers shall be constructed of the sizes and dimensions, and at the locations and to
the elevations as shown on the plans or as ordered by the Engineer.
(C) INVERTS - Inverts of chambers shall be formed between transverse templates and shall be
screeded. Where the radii of inverts are too small to permit screeding between templates, the inverts
shall be shaped by means of interior forms. The concrete for inverts shall be deposited continuously for
(D) SIDE WALLS - Concrete in the side walls of chambers shall be deposited continuously to the height
and to the thickness approved and for their entire length.
(E) ROOF - Concrete in the roofs of chambers shall be deposited continuously for the full depths, and for
the entire widths and lengths of the roofs. The outer surfaces of roofs shall be finished true and smooth.
(F) STEPS AND LADDERS - The Contractor shall furnish and install in the chambers, steps and ladders
of the size, shape and spacing shown on the plans and on the Sewer Design Standards.
(G) SETTING FRAMES AND COVERS - The brick masonry or concrete for the chambers shall be built
to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered. Frames and covers shall be as
shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry or concrete in a full bed
of stiff fresh cement mortar.
(H) REINFORCEMENT AND STRUCTURAL STEEL - The steel reinforcement shall be of the
dimensions and shapes shown, and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Structural steel shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, and
installed as directed.
(I) PRECAST CHAMBERS - Chambers shall not be precast unless permission to do so is specified in
the contract documents. Precast chambers when permitted in the contract documents shall comply with
the requirements of Subsections 5.07.4 and 5.08.4.
(J) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(K) BULKHEADS - Approved construction joint bulkheads with provisions for keying and doweling for
future sewers shall be provided, where shown or required.
(L) CONNECTIONS - All connections to chambers of existing, new or future sewers and catch basin
connections shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed. All connections for future sewers
shall be closed with bulkheads of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick, unless otherwise shown on the
plans or specified.
(M) WATERSTOPS - Waterstops shall be provided between each successive pour in accordance with
Section 2.13. Details shall be submitted for waterstops as part of the shop drawings.
The quantities of chambers to be measured for payment shall be the number of chambers of each size
and type, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “CHAMBERS” shall be the unit price bid per each size and type chamber and shall
cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to construct the chambers of the sizes and dimensions and at the locations and to the
elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See
Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); reinforcement and structural steel; all sheeting and bracing; pumping;
fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections;
maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary
to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and
specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all
labor and materials required to install granite slabs or bluestone, manhole frames and covers, manhole
steps and all other hardware in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, or as directed by
the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances that may be in
the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Chambers will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Chambers have nine characters. (The decimal point is considered a character,
the third character.)
(3) The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall define either the Number of the Chamber or
the Diameter (in feet) of the Standard Precast Manhole and Standard Precast Drop-Pipe Manhole.
See examples below:
000 - No Number
002 - No. 2
011 - No. 11
28A - No. 28A
004 - 4’-0” Diameter
010 - 10’-0” Diameter
(4) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Manholes shall be constructed of the sizes and shapes shown and of the types specified complete with
frames and covers.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Frames and covers shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract plans, complying
with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel covers, when required, shall
comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(D) Steps shall be cast iron and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1, or shall be
copolymer polypropylene plastic manhole steps with one-half (1/2) inch Grade 60 steel reinforcement and
shall comply with the Sewer Design Standards.
(E) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(F) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(G) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
(H) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03.
(I) Vitrified clay pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02.
(J) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06.
(K) Bluestone shall be tough, sound, durable, fine graded sandstone or quartzite, free from injurious
seams and other imperfections and saw cut to the required dimensions. It shall be set in a full bed of
fresh mortar in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(L) Granite slabs shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.11.
(M) Aluminum floor gratings shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.14.
(A) GENERAL - Manholes shall be constructed of the sizes and dimensions, and of the types, and at the
locations and to the elevations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and as shown on the
Sewer Design Standards.
(C) CONCRETE MANHOLES - Concrete manholes shall be built of the sizes and dimensions, and of the
types, shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and as shown on the Sewer Design Standards.
The following shall apply:
(1) Inverts of manholes shall be formed between transverse templates and shall be screeded.
Where the radii of inverts are too small to permit screeding between templates, the inverts shall
be shaped by means of interior forms. The concrete for inverts shall be deposited continuously
for their entire cross section and length of manhole. Inverts shall be carefully protected from all
injury during the progress of the work. The inverts of manholes shall be troweled smooth.
(2) Concrete in sidewalls of manholes shall be deposited continuously to the height and to the
thickness approved and for their entire length.
(3) Concrete in roofs of manholes shall be deposited continuously for the full depths, and for the
entire widths and lengths of the roofs. The outer surfaces of roofs shall be finished true and
(D) STEPS AND LADDERS - The Contractor shall furnish and install in the manholes, steps and ladders
of the size, shape and spacing shown on the plans and on the Sewer Design Standards. Steps and
ladders or other step or ladder hardware shall be placed integrally with the concrete or shall be installed by
drilling a core hole and either installing a thermoplastic insert or expansion anchor to except hardware, or
setting hardware into nonshrink fresh grout or an approved nonshrink compound.
(E) SETTING FRAMES AND COVERS - The brick masonry or concrete for the manholes shall be built
to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered. Frames and covers shall be as
shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry or concrete in a full bed
of stiff fresh cement mortar.
(F) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(G) REINFORCEMENT AND STRUCTURAL STEEL - The steel reinforcement shall be of the
dimensions and shapes shown, and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Structural steel shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, and
installed as directed.
(H) BULKHEADS - Approved construction joint bulkheads with provisions for keying and doweling for
future sewers shall be provided, where shown or required.
(I) CONNECTIONS - All connections to manholes of existing, new or future sewers and catch basin
connections shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed. All connections for future sewers
shall be closed with bulkheads of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick, unless otherwise shown on the
plans or specified.
(J) WATERSTOPS - Waterstops shall be provided between each successive pour in accordance with
Section 2.13.
(A) DESCRIPTION - The Contractor is advised that in lieu of poured-in-place manholes the substitution
of Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes that comply with the Sewer Design Standards will be permitted
for manholes Types A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, D-1 and D-2, on sewers up to and including eighty-four
(84) inches in diameter. All requirements of Section 5.07 shall apply unless otherwise amended herein.
(1) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15, except that the concrete shall have a concrete design mix for five
thousand (5,000) pounds per square inch (minimum twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength
of four thousand (4,000) pounds per square inch). The maximum allowable chloride content in
the concrete shall not exceed one-tenth (1/10) of one percent by weight of cement. The
maximum water/cement ratio shall not exceed forty-seven (47) percent by weight.
(2) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete,
as modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II unless otherwise specified. Coarse and Fine
Aggregate for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with Subsection of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be
three-quarter (3/4) inch unless smaller size aggregate is required due to nature of work.
(3) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(4) Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15 and shall have a minimum specified yield strength of
sixty-five thousand (65,000) pounds per square inch.
(5) High range water reducing admixtures meeting the requirements of ASTM C494 Type F and
having been previously approved by the New York State Department of Transportation may be
(C) DETAILS - The minimum dimensions, minimum reinforcement and minimum requirements utilized
for the construction of precast reinforced concrete manholes shall conform to the Sewer Design
Standards that are deemed a part of this contract.
(D) JOINTS AND GASKETS - Each section of precast reinforced concrete manhole shall be provided
with lap and spigot joints that will permit water tight and permanent joints. The minimum lap shall be that
shown on the standard details. Gaskets shall be provided at all joints and shall be either 7/8" x 7/8" or 1"
diameter Self Sealing Butyl Gasket (quality equal to Federal Specification No. SS-S-00210) or "0" Ring
Gaskets with the size as specified on the standards drawings. "0" Ring Gaskets shall be in conformance
with Subsection 2.05.5 of the specifications.
(E) TESTING - Concrete utilized in the construction of precast reinforced concrete manholes shall be
tested in conformance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15, with the
exception that the concrete, steel reinforcement, fabrication and manufacture shall be tested and certified
as to compliance by an independent Testing Laboratory licensed in the State of New York and approved
by the Department of Design and Construction.
Hydrostatic Tests, identical to those performed for Reinforced Concrete Pipe, and as defined in these
specifications shall be performed and must be satisfactorily completed prior to acceptance.
Testing shall also conform to all applicable sections of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF MATERIALS,
SAMPLING, AND METHODS OF TEST of these specifications.
In addition all manufacture of sections shall be witnessed by an approved licensed independent Testing
Laboratory and Certified as to Compliance with the standard drawings and specifications.
(F) OPENINGS FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS - All sewer pipe openings shall conform to the sizes,
dimensions and requirements specified on the Sewer Design Standards for Precast Manholes. All sewer
pipe openings shall be provided with two (2) number four (4) reinforcement bar hoops around each
opening and each opening shall be provided for at the time of manufacture.
Openings installed in the field will only be permitted for twelve (12) inch diameter basin chutes. The
maximum-cored opening for basin chutes shall be sixteen (16) inches. The Engineer must approve coring
machines and coring methods.
Pipe openings will not be permitted through joints. The distance from the top or bottom of any section to
the opening shall be a minimum of three (3) inches plus the joint depth for cast pipe openings and a
minimum of twelve (12) inches plus the joint depth for cored openings for basin connections.
(G) SUBMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR - Prior to delivery of precast manholes the Contractor will
be required to submit three (3) copies of the manufacturer's Drill Sheets to the Engineer for review. These
sheets shall note all pipe entries, final grades, etc. The Engineer's review of such submissions shall in no
way absolve the Contractor from full responsibility as to the correctness of each precast manhole with
regard to details, contract plans, standards and specifications.
(H) MANUFACTURE - Precast manholes shall be built in conformance with the standard drawings and
shall be cast in steel forms.
Devices used to position reinforcement shall be made of, or coated with, material so that corrosion of the
device will not occur. Sufficient devices shall be provided to position the reinforcement for required
concrete cover.
(I) CURING - All precast sections shall be subjected to curing by one of the following methods:
(1) STEAM CURING - Sections may be placed in a curing chamber, free from outside drafts, and
cured in a moist atmosphere maintained at a temperature between one hundred (100) degrees
Fahrenheit and one hundred sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, by the injection of steam for a
period of not less than twelve (12) hours or, when necessary, for such additional time as may be
needed to enable the pipe to meet the strength requirements. Steam curing shall not
commence until at least two (2) hours have elapsed since completion of placement of concrete
in the forms. When a curing chamber is not available, sections may be placed in an enclosure
of canvas and subjected to steam around the entire section at the temperature and for the time
specified above. The enclosure shall be so erected as to allow full circulation of steam around
the entire section. The interior surface of the curing room or canvas jackets and the surfaces of
the section shall be entirely moist at all times.
(2) WATER SPRAY CURING - Under the conditions of enclosure described in the above paragraph
on "Steam Curing", sections may be cured by subjecting them to a continuous fine spray of
water in an enclosure maintained at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees
Fahrenheit for a period of not less than seventy-two (72) hours or such additional time as may
be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
(3) SATURATED COVER CURING - The sides and top of each section shall be covered with heavy
burlap or other suitable material saturated with water before applying and kept saturated at a
temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for seventy-two (72) hours or
such additional time as may be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
Precast Sections shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures until the required twenty-eight (28) day
compressive strength is achieved.
(J) INSTALLATION - All precast manholes shall be installed in accordance with the standards and
specifications for Precast Manholes and as directed by the Engineer.
(L) DELIVERY OF SECTIONS - No sections shall be delivered to the job site until they have attained the
specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength as evidenced by cylinder testing. In addition, five (5)
copies of all test results, steel supplier certifications, independent Testing Laboratory certifications, and
fabrication and manufacture certifications must be submitted to the Engineer prior to delivery or at the time
of delivery.
The quantities of manholes to be measured for payment shall be the number of manholes of each size
and type, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “MANHOLES” shall be the unit price bid per each size and type manhole and shall
cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to construct the manholes of the sizes and dimensions, and of the types and at the locations
and to the elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); reinforcement and structural steel; all sheeting and
bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances;
connections; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other
items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans,
specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer. Included in the price hereunder shall be
the cost for all labor and materials required to install granite slabs or bluestone, manhole frames and
covers, manhole steps and all other hardware in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards,
or as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price hereunder shall also include the cost of all labor and materials required to connect at
the manhole all sewers and basin connections and all required structural steel, reinforcement and
bulkheads for future sewer connections, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances, that may be in
the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Where precast reinforced concrete manholes are used in lieu of poured-in-place manholes, the cost for
furnishing, delivery and installation of the precast reinforced concrete manholes, complete with invert
shelf; manhole frames and covers; manhole steps; additional excavation and sheeting associated with the
widening and deepening of a trench due to increased width of precast manholes and due to the placement
of a stone ballast leveling pad; stone ballast; connections; and all work incidental thereto all in accordance
with the plans, specifications and standards, shall be deemed included in the contract price bid for
"MANHOLES". No additional or separate payments will be made for any work associated with the
installation of precast reinforced concrete manholes.
Payment for Manholes will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Manholes have thirteen characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(3) The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall define either the Type of Manhole for Standard
or Standard Shallow Manholes or the Number of the Manhole for Access, Cleanout, Special,
Special Deep or Special Shallow Manholes. See examples below:
0A1 - Type A-1
0C2 - Type C-2
000 - No Number/No Type
003 - No. 3
012 - No. 12
23A - No.23A
(4) The tenth, eleventh and twelfth characters shall define either the Diameter of the Circular Pipe
Sewer or the Width of the Horizontal Elliptical Pipe Sewer the Manholes are on. (The tenth,
eleventh and twelfth characters representing the unit of inches for either the Diameter of the
Circular Pipe Sewer or the Width of the Horizontal Elliptical Pipe Sewer the Manholes are on.)
See examples below:
000 - Inclusive Of All Diameter Sewers That Are Allowed On
Sewer Design Standards For Manholes (Types A-1, A-2,
A-3, B-1 and B-2), Or Of All Size Sewers That Are On
Access, Cleanout, Special, Special Deep and Special
Shallow Manholes
036 - 36”
121 - 121”
(5) The thirteenth character shall define the Kind of Sewers the Manholes are on. See examples
V - Various Kinds (As shown or specified.)
C - Reinforced Concrete
R - Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.)
D - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.)
H - Horizontal Elliptical Reinforced Concrete Pipe (H.E.R.C.P.)
E - Existing (Various Kinds)
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
5.07A.1 INTENT
This section describes the reconstruction of existing manholes on existing sewers, lined sewers and
shotcreted sewers.
Where existing sewer manholes are shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered
by the Engineer to be reconstructed, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, etc.,
necessary and required to reconstruct such manholes as specified herein and as ordered.
From the invert of the manhole to the bottom of the casting; all loose and missing brick, masonry or
concrete shall be repaired and/or removed as directed by the Engineer; all debris, excess mortar,
etc. shall be removed so that the faces of the manhole walls and the invert are left smooth and clean;
and all surfaces shall be cleaned by water blasting or other approved method. If any step is
damaged or unsafe, as determined by the Engineer, all steps in the manhole chimney shall be
removed and shall not be replaced. Finally the whole area shall be parged or flashed (Receive a
one-half (1/2) inch minimum finishing coat of mortar with a float finish). (The invert dish finish coat
shall be tapered at all ends so as to provide a smooth transition to existing sewers.)
From the invert of the manhole to the bottom of the casting; all loose and missing brick, masonry or
concrete shall be repaired and/or removed as directed by the Engineer; all debris, excess mortar,
etc. shall be removed so that the faces of the manhole walls and the invert are left smooth and clean;
and all wall and invert surfaces shall be cleaned by water blasting or other approved method. If any
step is damaged or unsafe, as determined by the Engineer, all steps in the manhole chimney shall be
removed and shall not be replaced. Finally the whole area shall be parged or flashed (Receive a
one-half (1/2) inch minimum finishing coat of mortar with a float finish). (The invert dish shall receive
a proportionately thicker finish coat so as to provide a smooth transition from existing sewer to the
inside surface of liner.)
From the inner top of the largest sewer to the bottom of the casting; all loose and missing brick,
masonry or concrete shall be repaired and/or removed as directed by the Engineer; all debris, excess
mortar, etc. shall be removed so that the faces of the manhole walls are left smooth and clean; and
all wall surfaces shall be cleaned by water blasting or other approved method. If any step is
damaged or unsafe, as determined by the Engineer, all steps in the manhole chimney shall be
removed and shall not be replaced. Finally the whole area shall be parged or flashed (Receive a
one-half (1/2) inch minimum finishing coat of mortar with a float finish).
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the number of manholes (regardless of the size of
sewers the manholes are on) completely reconstructed as shown, specified, or ordered, and which are
accepted by the Engineer.
Payment for Reconstruction Of Existing Manholes will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Numbers for Reconstruction Of Existing Manholes have seven characters. (The decimal
point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Reconstruction Of Existing Manholes:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define the Kind of Sewer manhole reconstruction is to
be on:
RM - Existing Sewer
RL - Existing Lined Sewer
RS - Existing Shotcreted Sewer
(3) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
5.07B.1 INTENT
This section describes the replacement of existing manhole frames and covers.
Where existing manhole frames and covers are shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents,
or ordered by the Engineer to be replaced, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment,
etc., necessary and required to remove such manhole frames and covers (which are twenty-four (24)
inches in diameter or otherwise damaged, defective or nonstandard) and replace them with new standard
twenty-seven (27) inch cast iron manhole frames and covers.
The Contractor shall be responsible for breaking out and removing all manhole frames and covers at the
locations shown, specified, or ordered by the Engineer. Upon removal, a new standard twenty-seven (27)
inch diameter cast iron manhole frame and cover shall be installed. All courses of brick damaged or
removed during removal of existing castings shall be replaced. The new casting shall be properly set on a
bed of mortar. Finally, the area of pavement damaged due to removal of castings shall be repaired.
All castings shall become the property of and be disposed of by the Contractor.
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the number of sets of manhole frames and covers
completely incorporated into the work as shown, specified or ordered.
The contract price for “REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER” shall be the
unit price bid per each set of manhole frame and cover replaced and shall cover the cost of all labor,
materials, plant and equipment required or necessary to perform all work, including the removal and
permanent restoration of surrounding pavements, excavation and backfilling required, cleanup, and the
doing of all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by
the Engineer.
Payment for Replacement Of Existing Manhole Frame And Cover will be made under the Item Number as
calculated below:
The Item Number for Replacement Of Existing Manhole Frame And Cover has seven characters.
(The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Replacement Of Existing Manhole Frame And Cover:
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Drop-Pipe Manholes shall be constructed of the sizes and shapes shown and of the types specified
complete with frames and covers.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Frames and covers shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract plans, complying
with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel covers, when required, shall
comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(D) Steps shall be cast iron and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1, or shall be
copolymer polypropylene plastic manhole steps with one-half (1/2) inch Grade 60 steel reinforcement and
shall comply with the Sewer Design Standards.
(E) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(F) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(G) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
(H) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03.
(I) Vitrified clay pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02.
(J) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06.
(K) Bluestone shall be tough, sound, durable, fine graded sandstone or quartzite, free from injurious
seams and other imperfections and saw cut to the required dimensions. It shall be set in a full bed of
fresh mortar in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(L) Granite slabs shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.11.
(M) Aluminum floor gratings shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.14.
(A) GENERAL - Drop-Pipe Manholes shall be constructed of the sizes and dimensions, and of the types,
and at the locations and to the elevations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and as
shown on the Sewer Design Standards.
(C) CONCRETE DROP-PIPE MANHOLES - Concrete drop-pipe manholes shall be built of the sizes and
dimensions, and of the types, shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and as shown on the
Sewer Design Standards. The following shall apply:
(1) Inverts of drop-pipe manholes shall be formed between transverse templates and shall be
screeded. Where the radii of inverts are to small to permit screeding between templates, the
inverts shall be shaped by means of interior forms. The concrete for inverts shall be deposited
continuously for their entire cross section and length of drop-pipe manhole. Inverts shall be
carefully protected from all injury during the progress of the work. The inverts of drop-pipe
manholes shall be troweled smooth.
(2) Concrete in side walls of drop-pipe manholes shall be deposited continuously to the height and
to the thickness approved and for their entire length.
(3) Concrete encasement for drop pipe shall be deposited continuously to the height and to the
cross section approved. Concrete encasement for drop pipe shall be anchored to the side
wall(s) as shown or specified, freestanding encasement for drop pipe shall not be permitted.
The use of bolt-on straps or bands to secure the drop pipe to the side wall(s) will not be
(4) Concrete in roofs of drop-pipe manholes shall be deposited continuously for the full depths, and
for the entire widths and lengths of the roofs. The outer surfaces of roofs shall be finished true
and smooth.
(D) STEPS AND LADDERS - The Contractor shall furnish and install in the drop-pipe manholes, steps
and ladders of the size, shape and spacing shown on the plans and on the Sewer Design Standards.
Steps and ladders or other step or ladder hardware shall be placed integrally with the concrete or shall be
installed by drilling a core hole and either installing a thermoplastic insert or expansion anchor to except
hardware, or setting hardware into nonshrink fresh grout or an approved nonshrink compound.
(E) SETTING FRAMES AND COVERS - The brick masonry or concrete for the drop-pipe manholes shall
be built to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered. Frames and covers shall
be as shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry or concrete in a
full bed of stiff fresh cement mortar.
(F) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(G) REINFORCEMENT AND STRUCTURAL STEEL - The steel reinforcement shall be of the
dimensions and shapes shown, and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Structural steel shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, and
installed as directed.
(H) BULKHEADS - Approved construction joint bulkheads with provisions for keying and doweling for
future sewers shall be provided, where shown or required.
(I) CONNECTIONS - All connections to drop-pipe manholes of existing, new or future sewers and catch
basin connections shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed. All connections for future
sewers shall be closed with bulkheads of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick, unless otherwise shown on
the plans or specified.
(A) DESCRIPTION - The Contractor is advised that in lieu of poured-in-place drop-pipe manholes the
substitution of Precast Reinforced Concrete Drop-Pipe Manholes that comply with the Sewer Design
Standards will be permitted for drop-pipe manholes Type I and Type II. All requirements of Section 5.08
shall apply unless otherwise amended herein.
(1) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15, except that the concrete shall have a concrete design mix for five
thousand (5,000) pounds per square inch (minimum twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength
of four thousand (4,000) pounds per square inch). The maximum allowable chloride content in
the concrete shall not exceed one-tenth (1/10) of one percent by weight of cement. The
maximum water/cement ratio shall not exceed forty-seven (47) percent by weight.
(2) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete,
as modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II unless otherwise specified. Coarse and Fine
Aggregate for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with Subsection of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be
three-quarter (3/4) inch unless smaller size aggregate is required due to nature of work.
(3) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(4) Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15 and shall have a minimum specified yield strength of
sixty-five thousand (65,000) pounds per square inch.
(5) High range water reducing admixtures meeting the requirements of ASTM C494 Type F and
having been previously approved by the New York State Department of Transportation may be
(C) DETAILS - The minimum dimensions, minimum reinforcement and minimum requirements utilized
for the construction of precast reinforced concrete drop-pipe manholes shall conform to the Sewer Design
Standards that are deemed a part of this contract.
(D) JOINTS AND GASKETS - Each section of precast reinforced concrete drop-pipe manhole shall be
provided with lap and spigot joints that will permit water tight and permanent joints. The minimum lap shall
be that shown on the Standard Details. Gaskets shall be provided at all joints and shall be either 7/8" x
7/8" or 1" diameter Self Sealing Butyl Gasket (quality equal to Federal Specification No. SS-S-00210) or
"0" Ring Gaskets with the size as specified on the standards drawings. "0" Ring Gaskets shall be in
conformance with Subsection 2.05.5 of the specifications.
(E) TESTING - Concrete utilized in the construction of precast reinforced concrete drop-pipe manholes
shall be tested in conformance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15,
with the exception that the concrete, steel reinforcement, fabrication and manufacture shall be tested and
certified as to compliance by an independent Testing Laboratory licensed in the State of New York and
approved by the Department of Design and Construction.
Hydrostatic Tests, identical to those performed for Reinforced Concrete Pipe, and as defined in these
specifications shall be performed and must be satisfactorily completed prior to acceptance.
Testing shall also conform to all applicable sections of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF MATERIALS,
SAMPLING, AND METHODS OF TEST of these specifications.
In addition all manufacture of sections shall be witnessed by an approved licensed independent Testing
Laboratory and Certified as to Compliance with the standard drawings and specifications.
(F) OPENINGS FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS - All sewer pipe openings shall conform to the sizes,
dimensions and requirements specified on the Sewer Design Standards for Precast Drop-Pipe Manholes.
All sewer pipe openings shall be provided with two (2) number four (4) reinforcement bar hoops around
each opening and each opening shall be provided for at the time of manufacture.
Openings installed in the field will only be permitted for twelve (12) inch diameter basin chutes. The
maximum-cored opening for basin chutes shall be sixteen (16) inches. The Engineer must approve coring
machines and coring methods.
Pipe openings will not be permitted through joints. The distance from the top or bottom of any section to
the opening shall be a minimum of three (3) inches plus the joint depth for cast pipe openings and a
minimum of twelve (12) inches plus the joint depth for cored openings for basin connections.
(G) SUBMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR - Prior to delivery of precast drop-pipe manholes the
Contractor will be required to submit three (3) copies of the manufacturer's Drill Sheets to the Engineer for
review. These sheets shall note all pipe entries, final grades, etc. The Engineer's review of such
submissions shall in no way absolve the Contractor from full responsibility as to the correctness of each
precast drop-pipe manhole with regard to details, contract plans, standards and specifications.
(H) MANUFACTURE - Precast drop-pipe manholes shall be built in conformance with the standard
drawings and shall be cast in steel forms.
Devices used to position reinforcement shall be made of, or coated with, material so that corrosion of the
device will not occur. Sufficient devices shall be provided to position the reinforcement for required
concrete cover.
(I) CURING - All precast sections shall be subjected to curing by one of the following methods:
(1) STEAM CURING - Sections may be placed in a curing chamber, free from outside drafts, and
cured in a moist atmosphere maintained at a temperature between one hundred (100) degrees
Fahrenheit and one hundred sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, by the injection of steam for a
period of not less than twelve (12) hours or, when necessary, for such additional time as may be
needed to enable the pipe to meet the strength requirements. Steam curing shall not
commence until at least two (2) hours have elapsed since completion of placement of concrete
in the forms. When a curing chamber is not available, sections may be placed in an enclosure
of canvas and subjected to steam around the entire section at the temperature and for the time
specified above. The enclosure shall be so erected as to allow full circulation of steam around
the entire section. The interior surface of the curing room or canvas jackets and the surfaces of
the section shall be entirely moist at all times.
(2) WATER SPRAY CURING - Under the conditions of enclosure described in the above paragraph
on "Steam Curing", sections may be cured by subjecting them to a continuous fine spray of
water in an enclosure maintained at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees
Fahrenheit for a period of not less than seventy-two (72) hours or such additional time as may
be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
(3) SATURATED COVER CURING - The sides and top of each section shall be covered with heavy
burlap or other suitable material saturated with water before applying and kept saturated at a
temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for seventy-two (72) hours or
such additional time as may be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
Precast Sections shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures until the required twenty-eight (28) day
compressive strength is achieved.
(K) MARKINGS - The manufacturer shall mark each individual piece with permanent markings on the
inside of each section. The following minimum information shall be listed:
(L) DELIVERY OF SECTIONS - No sections shall be delivered to the job site until they have attained the
specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength as evidenced by cylinder testing. In addition, five (5)
copies of all test results, steel supplier certifications, independent Testing Laboratory certifications, and
fabrication and manufacture certifications must be submitted to the Engineer prior to delivery or at the time
of delivery.
The quantities of drop-pipe manholes to be measured for payment shall be the number of drop-pipe
manholes of each size and type, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “DROP-PIPE MANHOLES” shall be the unit price bid per each size and type drop-
pipe manhole and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and
insurance required and necessary to construct the drop-pipe manholes of the sizes and dimensions, and
of the types and at the locations and to the elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all
materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); reinforcement and
structural steel; all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of
abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; cleaning up; and
furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto,
all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer. Included
in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all labor and materials required to install granite slabs or
bluestone, manhole frames and covers, manhole steps, drop pipe and all other hardware in accordance
with the plans, specifications and standards, or as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price hereunder shall also include the cost of all labor and materials required to connect at
the drop-pipe manhole all sewers and basin connections and all required structural steel, reinforcement
and bulkheads for future sewer connections, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances, that may be in
the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Where precast reinforced concrete drop-pipe manholes are used in lieu of poured-in-place drop-pipe
manholes, the cost for furnishing, delivery and installation of the precast reinforced concrete drop-pipe
manholes, complete with invert shelf; granite slabs; drop pipe; reinforced concrete drop pipe encasement;
threaded dowels and thermoplastic inserts; manhole frames and covers; manhole steps; additional
excavation and sheeting associated with the widening and deepening of a trench due to increased width of
precast drop-pipe manholes and due to the placement of a stone ballast leveling pad; stone ballast;
connections; and all work incidental thereto all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards,
shall be deemed included in the contract price bid for "DROP-PIPE MANHOLES". No additional or
separate payments will be made for any work associated with the installation of precast reinforced
concrete drop-pipe manholes.
The Item Numbers for Drop-Pipe Manholes have twelve characters. (The decimal point is considered
a character, the third character.)
(3) The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall define either the Type of Standard Drop-Pipe
Manhole or the Number of the Drop-Pipe Manhole for Special Drop-Pipe or Special Deep Drop-
Pipe Manholes. See examples below:
001 - Type I
002 - Type II
000 - No Number/No Type
003 - No. 3
012 - No. 12
23A - No. 23A
(4) The tenth and eleventh characters shall define the Diameter of the Circular Pipe Sewer the
Drop-Pipe Manholes are on. (The tenth and eleventh characters representing the unit of inches
for the Diameter of the Circular Pipe Sewer the Drop-Pipe Manholes are on.) See examples
00 - Inclusive Of All Diameter Sewers That Are Allowed On
Sewer Design Standards For Drop-Pipe Manhole
(Type I), Or Of All Size Sewers That Are On Special
Drop-Pipe and Special Deep Drop-Pipe Manholes
36 - 36”
(5) The twelfth character shall define the Kind of Sewers the Manholes are on. See examples
V - Various Kinds (As shown or specified.)
R - Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.)
S - Extra-Strength Vitrified Pipe (E.S.V.P.
D - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.)
E - Existing (Various Kinds)
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Catch basins shall be constructed of the sizes and shapes shown and of the types specified complete with
frames, gratings, covers, hoods, hooks and all other hardware as shown or required.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Frames and hoods shall be of cast iron complying with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1,
unless otherwise shown on the plans.
(D) Gratings and covers shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract plans, complying
with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel gratings and covers, when
required, shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(E) Hooks shall be of stainless steel one-half (1/2) inch square bar stock, and shall be 18-8 stainless
steel Type 303, complying with the requirements of ASTM A582. All other approved hangers together with
fasteners shall be 18-8 stainless steel Type 303, complying with the requirements of ASTM A582.
(F) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(G) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(A) GENERAL - The Contractor is notified that all catch basins installed under the contract shall be Type
1 Catch Basins, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or directed by the Engineer.
Catch Basins shall be constructed of the sizes and dimensions and of the types, and at the locations and
to the elevations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and as shown on the Sewer Design
Catch Basins shall be installed in accordance with final grade. The brick masonry or concrete for catch
basins shall be built to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered.
(2) Frames, gratings, covers, hoods, hooks and all other hardware shall be in accordance with the
Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry or concrete in a full bed of
stiff fresh cement mortar.
(3) The Contractor is notified that at all locations, specified in the contract documents or directed by
the Engineer, requiring the installation of Catch Basins and for which there is no new sidewalk
restoration called for under the contract, the following minimum work shall be required to be
performed in the sidewalk area. The Contractor shall saw cut the existing sidewalk and curb at
a distance of one (1) foot around the perimeter of the basin, excavate, place expansion joints all
around and then install a concrete curb and a four (4) inch thick concrete sidewalk within the
removed sidewalk area (See Standards for Catch Basins). The cost for all labor and material
required and necessary to construct this slab of concrete, including the saw cutting and removal
of sidewalk and curb, placing of expansion joints, and reconstruction of curb and sidewalk, shall
be deemed included in the prices bid for the respective catch basins items. No separate or
additional payment will be made for this work.
(1) Catch basins shall be built of the sizes and dimensions, and of the types, shown on the plans or
as directed by the Engineer, and as shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The following shall
(a) The concrete for bases of catch basins shall be deposited continuously for their entire area
together with keys. Bases shall be carefully protected from all injury during the progress of
the work. The bases of catch basins shall be true and smooth.
(b) Concrete in sidewalls of catch basins shall be deposited continuously to the height and to
the thickness approved and for their entire length.
(c) Concrete in roofs of catch basins shall be deposited continuously for the full depths, and
for the entire widths and lengths of the roofs. The outer surfaces of roofs shall be finished
true and smooth.
(d) Chutes for Type 3 catch basins shall be poured in one piece. The concrete shall be
deposited continuously for the entire dimensions of the chutes.
(2) The locations of the catch basins shown on the plans are approximate only. The Contractor
shall, with the approval of the Engineer, establish the catch basin locations taking into
consideration the following:
(3) No basin shall be installed in a location where a pedestrian ramp or driveway depressed curb
exists. The minimum distance between a catch basin frame and grating and the end of a
depressed curb apron shall be one (1) foot.
(4) All corner basins are to be located fully behind the property line of the intersecting street unless
otherwise ordered, in writing, by the Engineer.
shall furnish and install in the catch basins, hooks and hoods of the size and shape shown on
the Sewer Design Standards. Hooks or other hanger hardware shall be placed integrally with
the concrete or shall be installed by drilling a core hole and either installing a thermoplastic
(6) SETTING FRAMES, GRATES AND COVERS - The brick masonry or concrete for the catch
basins shall be built to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered.
Frames, grates and covers shall be as shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The frames
shall be set on the masonry or concrete in a full bed of stiff fresh cement mortar.
(7) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(8) REINFORCEMENT - The steel reinforcement shall be of the dimensions and shapes shown,
and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15.
(9) CONNECTIONS - All connections to catch basin shall be constructed as shown on the plans or
as directed. All connections for future catch basin connections shall be closed with bulkheads
of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick, unless otherwise shown on the plans or specified.
Catch basin connection pipe or catch basin connection pipe openings will not be permitted
through the corner of catch basins. The distance from the edge of a pipe or an opening to the
inside face of the adjoining wall shall be a minimum of three (3) inches.
(1) Where there are no existing curbs, the Contractor shall survey the area and where possible,
locate the proposed basins on the future curb line and use a three (3) inch thick asphalt apron
to direct the surface flow to the new basin. A swale shall be created for a minimum of three (3)
feet around the basin.
(2) All work for catch basin construction where no curb exists shall be done in accordance with the
Sewer Design Standards.
(3) Where no curbs exist, basins shall be staked out (lines and grades) by a L.S. or a P.E., and
signed and sealed layout sheets shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to excavation. The
Contractor shall install the basins in accordance with the submitted layout sheets.
(E) ABANDONING EXISTING CATCH BASINS - Existing catch basins which are shown or ordered to be
abandoned, or are made unnecessary by the construction of new basins, shall be abandoned in
accordance with Subsection 1.06.12(4). The curb, sidewalk and pavement affected by the catch basin
abandonment shall be permanently restored to match the existing condition.
The Contractor shall restore the area with new sidewalk, curb and roadway in a manner that will provide
positive drainage to the new catch basins and eliminate the ponding that may otherwise occur in the area
of the abandoned catch basins. Existing basin connections shall be bulkheaded. The cost of all labor,
materials and equipment required and necessary to abandon existing catch basins in accordance with
Subsection 1.06.12(4), including bulkheading of basin connections and restoration of sidewalks and
curbs shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work. No separate or additional payment
will be made for the abandoning of existing catch basins unless specific items are provided for in the Bid
(A) DESCRIPTION - The Contractor is advised that in lieu of poured-in-place catch basins the
substitution of Precast Reinforced Concrete Catch Basins that comply with the Sewer Design Standards
will be permitted for catch basins Types 1, 2 and 3 and for Double Catch Basins. All requirements of
Section 5.09 shall apply unless otherwise amended herein.
(1) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(2) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete,
as modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II unless otherwise specified. Coarse and Fine
Aggregate for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with Subsection of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be
three-quarter (3/4) inch unless smaller size aggregate is required due to nature of work.
(3) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(4) Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15 and shall have a minimum specified yield strength of
sixty-five thousand (65,000) pounds per square inch.
(5) High range water reducing admixtures meeting the requirements of ASTM C494 Type F and
having been previously approved by the New York State Department of Transportation may be
(C) DETAILS - The minimum dimensions, minimum reinforcement and minimum requirements utilized
for the construction of precast reinforced concrete catch basins shall conform to the Sewer Design
Standards that are deemed a part of this contract.
(D) Precast reinforced concrete catch basins shall be manufactured in one (1) piece, as shown.
(E) TESTING - Concrete utilized in the construction of precast reinforced concrete catch basins shall be
tested in conformance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15, with the
exception that the concrete, steel reinforcement, fabrication and manufacture shall be tested and certified
as to compliance by an independent Testing Laboratory licensed in the State of New York and approved
by the Department of Design and Construction.
Testing shall also conform to all applicable sections of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF MATERIALS,
SAMPLING, AND METHODS OF TEST of these specifications.
In addition all manufacture of catch basins shall be witnessed by an approved licensed independent
Testing Laboratory and Certified as to Compliance with the standard drawings and with these
The cost of all testing as described above shall be deemed included in the price bid per catch basin.
(F) OPENINGS FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS - All catch basin connection pipe openings shall
conform to the sizes, dimensions and requirements specified on the Sewer Design Standards for Precast
Catch Basins. All catch basin connection pipe openings shall be provided for at the time of manufacture.
(G) SUBMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR - Prior to delivery of precast catch basins the Contractor
will be required to submit three (3) copies of the manufacturer's Drill Sheets to the Engineer for review.
These sheets shall note all pipe entries, final grades, etc. The Engineer's review of such submissions
shall in no way absolve the Contractor from full responsibility as to the correctness of each precast catch
basin with regard to details, contract plans, standards and specifications.
(H) MANUFACTURE - Precast catch basins shall be built in conformance with the standard drawings
and shall be cast in steel forms.
Devices used to position reinforcement shall be made of, or coated with, material so that corrosion of the
device will not occur. Sufficient devices shall be provided to position the reinforcement for required
concrete cover.
(I) CURING - All precast catch basins shall be subjected to curing by one of the following methods:
(1) STEAM CURING - Catch basins may be placed in a curing chamber, free from outside drafts,
and cured in a moist atmosphere maintained at a temperature between one hundred (100)
degrees Fahrenheit and one hundred sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, by the injection of steam
for a period of not less than twelve (12) hours or, when necessary, for such additional time as
may be needed to enable the pipe to meet the strength requirements. Steam curing shall not
commence until at least two (2) hours have elapsed since completion of placement of concrete
in the forms. When a curing chamber is not available, catch basins may be placed in an
enclosure of canvas and subjected to steam around the entire catch basin at the temperature
and for the time specified above. The enclosure shall be so erected as to allow full circulation of
steam around the entire catch basin. The interior surface of the curing room or canvas jackets
and the surfaces of the catch basin shall be entirely moist at all times.
(2) WATER SPRAY CURING - Under the conditions of enclosure described in the above paragraph
on "Steam Curing", catch basins may be cured by subjecting them to a continuous fine spray of
water in an enclosure maintained at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees
Fahrenheit for a period of not less than seventy-two (72) hours or such additional time as may
be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
(3) SATURATED COVER CURING - The sides and top of each catch basin shall be covered with
heavy burlap or other suitable material saturated with water before applying and kept saturated
at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for seventy-two (72) hours or
such additional time as may be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
Precast catch basins shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures until the required twenty-eight (28)
day compressive strength is achieved.
(J) INSTALLATION - All precast catch basins shall be installed in accordance with the standards and
specifications for Precast Catch Basins and as directed by the Engineer.
Where directed by the Engineer, a two (2) inch thick select granular fill cushion shall be provided in order
to assure uniform bedding at subgrade. The cost of the above work shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for the catch basins.
(K) MARKINGS - The manufacturer shall mark each catch basin with permanent markings on the inside
of each catch basin. The following minimum information shall be listed:
(L) DELIVERY OF CATCH BASINS - No catch basin shall be delivered to the job site until they have
attained the specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength as evidenced by cylinder testing. In
addition, five (5) copies of all test results, steel supplier certifications, independent Testing Laboratory
certifications, and fabrication and manufacture certifications must be submitted to the Engineer prior to
delivery or at the time of delivery.
The quantities of catch basins to be measured for payment shall be the number of catch basins of each
size and type, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “CATCH BASINS” shall be the unit price bid per each size and type catch basin and
shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to construct the catch basins of the sizes and dimensions, and of the types and at the locations
and to the elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); reinforcement; all sheeting and bracing; pumping;
fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections;
backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and
do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, and as
directed by the Engineer. Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all labor and materials
required to install frames, gratings, covers, hoods, hooks and all other hardware; in accordance with the
plans, specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer.
The cost of installing curbs and three (3) inch thick asphalt aprons in accordance with Subsection 5.09.3
(D) where no curbs exist as shown on the plans or as ordered by the Engineer, shall be included in the
contract price bid for "CATCH BASINS".
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures, catch basins and appurtenances,
that may be in the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections
1.06.12 and 1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Where precast reinforced concrete catch basins are used in lieu of poured-in-place catch basins, the cost
for furnishing, delivery and installation of the precast reinforced concrete catch basins, complete with
chutes for Type 3 catch basins; reinforcement; frames; gratings; covers; hoods; hooks and other
hardware; additional excavation and sheeting, as required; select granular fill; hand excavation;
connections; and all work incidental thereto all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards,
shall be deemed included in the contract price bid for "CATCH BASINS". No additional or separate
payments will be made for any work associated with the installation of precast reinforced concrete catch
Payment for Catch Basins will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Catch Basins have nine characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth character shall define the Kind of Catch Basin:
S - Standard Catch Basin
D - Standard Double Catch Basin
P - Special Catch Basin
W - Shallow Catch Basin
(3) The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall define either the Type of Catch Basin for
Standard Catch Basins or the Number of the Catch Basin for Special Catch Basins or Shallow
Catch Basins. See examples below:
002 - Type 2
000 - No Number/No Type
003 - No. 3
012 - No. 12
18A - No. 18A
(4) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Where the substitution of a new Type 3 catch basin is ordered by the Engineer to replace a new Type 1 or
Type 2 catch basin that was originally shown or specified to be constructed, payment for this substitution
shall be made as specified herein.
The Contractor shall include only the incremental cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and
incidentals necessary to furnish and install a new Type 3 catch basin in place of a new Type 1 or Type 2
catch basin in the respective “INCREMENTAL COST OF TYPE 3 CATCH BASIN IN LIEU OF (TYPE 1
Materials and construction methods for catch basins shall comply with all requirements of Section 5.09.
Payment for each new Type 3 catch basin directed to be installed by the Engineer in place of a new Type
1 or Type 2 catch basin shall be made under the unit price bid for either Type 1 or Type 2 “STANDARD
CATCH BASIN” item, plus the unit price bid for the respective “INCREMENTAL COST OF TYPE 3
Payment for Incremental Cost Of Type 3 Catch Basin In Lieu Of (Type 1 Or Type 2) Catch Basin will be
made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Incremental Cost Of Type 3 Catch Basin In Lieu Of (Type 1 Or Type 2) Catch
Basin have eight characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Incremental Cost Of Type 3 Catch Basin In Lieu Of (Type
1 Or Type 2) Catch Basin:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define the Type of Catch Basin to be replaced with a
Type 3 Catch Basin:
B1 - Type 1
B2 - Type 2
(3) The eighth character shall define the Kind of Type 3 Catch Basin replacement:
W - With Curb Piece
X - Without Curb Piece
Precast reinforced concrete seepage basins shall be constructed of the sizes shown on the plans,
complete with frames and covers, and all in accordance with the specifications and standards.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15, except that the concrete shall have a concrete design mix for five thousand (5,000)
pounds per square inch (minimum twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of four thousand (4,000)
pounds per square inch). The maximum allowable chloride content in the concrete shall not exceed one-
tenth (1/10) of one percent by weight of cement. The maximum water/cement ratio shall not exceed forty-
seven (47) percent by weight.
(B) Portland Cement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15, and shall be Type II unless otherwise specified. Coarse and Fine Aggregate
for concrete shall be well graded in accordance with Subsection of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Size of Coarse Aggregate shall be three-quarter (3/4) inch
unless smaller size aggregate is required due to nature of work.
(C) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(D) Frames and covers shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract plans, complying
with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel covers, when required, shall
comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(E) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(F) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(G) Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15 and shall have a minimum specified yield strength of sixty-five
thousand (65,000) pounds per square inch.
(H) High range water reducing admixtures meeting the requirements of ASTM C494 Type F and having
been previously approved by the New York State Department of Transportation may be used.
(A) GENERAL - Precast reinforced concrete seepage basins shall be constructed of the sizes and
dimensions, and at the locations and to the elevations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer,
and as shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The location of all seepage basins shall be such that the
opening in the top slab together with the frame and cover shall be totally in the roadway area or totally in
the sidewalk area.
Unless otherwise specified, the total depth of a seepage basin from the final grade to the seepage pit
excavation subgrade shall be approximately seventeen (17) feet as specified on the Sewer Design
(C) SETTING FRAMES AND COVERS - The brick masonry for the seepage basin shall be built to within
such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered. Frames and covers shall be as shown on
the Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry in a full bed of stiff fresh cement
(D) REINFORCEMENT - The steel reinforcement shall be of the dimensions and shapes shown, and
installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(E) CONNECTIONS - All connections to seepage basins shall be constructed as shown on the plans or
as directed.
(F) DETAILS - The minimum dimensions, minimum reinforcement and minimum requirements utilized
for the construction of precast reinforced concrete seepage basins shall conform to the Sewer Design
Standards that are deemed a part of this contract.
(G) JOINTS - Each section of precast reinforced concrete seepage basin (i.e. slabs, rings, footings) shall
be fitted together and placed on a one-half (1/2) inch thick full bed of stiff fresh cement mortar. The rings
when fitted together shall be matched so as to form a smooth and uniform inner wall.
(H) TESTING - Concrete utilized in the construction of precast reinforced concrete seepage basins shall
be tested in conformance with General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15, with
the exception that the concrete, steel reinforcement, fabrication and manufacture shall be tested and
certified as to compliance by an independent Testing Laboratory licensed in the State of New York and
approved by the Department of Design and Construction.
Testing shall also conform to all applicable sections of DIVISION III - INSPECTION OF MATERIALS,
SAMPLING, AND METHODS OF TEST of these specifications.
In addition all manufacture of sections shall be witnessed by an approved licensed independent Testing
Laboratory and Certified as to Compliance with the standard drawings and specifications.
The cost of all testing as described above shall be deemed included in the price bid per precast reinforced
concrete seepage basin.
(I) OPENINGS FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS - All catch basin connection pipe openings in the solid
ring shall conform to the sizes, dimensions and requirements specified on the Sewer Design Standards for
Precast Seepage Basins. Cast pipe openings and cored opening will be placed in solid ring only. No cast
pipe opening or cored opening will be allowed in drainage ring and no basin connection shall be made into
a drainage ring. The Engineer must approve coring machines and coring methods.
(J) SUBMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR - Prior to delivery of precast reinforced concrete seepage
basins the Contractor will be required to submit three (3) copies of the manufacturer's Drill Sheets to the
Engineer for review. These sheets shall note all pipe entries, final grades, etc. The Engineer's review of
(K) MANUFACTURE - Precast reinforced concrete seepage basins shall be built in conformance with
the standard drawings and shall be cast in steel forms.
Devices used to position reinforcement shall be made of, or coated with, material so that corrosion of the
device will not occur. Sufficient devices shall be provided to position the reinforcement for required
concrete cover.
(L) CURING - All precast sections shall be subjected to curing by one of the following methods:
(1) STEAM CURING - Sections may be placed in a curing chamber, free from outside drafts, and
cured in a moist atmosphere maintained at a temperature between one hundred (100) degrees
Fahrenheit and one hundred sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, by the injection of steam for a
period of not less than twelve (12) hours or, when necessary, for such additional time as may be
needed to enable the pipe to meet the strength requirements. Steam curing shall not
commence until at least two (2) hours have elapsed since completion of placement of concrete
in the forms. When a curing chamber is not available, sections may be placed in an enclosure
of canvas and subjected to steam around the entire section at the temperature and for the time
specified above. The enclosure shall be so erected as to allow full circulation of steam around
the entire section. The interior surface of the curing room or canvas jackets and the surfaces of
the section shall be entirely moist at all times.
(2) WATER SPRAY CURING - Under the conditions of enclosure described in the above paragraph
on "Steam Curing", sections may be cured by subjecting them to a continuous fine spray of
water in an enclosure maintained at a temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees
Fahrenheit for a period of not less than seventy-two (72) hours or such additional time as may
be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
(3) SATURATED COVER CURING - The sides and top of each section shall be covered with heavy
burlap or other suitable material saturated with water before applying and kept saturated at a
temperature of not less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit for seventy-two (72) hours or
such additional time as may be necessary to meet the strength requirements.
Precast Sections shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures until the required twenty-eight (28) day
compressive strength is achieved.
(M) INSTALLATION - All precast seepage basins shall be installed in accordance with the standards and
specifications for Precast Seepage Basins and as directed by the Engineer.
(N) MARKINGS - The manufacturer shall mark each individual piece with permanent markings on the
inside of each section. The following minimum information shall be listed:
(O) DELIVERY OF SECTIONS - No sections shall be delivered to the job site until they have attained the
specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength as evidenced by cylinder testing. In addition, five (5)
copies of all test results, steel supplier certifications, independent Testing Laboratory certifications, and
fabrication and manufacture certifications must be submitted to the Engineer prior to delivery or at the time
of delivery.
The quantities of precast seepage basins to be measured for payment shall be the number of precast
seepage basins of each size, incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “PRECAST SEEPAGE BASINS” shall be the unit price bid for each size precast
seepage basin and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and
insurance required and necessary to construct the precast seepage basins of the sizes and dimensions,
and at the locations and to the elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of
whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); reinforcement; all sheeting and
bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances;
connections; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete
this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards,
and as directed by the Engineer. Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all labor and
materials required to furnish, deliver and install the precast sections (i.e. solid rings, drainage rings, slabs,
footings), frames and covers and all other hardware in accordance with the plans, specifications and
standards, or as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price hereunder shall also include the cost of all labor and materials required furnish, deliver
and install all stone ballast and ground stabilization fabric (Mirafi-140 or approved equal), as shown on the
standards or as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, structures and appurtenances, that may be in
the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Precast Seepage Basins will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Precast Seepage Basins have eight characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Precast Seepage Basins:
(2) The sixth character shall define Standard Precast Seepage Basins:
S - Standard
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of Standard Precast Seepage
Basins. See examples below:
04 - 4’-0”
12 - 12’-0”
(4) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
The outfall structures shall be constructed of the sizes and dimensions and to the lines and grades and
within the limits of payment as shown, specified or ordered.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15. Concrete shall contain entrained air of six percent (6%).
(B) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(C) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
(D) The cement used for outfall structure (including headwalls and reinforced concrete sewer outfalls)
shall be Type-V cement. (This shall not include cement for concrete cradles and encasements,
chambers, manholes, catch basins and precast reinforced concrete pipes for sewers, such cement shall
be Type-II.)
In lieu of Type-V cement, the Contractor will be permitted to utilize Type-II cement with the addition of
seven and one-half percent (7-1/2%) Micro Silica Fume. Types of additives utilized must have been
previously approved by New York State Department of Transportation.
(E) Reinforced concrete sewers, precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers, vitrified pipe sewers and
ductile iron pipe sewers shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 and 5.04
respectively except as otherwise amended in the plans and specifications.
(F) Chambers, manholes, drop-pipe manholes, catch basins and catch basin connections shall comply
with the requirements of Sections 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09 and 5.13 respectively except as otherwise
amended in the plans and specifications.
(G) Boulders shall be clean natural stones. Recycled material will not be permitted. The shape of stones
shall be such so as to provide a consistent pattern that provides for a minimum of voids between all
adjacent stones. Stones shall be seven hundred (700) pounds in nominal weight. (The absolute
minimum weight of stone that will be accepted shall be five hundred (500) pounds.)
(H) Tide gates shall be stainless steel low-flow flap gates as manufactured by H. Fontaine Ltd., or
approved equivalent. Tide gates shall consist of: Stainless steel for flaps and frames, and thimbles when
required shall be in accordance with ASTM A240 Type 316L; Bolts, studs, nuts and anchor bolts shall be
in accordance with ASTM A276 Type 316, and ASTM F593 and F594 GR2 for Type 316; Hinges shall
consist of stainless steel pin and have Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) bushings in
accordance with ASTM D4020; and, Seals shall be made of Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymers
(EPDM) in accordance with ASTM D2000.
(A) GENERAL - The outfall structures shall be constructed “in the dry”. The Contractor’s means and
methods of construction for the outfall structure shall be submitted, prior to the start of work, to the
Engineer for written approval.
The Contractor shall be required to submit plans, details and other substantiating data as necessary to
establish the adequacy of the Contractor's proposed means and methods of construction. These
documents shall be prepared under the direction of and be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
licensed to practice in the State of New York.
(C) The concrete for the footings, cradles, encasements, inverts, etc. shall be deposited continuously for
the entire cross section and for such longitudinal distances as approved.
(D) The concrete for the walls, headwalls, etc. shall be deposited continuously to the height, to the
thickness and for such longitudinal distances as approved.
(E) Boulder Protection Placement - Boulders are placed to prevent scour and erosion at sewer outfalls.
The Contractor shall remove all debris and clean and prepare the tidal flat/existing ground, and shall
excavate the existing surface to the depth required in order to install the boulder protection where shown,
specified or as ordered. Boulder aprons and protections shall be placed in compliance with all permits
and as shown, specified or ordered. The layer of boulders shall be placed in order to obtain a minimum of
voids between stones. Dropping of boulders into place will not be permitted.
The contract price for “OUTFALLS” shall be the unit price bid per each outfall structure and shall cover the
cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required or necessary to
construct the outfall structure “in the dry” to the lines, grades, sizes, dimensions and within the limits of
payment shown on contract drawings, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); all sheeting and bracing; temporary steel sheet
piling; reinforcement and structural steel; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of
abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; maintaining flow in sewers; backfilling; fill for grade;
preparation of shop drawings and all other required means and methods of construction reports and
drawings; obtaining of necessary permits and special construction requirement for constructing “in the
dry”; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all
work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the
Also, included in the bid price for the outfall structure shall be the cost of all labor, materials and
equipment necessary and required to construct the sewers with encasements and foundations; chambers,
manholes and catch basins with foundations; headwalls and foundations; retaining walls; tide gates; bar
screens (trash racks); permanent fencing; boulders for aprons and protections; all dredging required for
placement of stone ballast, riprap, slope pavement aprons, boulder aprons, boulder protections, etc.; to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, bulkheads, debris and appurtenances that
may be in the line of the work in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and 1.06.27 of the specifications;
and all other work shown, specified or ordered. No separate payment will be made for the above work.
Unless otherwise specified, payment for the outfalls, and items specified in Subsection 5.11.5 below shall
be complete and shall compliment each other, whatever item(s) the Contractor may consider not covered
under one shall be deemed covered under one of the others. No separate or additional payment will be
made for any such considered item(s).
The Contractor is notified that payment for the cost of furnishing, delivering and placing of Permanent
Steel Sheet Piling Bulkheads; Timber Piles; Structural Steel H-Piles; Stone Ballast; Riprap; Slope
Pavements; and Grouted Stone Pavements within outfall limits shall be made under the unit price bid for
the respective bid items.
Payment for the cost of furnishing and placing concrete and steel reinforcing bars required to construct
Concrete Pile Caps atop Steel Sheet Piling Bulkheads shall be made under items labeled “ADDITIONAL
The Item Numbers for Outfall Structures have eight characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(3) The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall define the Number of the Outfall Structure.
See examples below:
000 - No Number
002 - No. 2
011 - No. 11
16A - No. 16A
(4) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Existing chambers, siphon chambers, manholes, drop-pipe manholes and catch basins shall be modified
in accordance with the contract drawings within the limits and to the sizes, shapes and dimensions and to
the elevations shown, complete.
(A) Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Frames, covers, gratings and hoods shall be of cast iron, unless otherwise shown on the contract
plans, complying with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1. Malleable iron or cast steel covers and
gratings, when required, shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08 and Section 2.12.
(D) Steps shall be cast iron and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.08, Type 1, or shall be
copolymer polypropylene plastic manhole steps with one-half (1/2) inch Grade 60 steel reinforcement and
shall comply with the Sewer Design Standards.
(E) Hooks shall be of stainless steel one-half (1/2) inch square bar stock, and shall be 18-8 stainless
steel Type 303, complying with the requirements of ASTM A582. All other approved hangers together with
fasteners shall be 18-8 stainless steel Type 303, complying with the requirements of ASTM A582.
(F) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(H) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
(I) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03.
(J) Vitrified clay pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02.
(K) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06.
(L) Bluestone shall be tough, sound, durable, fine graded sandstone or quartzite, free from injurious
seams and other imperfections and saw cut to the required dimensions. It shall be set in a full bed of
fresh mortar in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(M) Granite slabs shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.11.
(N) Aluminum floor gratings shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.14.
(O) Timber and lumber shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.20. Timber columns for
supports shall have a minimum (Extreme Fiber in Bending) Fb = 1,700-psi and a minimum (Compression
Parallel to Grain) Fc = 1,400-psi.
(A) GENERAL - The existing chambers, siphon chambers, manholes, drop-pipe manholes and catch
basins shall be modified in accordance with the sizes, shapes and dimensions, and to the elevations as
shown on the plans or as ordered by the Engineer.
(C) DEMOLITION WORK ON EXISTING STRUCTURES - Portion(s) of the existing structure that are
specified to be demolished shall be removed within the limits shown, specified or ordered. Removal of
portion(s) of structure beyond the limits shown, specified or ordered shall not be permitted unless
approved in writing by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall temporarily support the existing structure with adequate shoring and bracing prior to
demolition of any portion of the existing structure so as to prevent collapse to portions of the structure
required to remain and to provide for safe working conditions. Prior to placing temporary shoring and
bracing the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval drawings together with computations
signed and sealed by a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer detailing the method of temporary
shoring and bracing the Contractor will utilize. The Contractor shall also include on these drawings and
computations recommendations for removal of earth and other loads so as to relieve all stresses that will
cause overburden to the areas of the structure that are to be demolished and rebuilt. All supports shall be
placed close to the area(s) to be demolished and shall be secure and evenly spaced. (These drawing and
computation requirements can be waived by written approval of the Engineer.)
All existing reinforcing bars shall be incorporated into the new modified portion of the structure(s) and shall
be cut to lengths as directed in the field by the Engineer to meet minimum lap requirements and to
maintain continuity of the structure. Dowelling shall be provided as shown, specified or ordered.
(D) INVERTS - Inverts of chambers, manholes, etc. shall be formed between transverse templates and
shall be screeded. Where the radii of inverts are too small to permit screeding between templates, the
inverts shall be shaped by means of interior forms. The concrete for inverts shall be deposited
continuously for their entire cross section and length. Inverts shall be carefully protected from all injury
during the progress of the work. The inverts shall be troweled smooth.
(F) ROOF - Concrete in the roof of chambers, manholes, etc. shall be deposited continuously for the full
depths, and for the entire widths and lengths of the roofs. The outer surfaces of roofs shall be finished
true and smooth.
(G) STEPS AND LADDERS - The Contractor shall furnish and install in the chambers, manholes, etc.
steps and ladders of the size, shape and spacing shown on the plans and on the Sewer Design
(H) SETTING FRAMES AND COVERS - The brick masonry or concrete for the chambers, manholes,
etc. shall be built to within such distance of the final grade as shown, specified or ordered. Frames and
covers shall be as shown on the Sewer Design Standards. The frames shall be set on the masonry or
concrete in a full bed of stiff fresh cement mortar.
(I) REINFORCEMENT AND STRUCTURAL STEEL - The steel reinforcement shall be of the
dimensions and shapes shown, and installed in the manner specified in General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Structural steel shall be of the shapes and sizes shown, and
installed as directed.
(J) REMOVAL OF FORMS - Forms shall be removed in accordance with General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(K) BULKHEADS - Approved construction joint bulkheads with provisions for keying and doweling for
future sewers shall be provided, where shown or required.
(L) CONNECTIONS - All connections to chambers, manholes, etc. of existing, new or future sewers and
catch basin connections shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed. All connections for
future sewers shall be closed with bulkheads of brick masonry eight (8) inches thick, unless otherwise
shown on the plans or specified.
(M) WATERSTOPS - Waterstops shall be provided between each successive pour in accordance with
Section 2.13. Details shall be submitted for waterstops as part of the shop drawings.
The contract price for “MODIFICATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES” shall be the unit price bid per each
modification of existing structure and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples
and tests required and necessary to modify the existing structure within the limits and of the sizes,
dimensions and to the elevations shown, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature
encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); temporary shoring and bracing; demolition of
existing structure within limits shown, specified or ordered; additional excavation required to relieve
overburden; reinforcement and structural steel; all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging;
breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances; connections; maintaining flow in sewers;
backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and
do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed by the
Engineer. Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost for all labor and materials required to install
granite slabs, manhole frames and covers, manhole steps; catch basin frames and gratings and all other
hardware in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, or as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price hereunder shall also include the cost of all labor and materials required to connect at
the chambers, manholes, etc. all existing and new sewers and basin connections; and all required
structural steel, reinforcement and bulkheads for future sewer connections, as shown on the plans or as
directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Modification Of Existing Structures will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Modification Of Existing Structures have eleven characters. (The decimal point
is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Modification Of Existing Structures:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Kind of Existing Structure being modified:
C - Chamber
M - Manhole
D - Drop-Pipe Manhole
S - Siphon Chamber
T - Interceptor Sewer Manhole
L - Culvert Chamber
B - Catch Basin
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Type of Structure to which the Existing
Structure will be modified to (if applicable). See examples below:
00 - No Type
01 - Type 1 or Type I
C2 - Type C-2
W3 - Type 3 With Curb Piece
X3 - Type 3 Without Curb Piece
(4) The ninth, tenth and eleventh characters shall define either the Type of Existing Structure to
be modified or the Number of the Existing Structure to be modified. See examples below:
000 - No Number/No Type
003 - No. 3
012 - No. 12
28A - No. 28A
001 - Type 1 or Type I
002 - Type 2 or Type II
0B2 - Type B-2
0W3 - Type 3 With Curb Piece
0X3 - Type 3 Without Curb Piece
(5) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Catch basins connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds shown, specified or
Unless otherwise shown, specified or ordered catch basin connections shall be twelve (12) inch diameter
ductile iron basin connection on a stone bedding or encasement.
(A) Vitrified clay pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe
shall be as shown or specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(B) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5. Unless otherwise
specified or directed all joints for ductile iron basin connections shall be "push-on" joint type. All fittings
required shall be ductile iron or gray iron rated for two hundred fifty (250) pounds per square inch in
accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
(C) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(D) Cement grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18.
(E) Gasket and mortar joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 1, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(F) Premoulded bituminous compound joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 2,
and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(G) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(H) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(I) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(J) Crushed stone shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.12.
(A) GENERAL - Catch basin connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds, and to the
lines and grades shown on the plans, specified or as ordered by the Engineer. The Engineer may direct
that the inverts of basin connections be lowered or raised, so as to meet conditions encountered at the
time of construction. The cost of this work shall be deemed included in the contract price bid for basin
Catch basin connection pipe or catch basin connection pipe openings will not be permitted through the
corner of catch basins. The distance from the edge of a pipe or an opening to the inside face of the
adjoining wall shall be a minimum of three (3) inches.
The location and angle of basin connections may be varied to suit field conditions. Basin connections
shall be installed with a minimum drop of six (6) inches from the basin to the sewer.
(C) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth and uniform
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe sewers shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
The ends of the pipe that enter masonry walls shall be cut to fit the inner face of the masonry. Unless
otherwise directed, such cutting shall be done before the pipes are built in.
Unless otherwise directed the trench for each catch basin connection shall be fully excavated for its entire
length before any pipes are laid therein.
(1) Joints shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the specifications as stated hereinabove
for the specific kind of pipe used.
(2) Inspection - Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the finished joint shall be left exposed for
inspection and approval by the Engineer. A suitable ladder affording easy access for such inspection
shall be provided.
(1) Ductile iron pipe basin connections shall be laid on a six (6) inch thick compacted layer of crushed
stone. The six (6) inch thick layer of crushed stone shall be placed on the subgrade of the trench for
its full width. The subgrade must be prepared to the proper grade so that the ductile iron pipe may
be placed on the crushed stone base accurately to line and grade in agreement with the plans,
specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer. Crushed stone shall also be placed
around the pipe to a depth of one-half (1/2) the outer diameter of the pipe and for the full width of the
trench. The rest of the trench shall be backfilled and compacted as specified in the specifications
and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall note that in accordance with the Sewer
Design Standards a filter fabric (Mirafi 140 or approved equal) shall be placed all around at the
interface of the stone base and sheeting and/or soil.
Where the cover, from final grade to the outer top of pipe, is less than three (3) feet, the ductile iron
pipe basin connections shall be fully encased in crushed stone or concrete, as directed by the
The cost for the crushed stone bedding or encasement, filter fabric and all labor, equipment and
expenses necessary and required to place the crushed stone and filter fabric shall be deemed
included in the price bid for the contract item labeled "12” DUCTILE IRON PIPE BASIN
(2) Where vitrified pipe basin connections are specifically shown, specified or required, vitrified pipe
basin connections shall be laid in continuous concrete cradles. Where the cover, from final grade to
the inner top of pipe, is less than four (4) feet, the vitrified pipe basin connections shall be fully
encased in concrete. The additional concrete required for the encasement of vitrified pipe basin
connections shall be paid for at the contract price bid for the item labeled "ADDITIONAL
Concrete cradles for pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown,
specified or directed.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes
that are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded
in the concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval before pipe laying begins.
(F) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(G) CONNECTIONS TO STRUCTURES - Where openings are not provided in manholes and chambers
for connection of twelve (12) inch catch basin connections, the Contractor shall core openings in the walls
of the manholes and chambers for catch basin connections as directed by the Engineer. The maximum
diameter of the cored opening for catch basin connections shall be sixteen (16) inches. The use of
pneumatic percussion hammers will not be permitted in order to provide an opening for catch basin
(H) FIELD CUTTING - Ductile iron pipe shall be cut only by means of abrasive saws, hack saws, wheel
type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the Engineer. The use of "squeeze" type pipe cutters
and cutting torches will not be permitted. The outside of the cut end shall be beveled about one-quarter
(1/4) inch at an angle of about thirty (30) degrees all around the pipe, with a coarse file or a portable
Vitrified pipe shall be cut only by means of wheel type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the
The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
The quantities of catch basin connections to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet
of each size, kind and class of catch basin connection pipe incorporated in the work, complete, as shown,
specified or required, measured along the center lines of catch basin connection pipes where laid.
Payment will be made form inside face of catch basin to inside face of manhole, chamber or catch basin,
unless otherwise shown or specified in the contract documents. When circular precast manholes are
incorporated into the work, the inside face of the manhole shall be the vertical plane at which the catch
basin connection's outside diameter transverse to the horizontal center line of the catch basin connection
intersects the inside wall of the circular precast manhole.
The contract price for “CATCH BASIN CONNECTIONS” (e.c. Items labeled "12” DUCTILE IRON PIPE
the unit price bid per linear foot for each size, kind and class of catch basin connection pipe and shall
cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to construct the catch basin connections of the sizes and to the lines and grades shown or as
directed, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03
- Earth Excavation); concrete cradles; crushed stone bedding and encasements; all sheeting and
bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; breaking down and filling in of abandoned sewer appurtenances;
cored openings for connections to structures; connections; backfilling; cleaning up; and furnishing and
installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, manholes, catch basins, structures and appurtenances
that may be in the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections
1.06.12 and 1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Catch Basin Connections will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Catch Basin Connections have eight characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Catch Basin Connections:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Kind Of Catch Basin Connection:
D - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.) Class 56 On Stone Bedding
V - Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (E.S.V.P.) On Concrete
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Catch Basin Connection
Pipe. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the
Catch Basin Connection Pipe.) See examples below:
12 - 12”
(4) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Risers for house connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds shown, specified or
Riser pipe and fittings on precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers and on vitrified pipe sewers shall be
extra strength full diameter vitrified clay and shall be installed in accordance with the Sewer Design
Standards for risers on precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers and vitrified pipe sewers. Riser pipe on
ductile iron pipe sewers and cast iron pipe sewers shall be ductile iron and all fittings shall be ductile iron
or gray iron and shall be installed in accordance with the Sewer Design Standards for ductile iron pipe
(A) Vitrified pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(B) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5. Unless otherwise
specified or directed all joints for ductile iron riser pipe shall be mechanical joint type as per Sewer Design
Standards. All fittings required shall be ductile iron or gray iron rated for two hundred fifty (250) pounds
per square inch in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
(C) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(D) Cement grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18.
(E) Gasket and mortar joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 1, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(F) Premoulded bituminous compound joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 2,
and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(G) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(H) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(I) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(J) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(A) GENERAL - Risers for house connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds
shown, specified or ordered, and from the spurs or pipe openings to such a height as ordered. Location of
spurs and risers and height of risers are not shown on the plans. Need for and location of spurs and
risers, and height of risers will be determined by the Engineer at the time of construction. The Contractor
shall provide pipe Wye or Double-Wye branches for risers as required by the field conditions and as
directed by the Engineer.
If the locations of risers and the heights of risers are shown on the plans they, shall be understood to be
approximate and for information only. The final locations and height of risers shall be as determined by
the Engineer at the time of construction.
(C) PLACING - The riser pipe shall be placed with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be
fitted together and matched so that when placed in the work they will form a drain with a smooth and
uniform interior. They shall be installed and be supported and surrounded by reinforced concrete in
accordance with the Sewer Design Standards and as directed by the Engineer. Unconnected dead ends
of risers shall be closed with approved tile or precast concrete plugs or with hand tightening (wing nut
type) expandable plugs as manufactured by O.R.H.A. Industries or Jones Manufacturing Co., or approved
equal, so as to provide a watertight seal. The threads are to be greased prior to tightening to ensure a
proper seal without stripping.
(1) Joints shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the specifications as stated hereinabove
for the specific kind of pipe used.
(2) Inspection - Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the finished joint shall be left exposed for
inspection and approval by the Engineer. A suitable ladder affording easy access for such inspection
shall be provided.
(E) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
The quantities of risers for house connections to be measured for payment shall be the number of vertical
feet of each size, kind and class of riser pipe incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or
required, measured along the center lines of the riser pipes from the inner top of the pipe sewer to the
maximum height of riser pipe as installed.
The contract price for “RISERS FOR HOUSE CONNECTIONS” (e.c. Items labeled "8” DUCTILE IRON
be the unit price bid per vertical foot for each size, kind and class of riser pipe and shall cover the cost of
all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to construct
the risers of the sizes and to the heights as directed by the Engineer, including the earth excavation of all
materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation); concrete
encasements; steel reinforcement bars; Wye and Tee spurs; pipe; fittings; Wye and Double-Wye
branches; plugs; all sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; connections; backfilling; and furnishing and
installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the price hereunder is the cost of all the labor and materials required and necessary to
reconnect complete the house connection drains where required at the time of construction, and do all the
work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the specifications and standards and as directed by the
Payment for Risers For House Connections will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Risers For House Connections have eight characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Risers For House Connections:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Kind Of Riser For House Connection:
D - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.) Encased In Concrete
V - Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (E.S.V.P.) Encased In
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Riser Pipe For House
Connection. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter
of the Riser Pipe For House Connection.) See examples below:
08 - 8”
10 - 10”
Spurs for house connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds shown, specified or
(A) Vitrified pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(B) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5. Unless otherwise
specified or directed all joints for ductile iron spur pipe shall be mechanical joint type. All fittings required
shall be ductile iron or gray iron rated for two hundred fifty (250) pounds per square inch in accordance
with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
Where spurs are required on ductile iron pipe sewers less than sixteen (16) inches in diameter, Wyes
shall be utilized.
Where spurs are required on ductile iron pipe sewers sixteen (16) inches and greater in diameter, the use
of Tees and/or Saddles will be permitted. All saddles must be approved by the Department of Design and
(C) Cast iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.03. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5 as defined for
ductile iron pipe. Unless otherwise specified or directed all joints for cast iron spur pipe shall be
mechanical joint type. All fittings required shall be ductile iron or gray iron rated for two hundred fifty (250)
pounds per square inch in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
(D) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(E) Cement grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18.
(F) Gasket and mortar joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 1, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(G) Premoulded bituminous compound joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 2,
and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(H) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(I) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(A) GENERAL - Spurs for house connections shall be constructed of the sizes, classes and kinds
shown, specified or ordered. Locations of spurs are not shown on the plans. The Engineer will determine
the need for and location of spurs at the time of construction. The Contractor shall provide pipe Wye or
Tee branches for spurs as required by the field conditions and as directed by the Engineer.
If the location of spurs are shown on the plans they shall be understood to be approximate and for
information only. The final locations of spurs shall be as determined by the Engineer at the time of
(C) INSTALLATION - In precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers, spur pipe shall be bell and spigot with
the spigot end moulded or cut to fit flush in the socketed opening provided in the precast reinforced
concrete pipe sewer so that the inner surface of the sewer shall be smooth with no protruding spur pipe.
The spur pipe spigot end shall be of sufficient length to reach the exterior of the sewer.
Vitrified pipe sewers shall have spurs of the sizes shown, specified or ordered moulded thereon to form
the required Wye or Tee branch spur pipe sewer. Cast iron pipe sewers and ductile iron pipe sewers shall
have spurs of the sizes shown, specified or ordered moulded thereon to form the required Wye or Tee
branch spur pipe sewer and all joints shall be mechanical joint type. Such spur pipe sewer shall be
furnished and laid in pipe sewers where directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be permitted, with the approval of the Engineer, to use on eighteen (18) inch in
diameter and larger ductile iron pipe sewer as a substitute for ductile iron pipe Wye and Tee branch
premoulded spur pipe sewer an approved seal tight type saddle similar to Geneco Sealtite Type "C",
Model "CO" Sewer Pipe Saddle.
Unconnected dead ends of spurs shall be closed with approved tile or precast concrete plugs or with hand
tightening (wing nut type) expandable plugs as manufactured by O.R.H.A. Industries or Jones
Manufacturing Co., or approved equal, so as to provide a watertight seal. The threads are to be greased
prior to tightening to ensure a proper seal without stripping.
(D) DAMAGED SPUR PIPE - Wye or Tee branch spur pipe damaged from handling or any cause
whatsoever, whether in or out of the trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by
and at the sole expense of the Contractor.
(E) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT - When E.S.V.P. sewers are laid on a concrete cradle or fully encased,
the moulded spur thereon shall be fully encased in concrete for a minimum distance of six (6) inches on all
sides of the pipe sewer and sewer spur.
(F) Ductile iron pipe Wye or Tee branch spur pipe sewer shall conform to the Sewer Design Standards
for ductile iron pipe alternate.
The quantities of spurs for house connections to be measured for payment shall be the number of each
size, kind and class spur pipe incorporated in the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “SPURS FOR HOUSE CONNECTIONS” (e.c. Items labeled “6” DUCTILE IRON
HOUSE CONNECTION ON 18” E.S.V.P. SANITARY SEWER") shall be the unit price bid per each size,
Spur on a pipe sewer shall be included for payment hereunder but the cost of the pipe sewer is included in
the appropriate pipe sewer item.
Payment for Spurs For House Connections will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Spurs For House Connections have eleven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Spurs For House Connections:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Kind Of Spur For House Connection:
D - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.)
V - Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (E.S.V.P.)
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Spur For House
Connection. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter
of the Spur For House Connection.) See examples below:
06 - 6”
10 - 10”
(4) The ninth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(5) The tenth and eleventh characters shall define the Diameter of the Pipe the Spur For House
Connection is on. (The tenth and eleventh characters representing the unit of inches for the
Diameter of the Pipe the Spur For House Connection is on.) See examples below:
08 - 8”
12 - 12”
30 - 30”
(6) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Whenever new house connection drains are proposed, the Contractor shall be able to use and/or
substitute ductile iron or cast iron soil pipe for new house connection drains. New house connection
drains shall be constructed of the sizes shown, specified or required.
Existing house connection drains and other service pipes damaged or removed on account of the
construction work shall be reconstructed and reconnected of the same sizes, classes and kinds. The
minimum size of reconnection shall be six (6) inches.
(A) Vitrified pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.02. Kind, class and size of pipe shall
be as shown or specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(B) Ductile iron pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.06 and shall be Class 56 unless
otherwise specified. Joints shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.06.5. Unless otherwise
specified or directed all joints for ductile iron pipe house connection drain shall be "push-on" joint type. All
fittings required shall be ductile iron or gray iron rated for two hundred fifty (250) pounds per square inch in
accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
(C) Cast iron soil pipe shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.04. Joints shall comply with the
requirements of Subsection 2.04.3. Unless otherwise specified or directed all joints for cast iron soil pipe
house connection drain shall be "push-on" joint type.
(D) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(E) Cement grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18.
(F) Gasket and mortar joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 1, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(G) Premoulded bituminous compound joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 2,
and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(H) Elastomeric pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07, Type 3, and as specified
in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(I) Ring rubber gasket and grooved spigot joint shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.07,
Type 4, and as specified in Subsection 5.03.3(C).
(J) Concrete for cradle and encasement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification
11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(K) Crushed stone shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.12.
If the Contractor is required to enter upon private property to gain access to private buildings, in order to
perform work under this section, the Contractor shall obtain all consents necessary. One (1) counterpart
of each such consent, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners, executors or administrators for
owners and for owners agents, lessees and any other persons who shall have a vested or contingent
interest in the building, or notice of refusal if consent is not obtained, shall be filed with the Engineer at
least two (2) days before the commencement of examination.
(B) GENERAL - The Contractor shall install; for all buildings and properties which are not presently being
serviced by existing sanitary sewers, combined sewers or temporary drains within the project limits; new
house connection drains of the sizes shown, specified or required, as directed by the Engineer. New
All buildings and properties which are presently being serviced by existing sanitary sewers, combined
sewers or temporary drains within the project limits, and whose existing house connection drains have
been damaged or removed due to the construction work, shall have their house connection drains
reconstructed of the same sizes, classes and kinds of pipe, and shall be reconnected to the new sewer
unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in the specifications, or ordered in writing by the Engineer.
(D) LAYING - The pipe shall be laid with the male ends toward the outlet. The pipes shall be fitted
together and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a drain with a smooth and uniform
During the progress of the work the exposed ends of pipe drains shall be provided with approved
temporary covers fitted to the pipe so as to exclude earth and other materials.
Unless otherwise directed the trench for each house connection shall be fully excavated for its entire
length before any pipes are laid therein.
The unconnected hub end shall be plugged with a hand tightening (wing nut type) expandable plug as
manufactured by O.R.H.A. Industries or Jones Manufacturing Co., or approved equal, so as to provide a
watertight seal. The threads are to be greased prior to tightening to ensure a proper seal without stripping.
Where required, the connection to the main line sewer spur or riser is to be made using a donut type
Fernco adapter, or approved equal (compatible according to the pipe manufacturer).
On ductile iron pipe sewers or risers, or where required, a flexible D.I.P to E.S.V.P or C.I.S.P coupling
shall be used to connect house connection drains. The coupling shall be Fernco, or approved equal.
(1) Cast iron soil pipe and ductile iron pipe used for new house connection drain shall be laid on a six (6)
inch thick compacted layer of crushed stone. The six (6) inch thick layer of crushed stone shall be
placed on the subgrade of the trench for its full width. The subgrade must be prepared to the proper
grade so that the pipe may be placed on the crushed stone base accurately to line and grade in
agreement with the plans, specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer. Crushed
stone shall also be placed around the pipe to a depth of one-half (1/2) the outer diameter of the pipe
and for the full width of the trench. The rest of the trench shall be backfilled and compacted as
specified in the specifications and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall note that in
accordance with the Sewer Design Standards for ductile iron pipe alternate, a filter fabric (Mirafi 140
or approved equal) shall be placed all around at the interface of the stone base and sheeting and/or
Where the cover, from final grade to the outer top of pipe, is less than three (3) feet, the pipe house
connection drains shall be fully encased in concrete, as directed by the Engineer.
The cost for the crushed stone bedding or encasement, filter fabric and all labor, equipment and
expenses necessary and required to place the crushed stone and filter fabric shall be deemed
included in the prices bid for the contract items for house connection drains. No separate or
additional payment will be made under this item or any other item of the contract for this material and
work. The additional concrete required for the concrete encasement of pipe house connection drains
shall be paid for at the contract price bid for item labeled "ADDITIONAL CONCRETE".
Concrete cradles for pipe shall be cast in one (1) pour and shall be of the dimensions shown,
specified or directed.
Concrete sills of approved shapes and dimensions shall be used for the temporary support of pipes
that are to be permanently supported on concrete cradles. Such sills shall be completely embedded
in the concrete cradle. Working drawings of these sills shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval before pipe laying begins. The use of wood or other material shims will be required as
directed by the Engineer.
(F) LEAKAGE TESTING - The sewer main and new house connection drains shall be tested for leakage
in accordance with Section 4.11.
(G) DAMAGED PIPE - Pipe damaged from handling or any cause whatsoever, whether in or out of the
trench, shall be replaced and removed from the site of the work by and at the sole expense of the
(H) EXISTING DRAINS RESTORED OR EXTENDED - Where existing house connection drains
connected to existing sewers are in physical interference with the work under this contract, the same shall
be relaid and reconnected to the existing sewers as directed by the Engineer. The cost of this work shall
be paid for at the contract price bid for the reconnection item, unless otherwise specified in the contract
documents. Where no house connection item exists the work shall be paid for in accordance with
Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
Where necessary, drains and house connections affected by this work shall be extended and connected
as directed.
(I) FIELD CUTTING - Ductile iron pipe and cast iron soil pipe shall be cut only by means of abrasive
saws, hack saws, wheel type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the Engineer. The use of
"squeeze" type pipe cutters and cutting torches will not be permitted. The outside of the cut end shall be
beveled about one-quarter (1/4) inch at an angle of about thirty (30) degrees all around the pipe, with a
coarse file or a portable grinder.
Vitrified pipe shall be cut only by means of wheel type cutters, milling type cutters or as approved by the
The ends of existing house connection drains shall be cut by approved means so as to provide a smooth
transverse cut surface for the joining of old pipe to new pipe.
The use of diamond points and dog chisels will not be permitted.
(J) LOWERING OF PROPOSED SEWER - Subject to prior approval of the Department of Design and
Construction, should the proposed sewer be required to be lowered, from those elevations shown on the
contract drawings in order to reconnect the existing house connections, additional payment will be made
to the Contractor under the item(s) labeled "ADDITIONAL EARTH EXCAVATION INCLUDING TEST
The quantities of house connection drains to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet
of each size, kind and class of house connection drain pipe incorporated in the work, complete, as shown,
specified or required, measured from the spurs or risers of the sewer along the center lines of house
connection drain pipes where laid.
The contract price for “NEW HOUSE CONNECTION DRAINS” (e.c. Items labeled “NEW 6” D.I.P. HOUSE
shall be the unit price bid per linear foot for each size, kind and class of house connection drain pipe and
shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to construct the house connection drains of the sizes and to the lines and grades specified and
as directed, including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section
4.03 - Earth Excavation); preconstruction survey including test pits; concrete cradles; crushed stone
bedding and encasements; filter fabric; plugs; couplings; adapters; fittings; all sheeting and bracing;
pumping; fluming; bridging; connections; backfilling; cleaning up; temporary and final restoration of
sidewalks, driveways and curbs (unless items for temporary and final restoration of sidewalks, driveways
and curbs are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule); and furnishing and installing all other items
necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans,
specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer. Whenever the Contractor uses or
substitutes another kind of pipe for the house connection drain pipe proposed (e.c. ductile iron pipe for
cast iron soil pipe) the cost of all labor and material necessary to construct the house connection drain of
this other kind of pipe shall be deemed included in the price bid for the proposed house connection drain
The contract price for “RECONNECTION OF HOUSE CONNECTION DRAINS” (e.c. Items labeled "6”
linear foot for each size, kind and class of house connection drain pipe and shall cover the cost of all
labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to construct the
house connection drains of the sizes and to the lines and grades specified and as directed, including the
earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth Excavation);
preconstruction survey including test pits; concrete cradles; plugs; couplings; adapters; fittings; all
sheeting and bracing; pumping; fluming; bridging; connections; backfilling; cleaning up; temporary and
final restoration of sidewalks, driveways and curbs (unless items for temporary and final restoration of
sidewalks, driveways and curbs are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule); and furnishing and installing
all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with
the plans, specifications and standards and as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the prices hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, drains, manholes, catch basins, structures and
appurtenances, that may be in the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance
with Subsections 1.06.12 and 1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for House Connection Drains will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for House Connection Drains have nine characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define House Connection Drains:
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Diameter of the Pipe for House
Connection Drain. (The seventh and eighth characters representing the unit of inches for the
Diameter of the Pipe for House Connection Drain.) See examples below:
06 - 6”
10 - 10”
(4) The ninth character shall define the Type of House Connection:
R - Reconnection of Existing House Connection
N - New House Connection (Not To Exceed Item)
(5) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Under this section the Contractor will be required to remove or trim protruding service connections.
5.16A.2 METHOD
Upon completion of televising the existing sewer and prior to lining the Contractor shall notify the Engineer
of all protruding service connections that will affect the Contractor's selected lining method. Upon written
approval from the Engineer the Contractor shall remove or trim the protrusion. This shall be
accomplished from the interior of the sewer by means of a television camera directed cutting device.
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the number of protrusions actually removed or trimmed
(regardless of the materials and sizes) as directed and approved by the Engineer.
The contract price for “REMOVAL OF PROTRUDING SERVICE CONNECTIONS” shall be the unit price
bid per each protruding service connection removed or trimmed and shall cover the cost of all labor,
material, plant and equipment required or necessary to remove or trim the protruding service connections
regardless of the service connection material (e.g. clay, cast iron, ductile iron, etc.) and size all in
accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Removal Of Protruding Service Connections will be made under the Item Number as
calculated below:
The Item Number for Removal Of Protruding Service Connections has seven characters. (The
decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Removal Of Protruding Service Connections:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Removal Of Protruding Service Connections:
RP - Removal Of Protruding Service Connections
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Under this section the Contractor will be required to re-open all existing active service connections and
those inactive connections ordered by the Engineer.
5.16B.2 METHOD
After the liner has been installed and cured the Contractor shall re-open all existing active service
connections and those inactive connections ordered by the Engineer. The re-opening of connections shall
be done without excavation and from the interior of the newly installed liner by the use of a remote
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the number of active service connections or inactive
connections (regardless of the sizes) actually opened as required and directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “RE-OPENING OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS” shall be the unit price bid per each
active service connection or inactive connection re-opened and shall cover the cost of all labor, material,
plant and equipment required or necessary to re-open the active service connection or inactive connection
regardless of the size all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Re-Opening Of Service Connections will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Number for Re-Opening Of Service Connections has seven characters. (The decimal point
is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Re-Opening Of Service Connections:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Re-Opening Of Service Connections:
RC - Re-Opening Of Service Connections
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Prior to the final inspection of the work completed under this contract, the Contractor shall make a closed
circuit television inspection and digital audio-visual recording of all sewers constructed under this contract
which are fifty-four (54) inches or smaller in their least inside dimension.
(A) The Contractor shall execute all the provisions of this section in a manner approved by the Engineer.
(B) All labor, experienced supervision, skilled technicians, mobile television studios, electronic
equipment, television cameras, materials and equipment necessary and required to perform the work of
this section shall be provided in strict accordance with the most current Industry Standards and are
subject to final approval by the Engineer.
5.17.3 NOTICE
The Contractor shall give the Engineer five (5) days notice of the Contractor’s intention to begin the work
included under this section.
(1) Digital Inspection - Operation necessary to complete a true-color audio-visual inspection of all sewers
constructed under this contract. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and
other incidental services for digitally formatted inspection.
(2) MPEG - MPEG (pronounced M-peg), which stands for Moving Pictures Expert Group, is the
nickname given to a family of International Standards used for coding audio-visual information in a digital
compressed format. For purposes of this specification, MPEG shall be defined as an ISO-MPEG Level 1
standard (MPEG-1) digital audio-visual coding having a resolution of 352-pixels (x) by 240-pixels (y) and
an interlaced frame rate of thirty (30) frames per second. All MPEG codings shall be named using .mpg
as the file extension.
(3) CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. For the purposes of this specification, CD-ROM shall
be defined as a CD-R written or “burned” in accordance with the ISO-9660 Level 2 specifications.
(4) PACP (Pipe Assessment and Certification Program) - A standard developed by NASSCO for the
inspection of sewer lines.
(1) An experienced supervisor who has a minimum of three (3) years experience in the field of pipeline
inspection shall coordinate the entire inspection operation stated under this section and as approved by
the Engineer.
(2) The skilled technician required herein shall have a minimum of three (3) years experience in the field
of pipeline inspection and shall perform all work as directed by the Engineer.
(1) The Contractor shall furnish the digital scanning studio, audio-visual digital encoding
equipment/software, and other necessary equipment, materials, labor, technicians, as required to perform
the inspections. The Contractor at the Contractor’s own cost and expense shall provide the electricity for
all operations.
(2) The digital scanning equipment shall be capable of inspecting a minimum of one thousand two
hundred fifty (1,250) linear feet of sewer line. The inspection equipment shall be capable of clearly
scanning the interior of a 6-inch-diameter sewer and all larger size sewers up to and including fifty-four
(54) inches in their least inside dimension.
(3) The scanning equipment shall be transported in a stable condition through the sewer line under
inspection. Throughout the inspection the scanning equipment shall be positioned with the unit directed
along the longitudinal axis of the sewer. When the scanning equipment is towed by winch and bond
through the sewer line, all winches shall be stable with either locking or ratcheting drums. All winches
shall be inherently stable under loaded conditions. The bonds shall be steel or of an equally non-elastic
material to ensure the smooth and steady progress of the equipment. The bonds shall be oriented in such
a manner as to enable unhindered extension or retraction through the sewer conduit. All efforts shall be
made to prevent damage to the sewer conduit during the inspection. In the case where the Contractor, for
any reason, causes damage the cost of repair or remedy shall be borne by the Contractor.
(4) Prior to inspection, water shall be introduced to the upstream manhole to aid in identifying sags in the
(5) The digital scanning studio shall be large enough to accommodate four (4) persons comfortably
seated for the purpose of viewing the digital monitors while the inspection is in progress. The studio shall
be insulated against noise and extremes in temperature, and shall be provided with means of controlling
external and internal sources of light in a manner capable of ensuring that the monitor screen display is in
accordance with the requirements of these specifications. The Engineer or the Engineer’s representative
shall have access to view the digital monitor at all times. The digital monitor, central control panel and
(6) The equipment used for the sewer line inspection shall be specifically designed and constructed for
pipeline inspection. The unit shall be waterproof and shall be operative in any conditions that may be
encountered in the inspection environment. The Contractor shall provide pan and tilt functions to facilitate
the inspection of service laterals and sewer line defects (open joints, cracks, infiltration, etc.). The
scanning equipment shall be capable of a three hundred sixty degrees (360º) rotational scan and the tilt
arc must not be less than two hundred twenty-five degrees (225º) unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer. The adjustment of focus and iris shall provide a minimum focal range of three (3) inches in
front of the scanning unit’s lens. The distance along the sewer in focus from the initial point of observation
shall be a minimum of twice the vertical height of the sewer. The illumination system must be adjustable
and such that it will allow an even distribution of the light around the sewer perimeter without the loss of
contrast, flare out of picture, or shadowing. The view shall be transmitted to a monitor of not less than
fourteen (14) inches in size. The equipment shall be capable of receiving and transmitting a picture of not
less than four hundred sixty (460) lines of horizontal resolution. The travel speed of the inspection unit
(through the sewer) shall be uniform and shall not exceed the maximum speed of thirty (30) feet per
minute or as ordered by the Engineer.
(7) The Contractor shall test the equipment to verify the picture quality. The Equipment manufacturer’s
recommendation shall be used to clearly differentiate between the following colors: white, yellow, cyan,
green, magenta, red, blue and black.
(8) The digital inspection equipment shall be of such quality as to enable the following to be achieved:
(a) Color: With the monitor adjusted for correct saturation, the six colors plus black and white shall
be clearly resolved with the primary and complementary colors in order of decreasing
(b) Linearity: The background grid shall show squares of equal size, without
convergence/divergence over the whole of picture. The center circle shall appear round and
have the correct height/width relationship (±5%).
(c) Resolution: The live picture must be displayed on a digital monitor capable of providing a clear,
stable image free of electrical interference with a minimum horizontal resolution not less than
four hundred sixty (460) lines.
(d) Color Consistency: To ensure that the unit shall provide similar results when used with its own
illumination source, the lighting shall be fixed in intensity prior to commencing the inspection. In
order to ensure color consistency no variation in illumination shall take place during the
(e) The inspection monitor display shall incorporate an automatically updated record in feet and
tenths of a foot of the distance along the line from the cable calibration point to the lens of the
camera. The relative positions of the two points should also be noted. The Contactor shall use
a suitable metering device that enables the cable length to be accurately measured; this shall
be accurate to ±1% or six (6) inches whichever is greater. The Contractor shall demonstrate
that the tolerance is being achieved by wheel measurement between manholes on the surface.
This accurate measurement must be included in the post inspection report.
(1) Digitally Formatted Inspections: The Contractor shall inspect sewer pipelines with pan and tilt
imagery as specified so as to record all relevant construction features and defects of the pipeline as
permanent record. Inspection of pipelines shall be carried out in a format approved by the Engineer. A
skilled technician who shall be located at the control panel in the mobile television studio shall control the
operation of the equipment.
(2) The unit shall be positioned to reduce the risk of picture distortion. In circular sewers, the lens shall
be positioned centrally at the spring-line (i.e. in prime position) within the sewer. In non-circular sewers,
(1) Any operator responsible for data collection and defect coding shall hold a current PACP
Certification. Such certification shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to start of any work.
(2) When the digital scanner is being inserted into the manhole, the video file will be paused and will be
restarted when the operator is ready to commence the pipe inspection.
(3) The inspection shall commence from starting point to termination point as specified herein and as
directed by the Engineer.
(4) The operator shall use PACP codes that are approved by the Engineer.
(5) During the course of the inspection the Engineer may indicate the specific views appearing on the
monitor that are to be photographed. The size of the photographs shall not be less than 3” x 4”. The cost
of the photographs, ordered taken by the Engineer, shall be deemed included in the contract price for item
photographs taken during the inspection shall be mounted within the post inspection report and keyed to
their exact location on the route sheet.
(1) Visual Recording: Continuous digital recordings of the inspection view as it appears on the monitor
shall be stored. It is intended that a digital recording will be made of the complete pipe inspection. The
recording shall also be used as a permanent record of the inspection. The recording shall be MPEG1 and
shall comply with ISO/IEC 11172 MPEG 1 Specifications. The digital encoding shall include both sound
and visual information that can be reproduced with an image equal to the quality of the original picture on
the monitor. Compression rate shall be 1.5-Mb/s. The replay of the compressed video information, when
reviewed on Windows Media Player Version 6.4 or higher, shall be free of electrical interference and shall
produce a clear stable image. The audio portion of the composite digital coding shall be sufficiently free of
electrical interference and background noise to produce an oral report that is clear and completely and
easily discernible. The operator shall pause the digital recording at any time that there is a delay in the
inspection, the pause shall in no way affect, freeze or interrupt the replay of the video and shall not close
the video file during the inspection. The operator shall store a single video file for each inspection. The
data shall be time coded using the elapsed time from the video file. The elapsed time specifications shall
comply with PACP requirements. The naming of the video file shall be automatic and shall match the
inspection file name.
(2) The audio portion of the inspection report shall include the location or identification of the section,
manhole-to-manhole direction of travel, and the distance traveled on the specific run encountered. The
digital scanning equipment shall be continuously connected to the monitoring equipment. The digital
scanning unit and monitoring equipment shall have the built-in capability to allow the Engineer to instantly
review both the audio and visual quality of the recordings at all times during the inspection.
(3) Separate MPEG files shall be created for each sewer line segment. MPEG files and the data
inspection files shall be written to CD-ROM media for delivery to the Engineer. Multiple MPEGs may exist
on each CD-ROM. Each CD-ROM shall be labeled, at a minimum, with the following information: Project
ID. No., Location(s), Date Began and Date Completed.
(4) MPEG files shall be named according to the following file specification:
(6) The Contractor is hereby required to have the television inspection equipment set up in such a
fashion so as to have two (2) Digital Audio-Visual Recordings (D.A.V.R.) recording simultaneously at the
project site (one computer with double disk burning capabilities). The City’s Engineer or a duly designated
representative will be so situated so as to be able to see the entire digital audio-visual recording as it is
taking place.
The digital audio-visual recording (D.A.V.R.A) will be included in the post inspection report that is to be
given to the City’s Engineer or a duly designated representative.
The digital audio-visual recording from “D.A.V.R.A” will have the following information on it:
(1) Post Inspection Report: After completion of all required television inspections and digital audio-visual
recordings of sewers constructed under this contract the supervisor shall furnish to both the Engineer and
the Contractor a complete bound report for their permanent records.
The report shall include the logging of all sections of sewers inspected, all audio-visual digital recordings,
collected data and specific details as to service connections, water infiltration from the joints, and other
points of interest noted during the inspection. The report shall become the property of the Department of
Design and Construction and shall be delivered to the Engineer not more than ten (10) business days
after the completion of all required television inspections and digital audio-visual recordings of sewers
constructed under this contract. The experienced supervisor, Contractor and the City representative
present at the time of the inspections shall sign the report.
One (1) copy of the report shall be furnished to the Department of Design and Construction. The report
shall also include but not be limited to:
(a) Route sheet (including but not limited to street names, north arrow, location of manholes and
numbering of manholes). Note: The route sheet will be provided by the Engineer and shall
become part of the report;
(b) Permanent visual record including CD-ROM’s of the sewers televised (keyed to their exact
location on the route sheet);
(c) Photographs (keyed to their exact location on the route sheet);
(d) Text and/or summary.
(2) Data shall be delivered in electronic format in accordance with PACP data structure developed by
(3) Digital Data Display: At the start of each sewer length being inspected, the length of pipeline from
zero up to the cable calibration point shall be recorded and reported in order to obtain a full record of the
sewer length. The length entered on the data display must allow for the distance from the start of the
survey to the cable calibration point, (preset position), such that the footage at the start of the survey is
(4) Inspection Record: At the start of each manhole length a data generator shall electronically generate
and clearly display on the viewing monitor and digital recording, a record of data in alphanumeric form
containing the information required.
(5) Once the inspection of the pipeline is under way, specific data shall be continuously displayed on the
viewing monitor and the MPEG1 file. The size and position of the data display shall be such as not to
(6) Each sewer length, i.e. the length of sewer between two consecutive manholes, shall be entered on a
separate data file. Where a Contractor elects to “pass through” a manhole during an inspection the
Contractor shall start a new data file at the manhole “pass through” and shall re-set the distance to zero.
The quantity of television inspection and digital audio-visual recording to be measured for payment shall
be the number of linear feet of sewer actually inspected by television inspection and digital audio-visual
recording under this contract in accordance with this Section 5.17 and as directed by the Engineer.
SEWERS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot of sewer inspected by television inspection and digital
audio-visual recording under this section and shall cover the cost of all labor, supervision and technicians,
mobile television studios, equipment, power, materials and insurance required and necessary to perform
the closed circuit television inspection, digital audio-visual recording, taking of photographs ordered by the
Engineer, preparing the reports detailing the results of the inspection and do all the work incidental
thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Television Inspection And Digital Audio-Visual Recording Of Sewers will be made under the
Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Television Inspection And Digital Audio-Visual Recording Of Sewers has seven
characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Television Inspection And Digital Audio-Visual Recording
Of Sewers:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Television Inspection And Digital Audio-Visual
Recording Of Sewers:
DR - Television Inspection And Digital Audio-Visual Recording
Of Sewers
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.18A.1 INTENT
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment and shall do all work necessary to remove
and dispose of all loose debris, grease, oil and silt from the invert, walls and crown of all existing sewers
and sewer portions through the manholes which are shown on the plans or specified in the contract
documents to be cleaned, repaired and/or reconstructed.
Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit a fluming detail in accordance with
Subsection 1.06.12 - (3) Existing Flow. This fluming diagram shall detail the Contractor's method to
prevent debris, silt, and grease from migrating downstream during the cleaning operation. The Contractor
shall be required to clean the downstream sewer if the debris, grease, oil and silt from the cleaning are not
captured and removed.
After all debris (of any kind), grease, and fines have been physically removed from the sewers and sewer
portions through the manholes, the sewer surfaces and sewer portion through the manhole surfaces shall
receive a thorough cleaning by water blasting or other approved method, to remove any silt, grease, oil, or
any other substance which could interfere with the bond of the newly placed concrete with the surfaces of
the sewers and sewer portions through the manholes.
All material removed from the sewers and sewer portions through the manholes under this contract, with
the exception of contaminated materials, shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be properly
disposed of away from the site, at the Contractor’s expense. Contaminated material shall be disposed of
separately in accordance with contract requirements.
In the event that the cleaning of sewers and sewer portions through the manholes is subcontracted, it shall
be Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the subcontractor properly disposes of the material removed
away from the site.
The quantity of sewer cleaning to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet of existing
sewers (regardless of the sizes) actually cleaned of loose debris, grease, oil, and silt to the satisfaction of
the Engineer, measured along the centerline of the sewer through the manholes.
The contract price for “SEWER CLEANING” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot and shall cover the
cost of all labor, materials and equipment required or necessary for the proper removal and disposal of all
loose debris, grease, oil, and silt in the existing sewers and sewer portions through the manholes
regardless of the size, including fluming, dewatering and/or diversion of the flow in the existing sewers and
furnishing and installing all other items necessary to complete this work, together with all work incidental
thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
For the purposes of payment, loose debris shall be defined as solids not larger than twelve (12) inches in
their greatest dimension that can be removed from the invert area of existing sewers and sewer portions
through the manholes without chipping to facilitate removal. Chipping shall mean removal by pneumatic
or conventional hand held hammers and chisels. Silt shall be defined as all sedimentary material.
Should the Contractor be required to remove and dispose of any debris not falling within the guidelines
specified herein, then payment for the cost of all labor, material, equipment, etc. shall be made in
accordance with Article 25 and 26 of the Contract.
The Item Number for Sewer Cleaning has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Sewer Cleaning:
SC - Sewer Cleaning
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.18B.1 INTENT
(A) When an item labeled “CLEANING OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES” is specifically provided for in the
Bid Schedule of the contract the Contractor shall perform the work as specified in this Section 5.18B.
(B) When there is no specific item provided for in the Bid Schedule for cleaning of drainage structures
the Contractor shall clean the existing catch basins and connections in accordance with Subsection
1.06.12(2). The cost of this required cleaning of existing catch basins and connections shall be deemed
included in the prices bid for all items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for this
Under this section, the Contractor shall clean the existing drainage structures (basins, drains, connecting
pipes, etc.) designated, and remove all debris, rubbish, silt, etc. from site, and do all incidental work, all in
accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be required to perform the following work as specifically designated on the contract
drawings or as directed by the Engineer:
(1) Clean all existing drainage structures to be removed prior to their removal.
(2) Clean all existing drainage structures to be left in place within the project limits.
5.18B.3 METHOD
All cleaning methods must receive the approval of the Engineer, and final inspection must be made prior
to approval for payment.
Payment under this item will be made on a one-time basis for each designated drainage structure
satisfactorily cleaned prior to construction.
Also during the progress of the work, and until the completion and acceptance there of, all drainage
structures, both new and existing, shall be kept thoroughly serviceable throughout the progress of work,
and left serviceable at the completion of the contract at no direct payment, in accordance with the
requirements of Section 5.41 - Maintenance Of Site.
All material removed from the existing drainage structures under this contract shall become the property of
the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of away from the site, at the Contractor’s expense.
In the event that the cleaning of existing drainage structures is subcontracted, it shall be Contractor’s
responsibility to ensure that the subcontractor properly disposes of the material removed away from the
The quantity to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic yards of debris removed from the
drainage structures.
The contract price for “CLEANING OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES” shall be the unit price bid per cubic
yard of debris removed from the drainage structure and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples and tests required and necessary to clean the basins, drains, inlets and connecting
pipes designated, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance
with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Cleaning Of Drainage Structures will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Cleaning Of Drainage Structures has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Cleaning Of Drainage Structures:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Cleaning Of Drainage Structures:
CS - Cleaning Of Drainage Structures
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.19.1 INTENT
This section describes cleaning of existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment and shall do all work necessary to remove
and dispose of all tuberculation, loose rust, scale, loose and deteriorating portions of the pipe, debris,
grease, oil and silt from the internal circumference of the existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers which are
shown on the plans or specified in the contract documents to be cleaned.
Prior to the start of work the Contractor will be required to submit to the Engineer for approval a fluming
detail in accordance with Subsection 1.06.12 - (3) Existing Flow and a detailed description of the
proposed extraction method of all materials from the existing ductile iron or cast iron sewer during the
primary cleaning operation. This fluming diagram and detailed description of material extraction shall
detail the Contractor's method to prevent tuberculation, loose rust, scale, loose and deteriorating portions
Prior to the start of work the Contractor shall also be required to determine which service connections are
active and make all necessary investigations and prepare a plan for the controlling (or maintaining) of the
flow and, where necessary, for the bypassing of active service connections. This plan shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval and no work shall commence until such approval is granted. The Contractor
shall be responsible for controlling (or maintaining) the flow for each active service connection along the
line of the sewer to be rehabilitated. Where necessary, the flow from an active service connection shall be
bypassed to a manhole downstream of the proposed work by means of pumping from the trap located in
the basement of the affected building. However, should such bypassing be judged unfeasible by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall excavate to the service connection outside the building area (sidewalk or
roadway as determined by the Engineer) and bypass the connection from this point. The pump and
bypass line for each service connection shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. All
excavations for bypassing service connections shall be backfilled, compacted and pavement restored as
directed by the Engineer. All service connections damaged shall be repaired in accordance with the
specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
After all debris (of any kind), grease, and fines have been physically removed, the ductile iron or cast iron
sewer surfaces shall receive a thorough final cleaning. This method of final cleaning of the existing ductile
iron or cast iron sewers and the method of removal of any cleaning debris shall also be submitted to the
Engineer for approval prior to the start of work.
After completion of the cleaning and subsequent to cement lining of the existing ductile iron or cast iron
pipe, the Contractor shall television inspect and digital audio-visual record the existing ductile iron or cast
iron pipe for inspection and approval by the Engineer that the pipe is sufficiently cleaned and adequately
prepared for cement lining of the pipe. If it is determined by the Engineer that further cleaning(s) are
required the Contractor shall reclean the pipe as ordered and perform additional television inspection(s)
and digital audio-visual recording(s) of the pipe.
The Drag Cleaning Method shall be used for the primary cleaning of existing ductile iron or cast iron
sewers on this project. The Contractor shall supply all labor, materials and equipment required to clean
the existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers in accordance with the requirements of this specification and
as directed by the Engineer. The drag cleaning method shall consist of pulling a mechanical cleaner
assembly of steel scraper blades and tight-fitting rubber squeegees through the pipe sections (between
manholes). This shall be accomplished by both ends of the mechanical cleaner being fastened to steel
cables which are attached to power winches at either end of the pipe section to be cleaned. The
mechanical cleaner assembly shall be winched first in one direction and then in the other direction as
many times as required to properly clean the pipe and to expose the bare metal of the pipe.
The end sections of the pipe being cleaned shall be protected to prevent gouging of the pipe by the pulling
steel cables.
After the ductile iron or cast iron sewer is thoroughly drag cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the
ductile iron or cast iron sewer surfaces shall receive a thorough final cleaning by a method approved by
the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper disposal of all debris collected from the pipe and shall
comply with all requirements of this contract.
All material removed from the existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers under this contract shall become the
property of the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of away from the site, at the Contractor’s
In the event that the cleaning of existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers is subcontracted, it shall be
Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the subcontractor properly disposes of the material removed
away from the site.
The quantity of ductile iron or cast iron sewer cleaning to be measured for payment shall be the number of
linear feet of each size in-place existing ductile iron or cast iron sewer actually cleaned, complete and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer, measured along the centerline of the ductile iron or cast iron sewer.
the unit price bid per linear foot for each size and type of existing sewer cleaned and shall cover the cost
of all labor, materials and equipment required or necessary for the cleaning of and proper removal and
disposal of all tuberculation, loose rust, scale, loose and deteriorating portions of the existing pipe, debris,
grease, oil and silt from the entire internal circumference of the in-place existing ductile iron or cast iron
sewer, perform television inspection and digital audio-visual recording specified herein, diversion of flow of
existing sewer, controlling (or maintaining) the flow for all active service connections, necessary bypassing
and pumping of the existing active service connections, all necessary excavation, backfilling and
compaction, temporary and permanent restoration of all disturbed sidewalk and pavement areas (unless
items for temporary and permanent restoration are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule), repair of
service connections and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications
and as directed by the Engineer.
In addition, included in the unit prices bid hereunder shall be the cost for all labor, materials and
equipment required to provide all submittals required, and separate and collect solid and suspended
cleaning debris and dispose of water if hydraulic cleaning is used as a method of final cleaning.
The Contractor is notified that no additional or separate payment will be made for any recleanings and
additional television inspections and digital audio-visual recordings ordered by the Engineer as specified
herein. Payment for cleaning of existing ductile iron or cast iron sewers shall be made once for the linear
foot of pipe cleaned.
For the purposes of payment, loose debris shall be defined as solids that can be removed from the
existing ductile iron or cast iron sewer without chipping to facilitate removal. Chipping shall mean removal
by pneumatic or conventional hand-held hammers and chisels. The Engineer shall be informed, in writing,
as to the extent and location of any material that cannot be removed.
Should the Contractor be required to remove and dispose of any debris not falling within the guidelines
specified above, then payment for the cost of all labor, material, equipment, etc. shall be made in
accordance with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
Payment for Cleaning Of Existing Ductile Iron Or Cast Iron Sewers will be made under the Item Number
as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Cleaning Of Existing Ductile Iron Or Cast Iron Sewers have ten characters.
(The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth character shall define the Type of Sewer Effluent:
S - Sanitary Sewer
M - Storm Sewer
C - Combined Sewer
(3) The seventh and eighth characters shall define the Kind of Existing Sewer to be Cleaned:
CC - Cast Iron Pipe (C.I.P.) to be Cleaned
DC - Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.) to be Cleaned
(4) The ninth and tenth characters shall define the Diameter of the Existing Sewer to be Cleaned.
(The ninth and tenth characters representing the unit of inches for the Diameter of the Existing
Sewer to be Cleaned.) See examples below:
12 - 12’
36 - 36”
(5) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
5.20A.1 INTENT
This section describes injection grouting that is required to fill surrounding voids and/or stop
infiltration/exfiltration of the existing sewer to be reconstructed.
Injection Grout shall be neat Portland Cement. Water used in the mix shall be clean fresh water and in no
case shall the water-cement ratio exceed eight (8) gallons of water per bag of cement. Portland Cement
shall be Type V.
(A) Injection grout holes shall be located in the sewer as necessary to insure injection grout penetration.
In general, injection grout holes shall not have spacings exceeding eight (8) feet on centers for the entire
length of the affected sewer, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
(B) Grout shall be injected through the injection grout holes to insure filling of the voids. Adjacent
injection grout holes shall serve as vent holes.
(D) Injection grouting shall commence at the upstream end of the sewer.
(E) Depending upon the conditions encountered in the existing sewer, injection grouting shall be
performed prior to or after the repair of any damaged areas as directed by the Engineer.
The quantity of injection grout used for injection grouting will be measured on the basis of the actual
number of bags of Portland Cement (Type V) mixed and placed in the work to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, in conformity with the contract documents. Portland Cement used for injection grout which
remains in the grout hose, mixing pan, grout machine, or for waste grout which re-enters the interior of the
sewer as the result of improper sealing, or as a result of improper work on the part of the Contractor, shall
be deducted from the measurement.
The contract price for “PORTLAND CEMENT (TYPE V)” shall be the unit price bid per bag used for
injection grouting under and around the sewer and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials and
equipment required or necessary for the proper placement of the injection grout around the existing
sewer, including fluming and/or diversion of the flow in the existing sewer and furnishing and installing all
other items necessary to complete this work, together with all work incidental thereto, all in accordance
with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting will be made under the Item Number as
calculated below:
The Item Number for Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting has seven characters. (The
decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting:
PC - Portland Cement (Type V) - Injection Grouting
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.20B.1 INTENT
This section describes shotcrete for repair work that is required to repair the existing sewer to it original
structural lines.
(A) Shotcrete for Repair shall be a mixture of one (1) part cement (Type V) to three parts sand with a
sufficient amount of water to provide a suitable mix.
(A) DAMAGED INVERT - If the existing invert is found to be damaged and lower than its original
designed elevation, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall restore the invert up to the spring
line by placing Number Four (4) Steel Reinforcing Bars at twelve (12) inches spacing in both directions
throughout the depressed and damaged area and then apply sufficient quantities of shotcrete to restore
the sewer section to its original structural lines. There shall be a minimum clearance of three-quarter (3/4)
inch between steel reinforcement and the surface of the shotcrete.
(1) The following repair procedure is to be used only when in the opinion of the Engineer the
structural integrity of the sewer has not been compromised.
Isolated cracks up to five (5) linear feet long and up to one-half (1/2) inch wide and gaps created
by three (3) or less missing bricks or created by missing masonry or concrete less than one (1)
square foot in area, are to be considered nonthreatening and shall not be singled out for special
repair. Where cracks and gaps exceed the above listed parameters, the Contractor shall
mechanically rake out loose or crumbling material from the opening, flush the gap with water
from a pressure hose, place Number Three (3) Steel Reinforcing Bars at six (6) inches spacing
in both directions throughout the area of the gap, properly anchoring the steel reinforcement
bars to the existing sewer, and force sufficient quantities of shotcrete into the opening so as to
completely fill the gap in order to restore the surface of the sewer to its original structural lines.
There shall be a minimum clearance of three-quarter (3/4) inch between steel reinforcement
and the surface of the shotcrete.
(2) The following repair procedure is to be used only when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the
structural integrity of the sewer has been compromised because of cracks and gaps to the
extent that the sewer is considered unsafe.
The Contractor shall cease work in that unsafe section of the sewer. The Contractor shall then
submit for the Engineer's review and approval, the Contractor’s recommendation (including an
estimate of costs) for repairing the damage so as to make the sewer safe as well as operable.
The Contractor shall not perform any remedial work prior to receiving written notification of the
Engineer's approval. This "make safe" work shall be considered as extra work, and shall be
paid for in accordance with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
(C) All house connection piping spigots intruding more than three (3) inches into the sewer to be
shotcreted shall be trimmed back so that the ends of their spigots will line up with the proposed inside face
of the shotcreted sewer.
(A) The quantity of shotcrete for repair work will be measured on the basis of the actual number of cubic
feet of shotcrete used to repair the damages to the invert, fill cracks in the walls, and fill gaps created by
missing brick, masonry or concrete) placed in the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, in conformity
with the contract documents.
(B) The quantity of steel used for repair work will be measured on the basis of the actual number of
pounds of additional steel reinforcement bars placed in the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, in
conformity with the contract documents.
(A) The contract price for “SHOTCRETE FOR REPAIR WORK” shall be the unit price bid per cubic foot
and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials and equipment required or necessary to repair the existing
(B) Payment for the cost of all labor, material and equipment required or necessary to properly place in
the existing sewer steel reinforcing bars used for repair work shall be made under item labeled
Payment for Shotcrete For Repair Work will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Shotcrete For Repair Work has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Shotcrete For Repair Work:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Shotcrete For Repair Work:
SR - Shotcrete For Repair Work
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.21.1 INTENT
(A) When an item labeled “ABANDONING BASINS AND INLETS” is specifically provided for in the Bid
Schedule of the contract the Contractor shall perform the work as specified in this Section 5.21.
(B) When there is no specific item provided for in the Bid Schedule for abandoning existing basins and
inlets the Contractor shall abandon the existing basins and inlets in accordance with Subsection
1.06.12(4). The cost of this required abandoning of basins and inlets shall be deemed included in the
prices bid for all items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
Under this section, the Contractor shall abandon existing basins and inlets shown, specified or ordered.
Abandoning basins and inlets shall include removal of castings; demolishing walls to the required depth,
bulkheading pipes, breaking up bottom slabs, filling and compacting openings, and performing all work as
directed by the Engineer:
(A) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(B) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(C) Fill material shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 4.06.2.
The Contractor shall perform (at a minimum) the following work in order to properly abandon existing
basins and inlets:
(A) Existing frames, grates, covers and other castings shall be removed.
(B) Existing basins and inlets shall be broken down to a depth four (4) feet below final grade.
(C) Pipe connection openings to existing basins and inlets shall be bulkheaded with brick masonry.
(D) The bottom slabs of existing basins and inlets shall be broken up in such a manner as to prevent
water from being trapped.
(E) The entire openings of existing basins and inlets shall be filled in and compacted in accordance with
Subsection 4.06.3 and as directed by the Engineer.
(F) All castings and debris removed as a result of the above demolition work shall become the property
of the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of away from the site, at the Contractor’s expense. Such
castings and debris shall not be permitted for use as fill in the abandoned basin and inlet openings.
The quantity of abandoned existing basins and inlets to be measured for payment shall be the number of
each existing basin and inlet abandoned in place.
The contract price for “ABANDONING BASINS AND INLETS” shall be the unit price bid per each existing
basin and inlet abandoned and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests
and insurance required and necessary to abandon existing basins and inlets shown, specified or ordered,
including the earth excavation of all materials of whatever nature encountered (See Section 4.03 - Earth
Excavation); demolition work; excavation and disposal of all castings and demolition debris; bulkheading
of existing pipes; filling in and compacting of openings of basins and inlets; cleaning up; and furnishing
and installing all other items necessary to complete this work and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Abandoning Basins And Inlets will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Abandoning Basins And Inlets has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Abandoning Basins And Inlets:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Abandoning Basins And Inlets:
AB - Abandoning Basins And Inlets
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Piles of the kinds and types, and of the sizes and shapes shown, specified or ordered for construction
shall be furnished, driven and/or installed and cut off and capped at the locations, to the slopes, to the
depths and to the elevations shown or required on the plans and standards, and as specified in the
specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. This work shall include the providing and installation of
driving shoes and all other hardware where required, flame-cutting, placement of concrete fill in steel pipe
piles, welding, bolting, riveting, splicing, spudding, augering, rotary drilling, pile surveys, drawings,
schedules, decking, plating, analysis and corrective measures, and all other work hereinafter outlined and
such other related work to insure a satisfactory pile foundation installation.
(1) Timber piles and driving shoes shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.22.
(2) Preservative treatment for timber piles shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.23.
(2) The material in steel piles and splices shall conform to structural steel ASTM A36.
(1) Steel pipe piles shall be spiral weld or seamless steel pipe conforming to ASTM A252, Grade 3.
The steel pipe piles shall further conform to the requirements specified herein and to the
applicable requirements of the New York City Building Code. The ends of each steel pipe pile
shall be perpendicular to its axis. Metal to metal bearing joints shall be machine cut. Other
joints may be flame-cut.
(2) Unless otherwise shown or specified, all steel pipe piles shall have an outer diameter of twelve
(12) inches and have a minimum shell thickness of five-sixteenths (5/16) of an inch.
(3) All steel pipe piles shall be filled with concrete. Concrete shall comply with the requirements of
General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(A) TEST PILES - The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper length of piles required to reach
bedrock or refusal as defined herein for timber piles and to develop the specified bearing capacity loads
as defined herein for structural steel H-piles and concrete filled steel pipe piles. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents or in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be required to drive
test piles and perform load tests in order to obtain this necessary information. Test piles shall be of the
same size, shape, kind and type as those specified for incorporation in the work, and the equipment and
method of installation of test piles shall be the same as those to be used in the installation of the
permanent piles. Such load tests shall be performed sufficiently in advance of the start of the Contractor's
pile installation operation so as to prevent delay in the progress of the work.
Test loads may be applied by jacking against anchor piles, by jacking against a loaded platform, by direct
application of weights or by other approved methods. The Contractor shall secure the services of a
Licensed Professional Engineer, currently registered in the State of New York and experienced in load test
design, to design and supervise the load test(s) complete with recommendations as to the number and
location of load tests, the method of load tests, and the set-up and procedure of load tests. The
The maximum test load shall be twice the proposed working load value of the pile. The test load shall be
applied in seven (7) increments equal to one-half (1/2), three-fourths (3/4), one (1), one and one-fourth (1-
1/4), one and one-half (1-1/2), one and three-fourths (1-3/4) and two (2) times the proposed working load.
Readings of settlement and rebound shall be referred to a constant elevation benchmark and shall be
recorded to one-thousandth (1/1,000) of a foot for each increment or decrement of load. After applying
each increment test load, the load shall remain in place until there is no settlement of the test pile for a
period of forty-eight (48) hours, before the next increment test load is applied. No settlement shall mean
when there is not more than one-thousandth (1/1,000) of a foot of settlement in a forty-eight (48) hour
period. After the maximum test load is applied and achieves no settlement for a period of forty-eight (48)
hours, the total test load shall then be removed in decrements not exceeding one-fourth (1/4) of the total
test load with intervals of not less than one (1) hour. The rebound shall be recorded after each decrement
is removed, and the final rebound shall be recorded twenty-four (24) hours after the entire test load has
been removed. The maximum allowable pile load shall be one-half (1/2) that which causes a net
settlement of not more than one-hundredth (1/100) of an inch per ton of total test load or shall be one-half
(1/2) that which causes a gross settlement of one (1) inch, which ever is less.
Test piles which are driven and/or installed in proper locations to bedrock or refusal for timber piles or to
the specified loads for structural steel H-piles and concrete filled steel pipe piles, and entirely acceptable
to the Engineer, shall remain in place, be incorporated in the work, and will be paid for at the respective
prices bid for the contract items for "TIMBER PILES (TREATED OR UNTREATED)", or for
than those specifically accepted by the Engineer for permanent incorporation in the work and all temporary
piles installed in order to satisfactorily perform load tests shall be removed when ordered. No separate or
additional payment will be made for such test piles not permanently incorporated in the work nor for
temporary piles installed in order to satisfactorily perform load tests, but the cost of installation and
removal thereof shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract. No separate or
additional payment will be made for load tests including the cost for their design and supervision by a
Professional Engineer, the excavation of load test pile pits, equipment and methods for performing load
tests, backfilling and compaction of load test pile pits, temporary and permanent restoration of all
disturbed sidewalk and pavement areas above pits (unless items for temporary and permanent restoration
are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule), and all work incidental thereto, but the cost thereof shall be
deemed included in the prices bid per vertical foot for the respective pile items.
If the Contractor, at the Contractor’s own discretion, decides to utilize equipment or methods other than
those used for the passed load test, then additional load tests shall be performed solely at the Contractor's
expense prior to the start of the Contractor’s pile installation operation.
(B) DRIVING AND/OR INSTALLATION SCHEDULE - Prior to the commencement of pile installation
operations the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, six (6) copies of a pile plan showing
the locations of all proposed piles. All piles indicated on the plan shall be numbered and shall indicate all
proposed piles for the structures, and the sequence of the pile installation operation.
(C) PILE LOCATION SURVEYS - The Contractor shall conduct all required pile location surveys prior to
commencement of the Contractor’s pile installation operations. The Contractor shall be responsible for
establishing and locating all lines and levels, and for the correctness of all pile locations and slopes.
(1) No piles shall be driven and/or installed within fifty (50) feet of concrete placed for structures,
cradles, etc. that is less than seven (7) days old, or within fifty (50) feet of any steel pipe pile in
which concrete has been placed less than forty-eight (48) hours before, unless otherwise
approved in writing by the Engineer.
(2) All piles shall be installed to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet below subgrade.
(4) PILE DRIVING - All piles shall be driven and/or installed and spaced as shown on the plans and
standards or as directed by the Engineer. All piles shall be driven and/or installed in the
presence of the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative. All piles shall be driven and/or
installed in the same manner, with the same equipment, and to the same final resistance as
was reached for test piles which were successfully load tested.
(5) The Contractor shall mark the pile driver ways legibly with paint at intervals of one (1) foot, fixing
the zero point where directed. All piles shall be plainly marked with keel or paint to indicate
length installed.
(6) PERMANENT PILES - No permanent piles shall be driven except at the locations where the
excavation has been completed to subgrade. All timber piles (except brace, batter or spur piles)
shall be driven vertically to bedrock or to the specified refusal, and shall be cut off at the
elevations shown, or as directed. All structural steel H-piles and steel pipe piles (except brace,
batter or spur piles) shall be driven vertically to the specified loads, and shall be flame-cut and
capped at the elevations shown, or as directed.
(7) Pile drivers shall be provided with adequate leads to insure effective guiding for both the
hammer and the pile being driven and/or installed.
(8) BROKEN PILES - Piles broken in driving shall be withdrawn or abandoned and replaced with
sound piles. No payment will be made for piles that are not permanently incorporated in the
(9) CUT OFF - After being driven, all piles shall be accurately cut off or flame-cut and capped at the
required elevations.
Any vertical or brace, batter or spur pile that is driven too low to cut off or to flame-cut and cap
at the required elevations shall be removed or abandoned if it cannot be removed and a longer
pile driven in its place.
(10) DRIVING SHOES - When ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to point the
small ends of the timber piles and shoe them with approved metal driving shoes.
(11) BRACE, BATTER OR SPUR PILES - Where shown on the plans, brace, batter or spur piles
shall be driven and/or installed to the slopes shown or directed, and to the specified bearing
capacity value or specified refusal. The springing of vertical piles into braced, battered or
spurred positions will not be permitted. Brace, batter or spur structural steel H-piles and steel
pipe piles shall be driven and/or installed to a bearing capacity of twenty-five (25) percent
greater than that specified for vertical structural steel H-piles and steel pipe piles. Tops of
brace, batter or spur piles shall be framed, bolted, strapped or fastened to adjoining piles or
structure or to each other as shown on the plan, or as directed. All connections, except
fastenings for wood lagging, shall be either welded, riveted or bolted with high strength bolts, as
shown, specified or directed.
(12) REFUSAL - All timber piles shall be driven and/or installed to bedrock or to refusal. Refusal
shall be that depth where the safe bearing value of the timber pile reaches the specified design
load capacity as calculated from the formulas indicated herein.
Unless otherwise specified, or shown on the plans, all timber piles shall be driven to a bearing
capacity of twenty (20) tons.
Structural steel H-piles and steel pipe piles shall be installed to a penetration which will result in
an allowable bearing capacity as shown, specified or ordered.
(13) DRIVING BRACE, BATTER OR SPUR PILES - The brace, batter or spur piles shall be driven
with a hammer of the same weight as that used in driving the vertical piles. Allowance shall be
made in the effective fall of the hammer to compensate for the canting of the leads. Special
rigid inclined guiding leads of an approved design shall be provided for the driving of the brace,
batter or spur piles. When directed, a heavier hammer shall be used.
(14) Hammer and piles shall be supported in rigid leads designed to hold the pile firmly in position
and alignment and in axial alignment with the hammer.
(15) Driving shall be a continuous operation, but when driving is interrupted before final penetration
is reached, the record of penetration shall not be taken until at least a twelve (12) inch
penetration has been obtained on resumption of driving. Piles, which in the opinion of the
Engineer, are so damaged as to destroy their usefulness, shall be removed and replaced with
new piles.
(16) The driving of piles with followers is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.
(18) Piles shall be installed in such sequence as to prevent distortion or injury to piles in place.
(E) RESEATING - When installing piles in clusters, or under any conditions of relatively close spacing,
observations shall be made to determine any uplift of the piles. If uplift occurs, piles so affected shall be
reseated to either the original resistance or elevation or both as required by the Engineer. No separate or
additional payment will be made for any required reseating of piles.
(F) OBSTRUCTIONS TO PILE INSTALLATION - In parts of the construction area, debris, boulders, or
other obstructions may be encountered, making it difficult to install a pile(s) in the location(s) required by
the pile plan and the Engineer. In such cases, the City may order the Contractor to resort to spudding,
augering, drilling, or to other means to overcome the obstruction or may order the piles to be abandoned
and additional piles installed.
Where the top of an obstruction is encountered three (3) feet or less below the subgrade of a trench, the
Engineer may order the removal of the obstruction so as to clear a way for the pile(s). Payment for the
cost of excavating to whatever depth required to remove obstruction, removing the obstruction and filling
to subgrade shall be made under the prices bid for the respective contract items for "ADDITIONAL
for "STONE BALLAST". No separate or additional payment will be made for the removal and reinstallation
of the pile at the same location and to the depth at which the top of the obstruction was encountered, the
cost shall be deemed included in the price bid per vertical foot for the respective pile item. Payment for
the installation of a pile length at the same location can only be made once, no matter how many time the
pile has to be removed in order to remove the obstruction. No separate or additional payment will be
made for any mobilization or other work incidental thereto.
Where the top of an obstruction is encountered greater than three (3) feet below the subgrade of a trench,
and it is deemed necessary by the Engineer to over excavate to remove the obstruction in order to clear a
way for the pile(s), payment for the cost of this over excavation to whatever depth required to remove the
obstruction, removing the obstruction and filling to subgrade shall be made under the prices bid for the
respective contract items for "ADDITIONAL EARTH EXCAVATION INCLUDING TEST PITS", for
"EXCAVATION OF BOULDERS IN OPEN CUT" and for "STONE BALLAST". No separate or additional
payment will be made for the removal and reinstallation of the pile at the same location and to the depth at
which the top of the obstruction was encountered, the cost shall be deemed included in the price bid per
vertical foot for the respective pile item. Payment for the installation of a pile length at the same location
can only be made once, no matter how many time the pile has to be removed in order to remove the
obstruction. No separate or additional payment will be made for any mobilization or other work incidental
When spudding, augering or drilling is ordered by the City, payment therefore will be made to the
Contractor in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 5.22.3(L).
If means other than spudding, augering, drilling or removal as stated herein are ordered for the purpose of
overcoming obstructions, payment therefore will be made to the Contractor in accordance with Articles 25
and 26 of the Contract.
Where due to an obstruction the Engineer deems it necessary to abandon a pile in place or remove the
pile for installation at a different location, payment for the cost of the length of pile abandoned from the tip
of the abandoned pile to the height of cutoff or for the length of pile removed from the tip of the removed
pile to the height of the subgrade of the trench shall be made under the prices bid per vertical foot for the
respective pile item. No separate or additional payment will be made for any mobilization or other work
incidental thereto.
(G) DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED PILES - When any pile that has been installed is damaged or gets out
of alignment by loss of contact with the driving apparatus or exceeds the tolerances hereinafter specified it
will be rejected. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the pile is unsuitable or otherwise does not conform to
the requirements of the contract, such pile will be rejected. Rejected piles shall be withdrawn or
abandoned and cut off below subgrade, as ordered by the Engineer. Additional pile or piles shall be
installed in locations designated by the Engineer to replace rejected piles, and pile caps shall be
redesigned and enlarged as approved by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the City. No separate or
additional payment will be made for the withdrawal or for the abandoning and cutting off below subgrade
of rejected piles, the cost together with additional excavation, stone ballast fill and all work incidental
thereto shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the respective pile items.
(H) TOLERANCES FOR PILES - Piles as finally placed, shall not have a variation of more than one (1)
percent of their exposed length from the vertical or from the batter as shown on the plans or as ordered.
The center of each pile at the level of cutoff shall not vary from its designed center more than such
distance that would produce stress in any pile group that is more than ten (10) percent greater than its
designed stress, or so as to change the shape of the pile group making it necessary to redesign the pile
A tolerance of four (4) inches from the designed lateral location will be permitted in the installation of piles,
without reduction in load capacity, provided that such variation does not produce a load on any pile more
than ten (10) percent greater than its designed load bearing capacity.
Reference is made to Subsection 5.22.3(B) wherein the Contractor is to submit a pile location plan. If
piles are installed at locations other than as shown on the approved pile plan and fail to satisfy all
conditions for tolerances as stated herein then additional piles and enlarged pile caps shall be installed as
directed by the Engineer and solely at the Contractor's expense.
Where piles are installed off the designed location but within the allowable tolerances, the distance from
the edge of piles to the outside of concrete pile cap shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches and any
additional costs involved in meeting these requirements shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
Payment will be made in accordance with the Subsection 5.22.3(I) for piles driven outside of tolerances
due to obstructions. The Engineer shall determine whether or not a pile(s) was driven outside of
tolerances due to obstructions and the Engineer’s determination will be final.
(I) SHIFTING OF PILE(S) DUE TO OBSTRUCTIONS - Where piles are ordered by the Engineer to be
shifted due to obstructions, the Engineer shall prepare a redesign of the pile cap (if required). This
redesign may entail the installation of additional piles and/or the construction of a larger pile cap. Payment
for the installation of additional piles due to obstructions will be made under the respective pile item.
Payment for the increased quantities of earth excavation, stone ballast, concrete and steel reinforcing bars
required due to the enlargement of the pile caps caused by obstructions shall be made under the prices
(J) ANALYSIS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES - The Engineer in accordance with Subsections
5.22.3(G) and 5.22.3(H) shall analyze conditions at each pile cap and shall determine whether corrective
measures are required to keep pile loads within allowable limits.
The cost of required additional piles, their installation, any modification of pile cap details, etc. in order to
implement corrective measures as ordered by the Engineer shall be borne totally by the Contractor in the
case of rejected, defective, damaged or improperly installed piles.
(K) PILE DRIVING INSTALLATION RECORDS - The Engineer will keep records of all piles driven and/or
installed. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer to obtain all necessary data. The data shall
include type and size of pile, location, the type and size of hammer, type and dimensions of cushion block,
actual number of blows per minute delivered throughout the driving by the hammer, number of blows
required for each foot of penetration, elevation to which the pile penetrated under its own weight and
under the weight of the hammer, final elevation of tip of pile, complete jetting information (if jetting is
permitted), notation of interruption during driving including length of time, the elevation of the pile tip and
cause of interruption, and such other information as the Engineer may deem necessary.
(L) SPUDDING, AUGERING, DRILLING - Payment for spudding, augering and drilling when ordered by
the Engineer, will be made at the unit prices bid under the respective contract items for "TIMBER PILES
STEEL PIPE PILES" at the rate of one (1) vertical foot of pile for each five (5) minutes of spudding,
augering or drilling. No separate or additional payment will be made for any mobilization or other work
incidental thereto.
Spudding, augering or drilling time shall be as computed by the Engineer from the time pile driving stops
to the time pile driving is resumed as hereinafter described, provided no interim delay occurs due to the
fault of the Contractor. Spudding, augering or drilling time shall include the time it takes to extract the pile,
the time it takes to place the spud, auger or drill in the leads, the time it take to spud, auger or drill, the
actual time it takes to remove the spud, auger or drill and the time it takes to replace the pile in the leads
and in the position (at the location and to the depth the pile had penetrated at time pile driving ceased) for
driving and/or installation to resume.
No spudding, augering or drilling shall be performed unless approved by the Engineer and done in the
presence of the Engineer. The method employed (spudding, augering or drilling) shall be performed at
the direction of the Engineer.
(M) JETTING - In driving piles where the desired penetration through dense material (i.e. sand, gravel,
etc.) cannot be obtained, the Contractor may be required to use water jets. Piles shall be jetted only with
the written approval of the Engineer. Sufficient jets and adequate water pressure shall be used to freely
erode the material adjacent to the pile without impairing the bearing capacity of the piles already in place.
Before the desired penetration is reached the jets shall be withdrawn and the piles shall be driven with the
hammer alone for the last four (4) feet, or more if necessary, to attain the required bearing capacity value.
No separate payment will be made for jetting when ordered by the Engineer to facilitate the installation of
piles through dense material in order to reach the penetration required by the contract documents. The
cost of jetting shall be deemed included in the prices bid under the respective contract items for "TIMBER
(N) EXISTING PILES AND ABANDONED PILES - Where existing piles are encountered along the line of
the proposed structure or within the limits of the structure, or where new piles are ordered abandoned, all
such existing piles or abandoned piles shall be cut to a minimum of one (1) foot below the subgrade of the
Payment for the cost of excavating, cutting existing piles one (1) foot below the subgrade and filling to
subgrade shall be deemed included in the prices bid under the respective contract items for "ADDITIONAL
Payment for the cost of removal of the existing pile(s) as determined by the Engineer shall be made in
accordance with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract, unless there is a specific item for the removal of
existing piles in the contract.
All abandoned steel pipe piles shall be compactly filled from the tip of the pile to the height of cutoff with
select granular fill material. No separate or additional payment will be made for the compact filling of
abandoned steel pipe piles with select granular fill material.
(O) SPLICING - Splicing of piles shall be such that the resultant vertical and lateral loads are adequately
transmitted. Splices shall be so constructed so as to maintain the alignment and position of the
component parts during installation of the pile and thereafter.
The manner in which timber piles longer than sixty (60) feet shall be spliced is specified under Section
Where necessary for structural steel H-piles, one (1) splice per pile will be permitted. Splices for structural
steel H-piles shall be designed to develop the full strength of the pile. The Contractor shall submit details
of the splices for structural steel H-piles to the Engineer for approval.
For steel pipe piles an Associated Pipe Pile Splicer (drive fit pipe sleeve S-18000) or equal shall be
acceptable whenever a maximum of two (2) splices are anticipated. Wheresoever more than two (2)
splices are anticipated all splices shall be welded.
All splices for brace, batter or spur structural steel H-piles or steel pipe piles shall be welded.
Shop and field welding on piles shall be done in accordance with AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code.
Qualifications of welding procedures and operators shall be in accordance with "Standard Qualification
Procedure" requirements of AWS. Welding electrodes shall comply with AWS D1.1, and be of proper
classification for type of weld and material to be welded.
Records shall be kept of test results, welding procedures and for each qualified welding operator. Copies
of these records shall be made available for review by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made for splicing but the cost thereof shall be deemed included
in the prices bid under the respective contract items for "TIMBER PILES (TREATED OR UNTREATED)"
(P) PILE SHOES - Each pile shoe furnished and installed on timber piles, when ordered by the Engineer,
will be paid for as one (1) vertical foot of pile at the unit price bid for under the contract item for "TIMBER
(Q) LIMITS OF PILE SECTION - The limits of the pile section shown on the plans may be changed by
the Engineer at any location, depending upon the conditions encountered during construction.
The length of the pile section may be increased or decreased where directed by the Engineer, effectively
altering the estimated quantities of piles and related items bid under the contract.
The Engineer may also alter affected appurtenant structure locations (i.e. chamber, manhole, etc.),
particularly where they are located at the beginning and the end of the pile section limits.
(A) The safe or allowable load of the piles shall be determined from the driving formulas stated below:
(1) When specified in the contract documents or in writing by the Engineer that load test are not
required for piles, the formula to be used shall be as follows:
P = 2E _
S + 0.2
(2) For piles where load tests have been made as required in these specifications, the formula to
be used shall be as follows:
P = KE _
S + 0.2
The Engineer from the results of the load tests shall determine the value of K.
(3) Should subsurface conditions be encountered which, in the opinion of the Engineer, render the
above formulas inapplicable, the safe or allowable load of the pile shall be as determined by the
(4) The above formulas are applicable under the following conditions:
(B) In the event it is discovered that piles are being damaged due to driving, the Contractor when
directed by the Engineer, shall change driving equipment so that a hammer with lighter striking parts will
be used. Work shall not continue with a hammer or driving equipment that in the opinion of the Engineer
is likely to damage the piles.
The weight of hammer to be used shall be large enough so that the average net penetration per blow at
refusal shall not be less than one-quarter (1/4) inch.
Piles shall be driven with power hammers developing energy per blow of at least fifteen thousand (15,000)
or twenty-two thousand (22,000) foot pounds in accordance with the New York City Building Code. An
approved steel driving head shall be used.
(A) Piles shall be driven with power hammers developing an energy per blow of at least nineteen
thousand (19,000) foot-pounds in accordance with the New York City Building Code. Suitable anvils or
(B) All steel pipe piles shall be provided with sixty (60) degree conical points. These conical points shall
be P-13006-R as manufactured by Associated Pile and Fitting Corporation or approved equal.
(C) PLACING CONCRETE - Prior to placing concrete the piles shall be internally inspected by the
Engineer. All material and equipment necessary or required for internal inspection shall be supplied by
the Contractor for the Engineer's use at no additional cost. Any pile shells partly or wholly collapsed or
containing water, soil or other foreign materials shall be rejected by the Engineer. Any cost a Contractor
shall incur in order to render a rejected pipe pile suitable shall be borne solely by the Contractor.
No concrete shall be placed in any pile of a group until all piles in that group have been driven, internally
inspected, found free of water and foreign material and have been approved. Also, no concrete shall be
placed in any pipe pile that is within fifty (50) feet of an ongoing pile driving operation.
Concrete shall be placed through a funnel in a continuous operation and shall be solidly compacted as
approved by the Engineer.
The quantities of timber piles (treated or untreated), structural steel H-piles and concrete filled steel pipe
piles to be measured for payment shall be the number of vertical feet of each size, type and kind of pile,
measured from pile point to cutoff, furnished and permanently incorporated in the work in accordance with
the plans, standards and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “TIMBER PILES (TREATED OR UNTREATED)” shall be the unit price bid per
vertical foot for each type of timber pile and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment,
samples, tests, and insurance required and necessary to furnish, treat, drive and/or install, jet, splice, cut
off, fasten shoes (except when there is a contract price for driving shoes) and permanently incorporate in
the work all timber piles required or ordered, together with load tests and all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans, standards and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “STRUCTURAL STEEL H-PILES” shall be the unit price bid per vertical foot for
each size and type of structural steel H-pile and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples, tests, and insurance required and necessary to furnish, drive and/or install, jet,
splice, flame-cut, cap, frame, and permanently incorporate in the work all structural steel H-piles required
or ordered, together with load tests and all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans,
standards and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “CONCRETE FILLED STEEL PIPE PILES” shall be the unit price bid per vertical
foot for each size and type of concrete filled steel pipe pile and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials,
plant, equipment, samples, tests, and insurance required and necessary to furnish, drive and/or install, jet,
splice, flame-cut, cap, frame, and permanently incorporate in the work all concrete filled steel pipe piles
required or ordered, together with load tests, conical points, concrete fill and all work incidental thereto, all
in accordance with the plans, standards and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the contract prices hereinabove shall also be the cost for all connections and guide works.
No separate or additional payment will be made for test piles that are not permanently incorporated into
the work, for piles driven by the Contractor for temporary use, and for any other piles not permanently
incorporated into the work. No separate or additional payment will be made for load tests.
The Item Numbers for Piles have seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the
third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define the Kind of Pile:
TT - Timber Piles (Treated) (Not Less Than Item)
TU - Timber Piles (Untreated) (Not Less Than Item)
SH - Structural Steel H Piles (Not Less Than Item)
CS - Concrete Filled Steel Pipe Piles (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
(A) Under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish, install and cutoff continuous flight auger (CFA) piles
as shown on the contract drawings and as specified herein. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and
material and perform all operations necessary to install continuous flight auger piles at the locations
shown on the plans to an axial capacity as shown on the contract drawings.
(1) Prior to starting pile installations, the Contractor shall make a documented inspection of the
existing structures, site conditions, pavement and improvements adjacent to the pile installation
site to examine and record their present condition. If available a copy of the vibration
monitoring, condition survey and geotechnical evaluation report may be reviewed by the
Contractor. Such report is only for information purposes. Therefore, the Contractor is
encouraged to conduct additional investigation and survey to ensure that the CFA piling work
will not cause any damage to any of the structures within the project site.
(2) The Contractor shall prepare a report of such conditions, verified by the photographs and signed
by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer, which shall be reviewed by the Engineer to verify the
existing site conditions that may be affected by this CFA piling work.
(3) The Contractor shall also fully examine the existing site conditions to ensure that the
Contractor’s equipment can operate without damage to or relocation of existing infrastructure or
facilities. The Contractor shall provide all required equipment, modified if needed to
accommodate site conditions, including restricted headroom and other headroom limitations. If
available, the Contractor is encouraged to review the boring logs showing subsurface conditions
and the existing building condition survey.
(C) Qualifications:
The work shall be performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor experienced in the specified foundation
system and CFA piling under similar subsurface conditions. The Contractor performing the work
described in this specification shall submit proof of:
The Professional Engineer shall be directly responsible for the work. The Contractor shall not use
manufacturers’ representatives to satisfy the Contractor’s responsible engineer requirements of this
section. In addition, the Engineer will review and approve the Contractor’s key field personnel to be
employed during installation of the CFA piles.
(A) Grout Mix for Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles: The grout used to fill the CFA drilled holes
shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, admixture, sand and water that is proportioned
and mixed to provide a mortar capable of maintaining the solids in suspension without
appreciable water gain, and that also may be placed without difficulty, and such that it will
laterally penetrate and fill any voids in the adjacent subsurface material. The grout mix shall be
proportioned to provide a hardened mortar having an ultimate compressive strength of at least
4,000-psi at 28-days when testing a core from a pile or at least 4,500-psi when testing a cube in
accordance with the provisions of ASTM C109.
(B) The Contractor’s grout mix design shall provide an ultimate compressive strength of 2,500-psi
at three (3) days in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C109. Three (3) days strength is
required for the construction of the pile caps, concrete pad, etc, as designed.
(C) Cement shall conform to ASTM C150, Type II, low alkali.
(D) Grout admixture shall conform to ASTM C494 and/or ASTM C937. The admixture shall be so
selected to:
The Contractor shall verify that the use of admixture(s) shall not result in a reduction in the long
term strength and/or imperviousness of the grout, nor shall it create an environment to
accelerate corrosion of the steel pipe and/or reinforcement bars. The admixture(s) shall be
used only after the approval of the Engineer.
(E) Water for grout shall conform to AASHTO T26 and shall be potable, clean and free from
substances that may be injurious to cement or reinforcing steel and may be harmful to the
setting, strength, development or durability of the concrete.
(F) Sand shall meet the requirements of ASTM C144 fine aggregates, except as specified herein.
The sand shall be well graded from fine to coarse with a fineness modulus between 2.3 and 3.1.
The fineness modulus is defined as the total divided by 100 of the cumulative percentages
retained on U.S. Standard Sieve Nos. 4, 8, 16, 30, 50 and 100.
(G) Information regarding the mix design and testing, water source, fine aggregate, admixture (s),
and cement supplier shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to placing grout.
(A) Piles shall be reinforced with reinforcement bars to meet the design load requirements of the
project. If approved by the Engineer steel pipes may be used in addition to or in place of the
reinforcement bars (paragraph (C), below).
(B) Deformed reinforcing steel bars shall have a minimum yield strength of 60,000-psi, conforming
to ASTM A615, Grade 60.
(C) Steel pipes can also be utilized to reinforce CFA piles if approved by the Engineer. If used,
steel pipes shall conform to ASTM A252, Grade 2 or 3 except that the yield strength shall be a
minimum 36,000-psi, shall include tolerances for pipe diameter, edge alignment, end match
marking, roundness and straightness and shall conform to the steel pile splice welding
requirements. The carbon equivalency (CE) as defined in AWS D 1.1, Section X15.1, shall not
exceed 0.45. The sulfur content shall not exceed 0.05%. Steel pipe shall not be joined by
welded lap splicing. Steel pipe seams and splices shall be complete penetration welds. Partial
welds of steel pipe may be restored.
(A) The Contractor shall install continuous flight auger pile (CFA) as shown on the pile section and
elevation drawings to depths and elevations shown on the plan and profiles. Prior to installation, the
Contractor shall submit working drawings, shop drawings and material specifications for the approval of
the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, Working Drawings, Design
and Shop Drawings and the submittal procedures. Working drawings and shop drawings shall include,
but not be limited to:
(1) Detailed step-by-step description of the proposed CFA pile construction procedure, including
personnel, testing and equipment to assure quality control. This step-by-step procedure shall
be shown on the working drawings in sufficient detail to allow the Engineer to monitor the
construction and quality of the CFA piles.
(4) Additional pile locations (for test piles and reaction piles).
(6) Sample of pile record form including grout mix and sample details.
(7) Pile installation sequence and final pile tip and cutoff elevations.
(B) The Contractor shall also submit the following for review and approval:
(1) Details of the proposed installation equipment, including manufacturer’s information, make,
model, power, rated capacity, grout pump discharge volume and pressures, etc. Also include a
detailed description of the drilling equipment and methods proposed to be used to provide drill
hole support and prevent detrimental ground movements.
(2) Material certification and specifications, including a certified mill test report for the reinforcing
bars. The ultimate strength, yield strength, elongation, and material properties composition
shall be included.
(3) Proposed procedure for control and balancing of the extraction of the continuous flight auger
during the grout injection process (for example, the grout pressure and volume monitoring
versus auger extraction progress).
(4) Methods and equipment for placing, positioning and supporting the steel pipe and/or reinforcing
cage and the details for the Contractor’s vibrator equipment that may be required to install it.
(5) Welding procedure for the reinforcement shall be certified by a qualified welding specialist.
(7) Grout mix design and type of materials to be used in the grout, including certified test data and
trial batch reports.
(8) Methods and equipment for accurately monitoring and recording the grout depth, grout volume
and grout pressure as the grout is being placed and augers are being withdrawn. Also, describe
the procedure for post-grouting as a contingency, should post-grouting become necessary.
(9) Procedure for grouting rate calculations: The calculations shall be based on the initial pump
pressures or static head on the grout and losses throughout the placing system, including the
anticipated head of groundwater to be displaced.
(10) The grouting equipment (pump and batching equipment) capacity and relation to the grouting
demand and working conditions, as well as provisions for back-up equipment and spare parts.
(11) Information on space requirements for installation equipment that verifies that the proposed
equipment can perform at the site.
(12) Plan describing how drilling fluids and excess waste grout will be controlled and disposed of.
(13) Contingency procedures for clearing or drilling through obstructions, handling blockage of pipes
or lines, or equipment breakdown.
Work shall not begin until the construction submittals have been received, reviewed, and
accepted in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the above submittals prior to
initiating CFA pile construction. The Contractor shall allow the Engineer a minimum of ten (10)
business days to review the construction submittals after a complete set has been received.
Additional time required due to incomplete or unacceptable submittals shall not be cause for
delay or impact claims. All costs associated with incomplete or unacceptable Contractor
submittals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. No CFA pile construction work shall
commence without all required submittals being approved.
(17) The Contractor shall have these drawings (six (6) copies) prepared by a Licensed Professional
Engineer, currently registered in the State of New York. Such drawings shall be submitted
together with CFA piles design calculations and both drawings and design calculations shall
bear the imprint of Licensed Professional Engineer’s seal and signature. These shop drawings
shall be on sheets twenty-seven (27) inches by forty (40) inches with one-half (1/2) inch
marginal space on three (3) sides and a two (2) inch marginal space for binding on the left side.
Each shop drawing shall be dated and contain the name of the project and the contract number.
(1) Upon completion of installation of all piles, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer mylars of
drawings, showing the types and installed locations of all piles, including obstructed, damaged
and additional piles, as related to their column lines, the center of the utility pad or other
reference points and lines, percentage out of plumb, the cutoff elevation, and length below
cutoff for each pile.
(2) The mylars shall be the same size as the contract drawings.
(A) The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of the continuous flight auger (CFA)
piles, which shall conform to the plans and specifications.
(B) Pile design loadings, grout strengths, reinforcing bars (or an alternative reinforcement element,
for example steel pipe-if approved by the Engineer) and dimensions of the piling are as shown
on the contract drawings or specified in this specification.
(C) Continuous flight auger (CFA) piles shall be installed by rotating a continuous-flight hollow-shaft
auger into the ground to a minimum embedment depth shown on the pile design and approved
by the Engineer or specified in the specifications. The auger shall be fitted with a protective cap
on the outlet at the base of the central stem. The protective cap shall be detached under the
pressure of the grout.
(D) Other removal methods shall not be used unless such methods are reviewed and approved by
the Engineer prior to pile installation.
(E) Pressurized grout shall be injected concurrently through the hollow shaft (stem) as the auger is
being withdrawn. The continuous flight augers shall be withdrawn while rotating the auger in the
same direction as during the boring stage. The Contractor shall adjust the rotation of the auger
and the flow of grout to match so that collapse of the sides of the hole is avoided.
(F) Reinforcing gage or an alternative reinforcement element (for example steel pipe-if approved by
the Engineer) shall be placed immediately after grout injection and shall conform to the details
shown on the contract drawings or specified in this specification. Following the completion of
(G) The Contractor shall install test piles as specified in Subsection 5.22A.6(1).
(H) During installation of the piles, the Contractor shall develop a monitoring program for lateral
movements and settlements. This program shall be implemented by a land surveyor licensed in
the State of New York, hired by the Contractor. Monitoring shall be done on a daily basis and
the data shall be submitted to the Engineer for the Engineer’s review within 24-hours of
(I) Load tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D1143, Section 5.6 - Quick Load Test
Method for Individual Piles and/or ASTM D3689, Section 7.7 - Quick Load Test Method for
Individual Piles, and as directed by the Engineer.
(A) The CFA piles shall only be installed after submission, review and approval of the submittal
listed in Subsection 5.22A.4 of this specification.
(B) Prior to the start of drilling, the leads shall be marked in one (1)-foot increments so that the
withdrawal rate of the auger and the number of pump strokes per five (5) feet of withdrawal can
be monitored by the Engineer’s Field Inspector.
(C) The hole through which the high-strength mortar is injected during the placement of the pile
shall be located at the bottom of the auger head, below the bar containing the cutting teeth. The
grout shall be injected (pumped) typically 150-psi above hydrostatic pressure.
(D) The auger head shall be fitted with a protective cap at the base of the central stem. The
protective cap shall be detached under the pressure of the grout. The Contractor’s grout pump
shall be a positive displacement type pump and shall be capable of developing displacement
pressures at the pump of not less than 350-psi. Other removal methods shall not be used
unless such methods are reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to such use.
(E) The auger flighting shall be continuous, with no gaps or breaks, and shall always be advanced
at a continuous rate to prevent removal of excess soil. The pitch of the auger flighting shall not
exceed nine (9) inches.
(G) Auger hoisting equipment shall be so designed as to enable the auger to be withdrawn smoothly
and steadily. Auger in excess of 40-feet in length shall be provided with a traveling guide.
(H) Reinforcing, as detailed on the contract drawings, shall be placed immediately after grout
injection and extraction of the continuous flight auger.
(I) Centralizers shall be placed at 10-feet spacing as shown on the drawings. Alternative
centralizers can be used only after the review and approval of the Engineer.
(J) Each truckload of grout shall be tested using the Flow Cone Test ASTM C939, except a 3/4-
inch opening shall be used rather than the 1/2-inch opening specified. Grout fluidity of between
10 and 25-seconds shall be maintained.
(K) The spoil that accumulates around the auger during injection of the grout shall be cleared away
so that the installation can be properly inspected. Should water or ponding collect at the top of a
freshly-grouted pile, the water shall be removed immediately by bailing-out and replaced with
fresh grout. A protective cover shall be provided for each pile after installation.
(A) The installation shall be performed in an orderly sequence progressing in one direction across
each foundation element. Leads and auger shall be carefully plumbed before installation.
(B) On no account shall the continuous flight augers be extracted from the drilled hole before
placement of grout.
(C) Each pile shall be continuously installed at the locations indicated, to the elevation shown on the
contract drawings or in the specifications.
(D) The center of gravity shall be carefully maintained for each group or cluster of piles to conform
to the locations shown on the contract drawings.
(E) Pile centers shall be located to an accuracy of ±3-inches. Piles shall be plumb within two (2)
(F) The holes in the bottom of the auger shall be plugged with a protective cap while being
advanced into the ground. The plug shall be removed by mortar pressure or by other approved
means as described in Subsection 5.22A.5(3)(D), above.
(G) When installing piles within 20-feet of existing structures, attention shall be paid to minimize the
potential of “running” sands which may result in accidental removal of excess material during
drilling, in turn causing subsidence of surrounding soils and possible damage to existing
structures. The Contractor shall develop measures to mitigate against accidental “running” of
sands. At a minimum, the auger rotations required to advance or withdraw a fixed length shall
be limited (for example, limit to two rotations or less per flight advance) and auger rotation shall
be immediately stopped following the reaching of the maximum depth and shall not start again
until grouting has begun.
(H) Piles installed on the same day shall not be any closer than six (6) pile diameters (i.e. 6-feet), as
measured from center to center, of each other.
(I) Accurate records shall be maintained showing the depth to which piles are placed and the
quantity of mortar placed. Any unusual conditions encountered during pile installation shall be
(J) The excess spoil that accumulates around the auger due to drilling process and grout injection
shall be promptly cleared away.
(A) Only approved mixing and pumping equipment shall be used in the preparation and handling of
grout. A screen to remove oversized particles shall be placed at the pump inlet. All soil or other
rust inhibitors shall be removed from the mixing drums, stirring mechanisms and other portions
of the equipment in contact with the grout before the mixers are used.
(B) All materials shall be accurately measured by volume or weight as they are fed into the mixer.
The time of mixing shall be not less than one (1) minute. If agitated continuously, the mortar
may be held in the mixer or agitator for a period not exceeding two (2) hours at temperatures
below 70ºF (Fahrenheit) and for a period not exceeding one and one-half (1-1/2) hours at higher
temperatures. Grout shall not be placed when the grout temperature falls below 40ºF or
exceeds 100ºF, unless approved procedures for cold and hot weather followed. The grout shall
be protected from physical damage or reduced strength which could be caused by frost,
freezing action, or low temperatures, or from damage during high temperatures in accordance
with ACI 305/306. When a set retarding admixture is used, the grout may be held for a period
of one (1) hour at temperatures up to 105ºF.
(C) The grout shall be pumped with pressure through a tremie pipe or a set of packers as the auger
is withdrawn, allowing the mortar to fill the hole under pressure, preventing its collapse and
(D) The grout pump shall be provided with a calibrated pressure gauge in clear view of the
equipment operator. A digital counter shall be used to measure the number of grout pump
strokes during installation.
(1) The grout pump shall be calibrated at the beginning of work to determine the number of
pump strokes to fill a 55-gallon drum with grout. The average volume per stroke shall be
used as a guideline in estimating the amount of grout pumped into the drill hole. The
volume per stroke determined by calibration shall be correlated/compared with the
manufacturer’s literature.
(2) The pump shall be recalibrated following repair or switching pumps or at least once at the
request of the Engineer during pile installation.
(3) The Contractor shall have on hand a spare counter and a spare pump. The spare pump
shall be utilized when the primary pump is not functioning properly and when directed by
the Engineer.
(A) Grout shall be placed in the pile hole as soon as is practicable after mixing, and in no case shall
grout be used which does not reach its final position in the pile hole within one and one-half (1-
1/2) hours after truck mixed grout leaves the plant, as evidenced by the delivery ticket given to
the Inspector.
(B) Positive rotation of the auger shall be maintained throughout placement of the grout. The rate
of grout injection and rate of auger withdrawal from the soil shall be so coordinated as to
maintain, at all times, a positive pressure on the gauges, which will, in turn, indicate the
existence of a removing pressure on the bottom of the auger flight.
(1) The total volume of grout shall be at least 15-percent greater than the theoretical volume
for each five (5) foot segment of pile, except after grout is flowing at the ground surface
from the auger blade, the theoretical volume as a minimum per five (5) foot segment shall
be pumped. However, the total volume of grout pumped shall be at least 25-percent
greater than the theoretical volume of the pile.
(2) Augers shall not be withdrawn until soil cuttings or water is observed issuing at the surface.
If pumping of grout is interrupted for any reason or if a return at the surface is noted, the
Contractor shall reinsert the auger at least five (5) feet into the pile and re-grout.
(C) If less grout is placed than the net volume required for any five (5) foot increment, the pile shall
be reinstalled by rotating the auger to the bottom of the pile, followed by the controlled removal
of the auger and grout injection.
(D) A head of at least 10-feet of grout above the injection point shall be maintained around the
perimeter of the auger flights during raising of the auger, so that the grout has a displacing
action, removing any loose material from the hole. This head shall be initially established by
raising the auger six (6) inches from the bottom while rotating, pumping grout until a sufficient
quantity is measured, lowering the auger to its original level and finally starting the removal
(F) If the grout volume is in excess of 50-percent of the theoretical volume for any two (2)
consecutive five (5) foot intervals, the Contractor shall reduce pressure, fill the hole with grout
while extracting the augers and stop work after the augers are fully withdrawn. Reinforcement
shall not be inserted into such piles. The Engineer and the Contractor shall then conduct a joint
survey to investigate whether the grout has leaked into adjacent utilities, basements or other
below-ground structures. If no such leak is established, the piles in question shall be redrilled
between six (6) and twelve (12) hours of stoppage to full length, regrouted and the pile shall be
completed as specified.
(G) The level of grout in completed piles shall be inspected at least twice between two (2) hours and
eight (8) hours after completion for settlement. Should grout settlement occur, the Contractor
shall fill the pile with grout only after removal of deleterious materials that may have
accumulated. On no account shall the level of grout be permitted to settle below the
groundwater table prior to initial set.
(H) Special attention shall be paid to inspecting the level of grout in a completed pile while installing
an adjacent pile within six (6) pile diameter.
(I) The magnitude of removing pressure and performance of other augering and grouting
operations, such as the rate of augering, rate of grout injection, and control of grout return
around the auger flight, are dependent on soil conditions and equipment capability and shall be
entirely the responsibility of the Contractor.
(A) Reinforcing steel assemblies shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the manual of
Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures (ACI-Edition).
(B) The Contractor shall use centralizers as shown on the drawings for proper centering of steel
reinforcing to be installed in the piles. If the Contractor proposes an alternative centralizer, the
Contractor shall submit its characteristics for the Engineer’s review and approval.
(C) The bars shall be spliced by complete penetration welding in conformance with AWS D1.1
(Structural Welding Code). Lap splicing is not allowed.
(D) The reinforcement cage (or steel pipe) shall be designed to facilitate their placing to the required
depth thorough grout. The main reinforcing element shall be provided in continuous lengths
without joints (except for welded joints-see below).
(E) Where reinforcing cages are used, hoops, in lieu of helical bindings shall be used. The hoops
shall be tack welded in conformance with AWS D1.1.
(F) Following the completion of grouting, the reinforcing cage (or the steel pipe) shall be lifted and
placed centrally over the pile and shall then be lowered into the grout.
(G) Should the reinforcement fail to slide freely to the required depth, then the Contractor shall use
a vibrator to facilitate the placement of the reinforcement. The Engineer shall be informed of in
advance of any use of a vibrator.
(H) The reinforcing element shall be supported at such a level that it will maintain the required
projection above the final pile cutoff level.
(A) Uncontrolled fill and other subsurface materials at the site may contain obstructions to augering.
In the event that non-augerable material is encountered, such as cobbles, boulders, concrete
ledge, metal, timbers, or debris which causes the rate of penetration to be reduced to less than
one (1) foot per minute or causes the pile to drift from its location, the pile shall be completed to
the depth of the non-augerable material in accordance with these specifications.
(B) The length of such short piles shall be included in the total linear feet of piles for payment.
(C) If required by the Engineer, one or more additional adjacent piles shall be placed and the length
of these additional piles shall also be included in the total linear feet of piles for payment.
(A) Piles shall be installed from the ground surface existing after excavation work has been
(B) Piles shall not be out of alignment by more than two (2) percent of their length. The center of
each pile at the level of cutoff shall not vary from its designated center by more than such
distance that the stress in any pile group is more than ten (10) percent greater than its
designated stress, as determined by the Engineer.
(C) A tolerance of three (3) inches from the design location will be permitted in the installation of the
piles, without reduction in load capacity, provided that such variation does not produce a load on
any pile more than ten (10) percent greater than its design load bearing capacity, as determined
by the Engineer.
(D) No pile shall be left partially completed overnight but must be completely grouted and protected
at the termination of each day’s operation.
(A) All piles shall be cutoff to true planes at the elevation shown on the contract drawings.
(B) If and where the pile cutoff is near or above the surrounding ground, or above the bottom of the
excavation, the Contractor shall install sleeve or a casing pipe of proper diameter and at least
eighteen (18) inches in length around the pile top.
(C) Cutoffs are the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of off-site.
(A) The Contractor shall engage the services of a New York State Licensed Surveyor, approved by
the Engineer, for the performance of the survey work. The Contractor shall, at such times so as
not to interfere with the progress of the installation, make surveys of the installed piles. The
installed location of each pile shall be established by survey and shown on drawings prepared
for this purpose.
(B) Copies of the drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions
as hereinafter specified in this Subsection 5.22A.5(12) and Subsection 5.22A.5(13). Survey
information may be submitted on several drawings, each covering a partial area only, as the job
progresses, in order to expedite the approval of the work.
(C) Upon completion of all pile installation, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, mylars of
drawings showing installed location of all piles as related to their utility lines, center of concrete
or stone bedding or other reference points and lines, percentage out of plumb, the cutoff
elevation, and length below cutoff for each pile. Mylars shall be the same size as the contract
drawings. The final as built survey plan shall be signed and sealed by the Contractor’s Land
Surveyor licensed in New York State.
(A) The analysis called for herein will be performed by the Engineer.
(B) The Engineer will analyze the conditions at each pile to determine whether corrective measures
are required. If corrective measures are not required, approval will be given for proceeding with
the work.
(C) The Engineer will determine the corrective measures required to keep pile loads within the
allowable limits. Corrective measures, for any piles installed more than three (3) inches from
the plan location, will be determined by the Engineer. If the corrective measures are not
deemed feasible, the pile shall be removed in its entirety and replaced by another pile installed
in the design location.
(D) If corrective measures involve the installation of additional piles, the Engineer will prepare
supplemental drawings showing the details of the required corrective work.
(1) The Engineer will then obtain the approval of the supplemental drawing(s) by the Engineer.
New York City Department of Design and Construction will obtain the signature of the
Engineer of Record required on the amendment from which the drawing showing
corrective measures is to be submitted for approval.
(2) After the approval of the Engineer has been obtained for the supplemental drawing(s), a
copy of the approved amendment and/or print of the drawing(s) stamped “Inspector's
Copy”, together with the original tracing of the drawing, will be filed by the New York City
Department of Design and Construction as part of the permanent records of the contract.
(3) After approval, copies of the drawing(s) will be issued to the Contractor and the work shall
be installed in accordance with the drawings.
(1) The cost of redesigning of the pile caps, concrete pads, and/or provide/install additional
reinforcement/concrete due to rejected, damaged, defective or incorrectly installed piles
shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City.
(2) The cost of installing additional piles (as called for on the supplemental drawings for the
corrective measures) shall be borne by the Contractor in the case of rejected, defective,
damaged or incorrectly installed piles.
(3) The cost will be borne by the City in the case of obstructed piles ordered abandoned by the
Engineer, or in the case of modifications required because of the presence of obstructions.
(4) Payment for corrective work necessitated by obstructed piles will be made in accordance
with the contract unit price.
(A) All damaged or misplaced piles shall be removed or abandoned, and new piles shall be driven
as directed by the Engineer at no cost to the City.
(B) Abandoned piles shall be cut off one (1) foot below cutoff elevation shown on the contract
drawings or specified in the specifications.
(C) All cutoff sections shall be removed from the site by the Contractor.
(B) When any pile has been so damaged as to be, in the opinion of the Engineer, unsuitable, or
otherwise does not conform with the requirements of the contract, such piles shall be rejected.
Additional piles shall be installed in locations designated by the Engineer to replace rejected piles, at
no additional cost to the City.
(A) All piles, within the area of uniform subsurface conditions pertaining to a given load-tested pile
of satisfactory performance, shall be installed in the same manner as the successful load tested
pile, and shall bear in or on the same bearing stratum as the load tested pile.
(B) The same equipment (or heavier equipment of the same type) that was used to install the load
tested pile shall be used to install all other building piles, and the equipment shall be operated
(C) All piles shall be of the same type, shape and equal or greater external dimensions as the load
tested pile.
(A) All inspections will be performed by the Engineer designated for controlled inspection.
(B) The installation of each pile is a mandatory hold point for which prior notification of the Engineer
is required, and installation of each pile shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer.
Installation records will be kept by the Engineer.
(C) The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer and shall mark the leads, prior to the start of
drilling, in one (1) foot increments for monitoring the auger.
(A) The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper length of the piles required to develop the
specified loads. The piles shall be of sufficient length so that when they are installed to their
final position, the tops will be at or above the elevation shown.
(B) All available samples and information relating to boring records and subsurface conditions are
expressly excluded from, and are not a part of, the contract and are available for information
purposes only. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility:
(1) To make application for inspection and review of these data in order to select the proper
length of test piles.
(2) To obtain any additional subsurface data the Contractor deems required or necessary.
(C) The Contractor shall determine the lengths of the reaction piles required to develop the
specified loads by installing test piles. The location and number of test piles shall be selected
by the Engineer. The test piles shall be of the same material and construction as the
permanent piles, installed using the same equipment. In the event different equipment is used,
test piles will also be required to ensure the quality and capacity of the piles meet the
requirements of these specifications.
(a) The Contractor shall prepare complete detailed shop drawings showing how the test
will be performed, how the reaction piles will be placed, and how the jacking beams
will be anchored to the test piles and the reaction piles.
(b) The Contractor’s shop drawings shall include date and calibration curves on all
instruments and accessories used in the tests. The entire test setup and test
procedure will be subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to the installation of the
reaction piles and load test apparatus.
(2) Procedure: Test loads shall be applied by direct weight or by means of a hydraulic jack.
The loading platform or box shall be carefully constructed to provide a concentric load on
the pile. If direct weight is employed, the loading increments shall be applied without
impact or jar. The weight of the loading platform or box shall be obtained prior to the test,
and this weight shall be considered as the first increment of load. If a hydraulic jack is
employed, facilities for maintaining each increment of desired load constant under
increasing settlement shall be provided. The gage and the jack shall be calibrated as a
(a) Increment: The test load shall be twice the proposed working load of the pile. The
test load shall be applied in seven increments, at loads of 15-percent, 30-percent, 45-
percent, 60-percent, 75-percent, 90-percent, 100-percent, 115-percent, 130-percent
145-percent, 160-percent, 175-percent, 190-percent and 200-percent of the proposed
working load. After the proposed working load has been applied, and for each
increment thereafter, the test load shall remain in place until there is no measurable
settlement in a 2-hour period. The total test load shall remain in place until settlement
does not exceed one one-thousands of a foot (0.001-feet) in twelve (12) hours. The
total load shall be removed in decrements not exceeding 25-percent of the total load
at one (1) hour intervals or longer. The rebound shall be recorded after each
decrement is removed, and the final rebound shall be recorded twelve (12) hours
after the entire test load has been removed.
(b) Observation: Under each load increment, settlement observations shall be made and
recorded at one-half (1/2) minute, one (1) minute, two (2) minutes and three (3)
minutes. At each load interval a constant time of three (3) minutes shall be
(c) The allowable pile load shall be such that fifty (50) percent of the applied load causing
a net settlement of the pile of three-quarters (3/4) of an inch, where net settlement
equals gross settlement due to the total test load, minus the rebound, after removing
100-percent of the test load.
(D) Submittal: The entire test program will be observed by the Engineer. All the test data shall be
submitted to the Engineer for the Engineer’s review and interpretation. These data from the
tests will establish site installing criteria. Upon completion of the test program, the Contractor
shall remove all equipment and restore the site to the condition and satisfaction of the Engineer.
(E) The Engineer shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance so that the Engineer
may be present at the commencement of the test pile(s) installation and for the test program.
(F) The test piles, if and when installed at the location of permanent piles, will be accepted as a
permanent load-bearing pile only if approved by the Engineer.
(A) The grout mix selections and proportions shall be established based on the provisions of ACI
(B) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, ten (10) business days prior to the
start of work, the proposed grout mix strength testing program.
(C) The grout mix shall be tested by a testing laboratory to be engaged by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer, by making one (1) set of 2-inch cubes in accordance with ASTM
C109 and C492 for each day during which piles are placed, or for every three (3) piles,
whichever is greater and for every time water is added to the mix at the site. A set of cubes
shall consist of two (2) cubes to be tested at seven (7) days, two (2) cubes to be tested at
twenty-eight (28) days and two (2) cubes for backup in case of damage to the other specimens,
or earlier test (i.e. three (3) days).
The quantities of continuous flight auger (CFA) piles in linear feet to be measured for payment of the unit
price bid will be the actual length of piles installed and left in place in conformity with the contract drawings
and specifications. The linear footage of pile to be measured for payment shall be the length in place
below the cutoff elevation measured to the tip shown on the drawings.
The contract price for “CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER (CFA) PILES” shall be the unit price bid per
vertical foot and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests (except load
tests), and insurance required and necessary to furnish, drill, install, cut, cap, and permanently incorporate
in the work all continuous flight auger (CFA) piles, grout, reinforcing bars and/or steel pipe, required or
ordered, together with all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications, and
as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the contract price herein shall also be the cost for all design submittals, shop drawing
submittals, documentation, connections and guide works.
(A) No separate payment will be made for concrete, reinforcement, a steel pipe or reinforcing bar,
rejected piles, removing damaged piles, piles installed for temporary use or for the convenience of
the Contractor, disposal of auger spoils, pile surveys and related drawings, pile cutoffs and their
disposal off site. The costs thereof shall be deemed included in the unit price bid for item labeled,
(B) No separate payment will be made for excavating for pile installation, clearing obstructions and
installing piles through obstructions, replacing unsuitable materials required due to pile installation
procedures, and for furnishing, placing and compacting fill and backfill material required due to pile
installation procedures; the costs thereof shall be included in the unit price bid for all items of the
contract. Also no payment shall be made for any condition survey, additional borings, any laboratory
testing, site photography, delays due to site conditions, access, traffic conditions, permits, etc.
Separate payment will be made for load tests for continuous flight auger (CFA) piles. Payment for the
cost for each continuous flight auger (CFA) pile load test, including all labor, materials, plant, equipment,
tests and insurance required and necessary to complete the continuous flight auger (CFA) pile load test
shall be made under the contract price bid for item labeled “CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER (CFA)
Payment for Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Numbers for Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles have seven characters. (The decimal
point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles:
(2) The sixth character shall define Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles:
A - Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles
(4) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
This section covers additional requirements and specifications for the installation of rotary-drilled cast-in-
situ thirty (30) ton capacity mini-piles as shown on the contract drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
This section shall be used in conjunction with the requirements of Section 5.22 - Piles.
The work consists of furnishing all necessary labor, materials and equipment to perform the work
necessary to install permanent mini-piles of thirty (30) ton compressive capacity as per the specifications
described herein and as shown on the contract drawings.
The Contractor is advised that headroom clearance may be restricted and may require special pile driving
No additional payment shall be made for the use of different equipment as deemed necessary to complete
the work as described herein. All costs shall be deemed included in the price bid for the item labeled
Contractor shall provide the additional materials and equipment for the installation of the mini-piles:
(A) Plant:
The drilling procedure for the mini-piles is water flush duplex drilling or a water and polymer drilling mud
mixture as necessary. Duplex drilling involves the simultaneous advancement of the casing with an
approved cutting shoe and drill bit to provide temporary support to the borehole. The drill bit shall not
extend closer than one (1) foot above the casing tip. A duplex drive head with ports on the sides is used
to eject the flush. Water for flushing will be delivered to the duplex head via a jetting pump connected to a
water hydrant or storage tank.
The drill crew shall visually examine the drill spoils during installation of the pile. The Contractor shall
ensure that the pile is drilled to the required depth and visually check borehole stability at all times. Where
borehole instability is apparent or suspected, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer and appropriate
actions shall be specified.
The final borehole depth shall be measured by the driller, checked by the Contractor and recorded on the
Daily Report. On reaching the required depth, the borehole shall be water flushed to remove any
remaining debris. Spoils arising from drilling and flushing of the borehole shall be deposited around the
pile for disposal by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) full-length
installation records for each mini-pile installed.
A No. 8 all-thread reinforcing bar shall be used to reinforce each pile. The reinforcing bar shall be
centralized within the borehole by wrap-round spacers. The bars shall be spliced using proprietary full
strength couplers until the required depth is reached. Each length shall be hoisted into position manually
or by using the lifting arm mounted on the drill rig. The lower bar shall be held in position inside the casing
temporarily during splicing using the hydraulic clamp on the drill rig or other clamping device. A 3/4-inch
diameter PVC tremie pipe shall be attached to the reinforcing bar to allow grouting from the base of
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that sufficient cement is ordered and grout is mixed to
meet contract requirements. All grout shall be mixed in accordance with the approved mix design.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the correct method of grout placement is used and
recorded. The grout shall be pumped through a tremie pipe to the base of the pile and the hole filled prior
to lifting up the temporary casing. Grout shall be allowed to flow until clean grout is returned to the
surface. Thereafter, the casing shall be slowly withdrawn using the drill rig while maintaining a positive
grout pressure of a minimum of 50-psi. The casing shall be withdrawn to the required design depth and
then pushed back two (2) feet to form the unbonded length.
The Engineer shall be immediately notified of any significant loss of grout. The Contractor shall be
responsible for checking and recording the final grout level in the pile relative to the ground level or site
datum on the Daily Report.
Mini-piles shall be installed by a specialty contractor having no less than five (5) years experience in this
type of construction.
An independent testing laboratory shall test each batch of grout mixed as follows:
Make a set of six (6) grout cubes each day. Two (2) grout cubes each shall be tested at three (3), seven
(7) and twenty-eight (28) days for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C109.
The Contractor shall install all piles in the presence of the Engineer.
Load test for mini-piles shall be in accordance with ASTM D1143, and as directed by the Engineer. The
cost for mini-piles load test, including all material, labor and equipment shall be paid under the bid item
(1) Install grouted piles at locations shown on contract drawing, and as directed by the Engineer.
(2) The drilling equipment shall be a hydraulic mini-drill rig capable of 5,000-ft-lbs of torque and 10,000-
lbs of crowd (pushing load). The drill shall have a self-contained hydraulic double acting cylinder
grout pump capable of 600-psi pressure and hydraulic grout mixer.
(3) The diameter of the cutting shoe of the casing shall not exceed the outer diameter of the casing by
more than 0.25-inch.
(4) The pile shall be reinforced with No. 8, Grade 60, threadbar with spacers at ten (10) foot on centers
and couplers as required. Threadbar shall be epoxy coated (ASTM A775) or approved equal.
(5) Grout shall produce a compressive strength of 4,000-psi in seven (7) days. The Contractor shall
design a grout mixture, which is expected to produce 4,000-psi in seven (7) days and submit it to
DDC for approval.
(6) Grout shall be mixed thoroughly with a high-shear colloidal type mixer capable of handling a
minimum of six (6) bag mix.
(7) Grout shall be pumped using a hydraulic pump capable of 600-psi pressure and capable of a
minimum of sixty (60) gallons per minute capacity.
(8) A set of six (6) cubes of grout samples (2-inch by 2-inch) shall be taken for each day during which
mini-piles are grouted. The cube samples shall be tested by an independent testing laboratory in
accordance with the concrete section of the specifications.
(9) The Contractor shall submit for approval shop drawings showing materials to be used, grout mix
design, drilling equipment, grout mixer, grout pump, drilling fluid to be used, threadbar, pile
installation log to be used and the installation procedures to be used.
(1) Before commencing any mini-pile installation operations the Contractor shall have approved shop
drawings from the Department of Design and Construction for mini-piles (grouted). The shop
drawings shall include, but not be limited to, materials to be used, grout mix design, drilling
equipment, grout mixer, grout pump, drilling fluid to be used, threadbar, pile installation log to be
used and the installation to be used.
(3) The Contractor shall have these drawings prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer, currently
registered in the State of New York. Such drawings shall be submitted together with mini piles
design calculations and both drawings and design calculations shall bear the imprint of the Licensed
Professional Engineer’s seal and signature. These shop drawings shall be on sheets twenty-seven
(27) inches by forty (40) inches with one-half (1/2) inch marginal space on three (3) sides and a two
(2) inch marginal space for binding on the left side. Each shop drawing shall be dated and contain
the name of the project and the contract number
(1) Settlement points shall be installed at all columns of overhead structures adjacent to proposed
construction work. A minimum of two (2) settlement points shall be established at each column.
(2) The survey of settlement points shall be done by a surveyor licensed in the State of New York.
(3) A minimum of two (2) benchmarks shall be established for the settlement monitoring. The
benchmark should be a minimum of fifty (50) feet distance from columns and construction work
(4) The initial survey of the settlement points shall be done prior to pile installation within one
hundred (100) feet of the columns.
(6) All pile installation work within one hundred (100) feet of the columns shall be stopped if
settlement reaches 1/4-inch.
(a) Pile installation between fifty (50) feet and one hundred (100) feet distance from the
columns; once every four (4) days.
(b) Pile installation within fifty (50) feet of the columns; once every two (2) days.
(c) If the settlement reaches 1/8-inch; once a day.
(8) The results of the settlement survey shall be submitted to the Engineer on the same day survey
was taken.
(1) Vibrations at the columns shall be monitored during the driving of piles that are between fifty
(50) feet and one hundred (100) feet from the columns.
(2) A total of two (2) seismographs shall be used for the monitoring; one (1) at each of the closest
two (2) columns from pile driving.
(4) The allowable limit of vibration during pile driving is 0.5-inch per second (in particle velocity)
above the ambient vibration level. Stop pile driving if the vibration exceeds 0.5-inch per second
above ambient.
(5) The results of the vibration monitoring shall be submitted to the Engineer on the same day of
The quantities of Mini-Piles to be measured for payment shall be the number of vertical feet measured
from pile tip to cutoff, furnished and permanently incorporated in the work in accordance with the plans,
standards and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “MINI-PILES” shall be the unit price bid per vertical foot and shall cover the cost of
all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests, shop drawings, shop drawings preparation, and
insurance required and necessary to furnish, and/or install, and permanently incorporate in the work all
rotary cast-in-situ mini-piles (grouted) required all in accordance with the plans, standards and
specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the contract prices hereinabove shall also be the cost for all connections and guide works.
No separate or additional payment will be made for test piles, which are not permanently incorporated into
the work, for piles installed by the Contractor for temporary use, and for any other piles not permanently
incorporated into the work.
Payment for Mini-Piles (Grouted) will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Mini-Piles (Grouted) have seven characters. (The decimal point is considered
a character, the third character.)
(4) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
When and where specifically specified in the contract documents (i.e. plans, specifications, addenda or
traffic stipulations) decking for open trenches shall be provided as shown, specified or required.
Decking shall be defined as a temporary timber mat roadway structure over trenches and excavations built
flush with the existing roadway for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
The placing of anchored steel plates for vehicular traffic, the installation of pedestrian crossings and the
installation of walkways at hydrant locations to bridge across trenches and excavations shall not be
considered as decking. The cost of all labor, materials, equipment, and insurance required and necessary
(A) Timber and lumber shall be new or acceptable used timber and lumber free from injurious defects.
(B) Timber and lumber bracing, bridging and decking shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.20.
(C) Steel beams and girders shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19, except that approved
used material will be permitted. Steel used for decking shall conform to the requirements of the ASTM
A36 and all other applicable requirements of ASTM.
(D) Bolts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A307 or ASTM A325, or as otherwise shown on
approved shop drawings.
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder. The requirements of Section 4.05 shall apply, except as otherwise herein amended.
(A) Design criteria shall conform to the requirements set forth in Subsection 4.05.6.
(B) Decking shall be installed in such a way as not to disturb or damage either existing or new pavement,
and the existing utilities and structures occupying the area adjacent to the trench and within the influence
lines of the timber mats as placed in Subsection 4.05.6(G)(2).
Detailed shop drawings and design calculations shall be prepared for each and every decking system and
shall be submitted in accordance with Subsection 4.05.5.
The quantity of decking to be measured for payment shall be the number of square yards of decking
placed, complete, as shown, specified or ordered. Pay limits for decking shall be from inside face of
sheeting line to inside face of sheeting line measured perpendicularly across the trench.
Payment will be made for decking only for the initial installation over a specific area. Whenever decking is
removed and installed over a new area, payment will be made in the same manner as if it were an initial
installation. Whenever decking is removed and reinstalled over an enlarged area, then only the additional
new area of the enlargement will be measured for payment under this item.
No payment will be made for movement of decking made for the Contractor’s convenience; for removal
and subsequent replacement over a given area; or for the interchanging of decking between initial
The contract price for “DECKING” shall be the unit price bid per square yard for decking and shall cover
the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, and insurance required and necessary to fabricate, place,
maintain and remove the decking system, and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the
plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
The decking over any specific trench area will be paid for only once during the life of the contract.
Payment for Decking will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Decking has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a character,
the third character.)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
The Contractor shall completely enclose by temporary fences all excavations, steep embankments, open
shops and storage areas and all other potentially hazardous locations as soon as such condition exists
and as ordered by the Engineer. The fencing is in addition to any provisions that the Contractor would
normally follow to safeguard the Contractor’s work operations and in no way reduces the Contractor’s
obligations as provided in the contract.
Fencing shall be five (5) foot high above the existing surface and shall be constructed in ten (10) linear
foot removable sections to facilitate construction. Each section shall consist of three (3) horizontal rails of
2" x 8" lumber nailed at each end to 2" x 8" vertical posts. The lower rail shall be located not more than six
(6) inches above ground or street surface. The posts shall be of sufficient height to be firmly anchored in
a manner approved by the Engineer. The spaces between rails shall be covered with 1/12-inch (0.083”)
diameter, (No. 14 B.W.G.) iron wire (both directions) of an electrically welded rectangular mesh, with
openings no greater than two (2) inches wide by four (4) inches high.
(A) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the furnishing, erecting, relocating, maintenance and
removal and replacement of all temporary fencing required under this contract.
The Contractor shall maintain all fencing in a satisfactory and safe condition. The Contractor shall
replace, at no additional cost to the City, any and all fencing that the Engineer deems cannot be
maintained and/or fails to meet the requirements of this section.
(B) The Contractor shall be permitted to remove such portions of the fencing as are required for the
purpose of performing the Contractor’s construction operations during working hours, providing that the
public is continuously safeguarded by other satisfactory means during these construction operations. In
all such cases the sections of fencing removed shall be restored to their original locations at the end of
each workday.
The quantity of fencing to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear feet of temporary
fencing incorporated into the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “FENCING” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot fencing and shall cover the cost
of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance required and necessary to furnish, erect, relocate,
maintain and remove and replace all temporary fencing and to do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Fencing will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Fencing has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a character,
the third character.)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.25.1 INTENT
Under this section the Contractor shall be required to inspect, examine, shore, brace, support, protect,
maintain and/or permanently underpin buildings and/or structures specifically shown on the plans, and
specified in the contract documents to be shored, braced, supported, protected, maintained and/or
permanently underpinned.
Before the start of this work, the Contractor shall engage the services of a licensed New York State
Professional Engineer who specializes in foundation and underpinning work. The Professional Engineer’s
experience papers and name of the firm shall be submitted for approval before the work. Upon
acceptance of the Professional Engineer’s services, the following work shall be performed:
(1) Obtain official building and/or structure records from the local building department, and/or other
city agencies that have jurisdiction over the building and/or structure;
(2) Examine the building and/or structure and make test pits if necessary to verify the existing
condition of the building and/or structure and their foundations. The Professional Engineer will
be required to obtain written permission of the owner to enter the building or property for
inspection and examination, and for making test pits;
(3) The Professional Engineer shall make quantitative analysis of each building and/or structure
specified to determine whether permanent underpinning work is required with reference to the
Contractors proposed method of construction. The analysis shall include, but not be limited to
(4) The result of the analysis shall be submitted to the Engineer for review
If by the analysis, permanent underpinning work is required, the following Subsections 5.25.3 through
5.25.10 inclusively, shall be complied with.
Prior to the actual underpinning work, the approved Engineer for this work; presumed to be the same
Engineer (if different, all qualification papers shall be submitted for review and acceptance); shall submit
shop drawings together with design computations detailing the means and methods for underpinning of
each building and/or structure. Shop drawings shall be submitted on 27” x 40” sheets of paper with a one-
half (1/2) inch marginal space on three sides and two (2) inch marginal space for binding on the left side.
Computations shall be submitted separately on 8-1/2” x 11” paper. Shop drawings with computations
shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval, and shall bear the seal and signature of a
licensed New York State Professional Engineer.
5.25.4 PERMITS
The Contractor shall apply for all permits required in order to work at the designated location(s), and shall
adhere to all requirements of such permits. The Contractor shall obtain all permits and consents
necessary or required for the permanent underpinning of buildings and/or structures and for the
reconstruction thereof. Applications for consents to enter buildings and/or properties for the purpose of
permanent underpinning shall state that, permanent underpinning is necessary to maintain the support of
the building and/or structure in a safe condition during the construction of the sewer or water main. One
counterpart of each such consent, duly signed, and acknowledged by the owner or one of the owners,
executors or administrators for owner or owners and for owner or owners agents, lessees and any other
persons who shall have a vested or contingent interest in the building or structure, or notice of refusal if
consent is not obtained, shall be filed with the Engineer at least ten (10) days before the commencement
of any work which would affect the building and/or structure.
The Contractor shall make application for permits to the Department of Buildings (DOB) or other city
agencies having jurisdiction. Applications shall include all forms, drawings, cloth prints, insurance
certificates, all required fees, etc. with the result that the Contractor shall have an approval by the City
agency having jurisdiction before starting this work.
The Contractor and/or subcontractor performing underpinning work shall demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the Engineer that it has engaged in the performance of underpinning work comparable in scope to that
required by this contract. The Contractor’s and/or subcontractor’s experience must be submitted for
review and approval prior to undertaking any work described by this section.
(A) Concrete used in permanent underpinning or in other permanent supporting construction shall be
Class 40, Type IIA, complying with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(B) Brick and brick masonry shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.16.
(C) Cement mortar shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.17.
(D) Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as
modified in Section 2.15.
(E) Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.19.
5.25.7 METHODS
(2) Forms shall be removed in accordance with the requirements of General Specification 11 -
Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
Any damage to buildings, properties and structures caused by the Contractor’s means and methods of
construction operation, whether it is accidental or due to negligence or carelessness in performing the
work required in this section, shall be remedied by the Contractor at own expense, and to the satisfaction
of the Engineer. No separate or additional payment will be made to the Contractor by the City for repair to
and/or replacement of buildings and/or structures damaged as a result of such accident, negligence or
Temporary shoring, bracing and other means of temporary support shall be removed after completion of
construction. Before removal of temporary supports, a written report shall be submitted by a New York
State Licensed Professional Engineer stating that the integrity of the building and/or structure is sound.
This report must indicate all remedial work required to be performed prior to removal of said temporary
MAINTAINING” of Existing Building and/or Structure shall be for the lump sum price bid for each building
and/or structure requiring shoring, bracing, underpinning, support, protection and maintenance and shall
include the costs of all labor, material, plant, test pits, inspections, examinations, reports, shop drawings,
computations, samples, permits, testing, equipment and insurance required and necessary for
maintaining, protecting, securing, supporting and permanently underpinning the buildings and/or
structures specified. It shall also include all costs associated with the obtaining of all consents necessary
to perform this work.
No separate payment will be made for the removal of any temporary supports or for making test pits to
determine the type and depth of existing foundations or for the restoration of any buildings and/or
structures damaged due to the Contractor’s construction operations.
In the event that a building and/or structure specified does not require support or permanent underpinning,
which determination shall be made only after the performance of the engineering study set out in
Subsection 5.25.2, then the Contractor shall be paid for such evaluation, study and report and all costs
associated therewith, and for any remedial work required (other than support or permanent underpinning)
at the rate of ten (10) percent of the Contractor’s bid price for the specific contract item for “SHORING,
and/or Structure.
Payment for Shoring, Bracing, Underpinning, Supporting, Protecting And Maintaining Of Buildings And/Or
Structures will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Shoring, Bracing, Underpinning, Supporting, Protecting And Maintaining Of
Buildings And/Or Structures have fifteen characters. (The decimal point is considered a character,
the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Shoring, Bracing, Underpinning, Supporting, Protecting
And Maintaining Of Buildings And/Or Structures:
(2) The sixth character shall define the Borough building or structure is in:
B - The Bronx
K - Brooklyn
M - Manhattan
Q - Queens
S - Staten Island
(3) The seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh characters shall define the Block Number
building or structure is at:
02610 - Block No. 2610
10767 - Block No. 10767
(4) The twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth characters shall define the Lot Number
building or structure is at:
0027 - Lot No. 27
0240 - Lot No. 240
(5) Examples of Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid
Schedule are provided below:
Excavation of boulders in open cut shall include the excavation, removal and disposal of boulders or parts
thereof from within the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trenches and excavations, more than one-half
(1/2) cubic yard in volume. The term boulders as used herein shall include riprap, rock fill, thrust blocks
and loose masonry. It shall not include pavement and pavement foundation, or existing sewer or water
main structures.
(B) NOTIFICATION AFTER REMOVAL FROM OPEN CUT - After the boulder has been removed from
open cut, the Engineer shall be duly notified in order that the Engineer may take such measurements
required to measure the boulder. Any boulder removed from the site of the work before such
measurements are taken will not be paid for.
The quantity of excavation of boulders in open cut to be measured for payment shall be the volume of
boulders or parts thereof from within the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trenches and excavations,
more than one-half (1/2) cubic yard in volume, excavated and removed in open cut and disposed of away
from the site of the work.
The volume of a boulder or parts thereof removed from open cut shall be computed by multiplying the
maximum cross sectional area by seven-tenths (7/10) of the length.
Boulders one-half (1/2) cubic yard or less in volume, pavement and pavement foundations, track
foundations and existing sewers, manholes, valve chambers, regulator chambers and appurtenances will
not be measured for payment.
The contract price for “EXCAVATION OF BOULDERS IN OPEN CUT” shall be the unit price bid per cubic
yard and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance required and
necessary to excavate, remove and dispose of all boulders in open cut from within the limits of the
sheeted and unsheeted trenches and excavations (whether whole or partial), together with all work
incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made wherever the Contractor elects to remove an entire
boulder that extends partly into the trench or excavation. Payment will only be made for that volume of the
boulder that is within the limits of the sheeted and unsheeted trench or excavation. No separate or
additional payment will be made for the removal of boulders or for the filling of voids left by the removal of
boulders beyond the limits of the sheeted or unsheeted trench or excavation.
Payment for Excavation Of Boulders In Open Cut will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Number for Excavation Of Boulders In Open Cut has seven characters. (The decimal point
is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Excavation Of Boulders In Open Cut:
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Excavation of boulders shall include the excavation, removal and disposal of boulders or parts thereof in
Tunneled Sections, specifically approved in writing by the Engineer.
The term boulder as used herein shall include riprap, rock fill and loose masonry.
The presence of boulders at the face of the tunneling machine may be difficult to ascertain. It is also
anticipated that the type of machine specified will be able to remove boulders of various sizes. Should it
become necessary to cease tunneling operations to physically remove a boulder then that boulder or
portion thereof shall be measured for payment. Boulders encountered that are broken down and removed
by the tunneling machine shall not be measured or estimated for payment. Payment will only be made for
those boulders that have to be manually removed by gaining access to the tunnel face and removing it in
total or portion thereof.
Should the advancement of the microtunneling machine be halted due to the presence of a boulder the
Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer.
After the boulder has been removed the Engineer shall again be notified in order that the Engineer may
take such measurements required to measure the boulder. Any boulder removed from the site of the
work before such measurements are taken will not be paid for.
The Contractor will be required to properly dispose of all boulders removed from the site.
The quantity of boulders in tunnel section to be measured for payment shall be the volume of boulders
more than one-ninth (1/9) cubic yard in volume, excavated and removed in tunnel section and disposed of
away from the site of work. Whenever boulders are partially removed, only that portion of the boulder
removed shall be measured for payment.
The contract price for “EXCAVATION OF BOULDERS IN TUNNEL SECTION” shall be at the unit price
bid per cubic yard and shall cover the cost of all labor materials, plant, equipment and insurance, together
No separate payment will be made for the cost of filling voids left by the removal of any boulders from
within the Tunnel Section. These voids will be filled with grout as specified in Sections 5.05A and 5.05B,
and the costs thereof shall be deemed included in the price bid per cubic yard under the item labeled
Should the presence of groundwater not permit the safe removal of a boulder at the tunnel face, as
determined by the Engineer, then the Contractor may be required to install a deep well to remove the
water or to initiate the use of compressed air at the tunnel face. Should either of these situations arise the
Contractor shall perform this additional work in accordance with Section 5.26B - Allowance For Boulder
Removal, and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor will be compensated for all costs associated
with this additional work in accordance with Section 5.26B. Payment will be made for the costs of
installing and operating a dewatering system or, if necessary, the costs for the installation of a
compressed-air plant and all costs associated with its operation including any premium labor costs
associated with working in a compressed-air environment. No payment will be made for on site
equipment downtime, including the tunnel machine, or for the payment of any idle labor forces.
Payment for Excavation Of Boulders In Tunnel Section will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Number for Excavation Of Boulders In Tunnel Section has seven characters. (The decimal
point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Excavation Of Boulders In Tunnel Section:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Excavation Of Boulders In Tunnel Section:
ET - Excavation Of Boulders In Tunnel Section
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
This item will be used to compensate the Contractor for additional costs associated with boulder removal
whenever the presence of groundwater prevents its safe removal, as determined and specifically
approved in writing by the Engineer.
Where groundwater adversely affects the removal of boulders then the Contractor will be compensated for
the additional costs required to work in “the dry” as specified herein.
If, during the tunneling process, the presence of a boulder is detected that cannot be removed by the
tunneling machine the Contractor will be required to access the face of the machine to manually remove
the boulder. Payment for the manual removal of boulders from the face of the machine shall be made in
accordance with the item labeled “EXCAVATION OF BOULDERS IN TUNNEL SECTION”.
Should this dewatering system not be able to eliminate or minimize the groundwater to permit safe
removal of the boulder then the Contractor will be required to install, operate and maintain a compressed-
air plant and to remove the boulder under compressed air conditions.
Prior to the start of tunneling the Contractor will be required to submit a plan for the possible installation of
a deep-well dewatering system along with a preliminary estimate of the associated costs. This will include
all material, equipment and labor costs along with operating expenses.
The Contractor will also be required to submit all details, including shop drawings, and costs associated
with the possible installation and operation of a compressed air plant. This submission will also include
the name of two (2) suppliers of a compressed air plant system.
All additional costs associated with the removal of a boulder due to groundwater conditions (i.e. costs for
the possible installation and operation of a deep-well dewatering system or, if necessary, the costs for the
possible installation and operation of a compressed air plant including any premium labor costs associated
with working in a compressed-air environment) will be paid on a Time and Material basis in accordance
with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract except as amended herein. Payment will be made under the item
labeled “ALLOWANCE FOR BOULDER REMOVAL”. This item shall be used exclusively for the additional
costs associated with the removal of a boulder due to groundwater conditions.
No guarantee is given that this allowance for additional costs associated with the work required for the
removal of a boulder due to groundwater conditions will in fact be required in this contract. The estimated
price in the Bid Schedule is included in the total bid solely to insure a method of payment for performing
this work as directed by the Engineer.
Payment made under this item shall be equal to the sum total of all vouchers submitted by the Contractor
as payment for the cost of performing this work as approved by the Engineer. Payment under this item,
including partial payments, will not be made until the Contractor has furnished satisfactory evidence to the
Engineer that the Contractor has performed the work.
The voucher for the payment shall be submitted to the Engineer on a monthly basis.
The “fixed sum” in the Bid Schedule is for bidding purposes only and shall not be varied in the bid;
however, the Contractor will be paid only for the actual work performed regardless of the fixed sum, which
may be more or less than the amount fixed in the Bid Schedule.
No separate payment will be made for any submissions required under Subsection 5.26B.3. In addition
no payment will be made for on site equipment downtime, including the costs of the tunneling machine or
for the payment of any idle labor forces.
Payment for Allowance For Boulder Removal will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Allowance For Boulder Removal has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Allowance For Boulder Removal:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Allowance For Boulder Removal:
AR - Allowance For Boulder Removal
5.27.1 INTENT
Rock excavation is the removal of a formation that cannot be excavated without the use of systematic
Rock excavation shall include the excavation, removal and disposal of unbroken ledge rock from within
the rock excavation payment lines as shown, specified or ordered.
(B) ROCK SURFACE - The Contractor's attention is specifically directed to the fact that the assumed
rock surfaces and estimated quantity set forth in the contract; while calculated from the best information
obtainable; are approximate only, are not guaranteed to obtain the work, are given only to form a basis of
comparison of bids, and are not to be considered as a binding feature of the contract. The bidders are
required to examine the soundings and borings and the premises, and take such steps as may be
necessary to judge for themselves the quantities and other circumstances affecting the cost of the work.
(C) NOTIFICATION BEFORE COMMENCING WORK - After ledge rock has been stripped of overlaying
materials the Engineer shall be duly notified in order that the Engineer may take such measurements and
surveys required to measure the amount of ledge rock. Any rock excavated before such measurements
are taken will not be paid for.
(D) BLASTING - No blasting will be allowed. The Contractor shall use line drilling or other approved
(E) EXCAVATION FOR BRANCHES - Whenever a branch for a proposed sewer or water main or
extension of sewer or water main is built in rock the required trench shall be excavated for a distance of
not less than five (5) feet beyond the end of such branch in the direction of the proposed pipe or
(F) DISPOSAL OF ROCK FROM SITE - All rock excavated from the trench shall be properly disposed of
immediately by the Contractor after its removal from the trenches and excavations.
The rock shall be excavated to the widths and to the depths required for the pipes, cradles and
foundations of the structures. (See Section 4.02.)
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or ordered in writing by the Engineer, all rock shall
be stripped in sections to its full depth for a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet in advance of the length
of pipe permitted to be laid; however, the total length of stripped section shall not be less than fifty (50)
feet. The only exception to this is at its upper end or ends, where rock shall be stripped to its full depth to
a distance of not less than five (5) feet beyond the pipe to be built. Upon completion of this work the
Engineer shall be notified in order that the Engineer may measure the rock removed. No payment will be
made for rock excavated before such measurement is made.
The subgrade must be checked and accepted by the Engineer before any structure is placed thereon.
All exposed water mains, valves, sewers, manholes, receiving basins and other structures shall be
carefully protected. The Contractor at the Contractor’s own expense shall promptly repair any damage
done to such structures.
The quantity of rock excavation to be measured for payment shall be the volume of ledge rock removed and
disposed of away from the site of the work, from between the approved vertical planes and extending from
the subgrade of the trench or excavation to the rock surface that are established as defined in Section 4.02.
The contract price for “ROCK EXCAVATION” shall be the unit price bid per cubic yard and shall cover the
cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance required and necessary to remove and dispose
of all ledge rock from within the limits of the rock excavation payment lines, together with all work
incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Filling of the voids left by the removal of ledge rock within the limits of the rock excavation payment lines
shall be done in accordance with Section 4.06. In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the
cost of all labor, material, plant, equipment and insurance required and necessary to furnish and deliver
acceptable clean fill material required to fill the voids left by the removal of ledge rock.
The Contractor is notified that the cost for all labor, materials, equipment and insurance required and
necessary to place, compact, sample and test acceptable clean fill material required to fill voids left by the
removal of ledge rock shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all contract items of work. No
separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
Payment for Rock Excavation will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Rock Excavation have seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Rock Excavation:
RE - Rock Excavation
RR - Rock Excavation Within Railroad Influence As Per
Railroad Guidelines
(3) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
Riprap, stone ballast, broken stone and slope pavement shall consist of stones placed where shown,
specified or required.
Stone ballast shall also be the broken stone ordered in writing by the Engineer to fill voids in the subgrade
of the trench caused by the removal of boulders, rock, unsuitable subgrade material, existing sewers and
associated structures.
Broken stone shall also be the broken stone ordered in writing by the Engineer when due to construction
consideration the Engineer deems it necessary to substitute the smaller coarse aggregate for shown or
specified stone ballast.
Riprap, stone ballast, broken stone and slope pavement shall be in accordance with Section 2.25.
(B) RIPRAP - The slopes of riprap embankment exposed to water and wave action shall be covered with
large stones of approved dimensions.
(C) STONE BALLAST - Stone ballast shall be deposited in such a manner as to form a compact mass.
(D) BROKEN STONE - Broken stone shall be deposited in such a manner as to form a compact mass.
(E) SLOPE PAVEMENT - The stones shall be placed by hand or derrick so as to present a fairly even
surface and have their longest dimensions approximately perpendicular to the side of the embankment.
At least one-third (1/3) of the stones shall extend through the pavement.
The quantity of riprap, stone ballast, broken stone or slope pavement to be measured for payment shall be
the number of cubic yards of riprap, stone ballast, broken stone or slope pavement incorporated into the
work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “RIPRAP”, “STONE BALLAST”, “BROKEN STONE” and “SLOPE PAVEMENT” shall
be the unit price bid per cubic yard for riprap, stone ballast, broken stone or slope pavement and shall
cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to furnish, deliver and place the riprap, stone ballast, broken stone or slope pavement and do
all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the
No separate or additional payment shall be made for any additional sheeting required due to the additional
excavation, the cost of the additional sheeting shall be deemed included in the price bid for item(s) labeled
Payment for Riprap, Stone Ballast, Broken Stone And Slope Pavement will be made under the Item
Number as calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Riprap, Stone Ballast, Broken Stone And Slope Pavement have seven
characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Riprap, Stone Ballast, Broken Stone And Slope
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define the Kind Of Material:
RR - Riprap
SB - Stone Ballast (Not Less Than Item)
BS - Broken Stone (Not Less Than Item)
SP - Slope Pavement
(3) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
Grouted stone pavement shall consist of stones placed on grout where shown, specified or required.
Grouted Stone Pavement shall consist of sound, quarried or spilt stones weighing 100-pounds to 200-
pounds per stone. The stones shall be of the same character and coloration as that used for the adjoining
slope stone.
Grout shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.18, and shall be Cement and Sand Grout.
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder.
Stone shall be set on the exposed roof of the outfall structure with flat side facing upwards. The stones
shall be placed as close together as possible and shall crown at the center of the structure, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. The stones shall be installed on a grout bed and prior to the setting up of the
grout bed additional grout shall be poured and tamped into the jointing between stones. Where spaces
The quantity of grouted stone pavement to be measured for payment shall be the number of square yards
furnished and placed on the roof of the outfall structure and in the area as shown on the contract drawings
and as directed by the Engineer.
The contract price for “GROUTED STONE PAVEMENT” shall be the unit price bid per square yard for
grouted stone pavement and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and
tests required and necessary to furnish, deliver, and install grouted stone pavement and to do all work
incidental thereto, all in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and as directed by the
Payment for Grouted Stone Pavement will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Grouted Stone Pavement has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Grouted Stone Pavement:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Grouted Stone Pavement:
GS - Grouted Stone Pavement
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Clean backfill shall be the clean fill ordered in writing by the Engineer, where there is a deficiency of
acceptable backfill in accordance with Subsections 4.06.2, 4.06.6 and 4.06.8. This backfill shall be
exclusive of the normal backfill requirements as specified in Subsection 4.06.2. Clean backfill shall not
be used to fill voids in the subgrade of the trenches and excavations unless otherwise specified on the
plans or in the contract documents, or as ordered in writing by the Engineer. Clean backfill shall not be
used at any time to fill voids in the trenches and excavations; from subgrade to two (2) feet above the top
of the sewer conduit (i.e. sewer pipes on cradles or encasements, reinforced concrete sewers, basin and
house connections, culverts, etc.); and, within any area less than two (2) feet wide in its least dimension
and within eighteen (18) inches around all underground facilities (i.e. pipes, mains, conduit, cable, etc.).
If approved in writing by the Engineer, excavated material determined to be unsuitable, in accordance with
Subsection 4.06.2, may be processed (i.e. screened and/or crushed) to produce clean fill as specified
herein. In such case, the material furnished in accordance with these specifications, to be used as
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder.
The quantity of clean backfill to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic yards of clean
backfill, as ordered in writing by the Engineer, in place after compaction and limited to the conditions
specified in Subsection 5.29.1 of the specifications.
If actual trench widths are less than payment maximums stated in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2), those smaller
widths shall serve as the basis upon which the actual volume of substituted clean backfill is measured for
purposes of determining additional compensation. If, however, actual trench widths exceed those
maximums, no payment will be made for clean backfill placed outside these established limits. The cost
of such excess backfill shall be borne solely and exclusively by the Contractor.
Where impracticable to measure clean backfill in place, measurements may be made in scows and
vehicles, and the quantity to be paid for will be eight-tenths (8/10) of the yardage determined by such
The contract price for “CLEAN BACKFILL” shall be the unit price bid per cubic yard for clean backfill and
shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and
necessary to furnish and deliver the clean backfill material and to do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor is notified that the cost for all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance required
and necessary to place, compact, sample and test provided acceptable clean backfill shall be deemed
included in the prices bid for all contract items of work.
Payment for Clean Backfill will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Clean Backfill has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Clean Backfill:
CB - Clean Backfill (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
(1) The Contractor will be required to cut all asphaltic pavement; concrete pavement; asphaltic top
course on concrete base pavement; and all other roadway pavements specified or ordered; as follows:
(a) full-depth saw cuts of pavement along the initial opening limits of all trenches and excavations;
(b) full-depth saw cuts of pavement along the edges of all trenches and excavations for cutbacks of
trenches and excavations;
(c) full-depth saw cuts of asphaltic top course along the edges of all trenches and excavations for
cutbacks of asphaltic top course.
(d) full-depth saw cuts of pavement across the widths of trenches, excavations and cutbacks.
NOTE: A “FULL-DEPTH SAW CUT” shall be defined as the cutting of pavement by the use of a dust
controlling rotary blade concrete and pavement saw cutting machine. (Vermeer type cutting
machines will not be permitted for use in order to make full-depth saw cuts.)
(2) The Contractor will be required to full-depth saw cut all sidewalks and curbs along the limits of all
trenches and excavations or as directed by the Engineer.
(3) All saw cutting shall be done with approved power tool equipment.
All pavements shall be initially opened as specified in Subsection 5.30.2 paragraphs (A)(1)(a) and (A)(2)
above. Unless otherwise specified, the remainder of the pavements between cuts may be opened with
hand-held "Jack" Hammers, Hoe-Rams, or Truck-Mounted Pavement Breakers. Hoe-Rams will be
permitted to crack the pavements between longitudinal cuts just prior (same day) to the excavation (where
surrounding pavement is to remain). This applies to all streets at all times. The area under construction
shall be kept as clean and neat as possible and no material shall restrict water flow in gutter areas. These
requirements shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
In order to minimize future settlements, cuts in recently constructed pavements still under guarantee by
the Contractor; in which subgrade material is removed along with the pavement excavated; must be
backfilled to subgrade of pavement with clean sand or run-of-bank gravel, except where subsurface
conditions preclude select granular fill, as determined by the Engineer.
All pavement removal shall be done in such a manner so as not to disturb the existing pavements outside
the specified and ordered area of removal and restoration.
For the removal and restoration of brick or block pavements the edges of the pavement shall be toothed
or racked back.
5.30.3 PAYMENT
The Contractor will be compensated for breaking, removal and disposal of excavated pavement, provided
that the pavement removed meets the following conditions:
(a) within the ordered trench and excavation and cutback limits, or
(b) outside the ordered trench and excavation and cutback limits and has been
specifically shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered
and approved in writing to be removed by the Engineer, or
(c) within the ordered test pit excavation limits.
(1) Within Ordered Trench And Cutback Limits In All Streets For Sewers - When sewer work is required in
streets, the payment limits (unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer) for the volume of pavement
excavated, (i.e., broken, removed and disposed of, irrespective of the actual pavement material
encountered), shall be computed as follows:
(a) For existing pavement consisting of asphaltic concrete top course on a cement concrete
base course, or brick or block pavers top course on asphaltic concrete base course or
cement concrete base course:
The product of the average depth of the base course, by the actual length
of trench plus two (2) feet, by the maximum width as specified in
Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2) feet; plus, the product of the average
depth of the top course, by the actual length of trench plus four (4) feet, by
the maximum width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus four (4)
(b) For existing pavement consisting of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches or two (2) inches (as
specified) of asphaltic concrete top course on an asphaltic concrete base course:
The product of the average depth of the base course, by the actual length
of trench plus two (2) feet, by the maximum width as specified in
Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2) feet; plus, the product of the one and
one-half (1-1/2) inch or two (2) inch depth of the top course, by the actual
length of trench plus four (4) feet, by the maximum width as specified in
Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus four (4) feet.
The product of the average depth of the full pavement, by the actual length
of trench plus two (2) feet, by the maximum width as specified in
Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2) feet.
(B) These Payment Limits Shall Be Maximums: The width of pavement components to be
excavated is based on the maximum trench width, as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2). If actual
trench widths are less than those maximums, the smaller widths shall become the basis for
calculating payment limits. When, due to unforeseen or special field conditions changing the trench
width from that specified becomes necessary, and the change is approved by the Engineer, the width
of the pavement components’ excavation to be used for payment shall be increased or decreased by
the dimension equal to that of the change in the trench width.
(2) Outside The Ordered Trench And Excavation And Cutback Limits - When pavement excavation is
outside the ordered trench and excavation and cutback limits and has been specifically shown on the
plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to be removed by the
Engineer, the maximum payment limits for the volume of pavement components’ excavation, (i.e., broken,
(3) Within The Ordered Test Pit Excavation Limits - When pavement excavation is within the ordered
test pit excavation limits and has been specifically shown on the plans, specified in the contract
documents, or ordered and approved in writing to be removed by the Engineer, the maximum payment
limits for the volume of pavement excavated, (i.e., broken, removed and disposed of, irrespective of the
actual pavement material encountered), shall be the product of the average depth of the full pavement, by
the actual length of the excavation plus one (1) foot, by the actual width of the excavation plus one (1)
foot. However, the pavement excavation volume coming within the limits of the sewer or water main
trench or excavation will not be allowed for measurement twice unless such pavement area is ordered
permanently restored and is completed before the sewer or water main trench or excavation is excavated.
(4) Within Ordered Excavation And Cutback Limits For Construction Of Manholes, Chambers, Etc. - When
construction of manholes, chambers and other structures are required, the payment limits (unless otherwise
approved in writing by the Engineer) for the volume of pavement excavated, (i.e., broken, removed and
disposed of, irrespective of the actual pavement material encountered), shall be computed as follows:
(a) For existing pavement consisting of asphaltic concrete top course on a cement concrete
base course, or brick or block pavers top course on asphaltic concrete base course or
cement concrete base course:
The product of the average depth of the base course, by the length of the
base course five (5) feet wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls), by the width of the
base course five (5) feet wider than the width of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls); plus, the product of
the average depth of the top course, by the length of the top course seven
(7) feet wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure
(measured between outside faces of walls), by the width of the top course
seven (7) feet wider than the width of the manhole, chamber or structure
(measured between outside faces of walls).
(b) For existing pavement consisting of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches or two (2) inches (as
specified) of asphaltic concrete top course on an asphaltic concrete base course:
The product of the average depth of the base course, by the length of the
base course five (5) feet wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls), by the width of the
base course five (5) feet wider than the width of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls); plus, the product of
the one and one-half (1-1/2) inch or two (2) inch depth of the top course, by
the length of the top course seven (7) feet wider than the length of the
manhole, chamber or structure (measured between outside faces of walls),
by the width of the top course seven (7) feet wider than the width of the
manhole, chamber or structure (measured between outside faces of walls).
The product of the average depth of the full pavement, by the length of the
full pavement five (5) feet wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls), by the width of the full
pavement five (5) feet wider than the width of the manhole, chamber or
structure (measured between outside faces of walls).
(B) Pavement excavation volumes coming within the limits of the sewer trench will not be allowed
for measurement twice and shall be deducted from the above calculated volumes.
(D) These Payment Limits Shall Be Maximums: The length and width of pavement components to
be excavated is based on the excavation length and width, as specified. If actual excavation lengths
and widths are less than those maximums, the smaller lengths and widths shall become the basis for
calculating payment limits. When, due to unforeseen or special field conditions changing the
excavation length and width from that specified becomes necessary, and the change is approved by
the Engineer, the length and width of the pavement components’ excavation to be used for payment
shall be increased or decreased by the dimension equal to that of the change in the excavation
length and width.
(5) Within Ordered Unsheeted Basin Connection Trench And Cutback Limits - When pavement excavation
is within the ordered unsheeted basin connection trench and cutback limits and has been specifically shown
on the plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to be removed by
the Engineer, the maximum payment limits for the volume of pavement excavated, (i.e., broken, removed
and disposed of, irrespective of the actual pavement material encountered), shall be the product of the
average depth of the full pavement, by the actual length of the trench (measured outside and between the
pavement excavation payment limits of the sewer trench and catch basin excavation), by the maximum
width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2) feet. If actual unsheeted trench widths are less
than those maximums, the smaller widths shall become the basis for calculating payment limits.
(6) The method of measurement for computing the average depths specified herein shall be as ordered
by the Engineer and shall be taken in the Engineer’s or the Engineer’s representative’s presence. The
Engineer shall verify all measurements. No quantities for volume of pavement excavated will be accepted
unless approved in writing by the Engineer.
Payment for the volume of pavement excavated shall be made under the unit price bid for the item labeled
unit price bid per cubic yard for excavation of pavement and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials,
plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to break, remove and dispose of
excavated pavement, irrespective of the pavement material encountered, and to do all work incidental
thereto all in accordance with the plans, specifications and as ordered by the Engineer.
(A) Sidewalk and driveway pavements shall be removed in whole flags, squares or sections, or as
directed by the Engineer. Curb removal shall be as ordered or approved in writing by the Engineer.
The Contractor is notified that the cost for all labor, materials, equipment and insurance required and
necessary to break, remove and dispose of sidewalk and driveway pavements and curbs, irrespective of
sidewalk, driveway and curb material encountered, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all
contract items of work. No separate or additional payment will be made for this work.
(B) No separate or additional payment will be made for the following saw cutting work. The costs of
these saw cutting work shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
(1) Full-Depth Saw Cutting Of Pavements Along The Initial Opening Limits Of All Trenches And
(2) Full-Depth Saw Cutting Of Pavements Along The Edges Of All Trenches And Excavations For
Cutbacks Of Trenches and Excavations;
(3) Full-Depth Saw Cutting Of Asphaltic Top Course Along The Edges Of All Trenches And
Excavations For Cutbacks Of Asphaltic Top Course;
(5) Full Depth Saw Cutting Of All Sidewalks And Curbs Along The Limits Of Trenches And
Excavations Or As Directed By The Engineer; and;
Payment for Pavement Excavation will be made under the NYCDOT Item Number listed below:
Street surfaces shall be temporarily restored as specified in Section 4.08 and as directed by the Engineer.
(A) The material for temporary pavement shall be either Binder Mixture or Asphaltic Concrete Mixture, as
applicable, and as determined by the Engineer.
Binder Mixture and Asphaltic Concrete Mixture shall be in conformance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 3.01 -
Asphalt Paving Mixtures (Binder, Asphaltic Concrete).
(B) The material for subbase required under temporary pavement on all projects within the Borough of
Staten Island shall be Recycled Portland Cement Concrete (Material D).
Recycled Portland Cement Concrete (Material D) shall be in conformance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.67 -
Subbase Course, Select Granular Material.
Temporary restoration of pavements shall be done according to the requirements of Section 4.08 of these
specifications, and New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway
Specifications Section 4.02 - Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course.
Payment for the temporary restoration of pavements shall be made under either the item labeled, “BINDER
MIXTURE” or the item labeled “ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXTURE”, as applicable, and as determined by
the Engineer.
The quantities of “BINDER MIXTURE” or “ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXTURE” to be measured for payment
shall be the number of tons of binder mixture or asphaltic concrete mixture incorporated into the work as
temporary pavement, complete, as shown, specified or required, and in accordance with the requirements
of New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications
Section 4.02 - Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course.
(A) The contract price for “BINDER MIXTURE” shall be the unit price bid per ton and shall cover the cost of
all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to furnish,
(B) The contract price for “ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXTURE” shall be the unit price bid per ton and shall
cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary
to furnish, deliver, lay and remove when directed the asphaltic concrete mixture temporary pavement,
complete, and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the Standard Highway Specifications of
the New York City Department of Transportation, and as shown on the plans, specified within these
specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made for furnishing, delivering, laying and removing the
subbase required under temporary pavement on all projects within the Borough of Staten Island. The cost
of this subbase work shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
Payment for Temporary Restoration Of Pavements will be made under the NYCDOT Item Numbers listed
Restoration of permanent roadway pavement shall include the restoration of each kind of roadway pavement
shown, specified or ordered.
The materials for roadway pavement to be restored shall conform in all respects to the requirements set forth
in the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway Specifications of the New York City
Department of Transportation.
The Contractor will be required to replace all permanent pavement disturbed in the course of the work, in
accordance with the requirements of the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway
Specifications of the New York City Department of Transportation.
When performing final restoration work no more than six hundred (600) linear feet of trench shall be
excavated and pending installation of concrete or asphaltic concrete base at any time.
All trenches and excavations shall be backfilled and compacted to the underside of the pavement in
accordance with Section 4.06.
All manhole covers and other street hardware shall be adjusted or raised to final grade, prior to the final
restoration of pavements. All loose, slippery or broken city-owned manhole covers and other city-owned
street hardware shall be replaced. No separate or additional payment will be made for the work of adjusting
or raising to final grade all city-owned manhole covers and other city-owned street hardware; and for
replacing loose, slippery or broken city-owned manhole covers and other city-owned street hardware, the
cost shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
Whenever a permanent pavement is to be installed and a temporary restoration has been used all of the
temporary pavement shall be removed and the new roadway shall be installed.
All concrete used for base shall be Class B-32 (3,200-psi) Type 1A. For bus stops or reinforced pavements,
Class A-40 (4,000-psi) Type 11A shall be used.
When a permanent full depth concrete pavement is to be installed as the final pavement, all work shall be
done in accordance with Department of Transportation Standard Detail of Construction No. H-1042B.
When existing granite block pavements are encountered the Contractor shall reinstall the granite block on
a new six (6) inch concrete base, unless more than fifty (50) percent of the adjacent street is already
patched with asphalt. In that case, the Contractor shall replace the granite block with a three (3) inch
asphaltic concrete top course on a six (6) inch to nine (9) inch concrete base. Unless otherwise directed
by the Borough Administrative Superintendent of Street Maintenance, all granite block shall be cleaned
and delivered to the Borough Highway Yard of the Department of Transportation. The Contractor shall
coordinate delivery with the Borough’s Administrative Superintendent of Street Maintenance. In the
restoration of block pavements the edges of the pavement shall be toothed or racked back.
All roadway markings including crosswalks and thermoplastic lane dividers removed as a result of
construction shall be replaced in kind to the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway
Specifications of the New York City Department of Transportation.
All sidewalks, curbs, and concrete bus stops disturbed as a result of construction shall be restored in strict
accordance with the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway Specifications of the New
York City Department of Transportation.
All restorations shall conform to the standards and specifications of the Standard Details of Construction and
the Standard Highway Specifications of the New York City Department of Transportation.
The Contractor will be required to construct pavement keys and apply tack coat in accordance with the
Standard Details of Construction and the Standard Highway Specifications of the New York City
Department of Transportation. Unless otherwise provided for in the Bid Schedule, the stripping or milling
of all pavement keys and application of tack coat shall be deemed included in the price bid for all
pavement restoration items, and no separate or additional payment shall be made for this work.
Roadways, driveways and sidewalk pavements, crosswalks, curbs, etc., shall be satisfactorily restored
and adjusted by the Contractor at such times as may be directed by the Department of Design and
Construction. Sidewalk and driveway pavements shall be restored in whole flags, squares or sections,
and in general, shall be restored with concrete laid on six (6) inch thick foundation materials unless
otherwise specified. All work and materials used in such restoration and adjustment shall conform in all
respects to the standards and specifications of the Department of Transportation for similar work and
materials. The cost for these restorations shall be included and payment shall be made under the
appropriate bid items. Unless otherwise specified, the cost for any grading work and for supplying and
placing of any foundation materials shall be deemed included in the prices bid for all items of work.
If roadway pavements, driveway and sidewalk pavements, crosswalks, curbs, etc., are specified in the
contract documents to be laid where none existed at the time the bids for this contract were opened, the
Contractor shall excavate, remove and grade such portions of the areas where the new roadways,
driveways, sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs, etc., and their foundations are to be placed upon and are
Where roadway pavements, driveway and sidewalk pavements, crosswalks, curbs, etc., are not specified
in the contract documents to be laid where none existed at the time the bids for this contract were opened;
however, the Engineer orders such work done, payment shall be made for the work performed in
accordance with Articles 25 and 26 of the Contract.
The Contractor shall install new curb and concrete sidewalk within the project limit at the locations where
required due to missing or defective curb and/or sidewalk as directed by the Engineer. New curbs and
sidewalks shall be constructed in compliance with NYCDOT’s requirements and specifications. Payment
for this work shall be made under the appropriate curb and sidewalk items. (This does not include
damage to curbs and sidewalks caused by the Contractor’s construction operation; such damage shall be
repaired at the sole expense of the Contractor. Nor does it include curb and sidewalk work required for
house service connections and catch basin installation. Such work shall be deemed included in the prices
bid for house service connections and catch basins.)
The Contractor is required to install pedestrian ramps within the project limit at those corners where back
to back catch basin connections are called for and at all corners where there are no existing pedestrian
ramps or where there are existing pedestrian ramps that do not comply with the current NYCDOT
Highway Standards and Specifications, as directed by the Engineer. All pedestrian ramps shall comply
with Highway Standard Drawing No. H1011 (dated September 15, 2006), with a detectable warning
surface installed in the ramp, within two (2) feet of the curb. Payment for this work shall be made under
the appropriate curb and sidewalk items.
Prior to the start of final restoration the Contractor will be required to submit to the Engineer, for approval, a
layout of the proposed final restoration.
(A) The permanent restoration requirements shall be as specified in the Addenda to the specifications.
Where restoration is required to satisfactorily complete the contract, but permanent restoration
requirements are not specified in the Addenda, the Contractor shall restore the pavements as
encountered and as directed by the Engineer.
(B) All roadway markings including thermoplastic reflectorized pavement markings (crosswalks and lane
dividers) removed as a result of the construction operations, shall be replaced in kind to the Department of
Transportation specifications.
(C) The Contractor shall restore all existing sidewalk and curb structures that are disturbed due to the
construction operations.
(D) The Department of Design and Construction will make all necessary inspections of restoration.
(1) Within Ordered Trench And Cutback Limits In All Streets For Sewers - When sewer work is required in
streets, the quantity of pavement restoration for each kind of roadway pavement required shall be based
on the following pay limits:
(a) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of asphaltic concrete top course on a cement
concrete base course, or brick or block pavers top course on asphaltic concrete base
course or cement concrete base course shall be:
(1) For The Base Course - the actual length of the trench plus two (2) feet;
and the maximum width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two
(2) feet.
(b) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches or two (2)
inches (as specified) of asphaltic concrete top course on an asphaltic concrete base
course shall be:
(1) For The Base Course - the actual length of trench plus two (2) feet;
and the maximum width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two
(2) feet.
(2) For The Top Course - the actual length of trench plus four (4) feet;
and the maximum width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus four
(4) feet.
(c) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of cement concrete shall be:
For The Full Pavement - the actual length of trench plus two (2) feet; and
the maximum width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2)
(B) These Payment Limits Shall Be Maximums: The width of pavement components to be restored
is based on the maximum trench width, as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2). If actual trench
widths are less than those maximums, the smaller widths shall become the basis for calculating
payment limits. When, due to unforeseen or special field conditions changing the trench width from
that specified becomes necessary, and the change is approved by the Engineer, the width of the
pavement components' restoration to be used for payment shall be increased or decreased by the
dimension equal to that of the change in the trench width.
(2) Outside The Ordered Trench And Excavation And Cutback Limits - When roadway pavement
restoration is required outside the ordered trench and excavation and cutback limits and has been
specifically shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to
be restored by the Engineer, the payment limits for the pavement components’ restoration, shall be as
defined and approved in writing by the Engineer.
(3) Within The Ordered Test Pit Excavation Limits - When roadway pavement restoration is required
within the ordered test pit excavation limits and has been specifically shown on the plans, specified in the
contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to be restored by the Engineer, the payment limits
for the roadway pavement components’ restoration, shall be the actual length of the excavation plus one
(1) foot, and the actual width of the excavation plus one (1) foot. However, the pavement restoration
coming within the limits of the sewer or water main trench or excavation will not be allowed for
measurement twice unless such roadway pavement restoration is ordered restored and is completed
before the sewer or water main trench or excavation is excavated.
(4) Within Ordered Excavation And Cutback Limits For Construction Of Manholes, Chambers, Etc. - When
construction of manholes, chambers and other structures are required, the quantity of pavement restoration
for each kind of roadway pavement required shall be based on the following pay limits:
(a) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of asphaltic concrete top course on a cement
concrete base course, or brick or block pavers top course on asphaltic concrete base
course or cement concrete base course shall be:
(1) For The Base Course - the length of the base course five (5) feet
wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured
between outside faces of walls); and the width of the base course five (5)
(2) For The Top Course - the length of the top course seven (7) feet wider
than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls); and the width of the top course seven (7) feet wider
than the width of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls).
(b) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches or two (2)
inches (as specified) of asphaltic concrete top course on an asphaltic concrete base
course shall be:
(1) For The Base Course - the length of the base course five (5) feet
wider than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured
between outside faces of walls); and the width of the base course five (5)
feet wider than the width of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured
between outside faces of walls).
(2) For The Top Course - the length of the top course seven (7) feet wider
than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls); and the width of the top course seven (7) feet wider
than the width of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls).
(c) Pay limits for laying pavement consisting of cement concrete shall be:
For The Full Pavement - the length of the full pavement five (5) feet wider
than the length of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls); and the width of the full pavement five (5) feet wider
than the width of the manhole, chamber or structure (measured between
outside faces of walls).
(B) Pavement restoration coming within the limits of the sewer trench will not be allowed for
measurement twice and shall be deducted from the above pavement components’ restoration
(C) Payment limits for the quantities of pavement components’ restoration for odd shaped excavations
shall be as defined by the Engineer. In all kinds of pavement, cutback limits at all edges of excavation
shall be as determined by the Engineer.
(D) These Payment Limits Shall Be Maximums: The length and width of pavement components to
be restored is based on the excavation length and width, as specified. If actual excavation lengths
and widths are less than those maximums, the smaller lengths and widths shall become the basis for
calculating payment limits. When, due to unforeseen or special field conditions changing the
excavation length and width from that specified becomes necessary, and the change is approved by
the Engineer, the length and width of the pavement components’ restoration to be used for payment
shall be increased or decreased by the dimension equal to that of the change in the excavation
length and width.
(5) Within Ordered Unsheeted Basin Connection Trench And Cutback Limits - When roadway pavement
restoration is within the ordered unsheeted basin connection trench and cutback limits and has been
specifically shown on the plans, specified in the contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to
be restored by the Engineer, the payment limits for the roadway pavement restoration, for all kinds of
pavements, shall be the actual length of the trench (measured outside and between the roadway
pavement restoration payment limits of the sewer trench and catch basin excavation), and the maximum
width as specified in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2) plus two (2) feet. If actual unsheeted trench widths are less
than those maximums, the smaller widths shall become the basis for calculating payment limits.
When curb restoration is required whether due to sewer conduit work or when shown on the plans,
specified in the contract documents, or ordered and approved in writing to be restored by the Engineer,
the payment limits for the curb restoration, shall be as ordered or approved in writing by the Engineer.
Payment for furnishing, delivering and placing of all pavement restoration of each kind of roadway
pavement required shall be made under the appropriate bid items, as shown, specified or ordered,
contained in the bid schedule and within the pay limits described herein.
Payment for reinstalling granite block shall be made under the appropriate bid items.
The cost for cleaning and delivery of granite block as specified herein shall be deemed included in prices
bid for all items of work.
Grass or Lawn areas that are injured or defaced as a result of the Contractor’s construction operations
shall be replaced with Sod, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, in accordance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.19 - Sodding.
Unless otherwise provided for in the Bid Schedule, payment for the replacing of injured or defaced Grass
or Lawn areas due to the Contractor’s construction operations or due to the installation of items under this
Contract shall be deemed included in the unit prices bid for all items of the contract.
Payment for installing pedestrian ramps shall be made under the appropriate bid items.
The cost of all labor and materials required to restore all pavements, sidewalks, curbs, etc. all in
accordance with the highway standards and specifications of the Department of Transportation and as
directed by the Engineer, shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the appropriate roadway
pavement, sidewalk pavement and curb items. Where there are no specific classified bid item(s) of work
for roadway pavement, sidewalk pavement and curb, payment shall be made in accordance with Articles
25 and 26 of the Contract, unless otherwise specified for such restoration work to be included in the price
bid for a specific item or in the prices bid for all items of the contract.
There will be no separate payment for the excavation, removal and disposal of the temporary pavement
and portion of the backfill prior to placing the concrete or asphaltic concrete base, payment therefore shall
be deemed included in the unit prices bid for all items of the contract.
No separate payment will be made for the restoration of existing sidewalks, curbs and concrete bus stops
that are to remain undisturbed but are damaged as a result of the Contractor’s operations. All such
restoration shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Details of Construction and the Standard
Highway Specifications of the New York City Department of Transportation at the sole expense of the
Contractor unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in the specifications.
If, when the pavement is to be replaced, it is found that additional area must be replaced due to
undermining caused by the work performed under the contract, the Contractor at the Contractor’s own
cost and expense shall restore such additional pavement.
Should a settlement occur, or other defect develop in restored pavement, sidewalk and curb or in
pavement, sidewalk and curbs adjacent thereto within the period of maintenance which, in the opinion of
the Engineer is due to improper workmanship or to materials furnished or installed under this contract,
such defective pavement and/or sidewalk and curbing shall be replaced and/or restored by the Contractor
to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at the Contractor’s expense.
Payment for Final Restoration Of Pavements will be made under various NYCDOT Item Numbers.
Examples of these NYCDOT Item Numbers are listed below:
5.33.1 INTENT
This section describes the provision and placement of Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water
The Contractor shall hydraulically fill all sewers 12-inches and larger in their least dimension and all water
mains 24-inches and larger in diameter that are to be abandoned within the limits of this contract as
shown or specified with an excavatable flowable fill.
(A) Cement shall be Type-I or Type-II Portland Cement that conforms to the requirements of General
Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15. Each bag of cement shall be deemed to be
one (1) cubic foot.
(B) Fine Aggregate - Sand shall be Concrete Sand or Natural Sand and shall conform to the
requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in Section 2.15.
(C) Fly Ash shall conform to the chemical and physical requirements for Mineral Admixture, Class F
listed in ASTM C618 including Table 1A (except for Footnote A). Loss on ignition shall not exceed four
percent (4%).
(D) Water shall be fresh, clean and free from oils, acids, alkali or organic matter.
(E) Admixtures may be used in the Hydraulic Fill Mix to enhance certain properties. (Air entraining or
water reducing admixtures shall not be used.) No admixtures may be used without the prior approval of
the Engineer. Laboratory test results or Manufacturer's data must be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer proving that the admixture will not detract from the specified twenty-eight (28) day compressive
All admixtures considered for inclusion in the Hydraulic Fill Mix shall comply with the State of New York,
Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, Section 711-08 "Admixtures". The name of the
admixture must be found on the "Approval List" issued by the NYS DOT Materials Bureau. The brand
name of the approved admixture must be plainly marked on the admixture container.
5.33.4 METHODS
HYDRAULIC FILL MIX (EXCAVATABLE FLOWABLE FILL) - The Contractor shall prepare a design mix
and produce a trial batch to show compliance with the specifications and submit design mix and test
results to the Engineer for approval prior to construction. The approved Hydraulic Fill Mix shall not be
altered unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The mix design proportion parameters per cubic yard
shall be as follows:
Cement (lbs.) 30 - 70
Fly Ash (lbs.) 250 - 600
Fine Aggregate (lbs.) 2500 - 3000
Water (lbs.) (gal.) 350 (41.9) - 500 (59.9)
Slump (in.) 8 - 10
28-Day Comp. Strength (psi) 50 - 100
Hydraulic fill may be supplied from an established concrete plant that has been approved by the Engineer.
The hydraulic fill mix that has gone for a period of forty-five (45) minutes or longer from the time of mixing
without being incorporated into the work shall be discarded. Remixing or tempering shall not be permitted.
(B) Application
The hydraulic fill mix shall not be placed during freezing weather at the site of application. The hydraulic
fill mix shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the following twenty-four (24)
hours will drop below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit at the site of application.
The proposed method of application shall be submitted to the Engineer for prior approval and shall be in a
manner that will thoroughly hydraulically fill the abandoned sewer and water main from bottom to top of
existing sewer and water main and from bulkhead to bulkhead, complete, as directed by the Engineer.
Included in this submittal shall be the recommended maximum distances for hydraulically filling the
abandoned sewer and water main, together with drawings showing the locations of any sections of
abandoned sewer and water main that require removal in order to facilitate the hydraulic filling operation.
The quantity of Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains to be paid for shall be the number
of cubic yards of hydraulic fill furnished and placed in the work, complete, as determined by (a) truck
delivery tickets from an approved concrete batching plant, or (b) the volume of hydraulic fill batched,
mixed on the site, and dispensed from calibrated discharge hoppers, all as shown on the contract
drawings, specified and as required and approved by the Engineer.
the unit price bid per cubic yard for hydraulic fill for abandoned sewers and water mains and shall cover
the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples and tests required and necessary to
hydraulically fill the abandoned sewers and water mains, including the removal of sections of sewer and
water main pipe if required to facilitate the hydraulic filling operation, the construction of brick bulkheads at
each end of the fill, submittals and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the contract
drawings and specification, and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains will be made under the Item Number
as calculated below:
The Item Number for Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains has seven characters.
(The decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And
Water Mains:
HF - Hydraulic Fill For Abandoned Sewers And Water Mains
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Additional brick masonry shall be the brick masonry ordered in writing by the Engineer to be incorporated in
the work exclusive of brick masonry for which payment is provided for under separate items. Additional brick
masonry shall also be the brick masonry shown, specified or ordered placed in water main structures in
accordance with water main standard drawings.
(1) The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the
work to be done hereunder.
(2) Brick Masonry shall comply with the provisions of Subsection 2.16.9.
(3) Brick shall be laid to a line and with close joints, and all joints exposed to view shall be pointed and
shall be left in a neat condition.
(4) All unfinished work shall be racked back, or toothed, as directed, and before new work is joined to its
surface, the bricks shall be scraped, thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed with a stiff brush and well
The quantity of brick masonry to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic yards of brick
masonry furnished and incorporated into the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “ADDITIONAL BRICK MASONRY” shall be the unit price bid per cubic yard for brick
masonry and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance
required and necessary to furnish, deliver and place the brick masonry and do all work incidental thereto, all
in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards, and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for Additional Brick Masonry will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Additional Brick Masonry has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Additional Brick Masonry:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Brick Masonry:
AB - Additional Brick Masonry (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Additional concrete shall be the concrete masonry ordered in writing by the Engineer to be incorporated in
the work exclusive of concrete masonry for which payment is provided under separate items.
(a) Ordered placed in the work outside the limits of the structures as shown on the contract plans or
otherwise provided.
(b) For cradles and encasement under pipe sewers and drains except when the cradles and
encasements are paid for under the prices bid for precast reinforced concrete pipe sewers, vitrified
pipe sewers, ductile iron pipe sewers, cast iron pipe sewers, house connection drains or catch basin
connection drains.
(c) For pile caps of sewers and structures on piles as shown on the Sewer Design Standards.
Concrete shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified in
Section 2.15.
The quantity of additional concrete to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic yards of
additional concrete incorporated into the work, complete, as shown, specified or ordered.
The contract price for “ADDITIONAL CONCRETE” shall be the unit price bid per cubic yard for additional
concrete and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance
required and necessary to furnish, deliver and place the additional concrete, including form work and
pumping, and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and standards,
and as directed by the Engineer.
Where additional excavation is required or approved in writing by the Engineer below the subgrade of
sewers or associated structures for placement of additional concrete, payment for this additional
excavation shall be paid for at the price bid for item(s) labeled "ADDITIONAL EARTH EXCAVATION
No separate or additional payment shall be made for any additional sheeting required due to the additional
excavation, the cost of the additional sheeting shall be deemed included in the price bid for item(s) labeled
Payment for Additional Concrete will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Additional Concrete has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Concrete:
AC - Additional Concrete (Not Less Than Item)
This section describes earth excavations other than normal trench excavations required and approved in
writing by the Engineer.
During the course of work the Contractor may be required or ordered to perform additional earth
excavation outside of or within the specified trenches or excavation. These additional earth excavations
include, but are not limited to the following purposes:
(a) For the enlargement of trenches and excavations due to changes in the design of standard or special
(b) For the removal of obstructions or unsuitable material below the subgrade of trenches and excavations,
and for the placing of additional bedding or concrete below the standard subgrade of trenches and
(c) For the construction of additional structures, and for grading and for compacting.
(d) For test pits, exploratory borings and other excavations ordered made and not subsequently included
within the limits of the trench in which the pipes, mains, structures and appurtenances are installed,
or where such test pits, exploratory borings and other excavations are ordered backfilled prior to
excavating the trench. Information regarding the types and strata of underlying material obtained by
the subsurface exploration provide the basis for estimating the need for furnishing satisfactory
backfill material; the findings shall be properly logged and submitted to the Engineer for the
Engineer’s evaluation and records.
(e) To locate the ends of existing pipes, mains, or structures to which new pipes, mains or structures are
to be connected and where such excavation is not part of the trench or excavations in which said
new pipes, mains or structures are laid, or where such excavation is ordered backfilled prior to
excavating the trench or excavation.
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder.
The quantity of additional earth excavation to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic
yards of material actually excavated, as ordered in writing by the Engineer, and as measured in its original
position. No measurement for payment will be made for excavation beyond the limits ordered.
The contract price for “ADDITIONAL EARTH EXCAVATION INCLUDING TEST PITS” shall be the unit
price bid per cubic yard for additional earth excavation (within limits specified) and shall cover the cost of
all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to excavate all
In addition, included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of all labor and materials necessary to
remove all specified or ordered existing sewers, water mains, manholes and appurtenances, that may be
in the line of the work and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with Subsections 1.06.12 and
1.06.27 of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
Where the Engineer orders the area excavated under this item to be backfilled, the work shall be done in
accordance with Section 4.06 and payment will be made as per Section 5.29 - Clean Backfill and
Section 5.37 - Additional Select Granular Backfill.
All pavement disturbed, either within or outside the limits of the trench and excavation, shall be replaced
by the Contractor and payment will be made under the applicable items contained in the Bid Schedule.
Payment for Additional Earth Excavation Including Test Pits will be made under the Item Number as
calculated below:
The Item Numbers for Additional Earth Excavation Including Test Pits have eight characters. (The
decimal point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Additional Earth Excavation Including Test Pits:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Earth Excavation Including Test Pits:
AE - Additional Earth Excavation Including Test Pits (Not Less
Than Item)
(3) The eighth characters shall define the Depth Limits Below Existing Street Surface at which
and to which additional earth excavation is performed:
0 - No Depth Limits (All Depths)
1 - 0’ to 12’
2 - Over 12’ to 16’’
3 - Over 16’ to 20’
4 - Over 20’ to 24’
5 - Over 24’
(4) The Item Numbers together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule are
provided below:
Additional select granular backfill shall be the select granular fill ordered in writing by the Engineer to fill
voids outside or within the limits of the ordered trenches and excavations. This backfill material shall be
exclusive of the normal backfill requirements as specified in Subsection 4.06.2.
Select Granular Backfill shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.24(B).
If approved in writing by the Engineer, excavated material determined to be unsuitable, in accordance with
Subsection 4.06.2, may be processed (i.e. screened and/or crushed) to produce select granular fill as
specified herein. In such case, the material furnished in accordance with these specifications, to be used
as specified in Subsection 5.37.1 shall be accepted for payment under the contract item for
"ADDITIONAL SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL" computed in accordance with Subsection 5.37.4.
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder.
The quantity of additional select granular backfill to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic
yards of additional select granular backfill, as ordered in writing by the Engineer, in place after compaction
and limited to the conditions specified in Subsection 5.37.1.
Where additional select granular backfill is ordered by the Engineer to be placed within the limits of the
ordered trenches, the following shall apply:
If actual trench widths are less than either payment maximums stated in Subsection 4.02.4(A)(2),
those smaller widths shall serve as the basis upon which the actual volume of substituted select
granular backfill is measured for purposes of determining additional compensation. If, however,
actual trench widths exceed those maximums, no payment will be made for select granular backfill
placed outside these established limits. The cost of such excess backfill shall be borne solely and
exclusively by the Contractor.
Where impracticable to measure additional select granular backfill in place, measurements may be made
in scows and vehicles, and the quantity to be paid for will be eight-tenths (8/10) of the yardage determined
by such measurements.
The contract price for "ADDITIONAL SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL" shall be the unit price bid per
cubic yard for additional select granular backfill and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant,
equipment, samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to furnish, deliver, place, compact,
sample and test the additional select granular backfill material and to do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made under this item for the furnishing, delivering, placing and
compacting of Select Granular Fill material within the areas as described under Subsections 4.06.2(B)(2)
and 4.06.2(B)(3), the cost of which is deemed included in the prices bid for all contract items of work.
The Item Number for Additional Select Granular Backfill has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Additional Select Granular Backfill:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Select Granular Backfill:
AG - Additional Select Granular Backfill (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Additional steel reinforcing bars shall be the steel reinforcing bars ordered in writing by the Engineer to be
incorporated in the work exclusive of steel reinforcing bars for which payment is provided under separate
Included therein shall be all the steel reinforcing bars placed in pile caps of sewers and structures on piles
as shown on the Sewer Design Standards.
Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
Construction methods for fabricating, protecting, bending, splicing, lapping, supporting and placing steel
reinforcing bars shall comply with the requirements of General Specification 11 - Concrete, as modified
in Section 2.15.
The quantity of additional steel reinforcing bars to be measured for payment shall be the number of
pounds of steel reinforcing bars incorporated into the work, complete, as shown, specified or required.
The contract price for “ADDITIONAL STEEL REINFORCING BARS” shall be the unit price bid per pound
for additional steel reinforcing bars and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment,
samples, tests and insurance required and necessary to furnish, deliver and place the additional steel
reinforcing bars and do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and
standards, and as directed by the Engineer.
The Item Number for Additional Steel Reinforcing Bars has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Additional Steel Reinforcing Bars:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Steel Reinforcing Bars:
AS - Additional Steel Reinforcing Bars (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Additional stone ballast shall be the stone ballast ordered in writing by the Engineer to fill voids outside the
limits of the ordered trenches and excavations. This stone ballast material shall be exclusive of the stone
ballast requirements as shown on the plans, specified in specifications and standards, ordered by the
Engineer to be used within the limits of the ordered trenches and excavations, and to fill voids in the
subgrade of trenches caused by the removal of boulders, rock, unsuitable subgrade material, existing
sewers and associated structures.
Where the Engineer deems it necessary to order the smaller coarse aggregate material broken stone to
fill voids outside the limits of the ordered trenches and excavations, payment shall be made under
Subsection 5.39.5.
The requirements of DIVISION IV - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS shall apply to the work to
be done hereunder.
Stone ballast or broken stone shall be deposited in such a manner as to form a compact mass.
The quantity of additional stone ballast to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic yards of
additional stone ballast or broken stone, as ordered in writing by the Engineer, incorporated into the work
and limited to the conditions specified in Subsection 5.39.1 of the specifications.
The contract price for “ADDITIONAL STONE BALLAST” shall be the unit price bid per cubic yard for
additional stone ballast and shall cover the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment, samples, tests
and insurance required and necessary to furnish, deliver and place the additional stone ballast material
and to do all work incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed
Payment for Additional Stone Ballast will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Additional Stone Ballast has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered
a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Additional Stone Ballast:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Additional Stone Ballast:
AT - Additional Stone Ballast (Not Less Than Item)
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Maintenance And Protection Of Traffic shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of
Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.70 - Maintenance And
Protection Of Traffic.
Payment for Maintenance And Protection Of Traffic will be made under various NYCDOT Item Numbers.
Examples of these NYCDOT Item Numbers are listed below:
Maintenance Of Site shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation
(NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 7.13 - Maintenance Of Site.
Payment for Maintenance Of Site will be made under the NYCDOT Item Numbers listed below:
Abandoned track system rails, ties, yokes, “I” beams, concrete ducts, main conduit, rail and yoke footings
and foundations may be found buried beneath the existing pavement in the line of the work. Where such
a condition is encountered, the Contractor shall cut and remove the track system rails, ties, yokes, “I”
beams, concrete ducts, main conduit, rail and yoke footings and foundations within the limits of the trench
and in a manner as defined herein.
(A) Where both rails of the track system lie within the trench limit, all rails, ties, yokes, “I” beams,
concrete ducts, main conduit, rail and yoke footings and foundations shall be cut and removed from the
(B) Where only one (1) rail of the track system lies within the trench limit, all components within the
trench limits and within a minimum distance of two (2) feet beyond the sheeting line shall be cut and
removed from the site.
(C) All material removed hereunder shall become the property of the Contractor, unless otherwise
provided, and shall be disposed of away from the site by the Contractor.
The quantity of removal of abandoned tracks to be measured for payment shall be the number of linear
feet of trench where removal of track system components in part or in full are removed, as shown,
specified or required.
The contract price for “REMOVAL OF ABANDONED TRACKS” shall be the unit price bid per linear foot of
trench where removal of track system components in part or in full are removed and shall cover the cost
of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance required and necessary to cut, excavate and
remove from the site of work the track system components, and do all work incidental thereto, all in
accordance with the plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.
Included in the price hereunder shall be the cost of any additional excavation, backfilling, compacting, and
temporary and permanent restoration of all disturbed sidewalk and pavement areas required in order to
cut and remove that part of the track system and restore the area that is within a minimum distance of two
(2) feet beyond the sheeting line as specified in Subsection 5.42.2(B) (unless items for temporary and
permanent restoration are otherwise provided in the Bid Schedule).
The Item Number for Removal Of Abandoned Tracks has seven characters. (The decimal point is
considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Removal Of Abandoned Tracks:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Removal Of Abandoned Tracks:
RT - Removal Of Abandoned Tracks
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.43.1 INTENT
The intent of this section is to prepare a preconstruction report for work to be performed under the
contract to ensure that the Contractor’s proposed means and methods of construction do not create or
aggravate any potentially dangerous conditions. In order to ascertain the effects of construction on
structures, the Contractor will be required to retain the services of a qualified firm with experience in
structural engineering, soil mechanics, foundations, installation of piles, evaluation of the effect of
construction on buildings and structures, effects of dewatering and the associated movement of soil due to
dewatering and the effect of vibrations upon structures. All construction work (roadway, sidewalk, curb,
sewer, water main, etc.) is subject to the preconstruction report.
Within thirty (30) days of the award of this contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Commissioner
qualifications of the firm it proposes to provide the engineering services described in this section. The
proposed firm must meet the following special experience requirements.
(1) Such firm must, within the last three (3) consecutive years, have successfully provided engineering
services similar to the services described in this section on a minimum of two (2) comparable
(2) Such firm must carry professional liability insurance as specified in Schedule “A”.
Compliance with such special experience requirements will be determined solely by the Commissioner.
Once a firm is approved, no substitution will be permitted, unless the Commissioner has approved the
qualifications of the proposed replacement in writing in advance. If the qualifications of the proposed firm
are not acceptable, the Contractor shall submit the qualifications of another proposed firm within fifteen
(15) days of notice to do so.
Upon approval and prior to construction the chosen firm (hereinafter referred to as the firm) shall submit
six (6) copies of a report incorporating their findings and recommendations. The report shall be prepared
by or under the immediate direction of a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer as evidenced by
the imprint of the Professional Engineer’s seal and signature on the document. The report shall include
but not be limited to the following:
(B) an inspection of the interior and exterior (including photographs and videotapes as required) of all
building and/or structures that may be affected by the proposed means and methods of construction
and dewatering.
(C) a definition of the “radius of influence” that the proposed dewatering, pile installation and other
construction activity will impart on the surrounding soil.
(D) a definition of the limits of horizontal and vertical movement each building and/or structure within the
“radius of influence” can tolerate without damage to the structural integrity of that building and/or
(E) a complete study of the vibrations that each building can tolerate along with the anticipated vibrations
promulgated by the means and methods of construction, taking into account the age and condition of
the buildings.
(F) a statement that the limits of movement and vibrations as defined in (D) and (E) above will not be
exceeded as a result of the proposed means and methods of construction.
(G) a geological profile of the soils in the area. This profile shall be based upon the boring logs taken for
this project.
The report shall include all field notes, measurements and photographs and videotapes, as required, of
existing conditions which may be aggravated by the proposed construction work and shall include a visual
inspection of the interior and exterior of all buildings within the radius of influence of construction activity
and dewatering. A view of each exterior face of the building and/or structure is required. Additional
interior photographs shall be taken to show any existing cosmetic or structural damage on buildings.
Applications for consents to enter buildings for the purpose of inspection shall state that the inspection is
necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the building. One counterpart of each consent, duly signed
and acknowledged by the owner or one of the owners, executors or administrators for the owner and for
the owner’s agents, lessee and any other persons who shall have a vested or contingent interest in the
building, or notice of refusal if consent is not obtained shall be filed with the Engineer at least ten (10) days
before the commencement of work which affect the building or structure.
The report shall also include recommendations or comments regarding any potentially dangerous and/or
unsafe conditions uncovered along with all other additional information required pursuant to other sections
of the specifications.
All results of the building or structure examinations shall be incorporated into the Preconstruction Report.
No work may begin until the Department of Design and Construction has accepted the Preconstruction
Report. This pertains to all contract work and no exceptions will be allowed unless otherwise stated in
these specifications.
The contract price for the “CONSTRUCTION REPORT” shall be a lump sum price and shall include the
cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance necessary or required to prepare the
preconstruction report, including building examinations and do all other work incidental thereto all in
accordance with the specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
5.43.5 PAYMENT
No payment for the Preconstruction Report will be made until after the Department of Design and
Construction has accepted the Preconstruction Report.
The Item Number for Construction Report has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a
character, the third character.)
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Construction Report:
CR - Construction Report
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.43A.1 INTENT
The intent of this section is to monitor and summarize the effects of construction activities on structures
located within the influence line of work to be performed under the contract to ensure that the Contractor’s
proposed means and methods of construction do not create or aggravate any potentially dangerous
conditions. The Contractor will be required to adhere to all criteria, requirements and recommendations of
the Preconstruction Report. The Contractor is notified that either a Preconstruction Report will be required
in accordance with Section 5.43 - Construction Report, or a Preconstruction Report prepared for the
City by an independent firm will be provided as part of the contract for the Contractor’s information and
Within thirty (30) days of the award of this contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Commissioner
qualifications of the firm it proposes to provide the engineering services described in this section. The
proposed firm must meet the following special experience requirements.
(1) Such firm must, within the last three (3) consecutive years, have successfully provided engineering
services similar to the services described in this section on a minimum of two (2) comparable
(2) Such firm must carry professional liability insurance as specified in Schedule “A”.
Compliance with such special experience requirements will be determined solely by the Commissioner.
Once a firm is approved, no substitution will be permitted, unless the Commissioner has approved the
qualifications of the proposed replacement in writing in advance. If the qualifications of the proposed firm
are not acceptable, the Contractor shall submit the qualifications of another proposed firm within fifteen
(15) days of notice to do so.
If a preconstruction report is required in accordance with Section 5.43 - Construction Report, the firm
approved for the preparation of the preconstruction report may also be submitted for approval to perform
the monitoring and post-construction report work.
The firm will be required to perform the monitoring during construction activity and submit reports to the
Engineer on a weekly basis. These reports shall include sketches noting the location of all monitoring
A series of reference points shall be established outside of the “radius of influence” as previously
described for monitoring structural settlements. All initial and subsequent readings shall be taken to
the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot.
Structures and/or buildings shall be monitored daily for vertical and horizontal movement with respect
to the trench when work is being performed within the radius of influence. Upon completion of work
within the radius of influence, buildings and/or structures shall be monitored weekly for the first month
then monthly for the next five (5) months. In the event of an unusual event (e.g. water main break or
abnormal flooding) monitoring shall be performed within twenty-four (24) hours of the event.
All readings shall be done by or under the immediate supervision of a Surveyor Licensed by the State
of New York as evidenced by the imprint of the Surveyor’s seal and signature.
The Contractor shall transmit a copy of all readings to the Engineer on the same day they are taken.
Should the limit of horizontal and/or vertical movement, as set forth in the Preconstruction Report, of
any building and/or structure be exceeded, the Contractor shall immediately, at the Contractor’s own
expense, take steps to rectify the situation and prevent any further settlement of such building and/or
structure. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages to any foundations, walls or
other portions of buildings and/or structures that may result during the courses of this construction.
Any damage done by the Contractor, whether it is accidental or due to negligence or carelessness in
performing the work included in this contract shall be made good by the Contractor at the
Contractor’s own expense.
Should the Contractor employ means and methods of construction that will result in vibrations being
imparted to the surrounding soil and/or buildings and/or structures, the Contractor shall monitor and
record particle velocity. Locations of the monitoring points shall be placed in such a manner so as to
ensure recordings that reveal any possibility of damage to existing buildings.
These points shall be monitored at all times when means and methods of construction resulting in
vibrations are employed. The maximum permissible peak particle velocity shall be that noted in the
Preconstruction Report. Should particle velocities be exceeded the Contractor shall immediately
cease operations and resort to another method which will eliminate or minimize the effect of
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to restore any buildings or structures damaged as a result of
the Contractor’s operations to its original condition or better.
Within thirty (30) days of the completion of all work that necessitated monitoring the chosen firm shall
prepare a report detailing the results of the monitoring program. The report shall include a
comparison of all assumptions and field-measured values. Should there be excessive discrepancies
between the two, an explanation shall be presented within the report. This report shall include
sketches of all monitoring points. Should this contract provide for the installation of piles the report
shall include the location and length of all piles driven superimposed on the geological profile. The
Engineer shall provide the location and lengths of piles.
Prior to bidding the Contractor shall examine the site and available subsurface inspection information and
formulate means and methods of construction that will not result in any damage to existing structures.
Should the Contractor lack the expertise in evaluating the effects of the Contractor’s means and methods
In addition, should the results of the Preconstruction Report indicate that damage will result from the
Contractor’s proposed means and methods of construction, the Contractor will be required to amend the
Contractor’s means and methods of construction in accordance with the Preconstruction Report, at no
additional cost to the City.
The contract price for the “MONITORING AND POST-CONSTRUCTION REPORT” shall be a lump sum
price and shall include the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance necessary or
required to prepare weekly reports, examine buildings and structures, perform the construction monitoring,
prepare the post-construction report and do all other work incidental thereto all in accordance with the
specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made for compliance with the requirements of the
Preconstruction Report including, but not limited to, any modification to the Contractor’s means and
methods of construction.
Payment for this work shall be made under the item labeled “MONITORING AND POST-
CONSTRUCTION REPORT” and proportional to the work completed as follows:
Payment for Monitoring And Post-Construction Report will be made under the Item Number as calculated
The Item Number for Monitoring And Post-Construction Report has seven characters. (The decimal
point is considered a character, the third character.)
(1) The first five characters shall define Monitoring And Post-Construction Report:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Monitoring And Post-Construction Report:
MR - Monitoring And Post-Construction Report
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
5.43B.1 INTENT
The intent of this section is to continuously monitor building and/or structure movements and construction-
related vibrations in real-time at the specified location(s) and summarize the effects of construction
The Contractor will be required to perform real-time and continuous monitoring of building and/or structure
movements and vibrations at the specified location(s) for a period of one (1) month prior to the start of
construct activities at the specified location(s), to provide a baseline for subsequent data comparison
during construction activities.
Then the Contractor shall commence monitoring at the specified location(s) when any construction activity
is performed within one hundred (100) feet of the specified location(s). Once construction starts within the
area specified above, the Contractor shall monitor the specified location(s) continuously and for a period
up to three (3) weeks after completion of construction activities in this area. These construction activities
include the construction of all sewers, water mains, appurtenances, final restoration of pavements and all
other activities the Engineer determines impacts the specified location(s).
The Contractor will be required to adhere to all criteria, requirements and recommendations of the
Preconstruction Report. The Contractor is notified that either a Preconstruction Report will be required in
accordance with Section 5.43 - Construction Report, or a Preconstruction Report prepared for the City
by an independent firm will be provided as part of the contract for the Contractor’s information and review.
Within thirty (30) days of the award of this contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Commissioner
qualifications of the firm it proposes to provide the engineering services described in this section. The
proposed firm must meet the following special experience requirements.
(1) Such firm must, within the last three (3) consecutive years, have successfully provided engineering
services similar to the services described in this section on a minimum of two (2) comparable
(2) Such firm must carry professional liability insurance as specified in Schedule “A”.
Compliance with such special experience requirements will be determined solely by the Commissioner.
Once a firm is approved, no substitution will be permitted, unless the Commissioner has approved the
qualifications of the proposed replacement in writing in advance. If the qualifications of the proposed firm
are not acceptable, the Contractor shall submit the qualifications of another proposed firm within fifteen
(15) days of notice to do so.
If a preconstruction report is required in accordance with Section 5.43 - Construction Report, the firm
approved for the preparation of the preconstruction report may also be submitted for approval to perform
the continuous real-time monitoring for vibrations and movements and post-construction report work.
The firm will be required to perform the monitoring during construction activity and submit reports to the
Engineer on a weekly basis. These reports shall include sketches noting the location of all monitoring
points. Should any of the criteria set forth in the Preconstruction Report be exceeded, the Engineer shall
be notified immediately. Monitoring shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) The Contractor shall provide high quality precision optical survey prism targets in conjunction
with robotic total stations under computer control to provide real-time movement monitoring of
points at location(s) specified. The system shall provide the means for all parties involved in the
project to be able to remotely monitor the three components of movement of the specified
points in real-time.
(2) The monitoring system shall provide three-dimensional displacement vectors for all the survey
prisms with a measurement precision of plus or minus 1-millimeter for sight distances up to
(1) The Contractor shall provide equipment to continuously monitor and record particle velocities
and frequencies resulting from construction activities, and provide real-time monitoring. The
equipment shall be able to monitor the particle velocities and frequency ranges listed below.
The equipment shall be linked with the equipment for monitoring structural movements,
providing the means for all parties involved in the project to remotely monitor real-time
(2) Unless otherwise stated in the Preconstruction Report for the project, vibrations from
construction activities shall not exceed the following maximum limits:
(a) 0.3-inches per second (ips) when frequencies are less than or equal to 20-Hertz (Hz),
(b) 0.5-ips when frequencies are greater than 20-Hz.
(3) The Contractor shall install no less than twelve (12) vibration monitors, equally spaced, directly
in front of the specified location(s).
(4) The vibration monitors shall be linked to the same Central Monitoring Location as the monitors
for structural movement. The collected data shall be sent to the Central Monitoring Location via
wired or wireless transmission. The method used for data transmission shall neither disturb nor
interfere with ongoing work at any time.
(5) The Contractor shall provide adequate means to protect the vibration monitors, cables,
terminals, and any related appurtenances from damage. Should a vibration monitor become
damaged during the course of work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and provide an
equal replacement as soon as possible.
(6) The Contractor shall provide power (electric or batteries) to the vibration monitors. If battery-
operated equipment is used, the Contractor shall change/replace/recharge the batteries as
needed, according to the monitoring equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
(7) In order to provide a manual check of the continuous vibration monitoring, the Contractor shall
provide a traditional vibration monitoring point at the location(s) where work is performed each
work day. The vibration equipment should be capable of measuring the peak particle velocities
indicated in Subsection 5.43B.3(B)(2), and be able to provide a printout (either directly at the
equipment’s terminal or downloadable to a computer). The Contractor shall transmit a copy of
these reading to the Engineer on the same day they are recorded.
(8) In the event the vibration limits are exceeded, the Contractor shall cease operations and
immediately notify the Engineer. The Contractor and Engineer shall discuss the work being
performed at the time the vibration limit was exceeded, as well as methods to eliminate or
reduce the magnitude of subsequent vibrations. No additional payment to the Contractor shall
be made for using equipment and methods needed to reduce construction activity vibrations.
(9) It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to repair any damage caused as a result of vibrations
exceeding the maximum limits listed in Subsection 5.43B.3(B)(2).
Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the monitoring at the specified location(s) the chosen firm
shall prepare a report detailing the results of the monitoring program. The report shall include a
comparison of all assumptions and all automated and field-measured values. Should there be
excessive discrepancies between the two, an explanation shall be presented within the report. This
report shall include sketches of all monitoring points. Should this contract provide for the installation
of piles the report shall include the location and length of all piles driven superimposed on the
geological profile. The Engineer shall provide the location and lengths of piles.
Prior to bidding the Contractor shall examine the site and available subsurface inspection information and
formulate means and methods of construction that will not result in any damage to the existing buildings
and/or structures. Should the Contractor lack the expertise in evaluating the effects of the Contractor’s
means and methods of construction, the Contractor should prepare the Contractor’s bid in consultation
with an experienced firm or authority. In any event, the Contractor will be held liable for any damage to
any existing building and/or structure due to the Contractor’s means and methods of construction.
In addition, should the findings of the Preconstruction Report indicate that damage will result from the
Contractor’s proposed means and methods of construction, the Contractor will be required to amend the
Contractor’s means and methods of construction in accordance with the Preconstruction Report, at no
additional cost to the City.
MOVEMENTS AND POST-CONSTRUCTION REPORT” shall be the unit price bid per month and shall
include the cost of all labor, materials, plant, equipment and insurance necessary or required to prepare
weekly reports, examine buildings and/or structures, perform the construction monitoring, prepare the
post-construction report and do all other work incidental thereto all in accordance with the specifications
and as directed by the Engineer.
No separate or additional payment will be made for compliance with the requirements of the
Preconstruction Report including, but not limited to, any modification to the Contractor’s means and
methods of construction.
MOVEMENTS AND POST-CONSTRUCTION REPORT” will be withheld and will not be made until after
the New York City Department of Design and Construction has accepted the Post-Construction Report.
Payment for Continuous Real-Time Monitoring For Vibrations And Movements And Post-Construction Report
will be made under the Item Number as calculated below:
The Item Number for Continuous Real-Time Monitoring For Vibrations And Movements And Post-
Construction Report has seven characters. (The decimal point is considered a character, the third
(1) The first five characters shall define Continuous Real-Time Monitoring For Vibrations And
Movements And Post-Construction Report:
(2) The sixth and seventh characters shall define Continuous Real-Time Monitoring For Vibrations
And Movements And Post-Construction Report:
CM - Continuous Real-Time Monitoring For Vibrations
And Movements And Post-Construction Report
(3) The Item Number together with Description and Pay Unit as provided in the Bid Schedule is
provided below:
Trees (Removal, Transplanting And Planting) shall be done in accordance with Subsection 1.06.5 and
New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section
4.16 - Trees (Removal, Transplanting, Planting).
Tree Pruning shall be done in accordance with Subsection 1.06.5 and New York City Department of
Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.18 - Tree Pruning.
Protective Tree Barrier shall be done in accordance with Subsection 1.06.5 and New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.22 -
Protective Tree Barrier.
Payment for Trees (Protection, Pruning, Removal, Transplanting And Planting) will be made under various
NYCDOT Item Numbers. Examples of these NYCDOT Item Numbers are listed below:
Topsoil shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.15 - Topsoil.
Sodding shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.19 - Sodding.
Seeding shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.20 - Seeding.
Payment for Sodding, Seeding And Topsoil will be made under the NYCDOT Item Numbers listed below:
Tree Consultant shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation
(NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 4.21 - Tree Consultant.
Payment for Tree Consultant will be made under the NYCDOT Item Number listed below:
Replacement Of Fire Communication System shall be done in accordance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.23 - Fire
Department Facilities.
F.D. STD. DWG. #141
#140, #144 & #144E
STD. DWG. #140, #144S & #144E
#140, #144, #144C, #144CC & #144E
Engineer’s Field Office (Type A, B, C, CU, D or DU) shall be done in accordance with New York City
Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.40 -
Engineer’s Field Office.
Payment for Engineer’s Field Office (Type A, B, C, CU, D, or DU) will be made under the NYCDOT Item
Numbers listed below:
Transportation For The Engineer shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of
Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.40 TFS - Transportation For
The Engineer.
Payment for Transportation For The Engineer will be made under the NYCDOT Item Number listed below:
Storm Water Pollution Prevention shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of
Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 9.30 - Storm Water Pollution
Payment for Storm Water Pollution Prevention will be made under the NYCDOT Item Number listed
Rodent And Waterbug Pest Control shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of
Transportation (NYCDOT) Standard Highway Specifications Section 7.88 - Rodent And Waterbug
Pest Control.
Payment for Rodent And Waterbug Pest Control will be made under the NYCDOT Item Numbers listed
Mobilization shall be done in accordance with New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Standard Highway Specifications Section 6.39 - Mobilization.
Payment for Mobilization will be made under the NYCDOT Item Number listed below: