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They Said It Programming: Be Done
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110 POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS AT A TIME “Our stocking strategy is
A Change of
by Dennis Madden
t the 2015 ATRA Powertrain scrapped it. As the digital market forged rebuilding transmissions, just like
Expo we covered a lot of topics ahead, Kodak was left behind, hanging you’re doing now, but it doesn’t limit
in the management sessions; onto a purpose that was out of alignment your potential solutions. It also involves
many were focused on leadership and with consumers’ demands. the customer, which is vital!
employee development. One of the big Kodak filed for bankruptcy in Notice that you’re really not
issues for shop owners today is finding 2012. Had they established a purpose changing your business model; just
competent technical help. It’s a subject that was more along the lines of “To redefining your perception of that
that sort of crept up on everyone until capture special moments in time, for all model. What’s interesting is that, once
they couldn’t avoid it any longer. Some time,” their future might have been very you’ve accepted this new definition,
shops have even closed their doors different. you’ll find yourself adjusting your
because they couldn’t find technicians Blockbuster opened its first store operating strategy to fit that definition.
to do the work. in 1985 and quickly became the leader You’re still a transmission shop,
One of the things we arrived at in movie rentals, with nearly 60,000 but your focus will be more about how
during discussions is that, for a shop to employees and over 9000 stores. Their you can serve your customers than
meet this challenge, all of the training purpose was to rent movies. about rebuilding transmissions. You’ll
has to be available in house. That is, Netflix opened in 1997 with be amazed at how much better your
you’ll need to train your tech staff the idea of providing on-demand customers will respond to that new
yourself (with a little help from ATRA). entertainment. No more running to the definition.
But before we get into the aspects store for a VHS or DVD (only to find It’s also important to recognize that
of training, it’s important that you they’re out of stock) or dealing with profit can’t enter into your purpose. Not
establish — or reestablish — the late fees. In 2000, Blockbuster passed that profit isn’t important; it is. But it
purpose of your business. This’ll be on an opportunity to purchase Netflix, can’t be your primary purpose. We’ve
key when bring in new staff. Purpose sticking to its model of movie rentals seen that time and time again: Serve
is another word for “the big picture.” It from a brick-and-mortar business. They your customers properly and the profits
answers the question “why does your filed bankruptcy in 2010. Netflix, on will take care of themselves.
business exist?” the other hand, is seeing profits that Finally, your purpose has to be
For this I’d like to offer two Blockbuster executives could only have something that everyone in your
examples where the business purpose dreamed of. shop can understand and get behind,
was improperly defined, which So, what’s the purpose of your particularly as you begin the work of
eventually caused the businesses to business? If you believe it’s to rebuild training new technicians. Repeat it often,
fail. Those examples are Kodak and transmissions, you might be setting until it becomes automatic. Reiterate it
Blockbuster. yourself up like the executives of whenever a job seems to be taking you
Kodak was founded in 1888 and Kodak and Blockbuster. Not that in a new direction. You’ll be amazed at
was the undisputed king of photography I’m suggesting you stop rebuilding how your new purpose can keep you
for over 100 years. Their purpose transmissions; far from it. Rather, I’m focused on what’s important… to you
(reason for being in business) was suggesting you define your purpose to and your customers.
primarily to make film. They made expand beyond that. In this, and future issues, we’ll
cameras and other products as well, but How’s this for an example? “The look at ways you can reach and train
primarily they manufactured film. purpose of my business is to help people tomorrow’s technicians… in a way that
In 1975, Kodak developed the with transmission problems get back on aligns with your purpose. It’s a critical
first digital camera, but that product the road as quickly and cost effectively part of keeping your business moving
threatened the sale of film so they as possible.” That purpose includes forward.
2 GEARS January/February 2016
Reason #801
When your customer’s transmission isn’t
just broken – it’s FUBAR.
Makes Perfect
o there we were, 4th down and on the HotLine, ready to answer by Lance Wiggins
goal, with the ball on the 2-yard your call at the drop of a hat. We’ve
line; we were down by 7 with dedicated technicians to researching,
35 seconds left in the game. I called writing, and presenting the very latest ahead of its time. Many of the vehicles
timeout and brought the players over to information, all to provide the training and transmissions we discuss in our
talk about what we were going to do. your team needs to take the ball and seminars and technical articles may
It was a do-or-die moment… win run with it. not show up at your door for a couple
or go home… and I knew that it was Of course, it’d be great if all those years yet.
going to require a play that would push new techs on the ATRA HotLine and That’s okay; that new data is
my team to its limits. all that additional research they’ve critical to making sure your technicians
Sure, it was tense… there was a been doing were enough for us to are aware of what’s coming down
lot of pressure on me to pull something keep up with the changing technology. the pike. That first look is how they
amazing out of my hat. But that was But there’s more to it than that. Our prepare for those hanging technologies,
the easy part: The hard part was greatest strength — where we get most mentally and physically.
whether my team would be prepared to of our information — is from out in Which means that, when one of
deliver on the field. the field… from shops just like yours. those new units finally appears in
Thing is, that didn’t worry me. It comes from ATRA’s over 2500 your bay or on your bench, it won’t
I knew what my guys were capable of. Members all around the world, calling be a complete surprise. They’ll have a
The long hours of training and practice our HotLine or dropping us notes to preliminary understanding of the new
had proved just how much they could ask questions or share what they’ve technology, thanks in no small part to
achieve. I couldn’t be sure they’d discovered. Those shops, with tens of all the training and practice they’ve
win… but I knew they had the skills thousands of technicians from every received… from ATRA.
to succeed. part of the globe, are the ones who let And, with ATRA’s always-
I knew, because I was their coach. us know what type of problems are available web library, they can refer
I’d been right there with them, making likely to show up at your shop, each to those webinars and up-to-date
sure they had the skills they’d need to and every day. bulletins and articles at a moment’s
meet any challenge they were likely to These problems are the, “4th notice, to refresh their skills before
face on the field. down and goal, the ball on the 2-yard they run their next play.
In a way, that’s kind of what the line, down by 7, with 35 seconds left” Speaking of plays, I called a
ATRA tech department is. We’re your decisions we have to make. And we’re power run play (a ground play) to
coach, providing your team with the willing, able, and capable of helping the right side. We scored, bringing
technical training and the skills they you take your team farther than you the game to 27-28, them. I called our
need to meet any challenges that come ever thought possible. last timeout, called in a trips-right
their way. We oversee the drills, we And we promise to continue to formation with a 99 X under-route (our
call the plays, and we make sure your bring you more of everything: more favorite pass play).
team is ready to meet the challenges webinars, more seminars, more My quarterback rolled out, got
they’re likely to face in the shop. bulletins, more GEARS articles… all in trouble, and made the pass into the
Recently, ATRA’s tech department to help you develop the peace of mind end zone as he was being forced out
went through a series of small but that you will “get ’em out the door” … of bounds. Our wide receiver made a
effective changes. We’re pushing more no matter what comes your way. diving catch in the end zone for two
technical material out the door than Now, some of the information points. We won: 29-28.
ever before. We have more technicians we’re putting out into the field is way
4 GEARS January/February 2016
J2534 by Keith Clark
What You Need
To Do It Yourself
e stood by for years Getting the initial mechanics
without having to worry of the process can be challenging,
about computers in cars. but with practice, attention to detail,
We dismissed them as electronic repetition, and continual reading to
gizmos that were all about engine stay updated on procedures, it can
control and had almost nothing to become as easy as building a 4L60E.
do with the transmission. Then we So let’s take a look at the world of
watched them enter our world, one do-it-yourself programming using the
solenoid at a time. J2534 tool.
Now we’ve been forced to address By now you might be asking
them when diagnosing and repairing yourself “what is J2534?” J2534 is
transmission issues. We continue to a standard that was developed by
deal with the question of whether the the SAE (Society of Automotive
computer needs to be programmed, Engineers). It sets the guidelines for
reset, or replaced. We cringe at having vehicle programming, data acquisition
to rely on the dealership or a mobile protocol, and communication
programmer to perform whatever standards. It allows the aftermarket to
programming needs to take place. access and program vehicle computers
All you can do is hope that the the same as OEM, without needing the
transmission will shift correctly after OEM tools.
all is said and done. How do you It also mandates that
know for sure that they programmed manufacturers make programming
the computer? Without research, packages available to the aftermarket.
you don’t, but now you can take This opens the door to electronic tool
programming into your own hands. manufacturers to create an interface
Let’s get one thing out of the — also called a pass-thru device — at
way up front: Programming isn’t a fraction of the cost of the OEM tool,
easy. If you think it is, you’ll surely with universal coverage. This standard
be disappointed after your first failed applies only to ECMs, TCMs, and
attempt. In a way, it’s a lot like any PCMs. Depending on the pass-thru
other skill: It’s going to take work to device manufacturer, you may be able
get good at it. to reprogram other modules.
Finally, you need a battery this, visit the OEM web site
maintainer (figure 3). This is different (figure 4) and download the
from a battery charger. A main- software for your application.
tainer sustains output voltage levels Your pass-thru device software
regardless of load changes. Here’s may have a toolbox that can
why that’s important: assist you in navigating the
If you cycle the ignition on and OEM sites to make sure you
off during the programming process, access the programming
it’ll change the load on the system. you need.
A battery charger can’t adapt to this For most manufacturers,
change, so it could allow the system you can access this informa-
voltage to vary. If the voltage drops tion for free, although you may
below critical levels (or rises too have to read the fine print to
high), it’ll cause programming errors find where they hide their
and could damage the computer being information. The manufactur-
programmed. ers only need to comply with
With all the hardware in place, the standards; nothing says
you’re ready to begin programming. they have to make it
The process is straightforward: First, user-friendly! There will often
determine whether the vehicle needs be bulletins available with
to be reprogrammed. To determine updated software information. Figure 3
OEM Websites
Acura, Honda
Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth
Ford, Lincoln, Mercury
General Motors
Toyota, Scion
For a complete listing of OEM websites go to
Figure 4
Figure 5
TSB Provides
into Failed PCM
S ometimes everyone jumps
into a repair without reading
all of the appropriate service
information; I’m guilty of this, too.
Usually, when a vehicle “bites us on the
when programming. Most problems
are from not paying attention to the
Keith was right on the money
with that one. This month’s article will
transmission was in limp mode. Their
call only yielded basic information:
CVT replaced, limp mode, and “can
you program it because the TCM is in
the transmission?”
backside,” after the smoke clears, the illustrate how thorough research can When a shop calls with an issue
problem turns out to be something we often solve technical issues. like this, our first step is to perform
could have avoided if we’d have started A local shop called regarding some research. This is the part of the
with the directions. That’s even true an auction vehicle they’d purchased job that many technicians skip, but it
when programming issues are involved. and prepared for resale. The vehicle can be very valuable.
Keith Clark’s article, Pass-Thru was a 2007 Dodge Caliber and the In this case I had only a little
Programming, in the October issue of transmission had to be replaced before information to work with. They
GEARS is a great place to start if your it could be put on the lot. provided the basic vehicle information
shop isn’t programming yet. To quote The shop installed a used and requested the information to
Keith: “Of course, problems may arise transmission and after the repair the program the TCM.
14 GEARS January/February 2016
Sales Policy: All shipments are FCA Pembroke Park. Price and availability subject to change. ©Seal Aftermarket Products LLC. All rights reserved. Possession of price list
does not constitute offer to sell. Disclaimer: All information has been checked for accuracy, however no liability can be assumed for errors and omissions.
TSB Provides Insight into Failed PCM Reprogramming
Figure 1
Further conversation revealed that TCM replacement procedures differ to match. So how could we have a
code P167A — Calibration Mismatch as they pertain to programming. If calibration mismatch? We decided to
— was stored in memory, which would the TCM were internal, the TCM and try reprogramming and see if it resolved
seem to suggest the used transmission transmission replacement procedures the issue.
had an internal module that didn’t should be the same. We reprogrammed the PCM/TCM
match the vehicle. With all that in mind, As soon as I arrived at the shop, and initialized the TCM. Then we went
it was time to do some digging: I took the car on a test drive; it was for a test drive. Within minutes the car
Checking service information in limp mode. A wiTech confirmed was back in limp in mode. But this
pertaining to transmission replacement code P167A in memory. Because this time we found code P0602 — Control
would be important, as would checking code indicates a calibration mismatch, Module Programming Error/Module
TSBs (Technical Service Bulletins). I checked other information to see if I Not Programmed.
Research on the Chrysler service could confirm the mismatch (figure 1). At this point I could only assume
information site revealed the TCM isn’t The VIN in the TCM matched the we missed something, so we started
inside the transmission as the shop vehicle and all ECU information for the back at the beginning: We knew we
suggested, but there is a solid state PCM and TCM seemed to be in order. performed all appropriate steps during
component in the CVT. So the TCM matched the vehicle and a transmission replacement as listed in
In addition, transmission and all of the software calibrations seemed the service information.
16 GEARS January/February 2016
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TSB Provides Insight into Failed PCM Reprogramming
m. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position for no less than 15 seconds.
n. Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position (DO NOT CRANK THE ENGINE)
for no less than 20 seconds.
Figure 2
A second TSB search revealed a During a bit of head scratching, we and resolved the issue much earlier. We
bulletin we’d missed earlier: Bulletin found some bold print near the end of were also lucky the error didn’t damage
18-019-06 showed up while searching the TSB (figure 2). the TCM or PCM, which could have
code P0602; not P167A. It said the Could the simple steps at the end easily been the result of an incorrect
PCM and TCM need to be reflashed of the TSB be our whole problem? An programming event on some vehicles.
together to be the calibrated with inappropriate sequence of cycling the There’s an old expression that
the latest matching software. We’d ignition? No, it couldn’t be… the scan goes, “when all else fails, read the
already performed this procedure, so it tool never told us to cycle the key and directions.” On the other hand, if you’d
shouldn’t have been an issue. But what wait. But it was. like to avoid the problem entirely, read
did we have to lose reprogramming We reprogrammed the PCM the directions first.
them again? and TCM, this time including the
We repeated the whole procedure appropriate key cycles and pauses to
and the results were the same: Limp in resolve the problem.
mode occurred before the vehicle even In this case, reading all the
made it off the lot. Well, back to the old information thoroughly the first time
drawing board. around would have saved us some time
18 GEARS January/February 2016
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When Transtar opened the doors of its first small warehouse in a
suburb of Cleveland more than 40 years ago, there were a handful
of employees, some parts on the shelves, a master plan, and an
outlandish dream of being the largest distributor of transmission
parts in the country. No one knew if that was even possible and no
one really cared. They just built the business one customer at a time,
which is exactly what Transtar still does today.
“When I think about what has made Transtar successful in the past 40
years, it is the same thing that continues to make Transtar successful
today: People,” states Ed Orzetti, CEO of Transtar Industries, Inc. “One
person on one end of the phone taking an order from a person
on the other end of the line that starts a chain reaction of events
resulting in a satisfied customer.” That chain reaction, however, now
involves hundreds of people behind the scenes in more than 85
locations who work to serve tens of thousands of customers across
the globe.
On the surface it may appear that nothing has changed in 40 years.
Repairs are needed, orders are taken, parts are accurately picked,
packed, and delivered to customers, and happy consumers drive
back onto the road. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? The difference now
is that rather than happening in one location this now takes place
from coast to coast and beyond.
“The secret to our success,” Orzetti continues, “is that at our core we
still consider that one customer to be as important today as they
were 40 years ago.”
EDWARD H. ORZETTI Although an order seems to begin with a phone call, in reality the
Chief Executive Officer process to successfully deliver that order begins many months before
that phone call is made. It involves every person in the company
operating with one goal – getting the right parts to the right place
when customers need them. “Defining our objective is easy,” says
Senior Vice President, Inventory Manager
Category Management
Chris Trevino, Transtar’s Inventory Manager. “It is having all of the proactively address potential future inventory needs. We are
parts that a customer needs for a particular order in the branch currently deploying this strategy in a phased approach so that we
that is closest to them. The process that supports that objective can respond and react quickly to customer needs and adjust the
is the complex part.” process as necessary.
“Our stocking strategy is created from a very intricate algorithm “This collaborative effort involves a team with members from
that involves looking at historical sales, regional and geographical several departments in the company as well as the branch
variances, and customer demand,” reports Kevin Canavan, Senior managers, who meet together weekly to review the progress and
Vice President, Category Management. “We have also begun evaluate the results,” Canavan continues. “Each person on the
a process to strategically allocate parts for new transmission team sees the process from a different perspective and their
technologies and specific product categories in order to collective input is vital to the successful execution of the project.”
The industry celebrated Transtar’s 40th anniversary this year with a huge
party at the ATRA Powertrain Expo in Las Vegas. The theme of the event
reflected the year 1975 when Transtar was founded: “Take it to the Limit
– 40 Years of Rocking the Industry.” ATRA executives Dennis Madden
and Jimmy Rodd presented CEO Ed Orzetti with an award at the show’s
ribbon cutting ceremony.
"I want to say thank you for all of your advice and help with my transmission. I never expected such a high level
of customer service. In addition, you had everything I needed in stock. I appreciate you telling me which parts
should be inspected and replaced while the valve body was out of the transmission. It was a pleasure learning
from you."
Chicago, Illinois
“We are tracking this project at the branch level, and have seen a “As a team, we have three major initiatives on which we are
nice bump in local customer fill rate that is directly attributable to focusing for 2016,” Orzetti reports, “and they each revolve around
our efforts,” Trevino concludes. “Our success is not measured by creating a consistently outstanding customer experience across
how much time or money we save. Our success is measured by the board. We are in relentless pursuit of serving our customers
satisfied customers.” with excellence.”
Members of the senior executive team spend most of their time on “It doesn’t take more than a few minutes with Ed to know that he
the road visiting customers, suppliers, and Transtar team members. walks the talk,” O’Donovan explains. “It is a matter of integrity with
“You might assume by my title that most of my time is spent in an him and it is woven throughout the culture of the company. It is
office, when in reality the majority of my time is spent in the field,” what you can expect from every Transtar employee.”
says Mick O’Donovan, Vice President, Process Improvement. “Why?
So that I can understand what we do right and what we could do “For me, nothing is more important than
better. You can’t learn that behind a desk.” credibility – both personally and professionally,”
When the Transtar team travels, they wear the Transtar logo on continues Orzetti. “I want our associates,
their chest with pride. “We’re kind of like the Notre Dame of the customers, and supplier partners to know that
transmission industry,” O’Donovan states. “You’ll never see my we say what we mean and we mean what we
name on the back of my jersey but I wear the Transtar team name
say. That is the Transtar promise.”
with honor. And when I say ‘team’ I don’t mean just a couple of
individuals. I mean the entire Transtar team.”
“I have been using eSource ever since it’s been available and I wouldn’t order parts any other way. It shows
the availability in my local warehouse and my cost. You can create order templates for transmissions
that you do a lot of; just add the template to your cart, checkout, and don’t worry about it. The product
pictures make for easy identification – you click on the part number and it shows all the options available.
And you can pay your account online using either a credit/debit card or PayPal. It’s very easy to use
and so convenient!”
BNL Transmissions,
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
by Mike Souza
was doing some research at a local shop
one day while they were working on
a late model Toyota Camry equipped
They Said
with a 2.5L, 4-cylinder engine and a U760E
transmission. The transmission was slipping on
takeoff and the fluid was burnt.
They pulled the unit, disassembled it, and
there it was: The C1 forward/C2 direct drum
It Couldn’t
was black. At the time, the molded piston for
the U760E C1 forward clutch wasn’t available;
the only piston available was for a U660E that
fits behind the 3.5L V6 engine.
Why was the U660E piston available but
Be Done
not the U760E? Because the U660E was failing
a lot because the molded C1 forward piston
was failing. That increased the demand for the
piston so it was more popular to produce.
The shop had a U660E core, so we took
it apart to examine the C1 forward/C2 direct
drum assembly. Unfortunately it was nothing
like the U760E. Rats; we thought we’d get
lucky and be able to use it, since they had a
new piston for that unit.
Figure 4
Inhibiting Gear
by Pete Huscher
Ranges or Shifts
• Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) switch (figure 10). of the engine and transmission.
or Accelerator Position Sensor Let’s look at each of these inputs Neutral safety backup switch or
(APPS; figures 3 and 4) for to determine how the TCM uses them park/neutral position switch — Provide
engine load. to control the transmission operation. the TCM with signals to indicate
• Manifold Absolute Pressure Crankshaft and camshaft position selected gear range.
(MAP) or Barometric Pressure sensors — Provide the TCM with Input speed sensor — Provides
(BP) sensors (figure 5) also for engine RPM signals, which it uses to the TCM with a signal to measure the
engine load. calculate TCC slip. rotating speed of the turbine shaft, from
• Engine Coolant Temperature Throttle position sensor or which it can calculate transmission
(ECT) sensor (figure 6) and accelerator position sensor — Provide RPM and slip.
Transmission Fluid Temperature the TCM with engine load signals to Output speed sensor — Provides
sensor (TFT), located in the calculate line pressure rise and shift the TCM with a signal it can use to
pressure switch manifold (PSM). timing. determine vehicle speed and calculate
• Neutral Safety Backup Switch Manifold absolute pressure and transmission slip.
(NSBU) (figure 7) or Park/Neutral barometric pressure sensors — Provide Transmission fluid pressure
Position (PNP) switch. the TCM with engine load signals for switch manifold — Provides the TCM
• Input Speed Sensor (ISS/TSS; calculating line pressure rise and shift with signals for monitoring clutch
figure 8). timing. engagement and shift timing.
• Output Speed Sensor (OSS). Engine coolant and transmission Transfer case position sensor or
• Transmission Fluid Pressure temperature sensor — Provide the TCM switch — Provides the TCM with a
Switch (PSM; figure 9). with temperature signals to allow it to signal to identify transfer case range.
• Transfer Case Position sensor or determine actual operating temperatures
30 GEARS January/February 2016
Allison Inhibiting Gear Ranges or Shifts
Now let’s discuss how each of specifications, the TCM will keep Erratic input speed sensor signal
these inputs can cause the TCM to the transmission in neutral. Check — If the TCM receives an erratic input
inhibit transmission operation. When CMK and CMP inputs and idle speed speed sensor signal during engagement,
the TCM inhibits the transmission adjustment; repair as needed. the TCM will keep the transmission
operation, you may notice the PRNDL High throttle or high torque in neutral. Check input speed sensor
display flashing on and off or display on engagement — If the throttle or signal; repair as needed.
Gear Inhibited or Shift Inhibited. These accelerator position sensor signal Erratic output speed sensor
conditions can cause the TCM to inhibit exceeds 25% during transmission signal — If the output speed sensor
transmission operation. engagement, the TCM will keep the signal is erratic or over 300 RPM
High engine RPM on engagement transmission in neutral. Check sensor during engagement, the TCM will
— Check engine RPM while shifting input signal to TCM at idle; repair as keep the transmission in neutral.
into gear. If engine RPM exceeds idle needed. Check the output speed sensor signal;
Made in the USA
See the story behind OE-quality parts.
repair as needed. Low transmission fluid temperature the transmission into neutral. Check
Erratic neutral safety backup or — If the transmission fluid temperature and repair transfer case input to TCM
park/neutral position switch signals — sensor signal indicates the transmission as needed.
If the TCM receives an erratic signal temperature is below –49ºF (–45ºC), Transmission slip — If TCM
from the neutral safety backup or park/ the TCM will keep the transmission receives a signal that the transmission is
neutral position switch, it’ll keep the in neutral. Verify the transmission slipping, it’ll prevent the transmission
transmission in neutral. Check the temperature. Check the transmission from shifting into that gear range. Check
switch signals at TCM, check wiring fluid temperature sensor circuit, wiring, transmission operation; if it seems to be
and connections, and check for water and connections; repair as needed. working properly, check the appropriate
contamination in the neutral safety Transfer case in neutral when sensor inputs. If the transmission is
backup switch; repair as needed. shifting transmission into gear — If the slipping, repair as needed.
Erratic pressure switch manifold transfer case control system indicates Well there you have it: the most
signals — If the signal from the the transfer case is in neutral while likely causes and possible cures for
pressure switch manifold is erratic, shifting the transmission into gear, the the most common problem plaguing
the TCM will keep the transmission in TCM will keep the transmission in the Allison LCT1000 transmission:
neutral. This may be caused by low fluid neutral. inhibited shifts or gear ranges. With a
level, valve body problems, a faulty If it indicates the transfer case better understanding of how the Allison
pressure switch manifold, or problems was shifted to neutral while driving, LCT transmission group operates, you
with the wiring or connections; repair TCM will wait until the vehicle output should have no problem keeping those
as needed. speed drops below 300 RPM to shift trannys rolling.
Figure 2: With the engine idling, the TPS/APPS signal looks rough; that indicates RF interference.
If you don’t have a lab scope Test for Noise in 2. Identify wiring connector C1.
and you’re diagnosing transmission the TPS/APPS Signal It’s on the far right of the PCM
problems on a daily basis, think about 1. Locate the Powertrain Control (closest to driver) and it’s black
getting one. You’re going to need a lab Module (PCM) under the hood on the (figure 3).
scope to diagnose today’s vehicles. If passenger side firewall. You can pull 3. Find the orange/black wire
you’re just trying to figure out what’s straight up on the air cleaner housing to that connects to pin 23 in the
wrong with this vehicle, try borrowing disconnect it from the body and move C1 connector. If you take the
a lab scope or pay a professional to it to the side for easier access; no tools rear cover off of the connector
check the TPS/APPS signal for noise. required. it’s easier to ID the wire,
GEARS January/February 2016 37
Dodge Cummins TCC Hunt Diagnosis Made Simple
but there’s usually only one line across the display should be wrap with electrical tape.
orange/black wire to the C1 straight, without any peaks or An even better method is to:
connector, so it should be easy dropouts. Just a smooth signal • Cut the wire.
to locate. around 0.5 volts. • Slide some heat shrink tubing over
4. Strip some insulation off the IMPORTANT: The signal should be one end.
orange/black wire carefully with roughly 0.5 volts; it may be as • Twist the three ends together.
a single-edged razor blade; be low as 0.44 volts and still function • Solder the connection.
careful not to cut the wire strands. just fine. This may indicate poor • Apply the heat shrink with a heat
You can also use a wire piercing grounds. gun.
test tool if you have one. Just 8. Start the engine and let it idle. The If you twist them right, you should
make sure you’re at least 6” away TPS/APPS signal on the scope end up with one wire coming out one end
from the PCM connector; you should still be relatively straight of the heat shrink heading to the PCM,
want to leave enough wire in at roughly 0.5 volts. and two wires coming out the other end.
case further repairs or splices are If the TPS/APPS signal looks fuzzy 3. Route the noise filter wiring against
necessary. with the engine idling (figure 2), but the top of the fender, under the
5. Connect a lab scope: it’s nice and smooth with the key on, air cleaner, and along the vehicle
• Positive lead (+) to the orange/ engine off, you have RF interference. wiring harness.
black wire, ground lead (–) to the You can correct this by installing a 4. Connect the negative lead of the
ground cable on the battery post. noise filter on the orange/black TPS/ noise filter to the negative (–)
• Monitor DC voltage on the 2-volt APPS signal wire right at the PCM. battery terminal.
scale. And you’ve already done half the work 5. Secure the noise filter with tie
The scope settings aren’t fussy by stripping the insulation. straps. It can be a really clean job
but a simple voltmeter won’t work. if you hide the filter under the air
You must have a lab scope or graphing Installing the Noise cleaner assembly.
meter with a very fast refresh rate. The Filter 6. Drive the vehicle and confirm the
Snap-on Vantage is probably the most Here’s how to install a noise filter repair.
popular tool. The Snap-on Modis and on the TPS/APPS signal circuit (figure Tod Chretien is a diagnostician
other high end Snap-on scan tools also 3): at Ralph’s Transmissions in Modesto
have the Vantage integrated. 1. Move the air cleaner housing out California and president of the
6. Key on, engine off. of your way as described earlier. Transmission Rebuilder’s Network
7. Monitor the TPS/APPS voltage 2. Connect the positive (+) lead of Worldwide (TRNW). Noise filters are
on the scope (figure 1). You the noise filter to the orange/black available at the TRNW online store at
should see a steady 1/2 volt. The wire. Solder the connection and
38 GEARS January/February 2016
8:32 P.M.
At Transtar, we’re constantly evolving
our business to make your job easier.
That means going above and beyond is
standard operating procedure. So when
you need parts or full remanufactured
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What’s Covered... GENERAL MOTORS
• 4T40E • 6L80
- Harsh Shifts, - TCC Slip, Shudder DTCs
GENERAL Harsh Engagement, DTC P0013, - Intermittent No Upshifts In Tow
High Line Pressure Haul Mode, No DTCs
• Reprogramming - J2534 Information • 4T65E • 6L80/90
- J1850 - J2534 Pass thru Device - TCC Slip at 200-300 RPM on - Ratcheting Noise and/or Bind
- ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230 - Power Supply Issues Highway, No DTCs in Reverse
- ISO 15765 - Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge • 4L60E - Slow 3rd Gear Apply,
- DTC P0741 Set and Harsh 1-2 Slight Delay in Reverse
Shift – Vehicles Manufactured • LCT 1000
FORD after 10/1/11 – 11/13/12
- Harsh Shifts 1-2, DTC P0741
- No Upshifts Until Throttle is
• 4L80E - Neutral On Hard Acceleration
4R70W/75E • 6F35/50
- Planet Damage After Rebuild, - - No Reverse, DTC P0740 TCC
- Transmission Over Temp - No 3rd Gear,
Pump Interchange Enable Solenoid Control Circuit
4R75E P0796 Shift Solenoid 3 Stuck Off
• 5L40 - SPS Message While Program-
- Grinding, Whining, Vibration and/ - DTC P0751, Harsh, Slips and/or
- Crank/No Start After Rebuild ming a 2006 LCT 1000
or Gear Slippage No Forward Engagement
- No 4th or 5th Gear After Rebuild - No Forward or Repeat C1 Failure
FNR5/FS5A-EL - No Reverse After Rebuild
- Sprag Rotation Before and After Rebuild
- No 5th Gear After Rebuild • CFT30
• 6T30 - No Forward and/or Reverse
FNR5/FS5A-EL - Transmission Overheat, Possible
- GM 6T30 (MH9) Family Quick Engagement or Shifts Inhibited
- P0720 After Rebuild No Movement DTCs Set
Identification - Valve Body Installation
- P2708 SSF Functional Failure - Inoperative Cruise Control and/or
• 6T40 - Planet Failure, Rebuild Procedure
(Stuck On) No Sound From Radio
- No Forward, - MIL On, Poor Transmission Shift
- One Way Clutch Assembly - Solenoid Exchange
Reverse Engagement Only Performance/Quality
- P0753 May Be Confusing • 6R60/ZF6HP - Fluid Leak From Front of Allison
- Wrench Light Illuminated Comparison - Air Check Port Identification
• 5R110W (Torqshift) - Input Shaft/Stator Support • 6T40/70
- No Movement After Reflash • 8L90
- No Move After Rebuild Differences - Solenoid Identification and Strat-
- Manual Code Retrieval on LCF - E Clutch Drum Bushing - Overheat When Overfilled,
Setting Code P0218 egy
Trucks - Air Checks - Solenoid Location and Function
- Intermittent No Movement After - Pan Exchange • GM 6T70
- Harsh Shifts
Rebuild • 6R140W (Torqshift 6) - Air Check Port Identification
- Harsh Shift When Starting at
- Low Diode Failure - High Pitch Noise, Pump Whine - Line Pressure Tap Location &
Low Temperatures
• 6F35 - Pump Failure All Specifications
- Transmission Gear Whine Noise
- Hoot Type Noise at Low Speed - Direct Clutch Piston Removal - Rough Ride
After Transmission Repair • Aisin TL80SN 8 Speed
On Light Acceleration From a - Valve Body Replacement
- Harsh 1-2 Upshift During (RPO MGG)
Stop Before First Shift - No Move Before or
Low Speeds - Service Transmission Light
- P0218 Transmission Overheat After Overhaul
Flashing and/or MIL On and DTC
Low Mileage P0705 Set
• Dodge Vehicles - F Dog Clutch Hydraulic Apply • U660E • Isuzu NPR
- Mistaken TCC Shudder Circuit - Pressure Switches Eliminated - PRNDL Lights Dim
• Dodge/Jeep - F Dog Clutch Release Circuit - TCC Slip or No Movement • A750
2005-06 Vehicles - Valve Body to Case Pipe • U660E/760E - No Forward in D4, D3 & D1 Will
- Codes P0714 and/or P0218 Locations - Forward/Direct Drum Move in D2
• 62TE - Air Check Locations Interchange • A960E/750E/AB60E
- TCC and Shift Chatter After - Solenoid Identification, • U660E Comparison
Rebuild Park-By-Cable - Other Internal Problems - Internal Wire Harness
- Solenoid Identification, - No Reverse After Rebuild - Temperature Sensors
• 68RFE
Park-By-Wire - 1-2 Slide After Rebuild
- Setting Overdrive Pressure • A960E/750E/AB60E
- Disassembly/Assembly Tips • ZF6HP26
Switch Rationally Code P0871 - Speed Sensors
- Snap Ring Update - P0783 Gear Load 3-4 4-3
- Clunk From Reverse to Park - Speed Sensor Malfunction/TCC
TSB 21-008-15 REV B - Firm 2-3 Shift P0782 Gear Load
• Dodge AS68RC Information
- Range Sensor Connector Swap
• 845RE 2-3 3-2 AA80/81E
- Application Chart • Ford 6R60/ZF6HP26
• 722.6 - Introduction
- Fluid Check Procedure
- Vibration Coming to a Stop Comparison - Component ID & Apply Chart
- Solenoid Identification
• 948TE - All Vehicles - Solenoid ID & Apply Chart
- Valve Body Breakdown
- Introduction - Valve Body Removal - Valve Body Removal
- Valve Body Check Valves
- Clutch Apply Chart • ZFHP19A VW - Valve Identification
- Valve Body Filters
- Dog Clutch Function - Pinion Removal - Case Air Checks
- Valve Body Solenoid Dampers
- A Dog Clutch Function - Gear Whine After Rebuild - Low One Way Clutch Rotation
- Check Ball Locations
- A Dog Clutch Hydraulic Apply • F4A51 • Subaru Lineartronic
- Separator Plate Information
Circuit - Hard Bind Going Into 4th Gear - Primary Pulley Disassembly
- Upper Valve Body Breakdown
- A Dog Clutch Hydraulic Release • Isuzu 4L30E - Secondary Pulley Disassembly
- Lower Valve Body Breakdown
Circuit - No Forward in D4, D3 & D1 Will - Secondary Pulley Assembly
- Valve Identification and Spring
- F Dog Clutch Function Measurements Move in D2
Come True by Thom Tschetter
If you haven’t, don’t feel alone most everyone made at least one New
or that I’m picking on you. My Year’s resolution, and most of them
assumption is intended to be a little have probably already been broken.
sarcastic because, the truth is, less Have you ever noticed how short-
than 20% of us actually set written lived New Year’s resolutions are?
goals that include execution plans. In Have you ever wondered why? I think
this article, I’m going to discuss why one reason is because we take them
we should do it, some of the reasons too lightly or they pertain to rather
p Your Business is an we don’t do it, and a simple (really trivial aspects of our lives.
exclusive GEARS Magazine simple) process for getting it done. New Year’s resolutions are often
feature in which I share A line from an old Jim Croce expressed without much forethought,
stories, insights, and reflections about song pondered, “…if dreams could a lack of serious commitment,
real business and life challenges. make wishes come true…” And it’s no execution plan, nor any real
2016… a new year. Time sure been said that a goal is just a dream expectation for accomplishing them.
flies when you get old. with a deadline. Let’s take a look at To top it off, the only consequence
By now, you’ve already written how you can make your wishes come for not accomplishing them is that
your goals and objectives for 2016, true with some simple steps to turn the past simply repeats itself… an
right? If you have, you get an “atta your dreams into accomplished goals. acceptable result for many of us.
boy” (excuse the gender-based
political incorrectness). You get NEW YEAR’S GOALS WITH
a double atta boy if you’ve also RESOLUTIONS EXECUTION PLANS
put pencil to paper (man, am I New Year’s resolutions seldom If your goal-setting process has
dating myself!) to lay out a plan for deliver the results you’re hoping for. been more like making New Year’s
accomplishing those goals. As recently as a few weeks ago, al- resolutions, good luck. Research
Targets serve like checkpoints to e.g. scheduling, parts ordering, As I said earlier, nobody does
measure whether you’re on course and workflow, etc. this perfectly… the more you do
on time for accomplishing the objec- C) Financial changes, e.g. it, the better you’ll get at it. In his
tives. Think of them as the mileposts pricing, costs, purchasing, presentation at last year’s Expo, Mark
along the freeway. They help you benefits, wages, etc Sanborn commented on the danger
determine how far you’ve come, where D) Technical changes, e.g. of perfectionism. “Most people
you are now, and how far you have to quality, productivity, don’t know the difference between
go. This will guide you in assessing training, certifications, etc. excellence and perfectionism. You’ve
whether you need to modify anything E) Sales process changes probably heard that anything worth
or make other adjustments based on — sales tracking, pricing, doing is worth doing right. Actually,
how long it will take to get there. customer satisfaction, etc. that’s simply not true. Some things are
F) Personnel changes worth doing and getting them done.
THE CHECKLIST — relationships, teambuilding, Some things are worth doing well.
I) Mission Statement — This is your production capabilities, Some things are worth doing very,
alignment tool. gaps in service, etc. very well. Excellence is the ability to
A) Your company’s vision. G) Personal changes I need to know the difference…”
a) Why you are in business. make — training, attitude, Don’t get all mucked up trying to
b) Who benefits from your focus, relationships, etc. do this to perfection. Even the worst
business and how? H) Other changes possible attempt will yield better
Answer for each: IV) Targets results than not trying at all. As Nike
(i) Customers A) Establish targets for says, “Just do it.”
(ii) Employees completion of each step. Here’s to making your wishes
(iii) Suppliers B) Establish frequency of come true. Have an amazing year.
(iv) Community checking on progress.
(v) Owners C) Establish the availability of
B) State your guiding principles necessary resources for
— Examples include: each step.
a) Quality D) Discuss the goal and execution
b) Speed plan with the team to get them
c) Price involved and explain why
d) Guarantees and how it will benefit the
e) Customer Satisfaction company, the customers, and
C) State your values them. Share Your Stories
— Examples include: E) Discuss the goal and execution If you’ve personally experienced a
a) Integrity plan with the team to get their weird or unusual customer dispute and
b) Honesty input regarding any obstacles wouldn’t mind sharing it to help your
c) ATRA Code of Ethics or barriers to accomplishing industry, please contact me. You just tell
d) Employing Certified Techs the plan. They will likely see me the story and I’ll do all the heavy
II) Goal — Begins with wishes things you don’t. lifting to write it.
and dreams F) Involve the team in the We can make it an article about
A) What do you want to do? process of how to accomplish you, or you may remain anonymous. The
B) When will it be done? the goal. Emphasize the main thing is we want to share stories
C) How will you know when “what” and the “why” of the that will help others avoid similar prob-
it’s done? goal and ask for their help lems. Call me at 480-773-3131 or email
D) Describe what successful goal with the “how.” me at
achievement looks like. G) Continually measure results About the Author
III) Objectives and Steps — List and make adjustments to the Thom Tschetter has served our
all essential objectives/changes plan as necessary. industry for nearly four decades as a
necessary to achieve goal success. H) Stay vigilant and anticipate management and sales educator. He
State them clearly for each possible setbacks and owned a chain of award-winning trans-
applicable item and include a time unplanned consequences. mission centers in Washington State for
deadline. Insert the first, second, I) Never stop monitoring over 25 years.
and next steps where applicable. and adjusting. Remember, He calls on over 15 years of
There are no limits to the number planning is everything. experience as a certified arbitrator for
of steps. J) Finally, celebrate success topics for this feature column.
A) Physical facility changes, with your team when you Thom is always eager to help
e.g. building, equipment, accomplish objectives and members of our industry and continues
appearance, location, etc. ultimately achieve the goal! to be proactive in pursuing ways to
B) Service process changes, K) Congratulations! improve your business and your life.
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“M y friend Peter once told
me that his motorcycle
professional talent — even when you
have no job openings. If you aren’t the
Grow your own: Around you right
now are coworkers and colleagues who
dealership had attained its leadership owner, just make sure you’re the best don’t get nearly enough good feedback
position because of his “Rocks.” He “talent bird dog” in your world. Never on what they do. Test this idea yourself:
went on to explain that these were let an impressive performer pass you by. Just make a point of noticing all the little
his key people, the ones he could rely If you see talent elsewhere, make good things your coworkers do today.
on to do the right things for the right a point of staying in touch with them Make a mental or written note and
reasons every time. Even when they every few weeks. Collaborate, share see if you can notice 30 things today.
were wrong, they “failed forward”; in stories, meet for a beer, exchange ideas It could be picking up trash, holding a
other words they’d attempt to get the by email, and occasionally invite them door open, wiping down a counter or
outcomes he wanted them to achieve. to visit your shop. fender, calling someone with an update,
Who are your rocks? Do they know Many years ago in Tulsa, listening to a person even when you
they’re important to you? If you’re an Oklahoma, I encountered a woman don’t need to hear what they’re saying,
owner or manager, do you give them named Marilyn who was a shift manager keeping complete records, apologizing
frequent opportunities to grow by at the McDonald’s restaurant at South for something, or praising someone
taking on special responsibilities or Roads Mall. She so impressed me with else. Just notice and keep a record of it
gaining targeted knowledge? Are you her service and leadership of her team for today.
intentionally growing your base of solid that I went there for breakfast every Then mention it to the person who
performers? week for six years. did it. Say, “You sure do a good job of
As you know, just one solid When I moved to California I lost (whatever they did).” Don’t make a big
performer can transform an entire touch with her and I’m sorry I did. deal about it; just let them know that
business. So what are you doing on a People like her are rare and she deserved someone else noticed and cared.
monthly basis to keep searching for to get bigger opportunities. If I could do Author Ken Blanchard, a friend
rocks even outside of the transmission it over again I’d have hired her while I of mine in Escondido, CA, calls this
specialty? Rocks can be trained on your was in Tulsa and created a position for “catching people doing something
technology, but it isn’t nearly as easy her. I sure could have used her talent right.” It’s a brilliant move and it’ll
to train underperforming technicians to since I’ve been in California. Even make more people do the things rocks
become rocks. today I tell stories about her in some of do. The more often you do those things,
If you aren’t a manager or owner, my speeches on customer service and the more rocks there’ll be when you
you still have rocks. These are the team leadership. need someone to rely on.
people you rely on to help you succeed. Who do you know like Marilyn? Jim Cathcart is a Hall of
They’re the folks you turn to in a pinch. Who has impressed you with their Fame professional speaker, a sales
They’re people who tell you the truth optimistic attitude, commitment to consultant, a strategic advisor to ATRA,
even when it hurts and yet they don’t get things done, or ability to solve and a regular contributor to GEARS.
put you down or judge you when you’re problems smoothly? Tell them how You may reach him at or
wrong. they’ve impressed you and tell others send him a message through GEARS.
Become a rock collector. about them so that opportunities can See his 110 video lessons for free at
Let others know that you’re always find them.
seeking good people to connect with —
46 GEARS January/February 2016
ATRA has always been a great technical resource. But, in today’s business
environment, it takes more than being just a great technician to survive. ATRA
has stepped up to the plate and brought us some of the best business trainers
in the industry. Along with their continuous market research, our industry will
continue to thrive. Thank you ATRA for your support of our Industry.
a New
Position by Dennis Madden
uring the recent Powertrain
Expo, we discussed the idea
of reaching out to the next
generation of technicians and finding a
way to bring them into the transmission
One problem we’ve heard over and
over is that you can’t find technicians
ready to be productive in the shop
right from a trade school or automotive
program. They know a little bit about a
few systems, but they just don’t “have
what we’re looking for.”
Which leads to the question: Are
we setting our expectations too high?
Consider other fields; say plumb-
ing or electrical work. A young person
takes a two-year program in one of
these fields and learns that water runs
downhill and that you shouldn’t touch
the white and black wires together.
They know how not to break things
and that might be about it. The rest
of their training comes on the job,
working as an apprentice.
For some reason in our industry
we don’t see it that way: We want
someone to be productive right out of
school. The reality is that much of the
real training an individual will receive
will be in your shop.
So the question is, how do we
train these individuals? And how do
we safeguard ourselves from going
through several years of training, only
to have them quit and go elsewhere?
by Alex Goldfayn
CEO, Evangelist Marketing Institute
here are different kinds of
buyers for transmission shops:
consumers, moms, dads. But,
as I learned while speaking at ATRA’s
Expo last October, some of you sell
business-to-business. In that world
there are also different buyers: logistics
managers, for example.
But one kind of customer can
buy more than any other: executive
buyers. I’m talking about the CEOs,
presidents, and principals. These
folks are different than all the rest,
and selling to them is the focus of
this column.
First, how are they different?
They don’t have a lot of time
because they’re babysitting — er,
managing — large teams. So you have
to make your case and demonstrate
your value quickly, impressively,
and memorably.
Although they’re in high-level
positions, they hate risk. That’s ironic,
but most executives spend their days
trying not to rock the boat. The less
attention they bring to themselves, the
better. As such, you must demonstrate
to them definitively that you’re a
safe option.
They’re being sold to constantly.
And because of their positions, they’re
surrounded by “yes” people who tell
them what they want to hear all day.
Because of this, you must enter the
conversation with them as peers. You
must walk into the room as equals.
With these kinds of problems, why
should you sell to executives? It’s quite
Builder’s Transmission
Broken Arrow, OK
T he focus of the management
track at this year’s Expo was
how to help today’s shops
attract new technicians. It’s become
an increasingly urgent situation, with
fewer young people taking an interest
in fixing cars for a career.
Jeff McCollough, owner of
Builder’s Transmission in Broken
Arrow, Oklahoma, may have discovered
a new approach to helping introduce
young people to the industry… or
maybe it’s just a new take on an old
He and several other automotive
Builder’s Transmission, L to R: Mike Brown, Troy Lee, Jeff McCollough, Bill McCollough, Carolyn McCollough,
Dustin Tennison, Shelley McCollough and "Lugnut"
The move from a full service gas changing technology and, by the time “At the time he gave me a choice:
station into transmissions came during the ’90s came along, business was He said, ‘If you want to keep running
the early gas shortages; Jeff was maybe going really well. It was him, two the business, that’s fine; if not, I’ll sell
12 or 13 years old. Bill closed the rebuilders, three R&R techs, and an the shop.’ I told him I wanted to make a
gas station, took on a partner who office manager. go of it, and Mom said, ‘If you’re going
had transmission experience, and the But he was working long hours and to do it, I’ll stay here with you.’
two of them opened Broken Arrow not making any money. That’s when he “Mom handled the back end of the
Transmissions in a new location. attended a shop management seminar business: She’d answer the phone, pay
“We didn’t have a transmission where he learned how to operate his the bills, order parts… if it wasn’t for
parts washer back then,” explains Jeff. business profitably. “I learned that, if my mom I couldn’t have kept it going.
“I’d put the transmission over a barrel you don’t understand how to run your “She’s the one who made sure all
and use a pocket knife to scrape the business like a business, you’ll find the bills got paid first. If it were left
case, and then spray it with carb cleaner yourself owning a job,” he says. to me, I’d probably have blown all the
to get it clean. Today Builder’s Transmission is money that came in and gone broke in
“We also had a converter flusher, a busy shop. They handle complete the first month!
and that was my job: I had to drill and drivetrain repair, including engine repair “She just knew everything that was
tap the converters. and replacement. They have a nice web going on in the shop. She was the one
“By the time I turned 14 I was site at who dealt with the parts sales people,
handling transmission R&R. I wanted to help reach out to customers. All in and she built a rapport with them.
to be a builder, but Dad wouldn’t let all, things are going pretty well for Half the time she could just look at the
me do that until I learned how to pull them. old parts on the bench, tell me what I
them out, put them back, and make needed, and have everything ordered
them work.” Mother Knows Best before I said a thing.”
Jeff took over the business from his One person who Jeff credits with Today both of Jeff’s parents are
father around 1985; a tough time to be keeping their business strong is his pretty much retired. Jeff’s wife, Shelley,
fixing transmissions, with front wheel mother, Caroline. “Back in the ’80s, now handles the office and answers
drives just showing up and electronic things got tough; there wasn’t enough the phone. But Bill and Caroline still
controls beginning to overshadow work for both me and my dad,” says keep their hands in whenever they
everything else. Jeff. “So Dad decided to leave the shop can, keeping Builder’s Transmission a
Jeff and his crew stepped up to and got a job selling cars for a nearby family affair.
the challenge: They adapted to the dealership.
54 GEARS Januray/February 2016
Mike Brown finishing a Honda and a 6T40 Troy Lee installing a heater core and complete A/C system on the Ford
Renting Trucks
Toward the end of 2007, the economy took a
serious tumble. It wasn’t a good time for auto repair, and
Builder’s Transmission was no exception. It reached a
point where Jeff would do just about anything necessary
to make payroll. “If a person asked me, I’d wash his car;
whatever it took,” he said.
Then one day, about six years ago, something
changed: “A guy came by in a U-Haul truck and asked
me if I’d be interested in renting U-Hauls. And I said,
‘Why not? I have a big lot here; let’s see if it’ll help.’
Today I probably rent $250,000 a year in U-Hauls. And
I sell about $5000 a month in boxes.”
Not bad for something that he started on a whim to
help make payroll.
“It saved us; it really did. It doesn’t cost anything:
They bring the trucks to you; you have to have an
internet connection, but who doesn’t these days? You
rent their trucks for them; they take care of them. You
make 20% of the rental fee and you put the money in
the bank.
“It helped pay the bills when things were tight.
Now I’m used to the extra money. When we’re busy
sometimes it’s a hassle, but I don’t know if I’d want to
do without the additional profit.”
There’s no doubt that the U-Haul program has been
a lifesaver for Jeff and crew, but there’s an additional
benefit that he gets from the program; one that may well
Jeff McCollough doing a BG Induction Flush on the Caddy (I have a Mac
be even more valuable than the actual rental fees:
Mentor in my hand but my Snap-On Modis Ultra is my hands down
“When someone turns in a truck, there’s a good couldn't live without it favorite!)
chance they’re new to the area. And very often I’m the
first business person in town that they meet. So I always “So everyone that just moved to town and comes in to
introduce myself: ‘Welcome to town! I’m Jeff; I work on cars drop off a truck, I’m one of the first people they meet. It’s like
here. If you have any problems — if your Check Engine light being the Welcome Wagon for them.
comes on — just give me a call. Here’s my card.’ “It’s been terrific in more ways than I can count, because
“In this business it’s a challenge to get a customer to walk I make a lot of money doing it and I meet a lot of people
through your door the first time. Once you get past that first I might never have met otherwise. And I get a lot of new
meeting, all the uneasiness is over… assuming you treated customers out if it.”
them right when they came in.
GEARS Januray/February 2016 55
Builder’s Transmission, Broken Arrow, OK
Working Together the next job; the important thing is to else he can find, because that’s the only
Just like many other transmission take care of the customer. way they can vent.
shops, Jeff has built some strong “Here’s the thing: If that customer’s “So we try to avoid it completely
relationships with some of the other happy, he’s going to tell 50 people, what by putting the customer first.”
repair shops in his area. Very often with social media and such. And in the Sounds reasonable. And it seems to
those shops come to him when they end it’ll pay you back with referrals and be working well for Jeff and his crew at
have a transmission-related problem. good reviews. Builder’s Transmission. It’s a business
When that happens, Jeff’s philosophy “Actually, if you treat the customer model we can all take a lesson from.
is pretty simple: well, most of them are way too busy to
“When one of those shops comes go online and write about it. But if you
by with a problem, my primary goal is have someone who thinks he wasn’t
to get the customer back on the road. treated right, he’s going to go onto
We’ll worry about making money on Google and Facebook and whatever
ne thing Jeff wants and performed CPR on her for six minutes. That’s an astounding
everyone to know is the what seemed like an hour — it and wonderful outcome from what
importance of learning was probably more like five or six could have been a real tragedy.
CPR. He learned the hard way just minutes — until the paramedics “If you don’t know CPR, take
how valuable that training can arrived. an afternoon and learn it,” says
be, when his wife, Shelley, had a “She was turning blue but Jeff. “All hospitals have free
heart attack: her color came back, and I was classes. Because you never know
“She was on the phone in the able to keep her blood flowing. when you’re going to need it.”
office, talking to a customer. I I wasn’t able to bring her back; Better yet, visit
walked past her to get something, the paramedics had to shock her on line and look for details on the
and when I turned around she several times to get her heart CPR Anytime courses. Sponsor a
was staring off into space with started. Then they took her to the CPR course in your shop for all
the phone dropped to her side. hospital for treatment.” your employees, or invite your
“My initial response was ‘Oh, Today Shelley’s fully customers to a CPR training
s***!’ (sort of a universal response recovered. Thanks to Jeff’s quick program. It’s a terrific way to give
to that type of situation); then my thinking, she didn’t suffer any back to the community, and the
CPR training kicked in. brain damage, even though her training you share may save a
“I pulled her out of the chair heart wasn’t beating for at least life.
EXPO 2016
October 27 th - 30 th
Las Vegas, NV
A Simple
“Thank You”
by Scottie South
A&A Midwest
4050 S. Wentworth Ave.
Chicago, IL 60609
Contact: Billy Stolberg
Toll Free: (800) 826-7403
Phone: (773) 624-6111
Fax: (773) 624-6660
60 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
A 1 Transmission & Parts Co. All-Trans, Inc. Alto Products Corp. - Corporate HQ *
1020 Yuma St. 134 Transit Dr. One Alto Way
Denver, CO 80204 Greenville, SC 29607 Atmore, AL 36504
Phone: (303) 623-1401 Contact: Bruce Dodds Contact: Robbie Ferguson
Fax: (303) 623-4923 Toll Free: (800) 922-9562
Phone: (864) 297-9913 Phone: (251) 368-7777
Fax: (864) 297-3020 Fax: (251) 368-7774
AAM Aftermarket *
One Dauch Dr.
Detroit, MI 48211
All Trans Remanufacturing * Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants
Contact: Pat Angst
1333 N. 21St. P.O. Box 191
Toll Free: (866) 865-6312 Phoenix, AZ 85009
Phone: (313) 758-4176 Kingsville, TX 78363
Toll Free: (800) 858-7269 Contact: David & Eline Haunschild Phone: (602) 233-3835 Fax: (602) 253-1760 Toll Free: (800) 631-2240
Adapt-A-Case * Allomatic Products
3400 Jefferson Ave. S.E. 609 East Chaney St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49548 Sullivan, IN 47882
Contact: Michael Black/ Duane Reister Contact: Andy Mayfield
Toll Free: (800) 568-0330
Phone: (616) 331-0000
Phone: (812) 268-0322
Fax: (616) 452-5624 Fax: (812) 268-5406
Anaheim Gear *
Advanstar Communications * 1271 S. Talt Ave.
2901 28th St., Ste. 100 Allstar Automotive, LLC
Anaheim, CA 92806
Santa Monica, CA 90405 1221 E. 56 Ave.
Denver, CO 80216 Contact: Pat Massey / Eric Skillman
Phone: (310) 445-4200
Toll Free: (866) 668-0463 Phone: (714) 778-1103
Fax: (310) 857-7510
Phone: (303) 477-2838 Fax: (714) 778-1733
Alabama Bands Inc.
202 Industrial Dr. Alma Products Company * APRA - Automotive Parts Remanufac-
2000 Michigan Ave. turers Association
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
Alma, MI 48801 7250 Heritage Village Plz., ste.201
Contact: Jimmy Fuller Toll Free: (877) 427-2624
Toll Free: (800) 805-8126 Phone: (989) 463-1151 Gainesville, VA 20155
Phone: (256) 386-0027 Fax: (800) 457-2713 Phone: (571) 248-8500
Fax: (256) 381-6486
GEARS January/February 2016 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members 61
62 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
64 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Work Smarter Not Harder
Bishop International Inc.
224 N. Corinth St.
Dallas, TX 75203 Capital Core Inc.*
Toll Free: (800) 843-5068 500 Dargan St.
1000 Continental Dr., Ste. 300
Phone: (214) 426-6449 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Pittsburgh, PA 15224 Toll Free: (877) 828-0720 Toll Free: (800) 223-1884
Phone: (484) 581-2200 Fax: (412) 246-0608
Fax: (484) 581-2201
BlueReach Automation
& Control, LTD *
2, Meado View, Vicarage Rd. Capital Core Inc.*
Canada-Wide Parts Distributors Ltd.
Lover, Salisbury, Wilshire SP5 2PD 33026 Capitol St.
15745-118 Ave.
UNITED KINGDOM Livonia, MI 48150
Edmonton, AB T5V 1B7 CANADA
Contact: Andy Henney Toll Free: (800) 665-7671 Toll Free: (800) 223-1884
Phone: 44 (0) 845 519 4471 Phone: (780) 454-5115 Fax: (734) 793-3680 Fax: (780) 453-3460
66 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
68 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
“Our core belief is that Business is
Personal. This approach of serving
your needs from a personal
perspective carries throughout
our company.
From our customer care and sales
representatives to our machine shop
and shipping department.
How can we help you?
Give us a call to find out!”
- Jay Shingala, President/CEO
Our Story:
Founded in Columbus Ohio in 1982, Capital Core began as strictly
and CEO with his brother Neil managing and directing the Sales
Department. By 2008 Capital Core made the shift from strictly a Core
the company has been to grow one customer at a time. Rather than
quantity the philosophy at Capital Core is quality and satisfaction for
Dartco Transmission
5620 B State Hwy 276
Little Falls, MN 56345
Toll Free: (800) 686-2651
Fax: (320) 632-3553
Royse City, TX 75189
Toll Free: (866) 355-1786 Eagle Precision Products
Phone: (972) 722-7390 13800 Progress Pkwy Drew Technologies, Inc. N. Royalton, OH 44133 3915 Research Park Dr., Ste. A10 Contact: Bruce Reger
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: (440) 582-9393
DCM Tech, Corp. * Phone: (734) 222-5228
4455 Theurer Blvd. Fax: (734) 222-5008
Winona, MN 55987
Contact: Randy Taylor Ease Diagnostics
Toll Free: (800) 533-5339 61456 County Rd. #21
Phone: (507) 452-4043 Dura-Bond Bearing Company * New Ulm, MN 56073
Fax: (507) 452-7970 3200 Arrowhead Dr. Contact: Bob Sorenson Carson City, NV 89706 Phone: (507) 359-1197 Phone: (775) 883-8998
Fax: (775) 883-9497
Dean Transmission Parts * Educational Seminars Institute (ESi)
21 Ramah Cir. 4615 E. Industrial St., Ste. 1E
Agawam, MA 01001 DuraBuilt Transmission Parts/DTP Simi Valley, CA 93063
Toll Free: (800) 666-8726 1041 University Blvd. Contact: Maylan Newton
Phone: (413) 789-4340 Jackson, MS 39204 Toll Free: (888) 338-7296
Fax: (413) 789-4662 Toll Free: (800) 748-9046 Phone: (805) 526-3039
70 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Endural LLC
1685 Scenic Ave. Fatsco Transmission Parts *
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 P.O. Box 635 / 337 Change Bridge Rd.
Contact: Sue Williams Pine Brook, NJ 07058
Toll Free: (800) 854-0553 Toll Free: (800) 524-0485
Phone: (714) 434-6533 European Exchange, Inc. * Phone: (973) 227-2487
Fax: (714) 434-6528 240 Lodi St. Fax: (973) 227-5414 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Contact: Richard Varjan
Phone: (201) 489-7770
Equipment Manufacturing Corporation Fax: (201) 487-4707
FB Performance Transmission, Inc.
- EMC 85 Cleveland Ave.
14930 S. Marquardt Ave. Bay Shore, NY 11706
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 European Transmissions & Parts, Inc. Toll Free: (800) 769-1118
Toll Free: (888) 833-9000 dba Eurotrans Phone: (631) 242-0008
Phone: (562) 623-9394 2430 Oak St. E. Fax: (631) 243-3054 Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (770) 888-1499
Fax: (678) 807-1952 FCA US LLC - Mopar
Eriksson Industries 1000 Chrysler Dr.
146 Elm St. Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Old Saybrook, CT 06475 EVT Parts *
Contact: Nat Wentworth 1155 N. McKinley Ave.
Toll Free: (800) 388-4418 Los Angeles, CA 90059
Phone: (860) 388-4418 Toll Free: (866) 338-7278
Phone: (310) 327-2910 Filtran, LLC *
Fax: (860) 395-0047 875 Seegers Rd.
Fax: (310) 327-5649 Des Plaines, IL 60016 Contact: Klayton Emmert
Phone: (847) 635-6670
Fax: (847) 635-7724
Flo-Dynamics, Inc.
EXEDY Globalparts Corporation * 2600 Jeanwood Dr.
ETE Reman * 8601 S. Haggerty Rd. Elkhart, IN 46514
8155 N. 76th St. Belleville, MI 48111 Contact: Frank Casale
Milwaukee, WI 53223 Contact: Kris Platzke Toll Free: (800) 303-5874
Toll Free: (800) 346-0691 Phone: (574) 262-3400
Toll Free: (866) 717-9800
Phone: (734) 397-3333
Phone: (414) 586-0777 Fax: (734) 397-7300 Fax: (574) 262-0198
Fax: (414) 586-0778
72 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
ETE Reman
8155 North 76th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223
Toll-Free: 866.717.9800
Company Profile
ETE REMAN’s executive leadership team includes (from left) Deanna Akhmadeyev,
Mikhail Shakhnovich, Sam Loshak, Lawrence Loshak, and Noah Rickun.
Online Catalog
make the installation process as painless as possible. CA, and Portland, OR, ETE Reman has got you covered.
Florida Torque Converter Corp.* GatorTranz Inc. Gear Centre - Fort McMurray
906 S.E. 9th St. 5120 36th Ave. S. 215 MacDonald Crescent
Cape Coral, FL 33990 Tampa, FL 33619 Ft. McMurray, AB T9H 4B5 CANADA
Contact: Marcin Pilatowski Phone: (813) 242-8726 Toll Free: (866) 714-3570
Toll Free: (800) 790-0039 Fax: (813) 241-9308
Phone: (239) 458-9255 Phone: (780) 714-3570
Fax: (239) 458-7510 Gear Centre - Grande Prairie
G-Auto Co., Ltd
11406-96 Ave.
Ford Motor Company 970-30 Wolchul-Gong, Buk-gu
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5M4 CANADA
16800 Executive Plaza Dr. Gwangju, 500-400 KOREA
Contact: Sarah Kim Toll Free: (800) 661-8806
Dearborn MI, 48126
Toll Free: (800) 392-7946 Phone: 82-62-974-3007 Phone: (780) 539-9606
Fax: (866) 318-6448 Fax: 82-62-974-3010 Gear Centre - Lethbridge
3912-14 Ave. N.
Fresh Path, LLC* Lethbridge, AB T1H 5T5 CANADA
7811 N. Shepherd Dr., Ste. 208 Toll Free: (800) 483-8952
Houston, TX 77088
Phone: (281) 448-3333 Phone: (403) 380-6364
Fax: (281) 448-3334
G-Cor Automotive Corp. *
2148 Refugee Rd. Gear Centre - Medicine Hat
Future Transmission Parts Columbus, OH 43207 111 Southwest Dr. S.W.
1227 Medical Center Pkwy. Contact: Jonathan Benner
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8E8 CANADA
Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Toll Free: (877) 888-5160
Toll Free: (866) 504-0635
Toll Free: (800) 635-2877 Phone: (614) 444-5160
Phone: (615) 895-4405 Phone: (403) 504-0605
Fax: (614) 444-5165
Gear Centre - Red Deer
Gear Centre - Calgary #8, 7431 Edgar Industrial Dr.
74 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
H & A Transmissions, Inc.
Remanufactured Transmissions
for Honda & Acura Automobiles
Quality is the Cornerstone of Our Company!
8727 Rochester Ave.
Automatic or Manual Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Company Profile
H & A Transmissions, Inc. is a leading provider of
quality remanufactured transmissions. We deliver
nationwide to Honda & Acura dealerships, extended
warranty companies, independent transmission and
automotive repair specialists.
GEARS Magazine *
2400 Latigo Ave. G-TEC, Inc. *
Oxnard, CA 93030 GFX , Inc. * 609 W. Kathryn St. / P.O. Box 1079
Contact: Rodger Bland Nixa, MO 65714
4810 N.W. 74 Ave.
Contact: Steve Glassinger
Phone: (805) 604-2000 Miami, FL 33166 Toll Free: (800) 725-6499
Fax: (805) 604-2006 Contact: Dios Garcia Phone: (417) 725-6400 Phone: (305) 499-9789 Fax: (417) 725-3577 Fax: (305) 499-9670
76 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
78 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
KUHLE LS Industries
Contact: Peter 710 E. 17th St.
Toll Free: (877) 584-5387 Wichita, KS 67214
Phone: (626) 444-4590 Contact: Roger Carvalho
We proudly sell, direct from the factory, name
Fax: (626) 579-6578 brands including AAM, Auburn, Dana, Eaton,
Toll Free: (800) 835-0218
Magna, Motive Gear, and NTN Bearing. We Phone: (316) 265-7997
also carry one of North America’s largest stocks Fax: (316) 265-7997 of hard-to-find AAM, Auburn, Magna, and
Motive Gear parts.
2077 Gateway Pl, Ste. 500
San Jose, CA 95110 Lintex Auto Parts Co., LTD
Phone: (877) 695-6008 Zhongxin Rd, Jinqing Town, Luqiao District
Taizhou, Zhejiang City, P.R. CHINA
Phone: 0086-579-82386666 Fax: 0086-576-82608056 LUBEGARD® by International Lubricants, Inc. *
7930 Occidental South
80 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Stellar Automotive Group purchased LUBEGARD® in 2012 to create a unique union where customers can procure
all their transmission parts and fluids from a single source. The options are extensive, customer service comprehensive,
and pricing competitive. Stellar offers a full line of transmission parts and LUBEGARD has the fluids to keep
them running perfectly. Add to that the additional blending facilities, three distribution centers and state of the art
ERP system make transactions, from beginning to end, more economical and streamlined for our customers.
For over 25 years, Stellar Automotive Group has been
committed to finding customers the best parts at the
best prices. Our direct relationships with top OE and
aftermarket parts manufacturers throughout the world
allow us to offer more options at better prices.
In house development work allows us to create prod-
ucts in response to customer inquiries. We regularly
customize kits to meet customer’s specifications.
LUBEGARD is a world leader in the research, devel-
opment, and manufacture of patented high performing
lubricants and related products. Our products have
been approved, endorsed, recommended & used by
OEM’s, are the written solution in OEM technical ser-
vice bulletins and endorsed by the largest transmission
chains. Whether you are looking for transmission and/
or general repair fluids, Lubegard has the solution.
Mitchell 1
14145 Danielson St.
1570 St. Charles Blvd.
Poway, CA 92064
Drummondville, PQ J2C 4Z5 CANADA
Toll Free: (800) 567-0929 Contact: Customer Support
Phone: (819) 478-4015 Toll Free: (888) 724-6742
Fax: (819) 474-4907 Phone: (858) 391-5000 Fax: (858) 391-5262
Midwest Hard Parts Inc. (MHPI)
MATECH BTA, Inc. 4930 Hwy 44
4500 Sheppard Ave. E., Unit 37 Hamlin, IA 50117
Scarborough, ON M1S 3R6 CANADA Jeremy Munch / Eddie Mack Jr. Miyasaki & Co., Inc. Ltd. *
Toll Free: (800) 454-0797 Phone: (712) 563-2313 2-2-13 Yaesu City
Phone: (416) 321-5002 Fax: (712) 563-2514 Tokyo, 104-0028 JAPAN
Fax: (416) 321-5421 Phone: 011 81 (3) 3275 2771 Fax: 011 81 (3) 3281-5510
Meyer Hydraulics Corporation
512-22 W. Burr Oak St. Motive Gear
Centreville, MI 49032
1001 W. Exchange Ave.
Toll Free: (800) 253-2076
Chicago, IL 60609
Phone: (269) 467-6302
Toll Free: (800) 934-2727
Fax: (269) 467-6897
Phone: (773) 247-3400
Fax: (773) 579-3788
Midwest Transmission Center, Inc.
MFC Sealing Technology Co., LTD 40312 Cty 8 Blvd.
No. 41, Wu-Chuan-Wu Rd., New Taipei Zumbrota, MN 55992
Industrial Park Contact: Leah Moveras, LLC
New Taipei City, 24888 TAIWAN Toll Free: (888) 824-2012 22 Northwestern Dr.
Phone: +886-2-2298-8670 Phone: (507) 824-2012 Salem, NH 03079
Fax: +886-2-2299-2189 Fax: (507) 824-2487 Toll Free: (877) 866-8372
82 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Omega Machine & Tool continues to be the
automotive transmission industry leader in bronze GM 6T30 BUSHING KIT
bushing kits, individual bronze bushings, steel PART NUMBER 154500
sleeves, and transmission tools. FITS THE FOLLOWING:
Our years of bushings research, development, CHEVROLET COLBALT, CRUSE,
and design endow us with the technical expertise DAEWOO: GENTRA, LACETTI
to produce high quality bushings used in today’s OPEL: MOKKA
computer-controlled vehicles.
Transmission Bushing Kits
TR-80SD (VW 0C8)
Transmission Bushing Kit
Toyota U151E
Solenoid Opening Tool
U140E AND U660E CASE REPAIR Transmission Bushing Kit | 916-372-6001
2949 Promenade St | West Sacramento CA., USA 95691
NATPRO - Sacramento *
Nogalitos Gear Company
433 New Laredo Hwy
San Antonio, TX 78211
4212 Roseville Rd., Ste. A Contact: Uriah Smith
NAN Torque Converters, Inc.
North Highlands, CA 95660 Toll Free: (800) 929-5103
540 Hwy 36
Belford, NJ 07718 Contact: Tim Taylor Phone: (210) 923-4571
Phone: (732) 495-4100 Phone: (916) 830-4370 Fax: (210) 923-8205 Fax: (916) 481-1900
84 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Power Pusher, a division of Nu-Star, Inc.
1425 Stagecoach Road
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone: 800.800.9274 or 952.445.8295
Division of NuStar, Inc. • • 800-800-9274
Company Profile
For over 40 years, Power Pusher Company, a division of Nu-Star Inc., has specialized in pedestrian-operated,
battery-powered, motorized tugs that are designed to meet safety and productivity initiatives while driving
down maintenance and labor costs. Power Pusher’s tugs meet the diverse and challenging needs of
our customers, pushing or pulling wheeled or semi-wheeled loads, mobilizing everything from
cars, trolleys, rail cars and roll cages to airplanes and modular buildings.
The People
John D. Adams
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Scott Lorch
The Power Pusher® is a battery powered,
heavy duty, multi-use device originally
designed to move immobilized vehicles. It is able
to push or pull almost anything on wheels. The Power
Pusher’s® low maintenance and durability are just two of its
many features. The Power Pusher® moves equipment more efficiently
and helps to reduce the risk of injury.
The Power Pusher® is the most practical tool a service department or fleet can employ. The Power Pusher™ is not just an extra
piece of equipment, it’s a working member of your team. Our customer’s tell us it’s an absolute necessity and the Power Pusher™
is easily maintained.
86 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
PO Box 540 | 14 Todd Court Extension, Yaphank, New York 11980
Telephone: 631-567-2000 | Toll-Free: 800-872-6649 | Fax: 631-567-2640
The Problem Solvers.
SALES STAFF Jim Cioffi, Ken Emmanuelli
Scott Schneider
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE | Can’t figure out an installation CUSTOMER SUPPORT | We pride ourselves on updating
issue? Contact us through our toll-free tech line at 1-800-872- rebuilders through our Precision Pointer series of technical sheets.
6649. Our website,, is also filled with These sheets can be found in our overhaul kits.
technical information to make your job easier.
HISTORY | Precision International is the most experienced kit tional offers an ongoing series of informative videos featuring
manufacturer in the business. Our extensive kit coverage and Certified Master Technician John Parmenter available for viewing
inventory always allow us to supply our customers with the latest at You can watch our resident
products when they need them. Our ISO 9001:2008 certification transmission expert install kits, make repairs, and work through
assures the quality level of our product. We sell on the distribu- common transmission rebuild problems. We also provide a series
tor level with a full range of kits for any automatic transmission of Problem Solvers pertaining to overhaul kits and transmission
in the field. updates. Plus, we include Precision Pointers that offer a full range
of technical information in many of our overhaul kits.
OUR PRODUCT LINE | We are a full line manufacturer of
domestic and foreign gasket and seal kits, overhaul kits, banner QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? VISIT US AT:
and master kits. We also have a full line of transfer-case kits. |
88 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
ABOUT: Founded in 1902,
Raybestos Powertrain has been
an innovative American company
since the birth of the automotive
industry. Today Raybestos
Powertrain is a vibrant, global
leader in product innovation,
manufacturing and distribution of
the next generation of premium
quality OE and aftermarket RECOMMENDED USE: RECOMMENDED USE:
automotive and heavy duty Hybrid Technology delivers added All Honda/Acura passenger
automatic transmission, power performance for all passenger vehicle applications.
transfer and wet wheel brake vehicle applications (except Honda).
friction products. With three
manufacturing plants and a
research and development center
all rooted in Indiana, Raybestos
Powertrain is one of the world’s
largest distributors of transmission
related friction products.
Marcy, NY 13403
Contact: Rick Morris
Toll Free: (800) 738-1412
Phone: (315) 738-1412
Fax: (315) 738-1467 R.O. Writer Shop Management Software 823 Donald Ross Rd. Juno Beach, FL 33408
Toll Free: (888) 928-9769
90 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Slauson Transmission Parts
15407 S. BROADWAY • GARDENA, CA 90248
SLAUSON (800) 421-5580
PARTS Local (310) 768-2099 • FAX ( 310) 768-8298 •
92 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
(Standard Transmission Exchange) *
1271 S. Talt Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92806 SuperFlow
Toll Free: (800) 883-6188
Dynamometers & Flowbenches *
4060 Dixon St.
Des Moines, IA 50313
Contact: Chris Mann
Toll Free: (888) 442-5546
Phone: (515) 254-1654
Stellar Automotive Group *
4935 Panther Pkwy.
Seville, OH 44273
Contact: Nora Howsare
Phone: (330) 769-8484
SUNEX Tools *
Fax: (330) 769-8483
100 Roe Rd. Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Sussex Auto Parts, LTD *
Toll Free: (800) 833-7869 Units 40. Station Road Industrial Estate
STK Transmission Parts Co., LTD Phone: (864) 834-8759 Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 2EY
No. 219 Sandong Ave., Huadu District ENGLAND
Fax: (864) 834-7954 Phone: + 44 (0) 1323 848886
Guangzhou, CHINA Fax: +44 (0) 1323 843487
Phone: 086-20-2297 6901
Fax: 086-20-2297 6910 SystemOne Technologies, Inc.
8305 NW 27th St., Ste. 107
Doral, FL 33122
Sun Coast Converters, Inc. * Toll Free: (800) 711-1414
631 Anchors St. NW Phone: (305) 593-8015
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Fax: (305) 593-8016
Toll Free: (800) 868-0053
Phone: (850) 864-2361 Superior Transmission Parts, Inc. *
94 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
96 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
ASTON, PA 19014
PHONE (610) 485-9110
FAX (610) 485-9356
With over 30 years of hard work and dedication Some of our innovative products, such as the
to excellence, Transmission Specialties has “XLS-Spragless” Torque Converters, Pro-Line
become one of the premiere manufacturers of Powerglide Transmissions, 1:80 “Unbreakable”
high performance automatic transmissions, Gear Sets, Torque Converter Component Kits and
torque converters and related parts in the U.S.A. Transmission Related Parts are all manufactured
in-house. Every product is specified to meet or
exceed the toughest industry standards.
Service is where Transmission Specialties WORLD’S QUICKEST
prevails, when you call to place an order, you will
get a person not an automated phone system to
waste your time. We pride ourselves on same
day shipping. “We are a company large
enough to serve you and yet, we are
small enough to know you!”
98 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
100 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
11617 State Route 13
Milan, OH 44846
Phone: 419-499-2502
Fax: 419-499-2804
102 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Transtar Industries, Inc. * Tri Component Products Corp.
3006 Franklin Ave. 9900-D N. Palafox St. 973 Brook Ave.
Waco, TX 76710 Pensacola, FL 32534 Bronx, NY 10451
Toll Free: (866) 216-7149 Toll Free: (800) 383-9014 Toll Free: (800) 366-3874
Phone: (254) 759-1738 Phone: (850) 969-9800 Phone: (718) 402-2400
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Fax: (718) 402-2151
Transtar Industries, Inc. *
5518 MacCorkle Ave., S.W.
5016 Byrd Industrial Dr.
South Charleston, WV 25309
Richmond, VA 23231 Toll Free: (800) 332-8905
Toll Free: (877) 724-4196 Phone: (304) 766-2255 Tribco, Inc.
Phone: (804) 222-3561 18901 Cranwood Pkwy.
Transtar Industries, Inc. *
Transtar Industries, Inc. * 725 Rivera St. Cleveland, OH 44128
145 W. Juanita, Ste. 4 Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: (216) 486-2000
Mesa, AZ 85210 Phone: (951) 782-0901 Fax: (216) 486-2099
Toll Free: (866) 263-2226
Phone: (480) 649-1560 TransMart *
Lomas Verdes Ave.
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Bayamon, PR 00956
1611 N. Market Toll Free: (787) 778-5577
Shreveport, LA 71107
TransMart *
Toll Free: (866) 618-5050
Phone: (318) 425-1243
Carr #1, KM30 Bo Bairoa
Caguas, PR 00725
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Phone: (787) 286-0171
1713 Milam St. U.S. Jack Company
TransMart *
Texarkana, TX 75501 Mendez Vigo, Num 203 Oeste 1125 Industrial Ct.
Toll Free: (800) 527-8782 Mayaguez, PR 00681 Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Phone: (903) 792-1354 Phone: (787) 831-0777 Toll Free: (800) 535-2257
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Phone: (269) 925-7777
TransTeam Employment USA
4523 W. 65th St. 7457 Alhambra Ct. Fax: (269) 925-6656
Little Rock, AR 72209 Spring Hill, FL 34606
Toll Free: (877) 562-7891 Contact: Art Little
Phone: (501) 562-7891 Toll Free: (888) 859-0994 United Gasket Corp.
Transtar Industries, Inc. * 1633 S. 55th Ave.
3810 Lake St. Cicero, IL 60586
Macon, GA 31204 Contact: David
Toll Free: (877) 405-9397 Phone: (708) 656-3700
Phone: (478) 746-4433 Fax: (708) 656-6292
TransTec by CORTECO *
Transtar Industries, Inc. * 11617 State Rte. 13
3316 Refugee Rd. Milan, OH 44846
Columbus, OH 43232 Contact: Patty Richards
Toll Free: (800) 846-1430 Phone: (419) 499-2502
Phone: (614) 237-2322 Fax: (419) 499-2804
Transtar Industries, Inc. *
3514 S. Saginaw St. V
Flint, MI 48503 Trans-Tool, LLC
Toll Free: (800) 637-4515 110 Connelly St.
Valeo Service USA
Phone: (810) 234-3417 San Antonio, TX 78203
Contact: Shannon 301 West Park Ln.
Transtar Industries, Inc. * Toll Free: (800) 531-5978 Hampton, VA 23666
2504 Weaver St. Phone: (210) 225-6745 Toll Free: (888) 718-2536
Haltom City, TX 76117 Fax: (210) 225-2114 Phone: (757) 827-0310
Toll Free: (800) 880-1145
Phone: (817) 838-6793
104 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
Wade Transmission & Gear Co.
2222 Sylvan Ave.
Valve Body Pro *
Dallas, TX 75208 Whatever It Takes Transmission
464 Perrymont Ave.
Toll Free: (800) 228-6704 Parts, Inc. - KY *
San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: (214) 747-4868 P.O. Box 547
Contact: Bob Sanghera Fax: (214) 745-8947
Toll Free: (877) 611-7767 Hillview, KY 40129 Phone: (502) 955-6035
Phone: (408) 287-4500
Fax: (408) 297-2434 Warehouse Transmission Whatever It Takes Transmission & Automotive Repair Parts, Inc. - KY *
2239 Southwest Rd. 4282 E. Blue Lick Rd.
Sanford, FL 32771 Louisville, KY 40229
Van Norman, Contact: Geraldine Chadwick Phone: (502) 955-6035
a Division of Kwik-Way Products Inc. Toll Free: (800) 578-8726
2525 18th St. SW, Ste. D Phone: (407) 321-2055
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Fax: (407) 321-2433 Whatever It Takes Transmission
Toll Free: (800) 553-5953 Parts, Inc. - NC *
Phone: (319) 377-9421 1238 Amble Dr.
Fax: (319) 377-9101 Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: (704) 716-7272
Weller Auto Parts 2525 Chicago Dr. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49519 Whatever It Takes Transmission
Contact: David Olin Parts, Inc. - CA *
Vehicle Service Equipment (VSE) Toll Free: (800) 822-2375 3043 Tanager Ave.
2910 17th Ter. Phone: (616) 538-5000 Commerce, CA 90040
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Fax: (616) 538-4159 Phone: (323) 838-6600
Phone: (954) 484-4444
Fax: (954) 484-8844 Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc. - CA *
Wesco Automotive, LLC - America
6301 NW 99 Ave. 8130 Berry Ave., Ste. 130
Miami, FL 33178 Sacramento, CA 95828
VTP Transmission Parts Phone: (305) 677-9211 Phone (916) 388-1142
1005 E. 46th St. Fax: (787) 785-7623
Brooklyn, NY 11203 Whatever It Takes Transmission
Contact: Danny Apice Parts, Inc. - MD *
Toll Free: (800) 798-8268 6700 Distribution Dr.
Phone: (718) 940-9411 Wesco Automotive, LLC - P.R. Beltsville, MD 20705
Fax: (718) 841-7348 Avenida Lomas Verdes N24 Phone (301) 937-3912
Bayamon, PR 00956
Phone: (787) 785-4329
VTP South Transmission Parts Fax: (787) 785-7623 Whatever It Takes Transmission
7025 Camdon Ave. Parts, Inc. - TN *
Pennsauken, NJ 08110 1212 Gallatin Rd.
Contact: Dan Mobilia Nashville, TN 37115
Toll Free: (800) 873-9770 Phone: (615) 870-0903
West Coast Standards, Inc. *
Phone: (856) 488-4451
255 Jason Ct.
Fax: (856) 488-6125 Corona, CA 92879 Whatever It Takes Transmission
Toll Free: (866) 571-4327 Parts, Inc. - GA *
Phone: (951) 520-1085 1700 McCoba Dr., Ste. B
Fax: (951) 520-9251 Smyrna, GA 30080 Phone: (770) 433-8317
106 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
ZF is a global leader in driveline and chassis technology as well as active and passive safety
technology. The company, which acquired TRW Automotive in 2015, is now one of the top
three automotive suppliers worldwide.
ZF Services ensures that ZF systems expertise is carried forward consistently into the aftermar-
ket. With integrated solutions and the entire ZF product portfolio, the business unit guarantees
performance and efficiency. With its global service network and portfolio tailored to customer
requirements, ZF Services has also become a popular partner in the non-automotive sector.
ZF and your transmission. Genuine ZF transmissions, across industries, are completely reman-
ufactured under strict quality control conditions to ensure “like new” operation. Every part is
designed to exact factory specifications and tolerances - because even the slightest discrepancy
can cause major complications in today’s highly-integrated systems. ZF supplies all the needs
for your transmission whether it be a fully remanufactured transmission, transmission kit or oil.
108 Company names with * are proud ATRA Supplier Members GEARS January/February 2016
ZF Services, LLC *
777 Hickory Hill Dr.
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Contact: Tony Wallerich
Toll Free: (800) 321-00784
Phone: (847) 478-6868
Fax: (847) 478-6843
Winona Van Norman
710 E. 17th St.
Witchita, KS 67214 Zumbrota Bearing and Gear Inc.
Contact: Roger Carvalho 622 West 1st St.
Toll Free: (800) 533-8008 Zumbrota, MN 55992
Phone: (316) 219-3500 Toll Free: (800) 658-2537
Fax: (316) 219-3510 Phone: (507) 732-7994 Fax: (507) 732-5432
New Clutches from Alto driveability to handle “chipped” diesel, TransTec Introduces New
bust through the mud, and pull heavy Kits for the Daihatsu A4L
loads toward success. and A4P
“We know that clutch upgrades are TransTec is pleased to introduce two
essential to increasing performance, new kits for two Daihatsu transmissions:
and our customers are hungry for Kit DP2635 fits the A4P and kit
options for 5R110W, A618, 48RE, DP2633 fits the A4L: Both are RWD/
and 68RFE applications,” said Andy AWD 4-speed step transmissions.
Mayfield, vice president of North These transmissions appear in
American aftermarket sales for Diahatsu, Perodua, Subaru, and
Raybestos Powertrain. “Expanding our Toyota vehicles as far back as 2000 to
TorqKit coverage makes it possible the present.
for our performance customers to run Both kits are in stock and available
harder and tow more weight — which for immediate delivery.
Alto Products Corp now is what performance is all about.” For more, visit TransTec on line at
offers friction clutch plates for the The Raybestos Powertrain
JF613E, F6AJA, W6AJA, and AJ0 TorqKit is also ideal for commercial
transmissions. These plates are applications that rely on power and Kukui Corporation Now a
available in a complete kit, Alto P/N performance. Preferred Supplier for
218752, or as individual friction clutch To learn more about the Raybestos Auto Training Institute
plates. Powertrain TorqKit, visit the company Kukui Corporation, a developer
For more information on this series online at www.raybestospowertrain. of marketing software solutions for
and other products from Alto, visit their com, or call (800) 729-7763. automotive repair shops, has been
online catalog at named a Preferred Supplier for the
Sonnax Chrysler 48RE Automotive Training Institute, one of
Raybestos Powertrain Converted Valve Body the industry’s leading coaching and
Introduces New management consulting companies.
TorqKit® Applications As a Preferred Supplier, Kukui will
become an affiliate on the ATI web site
along with other endorsed vendors. In
exchange, Kukui will provide special
pricing to ATI clients who subscribe
to the company’s innovative software
platform, which provides detailed data
on how many leads a shop owner’s
marketing channels are generating.
The company’s product suite also
includes smart web pages that are
Cores for Chrysler light-to- optimized to boost sales conversion
medium duty trucks are scarce and rates, a simple-to-use content
At the 2015 Performance Racing often modified beyond repair. Patent- management system that’s integrated
International (PRI) trade show in pending innovation allows Sonnax with a shop’s point-of-sale system, and
Indianapolis, Indiana, Raybestos to convert plentiful, early-model RE customer retention tools such as email
Powertrain announced the availability Chrysler cores to premium-quality service reminders. Kukui will offer ATI
of new TorqKit® applications for the 48REs. clients one month of free access to its
5R110W, A618/48RE, and 68RFE, Sonnax 48RE converted valve platform and will also waive the design
with more applications on tap for 2016. body CHR135 is 100% tested to ensure fee associated with building new sites.
Raybestos Powertrain designs each pressure curves and timing match the “Our goal is to provide ATI clients
TorqKit with the company’s patented 48RE OE design, is good for pressure with as many tools as possible to help
GPZ® technology to increase torque and lockup upgrades in 46/47RE, them assess where to best allocate their
capacity, reduce core temperatures, and provides more value and durability marketing resources, so they can drive
improve clutch life. Upgrading to the than OE, and is backed by a limited car count and increase sales,” said
Raybestos Powertrain TorqKit results in lifetime warranty. Kukui CEO Todd Westerlund.
enhanced shift feel and increased torque For more, visit Sonnax on line at Visit for more
capacity, while maintaining optimum information.
110 GEARS January/February 2016
Expanded Line of New product from Superior TransTec Updates
Timken Bearings Delivers Transmission Parts, Inc. 5R55 W/S Kits
Run-Quiet Performance
With over 150,000 transmission, engine and
internal part cores on the shelf, we have the cores
you need _ ready to ship today!
GEARS January/February 2016 115
GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed
elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders.
For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call
(805) 604-2000.
4 3 2 7
* Complete Remanufactured*
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We are the premier wholesale
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Success Through Training!
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Well Lead dyno test technician, Parts A/C build room, M-F only; no weekends.
atra bookstore.indd 2 8/24/12 1:18 AM
established auto and medium duty department people, Torque converter
truck transmission shop for sale in rebuilder, Valve body rebuilding (386)-310-7955.
Union, New Jersey. Over 30 years specialist. We have an excellent work
in business with excellent reputation. environment with competitive pay, HELP WANTED: Transmission
4000 square foot shop with 4 lifts, benefits and bonus plan. For more Rebuilder - Busy transmission/ full
1 truck bay, dealer scan tools and information to apply please send service auto repair shop, seeking highly
equipment, large inventory of soft parts resume to: skilled auto and manual transmission
and transmissions. Owner retiring. Call or call (800) 640-0970 Portland Torque rebuilder. Located in the south bay area
Anthony (718) 915-4014. ATRA Mbr Products-PTP Reman. ATRA Mbr specializing in all domestic and import
lines, Honda, Toyota. We modify Ford,
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Grand HELP WANTED: Looking for a Dodge and Chevrolet units for severe
Rapids, MI Transmission and Auto motivated, punctual mechanic and duty usage. Air conditioned build room,
Repair Business and Building for sale, or transmission rebuilder. Must be flexible hours up to $40 per hour and
$228,000. Great reputation. Owner available to work Monday – Friday: benefit package. Please email resumes
Retiring. Call Steve at (616) 822-0955. 8am - 5pm, have own hand tools, and inquiries to:
speak English and most importantly subject line: BB# 10.2015-1. ATRA Mbr
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Busy family follow directions. Preferred experience
owned transmission and/or general removing and installing transmissions HELP WANTED: Nationwide
automotive shop in Tidewater, Virginia. front and rear wheel drive. Not Remanufacturing Company is seeking
Willing to sell just the business or the required but preferred! Reading and an experienced and qualified Plant
business/property too. Prime location comprehension necessary. Pay is Manager to assist in a Greenfield
on busy main street. Owner ready to good, weekends and holidays off. Great Remanufacturing Transmission
retire and very motivated. For more info opportunity for the right person with a project. The Plant Manager’s primary
(757) 589-2547 or liveintidewaterva@ positive attitude and strong work ethic. responsibilities will include: construction ATRA Mbr Call or text Steve at (805) 896-2939 or of a Management team and the ATRA Mbr development of their capabilities,
HELP WANTED: Portland Oregon management of high quality production
volume transmission remanufacturing HELP WANTED: Technicians Needed operations, creating and maintaining
company is growing. We are looking - Rare opportunity for top rebuilders highly productive and quality driven
for a few top notch people to join and R&R technicians. High end work environment. This position entails
our team of professionals. We have transmission shop in Daytona Beach, a very high level of responsibility,
the most up to date modern facility in FL looking for professional technicians accountability and visibility within the
the industry including testing of the experienced in Asian, Domestic and Corporation. Please contact Tyler
latest transmissions and in house European vehicles. Live and work Curran at (760) 382-1058
torque converter remanufacturing. We near the world’s most famous beach
currently have openings for the following with surfing, fishing, biker events, HELP WANTED: Need immediately
positions: Automatic transmission NASCAR, and sunshine! Top pay, -.R&R and diagnostic Technician for
rebuilder, Honda transmission specialist, paid holidays, paid vacation, family owned shop in the Norfolk/
Virginia Beach, Virginia area. Must be Must have leadership, management and HELP WANTED: NATIONAL
experienced in all makes and have most technical skills. Send resume to pfink@ EMPLOYMENT HEADQUARTERS
tools to do the job. 5 day work week. ATRA Mbr FOR THE TRANSMISSION INDUSTRY.
$$ depending on experience. Prefer Fast, Easy and Free service to industry
someone in this area. (757) 461-3530 or HELP WANTED: U.K. TRANSMISSION employees! Low cost and an easy way
email SHOP - Skilled automatic transmission to recruit nationwide for shop owners!
ATRA Mbr rebuilder required for long established Serving the transmission industry
company. We have a dyno and since 1997. Visit our website at: www.
HELP WANTED: Tech Director - hydratest set up. Converters are built or call us toll free at:
Certified Transmission is looking for in-house. All makes are worked on from (888) 859-0994.
right person to lead and manage our late to classics. Please contact, bill@
growing tech dept. (like 10 people). ATRA Mbr
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