Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. House of Delegates
Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. House of Delegates
Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. House of Delegates
Are new items/major issues or problems or major changes in position? Policies adopted by a group
of a representatives/chapter.
1. Resolution title
2. Title
3. Whereas clauses circumstances of the resolution as bases/premises for the decision.
4. Resolve Clauses Solutions to the issue/concern
5. Rationale
6. Statement of Effort
7. Name of opponent/s (regions, chapter, person/s)
8. Signature (optional)
1. The proponent of the resolution shall read the resolution after she/he has obtained the floor
and recognized by the chairperson
2. The proposed resolution shall be presented in a period of (3) minutes.
3. No resolution shall be on the floor for more than 30 minutes, inclusive of all points or order and
points of information.
4. After the proponent of a resolution is heard, speakers shall be recognized in alerting order
those in favor then those opposing. (3 in favor and 3 opposed, to speak for not more than three
minutes). There shall be a timer to this effect.
5. In the event that the representative having the floor will go beyond the time limit, the floor
leader shall give the warning as follows:
Yellow – you have one minute more
Red – your time is up
6. Any amendments to items in the resolution should be significant, specific, the words you want
to be used and the rationale.
7. No amendments to a proposed resolution unless consent of proponents is sought first.
8. Resolutions should not be those that are:
a) Contained in the provisions and guidelines on the PNA By-laws
b) Contradictory to the provisions and guidelines of the PNA By-laws
c) Duplication of previously approved resolutions and are currently adopted,
Rule in Amendments
1. Amendments are introduced to assist in changing, modifying or helping the motion to be more
acceptable to the assembly
2. Amendments are made to make the motion more complete and desirable
3. An amendment must be relevant to the subject
4. An amendment must be seconded and debated
5. Not more than 2 amendments to a motion are permitted to avoid complications. The first
amendment is called “primary amendment” and the second amendment, “ secondary
6. Amendments to amendments are not allowed. If the proposed amendment is accepted, there
will be no further discussion. The amended resolution as proposed shall be the one voted on.
7. If an amendment to the original resolutions has been proposed, the consent of the proponent
shall be first be obtained.
1. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated again by the chairperson before it is
2. When any representative is about to speak in a debate, he shall obtain the floor.
3. Before any subject is open to debate, it is necessary that the motion be first made by the
representative who has the floor, seconded, and then it is stated by the chairperson. When the
motion is in writing, it shall be handed to the chairperson and read before it is debated.
4. In a debate, a speaker maybe permitted to provide new information.
5. No motion shall be debated for more than fifteen (15) minutes.
1. The one who closes the debate is the proponent of the motion
2. Affirmative and negative side shall be heard
3. Debates can be closed by the following motions cited above, which are not debatable
1. Don’t be late for the meeting. All participants should register his name and chapter he
2. Don’t sit in the rear. Leave the rear seats for the late comers.
3. Don’t say “I move you” …
4. Don’t say, “I make a motion to …”rather” I move to …..”
5. Don’t wait to obtain the floor in order to second a motion.
6. Don’t stand while another is speaking.
7. Don’t fail to take part in the debate if you have a viewpoint to express/want
information/parliamentary assistance.
8. Don’t claim the floor the second time if there are others who wish to speak the first time.
9. Don’t be silent during the debate and criticize after the meeting
10. Don’t speak on a motion while vote is being counted or taken.
11. Don’t address a woman chairperson as “Chairlady” say “Madam Chairperson”
12. Don’t carry on a conversation with your neighbor while someone is talking.
13. Don’t forget to notify the chairperson of a committee of which you are a member if you cannot
attend a meeting
14. Don’t accept an office unless you are willing to assume responsibilities.
15. Don’t use your knowledge of parliamentary law to hinder business by constantly raising points
or order and insisting upon strict observance of every rule at a meeting in which the majority of
the members have no knowledge about.
16. Don’t leave the meeting unless necessary & until it is adjourned by the chair.
17. Don’t use your cell-phone while session is on.