Week 7 Newsletter

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Apostles Lutheran School

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October 11, 2010

e-mail: wcrofts@ApostlesSJ.org

Mrs. Crofts’ Classroom Newsletter

We’re Going Pumpkin Picking! Zoo-Phonics News
What a fabulous week we’re going to have with
Our field trip to the Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Francy fish! We’ll be working with our fingers, our
Patch is this week on Thursday, October 14! feet, and we may even go fishing as we explore
the letter “f”. We will figure out the difference
The children should wear their yellow between fantasy and reality too.
Apostles t-shirts and pants or
shorts. No costumes, please. If you are not Other Classroom News
driving please be sure to send and label your This week Moses is all grown up already and being called
child’s booster or car seat. Thank to lead the Israelites as God miraculously delivers them
you to those of you who are able to drive! Bring the from Egypt with the 10 Plagues and completes their
children for our normal start time of 8:30 AM. We will rescue in the Crossing of the Red Sea. These stories
be leaving the school by approximately 8:40 AM. We remind us of how amazingly God protects and directs His
plan to return by 11:45 AM. people in the way they should go.

Our annual school-wide assembly with Wildlife In math we will do more patterning, continue working
Associates is Wednesday, October 13. You are with shapes, and work with one to one correspondence.
welcome to attend. Just enter the church entryway
by the doors on Blossom Avenue by 9:10 AM. Don’t forget to keep looking for opportunities to reinforce
the identification of left and right with your child! 
The book orders for October were sent home
last week. Orders are due by October 14. You Thank you to Sophia’s grandma and grandpa for
may also place your order online at coming in on Friday to tell us about their native country--
www.scholastic/com/clubsordering. Germany. It’s fun to learn about the wonderful world
God made for us.
Don’t forget to pack a spoon for your child if his/her
snack will need one. You are welcome to donate a Upcoming Events
package of disposable spoons for classroom use if Oct. 12: Sweet Tomatoes Fun-raising
you’d like to. 
dinner night 5-8 PM!
Mark your calendars and call the grandparents! On
Friday, October 29, at 7 PM, the Jr. K and Oct. 13: Wildlife Associates School Assembly 9:30 AM
kindergarten classes will be performing a couple
songs as the opening act for the Fall Musical. No Oct. 14: Uesugi Pumpkin Patch
special costumes will be required for the songs we are
performing this year.
Oct. 15: Teacher Collaboration Day; no hot lunch
Don’t forget we are collecting used books for the
November book fair. Books of any reading level Oct. 27: School Picture Retake/Makeup Day
may be dropped off in the classroom collection box.
Oct. 29: Fall Musical (Gr. 1-3) Kindergarten Performs the
Opening Act 7 PM

Oct. 31: Reformation Service;

Early-bird Deadline for Online Yearbook Orders

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