Week 2 Newsletter
Week 2 Newsletter
Week 2 Newsletter
Junior Kindergarten
S e ptem be r 7, 20 10
Junior Kindergarten e-mail: wcroftsApostlesSJ.org
Augus t 24 , 20 09
e-mail: wcrofts@apostlessj.org
A book order form from Scholastic Books is attached. Did you learn from your child the sound and signal
If you would like to order books for your child fill out the for Allie alligator? They seem to be picking up on
order form on the last page and return it to me by the sounds and signals very quickly. By the end of last
Friday, September 11. You may pay by check made week they were also doing a great job recognizing the
payable to Scholastic Books. You may also order lower-case letter “a” in print.
online. Online ordering gives you access to a wider
range of products and simultaneously donates a free NEXT WEEK each child will need to bring in
book to our class! Please see the attached letter for a small box of animal crackers—the kind in
online ordering instructions.
a red box with a string. The most
School pictures will be taken next week on
commonly found is made by Nabisco. We
Wednesday, September 15. Watch for the order will save the boxes to store our Zoo-
form to be coming home in your child’s folder soon. phonics letters.
Our pumpkin patch field trip will be here before you Sept. 9: Keeping Our Children Safe Class--Review 7PM
know it. Don’t forget you will need to have taken the
Keeping Our Children Safe Class in order to attend. Sept. 13: Hearing Screening (This is a free service that is
Dates and times of those classes are noted in the scheduled as part of our school day.)
Upcoming Events box. Keeping Our Children Safe Class—1st Time 6:20 PM