An Iphone X Face ID Search in Ohio
An Iphone X Face ID Search in Ohio
An Iphone X Face ID Search in Ohio
I find that the affidavit(s), or any recorded testimony, establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property
described above, and that such search will reveal (identify theperson ordescribe theproperty to he seized):
YOU ARE COMMANDED to execute this warrant on orbefore _(not to exceed 14days)
0 in the daytime 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Oat any time in the day or night because good cause has been established.
Unless delayed notice isauthorized below, you must give a copy ofthe wanrant and a receipt for the property taken to the
person from whom, orfrom whose premises, the property was taken, orleave the copy and receipt atthe place where the
property was taken.
The officer executing this warrant, oranofficer present during the execution oftlw warrant, must prepare an iinventory
ired by law
as required I and promptly return this warrant and inventory to ^^^'IzaDdth Preston DeaversT U.STlnaglsirate Judge
(United Sti
O Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3103a(b). 1find that immediate notification may have U.S.C.
§ 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize theofficer executing this warrant to whose
property,will be searched or seized (check the appropriate box)
O for days (not to exceed 30) • until, the facts justifying, thelater sped
The following materials which constitute evidence ofthe commission ofa criminal offense,
contraband, the fhuts of crime, or property designed or intended for use or which is or has been
used as the means ofcommitting a criminal offense, namely violations ofTitle 18, United States
Code, Sections 2252,2252Aand 2422(b).
The terms "child pornography" and "visual depictions," as used herein, have the same definitions
and meanings listed in Section 111 ofthe attached affidavit, and those definitions are incorporated
herein by reference.
1. Any and all computer software, including programs to run operating systems,
applications (such as word processing, graphics, orspreadsheet programs), utilities,
compilers, interpreters, and communications programs.
Any and all notes, documents, records, orcorrespondence, inany format and medium
(including, but not limited to, letters, e-mail messages, chat logs, electronic messages,
other digital data files and web cache information) pertaining to the production,
possession, receipt, or distribution of child pornography.
In any format and medium, all originals, computer files, copies, and negatives ofchild
pornography or child erotica.
Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any format or medium
(including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and electronic messages, and
other digital data files) concerning communications between Grant Michalski and any
other individuals related to the sexual abuse or exploitation of minors.
Any and all notes, documents, records, orcorrespondence, in any format or medium
(including, but not limited to, letters, e-mail messages, chat logs and electronic messages,
and other digital data files) concerning communications between individuals about child
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pornography, orthe existence ofsites on the Internet that contain child pornography or
that cater tothose with an interest in child pornography.
7. Any and all files, documents, records, or correspondence, in any format or medium
(including, but not limited to, network, system, security, and user logs, databases,
software registrations, data and meta data), that concern user attribution information.
8. Any and all visual depictions of minors, whether clothed or not, for comparison to and
identification of any child pornography images or videos discovered.
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1) Apple IPhone X with model UA1865 and an unknown serial number that was taken
off of Grant Michalski's person during the execution of a search warrant at 221 N. Front
Street, Apartment 105, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
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