20 Cellular Radio: Questions
20 Cellular Radio: Questions
20 Cellular Radio: Questions
Cellular Radio
QUESTIONS: _____ works best when they are portable, connected to the PSTN, and widely available at a reasonable cost _____ are !"ch !ore e##icient "ser o# spectr"! than co!!"nication syste!s "sin$ a sin$le repeater, b"t they are also !atched !ore co!ple% and re&"ire co!p"tin$ power in the !obile phone A(PS, the North A!erican analo$ cellphone syste!s "ses) What incl"des the "se o# !icrocells and picocells that can $reat increase the capacity o# a cell"lar syste!) _____ has a lower li!it d"e to the n"!ber and #re&"ency o# hando##s re&"ired #or &"ickly !ovin$ vehicles by splittin$ one analo$ channel into three di$ital channels The "sin$ T1(A _____ and _____ data can be carried on the cell"lar syste! "sin$ special adapter Per#or!ance is $reatly not as $ood as with the wire syste! What is the North A!erican #irst,$eneration cell"lar radio standards "sin$ analo$ '() 2n wireless co!!"nication, it is the radio e&"ip!ent and the propa$ation o# path) 2n cell"lar and PCS syste!s that electronic that control base station trans!itter and receivers 2n cell"lar co!!"nication, it is the interr"ption the voice channel to send control in#or!ation 2t is the #ail"re to connect a telephone call beca"se o# lack o# syste!s capacity What is a !ethod o# trans!ittin$ data on A(PS cell"lar telephone voice that are te!porarily "n"sed) 2t is the in#or!ation sent by the base station in a cell"lar radio syste! to set the power level o# the !obile trans!itter 2t is a si$nal trans!itted by a cell site to identi#y 1that site to the !obile "ser C d A telephone connection that is "nintentionally ter!inated while in process d 2t is a n"!ber assi$ned to a cell phone by a !an"#act"rer E as a sec"rity #eat"re r S 2n a di$ital cell"lar syste! or PCS, the control in#or!ation that is trans!itted by 4 stealin$ 4 bits that are nor!ally "sed #or voice in#or!ation 2t is a co!!"nication #ro! a cell site or repeater to the !obile "nit 2t is two,way co!!"nication in which only one station can trans!it at a ti!e
'( !od"lation with *+,-./ channel in their 0++(./ re$ion o# the spectr"! Cell splittin$ Cell si/es A(PS
circ"ited,switch packet,switched data A(PS Advanced (obile phone services air inter#erence 3SC 3ase station controller blank,and b"st si$nallin$ call blockin$ C1P1 Cell"lar di$ital packet data C(AC Control (obile Atten"ation Code
Cellular Radio
T,way co!!"nication in which only one station can trans!it at a ti!e 2t is a trans#er o# a call #ro! one cell site to another 2t is a !obile telephone service, now obsolescent "sin$ tr"nked channel b"t not cell"lar in nat"re 2n a cell"lar radio, what do yo" call o# a s!all cell desi$ned to cover a hi$h,tra##ic area) 2t is a n"!ber that identi#ies a !obile phone in a cell"lar syste!, the !obile telephone n"!ber Switchin$ #acility connectin$ cell"lar telephone base stations to each other and to the PSTN 2n a cell"lar phone, what do yo" call o# a !e!ory location that stores the telephone n"!bers to be "sed on the syste!s) 2t is a cell"lar telephone syste! desi$ned !ainly #or "se o# portable 5hand,carried6 telephone 2t is a very s!all cell in a cell"lar radio syste! What do yo" call o# a co!pany that acts as a carrier o# radio telephone si$nals) 2t is a co!!"nication channel #ro! a !obile station to base station 2t is a cell"lar c"sto!er "sin$ a network other than the s"bscriber7s local cell"lar network 2n a di$ital cell"lar syste!, control in#or!ation that is trans!itted alon$ with the voice What do yo" call o# the code which describes the !a%i!"! power o"tp"t o# a cell"lar phone) 2n the A(PS syste!, the sine wave above the voice #re&"ency ran$e, trans!itted on the voice channel alon$ with the voice "sed by the base station to detect loss o# si$nal 2n the A(PS syste! a n"!ber trans!itted by the base station to identi#y the syste! operator
hal#,d"ple% hando## 2(TS i!proved !obile telephone service !icrocell (2N (obile 2denti#ication N"!ber (SC (obile Switchin$ Centre NA( N"!ber assi$n!ent !od"le PCS Personal Co!!"nication Syste!s picocells RCC Radio co!!on carrier reverse channel roa!er SAAC. slow associated control channel SC( station Class (ark SAT S"pervisory a"dio phone S21 Syste! 2denti#ication N"!ber