Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Digital Workspace
Agile Working and the
Digital Workspace
Best Practices for Designing and
Implementing Productivity
John Eary
Agile Working and the Digital Workspace: Best Practices for Designing and
Implementing Productivity
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
agile working, BYOD, collaborative working, digital workplace, dynamic
working, flexible working, homeworking, hotdesking, mobile working,
remote working, smart working, work–life balance, work–life integration
Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv
Appendix A: Glossary��������������������������������������������������������������������������161
About the Author��������������������������������������������������������������������������������167
The early decades of the 21st century have seen significant movement in
business and social trends. On the back of new digital technology waves
of opportunity have been sweeping into all sectors enabling the demoli-
tion of barriers to new ways of working. This is the age of Agile.
Agile working is increasingly viewed as a critical commercial success
factor in today’s digital economy. However, as Digital McKinsey reports
this is not just about technology, “successful agile transformations address
every aspect of the organization.”
For many this means the development of new and unfamiliar oper-
ating models requiring new supporting infrastructure, skills, and settings
but more importantly changes in mind-set, behaviors, and culture both
within the organization and its supporting supply chain.
I have collaborated and worked with John over the last decade
researching and engineering agility into a wide range of organizations.
While John is a true professional, a technology project and program
manager by trade, he is also an accomplished “agilista,” passionate about
the quest to help and support organizations on their holistic agile work-
ing change journey and successful in creating their individual agile DNA.
In the following pages John draws on this passion and the practical
experience gained in “agilizing organizations” over the past two decades
and his knowledge of digital working to share his insights into the
successful adoption of agile working.
Paul Allsopp,
Managing Director,
The Agile Organisation
I would like to thank Paul Allsopp for sharing his knowledge, guidance,
and encouragement, Gavin Stretch for the design of the images in this
book, James Eary for drawing the homeworking cartoons, Christina Jeffs
and Leigh Fyffe for sharing their experiences, and Janice Eary for proof-
reading and her continuous support.
There has been a fundamental shift in the way people work in the 21st
century. The rapid development of technology such as smartphones
and other mobile devices and ubiquitous connectivity mean that it is
no longer necessary to be in an office to work. Already more than half
(55 percent)1 of employees work “flexibly,” either on the go, at client sites,
or from home. And 36 percent of employees spend at least a day a week
away from the office.2
Offices themselves have changed to better support the various
activities that people undertake in the world of work. Up to five work-
force generations are at work with different expectations and experience
of technology.
Management of the new workforce is challenging when employees
are working remotely and often outside what are standard office hours.
Today’s agile workers expect more autonomy in how they choose to
work and also that their well-being is considered seriously. Agile work-
ing embraces these changes. When implemented correctly it can provide
increases in productivity and service provision together with significant
bottom-line savings to the organization. For employees agile working
offers positive improvements in the quality of their life by taking more
control of their work activities. Agile working should not be restricted to
management and professional staff but should offer opportunities to the
whole workforce.
The digital workspace provides the technology to support agile work-
ers. The use of communication and collaborative tools can enhance
an employee’s productivity. They can now have access to voice, video,
messaging, and conferencing platforms from anywhere, on a range of
devices. While many organizations have adopted a digital by default
Research conducted by Davies Hickman, 2016. “The Digital Dislocation at
Work.” BT/Cisco.
Vodafone proprietary research.
xvi Introduction
Part III describes how an organization’s readiness for agile working can
be assessed. The business benefits and costs that should be considered in a
business case are identified, and workstyle analysis and options appraisal
are explained. The formulation of an agile working strategy using a holis-
tic approach is set out, and a road map is proposed. The governance and
planning of an agile working program are described together with a list of
pitfalls to avoid. The contributions of HR, IT, and facilities management
to prepare and support the implementation of agile working within an
organization are described.
In Part IV the critical skills required to manage agile workers are
listed and the research findings on the management of agile workers
with d ifferent personality types are reported. Looking to the future, the
impact of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and smart build-
ings are assessed.
Part I
Time, that is, when employees choose to work. There are many exam-
ples of this dimension: employees can work at different times of
the day (e.g., flexitime), different days of the week, (as part-time or
compressed hours, job share), or specific weeks of the year (term-
time working, annualized hours, etc.).
Location, that is, where employees choose to work. Again there
are many examples of this dimension: in addition to the office,
employees can choose to work at, or from, home, at work hubs, at
cafes, while traveling.
Some job roles will more readily accommodate this freedom, for
example, sales roles traditionally have a significant degree of autonomy
as they are set targets and are typically lightly supervised. Operational
roles can be more challenging as they are often prescribed by detailed
processes, and it is not impossible to introduce agile working into
operational roles.
6 Agile Working and the Digital Workspace
Beck, K., J. Grenning, R.C. Martin, M. Beedle, J. Highsmith, S. M ellor,
A. van Bennekum, A. Hunt, K. Schwaber, A. Cockburn, R. Jeffries, J. S utherland,
W. Cunningham, J. Kern, D. Thomas, M. Fowler, and B. Marick. 2001.
“Manifesto for Agile Software Development.”
Defining Concepts of New Ways of Working 7
Agile Organizations
8 Agile Working and the Digital Workspace
• More creative
• More adaptive
• More responsive
Paul, W. 2009. “Agile Working.” Property in the Economy. RICS.
Goranson, H.T. 1999. The Agile Virtual Enterprise. Westport: Quorum Books
Defining Concepts of New Ways of Working 9
• More innovative
• More efficient
• More effective
• Less risk-averse
• Producing better outcomes
Defining Productivity
Agile working provides opportunities to enhance employee performance
and their productivity. Defining productivity is a challenge in many
industry sectors. The traditional measure of productivity as the output of
an employee in a specific period of time is not relevant to many job roles
in today’s knowledge economy. However, there are a number of compo-
nents of productivity as defined in Table 1.1.
Eary, J. 2015. “Research Report on Agile Working, Personality & Performance.”
JEC Professional Services/Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion.
10 Agile Working and the Digital Workspace
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Communications 89%
Teleconferencing 51%
Smartphone 61%
Laptop 90%
Good remote access to files 89%
Good remote systems 98%
Fast reliable networking 98%
Interaction with manager 44%
Interaction with colleagues 63%
Calendar/diary management 75%
Good workplace facilities 36%
Opportunities to be creative 51%
The office has been the traditional working environment that predates the
20th century with the fixed location and time periods (as Dolly Parton
sings “folks on the job from 9 to 5”) for these work activities. The tra-
ditional office model offers certainty for both employers and employees.
Defining Concepts of New Ways of Working 11
1800s 1980 2000 2005 2008 2015
Technological Development
Figure 1.3 The ways of working progression model © John Eary 2017
In the 1960s partitions were removed to create open plan offices but work
patterns remained mostly the same.
Technologies needed for the traditional office-based working are not
too demanding. Typically each office worker is assigned a designated desk
on which a personal computer is permanently placed connected to a local
area networked to other PCs providing local access to line-of-business
applications. Security is relatively straightforward as most data and
systems are contained within the perimeter of the building.
Managers who like to manage by walking about can feel they are in
control as their employees are under their watchful eye. Significantly the
emphasis is on time spent in the office (working or not) while the quan-
tity and quality of outputs are typically not formally measured.
Meetings can be held at short notice as employees are already on site.
However to accommodate impromptu meetings, a significant part of the
office accommodation needs to be dedicated to meeting rooms even if
their utilization is low.
There is little incentive for process improvement as many costs are
fixed. Where there is change, new processes are likely to be tightly pre-
scribed with little scope for employee’s discretion in decision making. The
traditional office workstyle suits employees who find routine comforting
and enjoy the daily contact and support of their colleagues.
12 Agile Working and the Digital Workspace
Activity-based working has been with us since the 1980s although a num-
ber of organizations are still discovering it. It is a philosophy that aims to
make work more effective and efficient, but also more enjoyable for both
the organization and the employee.
The concept of activity-based working recognizes that employees need
different types of work settings to accommodate the various activities
they undertake in the course of a day. Rather than forcing individuals to
undertake all their work at one work setting, such as a fixed desk, activi-
ty-based working provides a variety of workspaces to enable employees to
conduct a range of distinct tasks in a more productive and enjoyable way.
Quiet areas for reflective activities such as report writing, and stimulating
places that inspire and support creative activities.
Activity-based working provides a variety of predetermined activity
areas, or workspaces, to enable employees to choose the most suitable
location to undertake a range of distinct tasks e.g. focused work,
impromptu and informal meetings, or more formal meetings.
Defining Concepts of New Ways of Working 13
The first change in work location for office-based employees was allowing
employees to work at home. In the UK in 2003, the Government intro-
duced legislation that gave parents the right to request a flexible working
arrangement from their employer and this right has been extended to all
employees in 2014. When granted, flexible working allows employees to
choose variations in when they work, for example, changes to their work-
ing day, or changes in their working week including part-time working,
compressed hours (i.e., working the same hours in fewer days), and so on.
Working at home, also called telecommuting, for part of their con-
tracted working hours, as opposed to full-time home-based working, has
been a commonly requested flexible working arrangement. However, as
well as these formal requests for flexible working there are often more
informal arrangements between managers and employees who may
bypass the HR department. There are also “Day Extenders”—managers
and employees who do a “full day’s work” in the office but also work
at home in the evenings and/or weekends, for example, to catch up on
e-mails or finish off a report.
In the UK the number of employees who say they usually work from
home has increased by a fifth (19 percent) over the past decade accord-
ing to an analysis published by the Trades Union Congress (TUC). The
most prominent growth in regular homeworking has been among women
employees, at 35 percent.9 According to Global Workplace Analytics, in
the United States regular work-at-home, among the non-self-employed
population, has grown by 115 percent since 2005 and more than three
14 Agile Working and the Digital Workspace
million full-time employees in the United States now work from home,
up to 25 percent of the global workforce telecommutes regularly.
While partial homeworking is usually an adjunct to the traditional
office routine with little perturbation to processes, homeworking has
additional technology requirements. Early connections over ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network) were often painfully slow but the
increasing speed of domestic broadband has put homeworkers at a much
less of a disadvantage than their office-based colleagues. And Wi-Fi has
enabled devices to be used in different rooms provided health and safety
considerations are met. At a minimum, all employees working at home
will require an external e-mail access. Many homeworkers will need
equipment to access office systems. This equipment could be a corpo-
rately owned laptop or the employee’s personal PC with “thin client” soft-
ware installed on it using the employee’s broadband service.
Managers need to adapt their style to accommodate homeworking.
They should ensure that homeworking employees are not excluded, for
example, by arranging meetings at times when homeworking employ-
ees can visit the office. As with activity-based working, management by
exception is often practiced.
rental, of surplus accommodation. This benefit is often the key driver for
many agile working initiatives.
The other benefit promised by agile working is summed up by the
slogan, “work smarter not harder.” To realize this benefit, existing proce-
dures need to be challenged to identify opportunities for business process
improvement. To achieve the benefits of true agile working, managers will
need to engender a significant change of culture delegating some deci-
sions and ensuring that employees can work in a more autonomous way.
A light touch management style is required, based on results measured on
agreed targets. Agile workers need to be empowered to make their own
decisions within their competence and to react quickly and appropriately
regardless of where they are situated. Agile working cannot be dictated by
policy, but with education and involvement a voluntary commitment to
agile working can be elicited from employees.
Connectivity is a critical technological requirement of agile working.
A wireless network will free agile workers from fixed locations within their
office base and enable them to work at third-party premises. There will be
increased security vulnerabilities, including eavesdropping, that will need
to be addressed.
Defining Concepts of New Ways of Working 17
Activity-based working, 12–13 road map with phasing, 102–107
Agile Business Consortium, 8 vision, 99–100
Agile Organization, 5, 7–9 AI. See Artificial intelligence
Agile software development, 6–7 Antivirus software, 43
Agile workers Artificial intelligence (AI), 155–156
leadership skills required for, Audioconferencing, 63
142–143 Authentication, 43
other skills required for, 143–144 Autonomy, 3
personality affects, 148–152
skills required for, 142 Benefit realization plan, 97
Agile working Bring Your Own Device (BYOD),
benefits for employees, 89–90 30–32
benefits to organization, 83–89 BYOD. See Bring Your Own Device
description of, 1–2
devices for, 27–29 Choose Your Own Device (CYOD),
dimensions of, 4 30
drivers for, 82 Client hypervisor, 38
flexible working vs., 3–5 Collaboration, 48–49
in future, 154–157 Collaborative tools, 33–35
implementing costs of, 90–92 Communication tools, 35–37
infrastructure to support, 37–40 Conscientious employees, 151
productivity, 9–10 Consultations, 62–63
providing devices for, 29–32 Contemplative activities, 48
security issues, 40–45 Contractual home-based employees,
sustaining, 153–154 95
in 2025, 158–159 Contractual home-based workstyle,
working progression model, 10–17 24
workstyle analysis, 92–96 Coworking, 51–53
Agile working implementation Creativity, 49
engagement, 123–124 Culture change
facilities package, 129–130 component of agile working, 20
ongoing support for, 135 encouraging digital working, 59–60
HR, 124–127 overcoming resistance to digital
learning, 130–133 workspace, 58–63
rolling out, 135–138 overcoming resistance to new ways
technology, 127–129 of working, 56–58
work etiquette and protocols, paper-based working, 58–59
133–134 physical meetings with virtual
Agile working strategy meetings, 60–63
aims, 100–101 Cybersecurity, 156
holistic approach, 101–102 CYOD. See Choose Your Own Device
170 Index