How To Avoid Common Errors in Clinical Photography

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Dan Lazar1, Sanda Cimpian1, Stefan-Ioan Stratul2

Invazia pe piaţă a aparatelor de fotografie digitală şi preţul accesibil al acestora fac posibilă achiziţionarea şi utilizarea acestor aparate relativ uşor. Pentru
o bază de date completă atât de necesară analizei si descrierii unui caz, fotografiile realizate pacienţilor sunt o sursă indispensabilă de informaţii. Pentru
a realiza acest lucru, aparatele D-SLR sunt cea mai bună alegere. Dotarea acestora cu un obiectiv macro şi un bliţ circular fac posibilă realizarea unor
imagini de înaltă calitate în cabinetul de medicină dentară. Prima parte a articolului conține informatii de bază și îndrumări pentru alegerea unui aparat
de fotografiat destinat cavității bucale, precum şi accesoriile necesare.
Cuvinte cheie: fotografie dentară digitală

The high number of digital cameras on the market and their convenient price makes these devices accessible for everyone. For a complete record of the
case, the patient’s digital images are an indispensable source of information. D-SLR cameras are the best choice in this respect. A macro lens and a ring
flash make possible the achievement of high quality images in clinical dental practice. The first part of the article includes basic information and guidance
in selecting a digital camera for intraoral images, and its specific accessories, as well.
Key Words: digital dental photography

INTRODUCTION The ever faster development of digital cameras

allows their use in an ever wider range of domains. In
Many practitioners have found themselves the beginning, dental photos were taken by using film
through the following situation: the treatment of the cameras. Film photography requires the observation
patient has been completed and the treatment chart is of some quite rigorous working protocols, involving
just being filled-in. The case proved to be a success, technical knowledge of using the camera, the film
the front fillings look great and the patient is very development and storage. Therefore, digital cameras
satisfied. (Fig.1) All of a sudden, the clinician realizes soon gained ground against film cameras. Digital
that he omitted to take preoperative photographs, and photo cameras are very often used in dental practice
the case could have been wonderful to be reported nowadays, as they are accessible to any clinician. The
for publication or to be shared with the colleagues. possibility of immediate visualizations of the images
Not to mention, this particular case could have been taken, the electronic storage media and the simple
extremely convincing for other hesitating patients. In
such cases, there is no way to go back in time to take
pictures of the original situation. Thus, the only proof
of our work and our results in the dental practice
remains the recorded image.1

Department of Odontology-Endodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine,
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca,
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara

Correspondence to:
Dr. Dan Lazar, 45 Brasovului Str., Apt. 3, Oradea, Tel. +40-745-295817.
Received for publication: Jan. 05, 2010. Revised: Apr. 11, 2011. Figure 1. An example of high quality digital intraoral image in frontal view.

Dan Lazar et al  107
manner of use are just a few of the advantages of
digital photo cameras. In the dental practice, photos
can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from
communication with the patient and dental technician,
archiving the case-book record in the dental office,
forensic documentation, patient education, material
for dental courses, as well as for scientific publications.
Besides clinical abilities, a good documentation
of some cases is a challenge for everyone. Dental
practitioners should be encouraged to take as many
photos as possible in their daily clinical activity. Taking
more digital photos increases the expenses of the
practice, but the information offered by the photos is
priceless.3 Figure 2. D-SLR - camera body (
The first part of the article describes the devices
necessary for taking good quality photos in the dental producers have created adaptors which can be
office. The second part of the article will present the applied on the flash to produce a diffuse light.1,2
main photographic methods and procedures. D-SLR Cameras. The component parts of a
To obtain a high quality digital image, several D-SLR camera dedicated for dental photography are:
technical requirements must be fulfilled:1 - The camera body; (Fig. 2)
1. Image sharpness; - The lens;
2. Depth of field; - The flash.
3. Correct exposure; There is no doubt in dental literature that SLR
4. Correct lighting, both extraoral and intraoral; (Single Lens Reflex) cameras are best suited for medical
5. Correct white balance; photography. Their price is relatively high but, in
6. Lack of image distortions; principle, it is not necessary to choose the most expensive
7. Working distance. camera body, it is advisable to allocate the financial
Good quality photos in dental practice require a resources towards lenses or flashes. Table 1 shows the
large depth of field and a shutter speed should not current camera models on the market fulfilling the
longer than 1/60 seconds, in order to prevent motion- requirements for high quality photos in dental practice.
blurred images. These requirements can be met by a Digital photography has been also connected
camera which has to follow certain criteria, and with with dental microscopy, either by coupling DSLR or
a number of accessories: macro lens, ring flash, dental video cameras with the operating microscope, or by
photography mirror, contrastors. incorporating a digital camera into the microscope
case. The latter acquires the image via optical fiber
THE PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERA from the microscope body.
Unlike compact cameras, SLR cameras create the
Photographic cameras can be classified in two image as follows: the light passing through the lens is
categories: compact cameras and D-SLR (Digital directed towards a mirror inclined at 45 degrees, and
Single Lens Reflex) cameras. then reaches a matte screen (the camera viewfinder).
Compact Cameras have limited intraoral Looking at the screen, the photographer can frame
performances, but they can be used with good results the image, can notice its sharpness and its depth-
for extraoral photos. If used without other accessories, of-field. Other advantages of such cameras are: the
they have certain limits in obtaining intraoral details, manual exposure, the depth-of-field preview button,
especially in the posterior area. The built-in flash and the the autofocus function, the short shutter lag etc.
possibility of adjusting its power are positive aspects, but Beside the camera, in order to take macro
its decentralized position from the image axis is by no photographs, a special «macro» lens is needed, and a
means an advantage. Another disadvantage of the flash ring flash as well. The last two components (macro
comes from the different position for action compared lens and ring flash) are compulsory in obtaining high
to the photographing direction. Also, these types of quality images in dentistry.
flashes produce deep shadows in the posterior area, The Lens
thus reducing the quantity and quality of information The vast majority of the photos taken in the dental
in the image. To reduce these inconveniences, the office are macro photos, so they naturally require
108 TMJ 2011, Vol. 61, No. 1 - 2 
Table 1. The current camera models on the market fulfilling the Table 2. The characteristics of the macro lenses of the main lens
requirements for high quality photos in dental practice.6 producers.6

Resolution Price in
Crop Price in
Brand Model in LCD Size Brand Model Mount Euros
Factor EUR
megapixels Canon EF 60mm f/2,8 Macro USM Canon EF-S 370
Canon 400D 10.1 1.6x 2.5” 500 Canon EF 100mm f/2,8 Macro USM Canon 590
Canon 450D 12.1 1.6x 3” 650 Nikon AFD Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2,8 Nikon 430

Canon 40D 10 1.6x 3” 980 Nikon AFD Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2,8 Nikon 750

Canon 5D 12.7 1x 2.5” 2200 AFS VR Micro-Nikkor

Nikon 105mm f/2,8 IF-ED Nikon 750
Nikon D40 6 1.5x 2.5” 420 Zuiko Digital ED
Nikon D60 10 1.5x 2.5” 550 Olympus 50mm f/2,0 Macro 4/3 Olympus 520
Zuiko Digital ED
Nikon D80 10 1.5x 2.5” 650
Olympus 35mm f/3,5 Macro 4/3 Olympus 250
Nikon D200 10 1.5x 2.5” 1180 Pentax D FA 50mm f/2,8 Macro Pentax 520
Nikon D300 12.2 1.5x 3” 1650 Pentax D FA 100mm f/2,8 Macro Pentax 550
Olympus E-410 10 2x 2.5” 350 Sigma 50mm f/2,8 Macro EX DG C,M,N,P, Sigma 280

Olympus E-420 10 2x 2.7” 400 Sigma 105mm f/2,8 Macro EX DG C,M,N,P, Sigma 400
Minolta AF 50mm f/2,8 Macro D Minolta, Sony 600
Olympus E-510 10 2x 2.5” 410
Minolta AF 100mm f/2,8 Macro D Minolta, Sony 850
Olympus E-3 10 2x 2.5” 1500
Sony SAL 50mm f/2,8 Macro Sony 620
Pentax K100D Super 6 1.5x 2.7” 480 Sony SAL 100mm f/2,8 Macro Sony 840
Pentax K200D 10 1.5x 2.7” 650
Pentax K20D 14.5 1.5x 2.7” 1100
Sony Alfa 200 10 1.5x 2.7” 500
Sony Alfa 300 10 1.5x 2.7” 600
Sony Alfa 350 14 1.5x 2.7” 690
Sony Alfa 700 12.2 1.5x 3” 1300
Figure 3. The main macro lenses for D-SLR cameras available on the
market (Canon, Olympus, Sigma, Pentax, Sony).
macro lenses. These lenses are completely different
from zoom lenses with «macro» option, which are of taking intraoral images, difficulties, especially in the
no use in dentistry, as they have a magnification factor lateral areas, such as insufficient light, deep shadows
of only 1:4. etc. are encountered. Thus, dental photography is made
The magnification factor represents the almost exclusively by using a flash, with the exception
magnifying power of the lens. For example, a lens with of portraits or images of objects, where the available
a magnification factor of 1:1 forms the image on the light can be used.
film (sensor) with the same size as the photographed The main advantages of the ring flash are: (Fig. 4)
object. So, true macro lenses have a magnification - A short duration of the flash action, which
factor of 1:1, and they have fixed focal lengths, of eliminates the risk of the camera movement;
50mm, 60mm, 90mm, 100mm, 105mm or 200mm. - A high intensity of light, allowing a short time of
The 100mm and 105mm macro lenses are best suited exposure and a small aperture;
for dental photography. (Fig. 3) The table below shows - The color temperature is identical as daylight, so
the macro lenses of the main lens manufacturers on the white balance preset should be set on «flash»;
the market. - Ring flashes are small, allowing for handheld
The Ring Flash photography;
Photographing means «writing with light». It is - Low emission of heat, no stress for the patient.
understandable why the light is the most important The most difficult aspect in using flashes is
factor in creating an image. In the dental office, choosing the amount of light and the ratio between
extraoral (face, profile, plaster models, prosthetic light and shadow in the image. But the majority of
works, anatomical pieces etc.) or intraoral photos modern ring flashes have the TTL function which
(frontal, lateral, occlusal views etc.) are taken. When calculates the right amount of light which results in
Dan Lazar et al  109
These mirrors differ from ordinary mirrors in that the
image reflection is made at the surface of the mirror,
right on the reflecting surface. (Fig. 8) Classical
mirrors have the reflecting layer covered by protective
glass, so two images are created, one reflected by the
reflecting metallic layer, and the other reflected by the
glass surface. The reflecting surfaces of older special
photographic mirrors were made of highly polished
surgical stainless steel, modern photographic
mirrors are made of Rhodium or Titanium. They
are autoclavable and present in various shapes,

Figure 4. The ring-flash.

a good lighting of the photographed subject. Ring

flashes are special flashes that are placed in front of
the lens, thus allowing the orientation of light on the
photographic axis, as well as a uniform distribution of
light. Dark areas and shadows appearing in the lateral
area are eliminated. Camera manufacturers create ring
flashes compatible only with their own products, at
affordable prices. The EM 140 DG Sigma model is a
ring flash compatible with Canon, Nikon and Sigma
cameras, and is significantly cheaper. (Fig. 5)
The Dental Photographic Mirrors
Figure 6. Image of the maxillary arch in the mirror.
Dental photographic mirrors are indispensable
accessories in taking lateral or occlusal views. (Figs. 6,7)

Figure 7. Image of the mandibular arch in the mirror.

depending on the area to be photographed. (Figs.

9,10) Before placing the photographic mirrors in the
oral cavity, it is recommended to warm them up using
warm water in order to prevent the steaming of their
surface when introduced in the mouth. Steaming of
the photographic mirrors can be also prevented by
blowing dry air while taking images. They have to
be cleaned (with a microfiber cloth), disinfected and
kept with care, as they can be very easily damaged by
Figure 5. The Sigma ring flash set on a D-SLR camera. scratching.
110 TMJ 2011, Vol. 61, No. 1 - 2 
Photographic Contrastors
In the photographs of the frontal teeth, the
background usually distracts the attention of the
viewer. The inconvenience can be eliminated with the
help of contractors, which are dark autoclavable matte
metallic shields, available in various shapes, used to
Figure 8. Reflection in a dental mirror, compared with the reflection in enhance the teeth contrast and to create a uniform black
an ordinary mirror. background. (Fig. 12) Contrastors can be handmade
out of black cardboard or dark matte plexiglass or can
be purchased from specialized manufacturers.4
The special methods and procedures for taking
clinical photos in the dental office will be described in
a future article.

Figure 9. Mirror for photographing the oral lateral area.

Figure 11. Two porcelain veneers photographed on a mirror for display.

Figure 12. Intraoral image of the anterior teeth, taken with a frontal contrastor.

1. Bengel W. Mastering Digital Dental Photography. Quitessence
Publishing, pp. 9-47.
Figure 10. Mirror for photographing the arches from the occlusal area. 2. d’Incau E. Photographie dentaire. L’Information Dentaire
3. Devigus A. A picture’s worth. The European Journal of Esthetic
Dental mirrors can be also used to enhance the Dentistry 2006;1(3):189-95.
4. (Accessed on 22.12.2009)
appearance of prosthetic works, when displayed in 5. (Accessed on 22.12.2009)
suggestive settings. (Fig 11)1,2,4 6. Photo Magazine No. 37, 2008;9:24-25.

Dan Lazar et al  111

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