Graph Theory - Solutions To Problem Set 2: 1 C 1 C I I I C I 1 I C I 1 I
Graph Theory - Solutions To Problem Set 2: 1 C 1 C I I I C I 1 I C I 1 I
Graph Theory - Solutions To Problem Set 2: 1 C 1 C I I I C I 1 I C I 1 I
Solution. If we number the vertices from 1 to 7 in both parts left to right, then this is a perfect
matching (first number from the top part): 1-3, 2-1, 3-2, 4-4, 5-6, 6-5, 7-7.
6. As we have seen in class, if G is a bipartite graph and M is a matching in G that is not maximum (i.e.
G contains a larger matching) then the graph contains an augmenting path. Is this always true if G is
not bipartite?
Solution. Yes, the same proof works.
7. Let T be a tree on n vertices that has no vertex of degree 2. Show that T has more than n/2 leaves.
Solution. T has n − 1 edges, so the sum of the degrees is 2n − 2. Suppose T has at most n/2
leaves. Then at least n/2 vertices have degree at least 3. But then the sum of the degrees is at least
1 · n2 + 3 · n2 = 2n, which is a contradiction.
8. Show that every tree T has at least ∆(T ) leaves.
Solution. Let v be a vertex with degree d = ∆(T ). For every edge vw incident to v, take a longest
path starting with vw. By maximality (as in the proof that every tree has a leaf), the last vertex of
this path is a leaf. Doing this for each of the d edges incident to v, we get d paths starting at v, which
are disjoint except for v (otherwise we would get a cycle). Thus each path gives a different leaf, and
we get d = ∆(T ) leaves.
Alternative solution: If you remove v and its incident edges, you are left with d connected components
T1 , . . . , Td , each of which is a tree. By a lemma from class, every tree with at least two vertices has at
least two leaves. Hence the Ti with at least two vertices have at least two leaves, one of which must be
a leaf of T (one of the two leaves might have been adjacent to v, but not both because that would give
a cycle). Some of the Ti might be single vertices, in which case those vertices were leaves in T (they
must have been adjacent to v and to no other vertex).
9. Prove that in a tree, there is at most one perfect matching.
Solution. Suppose the tree has two distinct perfect matchings M1 and M2 , and look at their symmetric
difference, G = M1 4M2 . This is a non-empty subgraph of our tree, such that every vertex has degree
either 0 or 2. Take a vertex of degree 2: its component in G is a 2-regular connected graph, i.e.,
a cycle (see the first exercise sheet). But then the tree contains a cycle, which is a contradiction.
[Alternatively, one may also prove this fact by induction.]
10. Show that a graph G contains at least |E(G)| − |V (G)| + 1 cycles.
Solution. We prove the statement by induction on |E(G)|. For |E(G)| ≤ |V (G)| − 1, there is nothing
to prove. Let G be a graph with |E(G)| > |V (G)| − 1. The number of edges implies that G cannot be
a tree or a forest (by lemmas from class), so it must contain a cycle C. Let uv be any edge from C.
By induction, G − uv contains at least (|E(G)| − 1) − |V (G)| + 1 cycles, not including C. Adding C
gives |E(G)| − |V (G)| + 1 cycles.
11. Let T be an n-vertex tree that has exactly 2k vertices of odd degree. Show that T can be split into k
edge-disjoint paths (i.e., T is the union of k edge-disjoint paths).
Solution. We prove a more general statement: the above claim is true for forests, not only trees.
Making our problem more general allows us to use a simpler induction argument.
So let us do induction on k. For k = 0 our forest is empty (every nonempty forest has a leaf, thus an
odd-degree vertex), so the statement holds. Now assume we know it for k, and take a forest T with
2k + 2 odd-degree vertices. Let P be a maximal path in T . We have seen in class that P will connect
two leaves. We claim that if we delete the edges of P then we get a forest T − P with 2k odd-degree
vertices. Indeed, the two leaves will lose the edge touching them, so they have degree 0 in T − P , while
every other vertex loses either 0 or 2 incident edges, hence the parity of its degree does not change. In
other words, we lost two odd-degree vertices and did not gain anything. So we can apply induction on
T − P to get k paths partitioning its edge set. Together with P we have k + 1 paths partitioning the
edge set of T , which is what we wanted to show.
12. Let T be a tree on t vertices and suppose G is a graph with δ(G) ≥ t − 1. Show that T ⊆ G, i.e., G
has a subgraph isomorphic to T .
Solution. Let us do a BFS on T from some arbitrary root v0 ∈ T , we will embed the vertices of T
into G as the algorithm encounters them. First map v0 to an arbitrary vertex u0 ∈ G. Then whenever
the algorithm reaches some vertex vi through some edge vki vi , we need to find an image ui ∈ G of vi
that is: 1. different from any previous image uj for j < i, and 2. adjacent to uki . As uki has at least
t − 1 neighbors in G, and at most t − 2 of them are “occupied” by previous uj ’s (T has t vertices, but
ui and uki do not – yet – occupy any neighbor of uki ), there is some choice of ui satisfying the two
conditions. The vertices ui with edges ui uki will then form a subgraph of G isomorphic to T .
13. Prove that a connected graph G is a tree if and only if any three pairwise (vertex-)intersecting paths
in G have a common vertex.
Solution. First of all, if G is not a tree then it contains a cycle v1 . . . vk (of length at least 3). Then the
paths v1 v2 , v2 v3 , v3 . . . vk v1 are pairwise intersecting with no common vertex, proving the ⇐ direction.
For the other direction, suppose G is a tree and three paths P1 , P2 and P3 are pairwise intersecting
but they have no common vertex. Look at P1 = v1 v2 · · · vl and color a vertex vi red if it is also in P2 ,
color it blue if it is also in P3 and leave it uncolored if it is only in P1 . By our conditions, no vertex is
colored both red and blue, but there is some red vertex vi and some blue vertex vj .
We may assume that i < j. Then there is some vertex vi0 with i ≤ i0 < j such that vi0 is red but vi0 +1
is not. Then the edge e = vi0 vi0 +1 is neither in P2 , nor in P3 . Now delete e from the tree, it splits the
graph into two components. Each of P2 and P3 can only be in one of the components, because they
do not contain e. But vi ∈ P2 and vj ∈ P3 are in different components, hence so are P2 and P3 . Thus
they cannot intersect, contradiction.