PRE ICF N2017 Ans Key
PRE ICF N2017 Ans Key
PRE ICF N2017 Ans Key
Board of Midwifery
Manila City
1. The test questionnaire contains 100 test questions. Examinees shall manage to
use 2 hours.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more
boxes shaded will invalidate your answer.
5. This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized used shall be
prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws.
4. During drying and stimulation of the baby, your rapid assessment shows that the baby is
crying. What is your next action?
A.Suction the baby’s mouth and nose
B. Clamp and cut the cord
C. Do skin-to-skin contact
D. Do early latching on
6. Which of the following is NOT true about umbilical cord clamping and care:
a. infant should be sponge bathed until the stump is healed
b. rubbing alcohol can be swabbed on the cord stump to help it dry up
c. how you care for the cord stump will determine if you have an inny or an outy
d. the stump will dry up and fall off within 7 to 10 days
8. On her second day of life, baby James was observed to regurgitate after feeding. Which
two factors probably caused her regurgitation?
1. Imperfect control of the cardiac sphincter 3. Immaturity of the nervous system
2. Infant is not active 4. Pyloric sphincter is not well developed
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 4 d. 1 and 4
9. A communicable disease that affects the growth and development among children
a. Primary complex b. asthma c. leprosy d. diabetes
10. There are __ steps to a successful breastfeeding which is criteria in the accreditation of a
mother-friendly hospital:
a. 20 b. 10 c. 5 d. 15
12. A new parent asks the midwife, "How can diaper rash be prevented?" The midwife
should recommend which of the following?
13. Gracie, the mother of a 3-month-old infant calls the clinic and states that her child
has a diaper rash. What should the midwife advice?
a. Change your baby's diaper every one to three hours and at least once a night
b. Carefully clean his skin and apply a barrier cream with petroleum jelly or
zinc-oxide after each change
c. Let your baby have plenty of 'bare-bum' time
d. All of the above
15. If the baby suffers from diaper rash, you should advised mother to
a. Keep his bottom damp at all times
b. Change his diaper less frequently
c. Give his bottom some "air time"
d. Apply ointment or petrolleum
17. Which of the following is the most appropriate food to be given early to baby during
its supplementary feeding
1. Mashed potato 3. Squash 5. Egg
2. Fish fillet 4. Chicken breast 6. Yellow camote
a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1,2,3,6 c. 1 , 2, 4 d.1, 3, 6
19. Measles infection is caused by a virus. Measles is considered highly contagious and
infectious when
a. When Rashes Appears
b. Rashes disappearance
c. Before rashes appears
d. If scar appears
21. Marie brought her 10 month old infant for consultation because of fever, started 4
days prior to consultation. The medical term epistaxis is commonly known as
a. nose bleeding.
b. vaginal bleeding.
c. vomiting of blood.
d. spitting of blood.
22. When using the otoscope to examine the ears of a 2 year-old child, the midwife
a. Pull the pinna up and back
b. Pull the pinna down and back
c. Hold the pinna gently but firmly in its normal position
d. Hold the pinna against the skull
23. Breastmilk which stands in a room temperature can be used up to how many hours
a. 6 -8 hours b. 24 hours c. 3-5 days d. 1 week
26. Which of the four signs of good attachment is true in this statement?
A. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open and while the lower lip
is turned inward more areola is visible above than below
B. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open and the lower lip turned
inward, more areola is visible above than below
C. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip
turned outward and more areola visible below than above
D. the chin should touch the breast, the mouth is wide open while the lower lip
turned outward and more areola visible above than below
27. Which is the following is an expected activity of a 8 month old with a normal
a. stand alone b. eat alone c. sit alone d. crawl
28. Flat, red localized areas of capillary dilatation of the eyelid, between eyebrows and
on the nose is called:
a. stork bites b. birth mark c. forceps mark d. strawberry marks
29. A baby born with the head elongated and slightly swollen. This appearance of the
baby’s head is considered as:
a. caput succedaneum b. cephalhematoma c. brain damage d. tumor
30. How long or within what period does the body temperature of an infant stabilized?
a. 48 hrs. b. 8 hrs. c. 24hrs. d. 12 hrs.
31. You’re assessing a neonate who has blackish blue marks around his buttocks.
What are these marks called?
a. Milia
b. VernixCaseosa
c. Mongolian Spots
d. Nevus Flammeus
32. When teaching the mother of a child with eczema, which of the following
instructions should be included in the midwife’s teaching?
a) Dress the infant warmly to prevent undue chilling
b) Cut the infant’s fingernails and toenails regularly
c) Use bubble bath instead of soap for bathing
d) Wash the infant’s clothes with the mild detergent and fabric softener
33. During drying and stimulation of the baby, your rapid assessment shows that the
baby is crying. What is your next action?
a) Suction baby’s mouth and nose
b) Clamp and cut the cord
c) Do skin-to-skin contact
d) Do early latching on
34. Calcium and phosphorus are important nutrients in the diet of pregnant women
for a proper development of the baby
a. muscles b. veins and arteries
c. bones and teeth d. kidney and lungs
35. The milk ejection reflex influence by which of the following hormone
a) Prolactin
b) Oxytocic
c) Progesterone
d) Estrogen
36. Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the treatment of breast
a) After a fed, apply cold compress on the breast to reduce edema
b) If the baby is able to suck, feed less frequently
c) Before a feed, to stimulate oxytocin reflex, stimulate the nipple skin and give
d) If the baby is not able to suck , express milk by hand or with a pump
37. Symptoms manifested by night blindness and white spots among infants and
children is deficiency in:
a) Vitamin C
b) Iron
c) Vitamin K
d) Vitamin A
41. Which of the following hormones influences milk let down reflex?
A. Prolactin c. Progesterone
B. Oxytocin d. Estrogen
42. Solid foods are not given until this reflex disappears:
A. Gagging c. Extrusion
B. Swallowing d. Rooting
43. Lucy was 7 lbs at birth. By one year of the newborn, she should weigh:
A. 14 lbs b. 21 lbs c. 24 lbs. d. 28 lbs
44. Whitish lesions appearing like milk curds on the tongue and mucus membrane of
the mouth of the infant is:
A. Thrush c. Furunculosis
B. Impetigo d. Scurvy
46. When assessing the newborn’s heart rate, which of the following ranges would be
considered normal if the newborn were sleeping?
A. 80 beats per minute
B. 100 beats per minute
C. 120 beats per minute
D. 140 beats per minute
47. At about what age does an infant start to recognize familiar faces and objects, such as
own hand?
a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 3 months
d. 4 months
48. In terms of gross motor development, what would the midwife expect an infant age 5
months to do?
a. Sit erect without support.
b. Roll from back to abdomen.
c. Turn from abdomen to back.
d. Move from prone to sitting position.
51. At what age would the midwife expect an infant to be able to say "mama" and "dada"
with meaning?
a. 4 months
b. 6 months
c. 10 months
d. 14 months
52. At what age should the midwife expect an infant to begin smiling in response to
pleasurable stimuli?
a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 3 months
d. 4 months
54. A 4-month-old child is discharged home after surgery for the repair of a cleft lip.
Instructions to the parents include:
a. provide crib toys for distraction.
b. breast- or bottle-feeding can begin immediately.
c. give pain medication to infant to minimize crying.
d. leave infant in crib at all times to prevent suture strain.
55. The midwife must assess 10-month-old infant. He is sitting on his mother's lap and
appears to be afraid of the midwife and of what might happen next. Which of the
following initial actions by the midwife would be most appropriate?
a. Initiate a game of peek-a-boo.
b. Ask father to place the baby on the examination table.
c. Talk softly to the baby while taking him from his father.
d. Undress baby while he is still sitting on his father's lap.
56. Which condition results from deposition bilirubin in the neonates brain, specialy in the
brain stem and ganglia
a. Keratosis
b. Kernicterus
c. Ptosis
d. Hydrops fetalis
57. Which of the following diseases where in you can find Koplik Spot
a. Tetanus
b. Poliomyelitis
c. Diphtheria
d. Measles
59. The safest and most economical way for the mother to prevent anemia in the 0-6 months
old infant is by:
a. giving iron preparation
b. breast feeding
c. giving early supplementation
d. artificial feeding
60. A discussion starts among several mothers concerning whether to use reusable or
dispensable diapers for their babies. Most mother are of the opinion that:
a. Reusable and disposable diapers have both been found satisfactory and the choice is
b. Reusable diapers are better for daytime use, and disposable diapers are better
for night time use.
c. Reusable diapers are better since they are most absorbent.
d. Disposable diapers are better since they are less irritating to an infant's skin
61. Which of the following scope proper for prenatal care that prevents diaper rash?
a. Remove the soiled diaper, pat the perineum, and replace with dry one.
b. Wash the perineum with water, pat it, and dry.
c. Remove the soiled diaper and replace it with a dry on.
d. Dry the perineum with the used diaper and apply powder.
62. The goal of the initial assessment for the newbom is to determine:
a. deformities and handicaps
b. the state of oxygenation and ventilation
c. the level of hemoglobin
d. the heart rate
63. Before the infant takes its first breath after birth the midwife’s concern is to:
a. perform APGAR score
b. clear the airway
c. clamp and cut the umbilical cord
d. stimulate to cry
64. The midwife dries the infant after birth in order to:
a. remove organisms acquired during delivery
b. stimulate the circulating system
c. avoid excess heat loss
d. remove the skin’s white substance
66. Which of the following signs of the infant should the midwife report promptly to the
a. pulse rate is 140 per minute
b. blood pressure is 84/50
c. sternum moves inward with inspirations
d. regurgitates after his last feeding
68. Which of the following injury at birth the midwife need not to refer immediately?
a. facial palsy
b. cephalhematoma
c. hemorrhage
d. brain damage
69. Vitamin K is given to newborn after birth primarily to help:
a. increased calcium absorption
b. stimulate respirations
c. improved blood coagulation
d. increase peristalsis movement
71. The purpose of placing the baby in the crib with the head lower than the trunk is to:
a. improve respiration
b. facilitate the drainage of secretion
c. avoid tympanism
d. prevent hiccups
72. Indication of pulmonary function in young infants: The most reliable and reproducible
rate can be achieved when the infant is:
a. sleeping
b. sitting
c. awake
d. standing
74. Which of the following is the neonate that a midwife must refer and work about?
a. absence of meconium within 24 hours
b. excessive mucus secretion
c. Jaundiced skin five days after birth
d. none of these
79. The bilirubin of term babies peaks on the 3rd day of life in pre term it is on the:
a. beyond 10 days b. 6th- 10th days c. 3rd-7th days d. 5th-7th days
80. Physiological jaundice of the newborn appears definitely between the third and seventh
days after birth. How many days will it disappear?
A. 1-2
B. 2-3
C. 4-5
D. 7-10
82. An infant can be able to pick up small objects using pincer grasp at which age
A. 10 mos.
B. 5 mos.
C. 7 mos.
D. 8 mos.
e. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 4
f. 3 and 4 d. all of the above
84. The midwife documents which of the following reflexes as being responsible for an
infant incurving the toes with uncurling and fanning out of the toes when the
lateral plantar surface is stroked.
A. Moro Reflex
B. Gallant reflex
C. Rooting reflex
D. Babinski reflex
85. In giving partial bath, it should proceed from the cleanest to the soiled areas of the
The correct sequence should be:
a. Face and eyes, hair, trunk diaper area
b. hair, face and eyes, trunk, diaper area
c. extremities, trunk, face and eyes, hair
d. trunk, extremities, face and eyes, diaper area
86. After teaching the mother about the neonate’s positive Babinski reflex, the midwife
determines that the mother understands the instructions when she says that a positive
Babinski reflex indicates?
a) Immature muscle coordination.
b) Immature central nervous system.
c) Possible lower spinal cord defect.
d) Possible injury to nerves that innervate the feet.
87. The distance of the bililight therapy into the newborns body should be
g. 6-8 inches c. 12-30 inches
h. 2-3 inches d. 10-15 inches
88. Andria is a new mother. She notices that when she strokes her baby's cheek, the baby
turns his head in the direction it was touched. What is this called?
a. Moro reflex c. Babinski reflex
b. Sucking reflex d. Rooting reflex
89. In teaching the mother of a young infant to treat oral thrush, which of the following
actions reflect an inappropriate teaching of the community health midwife?
a. Wash her hands.
b. Wipe the infant’s mouth with a clean, soft cloth wrapped around her finger
and dipped in tap water.
c. Paint the infant’s mouth with half-strength Gentian Violet.
d. Wash her hands again.
91. If after 30 seconds of thorough drying, newborn is breathing or crying which of the
following is an immediate nursing action?
A. Do footprinting
92. After 1-3 minutes of life, Midwife PsyWalkvendor is about to cut and clamp the cord.
Which of the following should be included in her plan of care?
III. Apply sterile clamp or tie 2 cm and the second clamp 5 cm from the base
A. I, II, III, V
93. After the baby is delivered, the cord was cut between two clamps using a sterile
scissors and blade, then the baby is placed at the:
A. Mother’s breast
B Mother’s side
C. Give it to the grandmother
D. Baby’s own mat or bed
A. beta-hemolytic streptococcus.
B. Chlamydia trachomatis.
C. Escherichia coli.
D. Staphylococcus aureus
96. Which of the following is the most appropriate food to be given early to baby during
its supplementary feeding
3. Mashed potato 3. Squash 5. Egg
4. Fish fillet 4. Chicken breast
99. Breastmilk which stands in a room temperature can be used up to how many hours
a. 6 -8 hours b. 24 hours c. 3-5 days d. 1 week
100. Which of the following is expected to be done by a normal 7 mos. old infant?
a. crawl b. sit alone c. stand alone d. eat alone