Guardian - Lightning Protection System

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Lightning Protection
International Pty Ltd


Guardian Lightning TM

Protection System 5
Who is LPI? LPI Endorsement
Lightning Protection International Pty Ltd (LPI) is a
fully owned Australian manufacturer and supplier Lightning Protection International Pty
of direct strike lightning, surge and transient Ltd forms "Partnerships" with our
protection equipment and grounding products to a customers to provide complete
wide range of industries throughout the world. lightning, surge and grounding
solutions. Our core competence is
LPI personnel and their associates have combined the ability to consistently deliver
experience of over 70 years in servicing customers superior performance, quality and
throughout the world on many types of projects in value to customers in a broad range
some of its most lightning prone areas. Our personnel of market segments.
have vast experience in providing direct strike area LPI's Endorsement confirms our
protection, surge and transient protection and assurance of a long-term partnership with our customers
grounding solutions. Our extensive experience has and endorses the product quality and performance. All
involved risk management, system design, training, products offered by LPI come with the quality
certification and installation and commissioning in endorsement and compliance with International
key industry groups such as: standards and bodies wherever possible.

Telecommunications and Broadcasting LPI's GuardianTM System 5

Petrochemical, oil and gas LPI offers a family of air terminals and accessories. Our
Highrise buildings and hotels - all types of product design is based on the most recent advances in
structures the field whilst maintaining proven principles associated
with the successes of the past.
Sporting centres and grounds - Golf courses,
race tracks, stadiums LPI's GuardianTM System 5 provides a purpose-designed
package for direct lightning protection.
Aviation - Civil and Military
Mining - coal, gold, nickel, iron, copper, 1. A Family of LPI CAT (Controlled Advanced
bauxite etc. Triggering) series air terminals.

Industrial facilities of all kinds 2. A Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) mast which
Defence - communications, surveillance and provides an insulated mast for mounting of LPI
storage of armaments CAT series air terminals.

Power generation and distribution 3. A purpose designed LPI High Voltage Shielded
Rail / transport systems Cable (HVSC) specifically designed for the
conveying of lightning energy to ground.
Monuments / Ecological sites Alternatively, depending on the local codes and
applications, other materials such as, Copper flat
tape or stranded cable may be used.

4. LPI Lightning Strike Recorder (LSR) which

confirms system efficiency and effectiveness.

5. A grounding system consisting of Earth rods,

clamps, Copper tapes and LPI Ground Resistance
Improvement Powder (GRIP).

The LPI GuardianTM System 5 provides a safe and

efficient system for the protection of your facility from
direct lightning strikes. The LPI CAT terminal attracts
the lightning energy to a preferred point and the energy
is transferred to ground via the High Voltage Shielded
Cable with minimal risk of electrifying the structure.
Once the energy enters the dedicated lightning earth,
it is safely dissipated without risk to personnel and
Did you know? - Lightning strikes the
earth approximately 6000 times a
LPI Guardian™ CAT series terminals consist of
LPI offers a family of three terminals
• A finial with a blunt tip. • CAT I - G
• CAT II - G
• An electrically "floating" medium consisting • CAT III - G
of 4 electrically isolated panels.
These terminals are designed for
varying applications. Contact an
• A triggering procedure which allows the authorised LPI distributor or visit LPI
initiation of an intercepting streamer of at for further detail.
energy earlier than any other competing
feature within the area requiring protection. Typical formation of lightning
• A high voltage connection at the base of FIGURE 1
the finial.
Negatively charged

What is lightning?
stepped leader moves
towards ground
Lightning initiates from an electrical storm
which usually generates within a cumulonimbus Launch of up streamer
from highest ground
point as field +
When electrical energy has built up within such intensification rises +
a cloud a "leader" of energy leaves it and will
try to attach itself to a point on the ground
which contains the most particles of energy of +
reverse polarity.
Some 90% of such "leaders" contain negative
It has long been the endeavour of lightning FIGURE 2
protection specialists such as LPI to create a
preferred point of attachment as offered by the Stepped leader
LPI GuardianTM terminal and in more recent progresses towards
times, to do so effectively so that large areas ground
of protection can therefore be provided from
a single lightning terminal. Up streamer is
attracted towards +


Leader and streamer

meet to form ionised
path for lightning

Did you know? - many countries

situated around the equator are
subjected to between 100 and 260
thunderstorm days per year. +

Principles of the LPI How does the LPI charge cloud" above the air terminal
which tends to mask the electrical field
Guardian™ Guardian™Terminal and inhibit the operation of the air

The LPI Guardian™ CAT series are

work? terminal. (See Step 1)
The medium is comprised of four
effective Controlled Advanced A Guardian CAT terminal separate electrically isolated panels
Triggering devices which intercept consists of a grounded blunt arranged to allow the section facing the
lightning discharges and attaches lightning rod surrounded by an stepleader to rise in voltage due to a
them to a preferred point. They electrically floating medium. capacitive coupling effect. Because the
have been designed to emit a Rounded or blunt tips have medium is essentially isolated from
"streamer" of energy at precisely the now been proven to be more ground potential (see Step 2), the
right time so that an approaching efficient than sharp points by electric field increases as the discharge
"leader" is intercepted and brought producing minimal corona approaches closer to the panel facing
under control. effect. This has been clearly the stepleader. It then experiences
proven in tests conducted at repeated pulsing until this section
The concept of "controlled" is
South Baldy Peak in the (panel) rises in voltage to the point
important because there is no point
Magdalena Mountains of when a triggering arc is generated at
launching a "streamer" too early -
central New Mexico, USA. precisely the right time which in turn
the median or ambient field will
(Source: "The Measurement of initiates the streamer which connects
not be large enough to sustain
Lightning Rod Responses to with the approaching down leader.
propagation and the "streamer" will
Nearby Strikes" by C.B. (See Step 3)
die. This will leave a space charge
Moore, G.D. Aulich, and W.
behind which may inhibit future
Rison / May 2001). This triggering arc creates two key
"streamer" development. An electric
effects, namely:
field of ~ 3 MV/m is essential at During the static thunderstorm
the tip of the air terminal to initiate phase when the electric fields (i) It produces a large number of ions
a corona streamer but an electric are steady at around 5-15 which are needed to initiate an upward
field of ~ 500 kV/m is needed in kV/m and even in the very leader, and
the region between the air terminal early stages of leader
and the downleader to convert approach, the medium (ii) It causes a large snap change in the
the streamer into a leader and to presents as a relatively low electric field immediately above the air
sustain propagation of this upward field intensification surface terminal which provides the necessary
leader. The "snap" change in the due to the blunt configuration "kick" for the inception of an early,
electric field caused by the of the finial tip. This restricts stable, propagating upward leader.
triggering of the LPI Guardian™ at the production of "corona" or The result of such advanced
the correct time is the key - both "point discharge" ions and triggering results in the approaching
electric field criteria are met and is critical because leader being intercepted earlier, which
thus the GuardianTM launches its excessive production of ions ensures a larger protective area around
streamer earlier with greater (corona) results in a "space the GuardianTM terminal of your choice.

Mounting Masts Downconductors

LPI supplies a range of masts for When the Guardian terminal
different applications. has captured a lightning
discharge, it is necessary to
When installing a LPI GuardianTM System
convey this very large
5, an FRP mast of appropriate height is
amount of energy to the
a standard component.
ground mass where it will be
The use of an insulated mounting dissipated into a grounding
mast provides a "cleaner" electrical system and will no longer be
atmosphere for the GuardianTM Terminal a threat to personnel, struc-
to perform its task of launching the tures or equipment.
intercepting "streamer".
LPI's High Voltage Shielded
When a conventional type of down Cable (HVSC) provides high
conductor is used, an aluminium or integrity low impedance
galvanised steel mast of appropriate method of performing this
height can be provided. task with minimal chance of
Cantilevered Freestanding "side flashing" or structure
mast mast electrification.
Guyed mast
Our HVSC is particularly
4 effective on structures
- -
--- ---
Grounded blunt
lightning rod
Air Gap Advantages of
4 electrically floating
GuardianTM Terminals
1 For most applications, a
Guardian system consists of
a single CAT lightning terminal
which provides an enhanced area
Lightning earth of protection, a single purpose-
designed shielded downconductor
for sophisticated structures, or a
STEP 2 conventional type for standard
Triggering arc across structures and a single low
- -
--- --- impedance grounding system.
air gap initiates streamer
----- ----

2 LPI’s CAD based design

program can determine the
Electrically isolated
-- panels rise in voltage number and location of terminals
as the electric field required for your project.
increases Alternatively you may use our
Downconductor instant design indicator to
Lightning earth determine your requirements.
LPI’s system can be installed
to comply with most lightning
protection standards.
- -
--- ---
4 LPI’s GuardianTM system is
simple to install and requires
Formation of ionised no special maintenance.
path for the lightning
discharge LPI’s GuardianTM system is a
+ +
+ +
+ + Air Gap
5very economical solution for
providing your lightning protection
4 electrically whilst providing superior security.
isolated panels
The design of LPI’s CAT
6 terminals are based on the
most recent developments and
Lightning earth improvements within the industry.

Lightning Strike
containing high-density Recorder (LSR)
human occupancy and, LPI have developed a Lightning
those which contain Strike Recorder (LSR) which, when
sensitive electronic installed on a downconductor,
equipment, volatile liquids / effectively counts the number of
gases and other sensitive lightning discharges which
applications. have been intercepted by
Where installations do not your GuardianTM CAT Terminal.
require such high level side LSR compliments the System
flash/induction prevention 5 approach and is an
or minimization, LPI offers optional item. It
conventional down- can also be simply
conductors of all types installed on all
including copper tape & other types of
stranded cables, bare downcondutors.
aluminium, galvanized steel
Did you know? - In the
cables & tapes or any of the
USA alone, it is estimated
above in PVC insulated
that US$500,000,000
worth of lightning damage 5
occurs annually.
LPI GUARDIANTM TERMINAL LPI's Guardian CAT series terminals come in three sizes
ORDERING CODE: which permit the user to select a terminal which suits his
CAT I - G particular application. See the accompanying chart for an
CAT II - G indication of the model which best suits your
CAT III - G requirements.
CATIGI - G (For connection to 2
inch GI PIPE). For a more accurate design for your project, LPI provides
a CAD based design software program which
accurately takes into consideration important factors
relating to your project such as thunderdays per year,
LPI UPPER TERMINATION KIT height above sea level, level of protection desired /
ORDERING CODE Recommended (Standard - High - Very High), physical
UTERMKIT dimensions of your structures and materials used in your
structures. Such additional care ensures that competing
features which themselves also have the ability to create
streamer development are taken in to consideration.
LPI FRP SUPPORT MAST Unlike other lightning terminal suppliers, LPI consider the
ORDERING CODE development of competing structural features as
FRP - 2M particularly critical on very tall buildings and on sites that
FRP - 3M comprise more than one major structure. LPI's CAD
based design software program service is available via
your local LPI distributor or direct to LPI via
LPI INLINE COUPLING Such designs are certified by LPI and therefore offer
ORDERING CODE additional security with regard to the provision of
IL/COUPLING satisfactory lightning protection levels particularly in
relation to the lightning activity.
(m) above Very High High Standard
LPI LOWER MAST ASSEMBLY structure Level Level Level
ORDERING CODE of installed Protection Protection Protection
CAT terminal

LPI CONDUCTIVE SADDLES 10 45 58 75 60 70 80 66 77 85

CONSAD 20 49 63 78 66 82 92 74 92 97


ORDERING CODE 30 50 65 80 72 84 104 77 108 116
50 50 77 89 78 98 118 90 121 128

80 50 77 89 78 115 123 95 128 134

STRIKE RECORDER 100 50 77 89 78 115 123 95 128 134
120 50 77 89 78 115 123 95 128 134


150 50 77 89 78 115 123 95 128 134
ORDERING CODE TERMINATION KIT The above figures are indicative only, a full design
GRIP - 10 ORDERING CODE should be completed by LPI upon application.
GRIP - 40 LTERMKIT All figures represented as metres (m).

Research & Development
The company has an ongoing commitment to Research and
LPI personnel and its associates have been involved in a number
of field trials throughout lightning prone regions of the world, this
experience has extended throughout such countries as Australia,
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the USA.

LPI 4-Step Approach to Lightning Protection

It is the strategic aim of our company to be able to provide a
complete packaged solution. LPI has identified 4 key steps when
considering the complete approach to Lightning protection, ask
for our "LPI 4 Step approach to lightning protection".

Our system design approach includes:

1. Definition and provision of area protection.

2. Creation of a bonded earthing system.
3. Protection of power lines.
4. Protection of signal, data and
communication lines.

Design for Area Protection

Please consult with your local authorised LPI distributor for a
lightning protection design for your facility.

• LPI maintains a policy of on-going product development, specifications are
subject to change without notice.
• Application detail, illustrations and schematic drawings are representative only
and should be used as guides.
• It should be noted that 100% (100 percent) protection level for direct strike
lightning and surge and transient protection equipment is not possible and
cannot be provided due to the lightning discharge process being a natural
atmospheric event.

Innovative lightning protection solutions

Direct Strike Lightning protection products and solutions

Surge and Transient protection products and solutions for

power, data, communications and signal lines

Grounding products and solutions

GuardianTM Lightning
Protection System 5
Lightning Protection International Pty Ltd ABN 11 099 190 897
Suite 2, 17-19 Magnet Court,
Sandy Bay, 7005
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 678, Sandy Bay, 7006
Tasmania, Australia
Telephone + 61 3 6223 7899
Facsimile + 61 3 6223 7800
© Copyright 2002

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