Music List 10.18 - 01.19

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October 2018— January 2019
W ELCOME TO THE ROBIN CHAPEL. Whether you come as part of a
Christian denomination or of none, all have a place within these
walls where the love of God dwells.

Every Sunday the Chaplain and Choir sing a choral service. As part of the
Chapel’s inter-denominational foundation we have regular visiting
preachers from across the various Christian churches, and all are most
welcome to join us in worship at the Robin Chapel.

Full details of services and of other events can be found on the Chapel

Drawing used by courtesy of Professor John Hume, Scotland’s Churches Scheme

The Reverend Thomas Coupar

Chair of the Thistle Trust
Julian Birchall
Director of Music
James Slimings
Morley Whitehead
The Robin Chapel Choir
Dr Teodor Borz

All services take place at 4.00 p.m.

Hymns are taken from Common Praise. Psalms are taken from the Free Church of Scotland’s
Sing Psalms, unless the Scottish Psalter (1650) is indicated, or Anglican chant is used at services
of Choral Evensong.

7 Harvest / Blessed John Henry Newman Choral Eucharist

Preacher: The Chaplain
Byrd Mass for 4 Voices
Hymns: 270, 557(i), 272
Psalm 67 (t.205)
Byrd Choral Am en
14 Pentecost XXI Revised Order (Canticles)
Preacher: Andy Scarcliffe Portobello Baptist Church
Wood Oculi Om nium NCAB
Hymns: 311, 581 (t.463), 376
Psalm 22 vv1-5 (t.169)
Wood Evening Service in E Flat No. 2 ECM2
Harris Strengthen ye the w eak hand s
Farmer Lord ’s Prayer
Rutter Am en in E flat

21 Pentecost XXII Choral Evensong

Preacher: Canon Dr. Anne Tomlinson Principal, Scottish Episcopal Institute
Hymns: 266, 621
Leighton Preces and Responses (ii)
Psalm 104: vv1-8
Leighton Second Service
Bruckner Christus Factus Est ESM

28 Simon and Jude Revised Order

Preacher: Captain Gosling, The Salvation Army
Durufle Ubi Caritas
Hymns: 207, 371(ii), 189(ii)
Psalm 119: Part 19 (t.292)
Gardner Evening Hym n
Durufle Lord’s Prayer
Rutter Choral Am en in F

4 All Souls Choral Eucharist

Preacher: The Chaplain
Vierne Messe Solennelle
Hymns: 507, 14, 493
Psalm 24 (t.322)
Rutter Choral Am en

11 Remembrance Original Order

Preacher: Very Revd Dr. Finlay Macdonald Chaplain to HM The Queen
Hymns: 495(i), 538, 369 (RWV)
Psalm 46
Guest Th ey Shall Not Grow Old
Parry Lord , let m e k now thine end

18 St. Margaret of Scotland Choral Evensong

Preacher: Rev Charlie Robertson LVO, Chaplain to HM The Queen
Hymns: 246, St Margaret
Psalm 16 Havergal
Aylewood Preces and Responses ECM 2
Dyson in D
Bairstow Let all m ortal flesh k eep silence
Wilson Festal Responses

25 Christ The King Revised Order

Preacher: Rev Alex McAspurren North Leith Parish Church
Gibbons O Clap Your Hand s OxBTA
Hymns: 589(i), 601, 466
Psalm 93 (t.108)
Vaughan Williams Let all the w orld
Parsons Lord ’s Prayer
Smith Am en

2 Advent Carol Service

Preacher: The Chaplain
Join The Choir of The Robin Chapel for a service of
quiet reflection and music on a theme of anticipation.
9 Advent 2 Revised Order (Canticles)
Preacher: Prof. Bert Kerrigan QC Trustee
Pärt O Ad onai
Hymns: 516(ii), 34, 35
Psalm 125 (t.179)
Finzi Magnificat
Vaughan Williams Te Deum in G ECM2
Vaughan Williams This is the truth sent from above
Durufle Lord’s Prayer
Rutter Choral Am en
16 Advent 3 Choral Evensong
Preacher: Revd Prof David Ferguson New College, University of Edinburgh
Hymns: 29, 93
Psalm 146
Rose Preces and Responses
Harwood in A Flat
Poston Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Naylor Festal Responses
23 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
All are welcome for this traditional service of nine lessons and
carols. With music spanning 500 years, interspersed with
traditional and contemporary readings, this service will have
something for everyone.
30 Mary, Mother of God Choral Compline
The Chaplain and Choir will lead this ancient service of Choral
Compline by candlelight. A reflective service of Benedictine chant
and prayer provides the perfect place to escape the whirlwind of
the Christmas rush.

6 Epiphany Choral Eucharist

Preacher: The Chaplain
Haydn Missa Brevis St.Joannis d e Deo
Hymns: 84(i), 83, 88
Psalm 72: vv15-19 (t.145)
Byrd Choral Am en
13 St Mungo Revised Order (Canticles)
Preacher: The Chaplain
Stanford O for a closer w alk w ith God CAB
Hymns: 622, St Mungo, 430
Psalm 29 (Ley)
Wood Collegium Regale
Goss O Taste and See
Taverner Lord ’s Prayer
Rutter Choral Am en
20 Epiphany III Choral Evensong
Preacher: Ian Wallace Volunteer, Scottish Churches Trust
Hymns: 165, 295 (part i)
Psalm 36: vv5-12 (Hopkins)
Rose Preces and Responses
Stanford Evening Service in B Flat
Walton Jubilate Deo ECM2
Naylor Festal Responses
27 Holocaust Memorial Day Revised Order
Preacher: Rabbi David Rose Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation
Vierne Agnus Dei from Messe Solennelle
Hymns: 586, 536(ii), 442(t.278)
Psalm 23 (sung by the choir)
Howells Tak e him earth for cherishing
Taverner Lord ’s Prayer
Mundi Choral Am en

List correct at time of printing, but please see the weekly sheet available in the
Chapel for any changes.
Library Catalogue Key
16C 16th Century Anthem Book
100 100 Carols for Choirs
AWTE Ash Wednesday to Easter
CAB Church Anthem Book
CfC1 Carols for Choirs 1
CfC2 Carols for Choirs 2
CoW Cloud of Witnesses
CP Common Praise
ECM2 English Church Music, vol. 2
ESM European Sacred Music
GS Gibbons Songbook
MS Musique Sacree du XXe Siecle
MTP More Than Psalms
NBC Novello Book of Carols
NCAB New Church Anthem Book
NNAB New Novello Anthem Book
NTA Tudor Anthems (Novello)
OTA Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems
SN Sing Nowell
TA Tallis Anthology

07393 232 736

Director of Music


CCL Licence & MRL Licence: 227071
Scottish Charity SC003834

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