Land Reclamation

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The key takeaways are that there are two main methods of land reclamation - drained reclamation and dredged reclamation. Drained reclamation involves leaving existing soft material in place while dredged reclamation involves removing and replacing soft material with imported fill.

The main steps involved in land reclamation are: 1) building temporary bunds, 2) transporting and compacting sand, 3) installing a sand layer and PVD, 4) applying a preloading surcharge, and 5) constructing bunds, transporting dredged soil, and compacting fill.

PVD are installed to act as drainage paths to drain out pore water and accelerate the consolidation process, reducing post-construction settlement.


In the “drained” reclamation, fill is placed on the reclamation site. The advantage is
that existing soft marine material can be left in place, reducing the amount of fill
required. The disadvantage is the longer time require for settlement and a greater
uncertainty in the duration and rate of consolidation. This could increase the cost in
follow up structures to accommodate a larger settlement. Artificial drainage is required
to reduce drainage paths and accelerate settlement.
In the “dredged” reclamation, landfill by is by replacement, in which soft marine
material is removed and replaced by imported fill. This means a larger volume of fill
but the advantage of faster consolidation. This method is using a combination of
dredging mud from the sea bed, borrowing marine sand, excavation of islands and
construction of seawalls.


❖ STEP 1 – temporary bunds shall be built along the reclamation boundaries as shore
protection structure. Geotubes can be used to protect the shoreline for development
of bunds for land reclamation works.
❖ STEP 2 – Upon tugging to site, the sand was unloaded by excavator and transported
out by dump trucks via temporary jetty.
- Bulldozers then spread and compacted the reclaim land to the desired levels.
❖ STEP 3 – A layer of sand of approximately 1.2-meter-thick was laid as drainage path
prior to PVD installation and surcharge on top.
- This sand layer helps to avoid water pollution.
❖ STEP 4 – Perforated vertical drains (PVD) were installed at 1.3 meter apart in both
direction throughout the whole reclamation area.
- It acts as drainage path to drain out pore water to sand blanket layer and accelerate
the consolidation process.
❖ STEP 5 – Surcharge simulates from future loading was applied on top of sand layer
to compress the soft layer below, resulting effective dissipation of pore water. Keeping
post-construction settlement to minimum.



Ground Improvement
When the behavior of the fill mass (after deposition) and/or the underlying soil does not meet
the required design criteria, ground improvement techniques can be implemented to improve
the properties of the fill and/or subsoil.

Ground improvement of hydraulic fills may include the fill mass itself, the subsoil underlying
the fill or both. It is typically carried out to:

❖ prevent excessive (differential) settlements of the surface of the reclamation when it is

loaded by superstructures like buildings, roads, runways, bridges and other foundations;
❖ improve the shear strength of the fill and/or subsoil to ensure sufficient bearing capacity
of the foundations or sufficient stability of the slopes;
❖ increase the density of the fill mass and/or subsoil to prevent liquefaction;
❖ improve the soil permeability in order to increase drainage capacity

Pre-loading alone has the disadvantage that the surcharge must remain in place for months
or even years, often delaying further construction operations. A long consolidation period is
generally the result of the thickness and the low permeability of compressible strata
hampering the dissipation of excess pore pressures.

By installing vertical drains the length of the drainage path for the pore water can be reduced
considerably which will accelerate the consolidation process and, hence, the settlement rate
To a certain extent the consolidation rate can be controlled by adjusting the drain spacing.
The drains must be able to discharge the extracted pore water into a free-draining medium
(sand or gravel layer, horizontal drains, etc.), usually—but not necessarily—located at the top
of the vertical drain. It is essential to ensure that such a drainage blanket has sufficient
permeability to handle the extracted water during all stages of the construction works. The
hydraulic head within this horizontal layer or drain must be less than the hydraulic head in the
vertical drain in order to allow the pore water to be removed from the compressible soil mass.

Artificial field drainage system

An artificial field drainage system is generally designed to improve the infiltration capacity
and/or to control the surface runoff. The infiltration capacity of a fill can be improved by:

❖ the construction of a surface drainage system including (deep) open drains (ditches,
channels, etc.) to control the groundwater table and, hence, the storage capacity;
❖ the installation of a subsurface drainage system consisting of prefabricated horizontal
drains (pipe drains) to control the groundwater table and, hence, the storage capacity;
❖ growing of vegetation to increase the permeability of the upper zone of the fill mass;
❖ the construction of retention basins.

It is important to realize that future developments of a reclamation (urbanization,

industrialization, etc.) often reduce the infiltration capacity of the fill mass as the presence of
buildings, pavements and other constructions will seal (part of) the fill surface. In addition,
surface compaction to provide sufficient bearing capacity or to restrict residual settlements
may lower the infiltration capacity as well.
Horizontal Strip Drain (Horizontal Drain)
Horizontal Strip Drain (Horizontal Drain) is a prefabricated, high-flow
soil drainage system that offers better draw down of water than pipe
while costing around 60% less to install. Strip drain consists of a
formed polymeric core surrounded by a geotextile filter fabric. The
strip drain filter fabric allows water to pass into the core while
restraining soil particles which might clog the core. The strip drain core allows water to flow
to designated drainage exits.

Prefabricated Horizontal Strip Drain offers the following benefits:

✓ Simple Inspection

- Easy visual inspection of strip drain material and installation is possible.

✓ Chemically Resistant

- Both strip drain core and fabric are resistant to all naturally-occurring soil materials. Optional
strip drain fabrics and cores are available for unusual chemical situations.
✓ High Flow Capacity, No Clogging

- The structure of the strip drain core provides multiple channels for vertical and horizontal
water flow. The strip drain's filter fabric permits high volume entry of water into core while
restraining soil particles.
✓ Strong and Durable

- Crush strength of the strip drain core resists damage during installation or at greater soil
depths. High tear and puncture strength of the strip drain filter fabric insures no damage during
back-filling or use.
✓ Reduces Drainage Space Requirements

- Thickness requires much narrower trench than aggregate drainage. Excavation work and
turf damage is minimized.
✓ Predictable Performance

- Uniform properties and quality assure predictable strip drain performance.

Dredging & LAND RECLAMATION Technique




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