DLL Araling Panlipunan 4 q4 w1

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School: File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.

com Grade Level: IV

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Sir BIENVINIDO C. CRUZ JR Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: DECEMBER 11 – 15, 2017 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


understanding of verbal cues for clear demonstrates understanding of text understanding of English grammar Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
expression of ideas types to construct feedback and usage in speaking or writing various linguistics nodes to library skills to research on a
*WRITING COMPOSITION - comprehend various texts variety of topics
Demonstrates understanding of
writing as a process

B. PERFOMANCE STANDARDS *Actively creates and participates in *Identifies story perspective and text *Uses the classes of words (word *Uses library skills to gather
oral theme-based activities elements signals) aptly in various oral and *Uses linguistic cues to appropriately appropriate and relevant
written discourse construct meaning from a variety of information
*Uses a variety strategies to write texts for a variety of purposes
informational and literary
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ *Use expressions appropriate to the *Give one’s reaction to an event or *Identify and use adverbs of time *Make a comparison and contrast *Locate information from
OBJECTIVES (Write the LC Code for grade level (EN4OL-IIIc-3) issue (EN4LC-IIIf-6) (EN4G-IIIf-6) (EN4RC-IIIf-6) Indices (EN4SS-IIIf-6)
each) *Take pride in preserving and *Write / Compose clear and
promoting Vigan City as one of the coherent sentences using adverbs of
World’s New Seven Wonder Cities time (EN4WC-IIIf-6)
Selection: “Government seeks Giving One’s Reaction To An Event Selection: A Trip to Vigan City Story: The Carabao and the Cao Locating Information from
support for Vigan in Seven Wonder Or Issue Adverbs of Time Comparison and Contrast Indices
Cities Competition” (philstar.com)
updated July 14, 2014 - 11:00pm
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 262-264 264-265 265-267 268-271 271-274
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 279-280 279-280 281-284 285-290 290-294
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Chart, PPT, task cards Pictures, Chart, PPT, task cards Pictures, Chart, PPT, Pictures, Chart, PPT Chart, PPT, books
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or 1. Oral Language Short presentation of the researched Let the pupils present their 1. Review on the adverbs of time 1. Present the poem: My Index
presenting the new lesson Present a picture of a nipa hut and output (New Seven Wonders of preparation. 2. Unlocking of Dfficulties TG p.268 Finger writtten on a chart. TG p.
talk about it. Nature) *frightened 271
*What can you see in the picture? *squeezed *What finger do you use to
*What can you say about the nipa point?
hut? *Is the index finger useful? Why?
*Would you like to live in a nipa hut?
Why? Why not?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties TG p.262
*cultural heritage
*Cobblestone street
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson 1. Refer to LM, Think and Tell p. 279 Show again the picture of Vigan City. Let the pupils recite the poem (whole *Have you heard a story about the 1. Show a book. Have a review
*What do you see in the picture? *What made it unique from other class, group, individual). cow and carabao? on the parts like the Front and
*What can you say about the towns or cities in our country? *What kind of a story you have heard Back cover,
buildings or houses? *Why do you think it is nominated as Tell Me When about them? Title Page, Copyright Page,
*Do you think these houses or one of the world’s new seven wonder by Mary Jane T. Ganggangan (Today, we will read a story about the Preface, Table of Contents, Pages
buildings are newly built? Why do cities? I walk to school every morning cow and the carabao.) and the
you say so? With my best friend Luming *What do you think will the story be Glossary. TG p. 272
*Can you find these kinds of houses We eat our lunch at noon about this two animals? Who can
in your place? and go back home in the afternoon. make a guess? 2. Show the Index of a book and
*Can we say that the houses in Vigan say: ‘This is the index of a book. It
City are unique? Why? When do we go to school? – is
2. Say: I am going to read to you an (every morning) usually found on the last pages of
article about Vigan City. After When do we eat our lunch? – a book. Just like an index finger,
reading, we will be answering these (at noon) it
question: When do we go back home? – points to a particular topic.’
*What made Vigan City unique? (in the afternoon)
*Why was Vigan City nominated as a
finalist for the world’s new seven
wonder cities?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the 1. First reading of the article by the Let the pupils read again the selection Let the pupils read the selection: A Refer to LM - Read and Learn p.285 Show a sample page of an index.
new lesson teacher LM p.279-280 on LM, p. 279-280 for better Trip to Vigan City, LM, Read and Let the pupils read the story LM, Think and Tell p. 290
2.Let the pupils read again the article understanding. Learn p. 281

D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion: 1. Have again a short discussion on Discussion questions: LM - Talk Discussion: Discussion: LM p. 290-291
practicing new skills #1 Refer to LM, Talk About It p.280 the selection read. Refer to LM, Talk About It p. 281 Refer to LM, Talk About It p. 286 1. On what page can you find
1.Why is the government calling on About It p.280 1. Who decided to have a trip to 1. Who are the two friends? something about fantasy?
Filipinos around the world? 2. Divide the class into 4 groups. Vigan City? 2. Why did they go to the river early? 2. If you want to read about
2. Why should we give support to Distribute activity cards for each of 2. When did they go? 3. Why did the women tell the boys blended words, what pages will
vigan city? the groups. 3. When did they watch the “Dancing to drive away the cow and the you read?
3. Who helped preserved the city? Group 1 - Make a poster campaigning Fountain”? carabao? 3. On which pages can you find
4. Do you think they did a great job? for Vigan City to become one of 4. Do you think the Flores family 4. What happened to the fearful cow information about parts of a
5. Why is Vigan City a favorite tourist the world’s new seven wonder cities. enjoyed their trip to Vigan City? and carabao? book?
destination? Group 2 - Compose a song or yell to Why did you say so? Original File Submitted and 4. What is the first topic in the
6. What can we see in this city? advertise Vigan City Formatted by DepEd Club index?
7. How will you help preserve the Group 3 - Write a thank you letter to Member - visit depedclub.com for 5. How many pages cover the
beauty of the houses and the the people of Vigan for preserving discussion on compound words?
obblestone streets? and promoting this city. 6. What does the index tell?
Group 4 - Draw colonial houses and What are found in the index?
the cobblestone streets found in
Vigan. Write a sentence or two of
how you will preserve these
houses.7. How will you help preserve
the beauty of the houses and the
obblestone streets?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group pupils into 3. Assign each Discussion of the selection, A. Present some sentences taken A. Compare and contrast the cow and A. Discuss what an index is
practicing new skills #2 group a task to perform. incorporating the presentation of from the selection. Let the pupils the carabao.
I – Make a poster showing the beauty outputs.TG p. 265 read the sentences. TG. p.266-267 *What do you think are their Teaching Chart
of Vigan City. Say something about it. a) Why is the government calling on 1. Last Wednesday, the Flores family similarities? (Write them at the *The index is a listing of topics in
II – Make an advertisement on Filipinos around the world? had a trip to Vigan City. center portion of the Venn diagram) a book, arranged alphabetically.
promoting Vigan City. b) Why will we give support to Vigan *When did the family have a trip to *What are their differences? (Write It has more detailed information
III – Make a poem/rap/song on City? Vigan City? - last Wednesday them at the outer circle. than the
preserving the beauty of houses and Group 1, show your poster 2. They decided to visit “The Hidden table of contents .
cobblestone streets in Vigan c) What is the big role of Secretary Garden” the following day. B. Teaching/Modelling *It also gives the pages where
Ramon Paje? *When will they visit “The Hidden The underlined words both, also, and you can find these topics.
d) If you were Secretary Paje, how Garden”? - the following day too are clues that tell a comparison is *An index is located at the back
will you advertise Vigan City? being made. It also shows that the of the book.
Group 2, present your song or yell B. Ask the following questions: cow and the carabao are alike or
e) Why did Secretary Paje say that 1. What do the expressions last similar in some ways. B. LM - Try and Learn p. 291-292
Vigan City has been wonderfully Wednesday and the following day Words like however, but, while signal Study the given index. Then
preserved? tell ? that a contrast is being made. They answer the questions that follow.
f) Who helped preserve the city? 2. What question do they answer? also show how a cow and a carabao is
g) Do you think they did a great job? (They answer the question when) different.
Group 3, Read to us your Thank You Teaching Chart
letter C. Say: Words that tell about time are *When you compare things, you tell
h) Why is Vigan City a favorite tourist called adverbs of time. Explain what how they are alike.
destination? are adverbs of time. *When you contrast things you tell
i) Can we see cobblestone streets how they are different.
everywhere in the city? Teaching Chart *Words such as also, too, both, and
j) How will you preserve the beauty of Adverbs of time similarly show that a comparison is
the houses and the cobblestone - tell when an action is done. being made.
streets? Example: *Words such as but, yet, still,
Group 4, show us your drawing. *yesterday *today *tomorrow although signal that contrast is being
k) Do you think the Filipino people *tonight *last Monday *in July made.
will respond to the call of the *in the morning
government to support the bid of C. Show a Venn diagram.
Vigan City to become one of the Say: This is a Venn diagram. We use
world’s new seven wonder cities? this graphic organizer to compare
Why? Why not? persons,places things,animals,
stories, and ideas. The center portion
where the two circles overlap is for
attributes that both things being
compared have in common.
F. Developing mastery Group presentation and processing Ask for the pupils reaction on the 1. Refer to LM, Find Out and Learn p. Refer to LM, Try and Learn, 287-283 Study the given index. Then
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) selection read. 282 answer the questions that follow.
Read the words and phrases. on the
space before each word or phrase,
write A if it is an adverb of time and
NA if it is not.
2. Refer to LM, Try and Learn
Exercise 1 p. 282
Underline the adverb of time in each

G. Finding practical application of Infusion of Values: *How can you help preserve and Refer to LM, Try and Learn Exercise 2 LM Do and Learn p. 288-289 Use the indices of your English,
concepts and skills in daily living *After listening to the article, how do promote Vigan City (or other place in p. 283 Math or Science books to answer
you feel about Vigan City? our country) as one of our heritage/ . the following questions.
*Do you feel proud of it? Why? Why historical sites?
*How can one help preserve and
promote Vigan City as one of our
heritage sites?
H. Making generalizations of concepts Let the pupils generalize their Let the pupils generalize their Let the pupils generalize their Let the pupils generalize their Let the pupils generalize their
and skills in daily living ideas/concepts of the lesson ideas/concepts of the lesson ideas/concepts of the lesson ideas/concepts of the lesson ideas/concepts of the lesson
presented. presented. presented. presented. presented.
*What is an adverb of time? *How do you make comparison or *What is an index of a book?
*What are examples of adverbs of contrast? *In which part of the book it is
place? located?
* What does the index tell?
What are found in the index?

I. Evaluating learning Think of a beautiful site or place in (The group presentation will serve as Do and Learn, LM p. 283 LM. Learn Some More p.289-290 LM - Do and Learn p. 293-294
our country. Say something about it. the evaluation. Use rubric to grade Study the given part of an index
Use the following guide to describe it. each performance.) page then answer each of the
*Beautiful Site/Scenery: questions that follow.
*Place or Location:
*What makes the place beautiful or
*What can you see in the place?
*What can you do to preserve its

J. Additional activities for application or Make a research on the new seven For the next lesson: Refer to LM - Write About It p. 284 Use the Venn Diagram to compare For the next lesson:
remediation wonders of nature. Give examples of adverbs of time. Say: Write a three sentence and contrast the following: 1. What holidays do we celebrate
paragraph using adverbs of time. 1. plants and animals in our country?
Share what you have written with the 2. home and school 2. What activities do you do on a
class. You may choose from the holiday?
following topics:
a) a birthday celebration
b) a visit to the farm
No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
evaluation above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above above above
No. of learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require
activities for remediation who scored below activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation additional activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who have caught up with the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up
lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
well? Why did these work? ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Power Point Presentation ___ Power Point Presentation ___ Power Point Presentation ___ Power Point Presentation ___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
doing their tasks Cooperation in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing their tasks
What difficulties did I encounter which my __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
principal or supervisor can help me solve? __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
What innovation or localized materials did I Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
use/discover which I wish to share with __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
other teachers? __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from
views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be
Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition
__Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
__Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.com
File created by Sir BIENVINIDO C. CRUZ JR

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