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ELSEVIER Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197

Isolation and characterization of alginate-derived

oligosaccharides with root growth-promoting activities
Midori Natsume, Yoshihiro Kamo, Masao Hirayama *, Takashi Adachi
Bio Science Laboratories, MeGi Seika Kaisha, Ltd., S-3-1, Chiyoda, Sakaab-sh& Saitama, 350-02, Japan

(Received September 7th, 1993; accepted in revised form November 17th, 1993)


Lytic digestion of poly(mannuronate), poly(guluronate1, and alginate with an alginate

lyase from Alteromonas maclwdii was used to prepare mixtures of unsaturated oligosaccha-
rides. Four oligosaccharides isolated from the alginate lyase-lysate by anion-exchange
chromatography on Q-Sepharose were found to be the major components of the root
growth-promoting lysate. The oligosaccharides were analyzed by NMR and SIMS and
identified as di- and tri-saccaharides having O-(4-deoxy-L-erythro-hex-4-enopyranosyluonic
acid)-1 + at the nonreducing terminus. The trisaccharides from the lysate were found to
have root growth-promoting activity in a barley bioassay.


Oligosaccharides of both fungal and plant origins, derived from ~glucan,

xyloglucan, chitin, and pectin, have been reported to be potent signaling molecules
that regulate growth, development and defense reactions in plants [1,23. With
respect to acidic oligosaccharides, a series of a-0 --) 4)-oligogalacturonic acids has
been extensively studied and oligomers ranging in degree of polymerization (dp)
from 2 to 20 have been shown to have a variety of biological activities [3-81. By
contrast, only very limited information is available on other uranic acids. Fett and
Dunn [9] reported that bacterial alginate accumulated in water-soaked lesions on
the leaves of plants infected with phytopathogenic bacteria. We also found that an
alginate lyase-lysate (ALL), a lytic digest of alginate prepared with a lyase from
Alteronaoms macleodii, had growth-promoting effects on the elongation of several

* Corresponding author.

0008-6215/94/$07.00 Q 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 000%6215(93)E0422-W
188 M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197

plants [lo]. This information suggests that specific alginic acid oligosaccharides act
as plant-signaling molecules similar to oligogalacturonic acids. For an assessment
of the activities of the alginic acid oligosaccharides, it is important to work with
pure samples and to use appropriate analytical methods for the identification of
the oligosaccharides.
This report describes the isolation and structural characterization of unsatu-
rated oligosaccharides generated during the endolytic depolymerization of alginate
by lyase from A. macleodii, as well as the root growth-promoting activities of these
compounds in a bioassay with barley seedlings.

2. Experimental

Materials. -Sodium alginate [average molecular weight of 9 600 f 300 and a

ratio of guluronic acid to mannuronic acid (GulA/ManA) of 47/53] was pur-
chased from Kimitsu Chemicals Ind. Co. (Tokyo, Japan). Poly(a-L-guluronate)
(average dp 11) and poly@-D-mannuronate) (average dp 10) were prepared from
the corresponding homopolymeric block-regions of alginate by the method of Haug
et al. [ll]. Both 3-deoxy-D-ma?zno-octulosonic acid @do) and D-mannurono-3,6-
lactone were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). Clewat
32@ (a complex of minor metals) was purchased from Nagase Sangyo Co. (Tokyo,
Japan). Other chemicals and resins were obtained from commercial sources.
Uranic acids in this report were used as the sodium salts unless stated otherwise.
Preparation of era.zy~.-The method of Adachi et al. [lo] was used to prepare
an alginate lyase as follows. Alteromonas naacleodii(FEARP-9218) was subcul-
tured in a medium (40 mL in a 250-mL flask) that contained 0.5% sodium alginate,
0.5% peptone, 0.25% yeast extract, 0.4% NaCl, 0.037% CaCl, - 2H,O, 0.8%
MgS04 * 7H,O, 0.07% KCl, 0.03% NaNO,, 0.0025% NaH,PO,, 0.034% NaHCO,,
0.002% Clewat 32”, and 0.002% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium dihy-
drate (EDTA * 2Na - 2H,O), for 17 h at 25°C with rotary shaking (180 rpm). The
subculture was then used to inoculate the growth medium (1 L in a 2-L flask)
which consisted of 1.0% sodium alginate, 1.0% peptone, 0.1% yeast extract, 1.4%
NaCl, 0.15% CaCl, * 2H,O, 1.2% MgSO, - 7H,O, 0.2% K,HPO,, 0.007% Clewat
32@, and 0.007% EDTA - 2Na - 2H,O. The culture was incubated at 25°C for 17 h
with rotary shaking (180 rpm). The resultant culture broth had an alginate lyase
activity of 0.34 U/mL and was used for endolytic depolymerization of alginate,
polfiguluronate), and poly(mannuronate).
Assay of enzynaic acitiuity.-Alginate lyase activity was determined by measuring
unsaturated termini by the thiobarbituric acid method with Kdo as the standard, as
described by Brown and Preston [12]. One unit of activity was defined as the
amount that generated 1 pmol of unsaturated termini in 1 min at 30°C.
Preparation of lyase-lysates of alginate, poly(cu+guluronute) and poly(&~-man-
neonate).-Three kinds of lyase-lysate were prepared as follows by a modified
method of Adachi et al. [lo]. An aqueous solution (367 mL) of sodium alginate
(50.0 g> was treated with alginate lyase (133 mL, 45.3 U) at 35°C and pH 7.0 for
hi. Natmme et al./Ca&ohydrate Research258 (1994) 187-197 189

20 h, and the mixture was then heated at 95°C for 15 min. After filtration, the
filtrate was condensed to 70% (w/w) of solid concentration to give an alginate
lyase-lysate. Similarly, poly(a-r;guluronate) lyase-lysate and poly#-D-man-
nuronate) lyase-lysate were prepared from poly(a-L-guluronate) and poly#-D-
mannuronate), respectively.
Isolation of lyase products by anion-exchange column chromatography. -Isolation
of lyase products was performed by chromatographic fractionation on a Bio Pilot
system (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) equipped with a Q-Sepharose column. An
aqueous solution [50 mL, 4% (w/w>] of each lysate was loaded onto the column
(100 mm x 60 mm i.d.) after it had been equilibrated with deionized water; the
column was then eluted with a linear gradient of 0 to 300 mM NaCl at a flow rate
of 25 mL/min, and 25-mL fractions were collected. Measurement of the ab-
sorbance at 230 nm of each fraction generated the elution profiles shown in Figs.
2a-2c. The fractions under each peak shown in the profiles were collected and
concentrated in vacua to ca. 10 mL. After desalting of the concentrates with an
electrodialyzer (Micro Acilyzer, Asahi Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan), the residues
were analyzed by analytical HPLC. When further purification was necessary,
rechromatography was carried out under the same conditions and purified lyase
products were obtained after freeze-drying.
Analyses of carbohydrate content. -Total uranic acid content was measured by
the phenol-HrSO, method [13] with D-mannurono-3,6-lactone as the standard.
The unsaturated sugar content was determined by the thiobarbituric acid method
[14] with Kdo as the standard. The reducing sugar content was measured by the
Somogyi-Nelson method [15] with D-mannurono-3,6-lactone as the standard.
Analysis by HPLC. -HPLC was performed on a Dionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA)
BioLC Model 4500i system with a Model PAD pulsed amperometric detector
consisting of an amperometric flow-through cell with a gold working electrode and
a Model LCM-2 injector. The Dionex eluant-degas module was used to sparge and
pressurize the eluants with He. For elution, eluant A was 200 mM NaOH
containing 100 mM NaOAc and eluant B was 200 mM NaOH containing 1 M
NaOAc. These solutions were prepared by suitable dilution of 10 M NaOH with
distilled water filtered through a 0.45~pm membrane filter. The gradient used for
analysis was eluant A with a linear increase in eluant B (to 100% eluent B in 35
min). Lyase-lysates were separated on a column (250 X 4.0 mm i.d.1 of Dionex
CarboPac-PA1 pellicular anion-exchange resin (10 pm) with an CarboPac-PA1
GUARD column (25 x 3.0 mm i.d.1 at flow rate of 1 mL per min at 25°C.
Chromatographic data were collected and plotted with a CR3A chromatointegra-
tor (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). For additional cochromatographic analysis of the
purified oligosaccharides, HPLC was also carried out with the Waters Associates
(Milford, MA, USA) instrument consisting of 600E system controller, 486 tunable
absorbance detector and 740 data module under the following conditions: column,
TSKgel DEAE-5PW (75 X 2.5 mm i.d., Tosoh Corp., Tokyo, Japan); mobile phase,
a linear gradient from 100% A/O% B (v/v) to 0% A/100% B (v/v) over 60 min;
solvent A was water and solvent B was 1 M NaCl; flow rate, 1.0 mL/min;
detector, UV monitor at 230 nm and temperature 25°C.
190 M. Natsum? et aL /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197

Spectroscopic analyses - ‘H NMR, 13C NMR, and heteronuclear ‘H-13C chemi-

cal shift correlation spectroscopy (lH- 13C COSY) spectra were recorded in D,O
on a Jeol GX-400 spectrometer. The chemical shifts were referenced indirectly to
Me,Si by setting ‘H from HOD at 4.8 ppm and 13C from 1,4-dioxane at 67.4 ppm.
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was performed with a Hitachi M-SOA
Bioassay. -Barley seeds (Horakum zdgare L. cv. Minori) were surface-sterilized
with 0.05% (v/v> NaOCl and allowed to germinate on a tray in darkness. After
16 h, three germinated seeds were placed on an agar bed in a test tube that
contained a solution of the sample to be tested at 600 ppm and l/1000-fold
diluted Hyponex@ solution (Hyponex Co., Tokyo, Japan). After 12 days in culture,
the longest portion of each radicle was measured. Growth rates were calculated as
percentages by comparing average values from five replicate experiments to
control values (alginate and deionized water instead of solutions of samples).

3. Results and discussion

Alginate fyase-Zysate (ALL). -Commercial sodium alginate was depolymerized

by treatment with a culture broth from A. madeodii to give an ALL. The bioassay
showed that ALL caused 1.7 times the control root growth in barley. Analysis of
the carbohydrate content revealed that ALL consisted of uranic acids (92.8%) that
contained reducing sugar (23.5%) and unsaturated sugar (20.0%). This result
suggested that the major components of ALL would be unsaturated oligogly-
couronates and so we attempted the isolation and structural characterization of
the biologically active compounds.
Isolation of oligoglycuronates. -The distribution of oligosaccharides in ALL was
investigated by analytical HPLC with an anion-exchange column (CarboPaoPAl)
and a pulsed amperometric detector (PAD). The profile shown in Fig. la indicated
that ALL was a complicated mixture of many components. In order to isolate
purified components, direct fractionation of the major products was attempted on
a preparative anion-exchange column of Q-Sepharose. However, this attempt did
not succeed because the first chromatographic fractionation, shown in Fig. 2a,
resulted in such imperfect separation that the major peak area ratio of each of the
combined fractions (54-65, 66-75, and 76-86 in Fig. 2a) was less than 60% of the
fraction and the purified components could not be isolated by further rechro-
Recently, Lieker et al. 1161 reported a finding that is usefu1 for anion-exchange
chromatographic analysis of oligoglycuronates. They found that the capacity fac-
tors depended on chain length and the nature of carbohydrate constituents and
that the capacity factors of a homologous series of oligoglycuronates were linearly
correlated with chain length. Furthermore, we assumed that ALL would contain a
considerable number of homo-oligomers because alginate consists of homopoly-
merit block-regions of polfiguluronate) and polfimannuronate), together with
heteropolymeric blocks with an alternating sequence of guluronic acid and man-
M. Natmme et aL /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197 191

10 20
Time (min)

Fig. 1. HPLC profiles oE (a) alginate lyase-lysate, (b) poly(guluronate) lyase-lysate, and (c) polArnan-
nuronate) lyase-lysate. Numbers indicate the designated component numbers of purified alginate-de-
rived oligosaccharides.

nuronic acid [17]. These considerations suggested that some peak components of
ALL in Fig. la might be identified by virtue of chromatographic properties
identical to those of homo-oligomers that might be expected to be more easily
purified from two kinds of lyase-lysate, namely, those of the homopolymeric
poly(guluronate) and poly(mannuronate), derived from alginate.
Therefore, poly(guluronate) and poly(mannuronate), prepared from alginate in
advance by the method of Haug et al. [ll], were treated with the culture broth of
A. naacleodii in the same way as alginate to generate a poly(guluronate) lyase-lysate
(GLL) and a polfimannuronate) lyase-lysate (MLL), respectively. As shown by the
analytical HPLC chromatograms (Figs. la-lc) and by the preparative chro-
matograms (Figs. 2a-2~1, peak separation in the case of both GLL and MLL was
better than that in the case of ALL. In fact, when the fractionations were carried
out by preparative chromatography, as shown in Figs. 2b and 2c, the major peak
area ratio of the fractions (40-50, 51-57, and 58-65 of GU, and 50-61, 62-73,
and 74-84 of MLL in Figs. 2b and 2c) constituted 52-83% of the fraction.
Components with the largest peak areas in these six sets of pooled fractions could
be purified by further rechromatography. Each purified compound gave a single
peak on HPLC with different column systems (CarboPac-PA1 and TSKgel DEAE-
5PW), and cochromatographic analysis on the two different columns using the
192 M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197

Fraction number (25mV tube)

Fig. 2. Fractionation by anion-exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose of: (a) alginate lyase-lysate,

(b) poly(guluronate) lyase-lysate, and Cc) poly(mannuronate) lyase-lysate. Column fractions indicated by
numbers were monitored by measuring the absorbance of unsaturated oligomers at 230 nm, except in
the case of fractions 40-50, shown by an alternating dotted and dashed line (. -. - .) in Fig. 2b, in which
total uranic acids were monitored at 480 nm.

purified compounds showed that ALL contained compounds 4, 6, 7, and 15 which

corresponded to peak numbers 4, 6, 7, and 15 in Figs. la-lc, respectively. Table 1
shows HPLC data of the oligosaccharides in ALL, GLL, MLL, and their fractions
separated by Q-Sepharose chromatography.
Strr.~tzu-al andysit -SIMS and high-resolution NMR techniques were em-
ployed to determine the structures of the purified oligomers. The general ap-
proach involved an investigation of molecular ions in SIMS spectra and assignment
of peaks in the 13C and iH NMR spectra, from which the chain lengths, relative
stereochemistry, and anomeric configuration of the constituent glycosyl residues
were identified. Table 2’shows the spectral data together with the assignments of
the nonreducing, intermediate or reducing glycosyl residues. These assignments
were made from ‘H-13C COSY experiments and from comparisons to published
data related to monomers [l&19] and oligomers [12,19-221 containing L-guluronate,
D-mannuronate, and 4,5-unsaturated uronate residues. The ‘H-13C COSY spec-
trum of 15 is shown in Fig. 3 as a typical example.
The SIMS spectra of purified 4, 6, 7, and 15 provided corroborating evidence
related to chain lengths: the values for m/t of 397 and 595 in Table 2 correspond
M. Natsutneet al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197 193

Table 1
HPLC data for the oligosaccharides (4, 6, 7, and 15) in alginate lyase-lysate (ALL), poly(guluronate)
lyase-lysate (GLL), poly(mammronate) lyase-lysate (MLL) and their fractions separated by Q-Sep-
harose chromatography
ColUmn Oligosac- Retention Peak area ratio (%) a
(detector) charide time ALL GLL MLL
of HPLC (min)
Intact Fr. 51-57 Fr. 58-65 Intact Fr. 62-73 Fr. 74-84
CarboPac 4 15.19 3.6 6.3 52.4
PAl 6 17.01 12.4 11.2 66.8
(PAD) 7 17.55 6.6 13.5 67.3
15 20.78 9.3 29.9 52.4
TSKgel 4 19.40 7.7 14.6 64.4
DEAE-SPW 6 22.97 12.7 24.5 70.7
NJV) 7 21.17 10.1 24.4 75.5
15 23.88 10.3 40.9 62.1
a Values indicate percentages relative to the total area after HPLC.

to the molecular ion peaks [M + H]+ of sodium salts of unsaturated diglycuronate

and triglycuronate, respectively (Table 2).
In the low-field region of the NMR spectra, 4, 6, 7, and 15 each showed three
characteristic resonances of a ‘H signal at 5.77-5.89 ppm (d, J 3.10-4.36 Hz) and
two 13C signals at 108.6-110.1 and 144.0-146.1 ppm. These three low-field reso-
nances are indicative of nonreducing 4,5-unsaturated glycuronate residues which
are reported to have the.H-4 [12,22], C-4 1221, and C-5 Ref. 1221signals in similar
regions, and unambiguous assignments of these signals were made from ‘H-13C
COSY experiments. Anomeric C-l and H-l resonances of nonreducing 4,5-un-
saturated residues were assigned to resonances at 100.8-101.5 and 5.13-5.28 ppm,
respectively. The spectral data assigned to the nonreducing termini were very
similar (Table 2). Kiss [23] reported in his review that @eliminative degradation of
both D-glucopyranuronate and L-idopyranuronate gave 4,5-unsaturated termini
with the same ~-thm configuration, and the corresponding ~-erythm terminus was
obtained from alginate. These data support the conclusion that products of
digestion by A. rnacleodii lyase, namely 4,5,7, and 15, from both poly(L-guluronate)
and poly(D-mannuronate), had the same nom-educing terminus of O-(Cdeoxy-cu-L-
erythro-hex-4-enopyranosyluronic acid)-1 + (A -1. The low coupling constants (J
N 0 Hz) of the H-l signals support the hypothesis that the termini had a-L-lin-
kages. The erythro configuration was inferred from the fact that the coupling
constants between H-2 and H-3 were 4.0-4.9 Hz and differed from the large value
for the corresponding a-L-bhreo residue reported by Iwahara [24].
The structures of the intermediate and reducing glycosyl residues were antici-
pated from the “starting materials and the spectral data provided additional
evidence. Based on the data reported by Grasdalen et al. [20], the intermediate
residues of 6 and 15 were deduced to be 4 4)-0-(cr-L-gulopyranosyluronic acid)-(1
+ (-GulA-1 and + 4)-o-(@D-mannopyranosyluronic acid)-@ + (-ManA-), re-
spectively. The anomeric conformations of reducing termini were determined from
Table 2
Molecular ions in SIMS, chemical shifts in the 13C and ‘H NMR spectra, and assignments of glywsyl residues of purified alginate-derived oligosaccharides
Product * Mol. ion Chemical shift, 6, ppm (coupling constant, Hz) Gfycosyl
(m/z) 13C NMR residue c
C-l c-2 c-3 c-4 G5 C-6 H-l Ur,s) H-3 &I H-4 UsJ
4 397 101.2 67.6 63.1 110.1 144.0 168.5 5.28 ( - 0) 4.33 (4.9) 5.91 (4.4) A -
94.1 69.6 70.6 80.4 73.6 n.d. 4.94 (8.4) -GulA
6 595 101.5 68.0 63.6 108.9 145.7 170.2 5.21( - 0) 4.37 (4.6) 5.89 (4.1)
102.0 65.9 69.9 80.8 68.0 176.5 5.03 (4.2) -&A-
94.4 70.2 71.1 81.4 74.5 176.2 4.91(8.6) -GtlL4-
7 397 100.8 67.8 64.4 108.6 146.1 170.2 5.20 ( - 0) 4.46 (4.1) 5.82 (3.9) A -
94.2 70.1 71.2 79.7 74.1 177.1 5.27 (3.0) -ManA
97.7 72.1 72.6 79.2 77.1 176.6 4.84 ( - 0) -ManA
15 595 101.1 67.7 64.7 108.7 146.1 170.2 5.13 ( - 0) 4.48 (4.0) 5.77 (3.1) A -
100.8 71.1 72.4 79.0 76.8 176.3 4.71 ( - 0) -ManA-
94.6 70.0 71.5 79.4 73.7 177.0 5.24 (2.5) -ManA
94.7 71.7 72.6 79.1 77.2 176.5 4.94 ( - 0) -ManA’
a Products are identified by numbers that correspond to the peak numbers in Table 1.
b Observed as triplets.
’ Abbreviations: A, 0-(4-deoxya-r-crythro-hex-4-enopyranosyluc acid)-1 + ; -G&I-, -B 4)-O&-r_-gulopyranosyluronic acid)_(l + ; -GulA, + 4)-O+-
L-gulopyranuronic acid, -ManA-, + 4),-O-Q-p-mannopyranuronic acid&(1 + ;-ManA + 4)-O-o-p-mannopyranuronic acid; and -ManA’, + 4)-0-P-D-
mamruronic acid.
M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197 195



Fig. 3. ‘H-*%2 COSY spectrum of 15, an anomeric mixture of 0_(4-de~-cY-L-eryihro-hex-4-en-

opyranosyluronic acidI- + 4)-O-@-D-mannopyranuronic acidI- -) 4)-O--D-mannopyranuronic acid
(A -ManA-ManA) and the /3 anomer (A -ManA-ManN).

their H-l signals in comparison with reported data for guluronate [17,18] and
mannuronate [17]. As shown in Table 2, poly&uluronate)_derived oligomers 4 and
6 each had a large Ji,* value (8.35-8.60 Hz), which indicated that the reducing
residue existed as a * 4)-O-fi-L-gulopyranuronic acid (-GulA) unit with a truns-di-
axial arrangement of H-l and H-2. In contrast, the poly(mannuronate)-derived
unsaturated oligomers 7 and 15 each gave two kinds of H-l signal, 6 5.24-5.27 (J1,2
3.01-2.49 Hz) and 4.94 ppm (J,,, N 0 Hz), which indicated + 4)-O-a-~-
mannopyranuronic acid (-ManA) and the p anomer (-ManA!) residues, respec-
tively, because an axially oriented H-l in the /3 anomer resonates at higher field
than the equatorial H-l of the (Y anomer [17]. The ratio of cy to /I anomer was
estimated to be N 4 : 1 by reference to the corresponding anomeric proton signals.
The accumulated evidence described above suggests the structures for the
alginate-derived oligosaccharides: 4, A -GulA; 6, A -GulA-GulA; 7, a mixture of
A -ManA and A -ManA; and 15, a mixture of A -ManA-ManA and A -ManA-
Mati. Furthermore, Table 1 shows that the predominant components of ALL
were the triglycuronates designated as 6 and 15.
1% M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 f1994 187-197

Bioassay.-In order to investigate the biological activity of the predominant

components in ALL, the triglycuronates designated 6 and 15, on promotion of root
growth in barley were examined under the conditions described in the Experimen-
tal section. The average root lengths for groups of seedlings treated with 6, 15,
ALL, alginate, and deionized water were 69 St 10, 68 f 14, 76 f 19, 56 f 8, and
45 + 6 mm, respectively. The results show that the addition of compounds 6 and 15
significantly (p < 0.05) increased the root growth rates to 153 + 22 and 151 & 31%,
respectively, of the both control rates (alginate, 128 f 18% and deionized water
instead of test sample solutions, 100 f 13%). Although these values were a little
low in comparison with the value obtained with ALL (169 f 42%), it was con-
firmed that the unsaturated triglycuronates, namely 6 and 15, had root growth-pro-
moting activities in barley.
Our results indicate that trisaccharides derived from alginate have root growth-
promoting activity in barley. This is the first report, to our knowledge, that
alginate-derived oligosaccharides have biological activity in plants. It is tempting to
speculate that the oligosaccharides may also act as plant signaling molecules
similar to oligogalacturonic acids. For future investigations of the functions of
these compounds and for assessment of structure activity relationships, the results
described herein indicate that HPLC on Carbopac-PA1 and anion-exchange col-
umn chromatography on Q-Sepharose will be valuable for the analysis and isola-
tion of alginate-derived oligosaccharides.


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