Natsume Et Al., 1994
Natsume Et Al., 1994
Natsume Et Al., 1994
(Received September 7th, 1993; accepted in revised form November 17th, 1993)
* Corresponding author.
plants [lo]. This information suggests that specific alginic acid oligosaccharides act
as plant-signaling molecules similar to oligogalacturonic acids. For an assessment
of the activities of the alginic acid oligosaccharides, it is important to work with
pure samples and to use appropriate analytical methods for the identification of
the oligosaccharides.
This report describes the isolation and structural characterization of unsatu-
rated oligosaccharides generated during the endolytic depolymerization of alginate
by lyase from A. macleodii, as well as the root growth-promoting activities of these
compounds in a bioassay with barley seedlings.
2. Experimental
20 h, and the mixture was then heated at 95°C for 15 min. After filtration, the
filtrate was condensed to 70% (w/w) of solid concentration to give an alginate
lyase-lysate. Similarly, poly(a-r;guluronate) lyase-lysate and poly#-D-man-
nuronate) lyase-lysate were prepared from poly(a-L-guluronate) and poly#-D-
mannuronate), respectively.
Isolation of lyase products by anion-exchange column chromatography. -Isolation
of lyase products was performed by chromatographic fractionation on a Bio Pilot
system (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) equipped with a Q-Sepharose column. An
aqueous solution [50 mL, 4% (w/w>] of each lysate was loaded onto the column
(100 mm x 60 mm i.d.) after it had been equilibrated with deionized water; the
column was then eluted with a linear gradient of 0 to 300 mM NaCl at a flow rate
of 25 mL/min, and 25-mL fractions were collected. Measurement of the ab-
sorbance at 230 nm of each fraction generated the elution profiles shown in Figs.
2a-2c. The fractions under each peak shown in the profiles were collected and
concentrated in vacua to ca. 10 mL. After desalting of the concentrates with an
electrodialyzer (Micro Acilyzer, Asahi Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan), the residues
were analyzed by analytical HPLC. When further purification was necessary,
rechromatography was carried out under the same conditions and purified lyase
products were obtained after freeze-drying.
Analyses of carbohydrate content. -Total uranic acid content was measured by
the phenol-HrSO, method [13] with D-mannurono-3,6-lactone as the standard.
The unsaturated sugar content was determined by the thiobarbituric acid method
[14] with Kdo as the standard. The reducing sugar content was measured by the
Somogyi-Nelson method [15] with D-mannurono-3,6-lactone as the standard.
Analysis by HPLC. -HPLC was performed on a Dionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA)
BioLC Model 4500i system with a Model PAD pulsed amperometric detector
consisting of an amperometric flow-through cell with a gold working electrode and
a Model LCM-2 injector. The Dionex eluant-degas module was used to sparge and
pressurize the eluants with He. For elution, eluant A was 200 mM NaOH
containing 100 mM NaOAc and eluant B was 200 mM NaOH containing 1 M
NaOAc. These solutions were prepared by suitable dilution of 10 M NaOH with
distilled water filtered through a 0.45~pm membrane filter. The gradient used for
analysis was eluant A with a linear increase in eluant B (to 100% eluent B in 35
min). Lyase-lysates were separated on a column (250 X 4.0 mm i.d.1 of Dionex
CarboPac-PA1 pellicular anion-exchange resin (10 pm) with an CarboPac-PA1
GUARD column (25 x 3.0 mm i.d.1 at flow rate of 1 mL per min at 25°C.
Chromatographic data were collected and plotted with a CR3A chromatointegra-
tor (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). For additional cochromatographic analysis of the
purified oligosaccharides, HPLC was also carried out with the Waters Associates
(Milford, MA, USA) instrument consisting of 600E system controller, 486 tunable
absorbance detector and 740 data module under the following conditions: column,
TSKgel DEAE-5PW (75 X 2.5 mm i.d., Tosoh Corp., Tokyo, Japan); mobile phase,
a linear gradient from 100% A/O% B (v/v) to 0% A/100% B (v/v) over 60 min;
solvent A was water and solvent B was 1 M NaCl; flow rate, 1.0 mL/min;
detector, UV monitor at 230 nm and temperature 25°C.
190 M. Natsum? et aL /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197
10 20
Time (min)
Fig. 1. HPLC profiles oE (a) alginate lyase-lysate, (b) poly(guluronate) lyase-lysate, and (c) polArnan-
nuronate) lyase-lysate. Numbers indicate the designated component numbers of purified alginate-de-
rived oligosaccharides.
nuronic acid [17]. These considerations suggested that some peak components of
ALL in Fig. la might be identified by virtue of chromatographic properties
identical to those of homo-oligomers that might be expected to be more easily
purified from two kinds of lyase-lysate, namely, those of the homopolymeric
poly(guluronate) and poly(mannuronate), derived from alginate.
Therefore, poly(guluronate) and poly(mannuronate), prepared from alginate in
advance by the method of Haug et al. [ll], were treated with the culture broth of
A. naacleodii in the same way as alginate to generate a poly(guluronate) lyase-lysate
(GLL) and a polfimannuronate) lyase-lysate (MLL), respectively. As shown by the
analytical HPLC chromatograms (Figs. la-lc) and by the preparative chro-
matograms (Figs. 2a-2~1, peak separation in the case of both GLL and MLL was
better than that in the case of ALL. In fact, when the fractionations were carried
out by preparative chromatography, as shown in Figs. 2b and 2c, the major peak
area ratio of the fractions (40-50, 51-57, and 58-65 of GU, and 50-61, 62-73,
and 74-84 of MLL in Figs. 2b and 2c) constituted 52-83% of the fraction.
Components with the largest peak areas in these six sets of pooled fractions could
be purified by further rechromatography. Each purified compound gave a single
peak on HPLC with different column systems (CarboPac-PA1 and TSKgel DEAE-
5PW), and cochromatographic analysis on the two different columns using the
192 M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 (1994) 187-197
Table 1
HPLC data for the oligosaccharides (4, 6, 7, and 15) in alginate lyase-lysate (ALL), poly(guluronate)
lyase-lysate (GLL), poly(mammronate) lyase-lysate (MLL) and their fractions separated by Q-Sep-
harose chromatography
ColUmn Oligosac- Retention Peak area ratio (%) a
(detector) charide time ALL GLL MLL
of HPLC (min)
Intact Fr. 51-57 Fr. 58-65 Intact Fr. 62-73 Fr. 74-84
CarboPac 4 15.19 3.6 6.3 52.4
PAl 6 17.01 12.4 11.2 66.8
(PAD) 7 17.55 6.6 13.5 67.3
15 20.78 9.3 29.9 52.4
TSKgel 4 19.40 7.7 14.6 64.4
DEAE-SPW 6 22.97 12.7 24.5 70.7
NJV) 7 21.17 10.1 24.4 75.5
15 23.88 10.3 40.9 62.1
a Values indicate percentages relative to the total area after HPLC.
their H-l signals in comparison with reported data for guluronate [17,18] and
mannuronate [17]. As shown in Table 2, poly&uluronate)_derived oligomers 4 and
6 each had a large Ji,* value (8.35-8.60 Hz), which indicated that the reducing
residue existed as a * 4)-O-fi-L-gulopyranuronic acid (-GulA) unit with a truns-di-
axial arrangement of H-l and H-2. In contrast, the poly(mannuronate)-derived
unsaturated oligomers 7 and 15 each gave two kinds of H-l signal, 6 5.24-5.27 (J1,2
3.01-2.49 Hz) and 4.94 ppm (J,,, N 0 Hz), which indicated + 4)-O-a-~-
mannopyranuronic acid (-ManA) and the p anomer (-ManA!) residues, respec-
tively, because an axially oriented H-l in the /3 anomer resonates at higher field
than the equatorial H-l of the (Y anomer [17]. The ratio of cy to /I anomer was
estimated to be N 4 : 1 by reference to the corresponding anomeric proton signals.
The accumulated evidence described above suggests the structures for the
alginate-derived oligosaccharides: 4, A -GulA; 6, A -GulA-GulA; 7, a mixture of
A -ManA and A -ManA; and 15, a mixture of A -ManA-ManA and A -ManA-
Mati. Furthermore, Table 1 shows that the predominant components of ALL
were the triglycuronates designated as 6 and 15.
1% M. Natsume et al. /Carbohydrate Research 258 f1994 187-197
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