Break & Draget (2012)
Break & Draget (2012)
Break & Draget (2012)
Table 1 Monomer composition and sequential parameters of algal glycosidic linkages: diequatorial (MM), diaxial
alginates (GG), equatorial-axial (MG), and axial-equatorial (GM) (see
Figure 2(b)). The diaxial linkage in G-blocks results in a large
Source FG FM FGG FMM FGM,MG hindered rotation around the glycosidic linkage, which may
account for the stiff and extended nature of the alginate
Laminaria japonica 0.35 0.65 0.18 0.48 0.17
chain.15 The electrostatic repulsion between the charged groups
Laminaria digitata 0.41 0.59 0.25 0.43 0.16
on the polymer chain will also increase the chain extension and
Laminaria 0.55 0.45 0.38 0.28 0.17
hyperborea, blade hence also the intrinsic viscosity.
Laminaria 0.68 0.32 0.56 0.20 0.12
hyperborea, stipe
Laminaria 0.75 0.25 0.66 0.16 0.09 10.10.4 Properties
hyperborea, outer Selective Ion Binding and Gel Formation
Lessonia nigrescensa 0.38 0.62 0.19 0.43 0.19 The basis for the gelling properties of alginates is their
Ecklonia maxima 0.45 0.55 0.22 0.32 0.32 specific ion-binding characteristics.2,4,1719 Selective binding
Macrocystis pyrifera 0.39 0.61 0.16 0.38 0.23 of certain alkaline earth metals ions (e.g., strong and coopera
Durvillaea antarctica 0.29 0.71 0.15 0.57 0.14 tive binding of Ca2+ relative to Mg2+) increases markedly with
Ascophyllum 0.10 0.90 0.04 0.84 0.06 increasing content of -L-guluronate residues in the chains.
nodosum, fruiting Polymannuronate blocks and alternating blocks are almost
body without selectivity. Structural features in the G-blocks account
Ascophyllum 0.36 0.64 0.16 0.44 0.20 for this high selective binding. This phenomenon was first
nodosum, old explained by the so-called egg-box model.20 More accurate
tissue steric arrangements have been suggested,21,22 but the simple
Data provided by Bjrn Larsen.
(a) COO
from the non-gelled part of the gelling body toward the zero
activity region.27,28 Presence of non-gelling ions (e.g., Na+) will
affect the stability of the gels. Alginate gels will start to swell
markedly when the ratio between non-gelling and gelling ions
becomes too high, and that the observed destabilization
increases with decreasing FG.29
O Alginic acid gels are more of an equilibrium nature than
O ionically cross-linked alginate gels.30 Figure 5 shows the elastic
Ca2+ OH moduli of acid gels made from alginates with different chemi
cal composition together with expected values for ionically
OH O cross-linked gels. It can be seen that acid gels resemble ionic
O gels in that high contents of guluronate (long stretches of
G-blocks) give the strongest gels. But polymannuronate
sequences support alginic acid gel formation, whereas
poly-alternating sequences seem to perturb this transition.
O The obvious demand for homopolymeric sequences in acid
Figure 3 Binding of divalent cations between homopolymeric blocks of gel formation suggests cooperative processes to be involved
-L-guluronate residues (the egg-box model), and a suggested binding just as in the case of ionic gels.30
site in a GG sequence.
Eapp (kPa)
Ca2+ Alginate 1.00
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
Ca2+ Fraction of guluronic acid residues
Figure 5 Apparent equilibrium moduli of alginic acid gels as function of
Ca2+ guluronic acid content (data points) compared to expected moduli for
Ca2+ cross-linked alginate gels (dashed line).
Gelling zone
C5-Epimerase AlgE4
OH -L-GulpA
Figure 6 Mannuronan C5-epimerase AlgE4; mode of action.
10.10.7 Applications of Alginates in Medicine impressions of the nose prior to rhinoplasty,50 as molds for
and Biotechnology measuring wound volumes,51 and as molds for the manufac
ture of polycarbonate face masks for the treatment of Traditional Uses hypertrophic scars.52
Alginate-based raft-forming formulations have for 40 years
For decades, alginates have been used as devices in various
been used in the treatment of heartburn and gastric reflux.53
human health applications: in drug delivery systems (DDSs),
istration of colon-targeted drugs based on alginates as excipient nates have been used successfully for decades (e.g., Sorbsan,
has been successfully obtained in tablets containing viable Seasorb, and Kaltostat). Applying Ca-alginate dressings appears
lactic acid bacteria43 and colon-specific delivery of bee venom to be an appropriate topical treatment of diabetic foot lesions
peptide by applying alginate gel beads containing liposomes.44 with respect to both healing and tolerance,57 and Ca-alginate
Alginate/chitosan microcapsules have also been studied as dressings can preferably also be used in postsurgical wounds
possible systems for controlled delayed release of orally admi- being allowed to heal by second intention.58 It has been
nistered drugs. Positive results have been reported, for example, pointed out that Ca2+ ions, playing an important role in the
for acid-labile water-soluble mistletoe lectins for potential can- normal homeostasis of mammalian skin by serving as a mod
cer therapy45 and for controlled release of tramadol HCl.46 ulator in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation, could
DDS for controlled release of drugs for the treatment of sys- be released from Ca-alginate fibers promoting early-stage
temic hypertension in order to obtain a reduced administration wound healing.59 Some studies have been undertaken to
frequency is another important area. Here, alginates have been study such dressings to try to distinguish between effects of
used as an excipient for verapamil.47,48 alginates and the effects of endotoxins on immunological
As dental impression material (e.g., Jeltrate), alginates have responses.60,61 Most wound dressings made from natural bio
been used for several decades.49 It is based on a dry mix of materials will contain endotoxins, which in substantial
alginate and gelling agents, which will set within minutes upon amounts will give cytotoxic effects on proliferation of fibro
the addition of water. These materials have also been suggested blasts, but immunological effects from the alginate itself seem
for use as a device for such diverse applications as taking to be present in some products. But it is doubtful if the classical
218 Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Building Blocks & Biopolymers | Alginates: Properties and Applications
alginate wound dressings contain immunologically active algi pore size; and a narrow pore size distribution. This may be
nate in reasonable quantities (not readily available as of yet). In obtained, at least in part, by
the future, new and improved alginate wound dressings will
selection and purification of alginates,
probably be seen.62,63
selection of gelling ions and control of the gelling kinetics,
combination with other polymers, and
chemical and enzymatic modification of alginates. New and Potential Uses
Biopolymers, in general, also find use as hydrogel scaffolds
Ca-alginate spheres have become the most widely immobiliza
in tissue engineering.67,68 Polymer scaffolds are used as
tion vehicle of living cells.25 Carried out in a single-step process
space-filling agents, as delivery agents for bioactive molecules,
under very mild conditions, this method is compatible with
and as three-dimensional structures organizing cells to direct
most cells. A cell suspension is mixed with a Na-alginate the formation of a desired tissue. By resembling the extracellu
solution and the mixture dripped into a gelling bath containing lar matrix (ECM) of many tissues, by being processed under
multivalent cations (usually Ca2+). Each single droplet mild conditions and that they may be delivered in a minimally
instantaneously forms a gel sphere entrapping the cells in a invasive manner, gels made of natural biopolymers are an
three-dimensional lattice. There are numerous possible uses for appealing scaffold material.68Alginate gels also have potential
such systems in industry, medicine, and agriculture, ranging as (ECM) for tissue engineering. Although alginate entrapment
from production of ethanol by yeast, monoclonal antibodies is a very gentle technique for immobilizing living cells, many
by hybridoma cells to mass production of artificial seed by cells need specific interaction with the matrix for their prolif
entrapment of plant embryos.25 eration and viability. Such anchoring-dependent behavior is
Immobilized cells for transplantation purposes represent a common for most mammalian cells; however, the alginate
very exciting and prosperous application. The main purpose of network itself is noninteracting. Various ligands have been
the gel is to act as a barrier between the transplant and the coupled to alginate polymers to improve cellmatrix interac
immune system of the host. Multiple cell types have been tion.69 A problem with chemically modified alginates is that
suggested for this type of therapy, including parathyroid cells substitution is not restricted to the M-residues (M units) but
for treating of hypocalcemia and dopamine producing adrenal also takes place in the G-residues (G units) in the G-blocks
chromaffin cells for the treatment of Parkinsons disease.64 reducing the amount of available G-residues, thus impairing
Most interest has been focused around insulin-producing cells the cooperative binding of calcium and decreasing rate of gel
for the treatment of Type I diabetes. Alginate/poly-L-lysine formation, which results in weak gel formation and uncontrol
capsules containing pancreatic Langerhans islets have been lable swelling behavior. This can be solved by chemoenzymatic
shown to reverse diabetes in large animals and have also strategy as shown in Reference 70.
been clinically tested in humans.65 Table 2 lists some
potential biomedical application of alginate-encapsulated
cells. Ultrapure alginate qualities, being low in pyrogens and
easily sterile filtered, are now commercially available for this
10.10.8 Conclusions
Alginates have for decades been used in technical applications,
Optimization of the alginate bead matrix to be used for
as well as a device in medicine and biotechnology, on an
immobilization and transplantation of highly different cell
empirical and semiempirical basis. New knowledge within
systems will have to be optimized in each case. For a general
different areas of alginate physicochemical and biological
recent review on the challenges and perspectives of cell micro
properties, such as the biological properties of the alginate
encapsulation, please see Reference 66. Alginate gel beads
molecule itself, on controlling alginate capsules, as well as the
should ideally be characterized by high mechanical and chemi
possibility of tailoring alginate molecules with the mannuro
cal stability; controllable swelling properties; low content of
nan C5-epimerases, suggests that an increased number of
toxic, pyrogenic, and immunogenic contaminants; defined
tailored alginate products will see the light of day in the near
Table 2 Some potential biomedical applications of
alginate-encapsulated cells
Cell type Treatment of
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220 Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Building Blocks & Biopolymers | Alginates: Properties and Applications
Biographical Sketches
Gudmund Skjk-Brk is a professor in biochemistry at the Institute of Biotechnology, NTNU in Trondheim and director of
a multidisciplinary research group the Norwegian Biopolymer Laboratory (NOBIPOL). He received his Dr.techn. degree
from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim in 1988 for his study on biosynthesis and structure
function correlations in alginates. Since then, his work has been devoted to basic and applied research on alginate and other
polysaccharides. Alginate is still his favorite molecule, and he is currently focused on polysaccharide sequencing using
alginate as model system.
Kurt Ingar Draget obtained his PhD in 1990 from the University of Trondheim where he worked on the use of alginates in
plant cell and tissue culture. He has worked ever since within the field of physicochemical properties of biological
macromolecules, such as alginates, chitosans, and gelatins from various sources, as well as carrageenans, in the intercept
between fundamental properties and applications with a special focus on biomedicine. Recently, he has also taken great
interest in biological oligomers and how they can be used to modify macromolecular network structures, both during
formation and equilibrium properties.