Design Calculation-Print A4

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Codeware, Inc.

COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Calculations

Vessel No: T-01

Customer: DANKOS

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Deficiencies Summary

No deficiencies found.

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Service Size
mark Fine Fine
Nozzle Impact Norm Pad Impact Norm Flange
Grain Grain

SO A240
MW manhole 386.40 IDx10.00 SA-240 304L No No No No No No 304 Class

SO A240
SA-312 TP304
N1 inlet 4" (Thk = 0.281") DN 100 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A 304L
Wld pipe
Class 300

SO A240
SA-312 TP304
N2 outlet 4" (Thk = 0.281") DN 100 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A 304L
Wld pipe
Class 300

0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 SA-312 TP304L

N3 savety valve No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
- threaded Wld pipe

0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 SA-312 TP304L

N4 drain No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
- threaded Wld pipe

pressure 0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 SA-312 TP304L

N5 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
indicator - threaded Wld pipe

Nozzle Summary

Nozzle OD t Req t Pad Corr A /A
n n A1? A2? a r
mark (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
Nom t Design t User t Width t
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

MW 406.40 10.00 7.65 Yes Yes 10.00 7.65 100.00 10.00 0.00 100.0

N1 114.30 7.14 6.02 Yes Yes 10.00 6.17 N/A N/A 0.00 100.0

N2 114.30 7.14 6.02 Yes Yes 10.00 6.17 N/A N/A 0.00 100.0

N3 28.58 3.62 3.38 Yes Yes 12.00* N/A N/A N/A 0.00 Exempt

N4 28.58 3.62 3.38 Yes Yes 12.00* N/A N/A N/A 0.00 Exempt

N5 28.58 3.62 2.73 Yes Yes 10.00 N/A N/A N/A 0.00 Exempt

tn: Nozzle thickness

Req tn: Nozzle thickness required per UG-45/UG-16
Nom t: Vessel wall thickness
Design t: Required vessel wall thickness due to pressure + corrosion allowance per UG-37
User t: Local vessel wall thickness (near opening)
Aa: Area available per UG-37, governing condition
Ar: Area required per UG-37, governing condition
Corr: Corrosion allowance on nozzle wall
* Head minimum thickness after forming

Pressure Summary

Pressure Summary for Chamber bounded by F&D Head #1 and F&D Head #2

P T T Total Corrosion
Identifier Design Design external Allowance
( bar) ( bar) ( bar) (°C) Exemption Test
( bar) (°C) (°C) (mm)

F&D Head #2 15.00 100.0 19.25 19.39 8.11 100.0 -196.0 Note 1 0.00 No

Cylinder #1 15.00 100.0 17.17 17.30 5.90 100.0 -196.0 Note 2 0.00 No

F&D Head #1 15.00 100.0 19.25 19.39 8.11 100.0 -196.0 Note 1 0.00 No

Legs 15.00 100.0 15.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

manhole (MW) 15.00 100.0 15.65 18.96 5.90 100.0 -48.0 Nozzle Note 3; Pad Note 2 0.00 No

inlet (N1) 15.00 100.0 15.20 15.27 4.34 100.0 -196.0 Note 4 0.00 No

outlet (N2) 15.00 100.0 15.20 15.27 4.34 100.0 -196.0 Note 4 0.00 No

savety valve (N3) 15.00 100.0 34.43 34.68 8.11 100.0 -196.0 Note 5 0.00 No

drain (N4) 15.00 100.0 34.43 34.68 8.11 100.0 -196.0 Note 5 0.00 No

pressure indicator (N5) 15.00 100.0 24.53 24.71 5.90 100.0 -196.0 Note 5 0.00 No

Chamber design MDMT is -28.89°C

Chamber rated MDMT is -48.00°C @ 15.00 bar
Chamber MAWP was used in the MDMT determination

Chamber MAWP hot & corroded is 15.00 bar @ 100.0°C

Chamber MAP cold & new is 15.27 bar @ 21.1°C

Chamber MAEP is 4.34 bar @ 100.0°C

Vacuum rings did not govern the external pressure rating.

Design notes are available on the Settings Summary page.

Revision History

No. Date Operator Notes

New vessel created ASME Section VIII Division 1 [Build

0 08/10/2017 Hamsir

Settings Summary

COMPRESS Build 6258

Units: MKS

Datum Line Location: 0.00 mm from bottom seam


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

Design or Rating: Get Thickness from Pressure

Minimum thickness: 1.50 mm per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only: No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required): No
Design nozzles for: Design P, find nozzle MAWP and MAP
Corrosion weight loss: 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase: 1.20
Skirt/legs stress increase: 1.0
Minimum nozzle projection: 50.00 mm
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only: No
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1.25&#34 and <= 1.50" thick: No
Butt welds are tapered per Figure UCS-66.3(a).

Hydro/Pneumatic Test

Shop Hydrotest Pressure: 1.3 times design P

Test liquid specific gravity: 1.00
Maximum stress during test: 90% of yield

Required Marking - UG-116

UG-116 (e) Radiography: None

UG-116 (f) Postweld heat treatment: None

Code Cases\Interpretations

Use Code Case 2547: No

Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-115: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37: Yes
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions: No

UG-22 Loadings

UG-22 (a) Internal or External Design Pressure : Yes

UG-22 (b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test conditions: Yes
UG-22 (c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment (external loads): No
UG-22 (d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and legs: Yes

UG-22 (f) Wind reactions: No
UG-22 (f) Seismic reactions: No
Note: UG-22 (b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

Thickness Summary

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Joint Load

Identifier (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) E

F&D Head #2 SA-240 304 1105.00 ID 241.99 12.00* 9.35 0.8500 Internal

Cylinder #1 SA-240 304 1105.00 ID 1525.00 10.00 8.72 0.7000 Internal

F&D Head #1 SA-240 304 1105.00 ID 241.99 12.00* 9.35 0.8500 Internal

Nominal t: Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t: Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion
Joint E: Longitudinal seam joint efficiency
* Head minimum thickness after forming

internal: Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs
external: External pressure governs
Wind: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind governs
Seismic: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic governs

Weight Summary

Weight ( kg) Contributed by Vessel Elements

Metal Metal Insulation & Piping Operating Test
New* Corroded* Supports + Liquid Liquid Liquid

F&D Head #2 119.86 119.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137.14

Cylinder #1 416.68 416.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,478.24

F&D Head #1 119.86 119.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137.14

Legs 52.50 52.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL: 708.89 708.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,752.52

* Shells with attached nozzles have weight reduced by material cut out for opening.

Weight ( kg) Contributed by Attachments

Component Nozzles &
Body Flanges
Packed Ladders & Trays & Rings & Vertical
Beds Platforms Supports Clips Loads
New Corroded New Corroded

F&D Head #2 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.44 0.00

Cylinder #1 0.00 0.00 191.10 191.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

F&D Head #1 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Legs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL: 0.00 0.00 191.42 191.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.44 0.00

Vessel operating weight, Corroded: 904 kg

Vessel operating weight, New: 904 kg
Vessel empty weight, Corroded: 904 kg
Vessel empty weight, New: 904 kg
Vessel test weight, New: 2,656 kg

Vessel center of gravity location - from datum - lift condition

Vessel Lift Weight, New: 904 kg

Center of Gravity: 636.24 mm

Vessel Capacity

Vessel Capacity** (New): 1,737 liters

Vessel Capacity** (Corroded): 1,737 liters
**The vessel capacity does not include volume of nozzle, piping or other attachments.

Hydrostatic Test

Shop test pressure determination for Chamber bounded by F&D Head #1 and F&D Head #2 based on design P
per UG-99(b)

Shop hydrostatic test gauge pressure is 19.5 bar at 21.11 °C (the chamber design P = 15 bar)

The shop test is performed with the vessel in the vertical position.

Local test Test liquid UG-99 UG-99 Stress Allowable

Identifier pressure static head stress pressure during test test stress
bar bar ratio factor kg/cm2 kg/cm2
F&D Head #2 19.53 0.03 1.0073 1.30 790.438 1,881.375 No

Cylinder #1 19.68 0.18 1.0073 1.30 1,118.696 1,881.375 No

F&D Head #1 19.7 0.2 1.0073 1.30 797.398 1,881.375 No

drain (N4) 19.71 0.21 1 1.30 929.428 2,340.247 No

inlet (N1) 19.56 0.06 1 1.30 1,848.33 2,699.888 No

manhole (MW) 19.66 0.16 1 1.30 1,578.168 2,059.474 No

outlet (N2) 19.66 0.16 1 1.30 1,858.285 2,687.97 No

pressure indicator (N5) 19.61 0.11 1 1.30 1,295.766 2,273.53 No

savety valve (N3) (2) 19.51 0.01 1 1.30 919.877 2,340.247 No

(1) PL stresses at nozzle openings have been estimated using the method described in PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82.
(2) savety valve (N3) limits the UG-99 stress ratio.
(3) VIII-2, AD-151.1(b) used as the basis for nozzle allowable test stress.

The field test condition has not been investigated for the Chamber bounded by F&D Head #1 and F&D Head #2.

Vacuum Summary

Component Line of Support Length Le
above Datum

F&D Head #2 - 1766.99 N/A

- 1/3 depth of F&D Head #2 1601.66 N/A

Cylinder #1 Top - 1525.00 1678.32

Cylinder #1 Bottom - 0.00 1678.32

- 1/3 depth of F&D Head #1 -76.66 N/A

F&D Head #1 - -241.99 N/A


For main components, the listed value of 'Le' is the largest unsupported length for the component.

Cylinder #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

Component: Cylinder
Material specification: SA-240 304 (II-D Metric p. 90, ln. 4)
Rated MDMT per UHA-51(d)(1)(a) = -196 °C

Internal design pressure: P = 15 bar @ 100°C

External design pressure: Pe = 1.03421 bar @ 100°C

Static liquid head:

Ptv =0.1788 bar (SG=1.0000, Hs=1825.00 mm, Vertical test head)

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.00 mm Outer C = 0.00 mm

Design MDMT = -28.89°C No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -196.00°C Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - None UW-11(c) Type 1

Top circumferential joint - None UW-11(c) Type 1
Bottom circumferential joint - None UW-11(c) Type 1

Estimated weight: New = 428.7940 kg corr = 428.7940 kg

Capacity: New = 1462.4609 liters corr = 1462.4609 liters
ID = 1105.00 mm
Length Lc = 1525.00 mm
t = 10.00 mm

Design thickness, (at 100.00°C) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion

= 15.00*552.50/(1370*0.70 - 0.60*15.00) + 0.00
= 8.7249 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 100.00°C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) - Ps
= 1370*0.70*10.0000 / (552.50 + 0.60*10.0000) - 0.0000
= 17.1710 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21.11°C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t)
= 1380*0.70*10.0000 / (552.50 + 0.60*10.0000)
= 17.2963 bar

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 100.00°C) UG-28(c)

L/Do = 1678.3243/1125.0000 = 1.4918

Do/t = 1125.0000/4.373313 = 257.2421

From table G: A = 0.000213

From table HA-1 Metric: B = 203.4677 kg/cm²

Pa = 4*B/(3*(Do/t))
= 4*203.4677/(3*(1125.0000/4.373313))
= 1.0342 bar

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 1.0342 bar

= t + Corrosion = 4.373313 + 0.00 = 4.37 mm

Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded & at 100.00°C) UG-28(c)

L/Do = 1678.3243/1125.00 = 1.4918

Do/t = 1125.00/10.0000 = 112.5000

From table G: A = 0.000751

From table HA-1 Metric: B = 507.2859 kg/cm²

Pa = 4*B/(3*(Do/t))
= 4*507.2859/(3*(1125.00/10.0000))
= 5.8960 bar

% Forming Strain - UHA-44(a)(2)(a)

= (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50 * 10.00 / 557.5000) * (1 - 557.5000 / ∞)
= 0.8969 %

External Pressure + Weight Check (Bergman, ASME paper 54-A-104)

Pv = W / (2*π*Rm) + M / (π*Rm2)
= 736.27 / (2*π*557.5000) + 107.30 / (π*557.50002)
= 3.2008 kg/cm
α = Pv / (Pe*Do)
= 3.200773 / (1.0342*1125.0000)
= 0.0270
n = 4
m = 1.23 / (L/Do)2
= 1.23 / (1678.324341/1125.0000)2
= 0.5527
Ratio Pe = (n2 - 1 + m + m*α) / (n2 - 1 + m)
= (42 - 1 + 0.552661 + 0.552661*0.026978) / (42 - 1 + 0.552661)
= 1.0010
Ratio Pe * Pe ≤ MAEP design cylinder thickness is satisfactory.

External Pressure + Weight Check at Bottom Seam (Bergman, ASME paper 54-A-104)

Pv = W / (2*π*Rm) + M / (π*Rm2)
= 736.27 / (2*π*557.5000) + 0.00 / (π*557.50002)
= 2.1019 kg/cm
α = Pv / (Pe*Do)
= 2.101904 / (1.0342*1125.0000)

= 0.0177
n = 4
m = 1.23 / (L/Do)2
= 1.23 / (1678.324341/1125.0000)2
= 0.5527
Ratio Pe = (n2 - 1 + m + m*α) / (n2 - 1 + m)
= (42 - 1 + 0.552661 + 0.552661*0.017716) / (42 - 1 + 0.552661)
= 1.0006
Ratio Pe * Pe ≤ MAEP design cylinder thickness is satisfactory.

Design thickness = 8.72 mm

The governing condition is due to internal pressure.

The cylinder thickness of 10.00 mm is adequate.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads

Allowable Stress
Req'd Thk Due
Before UG-23
Pressure P ( Temperature Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to to
Condition Stress Increase ( Location Load
bar) (°C) (mm) Tension (mm) Compression
St Sc

top Weight 3.0109 2.9951

Operating, Hot & Corroded 15.00 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 3.0030 3.0030

top Weight 3.0109 2.9951

Operating, Hot & New 15.00 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 3.0030 3.0030

top Weight 0.0137 0.0437

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0.00 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.0287 0.0287

top Weight 0.0137 0.0437

Hot Shut Down, New 0.00 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.0287 0.0287

top Weight 0.0121 0.0387

Empty, Corroded 0.00 1407.21 826.36 -17.78 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.0254 0.0254

top Weight 0.0121 0.0387

Empty, New 0.00 1407.21 826.36 -17.78 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.0254 0.0254

top Weight 0.4116 0.4416

Vacuum -1.03 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.4266 0.4266

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, top Weight 0.0137 0.0437

Weight & Eccentric Moments
0.00 1397.01 731.95 100.00 0.0000
Bottom Weight 0.0287 0.0287

F&D Head #2

ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

Component: F&D Head

Material Specification: SA-240 304 (II-D Metric p.90, ln. 4)
Material Rated MDMT per UHA-51(d)(1)(a) = -196 °C

Internal design pressure: P = 15 bar @ 100 °C

External design pressure: Pe = 1.0342 bar @ 100 °C

Static liquid head:

Ps= 0 bar (SG=1, Hs=0 mm Operating head)

Ptv= 0.0294 bar (SG=1, Hs=300 mm Vertical test head)

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0 mm Outer C = 0 mm

Design MDMT = -28.89°C No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -196°C Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to fine grain practice
PWHT is not performed
Do not Optimize MDMT / Find MAWP

Radiography: Category A joints - Seamless No RT

Head to shell seam - None UW-11(c) Type 1

Estimated weight: new = 119.9 kg corr = 119.9 kg

Capacity: new = 137.2 liters corr = 137.2 liters

Inner diameter = 1105 mm

Crown radius L = 952.6 mm
Knuckle radius r = 100 mm
Minimum head thickness = 12 mm
Results Summary

The governing condition is internal pressure.

Minimum thickness per UG-16 = 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) = 9.35 mm
Design thickness due to external pressure (te) = 2.87 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) = 19.25 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 19.39 bar

Note: Appendix 1-4 footnote 1 used to determine allowable stress.

M (Corroded)

M=1/4*[3 + (L/r)1/2]=1/4*[3 + (952.6/100)1/2]=1.521605

M (New)

M=1/4*[3 + (L/r)1/2]=1/4*[3 + (952.6/100)1/2]=1.521605

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

t = P*L*M / (2*S*E - 0.2*P) + Corrosion

= 15*952.6*1.5216 / (2*1,369.999*0.85 - 0.2*15) + 0
= 9.35 mm

The head internal pressure design thickness is 9.35 mm.

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / (L*M + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*1,369.999*0.85*12 / (952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12) - 0
= 19.25 bar

The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) is 19.25 bar.

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21.11 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / (L*M + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*1,379.999*0.85*12 / (952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12) - 0
= 19.39 bar

The maximum allowable pressure (MAP) is 19.39 bar.

Design thickness for external pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) UG-33(e)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

= Outside crown radius
= 964.6 mm

A = 0.125 / (Ro/t)
= 0.125 / (964.6/2.87)
= 0.000372

From Table HA-1 Metric: B=354.6683 kg/cm2

Pa = B/(Ro/t)
= 347.8108/(964.6/2.87)
= 1.0342 bar

t = 2.87 mm + Corrosion = 2.87 mm + 0 mm = 2.87 mm

Check the external pressure per UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(d)

t = 1.67*Pe*L*M / (2*S*E - 0.2*1.67*Pe) + Corrosion

= 1.67*1.03*952.6*1.5216 / (2*1,369.999*1 - 0.2*1.67*1.03) + 0
= 0.91 mm

The head external pressure design thickness (te) is 2.87 mm.

Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) UG-33(e)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

= Outside crown radius
= 964.6 mm

A = 0.125 / (Ro/t)
= 0.125 / (964.6/12)

= 0.001555

From Table HA-1 Metric: B=664.5462 kg/cm2

Pa = B/(Ro/t)
= 651.6971/(964.6/12)
= 8.1074 bar

Check the Maximum External Pressure, UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / ((L*M + 0.2*t)*1.67) - Ps2

= 2*1,369.999*1*12 / ((952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12)*1.67) - 0
= 13.56 bar

The maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) is 8.11 bar.

% Forming strain - UHA-44(a)(2)(b)

= (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*12 / 106)*(1 - 106 / ∞)
= 8.4906%

F&D Head #1

ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

Component: F&D Head

Material Specification: SA-240 304 (II-D Metric p.90, ln. 4)
Material Rated MDMT per UHA-51(d)(1)(a) = -196 °C

Internal design pressure: P = 15 bar @ 100 °C

External design pressure: Pe = 1.0342 bar @ 100 °C

Static liquid head:

Ps= 0 bar (SG=1, Hs=0 mm Operating head)

Ptv= 0.2014 bar (SG=1, Hs=2054.99 mm Vertical test head)

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0 mm Outer C = 0 mm

Design MDMT = -28.89°C No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -196°C Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to fine grain practice
PWHT is not performed
Do not Optimize MDMT / Find MAWP

Radiography: Category A joints - Seamless No RT

Head to shell seam - None UW-11(c) Type 1

Estimated weight: new = 119.9 kg corr = 119.9 kg

Capacity: new = 137.2 liters corr = 137.2 liters

Inner diameter = 1105 mm

Crown radius L = 952.6 mm
Knuckle radius r = 100 mm
Minimum head thickness = 12 mm
Results Summary

The governing condition is internal pressure.

Minimum thickness per UG-16 = 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) = 9.35 mm
Design thickness due to external pressure (te) = 2.87 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) = 19.25 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 19.39 bar

Note: Appendix 1-4 footnote 1 used to determine allowable stress.

M (Corroded)

M=1/4*[3 + (L/r)1/2]=1/4*[3 + (952.6/100)1/2]=1.521605

M (New)

M=1/4*[3 + (L/r)1/2]=1/4*[3 + (952.6/100)1/2]=1.521605

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

t = P*L*M / (2*S*E - 0.2*P) + Corrosion

= 15*952.6*1.5216 / (2*1,369.999*0.85 - 0.2*15) + 0
= 9.35 mm

The head internal pressure design thickness is 9.35 mm.

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / (L*M + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*1,369.999*0.85*12 / (952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12) - 0
= 19.25 bar

The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) is 19.25 bar.

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21.11 °C) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / (L*M + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*1,379.999*0.85*12 / (952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12) - 0
= 19.39 bar

The maximum allowable pressure (MAP) is 19.39 bar.

Design thickness for external pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) UG-33(e)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

= Outside crown radius
= 964.6 mm

A = 0.125 / (Ro/t)
= 0.125 / (964.6/2.87)
= 0.000372

From Table HA-1 Metric: B=354.6683 kg/cm2

Pa = B/(Ro/t)
= 347.8108/(964.6/2.87)
= 1.0342 bar

t = 2.87 mm + Corrosion = 2.87 mm + 0 mm = 2.87 mm

Check the external pressure per UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(d)

t = 1.67*Pe*L*M / (2*S*E - 0.2*1.67*Pe) + Corrosion

= 1.67*1.03*952.6*1.5216 / (2*1,369.999*1 - 0.2*1.67*1.03) + 0
= 0.91 mm

The head external pressure design thickness (te) is 2.87 mm.

Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded at 100 °C) UG-33(e)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

= Outside crown radius
= 964.6 mm

A = 0.125 / (Ro/t)
= 0.125 / (964.6/12)

= 0.001555

From Table HA-1 Metric: B=664.5462 kg/cm2

Pa = B/(Ro/t)
= 651.6971/(964.6/12)
= 8.1074 bar

Check the Maximum External Pressure, UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(d)

P = 2*S*E*t / ((L*M + 0.2*t)*1.67) - Ps2

= 2*1,369.999*1*12 / ((952.6*1.5216 + 0.2*12)*1.67) - 0
= 13.56 bar

The maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) is 8.11 bar.

% Forming strain - UHA-44(a)(2)(b)

= (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*12 / 106)*(1 - 106 / ∞)
= 8.4906%

manhole (MW)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 10 mm
Leg41 = 10 mm
tw(upper) = 10 mm
Leg42 = 8 mm
Dp = 606.4 mm
te = 10 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-240 304L (II-D Metric p. 82, ln. 36)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Pad material specification: SA-240 304L (II-D Metric p. 82, ln. 36)
Pad diameter: 606.4 mm
Flange description: 16 inch Class 150 SO A240 304
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 (II-D Metric p. 348, ln. 33)
Flange rated MDMT: -48°C
(Per UHA-51(d)(1)(a))
(Flange rated MDMT = -196 °C
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (e) = -48 °C)
Liquid static head on flange: 0 bar
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAWP: 15.65 bar @ 100°C
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAP: 18.96 bar @ 21.11°C
ASME B16.5 flange hydro test: 29.3 bar @ 21.11°C
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 10 mm
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 400 mm
End of nozzle to shell center: 700 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 386.4 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 10 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 127.5 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 137.5 mm
Pad is split: no

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAWP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Thickness
For P = 15.65 bar @ 100 °C Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

24.7611 35.2144 13.9658 3.0839 -- 16.788 1.3768 6.36 10

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

15,936 29,685 94,899 7,826 158,072 32,030 109,781

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 6 7 adequate

weld size is
Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 5 5.6 adequate

weld size is
Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 7 10 adequate

% Forming strain - UHA-44(a)(2)(a)

= (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*10 / 198.2)*(1 - 198.2 / ∞)
= 2.5227%

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Thickness
For P = 18.96 bar @ 21.11 °C Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

29.8314 29.8447 8.9858 2.8258 -- 16.666 1.3671 7.65 10

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

29,884 29,353 94,899 7,495 158,554 31,698 110,263

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 6 7 adequate

weld size is
Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 5 5.6 adequate

weld size is
Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 7 10 adequate

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Thickness
For Pe = 5.9 bar @ 100 °C Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

19.4806 21.0854 -- 2.9206 -- 16.788 1.3768 3.04 10

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 6 7 adequate

weld size is
Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 5 5.6 adequate

weld size is
Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 7 10 adequate

inlet (N1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 10 mm
Leg41 = 8 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-312 TP304 Wld pipe (II-D Metric p. 90, ln. 17)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 4" (Thk = 0.281") DN 100
Flange description: 4 inch Class 300 SO A240 304L
Bolt Material: SA-193 B8 1 Bolt (II-D Metric p. 356, ln. 20)
Flange rated MDMT: -196°C
(Per UHA-51(d)(1)(a))
Liquid static head on flange: 0 bar
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAWP: 34.71 bar @ 100°C
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAP: 41.37 bar @ 21.11°C
ASME B16.5 flange hydro test: 63.78 bar @ 21.11°C
Nozzle orientation: 180°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 10 mm
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 1300 mm
End of nozzle to shell center: 700 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 100.03 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 7.14 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 130.36 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 137.5 mm

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) UG-45

For P = 15.2 bar @ 100 °C Nozzle Wall

The opening is adequately reinforced Thickness
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6.3014 6.3019 3.7497 2.0058 -- -- 0.5465 5.27 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Thickness
For P = 15.27 bar @ 21.11 °C Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6.2907 6.2948 3.7619 1.9903 -- -- 0.5426 5.27 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) UG-45

For Pe = 4.34 bar @ 100 °C Nozzle Wall
The opening is adequately reinforced Thickness
The nozzle

passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

4.2052 4.2058 1.7271 1.9323 -- -- 0.5465 1.75 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

outlet (N2)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 10 mm
Leg41 = 8 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-312 TP304 Wld pipe (II-D Metric p. 90, ln. 17)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 4" (Thk = 0.281") DN 100
Flange description: 4 inch Class 300 SO A240 304L
Bolt Material: SA-193 B8 1 Bolt (II-D Metric p. 356, ln. 20)
Flange rated MDMT: -196°C
(Per UHA-51(d)(1)(a))
Liquid static head on flange: 0 bar
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAWP: 34.71 bar @ 100°C
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAP: 41.37 bar @ 21.11°C
ASME B16.5 flange hydro test: 63.78 bar @ 21.11°C
Nozzle orientation: 90°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 10 mm
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 225 mm
End of nozzle to shell center: 700 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 100.03 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 7.14 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 130.36 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 137.5 mm

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) UG-45

For P = 15.2 bar @ 100 °C Nozzle Wall

The opening is adequately reinforced Thickness
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6.3014 6.3019 3.7497 2.0058 -- -- 0.5465 5.27 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Thickness
For P = 15.27 bar @ 21.11 °C Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6.2907 6.2948 3.7619 1.9903 -- -- 0.5426 5.27 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) UG-45

For Pe = 4.34 bar @ 100 °C Nozzle Wall
The opening is adequately reinforced Thickness
The nozzle

passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

4.2052 4.2058 1.7271 1.9323 -- -- 0.5465 1.75 6.25

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5 5.6 adequate

savety valve (N3)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 12 mm
Leg41 = 4 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: F&D Head #2

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-312 TP304L Wld pipe (II-D Metric p. 86, ln. 3)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 - threaded
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Calculated as hillside: no
Local vessel minimum thickness: 12 mm
End of nozzle to datum line: 1825 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 21.34 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 3.62 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 58.12 mm
Distance to head center, R: 0 mm

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 34.43 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary
The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 34.68 bar @ 21.11 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For Pe = 8.11 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area
2.96 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

drain (N4)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 12 mm
Leg41 = 4 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: F&D Head #1

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-312 TP304L Wld pipe (II-D Metric p. 86, ln. 3)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 - threaded
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Calculated as hillside: no
Local vessel minimum thickness: 12 mm
End of nozzle to datum line: -300 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 21.34 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 3.62 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 58.12 mm
Distance to head center, R: 0 mm

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 34.43 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary
The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 34.68 bar @ 21.11 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For Pe = 8.11 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area
2.96 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

pressure indicator (N5)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition Metric

tw(lower) = 10 mm
Leg41 = 4 mm

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 bar
Nozzle material specification: SA-312 TP304L Wld pipe (II-D Metric p. 86, ln. 3)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 0.500" Class 3000 DN 15 - threaded
Nozzle orientation: 90°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 10 mm
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 762 mm
End of nozzle to shell center: 612.5 mm
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 21.34 mm
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 3.62 mm
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 50 mm

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 24.53 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary
The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For P = 24.71 bar @ 21.11 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

1.5 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength
calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(cm2) Summary
For Pe = 5.9 bar @ 100 °C
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area
2.39 3.17
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for
external pressure

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

weld size is
Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 2.53 2.8 adequate

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)


Leg material: SA-240 TP 304

Leg description: W 6x12 (Flange in)
Number of legs: N= 3
Overall length: 750 mm
Base to girth seam length: 650 mm
Bolt circle: 1,175.8 mm
Anchor bolt size: 0.375 inch series 8 threaded
Anchor bolt material:
Anchor bolts/leg: 1
Anchor bolt allowable stress: Sb = 1,406.138kg/cm2
Anchor bolt corrosion allowance: 0 mm
Anchor bolt hole clearance: 9.53 mm
Base plate width: 203.2 mm
Base plate length: 254 mm
Base plate thickness: 10 mm (3.59 mm required)
Base plate allowable stress: 1,687.366kg/cm2
Foundation allowable bearing stress: 116.569 kg/cm2
User defined leg eccentricity: 0 mm
Effective length coefficient: K = 1.2
Coefficient: Cm = 0.85
Leg yield stress: Fy = 2,531.048kg/cm2
Leg elastic modulus: E = 2,038,900kg/cm2
Leg to shell fillet weld: 6.35 mm (0.61 mm required)
Legs braced: No

Note: The support attachment point is assumed to be 25.4 mm up from the cylinder circumferential seam.

Conditions Investigated (Only Governing Condition Reported)

Weight operating corroded
Weight empty corroded
Weight test new
Weight vacuum corroded

Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending

Leg Ratio Ratio
Loading attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Governing 0 758.3 0.0 33.107 0 0 0.0240 0.0218

Condition 120 1,012.6 0.0 44.212 0 0 0.0321 0.0291

240 1,012.6 0.0 44.212 0 0 0.0321 0.0291
Moment = 0
107.3 kg-m

Leg Calculations (AISC manual ninth edition)

Axial end load, P1 (Based on vessel total bending moment acting at leg attachment elevation)

P1 = W/N + 48*Mt/(N*D)
= 2,656.27/ 3 + 48*1e3*8.9/( 3*1,125)
= 1,012.59 kgf

Allowable axial compressive stress, Fa (AISC chapter E)

Cc = Sqr(2*π2*E/Fy)
= Sqr(2*π2*2,038,900/2,531.048)
= 126.0993

K*l/r= 1.2*675.4/23.31 = 34.7686

Fa = 1 * (1 - (Kl/r)2/(2*Cc2))*Fy / (5/3 + 3*(Kl/r)/(8*Cc)-(Kl/r)3/(8*Cc3))

= 1 * (1 - (34.7686)2/(2*126.09932))*2,531.048 / (5/3 + 3*(34.7686)/(8*126.0993)-(34.7686)3/(8*126.09933))
= 1,377.605 kg/cm2

Allowable axial compression and bending (AISC chapter H)

F'ex = 1*12*π2*E/(23*(Kl/r)2)
= 1*12*π2*2,038,900/(23*(34.7686)2)
= 8,685.098 kg/cm2

F'ey = 1*12*π2*E/(23*(Kl/r)2)
= 1*12*π2*2,038,900/(23*(12.7887)2)
= 64,194.2 kg/cm2

Fb = 1*0.66*Fy
= 1*0.66*2,531.048
= 1,670.492 kg/cm2

Compressive axial stress

fa = P1/A
= 1,012.59/22.9032
= 44.212 kg/cm2

Bending stresses

fbx = F*cos(α)*L/(Ix/Cx) + P1*Ecc/(Ix/Cx)

= 0*abs(cos(120))*675.4/(100*124.4532/50.8) + 1,012.59*0/(100*124.4532/50.8)
= 0 kg/cm2

fby= F*sin(α)*L/(Iy/Cy)
= 0*sin(120)*675.4/(100*919.87/76.58)
= 0 kg/cm2

AISC equation H1-1

H1-1 = fa/Fa + Cmx*fbx/((1 - fa/F'ex)*Fbx) + Cmy*fby/((1 - fa/F'ey)*Fby)

= 44.212/1,377.605 + 0.85*0/((1 - 44.212/8,685.098)*1,670.492) + 0.85*0/((1 - 44.212/64,194.2)*1,670.492)
= 0.0321

AISC equation H1-2

H1-2 = fa/(0.6*1*Fy) + fbx/Fbx + fby/Fby

= 44.212/(0.6*1*2,531.048) + 0/1,670.492 + 0/1,670.492
= 0.0291

3, W 6x12 legs are adequate.

Anchor bolts - Weight operating corroded condition governs

Tensile loading per leg (1 bolt per leg)

R = 48*M/(N*BC) - W/N
= 48*8.9/(3*1.1758) - 903.75/3
= -179.58 kgf
There is no net uplift (R is negative).

0.375 inch series 8 threaded bolts are satisfactory.

Check the leg to vessel fillet weld, Bednar 10.3, Weight test new governs

Note: continuous welding is assumed for all support leg fillet welds.

The following leg attachment weld analysis assumes the fillet weld is present on three sides (leg top closure plate is

Zw = (2*b*d + d2)/3
= (2*15.3162*7.46 + 7.462)/3
= 94.7231 cm2

Jw = (b + 2*d)3/12 - d2*(b + d)2/(b + 2*d)

= (15.3162 + 2*7.46)3/12 - 7.462*(15.3162 + 7.46)2/(15.3162 + 2*7.46)
= 1,348.7634 cm3

E = d2/(b + 2*d)
= 74.62/(153.16 + 2*74.6)
= 18.41 mm

Governing weld load fx = Cos(120)*0 = 0 kgf

Governing weld load fy = Sin(120)*0 = 0 kgf

f1 = P1/Lweld
= 1,012.59/30.2362
= 33.49 Kgf/cm (VL direct shear)

f2= fy*Lleg*0.5*b/Jw
= 0*675.4*0.5*153.16/134,876.3395
= 0 Kgf/cm (VL torsion shear)

f3 = fy/Lweld
= 0/30.2362
= 0 Kgf/cm (Vc direct shear)

f4 = fy*Lleg*E/Jw
= 0*675.4*18.41/134,876.3395
= 0 Kgf/cm (Vc torsion shear)

f5 = fx*Lleg/Zw
= 0*67.54/94.7231
= 0 Kgf/cm (ML bending)

f6 = fx/Lweld

= 0/30.2362
= 0 Kgf/cm (Direct outward radial shear)

f = Sqr((f1 + f2)2 + (f3 + f4)2 + (f5 + f6)2)

= Sqr((33.49 + 0)2 + (0 + 0)2 + (0 + 0)2)
= 33.49 Kgf/cm (Resultant shear load)

Required leg to vessel fillet weld leg size (welded both sides + top)

tw = f / (0.707*0.55*Sa)
= 100*3.35 / (0.707*0.55*1,407.207)
= 0.61 mm

The 6.35 mm leg to vessel attachment fillet weld size is adequate.

Base plate thickness check, AISC 3-106

fp = P/(B*N)
= 100*1,007.09/(203.2*254)
= 1.951 kg/cm2

m = (N - 0.95*d)/2
= (254 - 0.95*153.16)/2
= 54.25 mm

n = (B - 0.8*b)/2
= (203.2 - 0.8*101.6)/2
= 60.96 mm

L = 0.5*(d + b)/2 - Sqr((0.5*(d + b))2/4 - P/(4*Fp))

= 0.5*(153.16 + 101.6)/2 - Sqr((0.5*(153.16 + 101.6))2/4 - 100*1,007.09/(4*116.569))
= 1.72 mm

tb = Largest(m, n, L)*Sqr(3*fp/Sb)
= 60.96*Sqr(3*1.951/1,687.366)
= 3.59 mm

The base plate thickness is adequate.

Check the leg to vessel attachment stresses, WRC-107 (Weight test new governs)

Applied Loads

Radial load: Pr = 0 kgf

Circumferential moment: Mc = 0 kg-m
Circumferential shear: Vc = 0 kgf
Longitudinal moment: ML = 0 kg-m
Longitudinal shear: VL = 1,012.59kgf
Torsion moment: Mt = 0 kg-m
Internal pressure: P = 19.68 bar
Mean shell radius: Rm = 557.5 mm
Local shell thickness: t = 10 mm
Shell yield stress: Sy = 2,110.81kg/cm2

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the leg edge (includes pressure)

Rm/t =55.75

C1 = 76.58, C2 = 59.21 mm

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri/t =1,108.669 kg/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri/2t =554.3 kg/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 1,111.97 kg/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-4,221.62 kg/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1,108.67 kg/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1.5*S = +-2,110.81 kg/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.
Stresses at the leg edge per WRC Bulletin 107
Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 7.2116 0.1197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 8.8146 0.1288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0.0902 0.1298 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0.0566 0.1298 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 2.1035 0.1261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1A 0.0818 0.1419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3B* 6.2547 0.1157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0.0372 0.1192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669

Total circumferential stress 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669

Primary membrane
1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669
circumferential stress*

3C* 6.8399 0.1288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 9.0067 0.1197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0.0961 0.1231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0.0615 0.1231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 3.4932 0.1261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2A 0.0433 0.1366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4B* 1.9794 0.1157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0.0552 0.1215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3

Total longitudinal stress 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3

Primary membrane
554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3 554.3
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -42.747 -42.747 42.747 42.747

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -42.747 -42.747 42.747 42.747

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,108.669 1,111.974 1,111.974 1,111.974 1,111.974

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Lifting Lug #1

Minimum report

Geometry Inputs

Attached To F&D Head #2

SA-240 TP
Orientation Longitudinal
Distance of Lift Point From Datum 1765.00 mm
Angular Position 30.00°
Length of Lug, L 100.00 mm
Height of Lug, H 105.00 mm
Thickness of Lug, t 10.00 mm
Hole Diameter, d 32.00 mm
Load Eccentricity, a1 0.00 mm
Distance from Load to Shell or Pad, a2 65.00 mm
Weld Size, tw 8.00 mm
Width of Pad, Bp 50.00 mm
Length of Pad, Lp 150.00 mm
Pad Thickness, tp 12.00 mm
Pad Weld Size, twp 10.00 mm
Load Angle Normal to Vessel, β 45.0000 °
Load Angle from Vertical, φ 22.5720 °

Intermediate Values

Load Factor 1.5000

Vessel Weight (new, incl. Load Factor), W 1356 kg
Lug Weight (new), Wlug 2 kg

Allowable Stress, Tensile, σt
Allowable Stress, Shear, σs
Allowable Stress, Bearing, σp
Allowable Stress, Bending, σb
Allowable Stress, Weld Shear, τallowable
Allowable Stress set to 1/3 Sy per ASME B30.20 No

Summary Values

Required Lift Pin Diameter, dreqd 7.96 mm

Required Lug Thickness, treqd 1.38 mm
Lug Stress Ratio, σratio 0.21
Weld Shear Stress Ratio, τratio 0.25
Lug Design Acceptable
Local Stresses Acceptable

Lifting Lug #2

Minimum report

Geometry Inputs

Attached To F&D Head #2

SA-240 TP
Orientation Longitudinal
Distance of Lift Point From Datum 1765.00 mm
Angular Position 210.00°
Length of Lug, L 100.00 mm
Height of Lug, H 105.00 mm
Thickness of Lug, t 10.00 mm
Hole Diameter, d 32.00 mm
Load Eccentricity, a1 0.00 mm
Distance from Load to Shell or Pad, a2 65.00 mm
Weld Size, tw 8.00 mm
Width of Pad, Bp 50.00 mm
Length of Pad, Lp 150.00 mm
Pad Thickness, tp 12.00 mm
Pad Weld Size, twp 10.00 mm
Load Angle Normal to Vessel, β 45.0000 °
Load Angle from Vertical, φ 22.5720 °

Intermediate Values

Load Factor 1.5000

Vessel Weight (new, incl. Load Factor), W 1356 kg
Lug Weight (new), Wlug 2 kg

Allowable Stress, Tensile, σt
Allowable Stress, Shear, σs
Allowable Stress, Bearing, σp
Allowable Stress, Bending, σb
Allowable Stress, Weld Shear, τallowable
Allowable Stress set to 1/3 Sy per ASME B30.20 No

Summary Values

Required Lift Pin Diameter, dreqd 6.03 mm

Required Lug Thickness, treqd 0.79 mm
Lug Stress Ratio, σratio 0.12
Weld Shear Stress Ratio, τratio 0.14
Lug Design Acceptable
Local Stresses Acceptable


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