461-DB02 Rev1

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COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Calculations


Vessel No: 461-DB01
Date: mi rcoles, mayo 02, 2018
Name: 461-DB02 Rev1
P.O. Number:
Tag Number:
Unit Number:
Table of Contents
General Arrangement Drawing..............................................................................................................................1/172

Deficiencies Summary............................................................................................................................................2/172

Nozzle Schedule......................................................................................................................................................3/172

Nozzle Summary.....................................................................................................................................................4/172

Pressure Summary.................................................................................................................................................5/172

Revision History......................................................................................................................................................7/172

Settings Summary...................................................................................................................................................8/172

Radiography Summary.........................................................................................................................................10/172

Thickness Summary.............................................................................................................................................11/172

Weight Summary...................................................................................................................................................12/172

Long Seam Summary...........................................................................................................................................13/172

Hydrostatic Test....................................................................................................................................................15/172

Seismic Code.........................................................................................................................................................16/172

Wind Code.............................................................................................................................................................20/172

Ellipsoidal Head #1...............................................................................................................................................24/172

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1...............................................................................................................27/172

Salida de aire (N2).................................................................................................................................................37/172

Valvula de alivio (N3)............................................................................................................................................73/172

Cylinder #1.............................................................................................................................................................81/172

Entrada de aire (N1)..............................................................................................................................................98/172

Legs #1.................................................................................................................................................................126/172

Indicador de presion (N5)...................................................................................................................................136/172

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2.............................................................................................................147/172

Ellipsoidal Head #2.............................................................................................................................................157/172

Drenaje (N4).........................................................................................................................................................160/172

Liquid Level bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #2..................................................................................................171/172

Bill of Materials....................................................................................................................................................172/172

General Arrangement Drawing

Deficiencies Summary

No deficiencies found.

Nozzle Schedule


Nozzle Impact
Identifier Size Materials Normalized Fine Grain Flange Blind
mark Tested

Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe No No No NPS 4 Class 150

N1 Entrada de aire NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS) DN 100 No
WN A105
Pad SA-516 70 No No No

Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe No No No NPS 4 Class 150

N2 Salida de aire NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS) DN 100 No
WN A105
Pad SA-516 70 No No No

NPS 1 Class 150

N3 Valvula de alivio NPS 1 Sch 160 DN 25 Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe No No No No
WN A105

NPS 1 Class 150

N4 Drenaje NPS 1 Sch 160 DN 25 Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe No No No No
WN A105

N5 Indicador de presion NPS 0,5 Class 6000 - threaded Nozzle SA-105 No No No N/A No

Nozzle Summary


Nozzle OD tn Req tn Pad Corr Aa/Ar
A1? A2?
mark (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
Nom t Design t User t Width tpad
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

N1 114,3 8,56 7,45 Yes Yes 8 7,88 50,8 8 1,25 125,6

N2 114,3 8,56 7,45 Yes Yes 6,77* 6,77 50,8 8 1,25 136,4

N3 33,4 6,35 4,81 Yes Yes 6,77* N/A N/A N/A 1,25 Exempt

N4 33,4 6,35 4,81 Yes Yes 6,89* N/A N/A N/A 1,25 Exempt

N5 38,1 8,38 3,75 Yes Yes 8 N/A N/A N/A 1,25 Exempt

*Head minimum thickness after forming


tn Nozzle thickness

Nozzle thickness required per UG-45/UG-16

Req tn
Increased for pipe to account for 12.5% pipe thickness tolerance

Nom t Vessel wall thickness

Design t Required vessel wall thickness due to pressure + corrosion allowance per UG-37

User t Local vessel wall thickness (near opening)

Aa Area available per UG-37, governing condition

Ar Area required per UG-37, governing condition

Corr Corrosion allowance on nozzle wall

Pressure Summary

Component Summary

Identifier MAWP MAP MDMT MDMT Impact
Design Design (bar) (bar) (°C) Exemption Tested
(bar) (°C)

Ellipsoidal Head #1 11,72 40 11,73 14,42 -37,4 Note 1 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 11,72 40 14,21 16,91 -45,8 Note 2 No

Cylinder #1 11,72 40 13,99 16,91 -45 Note 3 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 11,72 40 13,99 16,91 -45 Note 5 No

Ellipsoidal Head #2 11,72 40 11,72 14,68 -37,4 Note 4 No

Legs #1 11,72 40 11,72 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Nozzle Note 6 No
Entrada de aire (N1) 11,72 40 16,7 19,6 -45,7
Pad Note 7 No

Nozzle Note 8 No
Salida de aire (N2) 11,72 40 15,36 18,85 -42,3
Pad Note 9 No

Valvula de alivio (N3) 11,72 40 15,35 18,85 -48 Note 10 No

Drenaje (N4) 11,72 40 15,39 19,18 -48 Note 11 No

Indicador de presion (N5) 11,72 40 16,53 19,9 -105 Note 12 No

Chamber Summary

Design MDMT -28,89 °C

Rated MDMT -37,4 °C @ 11,72 bar

MAWP hot & corroded 11,72 bar @ 40 °C

MAP cold & new 14,42 bar @ 21,11 °C

(1) This pressure chamber is not designed for

external pressure.

Notes for MDMT Rating

Note # Exemption Details

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
1. UCS-66 governing thickness = 6,77 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 8,4°C, (coincident ratio = 0,8493)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
2. UCS-66 governing thickness = 8 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 16,8°C, (coincident ratio = 0,7004)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
3. UCS-66 governing thickness = 8 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 16°C, (coincident ratio = 0,7139)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
4. UCS-66 governing thickness = 6,89 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 8,4°C, (coincident ratio = 0,8496)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
5. UCS-66 governing thickness = 8 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 16°C, (coincident ratio = 0,7141)

6. Nozzle is impact test exempt to -105°C per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,221).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
7. UCS-66 governing thickness = 8 mm.
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 16,7°C, (coincident ratio = 0,7018)

8. Nozzle is impact test exempt to -105°C per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,2207).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
9. UCS-66 governing thickness = 7,49 mm.
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 13,3°C, (coincident ratio = 0,7632)

Flange rating governs:

10. Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,598)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

Flange rating governs:

11. Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,614)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

12. Nozzle is impact test exempt to -105°C per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0146).

Revision History


No. Date Operator Notes

0 4/21/2018 raul New vessel created ASME Section VIII Division 1 [COMPRESS 2017 Build 7710]

Settings Summary

COMPRESS 2017 Build 7710

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric
Units MKS
Datum Line Location 0,00 mm from bottom seam
Vessel Design Mode Design Mode
Minimum thickness 2,5 mm per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required) No
Design nozzles for Design P only
Corrosion weight loss 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase 1,20
Skirt/legs stress increase 1,0
Minimum nozzle projection 25,4 mm
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only Yes
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1,25" and <= 1,50" thick No
UG-37(a) shell tr calculation considers longitudinal stress No
Cylindrical shells made from pipe are entered as minimum thickness No
Nozzles made from pipe are entered as minimum thickness No
ASME B16.9 fittings are entered as minimum thickness No
Tapered per Figure
Butt welds
Disallow Appendix 1-5, 1-8 calculations under 15 psi Yes
Hydro/Pneumatic Test
Shop Hydrotest Pressure 1,3 times vessel MAWP
Test liquid specific gravity 1,00
Maximum stress during test 90% of yield
Required Marking - UG-116
UG-116(e) Radiography RT3
UG-116(f) Postweld heat treatment None
Code Cases\Interpretations
Use Code Case 2547 No
Use Code Case 2695 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175 No

Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-150 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-07-50 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-16-85 No
No UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction No
No UCS-68(c) MDMT reduction No
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions No
UG-22 Loadings
UG-22(a) Internal or External Design Pressure Yes
UG-22(b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test
UG-22(c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment
(external loads)
UG-22(d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and legs Yes
UG-22(f) Wind reactions Yes
UG-22(f) Seismic reactions Yes
UG-22(j) Test pressure and coincident static head acting during the test: No
Note: UG-22(b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

License Information
License Commercial
License Key ID 30227
Support Expires September 16, 2018

Radiography Summary

UG-116 Radiography

Longitudinal Seam Top Circumferential Seam Bottom Circumferential Seam

Component Category Category Category Mark
Radiography / Joint Radiography / Joint Radiography / Joint
(Fig (Fig (Fig
Type Type Type
UW-3) UW-3) UW-3)

Spot UW-11(b) / Type Spot UW-11(b) / Type

Ellipsoidal Head #1 A N/A N/A B RT3
1 1

Spot UW-11(b) / Type Spot UW-11(b) / Type Spot UW-11(b) / Type

Cylinder #1 A B B RT3
1 1 1

Spot UW-11(b) / Type Spot UW-11(b) / Type

Ellipsoidal Head #2 A B N/A N/A RT3
1 1

Nozzle to Vessel Circumferential Nozzle free end Circumferential

Nozzle Longitudinal Seam
Seam Seam

UW-11(b) exempt /
Salida de aire (N2) N/A Seamless No RT D N/A / Type 7 C N/A
Type 1

UW-11(b) exempt /
Valvula de alivio (N3) N/A Seamless No RT D N/A / Type 7 C N/A
Type 1

UW-11(b) exempt /
Entrada de aire (N1) N/A Seamless No RT D N/A / Type 7 C N/A
Type 1

Indicador de presion (N5) N/A Seamless No RT D N/A / Type 7 N/A N/A N/A

UW-11(b) exempt /
Drenaje (N4) N/A Seamless No RT D N/A / Type 7 C N/A
Type 1

Nozzle to Flange Circumferential

Nozzle Flange Longitudinal Seam Flange Face

ASME B16.5/16.47 flange attached to Salida UW-11(b) exempt /

N/A Seamless No RT N/A N/A / Gasketed C N/A
de aire (N2) Type 1

ASME B16.5/16.47 flange attached to UW-11(b) exempt /

N/A Seamless No RT N/A N/A / Gasketed C N/A
Valvula de alivio (N3) Type 1

ASME B16.5/16.47 flange attached to UW-11(b) exempt /

N/A Seamless No RT N/A N/A / Gasketed C N/A
Entrada de aire (N1) Type 1

ASME B16.5/16.47 flange attached to UW-11(b) exempt /

N/A Seamless No RT N/A N/A / Gasketed C N/A
Drenaje (N4) Type 1

UG-116(e) Required Marking: RT3

Thickness Summary

Component Data

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Total Corrosion Joint Load
Identifier (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) E

Ellipsoidal Head #1 SA-516 70 1.100 ID 281,77 6,77* 6,77 1,25 0,85 Internal

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 SA-516 70 1.100 ID 38 8 6,81 1,25 0,85 Internal

Cylinder #1 SA-516 70 1.100 ID 2.300 8 6,92 1,25 0,85 Internal

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 SA-516 70 1.100 ID 38 8 6,92 1,25 0,85 Internal

Ellipsoidal Head #2 SA-516 70 1.100 ID 281,89 6,89* 6,89 1,25 0,85 Internal

*Head minimum thickness after forming


Nominal t Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion

Joint E Longitudinal seam joint efficiency


Internal Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs

External External pressure governs

Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind


Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic


Weight Summary

Weight (kg) Contributed by Vessel Elements

Metal Operating Liquid Test Liquid

Component Metal Insulation Piping Surface Area
Insulation Lining
New* Corroded Supports + Liquid New Corroded New Corroded m2

Ellipsoidal Head #1 82,8 67,9 0 0 0 0 210,6 212,4 210,6 212,4 1,62

Cylinder #1 501 423,2 0 0 0 0 2.184,2 2.194,2 2.184,2 2.194,2 8,05
Ellipsoidal Head #2 84,6 69,7 0 0 0 0 210,2 211,9 210,2 211,9 1,63
Legs #1 113,6 113,6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,1
TOTAL: 782 674,4 0 0 0 0 2.605,1 2.618,6 2.605 2.618,5 13,41
*Shells with attached nozzles have weight reduced by material cut out for opening.

Weight (kg) Contributed by Attachments

Nozzles & Surface
Body Flanges Packed Ladders & Tray Rings & Vertical
Component Flanges Trays Area
Beds Platforms Supports Clips Loads
New Corroded New Corroded
Ellipsoidal Head #1 0 0 11,7 11,4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,14
Cylinder #1 0 0 9,9 9,7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,1
Ellipsoidal Head #2 0 0 1,7 1,6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,03
Legs #1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 0 0 23,3 22,7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,27

Vessel Totals

New Corroded

Operating Weight (kg) 3.410 3.316

Empty Weight (kg) 805 697
Test Weight (kg) 3.410 3.316
Surface Area (m 2) 13,68 -
Capacity** (liters) 2.606 2.620
**The vessel capacity does not include
volume of nozzle, piping or other

Vessel Lift Condition

Vessel Lift Weight, New (kg) 805
Center of Gravity from Datum (mm) 956,47

Long Seam Summary

Shell Long Seam

Component Seam 1
Cylinder #1 330°

Shell Plate Lengths

Component Plate 1
Cylinder #1 330° 3.480,88 mm


1) Plate Lengths use the circumference of the vessel based on the mid diameter of the components.
2) North is located at 0°

Shell Rollout

Hydrostatic Test

Horizontal shop hydrostatic test based on MAWP per UG-99(b)

Gauge pressure at 21,11°C = 1,3*MAWP*LSR

= 1,3*11,72*1
= 15,24 bar

Horizontal shop hydrostatic test

Local test Test liquid UG-99(b) UG-99(b)
Identifier pressure static head stress pressure
(bar) (bar) ratio factor
Ellipsoidal Head #1 (1) 15,34 0,11 1 1,30

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 15,34 0,11 1 1,30

Cylinder #1 15,34 0,11 1 1,30

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 15,34 0,11 1 1,30

Ellipsoidal Head #2 15,34 0,11 1 1,30

Drenaje (N4) 15,29 0,05 1 1,30

Entrada de aire (N1) 15,29 0,06 1 1,30

Indicador de presion (N5) 15,26 0,03 1 1,30

Salida de aire (N2) 15,29 0,06 1 1,30

Valvula de alivio (N3) 15,27 0,03 1 1,30

(1) Ellipsoidal Head #1 limits the UG-99(b) stress ratio.

(2) The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid
height is assumed to the top-most flange.

The field test condition has not been investigated.

The test temperature of 21,11 °C is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of -20,4 °C so the brittle
fracture provision of UG-99(h) has been met.

Seismic Code

Building Code: ASCE 7-10 building mounted

Site Class C
Spectral Response Acceleration at short
period (% g), Ss
Spectral Response Acceleration at period of
1 sec (% g), S1
Response Modification Factor from Table
13.6-1, Rp
Importance Factor, Ip 1,0000
Amplification factor from Table 13.6-1, ap 1,0000
z/h Ratio 1,0000
Acceleration-based Site Coefficient, Fa 1,0000
Velocity-based Site Coefficient, Fv 1,4000
Redundancy factor, ρ 1,0000
Risk Category (Table 1.5-1) II
User Defined Vertical Accelerations
Hazardous, toxic, or explosive contents No
Vessel Characteristics
Height 11,8759 ft (3,62 m)
Operating, Corroded 7.310 lb (3.316 kg)
Empty, Corroded 1.537 lb (697 kg)
Period of Vibration Calculation
Operating, Corroded 0,133 sec (f = 7,5 Hz)
Fundamental Period, T
Empty, Corroded 0,057 sec (f = 17,5 Hz)

The fundamental period of vibration T (above) is calculated using the Rayleigh method of approximation

T = 2 * PI * Sqr( {Sum(Wi * yi2 )} / {g * Sum(Wi * yi )} ), where

Wi is the weight of the ith lumped mass, and

yi is its deflection when the system is treated as a cantilever beam.

16/172 Basic Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design
Load combinations considered in accordance with ASCE section
5. D + P + Ps + 0.7E = (1.0 + 0.14SDS)D + P + Ps + 0.7ρQE
8. 0.6D + P + Ps + 0.7E = (0.6 - 0.14SDS)D + P + Ps + 0.7ρQE
Parameter description
D = Dead load
P = Internal or external pressure load
Ps = Static head load
E = Seismic load = Eh +/- Ev = ρQE +/- 0.2SDSD

Seismic Shear Reports:

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded
Base Shear Calculations

Seismic Shear Report: Operating, Corroded

Elevation of Bottom Elastic Modulus E Inertia I Seismic Shear at Bending Moment at
above Base (mm) (kg/cm²) (m4) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f-m)

Ellipsoidal Head #1 3.300 2.051.670,3 * 88,2 12,8

Cylinder #1 (top) 1.000 2.051.670,3 0,0036 582,1 882,3

Legs #1 0 2.038.903,0 0,0014 618,8 1.493,8

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 1.000 2.051.670,3 0,0036 31,7 4,8

Ellipsoidal Head #2 1.000 2.051.670,3 * 29,1 4

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Seismic Shear Report: Empty, Corroded

Elevation of Bottom Elastic Modulus E Inertia I Seismic Shear at Bending Moment at
above Base (mm) (kg/cm²) (m4) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f-m)

Ellipsoidal Head #1 3.300 2.062.603,9 * 26,6 5,3

Cylinder #1 (top) 1.000 2.062.603,9 0,0036 115,9 193,1

Legs #1 0 2.038.903,0 0,0014 130,1 318,9

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 1.000 2.062.603,9 0,0036 8,7 1,6

Ellipsoidal Head #2 1.000 2.062.603,9 * 8,2 1,4

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

11.4.3: Maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration

The maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at short period, SMS
SMS = Fa * Ss = 1,0000 * 100,00 / 100 = 1,0000
The maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1 s period, SM1
SM1 = Fv * S1 = 1,4000 * 40,00 / 100 = 0,5600

11.4.4: Design spectral response acceleration parameters

Design earthquake spectral response acceleration at short period, SDS
SDS = 2 / 3 * SMS = 2 / 3 * 1,0000 = 0,6667
Design earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1 s period, SD1
SD1 = 2 / 3 * SM1 = 2 / 3 * 0,5600 = 0,3733

11.6 Seismic Design Category

The Risk Category is II.

From Table 11.6-1, the Seismic Design Category based on SDs = 0,6667 is D.
From Table 11.6-2, the Seismic Design Category based on SD1 = 0,3733 is D.
This vessel is assigned to Seismic Design Category D. Seismic Load Combinations: Vertical Term

Factor is applied to dead load.

Compressive Side: = 1.0 + 0.14 * SDS

= 1.0 + 0.14 * 0,6667
= 1,0933
Tensile Side: = 0.6 - 0.14 * SDS
= 0.6 - 0.14 * 0,6667
= 0,5067

Base Shear Calculations

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded

Base Shear Calculations: Operating, Corroded

The base shear Fp is as per Equation 13.3-1 below, provided its value is between FpMin and FpMax

Fp = 0,40 * ap * SDS* Wp / (Rp / Ip) * (1 + 2 * z / h)

= 0,40 * 1,0000 * 0,6667 * 7.309,7031/ (3,0000 / 1,0000) * (1 + 2 * 1,0000)
= 1.949,2542 lb (884,17 kg)

FpMin = 0,30 * SDS * Ip * Wp

= 0,30 * 0,6667 * 1,0000 * 7.309,7031
= 1.461,94 lb (663,13 kg)

FpMax = 1,60 * SDS * Ip * Wp

= 1,60 * 0,6667 * 1,0000 * 7.309,7031
= 7.797,02 lb (3.536,67 kg)

Fp = 1.949,25 lb (884,17 kg) Seismic Load Combinations: Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Eh

QE = Fp

Eh = 0.7 * ρ * QE (Only 70% of seismic load considered as per Section 2.4.1)
= 0.7 * 1,0000 * 1.949,25
= 1.364,48 lb (618,92 kg)

Base Shear Calculations: Empty, Corroded

The base shear Fp is as per Equation 13.3-1 below, provided its value is between FpMin and FpMax

Fp = 0,40 * ap * SDS* Wp / (Rp / Ip) * (1 + 2 * z / h)

= 0,40 * 1,0000 * 0,6667 * 1.536,7848/ (3,0000 / 1,0000) * (1 + 2 * 1,0000)
= 409,8093 lb (185,89 kg)

FpMin = 0,30 * SDS * Ip * Wp

= 0,30 * 0,6667 * 1,0000 * 1.536,7848
= 307,36 lb (139,41 kg)

FpMax = 1,60 * SDS * Ip * Wp

= 1,60 * 0,6667 * 1,0000 * 1.536,7848
= 1.639,24 lb (743,55 kg)

Fp = 409,81 lb (185,89 kg) Seismic Load Combinations: Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Eh

QE = Fp
Eh = 0.7 * ρ * QE (Only 70% of seismic load considered as per Section 2.4.1)
= 0.7 * 1,0000 * 409,81
= 286,87 lb (130,12 kg)

Wind Code

Building Code: ASCE 7-10

Elevation of base above grade 0,00 ft (0,00 m)
Increase effective outer diameter by 0,00 ft (0,00 m)
Wind Force Coefficient, Cf 0,5300
Risk Category (Table 1.5-1) II
Basic Wind Speed, V 115,00 mph (185,0746 km/h)
Exposure Category B
Wind Directionality Factor, Kd 0,9500
Topographic Factor, Kzt 1,0000
Enforce min. loading of 0.77 kPa Yes
Hazardous, toxic, or explosive contents No
Vessel Characteristics
Height, h 11,8759 ft (3,6198 m)
Operating, Corroded 3,6614 ft (1,1160 m)
Minimum Diameter, b
Empty, Corroded 3,6614 ft (1,1160 m)
Operating, Corroded 7,5251 Hz
Fundamental Frequency, n1
Empty, Corroded 17,5225 Hz
Operating, Corroded 0,0250
Damping coefficient, β
Empty, Corroded 0,0200

Table Lookup Values

2.4.1 Basic Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design

Load combinations considered in accordance with ASCE
section 2.4.1:
5. D + P + Ps + 0.6W
7. 0.6D + P + Ps + 0.6W
Parameter Description
D = Dead load
P = Internal or external pressure load
Ps = Static head load
W = Wind load

Wind Deflection Reports:

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded
Wind Pressure Calculations

Wind Deflection Report: Operating, Corroded

Elevation of Platform Total Wind Bending
Effective OD Elastic Modulus Inertia Deflection
Component Bottom above Wind Shear at Shear at Moment at
(m) E (kg/cm²) I (m4) at Top (mm)
Base (mm) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f-m)

Ellipsoidal Head #1 3.300 1,11 2.051.670,3 * 0 13,5 2,3 0,2

Cylinder #1 (top) 1.000 1,12 2.051.670,3 0,003618 0 132,5 174,5 0,2

Legs #1 0 0 2.038.903,0 1,204e-05 0 147,4 319,6 0,2

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 1.000 1,12 2.051.670,3 0,003618 0 14,9 2,2 0,2

Ellipsoidal Head #2 1.000 1,11 2.051.670,3 * 0 13,5 1,9 0,2

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Wind Deflection Report: Empty, Corroded

Elevation of Platform Total Wind Bending
Effective OD Elastic Modulus Inertia Deflection
Component Bottom above Wind Shear at Shear at Moment at
(m) E (kg/cm²) I (m4) at Top (mm)
Base (mm) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f) Bottom (kg f-m)

Ellipsoidal Head #1 3.300 1,11 2.062.603,9 * 0 13,5 2,3 0,2

Cylinder #1 (top) 1.000 1,12 2.062.603,9 0,003618 0 132,5 174,5 0,2

Legs #1 0 0 2.038.903,0 1,204e-05 0 147,4 319,6 0,2

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 1.000 1,12 2.062.603,9 0,003618 0 14,9 2,2 0,2

Ellipsoidal Head #2 1.000 1,11 2.062.603,9 * 0 13,5 1,9 0,2

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Wind Pressure (WP) Calculations

Gust Factor (G¯) Calculations

Kz = 2,01 * (Z/Zg)2/α
= 2,01 * (Z/365,76)0,2857
qz = 0,613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V2
= 0,613 * Kz * 1,0000 * 0,9500 * 51,40962
= 1.539,1201 * Kz
WP = 0.6 * max[ qz * G * Cf, 0.0077 bar ]
= 0.6 * max[ qz * G * 0,5300, 0.0077 bar ]

Design Wind Pressures
Height Z qz WP (bar)
(m) (bar)
Operating Empty Hydrotest New Hydrotest Corroded Vacuum
4,6 0,5747 0,0089 0,0046 0,0046 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Design Wind Force determined from: F = Pressure * Af , where Af is the projected area.

Gust Factor Calculations

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded

Gust Factor Calculations: Operating, Corroded

Vessel is considered a rigid structure as n1 = 7,5251 Hz ≥ 1 Hz.

z¯ = max[ 0,60 * h , zmin ]

= max[ 0,60 * 11,8759 , 30,0000 ]
= 30,0000
Iz¯ = c * (33 / z¯)1/6
= 0,3000 * (33 / 30,0000)1/6
= 0,3048
Lz¯ = l * (z¯ / 33)ep
= 320,0000 * (30,0000 / 33)0,3333
= 309,9934
Q = Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((b + h) / Lz¯)0,63))
= Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((3,6614 + 11,8759) / 309,9934)0,63))
= 0,9554
G = 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * gQ * Iz¯ * Q) / (1 + 1.7 * gv * Iz¯)
= 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * 3,40* 0,3048 * 0,9554) / (1 + 1.7 * 3,40 * 0,3048)
= 0,8987

Gust Factor Calculations: Empty, Corroded

Vessel is considered a rigid structure as n1 = 17,5225 Hz ≥ 1 Hz.

z¯ = max[ 0,60 * h , zmin ]

= max[ 0,60 * 11,8759 , 30,0000 ]
= 30,0000
Iz¯ = c * (33 / z¯)1/6
= 0,3000 * (33 / 30,0000)1/6
= 0,3048
Lz¯ = l * (z¯ / 33)ep
= 320,0000 * (30,0000 / 33)0,3333
= 309,9934
Q = Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((b + h) / Lz¯)0,63))
= Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((3,6614 + 11,8759) / 309,9934)0,63))

= 0,9554
G = 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * gQ * Iz¯ * Q) / (1 + 1.7 * gv * Iz¯)
= 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * 3,40* 0,3048 * 0,9554) / (1 + 1.7 * 3,40 * 0,3048)
= 0,8987

Table Lookup Values

[Table 26.9-1, page
α = 7,0000, zg = 365,76 m
[Table 26.9-1, page
c = 0,3000, l = 320,0000, ep = 0,3333
[Table 26.9-1, page
a¯ = 0,2500, b¯ = 0,4500
[Table 26.9-1, page
zmin = 30,0000 ft
gQ = 3,40 [26.9.4 page 254]
gv = 3,40 [26.9.4 page 254]

Ellipsoidal Head #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Component Ellipsoidal Head
Material SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Attached To Cylinder #1
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 11,72 40 -28,89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (bar) Hs (mm) SG
Operating 0,04 412 1
Test horizontal 0,11 1.100 1
Inner Diameter 1.100 mm
Head Ratio 2
Minimum Thickness 6,77 mm
Inner 1,25 mm
Outer 0 mm
Length Lsf 38 mm
Nominal Thickness tsf 8 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg)1 Capacity (liters)1
New 82,75 210,34
Corroded 67,89 212,09
Category A joints Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Head to shell seam Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
includes straight flange

Results Summary
Governing condition internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 2,5 mm + 1,25 mm = 3,75 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 6,77 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 11,73 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 14,42 bar
Rated MDMT -37,4°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 6,77 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,76*1.102,5*0,996987 / (2*1.380*0,85 - 0,2*11,76) = 5,52 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 5,52*0,85 / (6,77 - 1,25) = 0,8493
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 8,4°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 8,4 , -48] = -37,4°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Factor K
K = (1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]
Corroded K = (1/6)*[2 + (1.102,5 / (2*276,25))2] 0,997
New K = (1/6)*[2 + (1.100 / (2*275))2] 1

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 40 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = P*D*K / (2*S*E - 0,2*P) + Corrosion

= 11,76*1.102,5*0,996987 / (2*1.380*0,85 - 0,2*11,76) + 1,25
= 6,77 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 40 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0,2*t) - Ps

= 2*1.380*0,85*5,52 / (0,996987*1.102,5 +0,2*5,52) - 0,04
= 11,73 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21,11 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0,2*t) - Ps

= 2*1.380*0,85*6,77 / (1*1.100 +0,2*6,77) - 0
= 14,42 bar
% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*8 / 191)*(1 - 191 / infinity)

= 3,1414%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Component Cylinder
Material SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 11,72 40 -28,89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (bar) Hs (mm) SG
Operating 0,04 450 1
Test horizontal 0,11 1.100 1
Inner Diameter 1.100 mm
Length 38 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
Inner 1,25 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 8,29 36,11
Corroded 7 36,28
Longitudinal seam Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Bottom Circumferential
Spot UW-11(b) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 2,5 mm + 1,25 mm = 3,75 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 6,81 mm
Design thickness due to combined loadings + corrosion 3,54 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 14,21 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 16,91 bar
Rated MDMT -45,8 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 8 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,76*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0.6*11,76) = 5,56 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 5,56*0,85 / (8 - 1,25) = 0,7004
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 16,8°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 16,8 , -48] = -45,8°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Design thickness, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0,60*P) + Corrosion

= 11,76*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0,60*11,76) + 1,25
= 6,81 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t) - Ps
= 1.380*0,85*6,75 / (551,25 + 0,60*6,75) - 0,04
= 14,21 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21,11 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t)
= 1.380*0,85*8 / (550 + 0,60*8)
= 16,91 bar

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*8 / 554)*(1 - 554 / infinity)
= 0,722%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads
Stress Before
Pressure P ( UG-23 Stress Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to Req'd Thk Due to
Condition Load
bar) Increase ( °C) (mm) Tension (mm) Compression (mm)

St Sc

Wind 2,29 2,29

Operating, Hot & Corroded 11,72 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25
Seismic 2,29 2,29

Wind 2,28 2,28

Operating, Hot & New 11,72 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0
Seismic 2,29 2,28

Wind 0 0
Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25
Seismic 0 0

Wind 0 0
Hot Shut Down, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0
Seismic 0 0

Wind 0 0
Empty, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 21,11 1,25
Seismic 0 0

Wind 0 0
Empty, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 21,11 0
Seismic 0 0

Hot Shut Down, Corroded,

Weight & Eccentric Moments 0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25 Weight 0 0

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScVC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 2,29 + 0 - (0)
= 2,29 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 79,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (2,29)|
= 2,29 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(6,75 - 0 + (0)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (0)))
= 34,65 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*94,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 2,29 + 0 - (0)
= 2,28 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 94,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (0) - (2,29)|
= 2,28 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(8 - 0 + (0)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (0)))
= 41,19 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*554,632*952,29*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*554,632*952,29*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,3 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm

tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 0,4 / (π*554,632*952,29*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 12,8 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 2,29 + 0 - (0)
= 2,29 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (0) - (2,29)|
= 2,29 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(6,75 - 0 + (0)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (0)))
= 34,64 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 13,4 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*94,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 2,29 + 0 - (0)
= 2,29 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*94,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (2,29)|
= 2,28 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(8 - 0 + (0)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (0)))
= 41,19 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 12,8 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)

= 12,8 / (π*554,632*952,29*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 13,4 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*94,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 13,4 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 5,3 / (π*554,632*952,29*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*79,3 / (2*π*554,63*952,29*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm

tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 6,1 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0)|
= 0 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*94,4 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0) - (0)
= 0 mm

Salida de aire (N2)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Location and Orientation
Located on Ellipsoidal Head #1
Orientation 0°
End of nozzle to datum line 2.750 mm
Calculated as hillside No
Distance to head center, R 0 mm
Passes through a Category A joint No
Description NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS) DN 100
Access opening No
Material specification SA-106 B Smls Pipe (II-D Metric p. 14, ln. 15)
Inside diameter, new 97,18 mm
Pipe nominal wall thickness 8,56 mm
Pipe minimum wall thickness1 7,49 mm
Corrosion allowance 1,25 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr 55,52 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf 131,72 mm
Local vessel minimum thickness 6,77 mm
Liquid static head included 0,01 bar
Longitudinal joint efficiency 1
Reinforcing Pad
Material specification SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)

Diameter, Dp 215,9 mm
Thickness, te 8 mm
Is split No
Inner fillet, Leg41 8 mm
Outer fillet, Leg42 8 mm
Nozzle to vessel groove weld 6,77 mm
Pad groove weld 8 mm
Pipe minimum thickness = nominal thickness times pipe tolerance factor of 0,875.

ASME B16.5-2013 Flange

Description NPS 4 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 (II-D Metric p. 344, ln. 31)
Blind included No
Rated MDMT -48°C
Liquid static head 0 bar
Consider External Loads on Flange MAWP Rating No
MAWP rating 19,53 bar @ 40°C
MAP rating 19,6 bar @ 21,11°C
Hydrotest rating 30 bar @ 21,11°C
PWHT performed No
Impact Tested No
Circumferential joint radiography Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,598)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Nozzle

External nozzle loadings per UG-22 govern the coincident ratio used.
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 1,38*1 / (7,49 - 1,25) = 0,2207
Stress ratio ≤ 0,35, MDMT per UCS-66(b)(3) = -105°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Pad
Governing thickness, tg = 7,49 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,73*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*11,73) = 4,21 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4,21*1 / (6,77 - 1,25) = 0,7632
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 13,3°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 13,3 , -48] = -42,3°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 11,73 bar @ 40 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

4,2884 10,1939 1,2755 1,6077 -- 6,8049 0,5058 5,46 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

4.470 12.550 29.055 3.945 33.746 13.521 29.028

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,12 5,6 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 2,76 5,6 weld size is adequate

WRC 537
Max Allow
Max Allow
Local Local
P Pr M1 V2 M2 V1 Mt Comb Comb Over
Load Case Primary Primary
(bar) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) Stress Stress stressed
Stress Stress
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)

API 660 (NPS 4, Class

11,73 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 2.431,916 4.221,622 1.387,647 2.110,811 No

API 660 (NPS 4, Class

0 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 1.352,283 4.221,622 308,015 2.110,811 No
150) (Hot Shut Down)

Calculations for internal pressure 11,73 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(99,68, 49,84 + (8,56 - 1,25) + (6,77 - 1,25))
= 99,68 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,56 - 1,25) + 8)
= 13,8 mm

Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,7334*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7334)
= 0,5 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 11,7334*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*11,7334)
= 4,21 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*4,21*1 + 2*7,31*4,21*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 4,2884 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 1,2755 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*(1*5,52 - 1*4,21) - 2*7,31*(1*5,52 - 1*4,21)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 1,2755 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(5,52 + 7,31)*(1*5,52 - 1*4,21) - 2*7,31*(1*5,52 - 1*4,21)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0,3077 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 1,6077 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(7,31 - 0,5)*0,8551*5,52) / 100
= 1,6077 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(7,31 - 0,5)*(2,5*7,31 + 8)*0,8551) / 100

= 3,0606 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (7,692*0,8551) / 100
= 0,5058 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((199,36 - 99,68 - 2*7,31)*8*1) / 100
= 6,8049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 1,2755 + 1,6077 + 0,5058 + 0 + 6,8049
= 10,1939 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 7,31 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,12 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 5,52 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 2,76 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 11,7334*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7334) + 1,25
= 1,75 mm

ta UG-22 = 2,63 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,75 , 2,63 ]
= 2,63 mm

tb1 = 5,46 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 5,46 , 3,75 ]
= 5,46 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 6,52 , 5,46 ]
= 5,46 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 2,63 , 5,46 ]
= 5,46 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*8*589,599 = 8.468,64 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*8*689,532 = 18.707,56 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*106,99*7,31*842,285 = 10.347,34 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*5,52*1.041,333 = 10.320,37 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (428,8365 - 127,5481 + 2*7,31*0,8551*(1*5,52 - 1*4,21))*1.407,207
= 4.469,75 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (160,7739 + 680,4864 + 50,5805 + 0)*1.407,207
= 12.550,06 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv
= (160,7739 + 0 + 50,5805 + 0 + 2*7,31*5,52*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 3.945,27 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (160,7739 + 0 + 680,4864 + 50,5805 + 0 + 0 + 2*7,31*5,52*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 13.521,13 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 4.469,75 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 18.707,56 + 10.347,34 = 29.054,9 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 3.945,27 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 8.468,64 + 10.320,37 + 14.957,06 = 33.746,07 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 4.469,75 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 18.707,56 + 10.320,37 = 29.027,93 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

WRC 537 API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150)

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr -244,94 kgf
Circumferential moment, M1 98,2 kgf-m
Circumferential shear, V2 308,44 kgf
Longitudinal moment, M2 124,4 kgf-m
Longitudinal shear, V1 308,44 kgf
Torsion moment, Mt 157,6 kgf-m
Internal pressure, P 11,73 bar
Mean dish radius, Rm 998,96 mm
Local head thickness, T 5,52 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

γ = rm / t = 52,96 / 6,24 = 8,4874

ρ = T / t = 5,52 / 6,24 = 0,8846

U = ro / Sqr(Rm*T) = 107,95 / Sqr(998,96*5,52) = 1,454

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-1 SM-1
ρ = 0,25
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 3,7231 1,9183 0,2132 0,2459 5,5747 3,4183 48,225 10,3039
b 186,7198 719,3115 4,205 200,0895 6,9409 30,765 3.880,8868 -589,9236
c 26,4368 74,3354 0,1092 48,4085 -23,5691 -68,1701 626,1306 -191,2477
d 1.419,4954 2.645,2748 5,4914 253,4566 31,0499 -855,2551 44.477,21 4.701,8017
e 648,0076 -45,7362 1,408 -25,0342 113,9108 390,7493 4.895,8788 838,6609
f 9.734,6418 913,8857 24,927 15,8664 221,0402 4.747,865 3.024,9996 -1.873,4948
g -160,348 -5,3218 -0,244 5,4387 -26,0412 -102,347 -387,7985 -129,3938
h 0 -2.598,337 0 0 584,8641 5.154,7728 59.637,35 6.245,6511
i 0 5,7655 0 0 0 0 0 0
j 0 796,5845 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0277 0,0075 0,0273 0,0393 0,0392 0,0116 0,0269 0,0355

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-2 SM-2
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,6211 0,3627 4,244 0,147 11,647 3,0505 2,3258 -0,0608
b 21,6273 44,9628 2.909,7533 -1,6443 44,8126 18,7157 7,2896 -4,1861
c 2,9619 3,7254 670,6484 0,1238 -215,542 -13,8221 -10,6212 0,3339
d 29,2309 98,0346 7.883,0399 29,843 -990,6785 -19,0976 46,1723 9,0989
e 2,1842 -0,2704 -1.025,2729 5,3816 1.206,7112 24,6135 23,7824 -0,3729
f 86,1406 137,5921 -15.335,94 6,1433 5.063,1144 -108,1759 -198,2298 -7,5883
g -0,3873 0 482,899 -3,3272 -398,6713 -6,4014 18,2767 0,2136
h 0 0 6.934,936 1,2597 5.228,5657 373,4437 767,1196 2,6114
i 0 0 -34,8626 0,5351 0 0 0 -0,0422
j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0233 0,0075 0,0295 0,0449 0,0277 0,0116 0,0319 0,0417

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-5 SM-5
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 2,5313 0,2573 0,2148 0,2565 5,0495 2,3071 1,3095 -0,0934
b 473,1618 0,6261 75,2962 -4,0038 9,0562 10,326 7,1691 -5,4435
c 188,3279 -3,2878 11,984 -1,0345 -14,0471 -11,3673 -4,9409 0,5761
d 3.838,2426 -118,1855 347,0785 5,3696 47,3217 26,4081 25,6386 18,6046
e 276,3502 12,6432 -2,8446 0,6823 32,2135 28,751 30,6153 -0,5013
f 3.999,8712 597,9902 -59,4988 -7,5639 -73,3031 -148,3722 362,4322 -21,4549
g -70,677 -5,5092 0 1,7989 -10,377 -3,0892 -19,9268 0,5988
h 0 -163,2562 0 21,8984 206,2954 706,8852 -74,8696 13,0083
i 0 0,5296 0 -0,7141 2,0028 0 4,1492 0
j 0 0 0 -7,0392 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0305 0,0089 0,0176 0,0715 0,0367 0,0134 0,0191 0,062
Note: ρ is outside the bounds. ρ = 1 used.

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 1 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =1.079,633 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 2.431,92 kgf/cm2
Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.387,65 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
SP-1 to 10* Nx*T / P 0,0251 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178

SP-1 to 10 Mx / P 0,0262 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0269 0 0 0 0 -116,78 -116,78 116,78 116,78

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,032 0 0 0 0 -833,559 833,559 833,559 -833,559

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0269 -148,066 -148,066 148,066 148,066 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,032 -1.056,642 1.056,642 1.056,642 -1.056,642 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633

Total Ox stress 21,655 1.881,834 2.431,072 64,682 276,025 1.690,037 2.176,702 256,48

Membrane O x stress* 951,745 951,745 1.247,877 1.247,877 983,031 983,031 1.216,591 1.216,591

SP-1 to 10* Ny*T / P 0,0536 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098

SP-1 to 10 My / P 0,008 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0482 0 0 0 0 -209,022 -209,022 209,022 209,022

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0122 0 0 0 0 -317,295 317,295 317,295 -317,295

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0482 -264,916 -264,916 264,916 264,916 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0122 -402,226 402,226 402,226 -402,226 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633 1.079,633

Total Oy stress 494,047 1.221,582 1.828,331 946,964 634,871 1.192,546 1.687,506 976

Membrane O y stress* 857,814 857,814 1.387,647 1.387,647 913,708 913,708 1.331,753 1.331,753

Shear from M t 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02

Shear from V 1 0 0 0 0 -16,452 -16,452 16,452 16,452

Shear from V 2 16,452 16,452 -16,452 -16,452 0 0 0 0

Total Shear stress 55,472 55,472 22,569 22,569 22,569 22,569 55,472 55,472

Combined stress
500,445 1.886,475 2.431,916 947,526 636,277 1.691,092 2.182,889 980,219

(1) * denotes primary stress.

(2) The nozzle is analyzed as a hollow attachment.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the nozzle OD (includes pressure)

γ = rm / t = 52,96 / 6,24 = 8,4874

ρ = T / t = 13,52 / 6,24 = 2,1667

U = ro / Sqr(Rm*T) = 57,15 / Sqr(998,96*13,52) = 0,492

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-3 SM-3
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,3656 0,6924 194,6898 0,1169 3.575,8953 -1.612,8152 1,1658 -0,2512
b 20,761 41,4599 35.425,74 0,0485 18.337,83 -16.367,04 6,6119 -4,0064
c 2,1174 6,5648 6.712,6521 1,0834 -148.402,8 19.145,7 -1,8023 1,206
d 39,8904 56,9657 67.541,61 6,5638 -1.113.150 231.710,9 -7,5795 11,6011
e -1,5403 -10,362 -7.076,6023 -1,4491 1.808.340 174.103,8 0,7851 -0,9153
f 6,0842 50,3033 -38.750,21 -8,5622 1,9219E+07 969.880,3 -0,5602 -10,415
g 0,3004 5,2068 7.127,4907 0,6633 -121.264,6 74.723,92 0,0402 0,1529
h 0 -124,8434 52.813,19 4,7651 4.868.062 1.365.329 2,7493 3,6043
i 0 -0,8506 -976,6428 -0,1059 -427.941,1 -91.957,24 0 0
j 0 45,9146 0 -0,7887 8.286.525 1.729.110 0 0
Y 0,0496 0,0564 0,0799 0,2011 0,1288 0,1822 0,1886 0,1718

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-4 SM-4
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,1955 0,7443 2,537 0,1606 -3,9242 12,6132 -0,9607 -6,9959
b 355,6102 7,533 1.071,7354 22,9473 -68,5346 29,9988 -43,2509 114,214
c 21,1677 -2,6223 127,4587 10,3372 228,2976 -129,5801 -7,5852 81,2222
d 1.539,5199 -7,6574 2.112,6475 -190,1285 9.214,6671 -214,241 8,1123 -726,9062
e -9,9855 9,5634 -131,0041 -76,2413 341,9835 558,1185 5,3251 -296,5262
f 356,7674 64,1716 -8.161,6149 517,979 12.323,9 595,3023 11,1703 1.724,0898
g 0 -5,6615 -54,494 186,8225 -372,3161 -319,0507 0 427,4096
h 0 62,296 7.160,3101 -483,8102 0 2.813,0991 0 -1.948,4552
i 0 0 102,0928 -102,4669 0 0 0 -195,9934
j 0 0 -1.577,3732 408,8865 0 0 0 1.040,0273
Y 0,0139 0,0774 0,0748 0,2665 0,0401 0,2302 0,2004 0,2544

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-6 SM-6
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,4364 0,4568 0,5408 0,199 1,2527 1,9756 3,4348 -0,6545
b 23,8528 18,4406 86,1146 1,3701 -9,7364 -10,5872 32,542 2,3553
c 3,1218 0,5744 10,6552 0,9562 42,3407 -7,1545 -9,1948 3,7495
d 57,2195 2,9177 210,1066 4,8904 581,7506 267,0319 0,2003 6,5143
e -1,23 0,2335 -2,8821 -0,1717 -11,5154 184,7135 14,4342 -2,6465
f -0,5058 37,5435 66,5636 -0,1752 -363,3128 406,7564 -130,0729 -5,4867
g 0,4263 0 1,9553 0 4,4567 337,601 1,057 0,5907
h 16,5587 0 0 0 555,7041 5.118,1159 350,2929 1,9002
i 0 0 0 0 0 -155,8292 0 0
j 0 0 0 0 0 2.619,7988 0 0
Y 0,0627 0,0522 0,0521 0,2213 0,157 0,1533 0,1146 0,1941

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-7 SM-7
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,1225 1,1858 0,152 0,2586 81.160,67 54,8627 - -2.889,5632
b 10,2618 30,9469 6,4077 2,6992 2.773.928 313,4235 2,0933E+11 44.457,77
c 0,0628 0,7386 -0,2621 2,1956 11.224,63 -805,6348 2,2821E+11 31.259,89
d 2,5604 -22,7834 -20,1141 10,0386 -888.508,9 -5.199,714 6,2796E+12 -175.466,5
e -9,8501E-04 0,8686 0,1324 0,3281 -4.806,5269 2.622,0799 1,5072E+12 -81.861,2
f 7,9918 86,4361 30,2989 -5,923 3.917.797 23.612,83 3,0942E+13 299.387,2
g 0 -0,3301 0,2529 -0,3719 0 4.442,2399 1,7691E+11 85.306,95
h 0 0 -12,616 4,2863 0 -21.199,17 3,2234E+12 -247.881,6
i 0 0 -0,0853 0 0 -1.946,6481 0 -22.718,26
j 0 0 1,8294 0 0 79.566,95 0 113.956,5
Y 0,0201 0,0819 0,0364 0,3193 0,0529 0,2566 0,0913 0,3939

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0,4373 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =472,181 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 1.291,68 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 612,16 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the nozzle OD per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
SP-1 to 10* Nx*T / P 0,0694 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281

SP-1 to 10 Mx / P 0,051 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1627 0 0 0 0 -75,228 -75,228 75,228 75,228

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1308 0 0 0 0 -362,573 362,573 362,573 -362,573

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1627 -95,336 -95,336 95,336 95,336 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1308 -459,596 459,596 459,596 -459,596 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181

Total Ox stress -32,482 804,733 1.077,383 76,213 84,65 727,817 960,252 153,128

Membrane O x stress* 386,125 386,125 576,798 576,798 406,233 406,233 556,69 556,69

SP-1 to 10* Ny*T / P 0,2146 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756

SP-1 to 10 My / P 0,0569 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1899 0 0 0 0 -87,743 -87,743 87,743 87,743

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1777 0 0 0 0 -492,781 492,781 492,781 -492,781

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1899 -111,226 -111,226 111,226 111,226 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1777 -624,677 624,677 624,677 -624,677 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181 472,181

Total Oy stress -189,196 968,618 1.282,609 -58,284 -33,818 860,205 1.127,231 50,129

Membrane O y stress* 389,711 389,711 612,162 612,162 413,194 413,194 588,68 588,68

Shear from M t 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808

Shear from V 1 0 0 0 0 -12,726 -12,726 12,726 12,726

Shear from V 2 12,726 12,726 -12,726 -12,726 0 0 0 0

Total Shear stress 69,534 69,534 44,082 44,082 44,082 44,082 69,534 69,534

Combined stress
-215,631 994,14 1.291,678 160,792 147,644 873,563 1.152,4 188,141

(1) * denotes primary stress.

(2) The nozzle is analyzed as a hollow attachment.

Longitudinal stress in the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external loads

σn (Pm) = P*Ri / (2*tn) - Pr / (π*(Ro2 - Ri2)) + M*Ro / I

= 11,73*1,02*49,84 / (2*6,24) - -244,94 / (π*(57,152 - 49,842))*100 + 158.486,8*57,15 / 3.531.993*100
= 314,196 kgf/cm2

The average primary stress Pm (see Division 2 5.6.a.1) across the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external
loads is acceptable ( ≤ S = 1.203,264 kgf/cm2)

Shear stress in the nozzle wall due to external loads

σshear = (V12 + V22)0,5 / (π*Ri*tn)*100

= (308,442 + 308,442)0,5 / (π*49,84*7,31)*100
= 38,111 kgf/cm2

σtorsion = Mt / (2*π*Ri2*tn)*100000
= 157,6 / (2*π*49,842*7,31)*100000
= 138,147 kgf/cm2

σtotal = σshear + σtorsion

= 38,111 + 138,147
= 176,258 kgf/cm2

UG-45: The total combined shear stress (176,258 kgf/cm2) ≤ allowable (0,7*Sn = 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAWP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 15,37 bar @ 40 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

5,6192 8,881 -- 1,5703 -- 6,8049 0,5058 6,52 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

7.907 12.497 29.055 3.893 33.746 13.468 29.028

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,12 5,6 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 2,76 5,6 weld size is adequate

WRC 537
Max Allow
Max Allow
Local Local
P Pr M1 V2 M2 V1 Mt Comb Comb Over
Load Case Primary Primary
(bar) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) Stress Stress stressed
Stress Stress
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)

API 660 (NPS 4, Class

15,37 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 2.766,647 4.221,622 1.722,378 2.110,811 No

Calculations for internal pressure 15,37 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(99,68, 49,84 + (8,56 - 1,25) + (6,77 - 1,25))
= 99,68 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,56 - 1,25) + 8)
= 13,8 mm

Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 15,3711*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,3711)
= 0,66 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 15,3711*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*15,3711)
= 5,52 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*5,52*1 + 2*7,31*5,52*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 5,6192 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*(1*5,52 - 1*5,52) - 2*7,31*(1*5,52 - 1*5,52)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(5,52 + 7,31)*(1*5,52 - 1*5,52) - 2*7,31*(1*5,52 - 1*5,52)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 1,5703 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(7,31 - 0,66)*0,8551*5,52) / 100
= 1,5703 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(7,31 - 0,66)*(2,5*7,31 + 8)*0,8551) / 100

= 2,9903 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (7,692*0,8551) / 100
= 0,5058 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((199,36 - 99,68 - 2*7,31)*8*1) / 100
= 6,8049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0 + 1,5703 + 0,5058 + 0 + 6,8049
= 8,881 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 7,31 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,12 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 5,52 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 2,76 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 15,3711*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,3711) + 1,25
= 1,91 mm

ta UG-22 = 2,72 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,91 , 2,72 ]
= 2,72 mm

tb1 = 6,77 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,77 , 3,75 ]
= 6,77 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 6,52 , 6,77 ]
= 6,52 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 2,72 , 6,52 ]
= 6,52 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*8*589,599 = 8.468,64 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*8*689,532 = 18.707,56 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*106,99*7,31*842,285 = 10.347,34 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*5,52*1.041,333 = 10.320,37 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (561,9219 - 0 + 2*7,31*0,8551*(1*5,52 - 1*5,52))*1.407,207
= 7.907,43 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (157,0319 + 680,4864 + 50,5805 + 0)*1.407,207
= 12.497,4 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv
= (157,0319 + 0 + 50,5805 + 0 + 2*7,31*5,52*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 3.892,61 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (157,0319 + 0 + 680,4864 + 50,5805 + 0 + 0 + 2*7,31*5,52*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 13.468,47 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 7.907,43 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 18.707,56 + 10.347,34 = 29.054,9 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 3.892,61 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 8.468,64 + 10.320,37 + 14.957,06 = 33.746,07 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 7.907,43 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 18.707,56 + 10.320,37 = 29.027,93 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

WRC 537 API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150)

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr -244,94 kgf
Circumferential moment, M1 98,2 kgf-m
Circumferential shear, V2 308,44 kgf
Longitudinal moment, M2 124,4 kgf-m
Longitudinal shear, V1 308,44 kgf
Torsion moment, Mt 157,6 kgf-m
Internal pressure, P 15,37 bar
Mean dish radius, Rm 998,96 mm
Local head thickness, T 5,52 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

γ = rm / t = 52,96 / 6,24 = 8,4874

ρ = T / t = 5,52 / 6,24 = 0,8846

U = ro / Sqr(Rm*T) = 107,95 / Sqr(998,96*5,52) = 1,454

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-1 SM-1
ρ = 0,25
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 3,7231 1,9183 0,2132 0,2459 5,5747 3,4183 48,225 10,3039
b 186,7198 719,3115 4,205 200,0895 6,9409 30,765 3.880,8868 -589,9236
c 26,4368 74,3354 0,1092 48,4085 -23,5691 -68,1701 626,1306 -191,2477
d 1.419,4954 2.645,2748 5,4914 253,4566 31,0499 -855,2551 44.477,21 4.701,8017
e 648,0076 -45,7362 1,408 -25,0342 113,9108 390,7493 4.895,8788 838,6609
f 9.734,6418 913,8857 24,927 15,8664 221,0402 4.747,865 3.024,9996 -1.873,4948
g -160,348 -5,3218 -0,244 5,4387 -26,0412 -102,347 -387,7985 -129,3938
h 0 -2.598,337 0 0 584,8641 5.154,7728 59.637,35 6.245,6511
i 0 5,7655 0 0 0 0 0 0
j 0 796,5845 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0277 0,0075 0,0273 0,0393 0,0392 0,0116 0,0269 0,0355

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-2 SM-2
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,6211 0,3627 4,244 0,147 11,647 3,0505 2,3258 -0,0608
b 21,6273 44,9628 2.909,7533 -1,6443 44,8126 18,7157 7,2896 -4,1861
c 2,9619 3,7254 670,6484 0,1238 -215,542 -13,8221 -10,6212 0,3339
d 29,2309 98,0346 7.883,0399 29,843 -990,6785 -19,0976 46,1723 9,0989
e 2,1842 -0,2704 -1.025,2729 5,3816 1.206,7112 24,6135 23,7824 -0,3729
f 86,1406 137,5921 -15.335,94 6,1433 5.063,1144 -108,1759 -198,2298 -7,5883
g -0,3873 0 482,899 -3,3272 -398,6713 -6,4014 18,2767 0,2136
h 0 0 6.934,936 1,2597 5.228,5657 373,4437 767,1196 2,6114
i 0 0 -34,8626 0,5351 0 0 0 -0,0422
j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0233 0,0075 0,0295 0,0449 0,0277 0,0116 0,0319 0,0417

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-5 SM-5
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 2,5313 0,2573 0,2148 0,2565 5,0495 2,3071 1,3095 -0,0934
b 473,1618 0,6261 75,2962 -4,0038 9,0562 10,326 7,1691 -5,4435
c 188,3279 -3,2878 11,984 -1,0345 -14,0471 -11,3673 -4,9409 0,5761
d 3.838,2426 -118,1855 347,0785 5,3696 47,3217 26,4081 25,6386 18,6046
e 276,3502 12,6432 -2,8446 0,6823 32,2135 28,751 30,6153 -0,5013
f 3.999,8712 597,9902 -59,4988 -7,5639 -73,3031 -148,3722 362,4322 -21,4549
g -70,677 -5,5092 0 1,7989 -10,377 -3,0892 -19,9268 0,5988
h 0 -163,2562 0 21,8984 206,2954 706,8852 -74,8696 13,0083
i 0 0,5296 0 -0,7141 2,0028 0 4,1492 0
j 0 0 0 -7,0392 0 0 0 0
Y 0,0305 0,0089 0,0176 0,0715 0,0367 0,0134 0,0191 0,062
Note: ρ is outside the bounds. ρ = 1 used.

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-7 SM-7
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,1225 1,1858 0,152 0,2586 81.160,67 54,8627 - -2.889,5632
b 10,2618 30,9469 6,4077 2,6992 2.773.928 313,4235 2,0933E+11 44.457,77
c 0,0628 0,7386 -0,2621 2,1956 11.224,63 -805,6348 2,2821E+11 31.259,89
d 2,5604 -22,7834 -20,1141 10,0386 -888.508,9 -5.199,714 6,2796E+12 -175.466,5
e -9,8501E-04 0,8686 0,1324 0,3281 -4.806,5269 2.622,0799 1,5072E+12 -81.861,2
f 7,9918 86,4361 30,2989 -5,923 3.917.797 23.612,83 3,0942E+13 299.387,2
g 0 -0,3301 0,2529 -0,3719 0 4.442,2399 1,7691E+11 85.306,95
h 0 0 -12,616 4,2863 0 -21.199,17 3,2234E+12 -247.881,6
i 0 0 -0,0853 0 0 -1.946,6481 0 -22.718,26
j 0 0 1,8294 0 0 79.566,95 0 113.956,5
Y 0,0201 0,0819 0,0364 0,3193 0,0529 0,2566 0,0913 0,3939

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 1 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =1.414,364 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 2.766,65 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.722,38 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
SP-1 to 10* Nx*T / P 0,0251 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178 20,178

SP-1 to 10 Mx / P 0,0262 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552 126,552 -126,552

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0269 0 0 0 0 -116,78 -116,78 116,78 116,78

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,032 0 0 0 0 -833,559 833,559 833,559 -833,559

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0269 -148,066 -148,066 148,066 148,066 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,032 -1.056,642 1.056,642 1.056,642 -1.056,642 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364

Total Ox stress 356,386 2.216,566 2.765,803 399,414 610,756 2.024,768 2.511,433 591,211

Membrane O x stress* 1.286,476 1.286,476 1.582,608 1.582,608 1.317,762 1.317,762 1.551,322 1.551,322

SP-1 to 10* Ny*T / P 0,0536 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098

SP-1 to 10 My / P 0,008 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458 38,458 -38,458

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0482 0 0 0 0 -209,022 -209,022 209,022 209,022

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,0122 0 0 0 0 -317,295 317,295 317,295 -317,295

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0482 -264,916 -264,916 264,916 264,916 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,0122 -402,226 402,226 402,226 -402,226 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364 1.414,364

Total Oy stress 828,778 1.556,314 2.163,062 1.281,695 969,602 1.527,277 2.022,237 1.310,732

Membrane O y stress* 1.192,546 1.192,546 1.722,378 1.722,378 1.248,44 1.248,44 1.666,484 1.666,484

Shear from M t 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02 39,02

Shear from V 1 0 0 0 0 -16,452 -16,452 16,452 16,452

Shear from V 2 16,452 16,452 -16,452 -16,452 0 0 0 0

Total Shear stress 55,472 55,472 22,569 22,569 22,569 22,569 55,472 55,472

Combined stress
835,176 2.221,206 2.766,647 1.282,257 971,009 2.025,823 2.517,62 1.314,95

(1) * denotes primary stress.

(2) The nozzle is analyzed as a hollow attachment.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the nozzle OD (includes pressure)

γ = rm / t = 52,96 / 6,24 = 8,4874

ρ = T / t = 13,52 / 6,24 = 2,1667

U = ro / Sqr(Rm*T) = 57,15 / Sqr(998,96*13,52) = 0,492

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-3 SM-3
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,3656 0,6924 194,6898 0,1169 3.575,8953 -1.612,8152 1,1658 -0,2512
b 20,761 41,4599 35.425,74 0,0485 18.337,83 -16.367,04 6,6119 -4,0064
c 2,1174 6,5648 6.712,6521 1,0834 -148.402,8 19.145,7 -1,8023 1,206
d 39,8904 56,9657 67.541,61 6,5638 -1.113.150 231.710,9 -7,5795 11,6011
e -1,5403 -10,362 -7.076,6023 -1,4491 1.808.340 174.103,8 0,7851 -0,9153
f 6,0842 50,3033 -38.750,21 -8,5622 1,9219E+07 969.880,3 -0,5602 -10,415
g 0,3004 5,2068 7.127,4907 0,6633 -121.264,6 74.723,92 0,0402 0,1529
h 0 -124,8434 52.813,19 4,7651 4.868.062 1.365.329 2,7493 3,6043
i 0 -0,8506 -976,6428 -0,1059 -427.941,1 -91.957,24 0 0
j 0 45,9146 0 -0,7887 8.286.525 1.729.110 0 0
Y 0,0496 0,0564 0,0799 0,2011 0,1288 0,1822 0,1886 0,1718

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ=5 SP-4 SM-4
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,1955 0,7443 2,537 0,1606 -3,9242 12,6132 -0,9607 -6,9959
b 355,6102 7,533 1.071,7354 22,9473 -68,5346 29,9988 -43,2509 114,214
c 21,1677 -2,6223 127,4587 10,3372 228,2976 -129,5801 -7,5852 81,2222
d 1.539,5199 -7,6574 2.112,6475 -190,1285 9.214,6671 -214,241 8,1123 -726,9062
e -9,9855 9,5634 -131,0041 -76,2413 341,9835 558,1185 5,3251 -296,5262
f 356,7674 64,1716 -8.161,6149 517,979 12.323,9 595,3023 11,1703 1.724,0898
g 0 -5,6615 -54,494 186,8225 -372,3161 -319,0507 0 427,4096
h 0 62,296 7.160,3101 -483,8102 0 2.813,0991 0 -1.948,4552
i 0 0 102,0928 -102,4669 0 0 0 -195,9934
j 0 0 -1.577,3732 408,8865 0 0 0 1.040,0273
Y 0,0139 0,0774 0,0748 0,2665 0,0401 0,2302 0,2004 0,2544

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients
Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-6 SM-6
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,4364 0,4568 0,5408 0,199 1,2527 1,9756 3,4348 -0,6545
b 23,8528 18,4406 86,1146 1,3701 -9,7364 -10,5872 32,542 2,3553
c 3,1218 0,5744 10,6552 0,9562 42,3407 -7,1545 -9,1948 3,7495
d 57,2195 2,9177 210,1066 4,8904 581,7506 267,0319 0,2003 6,5143
e -1,23 0,2335 -2,8821 -0,1717 -11,5154 184,7135 14,4342 -2,6465
f -0,5058 37,5435 66,5636 -0,1752 -363,3128 406,7564 -130,0729 -5,4867
g 0,4263 0 1,9553 0 4,4567 337,601 1,057 0,5907
h 16,5587 0 0 0 555,7041 5.118,1159 350,2929 1,9002
i 0 0 0 0 0 -155,8292 0 0
j 0 0 0 0 0 2.619,7988 0 0
Y 0,0627 0,0522 0,0521 0,2213 0,157 0,1533 0,1146 0,1941

WRC 537 Nondimensional Coefficients

Y = (a + c*U + e*U2 + g*U3 + i*U4) / (1 + b*U + d*U2 + f*U3 + h*U4 + j*U5)
γ = 15 SP-7 SM-7
Mx My Nx Ny Mx My Nx Ny
a 0,1225 1,1858 0,152 0,2586 81.160,67 54,8627 - -2.889,5632
b 10,2618 30,9469 6,4077 2,6992 2.773.928 313,4235 2,0933E+11 44.457,77
c 0,0628 0,7386 -0,2621 2,1956 11.224,63 -805,6348 2,2821E+11 31.259,89
d 2,5604 -22,7834 -20,1141 10,0386 -888.508,9 -5.199,714 6,2796E+12 -175.466,5
e -9,8501E-04 0,8686 0,1324 0,3281 -4.806,5269 2.622,0799 1,5072E+12 -81.861,2
f 7,9918 86,4361 30,2989 -5,923 3.917.797 23.612,83 3,0942E+13 299.387,2
g 0 -0,3301 0,2529 -0,3719 0 4.442,2399 1,7691E+11 85.306,95
h 0 0 -12,616 4,2863 0 -21.199,17 3,2234E+12 -247.881,6
i 0 0 -0,0853 0 0 -1.946,6481 0 -22.718,26
j 0 0 1,8294 0 0 79.566,95 0 113.956,5
Y 0,0201 0,0819 0,0364 0,3193 0,0529 0,2566 0,0913 0,3939

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0,4373 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =618,56 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 1.438,06 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 758,54 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the nozzle OD per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
SP-1 to 10* Nx*T / P 0,0694 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281 9,281

SP-1 to 10 Mx / P 0,051 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989 40,989 -40,989

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1627 0 0 0 0 -75,228 -75,228 75,228 75,228

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1308 0 0 0 0 -362,573 362,573 362,573 -362,573

SM-1 to 10* Nx*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1627 -95,336 -95,336 95,336 95,336 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 Mx*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1308 -459,596 459,596 459,596 -459,596 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56

Total Ox stress 113,897 951,112 1.223,762 222,592 231,028 874,196 1.106,631 299,507

Membrane O x stress* 532,504 532,504 723,177 723,177 552,612 552,612 703,069 703,069

SP-1 to 10* Ny*T / P 0,2146 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756 28,756

SP-1 to 10 My / P 0,0569 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77 45,77 -45,77

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1899 0 0 0 0 -87,743 -87,743 87,743 87,743

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M1 0,1777 0 0 0 0 -492,781 492,781 492,781 -492,781

SM-1 to 10* Ny*T*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1899 -111,226 -111,226 111,226 111,226 0 0 0 0

SM-1 to 10 My*(Rm*T)0,5 / M2 0,1777 -624,677 624,677 624,677 -624,677 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56 618,56

Total Oy stress -42,817 1.114,997 1.428,988 88,095 112,561 1.006,584 1.273,609 196,508

Membrane O y stress* 536,09 536,09 758,541 758,541 559,573 559,573 735,059 735,059

Shear from M t 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808

Shear from V 1 0 0 0 0 -12,726 -12,726 12,726 12,726

Shear from V 2 12,726 12,726 -12,726 -12,726 0 0 0 0

Total Shear stress 69,534 69,534 44,082 44,082 44,082 44,082 69,534 69,534

Combined stress
209,515 1.140,519 1.438,057 235,739 245,652 1.019,942 1.298,779 334,52

(1) * denotes primary stress.

(2) The nozzle is analyzed as a hollow attachment.

Longitudinal stress in the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external loads

σn (Pm) = P*Ri / (2*tn) - Pr / (π*(Ro2 - Ri2)) + M*Ro / I

= 15,37*1,02*49,84 / (2*6,24) - -244,94 / (π*(57,152 - 49,842))*100 + 158.486,8*57,15 / 3.531.993*100
= 329,011 kgf/cm2

The average primary stress Pm (see Division 2 5.6.a.1) across the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external
loads is acceptable ( ≤ S = 1.203,264 kgf/cm2)

Shear stress in the nozzle wall due to external loads

σshear = (V12 + V22)0,5 / (π*Ri*tn)*100

= (308,442 + 308,442)0,5 / (π*49,84*7,31)*100
= 38,111 kgf/cm2

σtorsion = Mt / (2*π*Ri2*tn)*100000
= 157,6 / (2*π*49,842*7,31)*100000
= 138,147 kgf/cm2

σtotal = σshear + σtorsion

= 38,111 + 138,147
= 176,258 kgf/cm2

UG-45: The total combined shear stress (176,258 kgf/cm2) ≤ allowable (0,7*Sn = 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 18,85 bar @ 21,11 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6,7469 9,2023 -- 2,2503 -- 6,4049 0,5471 5,27 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

9.494 12.950 30.683 5.331 36.083 14.344 31.365

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,6 5,6 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 3,39 5,6 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 18,85 bar @ 21,11 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(97,18, 48,59 + (8,56 - 0) + (6,77 - 0))
= 97,18 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 0), 2,5*(8,56 - 0) + 8)
= 16,93 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 18,8481*48,59 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*18,8481)
= 0,78 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 18,8481*0,9*1.100 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*18,8481)
= 6,77 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (97,18*6,77*1 + 2*8,56*6,77*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 6,7469 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (97,18*(1*6,77 - 1*6,77) - 2*8,56*(1*6,77 - 1*6,77)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(6,77 + 8,56)*(1*6,77 - 1*6,77) - 2*8,56*(1*6,77 - 1*6,77)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 2,2503 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(8,56 - 0,78)*0,8551*6,77) / 100
= 2,2503 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(8,56 - 0,78)*(2,5*8,56 + 8)*0,8551) / 100
= 3,909 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (82*0,8551) / 100
= 0,5471 cm2

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((194,36 - 97,18 - 2*8,56)*8*1) / 100
= 6,4049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0 + 2,2503 + 0,5471 + 0 + 6,4049
= 9,2023 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 8 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,6 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 6,77 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 3,39 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*8 = 5,6 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 18,8481*48,59 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*18,8481) + 0
= 0,78 mm

ta UG-22 = 1,67 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,78 , 1,67 ]
= 1,67 mm

tb1 = 6,77 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,77 , 2,5 ]
= 6,77 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 5,27 , 6,77 ]

= 5,27 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,67 , 5,27 ]
= 5,27 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*8*589,599 = 8.468,64 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*8*689,532 = 18.707,56 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*105,74*8,56*842,285 = 11.975,21 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*6,77*1.041,333 = 12.657,41 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (674,6914 - 0 + 2*8,56*0,8551*(1*6,77 - 1*6,77))*1.407,207
= 9.494,34 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (225,0318 + 640,4864 + 54,7096 + 0)*1.407,207
= 12.949,52 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (225,0318 + 0 + 54,7096 + 0 + 2*8,56*6,77*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 5.331,17 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (225,0318 + 0 + 640,4864 + 54,7096 + 0 + 0 + 2*8,56*6,77*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 14.344,15 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 9.494,34 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 18.707,56 + 11.975,21 = 30.682,76 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 5.331,17 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 8.468,64 + 12.657,41 + 14.957,06 = 36.083,11 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 9.494,34 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 18.707,56 + 12.657,41 = 31.364,97 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Valvula de alivio (N3)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Location and Orientation
Located on Ellipsoidal Head #1
Orientation 0°
End of nozzle to datum line 2.750 mm
Calculated as hillside Yes
Distance to head center, R 250 mm
Passes through a Category A joint No
Description NPS 1 Sch 160 DN 25
Access opening No
Material specification SA-106 B Smls Pipe (II-D Metric p. 14, ln. 15)
Inside diameter, new 20,7 mm
Pipe nominal wall thickness 6,35 mm
Pipe minimum wall thickness1 5,56 mm
Corrosion allowance 1,25 mm
Opening chord length 23,94 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr 100,53 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf 156,16 mm
Local vessel minimum thickness 6,77 mm
Liquid static head included 0,02 bar
Longitudinal joint efficiency 1

Inner fillet, Leg41 6,35 mm
Nozzle to vessel groove weld 6,77 mm
Pipe minimum thickness = nominal thickness times pipe tolerance factor of 0,875.

ASME B16.5-2013 Flange

Description NPS 1 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 (II-D Metric p. 344, ln. 31)
Blind included No
Rated MDMT -48°C
Liquid static head 0 bar
MAWP rating 19,53 bar @ 40°C
MAP rating 19,6 bar @ 21,11°C
Hydrotest rating 30 bar @ 21,11°C
PWHT performed No
Impact Tested No
Circumferential joint radiography Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,598)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Nozzle

Impact test exempt per UCS-66(d) (NPS 4 or smaller pipe) = -105°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 11,74 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

4,21 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 3,57 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 11,74 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,94, 11,97 + (6,35 - 1,25) + (6,77 - 1,25))
= 23,94 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 1,25), 2,5*(6,35 - 1,25) + 0)
= 12,75 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,7364*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7364)
= 0,12 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 11,7364*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*11,7364)
= 4,21 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 5,1 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 3,57 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 11,7364*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7364) + 1,25
= 1,37 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,37 , 0 ]
= 1,37 mm

tb1 = 5,46 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 5,46 , 3,75 ]
= 5,46 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 4,21 , 5,46 ]
= 4,21 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,37 , 4,21 ]
= 4,21 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAWP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 15,37 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

4,21 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 3,57 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 15,37 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,94, 11,97 + (6,35 - 1,25) + (6,77 - 1,25))
= 23,94 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 1,25), 2,5*(6,35 - 1,25) + 0)
= 12,75 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 15,3709*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,3709)
= 0,15 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 15,3709*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*15,3709)
= 5,52 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 5,1 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 3,57 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 15,3709*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,3709) + 1,25
= 1,4 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,4 , 0 ]
= 1,4 mm

tb1 = 6,77 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,77 , 3,75 ]
= 6,77 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 4,21 , 6,77 ]
= 4,21 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,4 , 4,21 ]
= 4,21 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 18,85 bar @ 21,11 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

2,96 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 4,45 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 18,85 bar @ 21,11 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(21,36, 10,68 + (6,35 - 0) + (6,77 - 0))
= 23,8 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,77 - 0), 2,5*(6,35 - 0) + 0)
= 15,88 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 18,8481*10,35 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*18,8481)
= 0,17 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 18,8481*0,9*1.100 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*18,8481)
= 6,77 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 6,35 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 4,45 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 18,8481*10,35 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*18,8481) + 0
= 0,17 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,17 , 0 ]
= 0,17 mm

tb1 = 6,77 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,77 , 2,5 ]
= 6,77 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 2,96 , 6,77 ]
= 2,96 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,17 , 2,96 ]
= 2,96 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Cylinder #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Component Cylinder
Material SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 11,72 40 -28,89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (bar) Hs (mm) SG
Operating 0,27 2.750 1
Test horizontal 0,11 1.100 1
Inner Diameter 1.100 mm
Length 2.300 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
Inner 1,25 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 500,98 2.185,76
Corroded 423,2 2.195,71
Longitudinal seam Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Top Circumferential
Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Bottom Circumferential
Spot UW-11(b) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 2,5 mm + 1,25 mm = 3,75 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 6,92 mm
Design thickness due to combined loadings + corrosion 3,25 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 13,99 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 16,91 bar
Rated MDMT -45 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 8 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,99*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0.6*11,99) = 5,67 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 5,67*0,85 / (8 - 1,25) = 0,7139
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 16°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 16 , -48] = -45°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Design thickness, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0,60*P) + Corrosion

= 11,99*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0,60*11,99) + 1,25
= 6,92 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t) - Ps
= 1.380*0,85*6,75 / (551,25 + 0,60*6,75) - 0,27
= 13,99 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21,11 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t)
= 1.380*0,85*8 / (550 + 0,60*8)
= 16,91 bar

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*8 / 554)*(1 - 554 / infinity)
= 0,722%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads
Allowable Stress
Req'd Thk Due
Before UG-23
Pressure P ( Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to to
Condition Stress Increase ( Location Load
bar) °C) (mm) Tension (mm) Compression
St Sc

Wind 1,95 1,93

Operating, Hot & Corroded 11,72 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25 Seismic 2 1,88

Wind 1,99 1,98

Seismic 2 1,97

Wind 1,95 1,92

Operating, Hot & New 11,72 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0 Seismic 1,99 1,88

Wind 1,99 1,97

Seismic 1,99 1,97

Wind 0,01 0,03

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25 Seismic 0,05 0,09

Wind 0,05 0,03

Seismic 0,05 0,02

Wind 0 0,03
Hot Shut Down, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0 Seismic 0,05 0,09

Wind 0,05 0,03

Seismic 0,05 0,02

Wind 0,01 0,03

Empty, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 21,11 1,25 Seismic 0,01 0,03

Wind 0 0
Seismic 0 0

Wind 0 0,03
Empty, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 21,11 0 Seismic 0,01 0,03

Wind 0 0
Seismic 0 0

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Top Weight 0,01 0,02

Weight & Eccentric Moments
0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25
Only Bottom Weight 0,05 0,05

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScVC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,95 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,5 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 1,95 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 1,95 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm

tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,01 + (0,01) - (1,95)|
= 1,93 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(6,75 - 0,01 + (0,01)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0,01 + (0,01)))
= 40,72 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,94 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,6 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 1,94 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 1,95 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,01 + (0,01) - (1,94)|
= 1,92 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(8 - 0,01 + (0,01)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0,01 + (0,01)))
= 48,43 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,5 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0,01)

= 0,01 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,5 / (π*554,622*952,3*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,02 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 507,5 / (2*π*554,62*952,3*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,02 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,6 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 0 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,6 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 599,8 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,01 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,5 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 0,01 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)

= 174,5 / (π*554,622*952,3*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,02 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 507,5 / (2*π*554,62*952,3*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,02 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Empty, New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,6 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 0 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 174,6 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 599,8 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,01 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 6,5 / (π*554,622*952,3*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 507,5 / (2*π*554,62*952,3*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0 - (0,01)|
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,02 mm

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,95 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 1,95 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 1,99 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (1,95)|
= 1,98 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 40,48 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,94 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 1,94 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 1,99 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|

= |0 + (-0,03) - (1,94)|
= 1,97 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 48,18 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -76 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-76 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 2,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -91,9 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-91,9 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 0 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,00*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)

= -2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,00*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,05) - (0)|
= 0,05 mm

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,95 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 882,3 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,05 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 1,95 + 0,05 - (0)
= 2 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,05 + (0,01) - (1,95)|
= 1,88 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(6,75 - 0,05 + (0)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0,05 + (0)))
= 40,46 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,94 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 908,6 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,06 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm

(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 1,94 + 0,06 - (0,01)
= 1,99 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,06 + (0,01) - (1,94)|
= 1,88 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(8 - 0,06 + (0,01)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0,06 + (0,01)))
= 48,15 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 882,3 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,05 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,05 - (0)
= 0,05 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 882,3 / (π*554,622*952,3*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,08 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*952,3*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,08 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,09 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 908,6 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,06 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)

= 0,51*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,06 - (0,01)
= 0,05 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 908,6 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,08 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*599,8 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,02 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,08 + (0,02) - (0)
= 0,09 mm

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 193,1 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0)
= 0,01 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 193,1 / (π*554,622*952,3*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,02 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*507,5 / (2*π*554,62*952,3*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,02 + (0,01) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Empty, New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 223,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0,01 mm
tw = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*599,8 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0,01 mm

tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,01 - (0,01)
= 0,01 mm
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 223,2 / (π*5542*998,77*1,20) * 98066.5
= 0,02 mm
twc = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*599,8 / (2*π*554*998,77*1,20) * 98.0665
= 0,02 mm
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,02 + (0,02) - (0)
= 0,03 mm

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,95 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4,8 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 1,95 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 2 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,02 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,02) - (1,95)|
= 1,97 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 40,45 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 1,94 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 5 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5

= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 1,94 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 1,99 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,02 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,02) - (1,94)|
= 1,97 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*1,00*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 48,15 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4,8 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.694 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,02 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,02) - (0)|
= 0,02 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 5 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm

tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.696,5 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= -0,02 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,02) - (0)|
= 0,02 mm

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,6 / (π*554,622*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-76 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-76 / (2*π*554,62*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-91,9 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm

twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-91,9 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*1,00) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Entrada de aire (N1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Location and Orientation
Located on Cylinder #1
Orientation 270°
Nozzle center line offset to datum line 2.000 mm
End of nozzle to shell center 673,8 mm
Passes through a Category A joint No
Description NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS) DN 100
Access opening No
Material specification SA-106 B Smls Pipe (II-D Metric p. 14, ln. 15)
Inside diameter, new 97,18 mm
Pipe nominal wall thickness 8,56 mm
Pipe minimum wall thickness1 7,49 mm
Corrosion allowance 1,25 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr 39,6 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf 115,8 mm
Local vessel minimum thickness 8 mm
Liquid static head included 0,08 bar
Longitudinal joint efficiency 1
Reinforcing Pad
Material specification SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Diameter, Dp 215,9 mm

Thickness, te 8 mm
Is split No
Inner fillet, Leg41 9 mm
Outer fillet, Leg42 6 mm
Nozzle to vessel groove weld 8 mm
Pad groove weld 8 mm
Pipe minimum thickness = nominal thickness times pipe tolerance factor of 0,875.

ASME B16.5-2013 Flange

Description NPS 4 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 (II-D Metric p. 344, ln. 31)
Blind included No
Rated MDMT -48°C
Liquid static head 0,07 bar
Consider External Loads on Flange MAWP Rating No
MAWP rating 19,53 bar @ 40°C
MAP rating 19,6 bar @ 21,11°C
Hydrotest rating 30 bar @ 21,11°C
PWHT performed No
Impact Tested No
Circumferential joint radiography Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,6017)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Nozzle

External nozzle loadings per UG-22 govern the coincident ratio used.
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 1,38*1 / (7,49 - 1,25) = 0,221
Stress ratio ≤ 0,35, MDMT per UCS-66(b)(3) = -105°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Pad
Governing thickness, tg = 8 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,8*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,8) = 4,74 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4,74*1 / (8 - 1,25) = 0,7018
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 16,7°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 16,7 , -48] = -45,7°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 11,8 bar @ 40 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

4,8223 11,4261 1,9639 1,9652 -- 6,8049 0,6923 5,99 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

4.377 13.315 24.378 4.927 37.105 14.503 26.651

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,12 6,3 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 3,38 4,2 weld size is adequate

WRC 537
Max Allow
Max Allow
Local Local
P Pr Mc Vc ML VL Mt Comb Comb Over
Load Case Primary Primary
(bar) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) Stress Stress stressed
Stress Stress
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)

API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150) 11,8 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 2.205,457 4.221,622 1.324,301 2.110,811 No

API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150)

0 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 1.225,73 4.221,622 341,832 2.110,811 No
(Hot Shut Down)

Calculations for internal pressure 11,8 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(99,68, 49,84 + (8,56 - 1,25) + (8 - 1,25))
= 99,68 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,56 - 1,25) + 8)
= 16,88 mm

Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,7983*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7983)
= 0,5 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,7983*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,7983)
= 4,74 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*4,74*1 + 2*7,31*4,74*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 4,8223 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 1,9639 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*(1*6,75 - 1*4,74) - 2*7,31*(1*6,75 - 1*4,74)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 1,9639 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(6,75 + 7,31)*(1*6,75 - 1*4,74) - 2*7,31*(1*6,75 - 1*4,74)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0,5232 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 1,9652 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(7,31 - 0,5)*0,8551*6,75) / 100
= 1,9652 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(7,31 - 0,5)*(2,5*7,31 + 8)*0,8551) / 100

= 3,06 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (92*0,8551) / 100
= 0,6923 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((199,36 - 99,68 - 2*7,31)*8*1) / 100
= 6,8049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 1,9639 + 1,9652 + 0,6923 + 0 + 6,8049
= 11,4261 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 7,31 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,12 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 6,75 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 3,38 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6 = 4,2 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 11,7983*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*11,7983) + 1,25
= 1,75 mm

ta UG-22 = 2,63 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,75 , 2,63 ]
= 2,63 mm

tb1 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion
= 11,7983*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,7983) + 1,25
= 5,99 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 5,99 , 3,75 ]
= 5,99 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 6,52 , 5,99 ]
= 5,99 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 2,63 , 5,99 ]
= 5,99 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*9*589,599 = 9.527,22 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*6*689,532 = 14.030,67 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*106,99*7,31*842,285 = 10.347,34 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*6,75*1.041,333 = 12.620,62 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (482,231 - 196,3867 + 2*7,31*0,8551*(1*6,75 - 1*4,74))*1.407,207
= 4.376,59 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (196,5157 + 680,4864 + 69,2257 + 0)*1.407,207
= 13.315,4 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (196,5157 + 0 + 69,2257 + 0 + 2*7,31*6,75*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 4.927,04 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (196,5157 + 0 + 680,4864 + 69,2257 + 0 + 0 + 2*7,31*6,75*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 14.502,9 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 4.376,59 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 14.030,67 + 10.347,34 = 24.378,01 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 4.376,59 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 9.527,22 + 12.620,62 + 14.957,06 = 37.104,9 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 4.376,59 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 14.030,67 + 12.620,62 = 26.651,29 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

WRC 537 API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150)

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr -244,94 kgf
Circumferential moment, Mc 98,2 kgf-m
Circumferential shear, Vc 308,44 kgf
Longitudinal moment, ML 124,4 kgf-m
Longitudinal shear, VL 308,44 kgf
Torsion moment, Mt 157,6 kgf-m
Internal pressure, P 11,8 bar
Mean shell radius, Rm 554,62 mm
Local shell thickness, T 6,75 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

γ = Rm / T = 554,62 / 6,75 = 82,1627

β = 0,875*ro / Rm = 0,875*107,95 / 554,62 = 0,1703

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 1 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / T =982,469 kgf/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =491,234 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 2.205,46 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.324,3 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 6,5895 0 0 0 0 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098

4C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 12,2382 80,08 80,08 80,08 80,08 0 0 0 0

1C Mφ / P 0,0571 0 0 0 0 184,134 -184,134 184,134 -184,134

2C-1 Mφ / P 0,0278 89,782 -89,782 89,782 -89,782 0 0 0 0

3A* Nφ / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 3,8023 0 0 0 0 -105,531 -105,531 105,531 105,531

1A Mφ / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0649 0 0 0 0 -887,976 887,976 887,976 -887,976

3B* Nφ / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 7,4394 -261,753 -261,753 261,753 261,753 0 0 0 0

1B-1 Mφ / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0202 -349,777 349,777 349,777 -349,777 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469

Total circumferential stress 540,801 1.060,791 1.763,86 884,742 216,194 1.623,878 2.203,207 58,987

Primary membrane circumferential

800,796 800,796 1.324,301 1.324,301 920,036 920,036 1.131,097 1.131,097

3C* Nx / (P / Rm) 6,5895 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 0 0 0 0

4C* Nx / (P / Rm) 12,2382 0 0 0 0 80,08 80,08 80,08 80,08

1C-1 Mx / P 0,0585 188,633 -188,633 188,633 -188,633 0 0 0 0

2C Mx / P 0,03 0 0 0 0 96,742 -96,742 96,742 -96,742

4A* Nx / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 8,839 0 0 0 0 -245,371 -245,371 245,371 245,371

2A Mx / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0284 0 0 0 0 -388,235 388,235 388,235 -388,235

4B* Nx / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 3,1938 -112,35 -112,35 112,35 112,35 0 0 0 0

2B-1 Mx / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0279 -483,711 483,711 483,711 -483,711 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234

Total longitudinal stress 126,904 717,06 1.319,028 -25,662 34,45 617,435 1.301,662 331,708

Primary membrane longitudinal stress* 421,982 421,982 646,683 646,683 325,943 325,943 816,685 816,685

Shear from M t 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919

Circ shear from V c 13,499 13,499 -13,499 -13,499 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -13,499 -13,499 13,499 13,499

Total Shear stress 45,418 45,418 18,42 18,42 18,42 18,42 45,418 45,418

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 545,722 1.066,696 1.764,633 911,177 218,022 1.624,23 2.205,457 339,09

* denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the nozzle OD (includes pressure)

γ = Rm / T = 554,62 / 14,75 = 37,6009

β = 0,875*ro / Rm = 0,875*57,15 / 554,62 = 0,0902

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0,9919 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / T =974,524 kgf/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =487,227 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 1.658,96 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.112,47 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the nozzle OD per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 5,5327 0 0 0 0 16,592 16,592 16,592 16,592

4C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 6,7156 20,108 20,108 20,108 20,108 0 0 0 0

1C Mφ / P 0,1353 0 0 0 0 91,399 -91,399 91,399 -91,399

2C-1 Mφ / P 0,0972 65,667 -65,667 65,667 -65,667 0 0 0 0

3A* Nφ / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 0,9521 0 0 0 0 -22,85 -22,85 22,85 22,85

1A Mφ / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0998 0 0 0 0 -540,309 540,309 540,309 -540,309

3B* Nφ / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 3,8733 -117,834 -117,834 117,834 117,834 0 0 0 0

1B-1 Mφ / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,049 -336,348 336,348 336,348 -336,348 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 974,524 974,524 974,524 974,524 982,469 982,469 982,469 982,469

Total circumferential stress 606,116 1.147,479 1.514,481 710,451 527,302 1.425,121 1.653,618 390,203

Primary membrane circumferential

876,797 876,797 1.112,466 1.112,466 976,211 976,211 1.021,911 1.021,911

3C* Nx / (P / Rm) 5,5327 16,592 16,592 16,592 16,592 0 0 0 0

4C* Nx / (P / Rm) 6,7156 0 0 0 0 20,108 20,108 20,108 20,108

1C-1 Mx / P 0,1399 94,492 -94,492 94,492 -94,492 0 0 0 0

2C Mx / P 0,0876 0 0 0 0 59,128 -59,128 59,128 -59,128

4A* Nx / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 1,5396 0 0 0 0 -36,911 -36,911 36,911 36,911

2A Mx / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0549 0 0 0 0 -297,117 297,117 297,117 -297,117

4B* Nx / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 0,9172 -27,912 -27,912 27,912 27,912 0 0 0 0

2B-1 Mx / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0797 -547,058 547,058 547,058 -547,058 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 491,234 491,234 491,234 491,234 487,227 487,227 487,227 487,227

Total longitudinal stress 27,349 932,48 1.177,289 -105,812 232,435 708,412 900,491 188,001

Primary membrane longitudinal stress* 479,915 479,915 535,739 535,739 470,423 470,423 544,246 544,246

Shear from M t 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097

Circ shear from V c 11,671 11,671 -11,671 -11,671 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -11,671 -11,671 11,671 11,671

Total Shear stress 63,768 63,768 40,426 40,426 40,426 40,426 63,768 63,768

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 613,076 1.164,985 1.519,262 820,271 532,715 1.427,371 1.658,962 408,624

* denotes primary stress.

Longitudinal stress in the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external loads

σn (Pm) = P*Ri / (2*tn) - Pr / (π*(Ro2 - Ri2)) + M*Ro / I

= 11,8*1,02*49,84 / (2*6,24) - -244,94 / (π*(57,152 - 49,842))*100 + 158.486,8*57,15 / 3.531.993*100
= 314,46 kgf/cm2

The average primary stress Pm (see Division 2 5.6.a.1) across the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external
loads is acceptable ( ≤ S = 1.203,264 kgf/cm2)

Shear stress in the nozzle wall due to external loads

σshear = (VL2 + Vc2)0,5 / (π*Ri*tn)*100

= (308,442 + 308,442)0,5 / (π*49,84*7,31)*100
= 38,111 kgf/cm2

σtorsion = Mt / (2*π*Ri2*tn)*100000
= 157,6 / (2*π*49,842*7,31)*100000
= 138,147 kgf/cm2

σtotal = σshear + σtorsion
= 38,111 + 138,147
= 176,258 kgf/cm2

UG-45: The total combined shear stress (176,258 kgf/cm2) ≤ allowable (0,7*Sn = 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAWP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 16,78 bar @ 40 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

6,8717 9,401 -- 1,9039 -- 6,8049 0,6923 6,52 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

9.670 13.229 24.378 4.841 37.105 14.417 26.651

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,12 6,3 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 3,38 4,2 weld size is adequate

WRC 537
Max Allow
Max Allow
Local Local
P Pr Mc Vc ML VL Mt Comb Comb Over
Load Case Primary Primary
(bar) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) (kgf) (kgf-m) Stress Stress stressed
Stress Stress
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)

API 660 (NPS 4, Class

16,78 -244,94 98,2 308,44 124,4 308,44 157,6 2.619,494 4.221,622 1.738,76 2.110,811 No

Calculations for internal pressure 16,78 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(99,68, 49,84 + (8,56 - 1,25) + (8 - 1,25))
= 99,68 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,56 - 1,25) + 8)
= 16,88 mm

Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 16,7752*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*16,7752)
= 0,71 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 16,7752*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*16,7752)
= 6,75 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*6,75*1 + 2*7,31*6,75*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 6,8717 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (99,68*(1*6,75 - 1*6,75) - 2*7,31*(1*6,75 - 1*6,75)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(6,75 + 7,31)*(1*6,75 - 1*6,75) - 2*7,31*(1*6,75 - 1*6,75)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 1,9039 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(7,31 - 0,71)*0,8551*6,75) / 100
= 1,9039 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(7,31 - 0,71)*(2,5*7,31 + 8)*0,8551) / 100

= 2,9639 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (92*0,8551) / 100
= 0,6923 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((199,36 - 99,68 - 2*7,31)*8*1) / 100
= 6,8049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0 + 1,9039 + 0,6923 + 0 + 6,8049
= 9,401 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 7,31 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,12 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 6,75 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 3,38 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6 = 4,2 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 16,7752*49,84 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*16,7752) + 1,25
= 1,96 mm

ta UG-22 = 2,76 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,96 , 2,76 ]
= 2,76 mm

tb1 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion
= 16,7752*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*16,7752) + 1,25
= 8 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 8 , 3,75 ]
= 8 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 6,52 , 8 ]
= 6,52 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 2,76 , 6,52 ]
= 6,52 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*9*589,599 = 9.527,22 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*6*689,532 = 14.030,67 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*106,99*7,31*842,285 = 10.347,34 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*6,75*1.041,333 = 12.620,62 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (687,1727 - 0 + 2*7,31*0,8551*(1*6,75 - 1*6,75))*1.407,207
= 9.669,96 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (190,3867 + 680,4864 + 69,2257 + 0)*1.407,207
= 13.229,15 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (190,3867 + 0 + 69,2257 + 0 + 2*7,31*6,75*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 4.840,79 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (190,3867 + 0 + 680,4864 + 69,2257 + 0 + 0 + 2*7,31*6,75*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 14.416,65 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 9.669,96 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 14.030,67 + 10.347,34 = 24.378,01 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 4.840,79 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 9.527,22 + 12.620,62 + 14.957,06 = 37.104,9 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 9.669,96 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 14.030,67 + 12.620,62 = 26.651,29 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

WRC 537 API 660 (NPS 4, Class 150)

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr -244,94 kgf
Circumferential moment, Mc 98,2 kgf-m
Circumferential shear, Vc 308,44 kgf
Longitudinal moment, ML 124,4 kgf-m
Longitudinal shear, VL 308,44 kgf
Torsion moment, Mt 157,6 kgf-m
Internal pressure, P 16,78 bar
Mean shell radius, Rm 554,62 mm
Local shell thickness, T 6,75 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

γ = Rm / T = 554,62 / 6,75 = 82,1627

β = 0,875*ro / Rm = 0,875*107,95 / 554,62 = 0,1703

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 1 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / T =1.396,928 kgf/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =698,429 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 2.619,49 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.738,76 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 6,5895 0 0 0 0 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098

4C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 12,2382 80,08 80,08 80,08 80,08 0 0 0 0

1C Mφ / P 0,0571 0 0 0 0 184,134 -184,134 184,134 -184,134

2C-1 Mφ / P 0,0278 89,782 -89,782 89,782 -89,782 0 0 0 0

3A* Nφ / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 3,8023 0 0 0 0 -105,531 -105,531 105,531 105,531

1A Mφ / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0649 0 0 0 0 -887,976 887,976 887,976 -887,976

3B* Nφ / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 7,4394 -261,753 -261,753 261,753 261,753 0 0 0 0

1B-1 Mφ / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0202 -349,777 349,777 349,777 -349,777 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928

Total circumferential stress 955,26 1.475,25 2.178,319 1.299,201 630,653 2.038,338 2.617,667 473,447

Primary membrane circumferential

1.215,255 1.215,255 1.738,76 1.738,76 1.334,495 1.334,495 1.545,557 1.545,557

3C* Nx / (P / Rm) 6,5895 43,098 43,098 43,098 43,098 0 0 0 0

4C* Nx / (P / Rm) 12,2382 0 0 0 0 80,08 80,08 80,08 80,08

1C-1 Mx / P 0,0585 188,633 -188,633 188,633 -188,633 0 0 0 0

2C Mx / P 0,03 0 0 0 0 96,742 -96,742 96,742 -96,742

4A* Nx / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 8,839 0 0 0 0 -245,371 -245,371 245,371 245,371

2A Mx / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0284 0 0 0 0 -388,235 388,235 388,235 -388,235

4B* Nx / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 3,1938 -112,35 -112,35 112,35 112,35 0 0 0 0

2B-1 Mx / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0279 -483,711 483,711 483,711 -483,711 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429

Total longitudinal stress 334,098 924,255 1.526,222 181,532 241,645 824,63 1.508,856 538,902

Primary membrane longitudinal stress* 629,176 629,176 853,877 853,877 533,137 533,137 1.023,879 1.023,879

Shear from M t 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919 31,919

Circ shear from V c 13,499 13,499 -13,499 -13,499 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -13,499 -13,499 13,499 13,499

Total Shear stress 45,418 45,418 18,42 18,42 18,42 18,42 45,418 45,418

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 958,564 1.478,976 2.178,811 1.299,482 631,497 2.038,619 2.619,494 562,174

* denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the nozzle OD (includes pressure)

γ = Rm / T = 554,62 / 14,75 = 37,6009

β = 0,875*ro / Rm = 0,875*57,15 / 554,62 = 0,0902

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0,9919 (derived from Division 2 Part 4.5)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / T =1.385,608 kgf/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*T) =692,734 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 2.072,3 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.523,55 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the nozzle OD per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 5,5327 0 0 0 0 16,592 16,592 16,592 16,592

4C* Nφ / (P / Rm) 6,7156 20,108 20,108 20,108 20,108 0 0 0 0

1C Mφ / P 0,1353 0 0 0 0 91,399 -91,399 91,399 -91,399

2C-1 Mφ / P 0,0972 65,667 -65,667 65,667 -65,667 0 0 0 0

3A* Nφ / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 0,9521 0 0 0 0 -22,85 -22,85 22,85 22,85

1A Mφ / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0998 0 0 0 0 -540,309 540,309 540,309 -540,309

3B* Nφ / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 3,8733 -117,834 -117,834 117,834 117,834 0 0 0 0

1B-1 Mφ / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,049 -336,348 336,348 336,348 -336,348 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 1.385,608 1.385,608 1.385,608 1.385,608 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928 1.396,928

Total circumferential stress 1.017,2 1.558,563 1.925,565 1.121,536 941,761 1.839,58 2.068,077 804,662

Primary membrane circumferential

1.287,882 1.287,882 1.523,551 1.523,551 1.390,67 1.390,67 1.436,37 1.436,37

3C* Nx / (P / Rm) 5,5327 16,592 16,592 16,592 16,592 0 0 0 0

4C* Nx / (P / Rm) 6,7156 0 0 0 0 20,108 20,108 20,108 20,108

1C-1 Mx / P 0,1399 94,492 -94,492 94,492 -94,492 0 0 0 0

2C Mx / P 0,0876 0 0 0 0 59,128 -59,128 59,128 -59,128

4A* Nx / [Mc / (Rm2*β)] 1,5396 0 0 0 0 -36,911 -36,911 36,911 36,911

2A Mx / [Mc / (Rm*β)] 0,0549 0 0 0 0 -297,117 297,117 297,117 -297,117

4B* Nx / [ML / (Rm2*β)] 0,9172 -27,912 -27,912 27,912 27,912 0 0 0 0

2B-1 Mx / [ML / (Rm*β)] 0,0797 -547,058 547,058 547,058 -547,058 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 698,429 698,429 698,429 698,429 692,734 692,734 692,734 692,734

Total longitudinal stress 234,544 1.139,675 1.384,483 101,383 437,942 913,919 1.105,998 393,508

Primary membrane longitudinal stress* 687,109 687,109 742,933 742,933 675,931 675,931 749,753 749,753

Shear from M t 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097 52,097

Circ shear from V c 11,671 11,671 -11,671 -11,671 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -11,671 -11,671 11,671 11,671

Total Shear stress 63,768 63,768 40,426 40,426 40,426 40,426 63,768 63,768

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 1.022,333 1.568,055 1.928,589 1.123,153 944,995 1.841,338 2.072,296 814,295

* denotes primary stress.

Longitudinal stress in the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external loads

σn (Pm) = P*Ri / (2*tn) - Pr / (π*(Ro2 - Ri2)) + M*Ro / I

= 16,78*1,02*49,84 / (2*6,24) - -244,94 / (π*(57,152 - 49,842))*100 + 158.486,8*57,15 / 3.531.993*100
= 334,729 kgf/cm2

The average primary stress Pm (see Division 2 5.6.a.1) across the nozzle wall due to internal pressure + external
loads is acceptable ( ≤ S = 1.203,264 kgf/cm2)

Shear stress in the nozzle wall due to external loads

σshear = (VL2 + Vc2)0,5 / (π*Ri*tn)*100

= (308,442 + 308,442)0,5 / (π*49,84*7,31)*100
= 38,111 kgf/cm2

σtorsion = Mt / (2*π*Ri2*tn)*100000
= 157,6 / (2*π*49,842*7,31)*100000
= 138,147 kgf/cm2

σtotal = σshear + σtorsion
= 38,111 + 138,147
= 176,258 kgf/cm2

UG-45: The total combined shear stress (176,258 kgf/cm2) ≤ allowable (0,7*Sn = 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (cm2) Summary
For P = 19,6 bar @ 21,11 °C The nozzle
The opening is adequately reinforced passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

7,8521 9,8616 0,1148 2,649 -- 6,4049 0,6929 5,27 7,49

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (kgf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

10.913 13.716 26.006 6.351 39.441 15.364 28.988

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (mm) size (mm)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 5,6 6,3 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 4 4,2 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 19,6 bar @ 21,11 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(97,18, 48,59 + (8,56 - 0) + (8 - 0))
= 97,18 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 0), 2,5*(8,56 - 0) + 8)
= 20 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 19,6*48,59 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*19,6)
= 0,82 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 19,6*550 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*19,6)
= 7,88 mm

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 1.203,264, Sv = 1.407,207, Sp = 1.407,207 kgf/cm2

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,8551

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0,8551

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= (97,18*7,88*1 + 2*8,56*7,88*1*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 7,8521 cm2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0,1148 cm2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (97,18*(1*8 - 1*7,88) - 2*8,56*(1*8 - 1*7,88)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0,1148 cm2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*(8 + 8,56)*(1*8 - 1*7,88) - 2*8,56*(1*8 - 1*7,88)*(1 - 0,8551)) / 100
= 0,0374 cm2

A2 = smaller of the following= 2,649 cm2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= (5*(8,56 - 0,82)*0,8551*8) / 100
= 2,649 cm2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= (2*(8,56 - 0,82)*(2,5*8,56 + 8)*0,8551) / 100
= 3,8935 cm2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= (92*0,8551) / 100
= 0,6929 cm2

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= (02*1) / 100
= 0 cm2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= ((194,36 - 97,18 - 2*8,56)*8*1) / 100
= 6,4049 cm2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0,1148 + 2,649 + 0,6929 + 0 + 6,4049
= 9,8616 cm2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or te = 8 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,6 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or te or t = 8 mm

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 4 mm
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6 = 4,2 mm

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 19,6*48,59 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*19,6) + 0
= 0,82 mm

ta UG-22 = 1,69 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,82 , 1,69 ]
= 1,69 mm

tb1 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 19,6*550 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*19,6) + 0
= 7,88 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 7,88 , 2,5 ]
= 7,88 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]
= min[ 5,27 , 7,88 ]
= 5,27 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,69 , 5,27 ]
= 5,27 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*8,56 = 7,49 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*1.203,264 = 842,285 kgf/cm2
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.203,264 = 589,599 kgf/cm2
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*1.407,207 = 689,532 kgf/cm2
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*1.407,207 = 1.041,333 kgf/cm2
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*114,3*9*589,599 = 9.527,22 kgf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*215,9*6*689,532 = 14.030,67 kgf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*105,74*8,56*842,285 = 11.975,21 kgf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*114,3*8*1.041,333 = 14.957,06 kgf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (785,2119 - 11,4838 + 2*8,56*0,8551*(1*8 - 1*7,88))*1.407,207
= 10.912,93 kgf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (264,9027 + 640,4864 + 69,2902 + 0)*1.407,207
= 13.715,77 kgf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (264,9027 + 0 + 69,2902 + 0 + 2*8,56*8*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 6.350,8 kgf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv
= (264,9027 + 0 + 640,4864 + 69,2902 + 0 + 0 + 2*8,56*8*0,8551)*1.407,207
= 15.363,78 kgf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 10.912,93 kgf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 14.030,67 + 11.975,21 = 26.005,87 kgf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 6.350,8 kgf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 9.527,22 + 14.957,06 + 14.957,06 = 39.441,34 kgf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 10.912,93 kgf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 14.030,67 + 14.957,06 = 28.987,73 kgf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Legs #1

Leg material
Leg description 4 inch sch 40 pipe
Number of legs, N 4
Overall length 1.200 mm
Base to girth seam length 1.000 mm
Effective length coefficient, K 1,5
Coefficient, Cm 0,85
Leg yield stress, Fy 2.531,048 kgf/cm2
Leg elastic modulus, E 2.038.900,1 kgf/cm2
Anchor Bolts
Anchor bolt size 0,625" coarse threaded
Anchor bolt material
Bolt circle, BC 1.169,8 mm
Anchor bolts/leg, n 1
Anchor bolt allowable stress, Sb 1.406,138 kgf/cm2
Anchor bolt corrosion allowance 0 mm
Anchor bolt hole clearance 9,53 mm
Base Plate
Base plate length 279,4 mm
Base plate width 279,4 mm
Base plate thickness 15 mm (6,12 mm required)
Base plate allowable stress 1.687,366 kgf/cm2
Foundation allowable bearing stress 116,569 kgf/cm2
Leg to shell fillet weld 6,35 mm (1,84 mm required)
Legs braced No

Note: The support attachment point is assumed to be 25,4 mm up from the cylinder circumferential seam.

Wind operating corroded, Moment = 172,2 kgf-m
Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
0 325,9 36,8 15,935 102,686 0 0,0641 0,0720
90 800,4 36,8 39,136 86,868 67,315 0,1076 0,1181

180 954,7 36,8 46,682 170,933 0 0,1218 0,1331

270 800,4 36,8 39,136 86,868 67,315 0,1076 0,1181

0 325,9 36,8 15,935 82,969 47,599 0,0783 0,0887

90 325,9 36,8 15,935 82,969 47,599 0,0783 0,0887

180 954,7 36,8 46,682 151,217 47,599 0,1361 0,1498

270 954,7 36,8 46,682 151,217 47,599 0,1361 0,1498

Wind operating new, Moment = 172,4 kgf-m

Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm 2 kgf/cm 2

0 340,0 36,8 16,624 104,214 0 0,0653 0,0733

90 824,1 36,8 40,294 89,438 67,315 0,1098 0,1204

180 978,5 36,8 47,846 173,517 0 0,1240 0,1354

270 824,1 36,8 40,294 89,438 67,315 0,1098 0,1204

0 340,0 36,8 16,624 84,498 47,599 0,0796 0,0900

90 340,0 36,8 16,624 84,498 47,599 0,0796 0,0900

180 978,5 36,8 47,846 153,801 47,599 0,1383 0,1521

270 978,5 36,8 47,846 153,801 47,599 0,1383 0,1521

Wind empty corroded, Moment = 172,2 kgf-m
Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
0 -66,8 36,8 -3,267 74,566 0 0,0355 0,0425
90 145,9 36,8 7,133 15,832 67,315 0,0476 0,0545

180 300,2 36,8 14,679 99,897 0 0,0617 0,0695

270 145,9 36,8 7,133 15,832 67,315 0,0476 0,0545

0 -66,8 36,8 -3,267 54,85 47,599 0,0497 0,0592

90 -66,8 36,8 -3,267 54,85 47,599 0,0497 0,0592

180 300,2 36,8 14,679 80,181 47,599 0,0759 0,0862

270 300,2 36,8 14,679 80,181 47,599 0,0759 0,0862

Wind empty new, Moment = 172,4 kgf-m

Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm 2 kgf/cm 2

0 -50,7 36,8 -2,48 72,819 0 0,0352 0,0420

90 172,9 36,8 8,455 18,767 67,315 0,0501 0,0571

180 327,4 36,8 16,007 102,846 0 0,0642 0,0721

270 172,9 36,8 8,455 18,767 67,315 0,0501 0,0571

0 -50,7 36,8 -2,48 53,103 47,599 0,0494 0,0587

90 -50,7 36,8 -2,48 53,103 47,599 0,0494 0,0587

180 327,4 36,8 16,007 83,13 47,599 0,0784 0,0888

270 327,4 36,8 16,007 83,13 47,599 0,0784 0,0888

Seismic operating corroded, Moment = 877,5 kgf-m
Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
0 -380,8 154,7 -18,618 323,962 0 0,1508 0,1817
90 875,1 154,7 42,788 94,975 282,635 0,2247 0,2542

180 1.661,4 154,7 81,236 462,95 0 0,2978 0,3306

270 875,1 154,7 42,788 94,975 282,635 0,2247 0,2542

0 -380,8 154,7 -18,618 241,18 199,853 0,2102 0,2518

90 -380,8 154,7 -18,618 241,18 199,853 0,2102 0,2518

180 1.661,4 154,7 81,236 380,168 199,853 0,3580 0,4007

270 1.661,4 154,7 81,236 380,168 199,853 0,3580 0,4007

Governing Condition : Seismic operating new, Moment = 903,6 kgf-m

Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm 2 kgf/cm 2

0 -392,1 159,1 -19,173 333,267 0 0,1551 0,1869

90 901,0 159,1 44,054 97,785 290,71 0,2312 0,2616

180 1.710,6 159,1 83,642 476,368 0 0,3066 0,3402

270 901,0 159,1 44,054 97,785 290,71 0,2312 0,2616

0 -392,1 159,1 -19,173 248,12 205,563 0,2162 0,2590

90 -392,1 159,1 -19,173 248,12 205,563 0,2162 0,2590

180 1.710,6 159,1 83,642 391,221 205,563 0,3685 0,4123

270 1.710,6 159,1 83,642 391,221 205,563 0,3685 0,4123

Seismic empty corroded, Moment = 191,5 kgf-m
Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
0 -97,7 32,5 -4,776 70,031 0 0,0321 0,0388
90 159,5 32,5 7,798 17,309 59,43 0,0448 0,0511

180 331,1 32,5 16,188 95,362 0 0,0605 0,0677

270 159,5 32,5 7,798 17,309 59,43 0,0448 0,0511

0 -97,7 32,5 -4,776 52,625 42,023 0,0446 0,0535

90 -97,7 32,5 -4,776 52,625 42,023 0,0446 0,0535

180 331,1 32,5 16,188 77,955 42,023 0,0731 0,0825

270 331,1 32,5 16,188 77,955 42,023 0,0731 0,0825

Seismic empty new, Moment = 221,2 kgf-m

Force Axial Shear Axial Bending Bending
Leg Ratio Ratio
attack end load resisted fa fbx fby
position ° H1-1 H1-2
angle ° kgf kgf kgf/cm2 kgf/cm 2 kgf/cm 2

0 -110,6 37,6 -5,41 80,66 0 0,0370 0,0447

90 189,1 37,6 9,244 20,519 68,653 0,0522 0,0595

180 387,3 37,6 18,937 110,688 0 0,0704 0,0787

270 189,1 37,6 9,244 20,519 68,653 0,0522 0,0595

0 -110,6 37,6 -5,41 60,552 48,545 0,0515 0,0617

90 -110,6 37,6 -5,41 60,552 48,545 0,0515 0,0617

180 387,3 37,6 18,937 90,58 48,545 0,0849 0,0958

270 387,3 37,6 18,937 90,58 48,545 0,0849 0,0958

Leg Calculations (AISC manual ninth edition)

Axial end load, P1 (Based on vessel total bending moment acting at leg attachment elevation)

P1 = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*Wt / N + 4*Mt / (N*D)

= (1 + 0,14*0,6667)*3.296,26 / 4 + 4*1e3*903,6 / ( 4*1.116)
= 1.710,62 kgf

Allowable axial compressive stress, Fa (AISC chapter E)

Cc = Sqr(2*π2*E / Fy)
= Sqr(2*π2*2.038.900 / 2.531,048)
= 126,0993

K*l / r = 1,5*962 / 38,36 = 37,6178

Fa = 1 * (1 - (K*l / r)2 / (2*Cc2))*Fy / (5 / 3 + 3*(K*l / r) / (8*Cc)-(K*l / r)3 / (8*Cc3))

= 1 * (1 - (37,6178)2 / (2*126,09932))*2.531,048 / (5 / 3 + 3*(37,6178) / (8*126,0993)-(37,6178)3 / (8*126,09933))
= 1.362,326 kgf/cm2

Allowable axial compression and bending (AISC chapter H)

F'ex = 1*12*π2*E / (23*(K*l / r)2)
= 1*12*π2*2.038.900 / (23*(37,6178)2)
= 7.419,3 kgf/cm2

F'ey = 1*12*π2*E / (23*(K*l / r)2)

= 1*12*π2*2.038.900 / (23*(37,6178)2)
= 7.419,3 kgf/cm2

Fb = 1*0,66*Fy
= 1*0,66*2.531,048
= 1.670,492 kgf/cm2

Compressive axial stress

fa = P1 / A
= 1.710,62 / 20,4516
= 83,642 kgf/cm2

Bending stresses

fbx = F*cos(α)*L / (Ix / Cx) + P1*Ecc / (Ix / Cx)

= 159,13*cos(45)*962 / (100*300,9353 / 57,15) + 1.710,62*57,15 / (100*300,9353 / 57,15)
= 391,221 kgf/cm2

fby= F*sin(α)*L / (Iy / Cy)

= 159,13*sin(45)*962 / (100*300,94 / 57,15)
= 205,563 kgf/cm2

AISC equation H1-1

H1-1 = fa / Fa + Cmx*fbx / ((1 - fa / F'ex)*Fbx) + Cmy*fby / ((1 - fa / F'ey)*Fby)

= 83,642 / 1.362,326 + 0,85*391,221 / ((1 - 83,642 / 7.419,3)*1.670,492) + 0,85*205,563 / ((1 - 83,642 /
= 0,3685

AISC equation H1-2

H1-2 = fa / (0,6*1*Fy) + fbx / Fbx + fby / Fby

= 83,642 / (0,6*1*2.531,048) + 391,221 / 1.670,492 + 205,563 / 1.670,492
= 0,4123

4, 4 inch sch 40 pipe legs are adequate.

Anchor bolts - Seismic operating new condition governs

Tensile loading per leg (1 bolt per leg)

R = 4*M / (N*BC) - (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / N

= 4*1.537,5 / (4*1,1698) - (0,6 - 0,14*0,6667)*3.409,85 / 4
= 882,45 kgf

Required area per bolt

Ab = R / (Sb*n)
= 882,45 / (1.406,138*1)
= 0,6276 cm2

Area of a 0,625" coarse threaded bolt (corroded) = 1,3032 cm2

0,625" coarse threaded bolts are satisfactory.

Check the leg to vessel fillet weld, Bednar 10.3, Seismic operating new governs

Note: continuous welding is assumed for all support leg fillet welds.

Zw = (2*b*d + d2) / 3
= (2*5,2363*23,8 + 23,82) / 3
= 271,8967 cm2

Jw = (b + 2*d)3 / 12 - d2*(b + d)2 / (b + 2*d)

= (5,2363 + 2*23,8)3 / 12 - 23,82*(5,2363 + 23,8)2 / (5,2363 + 2*23,8)
= 3.253,1636 cm3

E = d2 / (b + 2*d)
= 2382 / (52,36 + 2*238)
= 107,21 mm

Governing weld load fx = Cos(0)*159,13 = 159,13 kgf

Governing weld load fy = Sin(0)*159,13 = 0 kgf

f1 = P1 / Lweld
= 1.710,62 / 52,8363
= 32,38 Kgf/cm (VL direct shear)

f2= fy*Lleg*0,5*b / Jw
= 0*96,2*0,5*5,2363 / 3.253,1636
= 0 Kgf/cm (VL torsion shear)

f3 = fy / Lweld
= 0 / 52,8363
= 0 Kgf/cm (Vc direct shear)

f4 = fy*Lleg*E / Jw
= 0*96,2*10,7207 / 3.253,1636
= 0 Kgf/cm (Vc torsion shear)

f5 = (fx*Lleg + P1*Ecc) / Zw
= (159,13*96,2 + 1.710,62*5,715) / 271,8967
= 92,26 Kgf/cm (ML bending)

f6 = fx / Lweld
= 159,13 / 52,8363
= 3,01 Kgf/cm (Direct outward radial shear)

f = Sqr((f1 + f2)2 + (f3 + f4)2 + (f5 + f6)2)

= Sqr((32,38 + 0)2 + (0 + 0)2 + (92,26 + 3,01)2)
= 100,62 Kgf/cm (Resultant shear load)

Required leg to vessel fillet weld leg size (welded both sides + top)

tw = f / (0,707*0,55*Sa)
= 100*10,06 / (0,707*0,55*1.407,207)
= 1,84 mm

The 6,35 mm leg to vessel attachment fillet weld size is adequate.

Base plate thickness check, AISC 3-106

fp = P / (B*N)
= 100*2.246,39 / (279,4*279,4)
= 2,878 kgf/cm2

tb =(N - (d - tL)) / 2*Sqr(3*fp / Sb)

=(279,4 - (114,3 - 6,02)) / 2*Sqr(3*2,878 / 1.687,366)
= 6,12 mm

The base plate thickness is adequate.

Check the leg to vessel attachment stresses, WRC 537 (Seismic operating corroded

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr 154,71 kgf
Circumferential moment, Mc 0 kgf-m
Circumferential shear, Vc 0 kgf
Longitudinal moment, ML 243,8 kgf-m
Longitudinal shear, VL 1.661,4 kgf
Torsion moment, Mt 0 kgf-m
Internal pressure, P 11,99 bar
Mean shell radius, Rm 554,62 mm
Local shell thickness, T 6,75 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the leg edge (includes pressure)

γ = Rm / T = 554,62 / 6,75 = 82,1627

C1 = 26,18, C2 = 104,73 mm

Note: Actual lug C1 / C2 < 1 / 4, C1 / C2 = 1 / 4 used as this is the minimum ratio covered by WRC 537.

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / T =998,428 kgf/cm2

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*T) =499,179 kgf/cm2

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 3.450,66 kgf/cm2

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±4.221,62 kgf/cm2

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 1.432,36 kgf/cm2

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1,5*S = ±2.110,81 kgf/cm2

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the leg edge per WRC Bulletin 537
Figure Y β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 8,454 0,1397 0 0 0 0 -34,943 -34,943 -34,943 -34,943

4C* 14,6311 0,1133 -60,464 -60,464 -60,464 -60,464 0 0 0 0

1C 0,1129 0,0831 0 0 0 0 -229,904 229,904 -229,904 229,904

2C-1 0,0769 0,0831 -156,714 156,714 -156,714 156,714 0 0 0 0

3A* 2,7508 0,0749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1A 0,0889 0,0891 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3B* 9,1804 0,119 -494,398 -494,398 494,398 494,398 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,037 0,0985 -2.175,014 2.175,014 2.175,014 -2.175,014 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 998,428 998,428 998,428 998,428 998,428 998,428 998,428 998,428

Total circumferential stress -1.888,162 2.775,295 3.450,663 -585,938 733,582 1.193,389 733,582 1.193,389

Primary membrane
443,566 443,566 1.432,362 1.432,362 963,486 963,486 963,486 963,486
circumferential stress*

3C* 10,5415 0,1133 -43,59 -43,59 -43,59 -43,59 0 0 0 0

4C* 13,5087 0,1397 0 0 0 0 -55,824 -55,824 -55,824 -55,824

1C-1 0,0862 0,118 -175,627 175,627 -175,627 175,627 0 0 0 0

2C 0,0485 0,118 0 0 0 0 -98,781 98,781 -98,781 98,781

4A* 5,1573 0,0749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2A 0,0406 0,1132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4B* 3,1456 0,119 -330,864 -330,864 330,864 330,864 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0363 0,1362 -1.543,166 1.543,166 1.543,166 -1.543,166 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 499,179 499,179 499,179 499,179 499,179 499,179 499,179 499,179

Total longitudinal stress -1.594,068 1.843,517 2.153,993 -581,087 344,574 542,137 344,574 542,137

Primary membrane
124,724 124,724 786,453 786,453 443,355 443,355 443,355 443,355
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -58,777 -58,777 58,777 58,777

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -58,777 -58,777 58,777 58,777

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) -1.888,162 2.775,295 3.450,663 -585,938 742,3 1.198,662 742,3 1.198,662

* denotes primary stress.

Indicador de presion (N5)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Location and Orientation
Located on Cylinder #1
Orientation 300°
Nozzle center line offset to datum line 300 mm
End of nozzle to shell center 600 mm
Passes through a Category A joint No
Description NPS 0,5 Class 6000 - threaded
Access opening No
Material specification SA-105 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 23)
Inside diameter, new 21,34 mm
Nominal wall thickness 8,38 mm
Corrosion allowance 1,25 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr 42 mm
Local vessel minimum thickness 8 mm
Liquid static head included 0,24 bar
Longitudinal joint efficiency 1
Inner fillet, Leg41 9 mm
Nozzle to vessel groove weld 8 mm

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Nozzle
tr = 11,96*11,92 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,96) = 0,1 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 0,1*1 / (8,38 - 1,25) = 0,0146
Stress ratio ≤ 0,35, MDMT per UCS-66(b)(3) = -105°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 11,96 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-44

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

3,75 8,38
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 4,73 6,3 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 11,96 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,84, 11,92 + (8,38 - 1,25) + (8 - 1,25))
= 25,8 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,38 - 1,25) + 0)
= 16,88 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,9611*11,92 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,9611)
= 0,1 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 11,9611*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*11,9611)
= 4,8 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 6,75 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 4,73 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-44 Thickness Check - ASME B16.11 Coupling

ta App 1-1 = P*Ro / (Sn*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 11,9611*19,05 / (1.380*1 + 0,4*11,9611) + 1,25
= 1,42 mm

ta UG-44 = max[ ta App 1-1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 1,42 , 3,75 ]
= 3,75 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 8,38 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

WRC 537 Load case 1

WRC 537 Load case 1 (Hot Shut Down)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAWP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 16,78 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-44

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

3,75 8,38
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 4,73 6,3 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 16,78 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,84, 11,92 + (8,38 - 1,25) + (8 - 1,25))
= 25,8 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 1,25), 2,5*(8,38 - 1,25) + 0)
= 16,88 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 16,7752*11,92 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*16,7752)
= 0,14 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 16,7752*551,25 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*16,7752)
= 6,75 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 6,75 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 4,73 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-44 Thickness Check - ASME B16.11 Coupling

ta App 1-1 = P*Ro / (Sn*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 16,7752*19,05 / (1.380*1 + 0,4*16,7752) + 1,25
= 1,48 mm

ta UG-44 = max[ ta App 1-1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 1,48 , 3,75 ]
= 3,75 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 8,38 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

WRC 537 Load case 1

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 19,9 bar @ 21,11 °C
passes UG-44

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

2,5 8,38
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 5,6 6,3 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 19,9 bar @ 21,11 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(21,34, 10,67 + (8,38 - 0) + (8 - 0))
= 27,05 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(8 - 0), 2,5*(8,38 - 0) + 0)
= 20 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 19,899*10,67 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*19,899)
= 0,15 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P)

= 19,899*550 / (1.380*1 - 0,6*19,899)
= 8 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 8 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 5,6 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*9 = 6,3 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-44 Thickness Check - ASME B16.11 Coupling

ta App 1-1 = P*Ro / (Sn*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 19,899*19,05 / (1.380*1 + 0,4*19,899) + 0
= 0,27 mm

ta UG-44 = max[ ta App 1-1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,27 , 2,5 ]
= 2,5 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 8,38 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Component Cylinder
Material SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 11,72 40 -28,89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (bar) Hs (mm) SG
Operating 0,27 2.788 1
Test horizontal 0,11 1.100 1
Inner Diameter 1.100 mm
Length 38 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
Inner 1,25 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 8,29 36,11
Corroded 7 36,28
Longitudinal seam Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Top Circumferential
Spot UW-11(b) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 2,5 mm + 1,25 mm = 3,75 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 6,92 mm
Design thickness due to combined loadings + corrosion 3,6 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 13,99 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 16,91 bar
Rated MDMT -45 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 8 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 11,99*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0.6*11,99) = 5,67 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 5,67*0,85 / (8 - 1,25) = 0,7141
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 16°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 16 , -48] = -45°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Design thickness, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0,60*P) + Corrosion

= 11,99*551,25 / (1.380*0,85 - 0,60*11,99) + 1,25
= 6,92 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 40 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t) - Ps
= 1.380*0,85*6,75 / (551,25 + 0,60*6,75) - 0,27
= 13,99 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21,11 °C) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0,60*t)
= 1.380*0,85*8 / (550 + 0,60*8)
= 16,91 bar

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*8 / 554)*(1 - 554 / infinity)
= 0,722%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads
Stress Before
Pressure P ( UG-23 Stress Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to Req'd Thk Due to
Condition Load
bar) Increase ( °C) (mm) Tension (mm) Compression (mm)

St Sc

Wind 2,34 2,32

Operating, Hot & Corroded 11,72 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25
Seismic 2,35 2,32

Wind 2,34 2,32

Operating, Hot & New 11,72 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0
Seismic 2,35 2,31

Wind 0,05 0,03

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25
Seismic 0,06 0,03

Wind 0,05 0,03

Hot Shut Down, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 40 0
Seismic 0,06 0,03

Wind 0 0
Empty, Corroded 0 1.407,2 971,1 21,11 1,25
Seismic 0 0

Wind 0 0
Empty, New 0 1.407,2 1.018,5 21,11 0
Seismic 0 0

Hot Shut Down, Corroded,

Weight & Eccentric Moments 0 1.407,2 971,1 40 1,25 Weight 0,06 0,06

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScHN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 8)
= 0,001792
B = 1.018,5 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCN = min(B, S) = 1.018,5 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScCC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

CS-2 Metric)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (558 / 6,75)
= 0,001512
B = 971,1 kg/cm2
S = 1.407,2 / 1,00 = 1.407,2 kg/cm2
ScVC = min(B, S) = 971,1 kg/cm2

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 2,29 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 2,34 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (2,29)|
= 2,32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 34,36 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 2,29 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 2,34 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,03) - (2,29)|
= 2,32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (-0,05)))
= 40,91 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,05 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,05)
= 0,05 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -71,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-71,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,9 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)

= -86,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,60*-86,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 0 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,00*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= -2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,00*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,06 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,06)
= 0,06 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,06) - (0)|
= 0,06 mm

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*551,25 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,06 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 2,29 + 0 - (-0,06)
= 2,35 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm

tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (2,29)|
= 2,32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,06)) / (551,25 - 0,40*(6,75 - 0 + (-0,06)))
= 34,34 bar

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 11,72*550 / (2*1.380*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|11,72|)
= 2,29 mm
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,06 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 2,29 + 0 - (-0,06)
= 2,35 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,03) - (2,29)|
= 2,31 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*1.380*1,20*0,85*(8 - 0 + (-0,06)) / (550 - 0,40*(8 - 0 + (-0,06)))
= 40,88 bar

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,06 mm

tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,06)
= 0,06 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.689 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 4,2 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,06 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,06)
= 0,06 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-2.690,6 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= -0,03 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,03) - (0)|
= 0,03 mm

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,4 / (π*554,632*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-71,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-71,3 / (2*π*554,63*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)

= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Empty, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0 mm (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (bending)
= 1,7 / (π*5542*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98066.5
= 0 mm
tw = (1 + 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 1,09*-86,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (0)
= 0 mm
twc = (0,6 - 0,14*SDS)*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) * MetricFactor (Weight)
= 0,51*-86,4 / (2*π*554*1.380*1,20*0,85) * 98.0665
= 0 mm
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (0) - (0)|
= 0 mm

Ellipsoidal Head #2

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Component Ellipsoidal Head
Material SA-516 70 (II-D Metric p. 18, ln. 37)
Attached To Cylinder #1
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 11,72 40 -28,89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (bar) Hs (mm) SG
Operating 0,3 3.064,25 1
Test horizontal 0,11 1.100 1
Inner Diameter 1.100 mm
Head Ratio 2
Minimum Thickness 6,89 mm
Inner 1,25 mm
Outer 0 mm
Length Lsf 38 mm
Nominal Thickness tsf 8 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg)1 Capacity (liters)1
New 84,65 210,34
Corroded 69,68 212,09
Category A joints Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Head to shell seam Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
includes straight flange

Results Summary
Governing condition internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 2,5 mm + 1,25 mm = 3,75 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 6,89 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 11,73 bar
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 14,68 bar
Rated MDMT -37,4°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 6,89 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve B = -29°C
tr = 12,02*1.102,5*0,996987 / (2*1.380*0,85 - 0,2*12,02) = 5,64 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 5,64*0,85 / (6,89 - 1,25) = 0,8496
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 8,4°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -29 - 8,4 , -48] = -37,4°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Factor K
K = (1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]
Corroded K = (1/6)*[2 + (1.102,5 / (2*276,25))2] 0,997
New K = (1/6)*[2 + (1.100 / (2*275))2] 1

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 40 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = P*D*K / (2*S*E - 0,2*P) + Corrosion

= 12,02*1.102,5*0,996987 / (2*1.380*0,85 - 0,2*12,02) + 1,25
= 6,89 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 40 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0,2*t) - Ps

= 2*1.380*0,85*5,64 / (0,996987*1.102,5 +0,2*5,64) - 0,3
= 11,73 bar

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21,11 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0,2*t) - Ps

= 2*1.380*0,85*6,89 / (1*1.100 +0,2*6,89) - 0
= 14,68 bar
% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*8 / 191)*(1 - 191 / infinity)

= 3,1414%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Drenaje (N4)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Location and Orientation
Located on Ellipsoidal Head #2
Orientation 0°
End of nozzle to datum line -450 mm
Calculated as hillside No
Distance to head center, R 0 mm
Passes through a Category A joint No
Description NPS 1 Sch 160 DN 25
Access opening No
Material specification SA-106 B Smls Pipe (II-D Metric p. 14, ln. 15)
Inside diameter, new 20,7 mm
Pipe nominal wall thickness 6,35 mm
Pipe minimum wall thickness1 5,56 mm
Corrosion allowance 1,25 mm
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr 74,61 mm
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf 130,24 mm
Local vessel minimum thickness 6,89 mm
Liquid static head included 0,31 bar
Longitudinal joint efficiency 1
Inner fillet, Leg41 6,35 mm

Nozzle to vessel groove weld 6,89 mm
Pipe minimum thickness = nominal thickness times pipe tolerance factor of 0,875.

ASME B16.5-2013 Flange

Description NPS 1 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 (II-D Metric p. 344, ln. 31)
Blind included No
Rated MDMT -48°C
Liquid static head 0,31 bar
MAWP rating 19,53 bar @ 40°C
MAP rating 19,6 bar @ 21,11°C
Hydrotest rating 30 bar @ 21,11°C
PWHT performed No
Impact Tested No
Circumferential joint radiography Spot UW-11(b) Type 1
Flange rated MDMT per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) = -48°C (Coincident ratio = 0,614)
Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -48°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements Nozzle

Impact test exempt per UCS-66(d) (NPS 4 or smaller pipe) = -105°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28,89°C.

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 12,03 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

4,21 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 3,57 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 12,03 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,2, 11,6 + (6,35 - 1,25) + (6,89 - 1,25))
= 23,2 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,89 - 1,25), 2,5*(6,35 - 1,25) + 0)
= 12,75 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 12,0329*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*12,0329)
= 0,12 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 12,0329*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*12,0329)
= 4,32 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 5,1 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 3,57 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 12,0336*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*12,0336) + 1,25
= 1,37 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,37 , 0 ]
= 1,37 mm

tb1 = 5,57 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 5,57 , 3,75 ]
= 5,57 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 4,21 , 5,57 ]
= 4,21 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,37 , 4,21 ]
= 4,21 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

WRC 537 Load case 1

WRC 537 Load case 1 (Hot Shut Down)

Reinforcement Calculations for MAWP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 15,7 bar @ 40 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

4,21 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 3,57 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 15,7 bar @ 40 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,2, 11,6 + (6,35 - 1,25) + (6,89 - 1,25))
= 23,2 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,89 - 1,25), 2,5*(6,35 - 1,25) + 0)
= 12,75 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 15,7049*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,7049)
= 0,15 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 15,7049*0,898*1.102,5 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*15,7049)
= 5,64 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 5,1 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 3,57 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 15,7055*11,6 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*15,7055) + 1,25
= 1,4 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 1,4 , 0 ]
= 1,4 mm

tb1 = 6,89 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,89 , 3,75 ]
= 6,89 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 4,21 , 6,89 ]
= 4,21 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 1,4 , 4,21 ]
= 4,21 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

WRC 537 Load case 1

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-37 Area Calculation Summary
The nozzle
For P = 19,18 bar @ 21,11 °C
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

2,96 5,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (mm) throat size (mm)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 4,45 4,45 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 19,18 bar @ 21,11 °C

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(20,7, 10,35 + (6,35 - 0) + (6,89 - 0))
= 23,59 mm

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(6,89 - 0), 2,5*(6,35 - 0) + 0)
= 15,88 mm
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 19,1809*10,35 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*19,1809)
= 0,17 mm

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(c)

tr = P*K1*D / (2*S*E - 0,2*P)

= 19,1809*0,9*1.100 / (2*1.380*1 - 0,2*19,1809)
= 6,89 mm

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 19 mm or tn or t = 6,35 mm

tc(min) = lesser of 6 mm or 0,7*tmin = 4,45 mm
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*6,35 = 4,45 mm

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 19,1809*10,35 / (1.180*1 - 0,6*19,1809) + 0
= 0,17 mm

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,17 , 0 ]
= 0,17 mm

tb1 = 6,89 mm

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 6,89 , 2,5 ]
= 6,89 mm

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 2,96 , 6,89 ]
= 2,96 mm

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,17 , 2,96 ]
= 2,96 mm

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*6,35 = 5,56 mm

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Liquid Level bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #2

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2015 Edition Metric

Location from Datum (mm) 2.750
Operating Liquid Specific Gravity 1

Bill of Materials


Item # Type Material Thk [mm] Dia. [mm] Wt. [kg] (ea.) Qty

H1 Ellipsoidal Head SA-516 70 6,77 (min.) 1.100 ID 83,3 1

H2 Ellipsoidal Head SA-516 70 6,89 (min.) 1.100 ID 84,7 1


Item # Type Material Thk [mm] Dia. [mm] Length [mm] Wt. [kg] (ea.) Qty

S1 Cylinder SA-516 70 8 1.100 ID 2.300 501,7 1


Item # Type Material Thk [mm] Length [mm] Wt. [kg] Qty

L1 4 inch sch 40 pipe Leg material 6,02 1.200 28,4 4


Item # Type Material NPS Thk [mm] Dia. [mm] Length [mm] Wt. [kg]

Noz1 Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS) DN 100 8,56 114,3 OD 113 6,2

Noz2 Nozzle SA-106 B Smls Pipe NPS 1 Sch 160 DN 25 6,35 33,4 OD 197 0,8

Noz3 Nozzle SA-105 NPS 0,5 Class 6000 - threaded 8,38 38,1 OD 50 0,3


Item # Type Material NPS Dia. [mm] Wt. [kg] (ea.) Qty

AF1 ASME B16.5 Welding Neck - Class 150 A105 4 228,6 x 102,36 6,8 2

AF2 ASME B16.5 Welding Neck - Class 150 A105 1,0 107,95 x 26,67 1,4 2


Item # Description Material Length [mm] Qty

FB1 5/8" coarse bolt SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 76 16

FB2 1/2" coarse bolt SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 64 57 8

SB1 5/8" coarse bolt Support Leg bolt material - 4

All listed flange bolts require associated nuts and washers in accordance with Division 1, UCS-11.


Item # Material Thk [mm] Wt. [kg] Qty [ m^2]

Plate1 SA-516 70 8 14,6 0,0732

Plate1 - Note: Applies to nozzle pad

Plate2 Unspecified material 15 36,7 0,31

Plate2 - Note: Applies to support leg base plates


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