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This schedule will be changed as needed to reflect the progress of the class.

Week One: Units 1 and 2 Keyboard Basics

1. Keyboard Orientation: pgs. 8 – 18, as needed.
2. Circle of Fifths
a. Verbalize the order of sharp keys (C – C#), then flat keys (Cb –
C) – circle of fifths.
b. Play the order of sharp keys in single half notes (LH 5-1, RH 1-5,
hand over hand), then quarter notes, MM=100.
c. Repeat with flat keys.
3. Half and whole steps and the chromatic scale: pgs. 19-20.
4. Notation review and the grand staff: pgs. 21-22.
5. Major five-finger patterns and chords, C,G,F,D,A,E: pgs. 41 – 43.
6. Intervals: pgs. 29 – 30.
7. Reading: pgs. 23, 25 – 26. Verbalize alternately letters, finger numbers,
and direction/distance. Transpose by intervals to at least one other

SKILL QUIZ 1: Verbalize and play circle of fifths (C – C#, then Cb – C).
Play chromatic scale, pg. 20, HS (hands separately), one octave,
quarter notes, MM=100. Correct fingering is key.

Week Two: Complete Units 1 and 2 Keyboard Basics

1. Circle of Keys: review sharp and flat keys.
2. Major five-finger patterns and chords: Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, Gb, B, pgs. 44–
45. Observe and play in”geographical” groups (See pg. 59).
3. Major Triads: Review construction, pg. 43, top. Play pg. 43 #2 in all
major keys.
4. Reading: pgs. 36 – 37. Verbalize direction and distance before playing.
Repertoire: start pg. 33, “Miniature Waltz.”
5. Rhythm Reading: pg. 35.
6. Harmonization: pg. 38, top. Use major triads instead of harmonic
7. Key signature identification: pgs. 32, 39 (as needed).

SKILL QUIZ 2: Harmonizations, pg. 38 (top) #1 and #2, with LH major

triads, with disk. Transpose to all other 5-finger patterns.

Week Three: Unit 3 Major Five-Finger Patterns

1. Circle of Fifths: verbalize continuously from C to C, then play single
notes hand over hand; add major triads following pattern of pg. 43, #2.
2. Major five-finger patterns and chords: play continuously through the
circle of fifths in rhythm of pg. 43, #1 and #2. Vary articulations.
3. Major arpeggios: play hand over hand, ascending only, white-key
majors, broken.
4. Repertoire: continue pg. 33, “Miniature Waltz.”
5. Rhythm reading: pg. 48.
6. Reading: pgs. 50 – 51. Verbalize intervals and direction before
playing; transpose each to at least one other key.
7. Harmonization: pgs. 52-53. Sing melody on scale degrees, play RH
melody with LH bass notes. Then play two-hand accompaniment (LH
root only, RH root-position chords) with melody on disk.

SKILL QUIZ 3: Repertoire, pg. 33, “Miniature Waltz”, transpose.

Week Four: Major Five-Finger Pattern Review

1. Circle of Fifths: verbalize (continuous), then play single notes hand
over hand with major triads.
2. Major five-finger patterns and chords: play continuously through the
circle of fifths in rhythm of pg. 43 #1 (omit blocked chord).
PARALLEL and CONTRARY motion. MM=80. Extra attention to
asymmetrical patterns.
3. Major arpeggios: hand over hand, ascending only, blocked than
broken: Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, Gb.
4. Repertoire: “Dance,” pg. 46, play and transpose. “Echoes of Scotland”
(handout), play.
5. Reading: “Waltz,” pg. 55 (Primo). “Study” and “March,” pg. 62.
Verbalize intervals and direction before playing. Transpose.
6. Harmonization: pg. 65. Sing melody on scale degrees, play RH
melody with LH bass notes. Then play two-hand accompaniment (LH
root, RH root-position chords) with melody on disk. Transpose to
black keys.

SKILL QUIZ 4: Play all major five-finger patterns and chords

continuously through the circle of fifths, from any starting key, as notated
on pg.43 #1 (omit blocked chord), PARALLEL motion only.

Week Five: EXAM ONE – 30% of COURSE GRADE

1. Play all major five-finger patterns and chords continuously through
the circle of fifths, from any starting key, as notated on pg. 43 #1.
Quarter notes, MM=100. Hands together, CONTRARY MOTION.
2. Harmonization: pgs. 52-53 with instructor playing melody.
3. Repertoire: Echoes of Scotland.
4. Sight-reading: will be provided. Counts twice in averaging grade.
5. Average of Skill Quizzes 1-4.

Week Six: Unit 4: Major Five-Finger Pattern Review

1. Review major five-finger patterns, through circle of fifths and
chromatically, as on pg. 60, bottom. Emphasize asymmetrical ones.
2. Play major chords, pg. 60 (top) #1 and #2.
3. Start minor five-finger patterns, pg. 73. Move through circle of fifths
playing major and parallel minor.
4. Rhythm Reading: pg. 61, top.
5. Reading: pg. 63 #3, #4, and #5, sight-read and transpose.
6. Harmonization: pg. 68, play 2-hand accompaniment, blocked, then
broken. Transpose.
7. Creative Ensemble: pg. 56. Practice all different parts.
8. Duet repertoire: pg. 93. Begin primo part.

SKILL QUIZ 5: Harmonization with two-hand accompaniment, pg. 68,

with instructor playing melody, quarter note=80. Transpose.

Week Seven: Units 5 and 6 – Minor Five-finger Patterns

1. Minor five-finger patterns and chords: pg. 75 #1, play through circle of
fifths, MM=100, parallel and contrary motion.
2. Minor chords: pg. 75 #2, play through circle of fifths.
3. Minor arpeggios: hand over hand, ascending only, blocked then
broken: c,g,f d,a,e b.
4. Introduce relative minors: pg. 79. Play pg. 85-top in sharp keys.
5. Rhythm reading: pg. 86.
6. Reading: pg. 76 (bottom)-77-78.
7. Duet Repertoire: pg. 93, play and transpose.
8. Harmonization: pg. 82, sing melody on scale degrees, play RH melody
with LH bass note. Play two-hand accompaniment with chords in RH,
root in LH, with instructor playing melody.
9. Play major, augmented, minor, and diminished chords, pgs. 97-98.

SKILL QUIZ 6: Duet, p. 93, primo part transposed, with instructor

playing secondo. MM=84.

Week Eight: Units 7 and 8: Chord Qualities and Major Scales/Tetrachords

1. Review minor five-finger patterns: pg. 75 #1 through circle of fifths.
2. Minor arpeggios: hand over hand, ascending only, blocked then
broken: c#, f#, g#, eb, bb.
3. Minor chords: pg. 76 #2.
4. Major and relative minor five-finger patterns: pg. 85-top, flat keys.
5. Tetrachords and the major scale: build tetrachords from half
step/whole step pattern; assemble major scale by putting together a
tonic tetrachord and a dominant tetrachord.
6. Tetrachord scales in sharp keys (see index for written example if
7. MAMmd chords: pg. 98 – bottom; play pattern, lower root half step,
respell, repeat.
8. Repertoire: “Etude,” pg. 80. Verbalize positions, read; transpose.
9. Creative ensemble: “Erie Canal,” pg. 83. Learn parts 2, 3, & 4, play
with classmates.
10. Reading: pgs. 90-91. Sight-read and transpose.
11. Introduce Triads of the Key, pg. 120, C, G, F.
12. Start repertoire: “Topsy-Turvy,” pgs. 100-101. Verbalize chords and
block hands separately.

SKILL QUIZ 7: MAMmd, pg. 98 – bottom. Play continuously from any

starting point, either hand, quarter note=88.

Week Nine: More Chord Qualities and Major Scales

1. Tetrachord scales in flat keys.
2. Review sharp-key tetrachord scales, then play tetrachord scales
continuously around the circle of fifths with accompaniment.
3. Major and relative minor five-finger patterns: pg. 85 – top, all keys.
4. Triads of the Key, pg. 120. D, Bb, A, Eb.
5. Scales: Introduce B and F#.
6. Creative ensemble: “Erie Canal,” pg. 83, review part 3 independently,
then parts 2 and 4 together, with teacher or classmates.
7. Harmonization: pg. 87. Sing melody on scale degrees, play melody
with RH, bass notes in LH. Play two-hand accompaniment with
teacher playing melody.
8. Repertoire: “Topsy-Turvy,” pgs. 100-101. Transpose to G Major.
Verbalize chords in the key of G, block hands separately.
9. Reading: pgs. 102-103. Read and transpose.
10. Review “Etude,” pg. 80. Play and transpose.

SKILL QUIZ 8: “Etude,” pg. 80. Play and transpose.

Week Ten: EXAM TWO – 30% of COURSE GRADE

1. Scales: B and F# Major, hands together, two octaves, say fingering
2. Harmonization: “Erie Canal,” pg. 83. Play part 3 independently, parts
2 and 4 together, with accompaniment. Quarter note=60.
3. Repertoire: “Topsy-Turvy,” pgs. 100-101. Play and transpose.
4. Sight-reading (counts twice in averaging grades).
5. Average of SKILL QUIZZES 5-8.

Week Eleven: Unit 9 – Triads of the Key

1. Major scales: learn scales that use all the black keys—B, F#, Db. Two
octaves, hands together.
2. Major arpeggios: learn hands separately 2 octaves—C, G, F.
3. Triads of the key: pg. 120. Verbalize and play in C, G, F, D, Bb, A, Eb.
4. Intervals of 6ths, 7ths, and Octaves: pg. 112.
5. Start repertoire: “A Little Joke” (handout); play and transpose.
Verbalize triads and positions in all keys.
6. Reading: pgs. 118-119, read and transpose.
7. Two-hand accompaniment: pg. 115 with teacher playing melody (LH
roots, RH root-position triads).
8. Harmonization: pgs. 130-131, LH roots, RH root-position triads.

SKILL QUIZ 9: Major Scales: B, Gb, Db, 2 octaves, hands together.

Triads of the Key: D, Bb, A, Eb – verbalize and play,

Week Twelve: Finish Unit 9 – Triads of the Key

1. Major scale: F. 2 octaves, HT.
2. Major arpeggios: review C, G, F, hands separately, 2 octaves.
3. Triads of the key: pg. 120, A, E, Eb, Ab, verbalize and play, MM=80.
4. Repertoire: “A Little Joke,” transpose; verbalize triads and positions in
all keys.
5. Expansion of intervals.
6. Reading: pgs. 126-127, play and transpose.
7. Harmonization: pg. 145 – both, RH root-position triads, LH roots, with
melody on disk.

SKILL QUIZ 10: “A Little Joke,” play in original key; transpose.

Week Thirteen: Unit 10 – Major Scales/Triads and Inversions

1. Major scales: Ab. Two octaves, hands together.
2. Major arpeggios: learn D, A, E, B, two octaves, hands separately.
3. Triads in first inversion: pg. 136, keys through two sharps, two flats.
4. Naming triads and inversions: pg. 137, bottom. Perfect fingering.
5. Circle of fifths: verbalize I-V-I in each key, then play roots in the LH at
the same time.
6. The dominant 7th chord: pg. 149, as needed.
7. Chord progression: pg. 150, HS, in all major keys (circle of fifths).
8. Reading: pg. 152, ID LH chords, play with I-V7-I voicing, transpose.
Pg. 153, ID LH chords, play with blocked LH, transpose.
9. Harmonization: pg. 154: sing RH on scale degrees while playing the
LH accompaniment. Accompany teacher playing melody with LH
roots, RH chords (see pg. 150, example in middle of page).
10. Repertoire: introduce “Funny Event” (handout).

SKILL QUIZ 11: Chord progression: pg. 149 - bottom. Play continuously
through circle of fifths from any starting point, hands separately, with
correct fingering. Verbalize as you play.

Week Fourteen: Unit 12 – The Subdominant Chord

1. Major scales: E. Two octaves, hands together.
2. Major arpeggios: review white key tonics , 2 octaves, HS.
3. Triads in second inversion: pg. 136, keys through 2 sharps, 2 flats.
4. Tonic and subdominant: pg. 159, top (as needed).
5. Circle of fifths: verbalize/play roots of I-IV-I in each key.
6. Chord progression: pgs. 170-171, HS, all major keys (circle of fifths).
7. Reading: pgs. 162-163. Block LH, read and transpose.
8. Harmonization: pgs. 164-165 (top) – sing RH melody on scale degrees
while playing LH accompaniment.
9. Repertoire: continue “Funny Event”. Transpose.

SKILL QUIZ 12: Reading, pg. 162, #1 and #2. Play and transpose. LH
must be blocked.

Week Fifteen: EXAM THREE – 30% of COURSE GRADE

1. Major scales: B, Gb, Db, F, Ab, E, two octaves, hands together, with
correct fingering. Major arpeggios: C, G, F, D, A, E, B, two octaves,
hands separately, with correct fingering.
2. Chord progression: pg. 170, hands separately in all major keys, from
memory, with correct fingering. Verbalize.
3. Repertoire: “Funny Event” – Play in original key, then transpose.
4. Sight-reading, comparable to pg. 162. LH MUST BE BLOCKED.
Counts twice in averaging grades.
5. Average of Skill Quizzes 9-12.

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