This schedule will be changed as needed to reflect the progress of the class.
SKILL QUIZ 1: Verbalize and play circle of fifths (C – C#, then Cb – C).
Play chromatic scale, pg. 20, HS (hands separately), one octave,
quarter notes, MM=100. Correct fingering is key.
SKILL QUIZ 11: Chord progression: pg. 149 - bottom. Play continuously
through circle of fifths from any starting point, hands separately, with
correct fingering. Verbalize as you play.
SKILL QUIZ 12: Reading, pg. 162, #1 and #2. Play and transpose. LH
must be blocked.
1. Major scales: B, Gb, Db, F, Ab, E, two octaves, hands together, with
correct fingering. Major arpeggios: C, G, F, D, A, E, B, two octaves,
hands separately, with correct fingering.
2. Chord progression: pg. 170, hands separately in all major keys, from
memory, with correct fingering. Verbalize.
3. Repertoire: “Funny Event” – Play in original key, then transpose.
4. Sight-reading, comparable to pg. 162. LH MUST BE BLOCKED.
Counts twice in averaging grades.
5. Average of Skill Quizzes 9-12.