TG Cookery G10

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K to 12 Basic Education Program


(GRADE 10)

Grade Level Standard:

Technology and Livelihood Education in Home Economics – Cookery leads to National

Certificate Level II (NCII). It covers core competencies namely; (1) preparing egg dishes (2)
preparing cereal and starch dishes (3) preparing vegetable dishes (4) preparing and cooking
seafood dishes (5) preparing stocks, sauces and soups (6) preparing poultry and game
dishes, and (7) preparing and cooking meat.


The learner demonstrates understanding of core concepts, and principles in


The learner apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the TESDA

Training Regulation.

 Develop and strengthen PECs needed in cookery
 Develop a product/service in cookery
 Select a business idea based on the set criteria and techniques
 Develop a brand for the product
 Perform mise’en place
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate egg dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate starch and cereal dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate vegetable dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate seafood dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate stocks, sauces and soups dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate poultry and game dishes
 Prepare, cook, present, evaluate meat dishes

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is one nomenclature in the
implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program (BEP). It is composed of
four components, namely, Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts and
Information and Communication Technology. In this learning material, the focus is
on a course in Home Economics – Cookery.

The course provides varied and relevant activities and opportunities to

determine your understanding of the key concepts and to demonstrate core
competencies as prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation in Cookery. Thus, it aims
to provide quality service to target clients alongside of assessing yourself as to the
aspects of business that you may consider to strengthen and become part of the
food provider sector.

The world of work today presents a picture of available jobs that are getting
scarcer each year. To address this reality, the Department of Education is stretching
its available resources, prioritizing needs, and developing sustainable programs to
lead and to prepare the young minds as future skillful chef or any related job. The
department further believes that it is in honing the skills that the learner can have an
edge over other job seekers. DepEd endeavors to equip the learners with the
appropriate knowledge, attitudes, values and skills necessary to become productive
citizen of our society.

This learning material is specifically crafted to focus on the different activities

that will assess your level in terms of skills and knowledge necessary to get a
Certificate of Competency and/or National Certification. This learning material will
surely make you a certified food provider.

This Teaching Guide opt to guide teachers in facilitating learning

geared toward the attainment of the learning outcomes.

Generally, learners are expected to become proficient in performing skills on the
following competencies:
1. develop personal entrepreneurial skills
2. prepare egg dishes
3. prepare cereals and starch dishes
4. prepare vegetables dishes
5. prepare and cook seafood dishes
6. prepare stocks, sauces and soups
7. prepare poultry and game dishes, and
8. prepare and cook meat


Explain to the learners the objectives of the module and encourage them to
think and write their own learning goals. Set procedures and specific standards
based on the objectives of the lesson and results of the pre-assessment for the
learners to follow as they formulate their personal expected outcomes.

Ask them to write their goals/targets on their journal/portfolio.

Grade 10 students who will take Cookery course as their specialization in
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) – Home Economics should have
successfully taken the exploratory course in Commercial Cooking in Grade 7/8 and
have successfully completed the competencies indicated in Grade 9.

The student of this course must possess the following:

1. incline in cooking and other cooking-related activities;
2. can communicate both in oral and written;
3. physically and mentally fit;
4. with good moral character; and
5. can perform basic mathematical computation.

Learners are expected to develop their knowledge and skills in Cookery,

demonstrate mise’en place, cook, present and evaluate egg, starch and cereal,
vegetable, stocks, sauces and soups, poultry and game, and meat dishes.

This learner’s material should be taken for one school year for a total of 160
hours. Lessons should be taken one at a time, following the correct sequence being
presented and should accomplish the assessment or enhancement activities before
proceeding to the next lesson.
Along the learning process, learners of this course are required to complete
the 25-hour industry involvement to different food services to experience the actual

This learning resource is subdivided into four (4) quarters which may serve as
the recommended scope and limit for every academic grading period. In every
quarter there are lessons that comprise the learning outcomes.
Before exploring the core competencies of Cookery, you will be guided on
how to assess your own Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECS)
and demonstrate your understanding about the Environment and Market.
Quarter I is compose of two lessons. Lesson I is all about preparation,
cooking and presenting different kinds of egg dishes while Lesson II is on cereals
and starch dishes.
Quarter II has two lessons, the preparation of vegetable dishes and seafood
dishes. Learn the different kinds and classifications of vegetables and seafood,
cooking, plating dishes and storing food items.
Quarter III consists of lessons on preparing stocks, sauces and soups, and
poultry and game dishes.
Quarter IV covers lessons on how to prepare and cook different kinds of meat
like pork, beef, carabeef and others.

Enjoy using this learner’s material as your guide to become a successful chef
in the future.


Here are some reminders on how to use this material.

1. Answer the diagnostic assessment before you proceed to the different activities.
The diagnostic assessment determines how much you know about the lessons
and identifies the areas you ought to learn more. Your teacher will check and
analyze your score to determine your learning needs.

2. This learner’s material contains relevant information and activities. Go over each
activity carefully. If you encounter difficulties, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher for assistance. Do not skip any topic unless you are told to do so.
REMEMBER that each activity is a preparation for the succeeding activities.
3. For every lesson/learning outcomes, perform the enhancement activities to
enrich the knowledge and skills.
4. After successfully finished the tasks, answer the post-test to be given by your
teacher. Your score will be analyzed and will be used by your teacher for the
computation of your grades.
5. Lastly, DO NOT mark the learner’s material in any way.

A. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter
that best describes the statement. Write your answer on your test
1. Which of the following is the right step by step procedures in manual
A. Drain and air-dry, scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, sanitize, and wash dishes.
B. Rinse, scrape and pre-rinse, wash, drain, air-dry and sanitize dishes
C. Scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, wash, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
D. Scrape and pre-rinse, wash, rinse, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
2. Which of the following parts of an egg is produced by the oviduct and consist of
four alternating layers of thick and thin consistencies.
A. Air cell C. Chalaza
B. Albumen D. Yolk
3. Which of the following vitamins is found in eggs?
A. B1 C. D
B. C D. K

4. The appearance of egg is important for consumer appeal. ON what basis are
shells evaluated?
A. cleanliness, shape, texture and soundness
B. grade, texture, cleanliness, shape
C. shape, texture, cleanliness and size
D. texture, soundness, size and cleanliness
5. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used in cooking.
A.Dried egg C.Frozen egg
B.Fresh egg D. Shelled egg
6. Which of the following raises coagulation temperature producing softer, weaker
gel when added to egg used in culinary.
A.Alkali C.Sugar
B. Salt D.Vinegar
7. Which kind of egg dish is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely
simmering water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape?
A.Fried egg C. Scrambled egg
B.Poached egg D.Soft-boiled egg
8. Which of the following tools is not used in cooking omelet?
A. Bowls C.Sauté pan
B.Fork D.Skimmer
9. Which of the following is true in plating egg dishes?
A. Choose serving dish small enough to let each food item stand out
B. Play with color and texture
C. Protein dish should cover half of the plate
D. Use even numbers in setting the dish.
10. Which of the following sources of starch is rarely used in manufacturing food
A.Cassava C. Potato
B.Corn D. Rice
11. Which of the following changes in starch during cooking is the resistance to
flow; increase in thickness or consistency.
A.Dextrinization C.Retrogadation
B. Gelatinization D.Viscosity
12. Which of the following is suggested if you will hold pasta for a short time for
later service?
A.Cook pasta ahead of time and chill
B.Drain and add sauce
C.Drain, toss with a small amount of oil, cover and hold in warmer
D.Undercook slightly the pasta
13. Which is the process of making a new product to be sold to the customers?
A. Product Analysis C. Product Development
B. Product Conceptualization D. Product Implementation

14. This is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of
your brand.
A. Branding C.Tagline
B. Product Naming D.Unique Selling Proposition
15. What managerial tool is used to assess the environment to gather important
information for strategic planning.
A. Environmental Scanning C.Survey Analysis
B. SWOT Analysis D.WOTS Analysis
16. What animal produces veal meat?
A. Calf C. Hog
B. Deer D. Sheep
17. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. Cured meat C. Frozen meat
B. Fresh meat D. Processed meat
18. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. Bone C. Flesh
B. Fat D. Ligament
19. What part of the meat has the greatest amount of quality protein?
A. Bone C. Flesh
B. Fat D. Ligament
20. Which of the following meat cuts requires long and slow cooking temperature?
A.Less tender C.Tender
B.Slightly tough D.Tough
21. Which of the following is a long – bladed hatchet or a heavy knife used by a
A. Butchers knife C. Cleaver knife
B. Chopper knife D. Set of slicing knife
22. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat
A.Baking C. Roasting
B.Broiling D. Stewing
23. What do you call to the cooking method when meat is cooked in steaming
liquid in which bubbles are breaking on the surface.
A.Boiling C. Roasting
B.Broiling D. Stewing
24. Which is an oil-acid mixture used to enhance the flavor of meat.
A.Brine solution C. Soy sauce and vinegar
B.Marinade D. Salt and calamansi
25. Which of the following tools is used for carving?
A.Cleaver knife C. Slicer
B. Fork D. Razor knife
26. To which meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. Less tender cuts C. Tough cuts
B. Tender cuts D. Variety cuts

27. Where should meat products be stored?
A.Crisper C. Dry shelf
B.Cold shelf D. Freezer
28. Which of the following is the tenderest cut of beef?
A. Chunk C. Sirloin
B. Round cut D. Tenderloin
29. Which will you consider first when buying meats?
A.Brand C. Quality
B.Price D. Round cut
30. What is your primary consideration when storing goods?
A.Expiration date C. Quantity
B.Fragility D. Size
31. What do ou call to young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender
A.Duck C. Rooster
B. Fryer D.Squab
32. To what part of poultry does breast meat belong?
A.Dark meat C.Variety meat
B. Tough meat D. White meat
33. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A.Free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B.Eyes are clear
C.Is heavy and the skin is watery
D.Thighs are well-developed
34. What do you call to a young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of ?
A. Fryer C. Roaster
B. Hen D. Stag
35. How many days should a whole chicken be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
36. How do you classify the fleshy part of chicken like breast?
A.Entrails C.Viscera
B.Dark meat D.White meat
37. What cookery method is used for a matured poultry?
A. Boiling C.Roasting
B.Frying D.Stewing
38. What cookery method is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A.Boiling C. Roasting
B. Frying D.Stewing
39. What is the best cooking temperature for poultry?
A.High temperature C.Low to moderate temperature
B.Low temperature D.Moderate temperature
40. What factor affects the poultry meat’s tenderness and juiciness?
A.Age C. Cuts
B.Cookery D. Sex

41. What is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor
to some vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
B. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
42. What is a way of cooking by placing blanched or raw vegetables in the pan,
adding liquid (stock, water, wine) then covering and cooking it slowly.
A. Boiling C. Braising
B. Baking D. Sautéing
43. Which of the following plating styles is not a classic arrangement?
A. Starch or vegetable item is heaped in the center while the main item is
sliced and leaned up against it.
B. The main item is in the center, with vegetable distributed around it.
C.The vegetable item is n the rear and main item, starch item and garnish at
the front.
D. The main item is in the center with neat piles of vegetables carefully
arranged around.
44. Which of the following vegetables is cooked uncovered?
A. Fruit vegetables C. Roots and tubers
B. Green vegetables D. Yellow vegetables
45. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
A. Bluefish C. Grouper
B. Cat fish D. Sole
46. Which is the market form of fish where both sides of a fish is still joined but
bones are removed?
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Drawn D. Steak
47. Which of the following is a characteristic of a fresh fish?
A. With fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Gills are red or pink
D. Flesh shrink when pressed
48. Which of the following seafood is cooked just enough to heat to keep juicy and
A. Fat fish C. Flat fish
B. lean fish D. Shellfish
49. Which of the following is a cooking method suited to fat fish?
A. Baking C. Deep -frying
B. Boiling D. Sautéing
50. What is used to baste lean fish to help prevent them from drying up.
A. Butter C. Soy sauce
B. Cream D. Tomato sauce

Key to Correction
1. D 11. C 21. D 31. D 41. D
2. B 12. A 22. D 32. D 42. A
3. D 13. C 23. A 33. A 43. C
4. A 14. D 24. B 34. A 44. B
5. C 15. B 25. C 35. C 45. B
6. D 16. A 26. D 36. D 46. A
7. B 17. B 27. D 37. D 47. C
8. D 18. D 28. D/C 38. D 48. D
9. B 19. C 29. C 39. C 49. A
10. D 20. A/D 30. A 40. A 50. A


Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)

Quarter I 4 hrs.
Grade Level Standard:

This is a specialization course which leads to CookeryNational Certificate Level

II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10 Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1) communicate
effectively using the English language; and 2) deliver quality customer service.

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following: 1)

discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts
relative to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities.

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies inCookery.

Performance Standard

The learner independently creates a plan of action that strengthens and

or further develops his/her PECs inCookery.

Learning Competencies

 Develop and strengthen PECs needed inCookery.

I. Introduction

This teacher’s guide will lead you to effectively and efficiently teach
Module 1. Moreover, this will guide you in determining relevant and appropriate
teaching techniques and strategies that will tailor fit to the learning needs and
demands of the learners to make them best understand, appreciate and be
inspired in realizing the importance of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial
competencies related to Cookery. This module will also provide learners an
opportunity to know that individuals possess different PECs.These PECs
include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, or traits that make a person
different from others. Likewise, when one aligns these competencies with the
competencies of successful practitioners or entrepreneurs, he or she may
become ready to face the experiences of starting a business or being employed.

Moreover, the module is designed to stimulate the learners mind to think

about entrepreneurship and its role in the business community and in economic
and social development.

II. Objectives

With your assistance and guidance in using the module, learners are
expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of PECs
more particularly in:
- identifying areas for improvement, development and growth;
- aligning learners’ PECs according to their business or career choice;
- creating a plan of action that ensures success in their business or career
III. Presentation of Content
 Guide learners in appreciating and understanding PECs in order to be
successful in business or in the world of work by sharing / telling them
inspiring real-life stories of successful businessman and or well-known
workers in the field of Cookeryin your area.
 Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.
 Guide learners in understanding the importance of entrepreneurs and

 Guide learners in identifying and understanding the objectives of Module
 Utilize the sample pre-assessment test available in the learners’
materials or craft a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess learner’s
prior knowledge and skills in PECs.
 Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to
strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the
Guide Questions
 Have learners actively perform Task 2, and let them share their answers
and relevant experiences to the class.
 Process learners’ understanding on the guide questions presented on
Task 2.
Learning Goals and Target
 Help learners in utilizing available technology / resources in planning their
own learning goals and targets as reflected on page 4.
Group Activity
 Group the learners then let them perform Task 3 and let them share their
thought to the class.
 Process learners’ understanding and guide them in arriving at a relevant
and acceptable generalization.

IV. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer

What to KNOW
 Discuss / present the importance of assessing personal entrepreneurial
competencies (PECs) and skills vis-à-vis a practicing entrepreneur or
employee; provide a solid example of an entrepreneur or employee
existing in your area.
 Expand learner’s curiosity by asking essential questions on the important
characteristics / traits / attributes and skills of a good entrepreneur.
 Assist/Guide learners in understanding the entrepreneurial competencies
(characteristics, traits, attributes) and skills of a good entrepreneur.
 Have an appropriate, relevant and timely learning activity for the learners
to appreciate the best entrepreneurial competencies.
 Assess learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding on the topic. Utilize
the result of the pre-assessment to improve their learning.

 Let learners accomplish Task 4 (PECs Checklist) on page 8-9. Let them
have their own interpretation or personal insights based from the
accomplished task.
 Facilitate student-to-student interactions and process learners
 Deepen learners’ understanding on PECs by guiding them to accomplish
task 5 (Interview) on page 11 - 14.
 Facilitate appropriate learning activities to finish the task.
 Encourage learners to report their accomplishments to the class.
 Process learners’ understanding.
 Assist learners in individually accomplishing task 6 (Preparation of a Plan
of Action) on page 12. Let them intelligently craft their own plan of action.
Have learners present this in class and process their understanding.
 Guide learners in answering the essential questions presented on Task 7
on page 13.
 Have learners share their answers to the class and then process their
 Provide learners more concrete examples and enrichment activities to
further deepen their understanding about PECs and its importance in
day-to-day living as future entrepreneurs or workers.
 Provide learners suitable activities whereby they can transfer to the
community what they have learned.
 Let learners utilize available resources in the community to accomplish
the task.

V. Feedback

Pre / Post Assessment
1. E 6. B
2. K 7. C
3. H 8. I
4. A 9. D
5. J 10. F

VI. References

1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education



Environment and Market (EM)
Quarter I 4 hrs.
Grade Level Standard:

This is a specialization course which leads to Contact Center Services National

Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely:
1) communicate effectively using the English language and 2) deliver quality
customer service.

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following:

1) discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts
relative to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities.

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in

Cookery in one’s province.

Performance Standard

The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of potential

market in Cookery in a province.

Learning Competencies

 Develop a quality and marketable product or services in Cookery

 Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
 Develop a brand for the product

V. Introduction

People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic,

cultural and social conditions prevailing in an area. Needs and wants of the
people in a certain area that are not met may be considered as business
opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available
raw materials, skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in
seizing a business opportunity.

To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs
should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always
be watchful on the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in
the business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a
business to expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand, are
those factors that limit the business to grow, hence reduces the chance of
generating profit. One of the best ways to evaluate the opportunities and
constraints is to conduct Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats
(SWOT) Analysis.

VI. Objectives

With your assistance and guidance of this module, learners are

expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of EM more
particularly in:
- identifying what is of “value” to the customer;
- identifying the customer;
- explaining what makes a product unique and competitive;
- applying creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable
product; and
- employing a unique selling proposition (USP) to the product and or

VII. Presentation of Content

 Utilizing appropriate activities, lead learners in giving value to
environment and market and its implication to be successful in a
business relating to Cookery.
 Guide learners in understanding the importance of environment and
market; likewise lead them in appreciating the value of SWOT Analysis.
 Provide relevant, appropriate and meaningful examples of SWOT
Analysis pertaining to Cookery.
 Help learners in presenting the importance of assessing their immediate
environment and market pertaining to Cookery.
 Using your processing and questioning skills, guide learners in coming up
with a generalization about environment and market, and its relation of
becoming successful in the field of Cookery.

 Guide learners in identifying and understanding the objectives of this

 Utilize the sample pre-assessment test available in the learner’s
materials or craft a comprehensive teacher made-test to assess learner’s
prior knowledge and skills in EM.
 Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to
strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the
Guide Questions
 Ask learners to actively perform Task 2 and guide them in presenting
their answers to the class.
 Process learner’s responses and guide them to come up with an
appropriate generalization.
Learning Goals and Target
 Help learners in planning their own learning goals and target as reflected
on page 18.
 Provide enrichment activities and guide them in analyzing available
resources and technology in the community in accomplishing their
learning goals and targets.

VIII. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer

Product development
What to KNOW
 Discuss product development, concept of developing a product,
finding value, innovation, unique selling proposition and its
relationship to environment and market and business at large.
 Let learners actively participate in the discussion on the
aforementioned topics. Assist or guide learners in presenting their
ideas and relevant experiences.
 Design varied levels of learning activities for the learners to better
understand the aforementioned topics.
 Guide learners in reflecting on the importance of product
development, concept of developing a product, finding value,
innovation, and unique selling proposition.

 Design an assessment tool to evaluate learner’s understanding on the
previous topics.
 Utilize the result of the assessment in designing / developing learning
activities that would enrich learner’s understanding.
 Guide learners in accomplishing Task 3 on page 24. Let them
passionately conduct a research by doing an interview to a successful
entrepreneur or practitioner within the province.
 Have learners present their research to the class and process their
understanding in relation to the objectives of this module.
 Inspire learners to deepen their understanding on environment and
market by carefully watching the videos related to the prescribed
topics on task 4.
 Let them prepare a comprehensive narrative report on the videos they
have watched.
 Encourage learners to present their accomplishments to the class.
 Process learner’s understanding in relation to the objectives of this
 Guide learners in developing their concept for their own product or
service as reflected on Task 5 on page 25 to 26.
 Assist learners in analyzing and utilizing available resources in
developing the concept of their own product or service.
 Evaluate learner’s output by referring to teacher-made rubrics which
are aligned to the performance standards.
 Let learners eloquently share and present their output to the class.
 Lead learners in reflecting on the importance of product
Generating Ideas for Business

What to KNOW
 Let learners read and understand the topics related to generating
ideas for business, key concept of selecting a business idea, and
 Let learners undergo varied levels of learning activities to better
appreciate the importance of generating ideas for business, key

concept of selecting a business idea, and branding.
 Process learner’s understanding relative to the objectives of this
 Lead learners in reflecting on their SWOT Analysis and its importance
in generating business ideas by engaging themselves to learning
opportunities for interaction with others outside the classroom and
with the use of technology.
 Instruct learners to enrich their knowledge on SWOT Analysis by
conducting researches.
 Provide an appropriate type of assessment to evaluate learner’s
understanding on SWOT Analysis. Utilize the result of the
assessment to craft more appropriate and productive learning
 Assist learners in performing Task 6 (SWOT Analysis).
 Evaluate / Assess learner’s output and check it against the objectives
of this module.
 Let learners work on an independent learning activity or cooperative
learning (ICL) in accomplishing Task 7 (Extra Readings and Video
Viewing) on page 32.
 Assist learners in presenting their output. Assess the evidence of
learning and provide useful input to improve their output.
 Have learners accomplish task 9 (Making My Own Logo). Assist
learners in accomplishing this task by adhering to their real life
 Assess learners output using a teacher-made rubrics following the
standards and objectives of this module.

V. Feedback

Pre/Post Assessment

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. D
5. A 10. D


8. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education



Prepare Egg, Cereal, and Starch Dishes
Instruct learners to answer the pre-test. Ask them to write their answer in their test
notebook. Have them checked their answers using the key to correction.

Let’s See What You Know

Pretest 1
A. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which
corresponds to the correct answer and write it in your test notebook.

1. It is a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as making

A. bread knife knife
B. butcher knife D.paring knife
2. It is a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel, aluminum or
plastic used to drain, wash or cook ingredients from liquid.
A. Canister C.Mixing bowl
B. Colander D. Soup bowl
3. It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan cakes and meats on griddles,
grills, sheet pans, and the likes and also used to scrape and clean griddles.
A. Measuring spoon C.Rubber scraper
B. Offset spatula D.Wooden spoon
4. It is used to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans from the sides and
fold in beaten eggs in batter or whipped cream.
A. Paring knife C.Wire whisk
B. Rubber spatula D.Wooden spoon
5. It is a screen – type mesh supported by a round metal frame used for sifting
dry ingredients like starch and flour.
A. Colander C.Sieve
B. Funnel D.Skimmer
6. It is a device with loops of stainless steel wire fastened to a handle. It is
used for blending, mixing,whipping eggs or batter, and for blending gravies,
sauces, and soups.
A. Fork C. Spoon
B. Knife D.Whisk

7. It is a miniature Bain Marie with an upper dish containing indentations each
sized to hold an egg or contains separate device for poaching.
A.Egg Poacher C.Frying pan
B.Double boiler D.Omelet pan
8. It is a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
A. Blender C.Mixer
B. Burner D.Oven
9. It is the process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware, flatware, and
pots and pans either manually or mechanically.
A. Bleaching C.Ware washing
B. Hand washing D.Washing machine
10. It requires a dishwashing machine capable of washing, rinsing, and drying
dishes, flatware, and glassware.
A. Hand washing C. Mechanical ware washing
B. Manual ware washing D. Washing machine
11. It is the egg’s outer covering which accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its total
weight depending on egg size.
A. Chalaza C.Shell
B. Germinal disc D.Yolk
12. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center of the
A.Chalaza C.Shell
B.Germinal disc D.Yolk
13. It is the yellow to yellow - orange portion which makes up to about 33% of the
liquid weight of the egg.
A.Chalaza C.Shell
B.Germinal disc D.Yolk
14. A disease that is carried and transmitted to people by food is referred to as
food borne ________________.
A. Bacteria C.Infection
B. Illness D.Intoxication
15. It is a disease that results from eating food containing harmful micro-
A.Food borne bacteria C. Food borne infection
B.Food borne illness D.Food borne intoxication
16. It is a disease that results from eating food containing toxins from bacteria,
molds or certain plants or animals.
A.Food borne bacteria C. Food borne infection
B.Food borne illness D.Food borne intoxication
17. It is used for mixing creams, butter and for tossing salads.
A. Electric mixer C.Wire whisk
B. Serving spoon D.Wooden spoon

18. It is used for preparing meat, chicken, and other grains or legumes, such as
mongo and white beans in lesser time.
A. Double boiler C.pressure cooker
B. Frying pan D. rice cooker
19. It is a long chainlike molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction, and is
produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules which
contributes to the gelling characteristics to cooked and cooled starch
A. Amylopectin C.Dextrin
B. Amylose D.Mucin
20. This problem is usually encountered when using acid or acid ingredients
such as lemon or vinegar.
A. Scorching C.Thinning of gel.
B. Skin formation D.Weak gelling
21. This results when there is too much liquid in relation to the starch.
A.Scorching C.Thinning of gel.
B.Skin formation D.Weak gelling
22. This problem can be reduced by covering the container of the starch gel
with a waterproof cover.
A. Scorching C.Thinning of gel.
B. Skin formation D.Weak gelling
23. This can be avoided by temperature control and constant stirring so the
starch granules do not settle at the bottom of the cooking pan.
A.Scorching C.Thinning of Gel.
B.Skin formation D.Weak gelling
24. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days.
A. Cooked pasta C.Fresh pasta
B. Dried pasta D.Frozen pasta
25. FIFO stands for ___________
A. Fan In Fan On C.First In First Out
B. First In Fight Out D.Fit In Fit Out

Key to Correction
1. C 6. D 11. C 16. D 21. D
2. B 7. A 12. B 17. D 22. B
3. B 8. D 13. D 18. C 23. A
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. B 24. A
5. C 10. C 15. C 20. C 25. C

Ask learners to give one risk in the preparation and cooking of starch, cereal dishes
and other foods and give some guidelines pertaining to food safety.

Tell them that their answer will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Explains very clearly the complete guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.
3 Explains clearly the complete guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.
2 Explains partially the guidelines to consider pertaining to food safety
related to the given risk.
1 Was not able to explain any guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.


A. Know

Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise’en Place

Guide learners to enable them gain knowledge and understanding on the different
tools, utensils and equipment needed in egg preparation; the proper ways on how to
clean, sanitize and prepare tools, utensils and equipment needed in preparing egg
dishes; the egg components and their nutritive values; and the preparation of
ingredients according to standard recipes.

Lead learners in understanding the concept about the preparation of egg dishes
starting with familiarizing themselves of the different tools, materials and equipment
needed in preparations. Then instruct them to follow the right procedures on how to
clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment after each use.

Instruct learners to do the enhancement activity. Tell them that their performance in
Activity B will be rated using the given rubric below the activity.

A. YES/NO Cards. Directions: Using a 4 x 6 inches Index Card, do the activity
a. Write YES on one side and NO on the other side
b. When the teacher shows you a kitchen tool, a kitchen utensil or equipment
with label, raise the index card showing YES if the label is correct and NO if
it is wrong.
c. Do the same in the succeeding questions.

Performance Activity 1

B. Clean and sanitize tools and equipment by performing the given activity.
You will be asked to clean and sanitize the tools and equipment in the food
laboratory. Follow the procedures properly in performing the task.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools

and equipment and performs the skill very satisfactorily without
supervision and with initiative and adaptability to problem

3 Follows correctly the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools

and equipment and performs the skill satisfactorily without
assistance or supervision.

2 Follows the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools and

equipment with minor errors and performs the skill with some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing

tools and equipment and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Guide learners in knowing the physical structure and composition of an egg.

Instruct them to perform the activities. Tell them to write their answers in activity A in
their test notebook and that their output in activity B will be rated using the given

A. Minute to Write It
Directions: In your test notebook write whether you agree or disagree to the
following statements and justify your answer.

1. Egg is a complete food.

2. Egg is composed of the shell, egg white and egg yolk.

B. Pictorial Report
Directions: Make a pictorial report with illustration showing the qualities of a
fresh egg in terms of egg size and grading. Output will be evaluated using the
scoring rubric below.


5 Compiled pictures properly and illustrate the qualities of a fresh egg in

terms of egg size and grading in a very attractive manner.

4 Compiled pictures properly and illustrate the qualities of a fresh egg in

terms of egg size and grading in an attractive manner.

3 Compiled pictures properly and illustrate the qualities of a fresh egg in

terms of egg size and grading in a less attractive manner.

2 Compiled pictures properly and illustrate the qualities of a fresh egg in

terms of egg size and grading in a less attractive manner.

1 Improperly compiled pictures but were not able to illustrate the qualities
of a fresh egg in terms of egg size and grading in disorderly manner.

Learning Outcome 2 Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes

Facilitate learning of the market forms of egg, uses of egg in culinary, and the
different ways on how to cook egg dishes.


Performance Activity 2

Instruct learners to perform the suggested activities and follow the procedures
therein for them to learn how to prepare and cook some egg dishes by pair or by
group. Tell them that their product and performance will be evaluated using the given

Hard – Cooked Eggs

Makes 10 servings
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Gas range
Ingredients Needed:
20 Eggs
Cold water
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items.
2. Place the eggs in a pot. Fill the pot with enough cold water to cover the eggs
by 2in/5in.
3. Bring the water to a boil and immediately lower the temperature to a simmer.
Begin timing the cooking at this point.
4. Cook small eggs for 12 minutes, medium eggs for 13 minutes, large eggs for
14 to 15 minutes, and extra-large eggs for 15 minutes.
5. Drain immediately and cool under cold running water to stop cooking.
6. Peel as soon as possible by cracking the shell starting from the large end.
For easier peeling, peel while still warm, and hold under running water to help
loosen the shell.
7. Serve the eggs or refrigerate until needed.

Poached Eggs
Makes 10 servings
Tools/Equipment Needed:

Ingredients Needed:
1 gal/3.84L water
1tbsp/15g salt
1 floz. /30ml distilled white vinegar
20 eggs

1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that eggs are chilled until
ready to poach.
2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it to a bare
3. Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg carefully into the
poaching water.
4. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and opaque.
5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them on absorbent
toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.

Fried Eggs

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Sauté pan (preferably non-stick)

Dish, turner

Ingredients Needed:

Fresh egg

Oil or clarified or whole butter, as needed for frying

Salt, as needed

Ground black pepper, as needed


1. Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.

2. Break the eggs into a dish.
3. Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a moderate heat. Too much
fat will make the eggs greasy. Less fat will cause them to stick, unless a pan with
the nonstick coating is used.
4. When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
5. Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and baste the eggs
with the fat as they cook.
6. Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.


Instruct learners to perform the enhancement activity. Here, tell them that the
preparation and cooking of egg dishes will be done individually and that their output
will be rated using the given rubric. Have them choose one from among the given

Preparing and Cooking Egg Dishes

Scrambled Eggs

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Stainless bowl
Fork or egg beater
Sauté pan, steam kettle or tilting skillets

Ingredients Needed:
30 Eggs
1 tbsp./15g salt
1 tsp/2g ground pepper
5 FLoz./50ml water or milk (optional)
2 ½ FLoz./75 ml clarified butter or oil


1. Collect equipment and food items.

2. Break eggs into a stainless steel bowl and beat until well blended. Season
with salt and pepper.
3. Add small amount of milk or cream about 1 to 1 ½ t, if desired.
4. Heat butter in a small sauté pan or heat nonstick pan over medium heat and
add butter or oil, tilting the pan to coat the entire surface. The pan should be
hot but not smoking.
5. Pour the egg mixture into the pan.
6. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently with the back of the fork or wooden
spoon until the eggs are soft and creamy.
7. Remove the eggs from the heat when fully cooked, but still moist.
8. Serve at once.

Plain Rolled Omelet

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Small bowls
Sauté pan

Ingredients Needed:
30 eggs
1tbsp/15g salt
1tsp/2g ground pepper
5fl oz./150 ml water, stock, milk, or cream (optional)
2 ½ FLoz./175 ml, as needed clarified butter or oil

1. Prepare equipment and food items.
2. For each portion, beat 3 eggs well and season with salt and pepper. Add the
liquid, if using.
3. Heat a nonstick omelet pan over high heat and add the butter or oil, tilting the
pan to coat the entire surface.
4. Pour the entire egg mixture into the pan and scramble it with the back of the
fork or wooden spoon.
5. Move the pan and the utensil at the same time until the egg mixture has
coagulated slightly. Smooth the eggs into an even layer.
6. Let the egg mixture finish cooking without stirring.
7. Tilt the pan and slide a fork or a spoon around the lip of the pan, under the
omelet, to be sure it is not sticking. Slide the omelet to the front of the pan
and use a fork or a wooden spoon to fold it inside to the center.
8. Turn the pan upside down, rolling the omelet onto the plate. The finished
omelet should be oval shaped.

Ham and Cheese Frittata

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Skillet/Non-stick pan Knife

Non-stick turner Fork or wire whisk
Small bowl Chopping board
1 cup diced cooked ham
½ cup sliced tomato
1pc white onion (cut into ring)
½ cup stripped sweet bell pepper
10pcs lightly beaten egg
¼ tsp ground black pepper
¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese
¼ cup evaporated milk
¼ tsp iodized salt
1. In a skillet coated non-stick turner, put little oil, sauté the ham, onion, tomato,
red bell pepper and season to taste.
2. In a bowl, combine the egg and milk, salt, black pepper and pour over ham
mixture. Let eggs set on the bottom, then lift the edges to allow any uncooked
egg to flow underneath. Cover and cook until the eggs are set for about 3
minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and cut into wedges to serve.

ead more:


Standard Recipe CMDC

Have them answer the given assessment and write their answers in their test

Review of Learning Outcome 2

Directions:Label the types of fried eggs.

1. _____________

2. _______________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. _________________

Answer Key

1. Sunny side up

2. Basted

3. Over easy

4. Over medium

5. Over hard


Performance Activity 4
Tell learners to prepare poached egg individually following the given procedure.
Instruct them to use ingredient that may add flavor to the dish.Tell them that their
performance and output will be rated using the given rubric.

A. Prepare poached egg following the procedures below.

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Ingredients Needed:
Distilled vinegar


1. Prepare mise’en place

2. Add 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons distilled
vinegar per quart of water if eggs are not very
fresh. This will help to coagulate the egg white
faster and keeps a better shape.

3. Bring water to a simmer.

4. Break eggs one at a time, into a dish or a small
plate and slide into the simmering water.

5. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes, until whites are

coagulated but yolks are still soft.
6. Remove eggs from pan with slotted spoon or

7. Drain well and trim off ragged edges.

8. Serve immediately.
(To hold for later service, plunge immediately
into cold water to stop cooking. Reheat briefly
in hot water at service time).

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached
egg and performs the skill without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached

egg and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached

egg with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking

poached egg and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Learning Outcome 3 Present Egg Dishes

Guide learners in knowing the different ways on how to present food like a chef and
the different techniques in presenting egg dishes attractively.

Let learners know the proper ways of handling eggs.

Emphasize the importance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the

workplace and the basic food microbiology to avoid food borne illness, diseases and

Lead learners in knowing the ways of handling egg.

Instruct learners to answer the given formative assessment.

A. Directions: Identify the different ways in presenting cooked eggs. Write your
answer in your test notebook.

1. __________________ 2. ___________________

3. ___________________ 4. __________________

5. _________________ 6. ________________

7. ________________ 8. ____________________

9. ________________ 10. ____________________

Answer Key

1. Scrambled egg and bun on a plate

2. Fried egg with bacon and toasted bread
3. Egg in a sandwich
4. Hard boiled eggs in different shapes
5. Deviled eggs
6. Salad egg
7. Stuffed egg
8. Poached egg
9. Fried egg toppings
10. Soft boiled egg

B. Instruct learners to prepare and cook French Omelet individuallyfollowing the
procedures below. Tell them to present their product in artistic way.

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Small bowls
Sauté pan

Ingredients Needed:
Three eggs
Salt and pepper
Clarified butter


1. Prepare the necessary equipment.

2. Beat two or three eggs on a small bowl

first until well-mixed. Do not whip until
frothy. Season with salt and pepper. A
tablespoon water may be added to make
the omelet lighter.

3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.

4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon

clarified butter and several amount to coat
the inside of the pan. Give it a second to
get hot.

5. Add eggs to the pan.

6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan

back and forth. At the same time, stir the
eggs with a circular motion with the bottom
side of the fork, but do not let the fork
scrape the pan.

8. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the

omelet slides to the opposite side.

9. For filled omelet, spoon the filling across the

center of the egg.

10. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet

over the center.

11. Grasp the handle of the pan, and tilt the

omelet into the plate so it inverts and
keeps an oval shape.

Explain to learners the given rubric which will be used in rating their performance
and output.


Very Needs No
Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement Attempt Points
(4 pts.) (2 pts.)
(3 pts.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.) Earned
1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and No
and equipment correctly equipment equipment correctly equipment attempt
equipment and confidently at correctly and but less confidently incorrectly and less
all times confidently most sometimes confidently most of
of the times the time
2. Application Manifests very clear Manifests clear Manifests Manifests less No
of procedures understanding of understanding understanding of understanding of attempt
the step- by-step of the step- by- the step-by-step the step- by-step
procedure step procedure procedure procedure seeking
but sometimes clarification most of
24seeks the time

Works Works Works Works No

independently with independently independently with independently but attempt
ease and with ease and ease and with assistance
confidence at all confidence most confidence from others most of
times of the time sometimes the time
3. Safety work Observes safety Observes safety Observes safety Not observing No
habits precautions at all precautions precautions safety precautions attempt
times most of the time sometimes most of the time
4. Final Output is very Output is very Output is Output is not so No
Output presentable and presentable and presentable and presentable and attempt
taste exceeds the taste meets the taste is within the taste is within the
standard. standard. standard. standard.
5. Time Work completed Work completed Work completed Work completed No
management ahead of time within allotted ___(mins./hours/da ___(mins./hours/da attempt
time ys) beyond ys) beyond

Let the learners read and learn the proper ways on how to store raw and cooked

Ask them to answer the given assessment on page 96.

A. Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect. Write
your answer on your test notebook.

1. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase in alkalinity and bacterial

2. Fresh eggs can be kept more than two weeks.
3. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, a small amount of sugar or salt should be
added to prevent the yolks from becoming too thick and thin over time.
4. To delay the deteriorative changes, reduce the penetration of mold and retard
spoilage of eggs, cover the pores by dipping the eggs in oil.
5. In the absence of refrigerator, eggs may be stored at room temperature for about
two weeks.

Answer Key
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True

Inform learners that at the end of this module they should be able to:
1. perform mise’en place;
2. prepare starch and cereal dishes;
3. present starch and cereal dishes; and
4. store starch and cereal dishes.

Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise’en Place


Guide learners in identifying the tools and equipment needed in the preparation and
cooking of cereal and starch and all about cereal and starch.

Instruct learners to answer the activity on page 105. Tell them to write the
appropriate tools or equipment needed to perform the given task in the first column
and write their answer in their test notebook.


1. Used for separating coarse

particles of flour, sugar, baking
powder, and powdered
ingredients to retain finer

2. Used for cooking meat and fish

dishes with gravy and sauce.

3. Used for cooking food by


4. Used for tenderizing meat,
chicken, and other grains or
legumes, such as mongo and
white beans in lesser time.
5. Used for separating liquids from
fine or solid food particles, such
as coco cream from coconut
and tamarind extract.

B. Enumerate the different kinds of starch and give its nutritional value
1. ________________________________________________________

C. Give at least three starch properties and reactions and describe it in one

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________

Answer Key
1. Sifter
2. Sauce pan and pots
3. Steamer
4. Pressure cooker
5. Strainer


Potato Cassava Wheat Cornstarch

Moisture,% 19 13 13
Ash,% 0.4 0.2 0.2
Protein, % 0.06 0.1 0.4
Lipid,% 0.05 0.1 0.8
Phosphorus% 0.08 0.01 0.06
Amylose,% 21 17 28

1. Gelatinization. The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch
granules in a moist environment which includes swelling of granules as water is
absorbed and disruption of the organized granule structure.
2. Viscosity. The resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency. When the
newly gelatinized starch is stirred, more swollen granules break and more starch
molecules spill causing increase in viscosity or thickness.
3. Retrogadation is the process in which starch molecules, particularly the amylose
fraction, re-associate or bond together in an ordered structure after disruption by
gelatinization; ultimately a crystalline order appears.
4. Syneresis. Oozing of liquid from gel when cut and allowed to stand (e.g. jelly or
baked custard). The oozing of liquid from a rigid gel; sometimes called weeping.
5. Dextrinization. The process of forming dextrin. Dextrin’s – are partially
hydrolyzed starches that are prepared by dry roasting. In home kitchens,
dextrinization is achieved by toasting flour for polvoron, rice flour for kare-kare sauce
and bread slices for breakfast.
6. Hydrolysis Starches undergo hydrolysis during cooking or processing and during
storage of food where a chemical reaction in which a molecular linkage is broken
and a molecule of water is utilized.

Learning Outcome 2 Prepare and Cook Starch and Cereal Dishes

Lead learners in knowing the factors affecting starch paste viscosity and starch gel
strength, functions of starch and application in Filipino dishes and principles in
cooking cereal and pasta.


Instruct learners to follow the procedures on how to cook pasta by pair or by group.

How to Cook Pasta?

Materials needed:

 500g pasta
 Salt
 Water
Tools/equipment needed

 Burner
 Kettle
 Ladle
 Colander

Procedure for Cooking Pasta

1. Put 4 quarter water per 500 g of pasta in a kettle. Add 1 ½ teaspoon salt.
2. Boil the water rapidly and drop in the pasta. As it softens, stir gently to keep it
from sticking together and to the bottom. Continue to boil, stirring a few times.
3. Drain immediately in a colander as soon as it is al dente, and rinse with cold
running water until the pasta is completely cooled. If serve immediately, just
drain well from hot water.
Ensure that learners follow the guidelines in proper and safe handling of food.


Instruct learners to collect 20 different recipes of starch and cereal dishes and
compile it like a book using any kind of paper, decorating materials, glue, and
coloring materials.

Tell them that their output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:


4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta and

performs the skill without supervision.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta and

performs the skill with some assistance or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta with

minor errors and performs the skill with some assistance and/or

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta
and was not able to perform the skill.

Ask learners to prepare and present Fettuccine Alfredo using the given recipe on
page 114:
1 cup heavy cream
2 oz. butter
1 ½ lb. fresh fettuccine
1 cup heavy cream
6 oz. freshly grated parmesan cheese
salt to taste
pepper to taste

1. Combine the cream and butter in a sauté pan. Bring to simmer, reduce by ¼
and remove from heat.
2. Drop the noodles into boiling salted water, return to a full boil and drain.
Undercook slightly the noodles because they will cook further in the cream.
3. Put the noodles in the pan with hot cream and butter. Toss the noodles with
two forks until they are well coated with the cream, over low heat.
4. Add the remainder of the cream and cheese and toss to mix well.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Plate and serve immediately.

Tell them that their performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking starch

dish and performs the skill without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking starch

dish and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking starch

dish with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with
some assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking

starch dish and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Learning Outcome 3 Present Starch and Cereal Dishes

Facilitate learning of the techniques in plating pasta and presenting pasta dishes.

Instruct learners to make an album of twenty different kinds of starch and cereal dish
presentations with recipes.

Explain to them the rubric which will be used in rating their output.


5 Compiled properly (20) recipes of starch and cereal dishes in a very

attractive manner

4 Compiled properly (16-19) recipes of starch and cereal dishes in an

attractive manner

3 Compiled properly (10-15) recipes of starch and cereal dishes in

simple manner

2 Compiled properly (6-9) recipes of starch and cereal dishes in simple


1 Compiled less than 6 recipes of starch and cereal dishes in

disorganized manner

Tell learners to prepare and present Baked Lasagna following the given recipe

Baked Lasagna


¾ lb. ricotta cheese

1 oz. parmesan cheese, grated
1 pc egg
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1 lb. lasagna
6 cups meat sauce
¾ lb. mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 oz. parmesan cheese, grated


1. Mix together the ricotta, parmesan and eggs. Season to taste with salt and
2. Cook lasagna noodles. Lay them out in a single layer on oiled sheet pans.
3. Ladle a little meat sauce into the pan. Spread it across the bottom.
4. Arrange a layer of noodles in the pan. Add a layer of ricotta mixture, a layer of
noodles, a layer of sauce and a layer mozzarella.
5. Continue making layers of noodles, ricotta, sauce and mozzarella until all
ingredients are used. Top with parmesan cheese.
6. Bake at 375°F (190°C. for about 30-45 minutes. Cover lightly with foil, then
remove after 15 minutes of baking time.

Tell them that their performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Good Fair Poor
I. Products: Good
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
a. keep working table orderly while preparing the
b. use only the proper and needed utensils and
c. use time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. is well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, use clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holder
b. observe sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. follow proper preparation and cooking

In advance download a video from YouTube on how to make fresh pasta by using
bare hand. Let learners watch the video and instruct them to note down the
procedures and observations in their notebook. Tell them to make a narrative
observation in a short bond paper and submit it next meeting. Ask them to prepare
for an actual demonstration on how to make fresh pasta.


Performance Activity 9

Instruct learners to make their own homemade pasta using their bare hands. Tell
them that they may include other ingredients to the pasta.

Tools & Utensils:

Rolling pin
Mixing bowl
Measuring cup/spoon
Sharp cutter/knife

2 cups all-purpose flour
¼ tsp salt
3 pcs egg
1tbsp milk
1tsp olive oil

1 Combine 2 cups all-purpose flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt on pastry board, culling
board, or countertop; make well in center. Whisk 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon milk, and 1
teaspoon olive oil in small bowl until well blended; gradually pour into the flour
mixture while mixing with fork or fingertips to form ball of dough.
2. Gradually add the mixture to the flour to make a ball of dough.
3. Place dough on lightly floured surface; flatten slightly. To knead dough, fold dough
in half toward you and press dough away from you with heels of hands. Give
dough a quarter turn and continue folding, pushing, and turning. Continue
kneading for 5 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding more flour to prevent
sticking if necessary. Wrap dough in plastic and let it stand for 15 minutes.

4. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic.
5. Unwrap dough and knead briefly (as described in step 2) on lightly floured surface.
Using lightly floured rolling pin, roll out dough to 1/8-inch-thick circle on lightly
floured surface. Gently pick up dough circle with both hands. Hold it up to the light
to check for places where dough is too thick. Return to board. Let rest until dough
is slightly dry but can be handled without breaking.
6. Lightly flour dough circle; roll loosely on rolling pin.
7. Loosely roll the dough on a rolling pin.
8. Slide rolling pin out; press dough roll gently with hand and cut into strips of desired
width with sharp knife. Carefully unfold strips.
9. Cut the dough into strips of desired width.
10 Pasta can be dried and stored at this point. Hang strips over pasta rack or clean
broom handle covered with plastic wrap and propped between two chairs. Dry for
at least 3 hours; store in airtight container at room temperature for 4 days. To
serve, cook pasta in large pot of boiling salted water 3 to 4 minutes just until al
dente. Drain well.
11. Dry the pasta using a drying rack.

Ask them that their performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking

homemade pasta and performs the skill without supervision.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking

homemade pasta and performs the skill without some assistance
or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking

homemade pasta with minor errors and performs the skill with
some assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking

homemade pasta and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Learning Outcome 4 Store Starch and Cereal Dishes

Guide learners in knowing the different ways on how to store pasta.

Instruct learners to do the given enhancement activity.

Ask learners to explain the principle behind FIFO.

Tell them to make slogan showing the importance of proper storing of food and that
their output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

5 Done creatively and neatly showing much relevance to the given topic
4 Done creatively and neat enough with relevance to the given topic
3 Done creatively and neat enough but no relevance to the given topic
2 Done simply and neat enough but not so relevant to the given topic
1 Done poorly with erasures and irrelevant to the given topic

Performance Activity 8

To further enrich their understanding ask them to prepare and cook any recipe of
cereal dish from among those recipes which they have compiled in the previous

Ask them that their performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:


Very No
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Satisfactory Attempt Points
(4 pts.) (2 pts.) (1 pt.)
(3 pts.) (0 pt.) Earned
1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and No
and equipment correctly and equipment correctly equipment incorrectly attempt
equipment and confidently at equipment but less confidently and less confidently
all times correctly and sometimes most of the time
most of the
2. Application Manifests very clear Manifests Manifests Manifests less No
of procedures understanding of clear understanding of understanding of the attempt
the step- by-step understanding the step-by-step step- by-step
procedure of the step- procedure procedure seeking
by-step but sometimes seeks clarification most of
procedure clarification the time

Works Works Works independently Works independently No

independently with independently with ease and but with assistance attempt
ease and with ease and confidence from others most of
confidence at all confidence sometimes the time
times most of the
3. Safety work Observes safety Observes Observes safety Not observing safety No
habits precautions at all safety precautions precautions most of attempt
times precautions sometimes the time
most of the
4. Final Output is very Output is very Output is presentable Output is not so No
Output presentable and presentable and taste is within the presentable and taste attempt
taste exceeds the and taste standard. is within the standard.
standard. meets the
5. Time Work completed Work Work completed Work completed No
management ahead of time completed ___(mins./hours/days) ___(mins./hours/days) attempt
within allotted beyond beyond

Ask learners to answer the post test in their test notebook.

Post Test
A. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which corresponds to
the correct answer and write it in your test notebook.
1. Knife is chef’s best buddy. It is the busiest tool being used by people assigned
inside the kitchen. Which of the following knives is used for decorative works such
as garnishes?
A. Bread knife C. Channel knife
B. Butcher knife D. Paring knife
2. It is a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel, aluminum or plastic
used to drain washed or cooked ingredients from liquid.
A.Canister C. Mixing bowl
B.Colander D. Soup bowl
3. It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan cakes and meats on griddles, grills,
sheet pans, and the likes and also used to scrape and clean griddles.
A.Measuring spoon C. Rubber scraper
B.Offset spatula D. Wooden spoon
4. It is used to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans from the sides and fold
in beaten eggs in batter or whipped cream.
A.Paring knife C. Wire whisk
B.Rubber spatula D. Wooden spoon
5. It is a screen – type mesh supported by a round metal frame used for sifting dry
ingredients like starch and flour.
A.Colander C. Sieve
B.Funnel D. Skimmer
6. It is a device with loops of stainless steel wire fastened to a handle. It is used for
blending, mixing, whipping eggs or batter, and for blending gravies, sauces, and
A.Fork C. Spoon
B.Knife D. Whisk
7. It is a miniature Bain Marie with an upper dish containing indentations each sized
to hold an egg or contains separate device for poaching.
A. Egg Poacher C. Frying pan
B. Double boiler D. Omelet pan

8. It is a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
A.Blender C. Mixer
B.Burner D. Oven
9. It is the process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, and
pans either manually or mechanically.
A.Bleaching C. Ware washing
B.Hand washing D. Washing machine
10. A dishwashing machine capable of washing, rinsing, and drying dishes, flatware,
and glassware.
A.Hand washing C. Mechanical ware washing
B.Manual ware washing D. Washing machine
11. It is the egg’s outer covering which accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its total weight
depending on egg size.
A.Chalaza C. Shell
B.Germinal disc D. Yolk
12. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center of the yolk.
A. Chalaza C. Shell
B. Germinal disc D. Yolk
13. It is the yellow to yellow - orange portion which makes up to about 33% of the
liquid weight of the egg.
A. Chalaza C. Shell
B. Germinal disc D. Yolk
14. A disease that is carried and transmitted to people by food is referred to as food
borne ________________.
A. Bacteria C. Infection
B. Illness D. Intoxication
15. It is a disease that results from eating food containing harmful micro-organism.
A. Food-borne bacteria C. Food-borne infection
B. Food-borne illness D. Food-borne intoxication
16. It is a disease that results from eating food containing toxins from bacteria, molds
or certain plants or animals.
A. Food-borne bacteria C. Food-borne infection
B. Food-borne illness D. Food-borne intoxication
17. It is used for mixing creams, butter and for tossing salads.
A.Electric mixer C. Wire whisk
B.Serving spoon D. Wooden spoon
18. It is used for preparing meat, chicken, and other grains or legumes, such as
mongo and white beans in lesser time.
A.Double boiler C. pressure cooker
B.Frying pan D. rice cooker
19. It is a long chainlike molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction, and is
produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules which contributes
to the gelling characteristics of cooked and cooled starch mixtures.
A.Amylopectin C. Dextrin
B.Amylose D.mucin

20. This problem is usually encountered when using acid or acid ingredients such as
lemon or vinegar.
A.Scorching C. Thinning of gel.
B.Skin formation D.Weak gelling
21. This results when there is too much liquid in relation to the starch.
A. Scorching C. Thinning of gel.
B. Skin formation D.Weak gelling
22. This problem can be reduced by covering the container of the starch gel with a
waterproof cover.
A.Scorching C. Thinning of gel.
B.Skin formation D.Weak gelling
23. This can be avoided by temperature control and constant stirring so the starch
granules do not settle at the bottom of the cooking pan.
A. Scorching C. Thinning of Gel.
B. Skin formation D.Weak gelling
24. Food stuff has a required shelf life and storing requirement. Which of the
following food item can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days?
A.Cooked pasta C. Fresh pasta
B.Dried pasta D. Frozen pasta
25.FIFO stands for ___________
A.Fan In Fan On C. First In First Out
B.First In Fight Out D. Fit In Fit Out

Key to Correction
1. C 6. A 11. C 16. D 21. D
2. B 7. A 12. B 17. D 22. B
3. B 8. D 13. D 18. C 23. A
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. B 24. A
5. C 10. C 15. C 20. C 25. C

C. Give one risk in the preparation and cooking of starch, cereal dishes and
other foods and give some guidelines pertaining to food safety.(26-30)

Your answer will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Explains very clearly the complete guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.
3 Explains clearly the complete guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.
2 Explains partially the guidelines to consider pertaining to food safety
related to the given risk.
1 Was not able to explain any guidelines to consider pertaining to food
safety related to the given risk.

Inform learners that at the end of this module they are expected to:
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. perform Mise’en place;
2. prepare and cook vegetable and seafood dishes;
3. present vegetable and seafood dishes;
4. store vegetable and seafood dishes.

Ask learners to answer the given pre – test in their test notebook.
Ask learners to read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best
describes the statement. Tell them to write their answer in their test notebook.

Pretest 2

1. . Which of the following vegetables is rich in carbohydrates?

A. legumes, peas, and beans C. Mushroom, tomatoes, and radish
B. Nuts, olives, and avocado D. Seeds, roots, and tubers
2. What is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor to
some vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
C. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
3. Which tool is used to drain excess water after washing vegetables?
A. Bowls C. Steamer
B. Colander D. Utility tray
4. Which of the following is cooking by placing blanched or raw vegetables in the
pan, adding liquid (stock, water, wine) then covering and cooking it slowly?
A. Boiling C. Braising
B. Baking D. Sautéing
5. Which fat soluble compound is responsible for the green coloring of plants?
A. Anthocyanins C. Chlorophyll
B. Carotenoids D. Lycopene
6. Mrs. Cabrillas needs more supply of Vitamin A. which of the following will she eat
to give her the nutrient she needs?
A.Alugbati C. Lettuce
B. Potatoes D.Saluyot

7. Which of the following plating styles is not a classic arrangement?
A. The starch or vegetable item is heaped in the center while the main item is
sliced and leaned up against it.
B. The main item in the center, with vegetable distributed around it.
C. The vegetable item in front and main item, starch item and garnish at the rear.
D. The main item is in the center with neat piles of vegetables carefully arranged
8. Chef Shaneshan will cook chopsuey. She is about to remove the hard core of a
cabbage. Which of the following knife will she use?
A. Butcher knife C. Cutting knife
B. Channel knife D. Paring knife
9. What kind of knife is used in removing the hard core of a cabbage?
A. Butcher knife C. Cutting knife
B. Channel knife D. Paring knife
10. At what temperature in a dry, dark place should potatoes and onions be stored?
A. 50 – 650F C. 60 – 850F
B. 40 – 45 F0 D. 70 – 950F
11. Which of the following vegetables is cooked uncovered?
A. Fruit vegetables C. Roots and tubers
B. Green vegetables D. Yellow vegetables
12. Which kind of fish has no internal bone structure?
A. Fin fish C. Round fish
B. Freshwater fish D. Shell fish
13. Which of the following fish is high in fat?
A. Bass C. Mackerel
B. Cod D. Red Snapper
14. Which of the following fish is low in fat?
A. Cod C. Trout
B. Salmon D. Tuna
15. Which market form of fish is viscera, head, tail and fins are removed?
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Dressed D. Sticks
16. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
A. Bluefish C. Grouper
B. Cat fish D. Sole
17. Which market form of fish are both sides of a fish still joined but bones are
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Drawn D. Steak
18. Which of the following is the second step in scaling whole fish?
A. Begin to rake the scales from the tail towards the head.
B. Remove the scales on both sides of the fish.
C. Hold the fish down firmly with your hand near its head.
D. Lay your fish flat on the board.

19. Which of the following is the third step in opening an oyster?
A. Cut muscle from bottom cup.
B. Insert oyster knife at hinge slowly but firmly
C. Push knife into oyster and slice muscle from top shell
D. Twist knife handle to open the oyster.
20. Which of the following is a characteristic of a fresh fish?
A. With fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Gills are pink or red
D. Flesh shrink when pressed
21. How many colors is suggested on a plate to make it balance?
A. Four to five C. Three to four
B. One to two D. Two to three
22. Which of the following seafood is cooked just enough to heat to keep it juicy and
A. Fat fish C. Flat fish
B. Lean fish D. Shellfish
23. Which of the following enhances baked fish when served?
A. Butter C. Lemon
B. Cream D. Sauce
24. What cooking method is suited to fat fish.
A. Baking C. Deep -frying
B. Boiling D. Sautéing
25. Which is basted to baked lean fish to help prevent it from drying up.
A. Butter C. Soy sauce
B. Cream D. Tomato sauce

B. Give five characteristics of a fresh fish.

26. ____________________________________________________
27. ____________________________________________________
28. ____________________________________________________
29. ____________________________________________________
30. ____________________________________________________

Answer Key
1. D 6. A/D 11. B 16. B 21. D
2. D 7. C 12. D 17. A 22. D
3. B 8. D 13. C 18. C 23. C
4. A 9. D 14. A 19. D 24. A
5. C 10. A 15. B 20. C 25. A

26. Fresh and mild odor
27. Eyes are clear, shiny and bulging
28. Gills are red or pink
29. Texture of flesh is firm or elastic
30. Scales are shiny, and tightly cling, on skin

Learning Outcome 1Perform Mise’ En Place

Guide learners in acquiring knowledge about the things to be done prior to cooking.
Guide learners on how to apply safe and accurate cutting techniques in preparing
vegetables according to enterprise standards. Ask learners to bring actual materials
before this activity so there could be actual demonstration of the lesson by group.
Instruct learners to answer the formative assessment on page 157.

A. Ask learners to identify and give the classification of the following vegetables.

Name Classification











B. Instruct learners to identify the different methods of preparing fresh

vegetables and write the correct method on the space provided.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


Answer Key


1. chayote - gourd family

2. corn - seeds and pods
3.bokchoy - cabbage family
4.artichoke - fruit vegetables
5.asparagus - stalks, stems and shoot
6.sweet potato- roots and tubers
7.spinach - leafy greens
8.mushroom- mushrooms
9.shallot - onion family
10.bamboo shoot - stalks, stems and shoot

1. Wash
2. Cutting
3. Soaking
4. Wash
5. Soaking
6. Peeling
7. Wash

Learning Outcome 2 Prepare Vegetable Dishes

Guide learners in knowing the effects of cooking vegetables, standard quality of

cooked vegetables and culinary terms of vegetables.

Instruct learners to do the given enhancement activity.
Ask learners to make a compilation of technical words commonly used in the world
of culinary for vegetable cookery. Tell them to follow concrete instructions below:
 Make a personalized and improvised dictionary (half folded bond
 Include local and foreign terminologies which are used in vegetable
 Limit your dictionary to a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of
20 pages.
 Bind and cover it.
 You can work in collaboration with others and submit after 1 week.

Tell them that their output will be rated using the given rubric.

5 Done creatively and neatly with more than twenty pages
4 Done creatively and neat enough with 15 to 20 pages
3 Done creatively and neat enough but with10 to 14 pages
2 Done simply and neat enough but with 10 to 14 pages
1 Done poorly with less than 10 pages


Performance Activity
Ask learners to perform by pair the different ways of cooking vegetables. Tell them to
choose 2 from any of the given recipes. Explain to them the rubrics on how their
performance and product will be rated.

Boiling Vegetables

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Pots and pan
Chopping board

Vegetables (any kind)

Boiling Vegetables
1. Trim, peel, and cut vegetables as required.
2. Add required amount of water to the pot.
3. Add salt and bring to boil.
4. Place vegetables in the pot and return the water to a boil.
5. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook vegetable, to required doneness.
 Green vegetables and strong flavored vegetables are cooked
6. Drain vegetables quickly to avoid overcooking.
7. Cool them in cold water, drain as soon as cool, and refrigerate until

Steaming Vegetables
1. Trim and cut vegetables as required.
2. Pre-heat the steamer.
3. Arrange vegetables in pan or baskets for cooking. Make a shallow, even
layers for uniform cooking.
4. Steam for required time.
5. Remove vegetables from steamer.
6. Finish vegetables according to recipe and serve at once, or cool quickly.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in boiling/steaming vegetables and

performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in boiling/steaming vegetables and

performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in boiling/steaming vegetables with minor

errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance and/or

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in boiling/steaming vegetables and

performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Sautéing Vegetables

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Pots and pan

Vegetables (any kind)

Sautéing Vegetables
1. Prepare vegetables as required.
2. Place sauté pan on high heat.
3. When pot is hot, add small amount of clarified butter, oil or other fat enough to
coat the bottom of the pan.
4. Add vegetables. Do not overload the pan, or the temperature will be lowered
too much and the vegetables will simmer instead of sauté.
5. After the heat has recovered, flip the pan to toss vegetables.
6. Continue to flip as necessary.
7. As soon as vegetables are cooked, remove from pan and serve.

Frying Vegetables
1. Prepare mise-en place. Use a griddle if only a small amount of fat is required.
2. Heat the pan and add fat, and let it heat.
3. Place prepared vegetables in the pan. Cook to desired degree of browning.
4. Turn vegetables with a spatula and continue to cook until done.
5. Remove from pan, and drain on absorbent paper to eliminate excess fat.
6. Tell learners that their performance will be rated using the scoring rubric

Follows correctly the procedures in sautéing/frying vegetables and performs the

4 skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative and adaptability to
problem situations.

Follows correctly the procedures in sautéing/frying vegetables and performs the

skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.

Follows correctly the procedures in sautéing/frying vegetables with minor errors

and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance and/or supervision.

Was not able to follow the procedures in sautéing/frying vegetables and

performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Braising Vegetables

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Pots and pan

Water or wine

1. Heat pan, add fat.
2. Place vegetables in a pan.
(Vegetables may or may not be cooked in fat before adding liquid)
3. Add liquid, stock, water or wine or combination of liquids.
4. Cover the pan and cook vegetables.
5. Remove from heat, and serve vegetables with the cooking liquid, or drained
off the liquid and reduced over high heat before serving to concentrate flavor.
Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in braising vegetables and performs the

skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in braising vegetables and performs the

skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in braising vegetables with minor errors

and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance and/or

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in braising vegetables and performs
the skill unsatisfactorily.

Cooking Vegetables by Baking and Deep Frying

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Oven, Stove
Pots and pan
Baking pan


Baking Vegetables
1. Collect all equipment and food products.
2. Prepare vegetables as required.
3. Place in appropriate pan and set in pre-heated oven.
4. Bake to desired doneness.

Deep-Frying Vegetables
1. Collect all equipment and food products.
2. Pre-heat fryer to proper temperature (325°F - 350°F).
3. Prepare food items as required. Apply breading or batter if necessary.
4. Place proper amount of food in fryer. Do not overload.
5. Fry to desired doneness.
6. Remove from pan. Drain to remove excess fat.
7. Serve at once or if necessary, hold uncovered in a warm place for the shortest
possible time.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in baking/deep-frying vegetables and

performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in baking/deep-frying vegetables and

performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in baking/deep-frying vegetables with

minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance
and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in baking/deep-frying vegetables

and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.


Performance Activity 2
Given the different recipes, instruct learners to follow the procedures by pair or by
group. Tell them that their performance will be evaluated using the given rubric.

Vegetable Tagliatelle

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Chopping board
Pots and pan

450 grams zucchini, trimmed
450 grams. carrots, peeled and trimmed
450 grams. celery root, peeled
4tbsp. butter

1. Cut vegetables lengthwise into thin slices. About 1/8 inches thick, cut into
long thin strips to resemble flat noodles.
2. Blanch each vegetable separately into boiling salted water. Refresh under
cold water and drain.
3. Just before serving, heat butter in saucepan over moderate heat. Add
vegetables and toss in butter until hot.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking vegetable

tagliatelle and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and
with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking vegetable

tagliatelle and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking vegetable

tagliatelle with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking vegetable
tagliatelle and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.


Tools/Equipment Needed:

1 1/2kg mushrooms, fresh
10 tbsp. clarified butter or
salt to taste
pepper to taste

1. Rinse the mushrooms quickly and dry them with towels. Trim off the
bottom of the stems and slice the mushrooms.
2. Heat sauté pans over high heat. Add fat to the pan.
3. Place mushrooms in the pan. Do not overload. Sauté over high heat until
browned. Do not overcook.
4. Season with salt and pepper.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking sautéed

mushroom and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision
and with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking sautéed

mushroom and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking sautéed

mushroom with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking sautéed
mushroom and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Braised Celery

Tool/Equipment Needed:
Chopping board

1 kg celery
4 tbsp butter
1 ½ pt. brown stock or chicken stock
salt to taste
pepper to taste

1. Trim and wash celery. Peel the outside part and use the tender inner
stems. Cut into 1 ½ inches lengths.
2. Heat the butter in a braising pot and add the celery. Cook over moderate
heat until the celery is just beginning to soften.
3. Add enough stock to cover the celery. Season with salt and pepper to
taste. Cover and cook slowly in an oven or range top until tender.
4. Drain the celery and keep it warm in a steam table. Reduce the stock over
high heat. Adjust the seasonings and pour the sauce over the celery.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking braised celery

and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with
initiative and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking braised celery

and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking braised celery

with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance
and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking braised
celery and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Glazed Sweet Potatoes

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Chopping board
Baking pan

1.8 kg sweet potatoes
6 tbsp. water
¾c light corn syrup or maple syrup
6 tbsp. brown sugar
8 tbsp. orange juice
2 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. butter
½ tsp cinnamon
1/8 t ground cloves
¼t salt

1. Scrub sweet potatoes. Boil or steam until tender. Do not overcook.
2. Spread the potatoes on a sheet pan to cool.
3. Peel the potatoes when they are cool enough to handle. Cut into uniform
pieces. Arrange in a buttered baking pan.
4. Place water, syrup and sugar in a saucepan. Stir over heat until sugar
dissolved. Add remaining ingredients and boil mixture is reduced, and
forms a heavy syrup.
5. Pour syrup over potatoes.
6. Bake at 350°F until potatoes are thoroughly cooked and glazed, about 45
– 60 minutes.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking glazed sweet

potatoes and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and
with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking glazed sweet

potatoes and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking glazed sweet

potatoes with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking glazed
sweet potatoes and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Lumpiang Ubod with Egg Wrapper

Materials Needed:

Wok colander
Turner measuring spoon
Knife measuring cups
Chopping board casserole

½ kl stripped ubod
1 kl stripped sweet potato
½ kl carrot
½ kl cabbage
2 stalk celery
2 cups ground peanut
1 head garlic
2pcs onion
½ kl ground pork
1/4kl shrimps
2T fish sauce
1pc pork bouillon

1. Blanch the ubod first
2. Sauté the garlic and onion, put the ground pork and 2T fish sauce
3. Put sweet potato until tender
4. Put the ubod, carrots, cabbage and celery
5. Put the ground peanut
6. Season to taste

½ kl sugar
1/4T fish sauce
½ cup ground peanut
¼ cup minced garlic
1 stalk chopped celery
¼ cup cornstarch mixed with ¼ cup water
1.5L water

1. Caramelized sugar, put 1.5 liter of water and let it boil
2. Put the minced garlic, celery and peanut
3. Let it boil
4. Thickened with cornstarch dispensed in water

Instruct learners to perform the enhancement activity on page 179.

A. Ask learners to make a research on various recipes of the following

a. Malunggay Leaves
b. Bell Pepper
c. Sayote
Note: Tell learners to include a comprehensive data in their report.

A. Directions: Make a research on the different ways of cooking vegetables in the

Philippines and other countries. Follow the instructions below:
 Group yourselves into 5 groups
 Assign a leader.
 Leaders will assign task to each member.
 Work with your research following the assigned country

a. Group I - Asian Countries
b. Group II - European Countries
c. Group III - American Countries
d. Group IV - African Countries
e. Group V - Ethnic ways of cooking in the Philippines.

Learning Outcome 3 Present Vegetable Dishes

Facilitate learning of the factors in plating vegetable dishes, techniques in storing

vegetables the principle behind FIFO and the safety hygienic practices in the kitchen

Instruct learners to do the enhancement activity on page 183.

Photo Collection
Directions: Follow the instructions below:
1. Make a photo album on the creative presentation techniques for
vegetable cookery.
2. It should contain a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15
3. Label each creative presentation.
4. Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

5 Done creatively and neatly showing much relevance to the given
4 Done creatively and neat enough with relevance to the given task
3 Done creatively and neat enough but no relevance to the given
2 Done simply and neat enough but not so relevant to the given
1 Done poorly with erasures and irrelevant to the given task

Ask learners to perform the given formative assessment and apply the chosen plate
presentation. Tell them that they will be rated using the given rubric.

Performance Activity No. 3

Instruct learners to prepare and present creatively a Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables
applying their own presentation design. Tell them to follow the procedures and
ingredients given.

Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing Bowl
Chopping Board
Plate for serving

350 g Chinese cabbage, cut into chunks
8 dried black mushrooms, cut julienne
4tbsp. carrots, cut julienne
4tbsp baby corn, drained
4 scallions, cut into shreds
4tbsp oil
1 garlic cloves, crushed
2 slices ginger root

½t salt
12tbsp water or chicken stock
1/8 c cornstarch
12tbsp water, cold
½t sesame oil

1. Heat oil in a wok.
2. Add garlic.
3. Add ginger and salt.
4. Add cabbage and stir fry.
5. Add the remaining vegetables except shredded cabbage. Continue to stir
fry for 1 -2 minutes, then add shredded cabbage.
6. Add the stock, soy sauce, and cook until vegetables are cook but crisp.
7. Mix cornstarch with cold water, then stir into vegetables to thicken the
8. Stir in the sesame oil and serve at once.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and presenting stir

fried vegetables and performs the skill very satisfactorily without
supervision and with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.

3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and presenting stir

fried vegetables and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or

2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and presenting stir

fried vegetables with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with
some assistance and/or supervision.

1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing, cooking and

presenting stir fried vegetables and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Learning Outcome 4 Store Vegetable Dishes

Guide learners in knowing the different ways on how to store vegetables.

Explain to learners that at the end of this module they are expected to:
1. perform mise’en place;
2. handle fish and seafood;
3. cook fish and shellfish;
4. plate/present fish and seafood; and
5. store fish and seafood.

Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise’ En Place

Guide learners in knowing the classifications of seafood, composition and structure

of fish, market forms of fish, and characteristics of fish and shellfish.

Instruct learners to answer the formative assessment on page 192. Tell them to write
their answers in their test notebook.

1. _________ 2. ____________

3. __________ 4. ____________

5. __________ 6. ____________


Answer Key

1. Whole or round
2. Drawn
3. Dressed
4. Steaks
5. Fillets
6. Butterflies fillet
7. Sticks or tranches

Learning Outcome 2 Handle Seafood Dishes

Guide learners in knowing the different ways on how to handle seafood hygienically
and the proper ways on how to thaw frozen seafood correctly to ensure its maximum
quality and maintain its nutritional value.

Instruct learners to do the given enhancement activity on page 198. Tell them to
follow the instructions below:
 Visit at least 2 market/supermarkets and list down the fish/seafood that they
are selling and their characteristics.
 Identify the kind and market forms of fish and other seafood products
available in the market visited.
 Make a documentation with picture of each market form. Include description
of each.

Tell learners that their output will be rated using the given rubric.
5 Done creatively and neatly showing much relevance to the given topic
4 Done creatively and neat enough with relevance to the given topic
3 Done creatively and neat enough but no relevance to the given topic
2 Done simply and neat enough but not so relevant to the given topic
1 Done poorly with erasures and irrelevant to the given topic

Learning Outcome 3 Cook Seafood

Guide learners in knowing the cooking techniques for fish and shellfish and
preparations done prior to cooking like scaling, filleting, skinning, deboning, opening
oyster, opening clams, cleaning a squid, and splitting lobster.


The following will be the different activities that needs to be undertaken:

 Group learners into eight.
 Let the group do collaborative learning and study the step by step procedure
on how to perform scaling, filleting, skinning, deboning, opening oyster,

opening clams, cleaning a squid, and splitting lobster. Tell them to be ready
for a demonstration.
 Tell them that they can watch a video in You Tube or visit markets to see
actual demonstration for deeper learning.
 Instruct learners to bring materials needed for the purpose of demonstration of
the lesson.
 Tell learners that they will demonstrate the different ways of preparing fish
and seafood prior tto cooking activities.


Performance Activity
Instruct learners to perform the given assessment on page 214. Tell them that the
performance rating will start from the preparation of the fish or seafood up to
cooking. Explain to them the rubric you will use in rating their performance and

Broiled Shrimp Campy

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Broiler, griller
Baking Sheet

1 1/2 pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails left on, patted dry
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
Coarse salt and ground pepper
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Lemon wedges, for serving

1. Heat broiler with rack set 4 inches from heat. Place shrimp on a large broiler
proof rimmed baking sheet.
2. Sprinkle with oil and garlic, and season generously with salt and pepper; toss
to coat. Arrange shrimp in a single layer.
3. Broil until opaque throughout, 3 to 4 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon juice and
parsley; toss to combine. Serve immediately; garnish with lemon wedges.

4 Can perform the skill without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Can perform the skill satisfactorily without assistance or


2 Can perform the skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance

and/or supervision.

1 Can perform parts of the skill satisfactorily, but requires

considerable assistance and/or supervision.

Performance Activity
Directions: Given the different recipes, learners by group will be asked to prepare
and cook fish and shellfish. Tell them that their performance will be evaluated using
the given rubric.

Note: Teacher can provide at least 3 activities to deepen learners’ competency in

preparing and cooking seafood.

Fillet of Sole Meniere

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing bowl

Emeril's Fish Rub (or any combination of seasonings you like)
2 tbs. butter
Lemon juice


1. Season all the fillets by sprinkling the seasoning and pressing it into the meat.
2. Get a spatula to handle the fish. If you have 10-12" filets cut them in half
unless you're using a fish spatula
3. Heat the pan on medium heat and add the butter. When the butter is melted
put some fish in the pan. Leave it on one side for about three to four minutes.
4. Move them around often to assure they're not sticking.
5. Flip one piece to check the brownness. If it's partially browned flip them all
and continue to cook until the other side is browned.
6. Add more oil as needed.
7. Once it's out of the pan put six or eight drops of lemon juice on each piece.
You may use other sauces if you want.

Note: Testing the degree of doneness is as simple as taking your spatula and
gently pushing on the thickest part of the fillet in the spinal bone line. When
done, meat separates when you gently push with spatula.

4 Can perform the skill without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Can perform the skill satisfactorily without assistance or


2 Can perform the skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance

and/or supervision.

1 Can perform parts of the skill satisfactorily, but requires

considerable assistance and/or supervision.

Cooking fish or shellfish by deep frying using the standard breading


Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing bowls
Baking sheet
Food tong

1 cup self-rising cornmeal
1/2 cup self-rising flour
3/4 tsp table salt
1/2 tsp powdered white pepper
1/3 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

1/4 tsp garlic salt
2 tbsp. peanut oil
1 large egg
1 tsp cool tap water


1. Use a small bowl and prepare an egg wash by mixing 1 large egg with 1 tsp of

2. In another bowl, place the cornmeal, flour, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic
salt, and blend well. This breading recipe will bread about 2 pounds of fillets.

3. Rinse the fillets and pat dry, then place them into the refrigerator for about 30

4. Place the fillets in the egg wash, then the Breading Mix before placing them on the
prepared cookie sheet.

5. Prepare the cookie sheet by spreading the peanut oil evenly on the sheet.

6. The oven should be pre\-heated to 375. Cook the fillets 5 minutes on each side

4 Can perform the skill without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Can perform the skill satisfactorily without assistance or


2 Can perform the skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance

and/or supervision.

1 Can perform parts of the skill satisfactorily, but requires

considerable assistance and/or supervision.

Learning Outcome 4 Plate/Present Seafood Dishes

Facilitate learning of the fundamentals of plating.

Instruct learners to briefly explain the relationships of the following in food

preparation. Tell them to write their answers in their test notebook.

1. Balance
2. Portion size
3. Serving hot food on hot plates
4. Serving cold foods on cold plates
5. Garnishes

Answer Key
1. Food must have a variety and contrast in color, shapes, textures and flavors
to make it appetizing.
2. Portion size - match portion sizes and plates
3. Select plates large enough to hold all the items without crowding
4. Balance the portion sizes of the items on the plate – don’t let the main item
get lost with excessive garnish
5. Keep food off the rim of the plate.
6. Arrange the items for the convenience of the customer.
7. Add gravy or sauce attractively.
8. Keep it simple.

Performance Activity
Directions: Given the recipe, by group you will perform the following:
 Group learners in advance and asked them to prepare for the preparation,
cooking and presentation of fish and shellfish.
 Tell them to apply the principles learned in food presentation.
 Guide them in preparing by group especially in the assignment of task.
 Explain to them the rubric which you will use in evaluating their product and

Broiled Fish Steaks

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Baking sheet

3 fish steaks, 1” thick
½ tsp. salt
Dash of pepper
2 tsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. butter, melted

1. Sprinkle both sides of fish with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
2. Brush with half of the butter.
3. Put fish in broiler pan in 550 degree oven, don’t cover.
4. Broil with tops about 4 inches from heat until light brown.
5. Brush fish with butter turn very carefully.
6. Brush with rest of the butter.
7. Broil until fish flakes easily with fork, 4 – 6 more minutes.

Poached Fillet of Sole in White Wine Sauce

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Baking dish
Food tong

2 lbs. sole fillets
2 lbs. spinach, cooked and drained
½ c. dry white wine
1 c. fish stock
3 tbsp. butter
4 tbsp. flour
1 c. grated cheese
Salt and pepper

1. Roll and secure each fillet with toothpicks
2. Poached for 8 minutes in wine/fish stock
3. Drain and save liquid

1. Melt butter
2. Blend in flour, salt and pepper and fish liquid
3. Assemble, butter shallow serving dish
4. Arrange spinach on bottom
5. Cover with poached fish (remove toothpicks
6. Spoon sauce over fish
7. Sprinkle with cheese
8. Broil under hot broiler a few minutes

4 Can perform the skill without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Can perform the skill satisfactorily without assistance or


2 Can perform the skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance

and/or supervision.

1 Can perform parts of the skill satisfactorily, but requires

considerable assistance and/or supervision.

Learning Outcome 5 Store Seafood

Guide learners in knowing how to store fish and shellfish.

Instruct learners to match Column A with Column B and write the letter of their
correct answer in their test notebook. Items in column B may be answered twice or
Column A Column B
1. Removed viscera first before storing A. fresh fish
2. Wrapped to prevent freezer burns B. frozen fish
3. Kept in cold, wet cartons C. lobster and shrimp
4. Packed in moist seaweed D. shellfish
5. First in, first out e. all of the above
6. Wrapped before freezing

7. Left in original moisture proof wrapped
8. Refrigerate at 30° to 34°F (-1° to 1°C)
9. Store at 0°F ( -18°C. or colder)
10. Stored for 1 to 2 days

Answer Key
1. A 6. E
2. B 7. A
3. D 8. A
4. C 9. E
5. E 10. E

Performance Activity
Directions:Let learners perform an experimental fish cookery. Asked them to make
their own recipe and let them prepare, cook and present the product. Have them
explain how to properly store their output. Tell them that their performance will be
evaluated using the given rubric.

4 Can perform the skill without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

3 Can perform the skill satisfactorily without assistance or


2 Can perform the skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance

and/or supervision.

1 Can perform parts of the skill satisfactorily, but requires

considerable assistance and/or supervision.

Ask learners to answer the post test on page 229 . Tell them to write their answers
in their test notebook.

Post Test
Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter
that best describes the statement. Write your answer in your test

1. Which of the following vegetables is rich in carbohydrates?

A. legumes, peas, and beans C. Mushroom, tomatoes, and radish
B. Nuts, olives, and avocado D. Seeds, roots, and tubers

2. What is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor to
some vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
C. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
3. Which tool is used to drain excess water after washing vegetables?
A. Bowls C. Steamer
B. Colander D. Utility tray
4. Which of the following is cooking by placing blanched or raw vegetables in the
pan, adding liquid (stock, water, wine) then covering and cooking it slowly?
A. Boiling C. Braising
B. Baking D. Sautéing
5. Which fat soluble compound is responsible for the green coloring of plants?
A. Anthocyanins C. Chlorophyll
B. Carotenoids D. Lycopene
6. Mrs. Cabrillas needs more supply of Vitamin A. which of the following will she eat
to give her the nutrient she needs?
A.Alugbati C. Lettuce
B. Potatoes D.Saluyot
7. Which of the following plating styles is not a classic arrangement?
A. The starch or vegetable item is heaped in the center while the main item is
sliced and leaned up against it.
B. The main item in the center, with vegetable distributed around it.
C. The vegetable item in front and main item, starch item and garnish at the rear.
D. The main item is in the center with neat piles of vegetables carefully arranged
8. Chef Shaneshan will cook chopsuey. She is about to remove the hard core of a
cabbage. Which of the following knife will she use?
A. Butcher knife C. Cutting knife
B. Channel knife D. Paring knife

9. What kind of knife is used in removing the hard core of a cabbage?
A. Butcher knife C. Cutting knife
B. Channel knife D. Paring knife
10. At what temperature in a dry, dark place should potatoes and onions be stored?
A. 50 – 650F C. 60 – 850F
B. 40 – 450F D. 70 – 950F
11. Which of the following vegetables is cooked uncovered?
A. Fruit vegetables C. Roots and tubers
B. Green vegetables D. Yellow vegetables
12. Which kind of fish has no internal bone structure?
A. Fin fish C. Round fish
B. Freshwater fish D. Shell fish
13. Which of the following fish is high in fat?
A. Bass C. Mackerel
B. Cod D. Red Snapper
14. Which of the following fish is low in fat?
A. Cod C. Trout
B. Salmon D. Tuna
15. Which market form of fish is viscera, head, tail and fins are removed?
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Dressed D. Sticks
16. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
A. Bluefish C. Grouper
B. Cat fish D. Sole
17. Which market form of fish are both sides of a fish still joined but bones are
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Drawn D. Steak
18. Which of the following is the second step in scaling whole fish?
A. Begin to rake the scales from the tail towards the head.
B. Remove the scales on both sides of the fish.
C. Hold the fish down firmly with your hand near its head.
D. Lay your fish flat on the board.
19. Which of the following is the third step in opening an oyster?
A. Cut muscle from bottom cup.
B. Insert oyster knife at hinge slowly but firmly
C. Push knife into oyster and slice muscle from top shell
D. Twist knife handle to open the oyster.
20. Which of the following is a characteristic of a fresh fish?
A. With fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Gills are pink or red
D. Flesh shrink when pressed

21. How many colors is suggested on a plate to make it balance?
A. Four to five C. Three to four
B. One to two D. Two to three
22. Which of the following seafood is cooked just enough to heat to keep it juicy and
A. Fat fish C. Flat fish
B. Lean fish D. Shellfish
23. Which of the following enhances baked fish when served?
A. Butter C. Lemon
B. Cream D. Sauce
24. What cooking method is suited to fat fish.
A. Baking C. Deep -frying
B. Boiling D. Sautéing
25. Which is basted to baked lean fish to help prevent it from drying up.
A. Butter C. Soy sauce
B. Cream D. Tomato sauce

B. Give five characteristics of a fresh fish.

26. ____________________________________________________
27. ____________________________________________________
28. ____________________________________________________
29. ____________________________________________________
30. ____________________________________________________

Answer Key
1. D 6. A 11. B 16. B 21. D
6. D 11. C 16. D 17. A 22. D
7. B 12. D 17. C 18. C 23. C
8. A 13. D 18. A 19. D 24. A
9. C 14. A 19. B 20. C 25. A

26. With fresh and mild odor
27. Eyes are clear, shiny and bulging
28. Gills are red or pink
29. Texture of flesh is firm or elastic
30. Scales are shiny and tightly cling, on skin

At the end of the quarter students are expected to:
1. prepare stocks required for menu item;
2. prepare soups required for menu item;
3. prepare sauce required for menu item;
4. store and reconstitute stocks, sauces and soups;
5. perform mise’en place;
6. cook poultry and meat dishes;
7. plate and present poultry and meat dishes;
8. evaluate finished products; and
9. store poultry and meat.

Instruct learners to answer the given pre-test on page 227.

Directions: Read and understand the statements/questions below. Choose the letter
of the correct answer and write it in your test notebook.

1. As a chef of a fine dining restaurant, Genie simmers meat, fish, and vegetables.
Which of the following liquids is a by-product after the different food stuffs have
been simmered?
A. glaze C. stock
B. sauce D. water
2. Which of the following stocks uses veal bone as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. white stock
3. What kind of stock uses fish as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. glace viande
B. fish stock D. ham stock
4. What stock uses chicken bone as its main ingredient?
A. fish stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. chicken stock

5. Among the different types of stock, which one is the easiest to prepare?
A. brown stock C. white stock
B. fish stock D. vegetable stock
6. What stock is made by boiling prawn shell?
A. fish stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. vegetable stock
7. As a rule, which should not be added to the stock because it causes saltiness?
A. MSG C. spices
B. salt D. sugar
8. Mrs. Sante will be having visitors for dinner. If she will prepare stock for their
dinner, which of the following flavoring agents will she use to give aroma to the
A. aromatic flavoring C. ginger
B. garlic D. smoke
9. What makes the stock tasty and appetizing?
A. appearance C. ingredients
B. color D. smell
10. Which of the following is a clear soup?
A. bisques C. cream
B. bouillon D. puree
11. Which of the following examples is a thick soup?
A. bisques C. consommé
B. bouillon D. fruit
12. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?
A. flour C. rice
B. grain D. salt
13. Which of the four basic sauces whose basic ingredient is milk is thickened
with flour enriched with butter?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce
14. Which among the four basic sauces has a chief ingredient of chicken broth
thickened with flour and enriched with butter seasoning?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce
15. Which of the four basic sauces has three basic ingredients like butter, egg yolk,
and lemon juice with seasoning for accent?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. white sauce
B. savory butter D. veloute sauce
16. Which of the four basic sauces has a basic ingredient like butter that is creamed
and blended with other ingredients to give individual flavor?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce
17. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?
A. dairy cream C. flour
B. egg D. spice

18. What do you call birds that are hunted for food?
A. game C. poultry
B. livestock D. swine
19. Which of the following poultry originated from China and is noted for its tender
and flavorful meat?
A. chicken C. itik
B. goose D. pecking duck
20. What do you call to young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender meat
is called___.
A. duck C. rooster
B. fryer D. squab
21. Poultry is composed of different parts. Which of the following do breast meat
A. dark meat C. variety meat
B. tough meat D. white meat
22. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A. free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B. has clear eye
C. heavy and the skin is watery
D. well-develop thighs
23. What do you call to young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of age?
A. fryer C. roaster
B. hen D. stag
24. How many days should a whole chicken should be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
25. How do you classify the fleshy part of chicken like breast?
A. entrails C. viscera
B. dark meat D. white meat
26. In cookery, we apply different cooking methods depending on the ingredients
that we have. If you will cook a matured poultry, which of the following methods
will you apply?
A. boiling C. roasting
B. frying D. stewing
27. What cookery method is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A. boiling C. roasting
B. frying D. stewing
28. What is the best cooking temperature for poultry?
A. high temperature C. low to moderate temperature
B. low temperature D. moderate temperature
29. What factor affects the poultry meat’s tenderness and juiciness?
A. age C. cuts
B. cookery D. sex

30. Which of the following can be done to prevent drying when reheating?
A. cook using sauces and gravy
B. overcook the poultry meat
C. remove fat before cooking
D. none of the above

Key to Correction

1. C 11. A 21. D
2. A 12. D 22. C
3. B 13. D 23. A
4. D 14. C 24. C
5. D 15. A 25. D
6. C 16. B 26. A
7. B 17. D 27. C
8. A 18. A 28. C
9. C 19. D 29. A
10. B 20. D 30. A


Learning Outcome 1 Prepare Stocks for Required Menu Items

Activity 1. PREPARE STOCK (Group Activity)
Directions: Choose any of the given stocks and prepare following the given
procedure. Your performance and output will be rated using the given rubric.

White stock

Basic White stock

Tools and Equipment:

 Stove
 Stock pot
 Chopping board
 Knife
 Skimmer/Strainer
 Ladle
 Container


4 -5 kg bones; chicken, veal or beef

1L water, cold
450 g onion, chopped

16 tbsp. carrot, chopped
16 tbsp. celery, chopped
Bouquet Garni
1 pc dried bay leaf
¼ tsp Dried thyme
¼ tsp peppercorns
6-8 stems parsley
2 whole cloves
1. Cut the bones into pieces, 3 to 4 inches long for easy extraction.
2. Rinse in cold water to remove impurities that cloud the stock.
3. Place the bones in the stockpot and cover with cold water to speed extraction.
4. Bring water to a boil and then, reduce to simmer. Skim the scum that comes
from the surface for a clear stock. Do not let the stock boil because it makes the
stock cloudy.
5. Keep the water level above the bones because bones cooked while exposed to
air will turn dark and darken the stock. Also, bones will not release flavor into the
6. Add the mirepoix.
7. Simmer for recommended length of time:
8. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth.
9. Cool the stock as quickly as possible by:

 Setting the pot in a sink and allow cold water to flow under the pot and
around it.
 Stirring the pot occasionally so all the stock cools evenly.

10. When cooled, refrigerate the stock properly in covered containers for 2-3 days. If
properly frozen, it will last for several months.

Directions: Level


Ask your teacher to assess
your performance in the
following critical task and 4 - Can perform the skill very
performance criteria below satisfactorily without supervision and
with initiative and adaptability to
problem situations.
You will be rated based on the 3 - Can perform the skill satisfactorily
evaluation on the right side. without assistance or supervision.

2 - Can perform the skill less

satisfactorily but requires some
assistance and/or supervision.

1 - Can perform parts of the skill

satisfactorily, and requires
considerable assistance and/or

Teacher will initial level achieved.


For acceptable achievement, all items should 1 2 3 4

receive an answer.

1. Cut the bones into pieces, 3 to 4 inches long.

2. Rinse in cold water to remove impurities that

cloud the stock.

3. Place the bones in the stockpot and cover with

cold water to speed extraction

4. Bring water to boil and then reduce to simmer.

Skim the scum.

5. Keep the water level above the bones

6. Add mirepoix

7 Simmer for recommended length of time

8 Strain through several layers of cheesecloth

9. Cool the stock as quickly as possible

10. When cool, refrigerate the stock properly in

covered containers to keep for 2-3 days.

Basic Brown Stock

Tools and Equipment:

Stock pot
Chopping board


4 ½ kg. bones; chicken, veal or beef

10-12 qtr. water, cold

450 g onion, chopped
16 tbsp. carrot, chopped
16 tbsp. celery, chopped
450 g tomato puree

Bouquet Garni
1 pc dried bay leaf
¼ tsp Dried thyme
¼ tsp peppercorns
6-8 stems parsley
2 whole cloves


1. Cut the bones into pieces, 3-4 inches long. Use veal or beef bones.
2. Do not wash or blanch the bones. The moisture would hinder browning.
3. Place the bones in a roasting pan in one layer, and brown in a hot oven at 375°F
(190°C. or higher. The bones must be well browned to color the stock sufficiently.
Bones may be oiled lightly before browning.
4. When the bones are well browned, remove from pan and place in a stockpot.
Cover with cold water and bring to simmer.
5. Drain and reserve the fat from the roasting pan. Deglaze the pan by adding water
and stirring over heat until all the brown drippings are dissolved or loosened. Add
to stockpot.
6. While the stock is getting started, place the mirepoix in the roasting pan with some
of the reserved fat and brown the vegetable well in the oven.
7. When the water in the stockpot comes to a simmer, skim the scum at the surface.
8. Add the browned vegetable and tomato puree to the stockpot.
9. Put the bouquet garni by tying it to the handle of the pot for easy removal.
10. Continue to simmer for recommended length of time, 6-8 hours.
11. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth.
12. Cool the stock and refrigerate properly in a covered container to keep for 2-3
days. If properly frozen, it will last for several months.

How Well Did You Perform?

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is your
learning at stake!

Directions: Level


Ask your teacher to assess
your performance in the
following critical task and 4 - Can perform the skill satisfactorily
performance criteria below without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.

3 - Can perform the skill satisfactorily

You will be rated based on the without assistance or supervision.
evaluation on the right side.
2 - Can perform the skill satisfactorily
but requires some assistance and/or

1 - Can perform parts of the skill

satisfactorily, but requires
considerable assistance and/or

Teacher will initial level achieved.


For acceptable achievement, all items should 1 2 3 4

receive an answer.

1. Cut the bones into pieces, 3 to 4 inches long.

2. Rinse in cold water to remove impurities that

cloud the stock.

3. Place the bones in the stockpot and cover with

cold water to speed extraction

4. Bring water to boil and then reduce to simmer.
Skim the scum.

5. Keep the water level above the bones

6. Add mirepoix

7 Simmer for recommended length of time

8 Strain through several layers of cheesecloth

9. Cool the stock as quickly as possible

10. When cool, refrigerate the stock properly in

covered containers to keep for 2-3 days.

Instruct learners to read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Tell them to write their answer in their test notebook.
1. What do you call the liquid in which meat, fish, and sometimes vegetables
have been cooked?
A. glaze C. stock
B. sauce D. water
2. Which of the following stocks uses veal bone as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. white stock
3. What kind of stock uses fish as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. glace viands
B. fish stock D. ham stock
4. What stock uses chicken bone as its main ingredient?
A. fish stock
B. ham stock
C. prawn stocks
D. chicken stocks
5. Which one is the easiest to prepare?
A. brown stock C. white stock
B. fish stock D. vegetable stock

Answer Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D

Learning Outcome 2 Prepare Soups Required for Menu Item


Guide learners in performing the suggested soup recipes.

Enhancement Activity 1
Instruct your learners to perform the given soup recipe.


casserole ½ cup chopped bacon
gas or electric stove ¾ kg potatoes
knife 3 cup water
chopping board 2 bulb onions, chopped
strainer 1 whole chicken bouillon cube
saucepot 2 cup hot water
measuring cup ¼ cup butter
measuring spoon ¼ tsp. pepper
wooden spoon 2tbsp. Gold Medal all-purpose flour
soup ladle ½ tsp. salt
1½ c all-purpose cream


1. Cook bacon until crispy. Cool. Set aside, peel potatoes and cut into cubes,
place in a saucepot and add water and chopped onions. Bring to a boil and
cook until potatoes are tender. Remove potatoes and sear the broth.

2. Add chicken bouillon cube to the reserved potato broth to make potato
chicken broth and stir until dissolved. Add the hot water. Place cooked
potatoes in blender in 2 batches, adding ¾ cup of the potato-chicken broth
with each batch. Cover and blend for 1 minute or until smooth. Set aside.

3. Melt butter in a saucepan. Add flour, salt and pepper. Add all-purpose cream
at once. Stir while cooking until slightly thickened and bubbly. Cook for 1
minute more. Stir until heated through. If necessary, stir in additional milk to
make the desired consistency. Serve with sprinkled bacon bits.

Criteria for Evaluating and Presenting Soup

Good Fair Poor
I. Products:
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
d. attractive and appealing to appetite
e. pleasing and good color combination
f. ingredients cooked just right
g. correct consistency
2. Palatability
c. delicious
d. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
b. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
b. kept working table is kept orderly while
preparing the ingredients
c. used only the proper and needed utensils and
d. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, used clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
pot holder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food

3. Conservation of nutrients
b. followed proper preparation and cooking
c. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)

Instruct learners to perform the following:

casserole 1kg. Lean beef, cut in 3 portion
gas or electric stove ½ kg bone marrow
knife 3 ½ liter cold water
chopping board 3 large carrots, cut up
measuring cup 2 cloves onion, stuck with 3 cloves
measuring spoon 2 stalks celery w/leaves.
wooden spoon 3 leeks, sliced lengthwise and
soup ladle 1½ tbsp. wash salt
6 peppercorns
2 spring parsley
pinch thyme
1 clove clove garlic
1pc bay leaf
3 large egg whites, beaten
3 crushed eggshells
2 cup tomato puree
2tbsp finely chopped onions
½ tsp dried basil


1. Combine the beef, bone and water in a stockpot and bring to a boil. Simmer
for 5 minutes and skim. Cover and simmer for 1 hour.
2. Add to the onion stock with cloves, the carrots, celery, leeks, salt
peppercorns, parsley, thyme, garlic and bay leaf. Cover and cook slowly for 4
– 5 hours.
3. Strain through a double thickness of cheesecloth and skim off fat. Use
absorbent paper towels.Remove the remaining particles and reserve the meat
for another purpose.
4. To clarify the consommé, return it to the heat and add beaten egg whites and
5. Bring to a rolling boil and strain once more through 3 thickness cheesecloth.
6. Pour 6 cups of consommé into a saucepan and reserve the remainder for
another use.
7. Add the tomato puree, onion, and dried basil. Simmer for 20 minutes, remove
from the heat and strain through cheesecloth.
8. Serve hot.

Instruct learners to find out how well they perform by accomplishing the Scoring
Rubric honestly and sincerely.

Direction: Evaluate your finished product, using the given score sheet.

Criteria for Evaluating and Presenting Soup

Good Fair Poor
I. Products:
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
h. attractive and appealing to appetite
i. pleasing and good color combination
j. ingredients cooked just right
k. correct consistency
2. Palatability
e. delicious
f. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
c. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
e. kept working table is kept orderly while
preparing the ingredients
f. used only the proper and needed utensils and
g. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, used clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
pot holder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
d. followed proper preparation and cooking
e. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)



casserole 6 ½ cups prepared basic chicken stock
stockpot with cover 2 tbsp. light soy sauce
gas or electric stove 2 tbsp. sherry
knife ¼ tsp. white pepper
chopping board 2 large egg whites
mortar and pestle 1 tbsp. salt
strainer 2 tbsp. sesame oil
measuring cup 1/8 tsp cornstarch
measuring spoon 2 large eggs
wooden spoon 1 tbsp. scallions , thinly sliced
soup ladle


1. In a 2-quart soup pot, pour 6 cups of chicken broth to a simmer. Add the soy
sauce, sherry, pepper, and salt.
2. Beat the egg whites lightly. Drizzle into the chicken broth mixture
3. Mix the cornstarch with the remaining ½ cup chicken stock until lump free.
Add to the soup. Stir in the sesame oil garnish with scallions and serve hot.

Instruct learners to evaluate their finished product, using the given score sheet.

Criteria for Evaluating and Presenting Soup

Good Fair Poor
I. Products:
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
d. correct consistency
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table is kept orderly while
preparing the ingredients
b. used only the proper and needed utensils
and dishes
c. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, used clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
pot holder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. followed proper preparation and cooking
b. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)


casserole 22 grams butter
stockpot with cover 1 medium onion, chopped
gas or electric stove 3 strips bacon, chopped
knife 600 grams carrots, cubed
chopping board 1 pc small chicken cube
measuring cup ½ cup cream
measuring spoon Dash salt/ pepper
wooden spoon
soup ladle


1. Melt butter in a large saucepan, add onion and bacon, stir constantly over
heat until onion is soft.
2. Add carrots to pan, then chicken stock and cube, bring to a boil, reduce heat,
cover, simmer for about 30 minutes or until carrots are tender. Remove
saucepan from heat.
3. Blend or process mixture in several batches until smooth.
4. Return mixture to pan, stir in cream, reheat, and stir constantly without boiling.
5. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot

Instruct learners to evaluate their finished product, using the given score sheet.
Criteria for Evaluating and Presenting Soup
Good Fair Poor
I. Products:
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
d. correct consistency
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table is kept orderly while
preparing the ingredients
b. used only the proper and needed utensils
and dishes
c. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, used clean apron, hair nets, hand
towel and
pot holder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. followed proper preparation and cooking
b. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)


stockpot with cover 200 grams butter
gas or electric stove 1 tsp. salt
knife 1 pc carrot, strips
chopping board 1 pc onion, sliced
mortar and pestle 6 cup water
strainer 6 strips bacon strips
measuring cup ½ cup chopped onion
measuring spoon ½ cup cubed celery
wooden spoon ½ cup cube carrot
soup ladle 7 cup chicken stock
½ cup gold medal all-purpose flour
1 can small corn kernels


1. In a saucepan, put chicken breast, salt, carrot, onion, and water. Bring to a
boil. Cook for 20 minutes.
2. Strain out chicken stock. Set aside. Remove chicken breast. Slice meat into
cubes. Set aside.
3. In a saucepan, put bacon strips. Cook until brown. Set aside.
4. Retain about 2 tablespoons of the bacon drippings.
5. In a saucepan, using the bacon drippings, sauté onions until soft. Add
chicken meat. Mix well. Add flour. Stir well.
6. Add the chicken mixture. Let it simmer. Stir until thick.
To serve: Put soup in a bowl, top with chopped bacon. Serve while hot.
It may be served with barley-garlic, bread, and bacon at the side.

Ask learners to evaluate their finished product, using the given score sheet.

Criteria for Evaluating and PresentingSoup

Good Fair Poor
I. Products:
(3) (2) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
d. correct consistency
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table is kept orderly while
preparing the ingredients
b. used only the proper and needed utensils
and dishes
c. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for
cooking, used clean apron, hair nets, hand
towel and pot holder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. followed proper preparation and cooking
b. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)

Instruct learners to read the question carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Tell them to write their answer in their test booklet.

1. Which of the following is a clear soup?

A. bisque C. cream
B. bouillon D. puree
2. What substance is added that gives taste to the food?
A. decoration C. seasoning
B. flavoring D. thickening
3. What type of soup can be served either hot or cold?
A. ancient soup C. dessert soup
B. cold soup D. fruit soup
4. What utensil is appropriate in serving hot soup?
A. bowl C. soup bowl
B. basin D. tray
5. What makes a soup appetizing?
A. garnish C. taste
B. ingredients D. all of the above

Answer Key
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. D

Activity No.2. Photo Gallery

Directions: Instruct your learner to follow instruction below:
 Make a photo album of different soup creatively serve here and abroad.
 It should contain minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 15 pages
 Label each creative presentation

Learning Outcome 3 Prepare Sauces Required for Menu Item


Guide learners in performing the following activities. Tell them to follow the
procedures correctly and accurately.


Purposes: To prepare pan gravy

To follow basic procedure in making pan gravy.

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Roasting pan

Method 1
1. Remove the roast from the roasting pan.
2. Clarify the fat.
3. Deglaze the pan.
4. Combine with stock and simmer.
5. Make a roux or a slurry of arrowroot or cornstarch and water.
6. Thicken the gravy with the roux or cornstarch slurry.
7. Strain.
8. Adjust seasoning.

Method 2
1. Remove the roast from the roasting pan.
2. Clarify the fat.
3. Add flour to the roasting pan and make a roux.
4. Add stock. Stir until thickened and the pan is deglaze.
5. Strain. Skim excess fat.
6. Adjust consistency, if necessary, with more stock or more roux.
7. Season.

Ask them to evaluate their finished products using the score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

a. Color combination is attractive and ________ _______ ______

b. ingredients cooked just right _______ _______ ______
c. correct consistency not mushy/ very
thick/thin consistency ________ _______ ______

2. Palatability _______ _______ ______

A. delicious
B. tastes just right ________ _______ ______

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious ________ _______ ______

II. Procedure:

1. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients ________ _______ ______
b. used only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes ________ _______ ______
c. used time-saving techniques and
devices _______ _______ ______
2. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking, use
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holders ________ _______ ______
b. observed sanitary handling of food

3. Conservation of Nutrients ________ _______ ______
A. followed proper preparation and
cooking procedures ________ _______ ______

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)



Tools/Equipment Needed:

2 oz. clarified butter
2 oz. bread flour
¼ gal milk
¼ pc bay leaf
¼ pc onions
Salt to taste
Nutmeg to taste
White pepper to taste

1. Heat the butter in a heavy sauce pan in a very low heat. Add the flour and
make a
white roux. Cool the roux slightly.
2. In another sauce pan, scald the milk. Gradually add it to the roux, beating
3. Bring the sauce to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to simmer.
4. Stick the bay leaf to the onions and add to the sauce. Simmer at least
15 - 30 minutes or more. Stir occasionally while cooking.
5. Adjust the consistency with more hot milk if necessary.
6. Season lightly with salt, nutmeg and white pepper. Spice flavor should
not dominate.

.Direction:Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet.
I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

d. Color combination is attractive and ________ _______ ______

e. ingredients cooked just right _______ _______ ______
f. correct consistency not mushy/ very
thick/thin consistency ________ _______ ______

2. Palatability _______ _______ ______

A. delicious
B. tastes just right ________ _______ ______

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious ________ _______ ______

II. Procedure:

4. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients ________ _______ ______
b. used only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes ________ _______ ______
c. used time-saving techniques and
devices _______ _______ ______
5. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking, use
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holders ________ _______ ______
b. observed sanitary handling of food
6. Conservation of Nutrients ________ _______ ______
A. followed proper preparation and
cooking procedures ________ _______ ______

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)



Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing bowl

2½ lb butter
12 pcs egg yolks
2 fl oz. cold water
3 fl oz lemon juice
Salt to taste
Cayenne to taste

1. Clarify the butter. Keep the butter warm but not hot.
2. Place the egg yolks and cold water in a stainless steel bowl and beat well.
Beat in a few drops of lemon juice.
3. Hold the bowl over a hot water bath and continue to beat until the yolks are
thickened and creamy.
4. Remove the bowl from the heat. Using a ladle, slowly and gradually beat in
the warm butter. Add the butter drop by drop at first. If the sauce becomes
too thick to beat before all the butter is added, beat in a little of the lemon
5. When all the butter has been added, beat in lemon juice to taste and adjust
seasoning with salt and cayenne. Keep warm for service. Hold no longer
than 1 ½ hours.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

g. Color combination is attractive and ________ _______ ______

h. ingredients cooked just right _______ _______ ______
i. correct consistency not mushy/ very
thick/thin consistency ________ _______ ______

2. Palatability _______ _______ ______

A. delicious
B. tastes just right ________ _______ ______

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious ________ _______ ______

II. Procedure:

7. Use of Resources:
a. kept working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients ________ _______ ______
b. used only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes ________ _______ ______
c. used time-saving techniques and
devices _______ _______ ______
8. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking, use
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holders ________ _______ ______
b. observed sanitary handling of food
9. Conservation of Nutrients ________ _______ ______
A. followed proper preparation and
cooking procedures ________ _______ ______

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)


Instruct learners to choose the correct answer from the given choices and write the
letter of their answer in their test notebook.

1. A roux-based sauce made with margarine or butter, flavor, and brown stock.
A.brown sauce
B. butter sauce
C. Hollandaise sauce
D. Tomato sauce
2. Sauce made from melted butter or margarine to which seasonings are added.
A. brown sauce
B. Butter sauce
C. Hollandaise sauce
D. Tomato sauce
3. Sauce made by forming an emulsion with fat such as margarine, butter or
salad oil and egg.
A. Brown sauced
B. Butter sauce
C. Hollandaise or a Dutch
D. Tomato sauce
4. Sauce made with tomatoes and seasoned with spices and herbs.
A. Brown sauce
B. Butter sauce
C. Hollandaise sauce
D. Tomato sauce
5. Sauce made from a blend of salad oil, vinegar and seasoning.
A.Brown sauce
B.Butter sauce
C. Tomato sauce
D..White sauce

Answer Key

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D

Activity no.3. Research Hour
Directions: Instruct your students to make a research on the different kinds of sauce
and the food where it is commonly used. Include pictures and description. At least
10 sauces common in the Philippines and 10 from different countries.

Learning Outcome 4
Store and Reconstitute Stocks, Sauces and Soups

Activity No. 4 Photo Grid

Instruct your student to make an album (collage or scrapbook) of different stocks,
sauces, and soups. Includes description, ingredients, procedures, storing
procedures and how it isreconstituted. Your output will be evaluated using rubrics.

Let learners answer the assessmen on page 285.
Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the letter of
the correct answer. Write your answer in your test notebook

1. What do you call the birds that are hunted for food?
A. game C. poultry
B. livestock D. swine
2. What do you call a desexed male chicken usually under 8 months old?
A. broiler C. hen
B. capon D. rooster
3. Which of the following poultry originated from China and is noted for its tender and
flavorful meat?
A. chicken C. itik
B. goose D. pecking duck
4. What do you call the young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender meat?
A. duck C. rooster
B. fryer D. squab
5. Which of the following classes of poultry is on sale especially during the Christmas
A. broiler C. jumbo broiler
B. capon D. roaster
6. To what part of poultry does breast meat belong?
A. dark meat C. variety meat
B. tough meat D. white meat
7. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A. free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B. has clear eye
C. heavy and the skin is watery
D. thighs well develop
8. What do you call a young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of age ?
A. fryer C. roaster
B. hen D. stag
9. How many days should a whole chicken be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days

10. What is a male chicken under 10 months old?
A. fryer C. rooster
B. hen D. stag

Answer Key
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. D

Instruct learners to make a research on the market forms of poultry, different cuts of
poultry, characteristics of good quality poultry and preparation of poultry for cooking.

Learning Outcome 2 Cook Poultry and Game Dishes

Activity No.2 – Market Visit

Let learners follow the instructions below. Tell them that this will be a collaborative
 Find a partner
 Visit a supermarket or a wet market near you and do the following:
 List down the market forms of poultry being sold
 Take note of the appearance, color, odor and its cuts
 Make a report of your activity
 Submit your report in a short bond paper with folder


Guide learners in demonstrating the steps in fabricating chicken and deboning

chicken. Instruct them to follow the procedures on page 279. Tell them that their
performance will be evaluated using the rubric below.

Directions: Level
Ask the teacher to
assess your 10 - Can perform the skill very satisfactorily
performance in the without supervision and with initiative
following critical task and adaptability to problem situations.
and performance criteria 7 - Can perform the skill satisfactorily
below without assistance or supervision.
4 - Can perform the skill less satisfactorily
You will be rated based but requires some assistance and/or
on the overall evaluation supervision.
on the right side.
1 - Can perform parts of the skill
satisfactorily, but requires considerable
assistance and/or supervision.

Instructor will initial level achieved.


Guide learners in the preparation and cooking of the following recipes.

Chicken Galantina/Relleno


Knife 1 whole chicken, deboned

chopping board ½k ground pork

measuring cup ½k ground beef

measuring spoon 300 g ground chicken

oven 4 pieces sausage

wooden spoon 3 tbsp. sweet pickle relish 1/2 cup raisins

2 pieces hard boiled eggs

3/4 cup minced ham

3/4 cup cup chopped Vienna sausage

1/2 cup minced onion

1/2 cup grated carrot

1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper

5 tbsp bread crumbs

3/4 cup soy sauce

1 1/2 tsp. Juice of 1 lemon

1/2 tsp. salt

ground black pepper

Cooking Procedure

1. Combine ground pork, ham, sausage, bell pepper, carrot, onion, raisins,
sweet pickle relish, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
2. Add the bread crumbs and then continue mixing. Set aside.
3. Combine lemon juice and soy sauce in a large container. Stir.
4. Marinate the whole chicken in the lemon and soy sauce mixture for 30
5. Remove the chicken from the mixture and then stuff with half of the meat and
vegetable mixture.
6. Arrange the boiled eggs inside the chicken and then continue to put-in the rest
of the meat mixture.
7. Secure the chicken by wrapping it in aluminum foil
8. Meanwhile pre heat oven at 350 degree Fahrenheit.
9. Bake the Chicken Relleno for about 1 hour
10. Remove from oven. Remove aluminum foil on the surface then brush with
butter on top and on side
11. Bake again for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
12. Allow to cool
13. Slice into serving pieces.
14. Serve. Share and enjoy!
Directions: Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

ii. Color combination is attractive and ________ _______ ______

iii. ingredients cooked just right _______ _______ ______
iv. correct consistency not mushy/ very
thick/thin consistency ________ _______ ______

2. Palatability _______ _______ ______

A. delicious
B. tastes just right ________ _______ ______

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious ________ _______ ______

II. Procedure:

1. Use of Resources:
c. kept working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients ________ _______ ______
d. used only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes ________ _______ ______
e. used time-saving techniques and
devices _______ _______ ______
1. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking, use
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holders ________ _______ ______
b. observed sanitary handling of
food ________ _______ ______
2. Conservation of Nutrients
A. followed proper preparation and cooking ________ _______ ______

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)


Italian Chicken Roll-Ups

casserole 8 boneless skinless chicken breast
gas or electric stove halves (4 ounces each)
chopping board 8 thin slices (4 ounces) ham
measuring cup
measuring spoon 4 slices cheese, halved
wooden spoon
2/3 cup seasoned bread crumbs

1/2 cup grated cheese

.1/4 cup minced fresh parsley

1/2 cup milk

Cooking spray

frying pan

1. Preheat oven to 425°.
2. Flatten chicken to 1/4-in. thickness.
3. Place a slice of ham and half slice of provolone cheese on each piece of chicken.
4. Roll up from a short side and tuck in ends; secure with a toothpick.
5. In a shallow bowl, combine crumbs, Romano cheese and parsley.
6. Pour milk into another bowl. Dip chicken rolls in milk, then roll in crumb mixture.
7. Place roll-ups, seam side down, on a greased baking sheet. Spritz chicken with
cooking spray.
8. Bake, uncovered, 25 minutes or until meat is no longer pink.
9. Remove toothpicks. Yield: 8 servings.

Direction: Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet below.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

A. Color combination is attractive and appealing ________ _______ ______

B. ingredients cooked just right
C. correct consistency not mushy/ very _______ _______ ______
thick/thin consistency
________ _______ ______

2. Palatability _______ _______ ______

A. delicious
B. tastes just right ________ _______ ______

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious ________ _______ ______

II. Procedure:

1. Use of Resources:
f. kept working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients ________ _______ ______
g. used only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes ________ _______ ______
h. used time-saving techniques and
devices _______ _______ ______
3. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking, use
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel
and pot holders ________ _______ ______
b. observed sanitary handling of
food ________ _______ ______
4. Conservation of Nutrients
A. followed proper preparation and cooking ________ _______ ______

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)


Learning Outcome 3 Plate/Present Poultry and Game Dishes

Ask learners to choose the correct answer from the given choices and write the letter
of their answer on their answer sheet.

1. Act of arranging the meal on the individual plate immediately before it’s serving

A. Garnishing
B. Cooking
C. Plating
D. Serving
2. If the food is the masterpiece, then the plate is its _______

A. Accessories
B. Base
C. body
D. Frame
3. To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches

A. Plating
B. Presenting
C. Garnishing
D. Serving

Answer Key
1. C
2. C
3. C

Directions: Read and understand the statements/questions below. Choose the letter
of the correct answer and write it on your test notebook.

1. As a chef of a fine dining restaurant, Genie simmers meat, fish, and vegetables.
Which of the following liquids is a by-product after the different food stuffs have
been simmered?
A. glaze C. stock
B. sauce D. water

2. Which of the following stocks uses veal bone as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. white stock
3. What kind of stock uses fish as its main ingredient?
A. brown stock C. glace viande
B. fish stock D. ham stock

4. What stock uses chicken bone as its main ingredient?

A. fish stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. chicken stock
5. Among the different types of stock, which one is the easiest to prepare?
A. brown stock C. white stock
B. fish stock D. vegetable stock
6. What stock is made by boiling prawn shell?
A. fish stock C. prawn stock
B. ham stock D. vegetable stock
7. As a rule, which should not be added to the stock because it causes saltiness?
A. MSG C. spices
B. salt D. sugar
8. Mrs. Sante will be having visitors for dinner. If she will prepare stock for their
dinner, which of the following flavoring agents will she use to give aroma to the
A. aromatic flavoring C. ginger
B. garlic D. smoke
9. What makes the stock tasty and appetizing?
A. appearance C. ingredients
B. color D. smell

10. Which of the following is a clear soup?
A. bisques C. cream
B. bouillon D. puree
11. Which of the following examples is a thick soup?
A. bisques C. consommé
B. bouillon D. fruit
12. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?
A. flour C. rice
B. grain D. salt
13. Which of the four basic sauces whose basic ingredient is milk is thickened
with flour enriched with butter?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce

14. Which among the four basic sauces has a chief ingredient of chicken broth
thickened with flour and enriched with butter seasoning?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce
15. Which of the four basic sauces has three basic ingredients like butter, egg yolk,
and lemon juice with seasoning for accent?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. white sauce
B. savory butter D. veloute sauce
16. Which of the four basic sauces has a basic ingredient like butter that is creamed
and blended with other ingredients to give individual flavor?
A. Hollandaise sauce C. veloute sauce
B. savory butter D. white sauce
17. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?
A. dairy cream C. flour
B. egg D. spice
18. What do you call birds that are hunted for food?
A. game C. poultry
B. livestock D. swine
19. Which of the following poultry originated from China and is noted for its tender
and flavorful meat?
A. chicken C. itik
B. goose D. pecking duck
20. What do you call to young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender meat
is called___.
A. duck C. rooster
B. fryer D. squab
21. Poultry is composed of different parts. Which of the following do breast meat
A. dark meat C. variety meat
B. tough meat D. white meat

22. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A. free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B. has clear eye
C. heavy and the skin is watery
D. well-develop thighs
23. What do you call to young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of age?
A. fryer C. roaster
B. hen D. stag
24. How many days should a whole chicken should be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
25. How do you classify the fleshy part of chicken like breast?
A. entrails C. viscera
B. dark meat D. white meat
26. In cookery, we apply different cooking methods depending on the ingredients
that we have. If you will cook a matured poultry, which of the following methods
will you apply?
A. boiling C. roasting
B. frying D. stewing
27. What cookery method is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A. boiling C. roasting
B. frying D. stewing

28. What is the best cooking temperature for poultry?

A. high temperature C. low to moderate temperature
B. low temperature D. moderate temperature
29. What factor affects the poultry meat’s tenderness and juiciness?
A. age C. cuts
B. cookery D. sex
30. Which of the following can be done to prevent drying when reheating?
A. cook using sauces and gravy
B. overcook the poultry meat
C. remove fat before cooking
D. none of the above

Key to Correction

1. C 11. A 21. D
2. A 12. D 22. C
3. B 13. D 23. A
4. D 14. C 24. C
5. D 15. A 25. D
6. C 16. B 26. A
7. A 17. D 27. C
8. A 18. A 28. C
9. C 19. D 29. A
10. B 20. D 30. A

Explain to the learners that at the end of the quarter they are expected to:
1. perform mis ‘en place
2. cook meat cuts
3. present and evaluate meat dishes
4. store meat


Ask learners to read the following statements/questions carefully, choose the letter of
the correct answer, and write their answer in their test note book.

1. What animal produces veal meat?

A. calf
B. deer
C. hog
D. sheep
2. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. cured meat
B. fresh meat
C. frozen meat
D. processed meat
3. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. bone
B. fat
C. flesh
D. ligament
4. What part of the meat has the greatest amount of quality protein?
A. Bone
B. Fat
C. Flesh
D. Ligament

5. Which of the following meat cuts requires long and slow cooking
A. less tender C. tender
B. slightly tough D. tough
6. What is a long – bladed hatchet or a heavy knife used by a butcher?
A. butchers knife
B. chopper knife
C. cleaver knife
D. set of slicing knife
7. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat method?
A. baking
B. broiling
C. roasting
D. stewing
8. What do you call a method when meat is cooked in steaming liquid in
which bubbles are breaking on the surface?
A. boiling
B. broiling
C. roasting
D. stewing
9. What is an oil-acid mixture which is used to enhance the flavor of meat?
A. brine solution
B. marinade
C. soy sauce and vinegar
D. salt and calamansi

10. Which of the following tools is used for carving?

A. cleaver knife
B. fork
C. slicer
D. razor knife
11. To which meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. less tender cuts
B. tender cuts
C. tough cuts
D. variety cuts
12. Where should meat products be stored?
A. crisper
B. cold shelf
C. dry shelf
D. freezer

13. Which of the following is the tenderest cut of beef?
A. chunk
B. round cut
C. sirloin
D. tenderloin
14. When buying meat, what should you first consider?
A. brand
B. price
C. quality
D. round cut
15. What is your primary consideration when storing goods?
A. expiration date
B. fragility
C. quantity
D. size
16. These are taken from the internal organs of animals.
A. less tender cuts
B. tender cuts
C. tough cuts
D. variety cuts
17. A slaughtered animal is called ______________.
A. a carabeef
B. a carcass
C. a pork
D. a poultry
18. The most common method of preserving meat is________________.
A. Curing
B. drying
C. refrigerating
D. salting
19. In this method, salt, sugar, potassium or sodium nitrate etc. are used in
preserving meat by drying
A. curing
B. dehydration
C. freezing
D. salting
20. The following are the characteristics of good quality pork, except;
A. breast is plump
B. flesh is pink
C. no foul odor
D. texture is fine and firm

21. A tool used for cutting through bones.
A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

22. Used for carving and slicing cooked meats.

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. slicer
D. utility knife

23. A knife used for general purposes.

A. Butcher knife
B. Chef knife
C. Cleaver
D. Utility knife

24. It is used in carving roasts chicken and duck.

A. Carving knife
B. Cleaver knife
C. Slicer
D. Utility knife

25. Used for cutting, trimming raw meats.

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

26. Meat of swine is called:

A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Chevon
D. Pork

27. Veal is the meat of:

A. Cattle over 1 year old
B. Goat
C. Sheep
D. Young calf

28. Deer meat is called:
A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Chevon
D. Pork
29. Meat of cattle over 1 year old
A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Pork
D. Chevon
30. Meat of sheep is called:

A. Lamb
B. Carabeef
C. Pork
D. Chevon

Answer Key
11. D 21. C
1. D

2. D 12. D 22. C

3. D 13. D 23. B

4. C 14. C 24. D

5. D 15. A 25. A

16. D 26. D
6. A

7. B 17. B 27. D

18. C 28. C
8. A

9. B 19. A 29. A

10. B 20. A 30. A

Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mis’en Place

Ask learners to match Column A with Column B and write the letter of their answer in
a separate sheet.

Column A Column B

_____1. Used for cutting through bones. A. Butcher knife

_____2. Used for carving and slicing

cooked meats B. Chef knife

_____3. For general purposes. C. Cleaver

_____4. Carving roast chicken and duck. D. Utility knife

_____5. Used for cutting, trimming raw meats. E. Slicer

B. Column A Column B

___1. Young calf A. beef

___2. Deer B. carabeef

___3. Sheep C. veal

___4. Cattle over one year old D. lamb

___5. Carabao E. chevron

Answer Key
1. C
2. E
3. B
4. D
5. A
1. C
2. E
3. D
4. A
5. B

Learning Outcome 2 Cook Meat Cuts



Guide learners in preparing and cooking the given recipes. This will be a group
collaboration activity. Instruct students to perform recipes using different methods of
cooking meat. Your outputs will be evaluated using a performance rubric.

Roasted Meat

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Chopping board
Roasting pan
Serving plate

Materials/ingredients needed:
Meat (any kind)
Brown Stock

1. Collect all equipments and food supplies. Use roasting pans that have low
side and just large enough to hold the roast.
2. Prepare a trim meat for roasting.
3. Season meat several hours or the day before.
4. Place meat fat side up on a rack in the roasting pan.
5. Place meat in preheated oven.
6. Roast to desired doneness.
7. Remove roast from oven and let stand in a warm place for 15-30 minutes.
8. Prepare pan gravy from drippings by;
a. degrees pan used in roasting meat
b. add mirepoix and let brown
c. deglaze with brown stock
d. simmer for desired time
e. strain and skim fat
9. Slice roast meat across the grain and serve with gravy.

Tell them to evaluate their finished products using the given score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

A. Attractive and appealing to _________ _________ ________


B.pleasing and has a good color

combination _________ _________ ________

C. ingredients cooked just right
D. correct consistency not mushy/
very thick/thin consistency _________ ________ ________


A. delicious _________ _________ ________

B. tastes just right _________ _________ ________

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious _________ _________ ________

II. Procedure:

4. Use of Resources:
a. Kept working table orderly
while preparing the
b. used only the proper and _________ _________ ________
needed utensils and dishes
c. used time-saving
techniques and devices
_________ _________ ________

5. Cleanliness and Sanitation

a. was well-groomed and
properly dressed for
cooking, use of clean
apron, hair nets, hand
towel and pot holders _________ _________ ________
b. observed anitary handling
of food
6. Conservation of Nutrients
a. followed proper preparation
and cooking procedures
_________ _________ ________

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)


Purpose: Prepare and cook braised short ribs

Tools/Equipment Needed:

String for tying
Ingredients Needed:

25 kg short rib sections

250 ml oil
300 g onions
150 g celery
150 g carrots
150 g bread flour
25 l brown stock
150 ml tomato puree
2 pcs. bay leaves
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


1. Tie the short ribs so the meat will stay on the bone during cooking.
2. Dry the meat so it will brown easily.
3. Heat the oil in a heavy skillet until very hot. Brown the meat on all sides.
Transfer browned meat to a browning pan.
4. Sauté onions, celery and carrot to the skillet until lightly browneD.
5. Stir in the bread flour to make a roux.
6. Add the brown stock and tomato puree. Simmer until thickens.
7. Add bay leaf and season to taste with salt and pepper.
8. Pour the sauce over the steaks. Cover and braise until tender.
9. Transfer the steaks in a serving plate.
10. Strain the sauce and pour over steaks.

Direction: Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

A.attractive and appealing to _________ _________ ________


B.pleasing and has a good color

combination _________ _________ ________

C. ingredients cooked just right

D. correct consistency not mushy/
very thick/thin consistency _________ ________ ________

2. Palatability

A. delicious _________ _________ ________

B. tastes just right _________ _________ ________

3. Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious _________ _________ ________

II. Procedure:

4.Use of Resources:
a. Kept working table orderly
while preparing the
b. used only the proper and _________ _________ ________
needed utensils and dishes
c. used time-saving
techniques and devices
_________ _________ ________
5. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. was well-groomed and
properly dressed for
cooking, use of clean
apron, hair nets, hand
towel and pot holders

b. observed sanitary handling _________ _________ ________
of food
6. Conservation of Nutrients
a. followed proper
preparation and cooking
procedures _________ _________ ________

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)

Broiling/Grilling Meats

Purpose: To prepare and cook meat for broiling or grilling.

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Broiler or Griller
Brush for meat
Ingredients Needed:
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Collect and prepare all equipment and supplies. Trim excess fat from
meats to avoid flare-ups.

2. Preheat the broiler or grill.

3. Brush the meat with oil, or dip it in oil and let excess drip off. Place the
meat on the broiler or grill. The oil helps prevent sticking and keeps the
product moist.

4. When one side is brown and the meat is cooked halfway, turn it over with
a fork (piercing only the fat, not the meat, or juices will be lost) or tongs.

5. Cook the second side until the meat is cooked to the desired doneness. If
the meat is to be brushed with a glaze or sauce, it is usually best to wait
until the product is partially cooked on each side before applying the first
coat. After the meat has cooked on both sides is ½ to ¾ done, brushes
the top with a light coat of the sauce. Turnover and repeat as necessary.

6. Remove from broiler or grill and serve immediately.

Direction: Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

A.attractive and appealing to _________ _________ ________


B.pleasing and has a good color

combination _________ _________ ________

C. ingredients cooked just right

D. correct consistency not mushy/
very thick/thin consistency _________ ________ ________


A. delicious _________ _________ ________

B. tastes just right _________ _________ ________

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious _________ _________ ________

II. Procedure:

1. Use of Resources:
A. kept working table orderly
while preparing the
B. used only the proper and _________ _________ ________
needed utensils and dishes
C. used time-saving
techniques and devices
_________ _________ ________

2. Cleanliness and Sanitation

A. was well-groomed and
properly dressed for
cooking, use of clean
apron, hair nets, hand
towel and pot holders _________ _________ ________
B. observed sanitary handling
of food
3. Conservation of Nutrients
A. followed proper
preparation and cooking
_________ _________ ________

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)




Measuring spoon 1k beef, sliced 1/4 inch thick (3 pcs.)

Measuring cup ¼k ground beef liver

Knife 200 grams sliced sausages or ham

Weighing scale 200 grams pork fat (cut is strips)

Pot or pressure cooker 3 pcs. hard boiled eggs, sliced

100 grams cheddar cheese in strips

100 grams grated cheddar cheese

2 onions, chopped

5 pcs. bay leaf (laurel)

½ tsp ground black pepper

½ cup
2 tsp.
2 cups
thread or string (for tying)
2 meters


1. Spread and stretch the sliced beef on your working table.

2. Arrange the filling on the sliced beef: sausage strips, cheese strips, sliced
eggs, pork fat and some ground liver.
3. Roll the sliced beef with all the filling inside and secure with a thread or
4. Repeat the procedure for the two remaining beef slices.
5. On a pot, place the beef rolls and put the water, the remaining ground liver,
grated cheese, chopped onions, bay leaves, ground black pepper and salt.
6. Cover the pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for one hour.
7. Add the vinegar and continue to simmer of another hour or until beef is
8. Slice the beef morcon, arrange on a platter and top with the sauce/ gravy.
(Estimated cooking time: 2 to 3 hours.)\
Cooking Tips:
 A spoon or two of flour can be added to water to thicken the sauce.
 Instead of boiling in a pot, you can use a pressure cooker for faster cooking.
 Optional: Garnish with olives before serving.
Evaluate your finished products using the score sheet.

I. Product: Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. General Appearance

A.attractive and appealing to _________ _________ ________


B. pleasing and has a good color

combination _________ _________ ________

C. ingredients cooked just right

D.correct consistency not mushy/
very thick/thin consistency _________ _________ ________


A. delicious _________ _________ ________

B. tastes just right _________ _________ ________

3.Nutritive Value

A. highly nutritious _________ _________ ________

II. Procedure:

1.Use of Resources:
a. kept working table orderly
while preparing the
b. used only the proper and _________ _________ ________
needed utensils and dishes
c. used time-saving
techniques and devices
_________ _________ ________
2. Cleanliness and Sanitation
a. was well-groomed and ______ _______ ________
properly dressed for
cooking, used of clean ________ ________ _______
apron, hair nets, hand
towel and pot holders
b. observed sanitary handling
of food ________ ________ ________
3. Conservation of Nutrients
A. followed proper
preparation and cooking

SCORE: (maximum of 42 pts.)

Learning Outcome 3 Plate/Present Meat Dishes
Guide learners in knowing the basic principles of platter presentation.

Ask learners to select the best answer and write only the letter of their answer on
their answer sheet

1. In platter presentation uncut portion of the main food item is

A. garnish B. serving portions C. centerpiece

2. It is arranged artistically in proportion to the cut slices.

A. slices B. serving portions C. garnish

3. The food should be easy to handle and

A. garnish B. serve C. arrangement

4. Use attractive platter presentation made of metals, mirrors, plastic or

wood,and A. china B. pan C. platter

5. A. slices B. garnish C. centerpiece or

serving portions of the main food item are arranged artistically.

Answer Key
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A


Guide learners in performing the given recipes. Tell them that they may use
ingredients to make their product more palatable and nutritious.



Knife 1k Pork , slice thinly
chopping board 1 tbsp. salt
mortar and pestle ½ tsp. curing salt
strainer 1 tbsp. phosphate
measuring cup ¼ cup water
measuring spoon Second mixture
wooden spoon 1 cup sugar
mixing bowl 2 tbsp Garlic
2 tbsp Anisado wine or Rhum
1 tsp Meat enhancer (optional)
¼ cup Pineapple juice
2 tsp. Oyster sauce
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce


1. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for the 1st mixture together. Set aside.
2. On another bowl, mix all ingredients for the 2nd mixture.
3. Combine 1st and 2nd mixture
4. Pack it by 250 grms.


Ask learners to read the following statements/questions carefully, choose the letter of
the correct answer,and write their answer in their test note book.

1. What animal produces veal meat?

A. calf
B. deer
C. hog
D. sheep

2. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. cured meat
B. fresh meat
C. frozen meat
D. processed meat

3. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. bone
B. fat
C. flesh
D. ligament

4. What part of the meat has the greatest amount of quality protein?
A. Bone
B. Fat
C. Flesh
D. Ligament

5. Which of the following meat cuts requires long and slow cooking temperature?
A. less tender C. tender
B. slightly tough D. tough

6. What is a long – bladed hatchet or a heavy knife used by a butcher.

A. butchers knife
B. chopper knife
C. cleaver knife
D. set of slicing knife

7. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat method?
A. baking
B. broiling
C. roasting
D. stewing

8. What do you call the cooking method when meat is cooked in steaming liquid
and bubbles are breaking on surface?
A. boiling
B. broiling
C. roasting
D. stewing

9. What is an oil-acid mixture which is used to enhance the flavor of meat.

A. brine solution
B. marinade
C. soy sauce and vinegar
D. salt and calamansi

10. Which of the following tools is used for carving?

A. cleaver knife
B. fork
C. slicer
D. razor knife

11. To which meat cut do internal organs belong?

A. less tender cuts
B. tender cuts
C. tough cuts
D. variety cuts

12. Where should meat products be stored?

A. crisper
B. cold shelf
C. dry shelf
D. freezer

13. Which of the following is the tenderest cut of beef?

A. chunk
B. round cut
C. sirloin
D. tenderloin

14. When buying meat, what should you first consider?
A. brand
B. price
C. quality
D. round cut

15. What is your primary consideration when storing goods?

A. expiration date
B. fragility
C. quantity
D. size

16. These are taken from the internal organs of animals.

A. less tender cuts
B. tender cuts
C. tough cuts
D. variety cuts

17. A slaughtered animal is called ______________.

A. a carabeef
B. a carcass
C. a pork
D. a poultry

18. The most common method of preserving meat is________________.

A. Curing
B. drying
C. refrigerating
D. salting

19. In this method, salt, sugar, potassium or sodium nitrate etc. are used in
preserving meat by drying
A. curing
B. dehydration
C. freezing
D. salting

20. The following are the characteristics of good quality pork, except;
A. breast is plump
B. flesh is pink
C. no foul odor
D. texture is fine and firm

21. A tool used for cutting through bones.
A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

22. Used for carving and slicing cooked meats.

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. slicer
D. utility knife

23. A knife used for general purposes.

A. Butcher knife
B. Chef knife
C. Cleaver
D. Utility knife

24. It is used in carving roasts chicken and duck.

A. Carving knife
B. Cleaver knife
C. Slicer
D. Utility knife

25. Used for cutting, trimming raw meats.

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

26. Meat of swine is called:

A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Chevon
D. Pork

27. Veal is the meat of:

A. Cattle over 1 year old
B. Goat
C. Sheep
D. Young calf

28. Deer meat is called:

A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Chevon
D. Pork

29. Meat of cattle over 1 year old

A. Beef
B. Carabeef
C. Pork
D. Chevon

30. Meat of sheep is called:

A. Lamb
B. Carabeef
C. Pork
D. Chevon

Answer Key
11. D 21. C
1. D

2. D 12. D 22. C

13. D 23. B
3. D

4. C 14. C 24. D

5. D 15. A 25. A

6. A 16. D 26. D

7. D 17. B 27. D

18. C 28. C
8. A

9. B 19. A 29. A

20. A 30. A
10. B

Instruct learners to read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that
best describes the statement. Tell them to write their answer on their test notebook.

1. Which of the following sources of starch is rarely used in manufacturing food

A. Cassava C. Potato
B. Corn D. Rice
2. Which of the following starch properties/reactions is the resistance to flow;
increase in thickness or consistency.
A. Dextrinization C. Retrogadation
B. Gelatinization D. Viscosity
3. Which of the following is suggested if you will hold pasta for a short time for later
A. Cook pasta ahead of time and chilled
B. Drain and add sauce
C. Drain, toss with a small amount of oil, cover and hold in warmer
D. Slightly undercook the pasta
4. Which is the process of making a new product to be sold to the customers.
A. Product Analysis C. Product Development
B. Product Conceptualization D. Product Implementation
5. Which is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of
your brand.
A. Branding C. Tagline
B. Product Naming D. Unique Selling Proposition
6. Which managerial tool used to assess the environment to gather important
information used for strategic planning.
A. Environmental Scanning C. Survey Analysis
B.SWOT Analysis D. WOTS Analysis
7. Which of the following is the right step by step procedures in manual dishwashing.
A. Drain and air-dry, scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, sanitize, and wash dishes.
B. Rinse, scrape and pre-rinse, wash, drain, air-dry and sanitize dishes
C. Scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, wash, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
D. Scrape and pre-rinse, wash, rinse, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
8. Which of the following parts of an egg is produced by the oviduct and consist of
four alternating layers of thick and thin consistencies.
A. Air cell C. Chalaza
B. Albumen D. Yolk

9. Which of the following vitamins is not found in egg?
A. B1 C. D
B. C D. K
10. The appearance of egg is important for consumer appeal. How are egg shells
A. cleanliness, shape, texture and soundness
B. grade, texture, cleanliness, shape
C. shape, texture, cleanliness and size
D. texture, soundness, size and cleanliness
11. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used in cooking.
A. Dried egg C. Frozen egg
B. Fresh egg D. Shelled egg
12. Which of the following raises coagulation temperature producing softer, weaker
gel when added to egg used in culinary.
A. Alkali C. Sugar
B. Salt D. Vinegar
13. Which kind of egg dish is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely
simmering water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape.
A. Fried egg C. Scrambled egg
B. Poached egg D. Soft-boiled egg
14. Which of the following tools is not used in cooking omelet?
A. Bowls C. Sauté pan
B. Fork D. Skimmer
15. Which of the following is true in plating egg dishes?
A. Choose serving dish small enough to let each food item stand out
B. Play with color and texture
C. Protein dish should cover half of the plate
D. Use even numbers in setting the dish.
16. What animal produces veal meat?
A. Calf
B. Deer
C. Hog
D. Sheep
17. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. Cured meat
B. Fresh meat
C. Frozen meat
D. Processed meat
18. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. Bone
B. Fat
C. Flesh
D. Ligament

19. What part of the meat has the greatest amount of quality protein?
A. Bone
B. Fat
C. Flesh
D. Ligament
20. Which of the following meat cuts requires long and slow cooking temperature?
A. Less tender C. Tender
B. Slightly tough D. Tough
21. What do you call the young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender
A. Duck C. Rooster
B. Fryer D. Squab
22. What part of poultry does breast meat belong?
A. Dark meat C. Variety meat
B. Tough meat D. White meat
23. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A. Free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B. Eyes are clear
C. Skin is heavy and watery
D. Thighs well develop
24. What do you call a young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of age?
A. Fryer C. Roaster
B. Hen D. Stag
25. How many days should a whole chicken be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
26. How do you classify fleshy part of chicken like breast?
A. Entrails C. Viscera
B. Dark meat D. White meat
27. What cookery method is used for a matured poultry?
A. Boiling C. Roasting
B. Frying D. Stewing
28. What cookery method is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A. Boiling C. Roasting
B. Frying D. Stewing
29. What is the best cooking temperature for poultry?
A. High temperature C. Low to moderate temperature
B. Low temperature D. Moderate temperature
30. What factor affects the poultry meat’s tenderness and juiciness?
A. Age C. Cuts
B. Cookery D. Sex

31. What do you call a long – bladed hatchet or a heavy knife used by a butcher?
A. Butchers knife
B. Chopper knife
C. Cleaver knife
D. Set of slicing knife
32. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat

A. Baking
B. Broiling
C. Roasting
D. Stewing
33. What do you call the cooking method when meat is cooked in steaming liquid?
A. Boiling
B. Broiling
C. Roasting
D. Stewing
34. What is an oil-acid mixture which is use to enhance the flavor of meat?
A. Brine solution
B. Marinade
C .Soy sauce and vinegar
D. Salt and calamansi
35. Which of the following tools is used for carving?
A. Cleaver knife
B. Fork
C. Slicer
D. Razor knife
36. To which meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. Less tender cuts
B. Tender cuts
C. Tough cuts
D. Variety cuts
37. Where should meat products be stored?
A. Crisper
B. Cold shelf
C. Dry shelf
D. Freezer
38. Which of the following is the tenderest cut of beef?
A. Chunk
B. Round cut
C. Sirloin
D. Tenderloin

39. When buying meats, what should you first consider?
A. Brand
B. Price
C. Quality
D. Round cut
40. What is your primary consideration when storing goods?
A. Expiration date
B. Fragility
C. Quantity
D. Size
41. Which is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor
to some vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
C. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
42. Which is a way of cooking by placing blanched or raw vegetables in the pan,
adding liquid (stock, water, wine) then covering and cooking it slowly?
A. Boiling C. Braising
B. Baking D. Sautéing
43. Which of the following plating styles is not a classic arrangement?
A. The starch or vegetable item is heaped in the center while the main item is
sliced and leaned up against it.
B. The main item in the center, with vegetable distributed around it.
C. The vegetable item in front and main item, starch item and garnish at the rear.
D. The main item in the center with neat piles of vegetables carefully arranged
44. Which of the following vegetables is cooked uncovered?
A. Fruit vegetables C. Roots and tubers
B. Green vegetables D. Yellow vegetables
45. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
A. Bluefish C. Grouper
B. Cat fish D. Sole
46. Which is the market form of fish where both sides of a fish are still joined but
bones are removed?
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Drawn D. Steak
47. Which of the following is a characteristic of a fresh fish?
A. Fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Red or pink gills
D. Flesh shrink when pressed
48. Which of the following seafood is cooked just enough to heat to keep juicy and
A. Fat fish C. Flat fish
B. lean fish D. Shellfish

49. Which is a cooking method suited to fat fish?
A. Baking C. Deep -frying
B. Boiling D. Sautéing
50. What is basted to baked lean fish to help prevent fish from drying up?
A. Butter C. Soy sauce
B. Cream D. Tomato sauce

Key to Correction
1. D 11. C 21. A 31. D 41. D
2. C 12. D 22. D 32. D 42. A
3. A 13. A 23. A 33. C 43. C
4. C 14. B 24. B 34. A 44. B
5. D 15. B 25. C 35. C 45. B
6. B 16. A 26. D 36. D 46. A
7. D 17. B 27.D 37. A or D 47. C
8. B 18. B 28.D 38. A or D 48. D
9. D 19. C 29. C 39. C 49. A
10. A 20. A 30. A 40. A 50. A


Over the past years, a transition in cooking and food preparation skills has
been observeD. This transition in cooking and food preparation skills involves the
increased use of readily prepared or cooked food, which require less preparation and
time than the traditional way of cooking. But cooking is an expression of creativity,
happiness, magic and culture. The satisfaction gained by the chef and other persons
preparing, cooking, serving and storing the food is unquestionable, not to mention
the pleasure it gives to the customer.

Different food products may come and go but the demand for food cooked in
traditional way, in restaurants, food chains, and others is indispensable. Varieties of
foods such as egg, cereal and starch, vegetables, seafood, red meat, poultry dishes
and also stocks, soups and sauces are still made available to give the customer’s

Taste is not the only sense that can motivate customers but touch also play
with contrasts of temperatures and textures, and so with smell and sight for colors,
shapes and others, whereby the five senses become one of the main points of
reference in the creative cooking process.

Now, if you have a passion for delicious food and love for cooking gain
applicable,and practical guidance that will teach you to become successful chef or
businessman in the field of cookery someday.

aromatic– having a smell of fragrant spicy

béchamel sauce – a white sauce made of cream, butter, flour and flavored with
onion and seasoning.

Birefringence - When starch granules are viewed under the microscope using
polarized light, they exhibit a phenomenon known as
birefringence. The refraction of polarized light by the intact
crystalline regions in starch give characteristic "Maltese cross"
patterns on each granule. The disappearance of these crosses
on heating a starch suspension can be used to determine
gelatinization temperature.

bouillon – a clear soup from beef, chicken, and other meat.

broth – a fluid food made by boiling meat and vegetable in water

butcher – a person who slaughters animals for food

chowder – a soup usually of clams or fish stewed vegetables often in milk.

clarification – to make or become clear

coating – to cover with flour

combine– to mix the ingredients in the bowl

consommé – a clear soup made of meat and sometimes vegetables boiled in


contamination – unintended presence of harmful substances or disease

causing microorganisms in food

damp - moist slightly wet

dark meat- the dark meat parts which include the legs, drumstick, wings and
decomposition – the state of being rotten or spoiled

dressed - slaughtered birds that have been bled, defeathered and the
organs are removed

drip – to fall or let fall in drops

drippings- the juice that drips from roasting or baking meat or a sauce
made from it.
entrails- the animals internal organs such as liver, heart and gizzard

entrees – main course

foodhandling – any operation in the production, preparation, processing,

packaging, storage, transport, distribution and sale of food

freeze– to preserve meat by refrigeration below freezing point

frozen – subject to long and serve cold, chilly or cold manner

fumet – the savory color of meat while cooking

games – birds that are hunted for food.

Haugh – unit for describing egg freshness, based on the thickness of the

Leavener - substances that are used to make bread and other baked goods

marinade – an oil-acid mixture used to give flavor and to tenderize meat.

mirepoix – a mixture of vegetable, herbs, and spices with or without meat,

used to enhance flavor of meat, fish and shell fish.
perishable food– subject to decay or spoilage

pheasant– long tailed domesticated bird

plump – fleshy

poach – to cook food in hot liquid in such a manner that it retains it
original shape
portion- a part of whole or to divide into parts

processed food – meat processed by curing ingredients

quality – characteristics

reconstitute– to add appropriate amount of water to sauce or soup.

roux- a melted butter mixed with brown flour for thickening soup and
sanitation – keeping the food equipment, utensils, and work area clean.

sauce – a thickened liquid used to flavor and enhance other food

savory – a hardy, annual aromatic culinary herb of the mint family
scum – a firmly layer of impure matters on the surface of a liquid

seasoning – a spice for enhancing the flavor of food

simmer – to cook very gently in water just below the boiling point

skim – to remove floating water from the surface with a ladle

slaughter – to butcher an animal for food.

spice- an aromatic, pungent vegetable substance used to flavor food

and beverages.
spoilage – to become rotten or decayed

stew – to simmer or boil in a small quantity of liquid.

Stock- a liquid in which meat fish, and sometimes vegetables have

been cooked
storage– a space for storing

stripped off - to remove or to take away

suitable– appropriate

tender cut– part of meat that requires less period of cooking

thaw – to change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming.

tough cut– part of meat that requires longer period of cooking

veloutes – a rich white sauce made by thickening chicken or veal stock with
flour and water.

vermin– various small animals or insects such as rats or cockroaches

that are destructive, annoying or hazardous to health.

wastage - loss by use

white meat- includes the white, fleshy part of the chicken such as the breast.


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