IPEM STP Guide - Rotations F7 PDF
IPEM STP Guide - Rotations F7 PDF
IPEM STP Guide - Rotations F7 PDF
ultrasound dept, new/existing laser in theatre/clinical room, UV light therapy suite, risk assessment of
Perform a risk assessment of a non-ionising radiation facility
an MRI suite
Measure and analyse quantitative equipment performance perform ultrasound/MRI QA and electrical safety test on an ultrasound scanner
Measure and analyse quantitative imaging equipment performance MRI/US QA, T1 mapping (MRI) if available at centre
Examples of possible subjects for CbD. Note that these are not Competencies which may share evidence
Examples of possible evidence
prescribed within the Learning Guide with this CbD
DVT scan case study (from patient referral/ history, scan, result following US -write up of DVT patient case study (scan performed by trainee), including scan images, discussion
PP1-C-1, PP1-c-3, PP1-C-8, PP1-C-8, PP1-
patient through to treatment/management in the haematology of reasons for referral, symptoms, risk factors for DVT, scan protocol (including choice of imaging
department controls), patient management following scan (DVT clinic)
Discuss non-ionising radiation safety Discussion on bio-effects of ultrasound/MRI/UV/lasers, current guidelines and standards in non-ionising
radiation (e.g. MHRA, BMUS COAR at work regs)
write up of Carotid stenosis patient case study (scan performed by trainee), including scan images,
PP1-C-1, PP1-c-3, PP1-C-8, PP1-C-8, PP1-
Carotid Doppler case study (from patient referral/history , scan, result, discussion of reasons for referral, symptoms, risk factors, disease processes, scan protocol (including
through to management (endarterectomy) choice of imaging controls), patient management following scan (endarterectomy, surgical referral (follow
patient through to vascular surgeon and attend surgery if feasible)
Discussion on design & management of: MRI facility (e.g. controlled areas, signage, staff/patient
Design & management of MRI/UV/Laser facility screening, categories of staff , patient set-up/coils, MR safety, acoustic noise, contrast agents), UV (e.g.
light therapy facility), laser (risk assess a new laser in theatres)
Other competencies which may be
Outcome Code Competency Examples of evidence
demonstrated by this evidence
Formal write up of project: "Investigate the effects of Doppler controls on blood flow measurements".
Which covers Initial investigation of the controls using the Doppler flow Phantom, followed by the
practical use of the controls in a range of basic clinical Doppler scans (DVT, Carotid, Arterial - both
observed and performed by the trainee). To include examples of flow phantom images to demonstrate
Use Doppler to determine blood flow characteristics,
the effect of the controls, and images from clinical scans performed by the trainee with a discussion of
INIR-C-1 appropriately selecting harmonic imaging, Doppler and INIR-C-2, INIR-C12
their choice and adjustment of the Doppler and imaging settings: a summary of the controls , how they
other techniques to maximise the diagnostic potential
work, advantages and disadvantages, errors, artefacts, when and why they are used clinically.
Attendance at US clinics to observe or assist with Doppler measurements e.g. carotid scans, vein
mapping, transcranial monitoring, Obstetric scanning. Documenting types of Doppler used, velocity
profiles, PI & RI measurements
Formal write up of project: "Investigate the effects of user-selectable B-mode parameters". Which covers
Initial investigation of the effect and use of B-mode controls using QA Phantoms, followed by the
practical use of the controls in a range of basic clinical Doppler scans (DVT, Carotid, Arterial - both
Investigate the effects of user-selectable parameters such observed and performed by the trainee). To include examples of phantom images to demonstrate the
INIR-C-2 as Time-Gain Compensation (TGC), gain, power, etc. on effect of the controls, and images from clinical scans performed by the trainee with a discussion of their INIR-C-1, INIR-C12,
the viewable image choice and adjustment of the Doppler and imaging settings: a summary of the controls , how they work,
advantages and disadvantages, errors, artefacts, when and why they are used clinically. Provide
phantom (and clinical if possible) images showing effects of scanner controls image quality. Provide
explanations of the how these parameters affect image quality
Written report of routine B-mode QA tests performed by the trainee, including a summary and discussion
Perform routine quality control measurements on of the test regime and procedures, IPEM guidelines, including the reasons/purpose of each test, choice
INIR-C-3 ultrasound scanners, including general, small parts and of test phantom, frequency of test and tolerance levels, and any action required. With examples INIR-C6,INIR-C10, INIR-C11, INIR-C12
cardiac scanners (including images) of test measurements performed by the trainee. As above for Doppler QA
measurements with a string phantom
Formal write up of Power balance/hydrophone project by taking measurements using a diagnostic
ultrasound power balance and / or suitable hydrophone for B-mode and Doppler mode pulses.
INIR-C-4 Make measurements of ultrasound power output INIR-C6,INIR-C10,INIR-C12, INIR-C14
Note: Not all departments have the specialist equipment / expertise needed to complete this
competency - training courses should be available
Formal written report of routine MR QA tests performed by the trainee, including a summary and
Perform routine quality control measurements on a clinical discussion of the test regime and procedures, IPEM/international guidelines, including the
magnetic resonance scanner reasons/purpose of each test, choice of test phantom, frequency of test and tolerance levels, and any
action required
Undertake online and offline analysis and interpretation of Formal written report on analysis of routine MR QA tests including methods/choice of analysis
the results techniques, tolerance levels, and any action required
Formal written report on scanning an "in-house" simple phantom (e.g. test-tubes containing water, oil,
Investigate the methods of varying the tissue contrast
INIR-C-7 sugar solution, paramagnetic salt) including discussion of simple sequences (T1W, T2W, proton density, INIR-C12
weighting using a contrast phantom
water/fat saturation) and image contrast
Review a range of normal and pathological images
INIR-C-8 obtained in one common application using simple pulse log of MR clinical observations or written case report for common applications (e.g. brain, spine, knee)
Formal reports and examples of UV QA, laser QA, physiotherapy output measurements.
Analysis of laser measurements described above - consider energy/power output in relation to effect on
treatment and requirements from standards. Determine cause of any anomalies found, e.g.
measurement technique/calibration/accuracy, damage to optics
Measure and analyse quantitative measurements of non- UV -Make measurements for calibrating cabin and Hand/foot machines - considering calibration of the
INIR-C-11 RADS4-C-1 to 4, RADS5-C-1 to 10
imaging equipment performance measuring instrument, occupied vs. non-occupied calibration for cabins, tolerances and action levels.
US - Analysis of differences between expected and measured power for physio units both in terms of
detector inaccuracies, measurement technique and equipment performance
Note: Not all departments have the specialist equipment/expertise needed to complete this competency -
training courses should be available
US-Example of safe working when performing B-mode/ Doppler ultrasound scans: ALARP, MI, TI,
infection control techniques (hand washing, gloves, apron, probe/machine decontamination inc. MRSA,
HIV, Cdiff), manual handling techniques, patient safety (chaperoning)
MRI- performing MRI QA measurements & investigating tissue contrast
Work safely in rooms where exposure to non-ionising
INIR-C-12 Laser-Present during laser treatments and/or measurements. Performing laser measurements/ Provide INIR-C3, INIR-C5
radiation may present a hazard
recommendations to theatre staff regarding use of PPE, Controlled areas and working procedures for
laser and UV
UV - Performing UV measurements using appropriate PPE and adherence to Risk Assessments and
Local Rules
US- checking scanner/probes/cables for damage, trip hazard from cables, ALARA principle scanning
volunteer/patients, infection control, correct posture when scanning to avoid RSA
MRI - consideration of dangers of working with strong magnetic fields (static, gradient, RF), controlled
areas, identifying MR unsafe/MR-safe/MR conditional equipment, acoustic noise
Perform a risk assessment of a non-ionising radiation
INIR-C-13 Laser-consideration of relative risks in theatre, for example (e.g. for door locking/access to room vs. RADS4-C-1 to 4, RADS5-C-1 to 10
NOHD, use of goggles/comfort during long surgical procedures with low risk of accidental exposure)
UV - Do risk assessments, include: measurement of stray light hazard for AORD calculation for
different areas of the clinic, access restriction, and infection control. Audit of appropriate warning
signage. Audit of Risk Assessment and Local Rules documentation
Equipment Performance
Project write up- i.e.. SMI for EVAR surveillance, US -Implications of tissue specific optimisation on
ultrasound QA measurements etc. Document on Elastography imaging / contrast enhanced ultrasound PP1-C-16, PP1-C-25
INIR-C-15 Critically appraise an emerging modality
imaging / gene transfection / High Intensity focussed Ultrasound / MRI -short report on
emerging/research techniques e.g. MR elastography, MRI-linacs, PET/MR/Raman Spectroscopy
Examples of possible subjects for CbD. Note that these are not Competencies which may share evidence with
Examples of possible evidence
prescribed within the Learning Guide this CbD
GFR case: discussion of all aspects surrounding the test, patient Short case report for patient GFR result IIR-C-6,7,9
Short report for clinical study. Discussion showing understanding of clinical reason
Clinical imaging case study
Other competencies which may be
Outcome Code Competency Examples of evidence
demonstrated by this evidence
Change image acquisition parameters and review the •Review X-ray equipment features relating to optimisation •IIR-C-17, 19 and 20
IIR-C-17 effect of the measurements made using quality control •Evidence of performance of IQ measurements on different modalities (e.g. test
equipment objects, different kV, mA parameters, grid in/out) and demonstrate understanding of
relationship between IQ and patient dose
Undertake cross-calibration of an ionisation chamber or •IIR-C-16
solid state dosimeter
•Carry out critical exam and commissioning checks and/or QC checks on X-ray room •RADS-C-6 to 8
including AEC and DAP calibration, and demonstrate understanding of process and •RADS-C-17 to 21
choice of equipment •IIR-C-19 , 21, 23
Operate a basic range of radiographic and fluoroscopic x-
IIR-C-19 ray equipment under supervision and perform quality •Review X-ray equipment features relating to optimisation
assurance tests
Evidence of performance of IQ measurements on different modalities (e.g. test
objects, different kV, mA parameters, grid in/out) and demonstrate understanding of
relationship between IQ and patient dose
•RADS C19 and C20
Undertake image quality tests on a radiographic or •Evidence performance of IQ measurements in a DDR room (e.g. TO20 test object,
fluoroscopic system different kV, mA parameters, grid in/out) and demonstrate understanding of
relationship between IQ and patient dose
•RADS-C-6 to 8
IIR-C-21 Measure the parameters of an automatic exposure control •RADS-C-17 to 21
•IIR-C-19 , 21, 23
•Review methods for patient dose assessment •RADS-C-14
•Review requirements for diagnostic reference levels and look at method for
Undertake a patient dose audit and present the results,
IIR-C-22 establishing DRLs in IPEM Report 88
including reference to appropriate dose reference levels
•Calculate DRLs for common examinations using appropriate metrics and compare
Patient Dose Measurements
to National DRLs
Measure the performance characteristics of a dose area •A report from routine QC or commissioning in which DAP calibration check results •IIR-C-19
IIR-C-23 product meter against a calibrated reference ionisation are presented.
•A dose report for a patient dose greater than intended •RADS-C-24 and 25
•A foetal dose assessment report •IIR-C-25
Measure or calculate patient doses for a range of
IIR-C-24 •A dose and risk assessment for a research study
examinations, including the estimation of foetal dose
•A Skin dose report
•A report describing software packages used for dose calculations
•RADS-C-24 and 25
•A dose report for a patient dose greater than intended, describing the radiation risk •IIR-C-24
Calculate the risks and the risk factors associated with
IIR-C-25 •A report on a foetal dose assessment, describing the radiation risk
patient dose
•A dose and risk assessment for a research study
Guide for STP Trainees : Radiation Safety - Rotation
Examples of possible subjects for CbD. Note that these are not Competencies which may share
Examples of possible evidence
prescribed within the Learning Guide evidence with this CbD
Discussion of relevant ionising and non-ionising radiation legislation • Ionising and non-ionising audit reports reflecting awareness of relevant legislative
RADS-C-1, RADS-C-11 to 13
Discussion of an optimisation project that has been carried out • Report concerning measurement and consequent optimisation of patient dose e.g.
RADS-C-14 to 16
patient dose audit
Discussion of equipment testing requirements, methods and equipment • Equipment QC testing reports RADS-C-6-10 and RADS-C-17-21
Discussion of radiation incidents, including calculation of patient dose,
relevant legislation, references and follow-up actions • Incident reports RADS-C-22 to 25
Other competencies which may be
Outcome Code Competency Examples of evidence
demonstrated by this evidence
RADS-C-1 Undertake risk assessment for a radiation facility •Undertake a risk assessment
•Produce a room design for a DR facility including control features, with reference to the
Undertake room design from first principles for a diagnostic
RADS-C-2 relevant standards, guidance and regulations
x-ray facility and surgical laser facility
•Produce room design including control features for lasers with reference to the relevant
standards, guidance and regulations
New Facilities
•Produce a room design for a DR facility including control features, with reference to the
Specify the design and control features for each of the
RADS-C-3 relevant standards, guidance and regulations
•Produce room design including control features for lasers with reference to the relevant
standards, guidance and regulations
•RADS-C-22, 26
•INIR-C-12 , 13
•Meet with user to discuss and record details for Local Rules document e.g. carry out an
In conjunction with the user, develop the local rules
RADS-C-4 audit
procedures for the new facilities
•Produce a Local Rules document for a diagnostic radiology and a laser facility with
reference to the relevant standards, guidance and regulations
•Carry out an audit to ensure that all features and systems comply with recommended
Compare the design features and control systems of a
RADS-C-5 room design principles
facility with the specified design
•Carry out shielding measurements to verify specified level of lead shielding
•Carry out critical exam and commissioning checks on X-ray room including AEC and DAP
Calibrate and test equipment that measures radiation and •RADS-C-6 to 10
calibration, and write a report
Facility Safety Assessment
•Carry out a radiation audit and compile an audit report with recommendations and dates RADS-C-11 & 13
for future actions
Undertake a simple audit of an area where radiation is used
RADS-C-12 •Review equipment and methods for measuring occupational radiation exposure (personal
according to local standard operating procedures.
dosimetry, etc.)
•Review dosimetry records for a group of staff (e.g. Cardiology Staff)
•Carry out a radiation audit and compile an audit report with recommendations and dates RADS-C-11 & 12
Report findings; specify degree of compliance, for future actions
RADS-C-13 recommendations for further action and date of follow-up •Review equipment and methods for measuring occupational radiation exposure (personal
review dosimetry, etc.)
•Review dosimetry records for a group of staff (e.g. Cardiology Staff)
•Review methods for patient dose assessment
Participate in, or review, patient dose audit data to assess •Review requirements for diagnostic reference levels and look at method for establishing
optimisation including the use of diagnostic reference levels DRLs in IPEM Report 88
•Calculate DRLs for diagnostic x-ray and CT examinations using appropriate metrics
•Carry out critical exam and commissioning checks on X-ray room including AEC and DAP •RADS-C-6 to 8
calibration, and write a report •RADS-C-17 to 21
Perform the full range of measurement activities specified,
RADS-C-19 •Carry out testing on a range of CT & diagnostic x-ray and equipment, record the results in •IIR-C-19 , 21, 23
using a range of recording methods
a report format and make recommendations based on the results
•Carry out critical exam and commissioning checks on X-ray room including AEC and DAP
calibration, and write a report •RADS-C-6 to 8
Record the results of measurements accurately and in
RADS-C-20 •Carry out testing on a range of CT & x-ray equipment, record the results in a report format •RADS-C-17 to 21
correct format
and make recommendations based on the results •IIR-C-19 , 21, 23
•Carry out critical exam and commissioning checks on X-ray room including AEC and DAP •RADS-C-6 to 8
calibration, and write a report •RADS-C-17 to 21
•Write a summary of legislation and guidance (IPEM reports, MDGN, IRR99, Dept •IIR-C-19 , 21, 23
Interpret the significance of measurements and draw
RADS-C-21 Protocols etc.)
•Carry out testing on a range of CT & diagnostic x-ray equipment, record the results in a
report format and make recommendations based on the results
• Critically review the local rules with a view to comparing against the Environment •RADS-C-4
Agency’s need to have contingency plans in place •RADS-C-26
RADS-C-22 Critically appraise contingency plans within local rules
•Assess local rules against requirements of relevant standards, guidance, regulations and
ICRP Principles
Contingency Plans
Identify and plan an exercise to rehearse contingency plans • Assist with organising and running an exercise to rehearse contingency plans – this can
(e.g. a contamination incident, loss of source) be done by simulating a spill in one of the wards and train ward staff/Physics staff
•Produce a dose report for a patient dose greater than intended •RADS-C-25
Analyse recent radiation incidents and summarise the types
•Carry out a foetal dose assessment •IIR-C-24 and 25
and causes of incidents
•Review most recent CQC annual IRMER report
•Produce a dose report for a patient dose greater than intended •RADS-C-24
RADS-C-25 Participate in the investigation of a radiation incident •Carry out a foetal dose assessment •IIR-C-24 and 25
•Review most recent CQC annual IRMER report
•Assess local rules against requirements of relevant standards, guidance, regulations and •RADS-C-22
Policy and
Perform a critical appraisal of the content of local rules ICRP Principles •INIR-C-12
RADS-C-26 against legislative requirements for ionising and non- •Assess local rules for Artificial Optical Radiation Risk Assessment against relevant
ionising radiation settings standards, guidance and regulations
•For Laser and MRI local rules assess against relevant standards, guidance and
Guide for STP Trainees : Radiotherapy - Rotation
Produce and evaluate a simple treatment plan Observed and discussion with a registered physicist RP-C-12, 13, 14, 15
Measure the radiation output of a treatment machine Carry out necessary measurements under observation, and calculate final output manually (i.e. not
using a formula in a spreadsheet)
Examples of possible subjects for CbD. Note that these are not Competencies which may share evidence
Examples of possible evidence
prescribed within the Learning Guide with this CbD
Manual Calcs Competency evidence e.g. spreadsheet of manual calc examples RP-C-16
Picking the best Conformal Plan Competency evidence e.g. treatment plans for different sites RP-C-13
Beam profiles at different depths/qualities Competency evidence e.g. analysis of profiles at different depths RP-C-7
Risk assessment Competency evidence e.g. risk assessment RP-C-3
Consistency Checks Competency evidence e.g. consistency checks RP-C-1
Linac QC Competency evidence e.g. Linac QC RP-C-9
Patient pathways: setup / planning / verification steps for different
treatment sites Competency evidence RP-C-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Other rotational competencies which
Outcome Code Competency Examples of evidence
may be demonstrated by this evidence
Assist with the safe handling and operation of small
• Report showing participation in strontium 90 consistency checks, including understanding of the need, RP-C-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
sealed sources in the department, including the
RP-C-1 safety concerns and equipment involved in taking these readings RADS-C-6 (Partial)
performance of strontium-90 consistency checks on
Radiation Protection Applied to
dosimetry equipment
Survey and risk assessment (including risk assessment of dose to various staff groups, safety
procedures etc.)
Example ideas:
Perform a radiation protection room survey and discuss
RP-C-2 • New treatment room during commissioning (where possible); RP-C-3
the results with your training officer
• Routine (e.g. annual) radiation room survey ;
• Survey for use of FFF in pre-existing bunkers;
• Survey of a brachytherapy bunker
Perform a radiation risk assessment and discuss the
RP-C-3 RT3-4 (RT Specialism)
results with your training officer
• Report showing participation in output measurements including understanding of the need, safety
concerns and equipment involved in taking these readings and the tolerance appropriateness
•Report showing participation in consistency checks including understanding of the need, safety
concerns and equipment involved in taking these readings and the tolerance appropriateness
• Report showing participation in QC including understanding of the need, safety concerns and
RP-C-1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Operate treatment equipment safely and evaluate the equipment involved in taking these readings and the tolerance appropriateness
RP-C-4 RADS-C-6 (Partial)
operation of the interlocks • Report describing the tests (according to COP) carried out and a justified description of the equipment
• Report on strontium 90 checks;
• Report describing the tests carried out and a justified description of the equipment used;
• Report describing the relevant interlocks tested, describing their purpose (legislation), labelled floor
Dosimetry and Treatment Equipment
RP-C-1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Relate standard output measurement to the relevant code
RP-C-6 RADS-C-6 (Partial)
of practice (MV/kV electron)
RP-C-1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Measure a beam profile at the depth of the maximum dose
• Report describing measurements (with water tank/ diode array/ ion chamber array), results and RADS-C-6 (Partial)
and reference depth, and calculate the field size,
RP-C-7 explanations, spreadsheet showing analysis of data; Possible delay until radiotherapy specialism:
penumbra, flatness and symmetry. Explain the
• Measurements at two depths may be better in a water tank RT1-1, RT1-2
differences and relate to the beam specification
Critically evaluate the function of the ionisation chamber in RP-C-1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
RP-C-8 the linear accelerator and its importance for correct RADS-C-6 (Partial)
treatment delivery
Assist with routine quality control on external beam
RP-C-1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
radiotherapy equipment, including items such as light to
RP-C-9 See above: RP-C-4 RADS-C-6 (Partial)
radiation, quality index) and evaluate the appropriateness
of action/tolerance levels
• Evidence of immobilisation in RT including of understanding of tolerances and choice of aids
Assess available immobilisation techniques and identify
RP-C-10 • Evidence of RT patient pathway for typical RT patient
treatment sites that would most benefit
Design treatment plans for two to four field treatments for
a range of sites in accordance with the International
RP-C-13 Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements RP-C-11, 12, 14, 15, 16 , 17
Guidance and local clinical protocols (explain choice of
modality/energy, beam arrangement, and compensation)
Appraise treatment plans, making use of dose volume
RP-C-14 information and dose constraints for organs at risk and the RP-C-11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17
target volume
RP-C-15 Produce a range of routine MV photon treatment plans RP-C-11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17
Difficult to do this one without a reflective learning piece of work, looking at the students own
personal values and their impact. Should mention Good Scientific Practice within the NHS
Constitution. Workshop-style discussion with examples in media to lead as talking points -
PP1-C-2 Discuss personal values, principles and assumptions,
could be completed during trainee meeting. Some parts of the multi-source feedback test on
emotions and prejudices, and how these may influence
OLAT may help - i.e. recognising personal values at the start and end of training and how they
personal judgement and behaviour, and identify how you
have changed/progressed
will practice in accordance with Good Scientific Practice
Examples such as outreach work for schools/students, feedback to colleague about national
Communicate effectively with the public, service users and
PP1-C-3 meetings, feedback to other staff, posters, proferred papers, internal Trust publications and PP1-C-6
other healthcare professionals, adapting communication
writing, etc. University presentations to the public
style and language to meet the needs of listeners
Complete the MSF tool within OLAT (preferably twice so improvement can be shown), and give
PP1-C-4 Give and receive feedback sensitively to or from a peer or examples where feedback has been sought/delivered such giving local seminars, instructing PP1-C-5
colleague others, etc.
Obtain, analyse and act on feedback from a variety of Using the MSF complete a summary review and action plan on areas of improvement for
PP1-C-5 sources and use it to consider personal impact and change personal behaviours and impressions. Also react to feedback from assessors of practical and PP1-C-4
behaviour written work
Evidence of presenting Healthcare science to students, school, the public and/or at
PP1-C-6 Present complex ideas in understandable terms in both oral PP1-C-3
and written formats multidisciplinary team meetings where various different professionals are in attendance
Evidence of obtaining time on a machine, liaising with a department to share resources,
PP1-C-7 Use effective negotiation skills, including influencing negotiating time frames and resources (could be something done whilst setting up the Elective).
colleagues Group projects at university
Attendance and participation in team meetings, MDTs, to show professional attitude and
demonstrating value of being present (e.g. bringing a case for discussion at a radiotherapy
PP1-C-8 PP1-C-7
Work constructively and effectively as a member of a imaging review MDT or department meeting, discussing a research proposal). Must indicate the
Professional Practice
Could be completed after each short rotation and periodically during specialism training. Could
Reflect on your practice and generate a reflective diary that
PP1-C- use a template style for each one including: Initial Aims, What I learned, Reflection on what I
demonstrates how you utilise the skills required of an PP1-C-15
13 learned vs. Initial Aims, Further Actions. Reflective diary in OLAT which can be used for this.
independent learner and your commitment to continuing
CPD log (IPEM have a template)
your professional development
Training plan - normally in spreadsheet form that could be evidence for this. . Background
PP1-C- Take responsibility for keeping your professional and
reading/presenting specific topic to staff group/ attending scientific meeting / conference / PP1-C-11, PP1-C-12
14 scientific knowledge and skills up to date workshops
This can be done at the end of STP, when the OSFA's are coming up and the final
competencies are being uploaded. (see PP1-C-13) Reflective log, comparing results of first
MSF with second and documenting improvements (from comments made by assessors). PP1-C-13
Develop an action plan based on your experiential learning Creating a revision or action plan by identifying individual weaknesses and areas for
and reflection on completion of the STP improvement for future
Use a range of ICT within the workplace for service
delivery, research, audit and innovation, including data
filing and archiving:
Cross reference any competencies which show a particular software used at it's best by the
- word processing
PP1-C- student. Some knowledge of databases and statistics packages may have to be gained in
- databases
16 addition if not covered on the MSc or in the work place. Otherwise, it is likely that the trainee
- statistics packages
has plenty of evidence to show high level skills throughout all the competency submissions
- PowerPoint
- internet
- email
Consent a Nuclear Medicine patient (rotation), take part in an MDT and present a patient history
for a doctor, shadow a clinical colleague taking consent. Sit in on a Radiotherapy first
appointment. Take consent for the CT component of Radiotherapy, e.g. for a contrast CT scan,
PP1-C- identifying which answers would prohibit the test from commencing. Evidence which shows an
17 attempt to understand the patient experience with any of the services the host department
Under supervision, demonstrate that you can obtain and
provides and/or evidence which shows how the department responds to patient's needs could
present a patient history from a normal volunteer or
Clinical Practice
be considered sufficiently in the spirit of this competency to be suitable without actually taking a
consenting patient in order to better understand the clinical
decision making process in your clinical practice
Apply current regulations with respect to patient safety and
safe systems within the workplace. To include, as
appropriate to scope of practice:
- risk management
- biological specimen handling
- COSHH Trust induction training. Any of the competencies covering regulations. Cross reference any
PP1-C- - RIDDOR specific competencies which address legislation as appropriate to the specialism. Basic Health
18 - radioactivity and Safety legislation should be included, with specifics in the rotations and specialisms.
- fire safety Updating local rules/risk assessments
- electrical safety
- moving and handling
- display screen equipment
- incident reporting
- infection control
Write up demonstrating understanding of simple clinical coding, coding used for statistics and
payment information, medical terminology when doing Case Based Discussions and
19 Use clinical coding and medical terminology in accordance communicating with clinical staff
with stated guidance, as appropriate to scope of practice.
Show evidence of documentation completed by trainee within the department that has been
accurately and securely completed and kept, e.g. patient information, additional calculation
PP1-C- Keep accurate records in accordance with current forms, patient dose audits, physics optimisation work, clinical or research trial forms which need
PP1-C-9, RT4-7
20 guidelines and the legal framework for data security. to go outside of the Trust (e.g. national audit and feedback), departmental quality
documentation and the safe upload into digital storage for access and retrieval. Possible tie-in
with MSc project
Clinical Practice
Refer to any particular competencies which demonstrate the trainee has adhered strictly to the
SOP or protocol. Possible to relate this to any documentation that they have reformed as part
PP1-C- Use, in your practice:
of their training (i.e. identifying that the SOP needed adjusting and re-writing or changing the
21 - standard operating procedures
format). Development, contribution to or use of safety and/or QA protocols and SoPs. MR
- protocols
safety guidelines for scanning will include consideration of clinical guidelines
- clinical guidelines
Incident reporting and Risk Assessments in specialism. Using Datix or other reporting system.
Continuously improve your practice through good practice A short summary report detailing common errors or risks in the area of work and suggestions
PP1-C- in: and/or implementation of ways of reducing them, e.g. paperless, password protected RT2-10, RP-C-3, INIR-5-2, INIR-5-
22 - identifying common sources of error spreadsheets, double checks, methods of avoiding major errors. If the trainee has written and 8
- identification of risk implemented any check software or consistency feedback loops in other work, this would be
- reporting critical incidents good evidence
Participate in innovation, research, service development Guidance on research ethics during MSc. Participation in any clinical trial work within the
and audit activities complying with guidance and laws department. Evidence of any project where the trainee has added to service development. PP1-C-9, RT2-2
Research and Innovation
relating to research ethics Cross reference to other specialism competencies
Contribute to service and quality improvement and Cross reference to any competencies (likely to be in the specialism) where trainee has
productivity in the work-base and embed evidence-based reviewed the literature and changed a process of procedure as a result, showing benefit(s) to RT2-2
developments within routine practice service from work done, and/or CPD record
Undertake a literature review and prepare and present to MSc. Project literature review and/or local journal club. Presenting university coursework
peers a critical analysis of a publication from the scientific (critical appraisal of emerging technology or critical analysis of a publication from the scientific
literature literature) to staff group at local training centre
PP1-C- Prepare and deliver an oral scientific communication to MSc Project Presentation. Local seminar clubs, national meetings, MPEC (doesn't always have
26 to be an international meeting, but something outside of the department should be included)
peers at a local, national or international meeting
27 it. MSc project - resolution of problems encountered. Consideration of safety issues in MR and
- self-direction
US, e.g. staff exposure to magnetic fields, health effects of US heating/contrast media use, can
- problem solving
constitute making decisions in the absence of complete data
- dealing with complex issues
- making sound judgements in the absence of complete
MSF results and discussion with Training Officer. Short report on implementation of new
techniques, perhaps enforced upon the department externally, e.g. increase in IMR, new
technique or methodology, service improvements which the trainee has been involved in,
critical appraisal work within the specialism identifying areas for improvement, visiting other PP1-C-4
28 Identify potential areas for change and accept change departments to see other ways of doing things and implementing positive change. Any
identified by others, working across different provider recommendation, or help implementing a recommendation, for changing how a service
landscapes as required operates should count