Materials Science & Engineering A: I. Mejía, A.E. Salas-Reyes, J. Calvo, J.M. Cabrera

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Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

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Effect of Ti and B microadditions on the hot ductility behavior of a

High-Mn austenitic Fe–23Mn–1.5Al–1.3Si–0.5C TWIP steel
I. Mejía a,n, A.E. Salas-Reyes a, J. Calvo b,c, J.M. Cabrera b,c
Instituto de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Edificio “U-5”, Ciudad Universitaria, 58066 Morelia, Mi-
choacán, México
Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal  lúrgica, ETSEIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, Plaça de la Ciència, 2-08243 Manresa, Spain

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research work studies the effect of combined Ti and B microadditions and the solidification route on
Received 15 June 2015 the hot ductility behavior of a high-Mn austenitic Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel. For this
Received in revised form purpose, uniaxial hot tensile tests were carried out at different temperatures between 700 and 1100 °C
13 September 2015
under a constant strain rate of 10  3 s  1. The hot ductility was determined by measuring the reduction of
Accepted 17 September 2015
transverse area (%RA) after specimen rupture. Characterization was performed by SEM-EBSD and TEM
techniques in order to identify the relationship between microstructural features and cracking phe-
Keywords: nomena. Results indicate that the early occurrence of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) at the intermediate
High-Mn austenitic TWIP steel temperature range (800–900 °C) is the favorable mechanism that enhances the ductility, achieving RA
Ti and B microalloying elements
values up to 82%. These high RA values are discussed in terms of the boron effect on the improvement of
Hot ductility
the grain-boundaries cohesion through non-equilibrium segregation, and Ti(C,N) precipitation, which
Dynamic recrystallization (DRX)
SEM-EBSD and HRTEM characterization reduces the formation of harmful precipitates such as BN and AlN. Additionally, the Fe23(B,C)6 and B4C
compounds were identified, which are less detrimental to hot ductility than boron-nitride compounds.
Finally, the fracture surfaces of the present TWIP steels in the temperature range of the highest ductility
indicate that the failure mode is of the ductile type as evidenced by the presence of many dimples.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction microalloyed HSLA, DP, BH, TRIP, multiphase steels, etc., not only
because of the specific mechanical behavior during loading, but
In recent years, the popularity of advanced high-strength steels also because of the processing costs, particularly because TWIP
(AHSS) has seen substantial growth. AHSS are complex, sophisti- steels are still in experimental stage. The prototype of TWIP steels
cated materials, with carefully selected chemical compositions and comes from the high-Mn austenitic steel, which was first dis-
multiphase microstructures resulting from precisely controlled covered by Hadfield [5]. The work of Grässel and Frommeyer [6–8]
heating and cooling processes [1,2]. First generation AHSS include and the need for new AHSS have attracted the interest on the
dual phase (DP), transformation induced plasticity (TRIP), com- mechanical properties of high-Mn TWIP steels, possessing high
plex-phase (CP), and martensitic (MART) steels; while second strength and excellent elongation. The very high Mn (18–30 wt%)
generation austenitic AHSS include twinning induced plasticity and high C ( 0.6 wt%) levels result in a fully austenitic structure at
(TWIP), Al-added lightweight with induced plasticity (L-IP), and room temperature and guarantee the absence of phase transfor-
shear band strengthened (SIP) steels [2]. However, AHSS are not mations during cooling. In this case, the characteristic mechanical
properties result from different deformation mechanisms: crys-
intrinsically lighter than other steels, but they are strong enough
tallographic slip, possible martensitic transformation and mainly
that thinner gages can be used to reduce vehicle weight [3]. Recent
twinning effect [9]. Such mechanisms are related to the stacking
trends in automotive industry towards improved passenger safety
fault energy (SFE) of the given alloy [10], and it is well-known that
and reduced weight have led to a great interest in AHSS, and TWIP
at low SFE value (25 mJ/m2) the detonation of mechanical twin-
steels are particularly promising due to their superior toughness
ning occurs. This deformation mechanism strongly depends on
and ductility [4]. However, it is also important to state that the
Mn, Al, Si and C contents, as well as on temperature and to a less
TWIP steel is not a competitor to the AHSS, including UFG extent on strain rate [11–13]. Only recently TWIP steels have re-
ceived considerable attention due to the increasing demand for
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 52 443 322 3500x4010. high-performance materials, particularly from the automobile
E-mail addresses:, (I. Mejía). manufacturing industry [14]. Their exceptional set of properties
0921-5093/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
312 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

make them ideal for automotive frame and safety structures since Table 1
the increase in ductility enables the formation of more complex Chemical composition of studied TWIP steels (wt%).
parts in a single step while the increased strength allows the de-
TWIP steel Mn C Si Al Ti B N Fe
signer to use thinner sections, reducing the weight and main-
taining collision energy absorption. TW–NM 21.0 0.5 1.3 1.6 – – 0.0120 Bal.
Because the market requirements in the steel industry are TW–Ti/B 23.0 0.5 1.3 1.5 0.014 0.004 0.0120 Bal.
continually increasing, nowadays, continuous casting is the most
common way of producing steel in the world [15]. Every year, the
steel industry processes millions of tons of liquid steel into semi-
finished products such as slabs, blooms, and billets. To ensure the
appropriate quality in finished products, it is important that de-
fects in continuously cast products are minimized. In this sense,
some high strength microalloyed steels are particularly prone to
some types of continuous casting defects like transverse cracking,
and there have been a number of excellent reviews on the topics of
hot ductility and defects during this steelmaking route [16]. Al-
though the early stages of transverse crack formation may be in
the mold, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that these defects
become larger and more numerous under the application of
stresses from various sources below the mold. Furthermore, dur-
ing the straightening operation, the top surface of the semi-fin- Fig. 1. Thermal cycle diagram for uniaxial hot tensile tests.
ished products is hot tensioned at high temperatures (700–950 °C)
and deformed at certain strain rates (10  3 and 10  4 s  1), where consequently, grain boundary decohesion. So, the hot ductility loss
most steels present poor ductility. In these conditions, continuous can be increased by MnS or AlN precipitation and/or microalloying
cast products can suffer of transverse cracking [17]. As a matter of elements (Nb, V, Ti) particles. These precipitates on austenite grain
fact, the hot ductility behavior is influenced by several factors, boundaries are initial points for microvoid formation [30]. These
particularly temperature, chemical composition (i.e., precipitation) voids link up to give failure by microvoid coalescence. Conse-
and strain rate, and to a lesser extent thermal history, grain size quently, cracks nucleate at grain boundary triple junctions and
and inclusion content [16]. Evaluation of steel sensitivity to hot propagate along the boundaries, leading to complete separation of
cracking is usually carried out by uniaxial hot tensile tests, which grains. On the other hand, during DRX, grain boundaries migrate
show the reduction of area (RA) of specimens fractured in tension and microvoids initially formed at grain boundaries are isolated.
as a function of temperature. Therefore, the coalescence of microvoids at grain boundaries is
Even with all of the above mentioned desirable mechanical prevented and grain boundary decohesion is retarded [31]. Pre-
properties, the use of TWIP steels has not been generalized for the vious research works [26,27] on the study of the hot ductility of
production of components [18]. One of the main reasons is the TWIP steels have shown different behaviors at the intermediate
limited understanding of the mechanical behavior of these steels temperature range compared to most plain carbon and micro-
during their processing at high temperatures, important factor for alloyed steels. Significant large ductility values were obtained
predicting their formability, weldability and in service response, (470% RA) even having a coarse as-cast structure, which was
including fatigue and crash worthiness [19]. It is well-known that principally attributed to the early onset of DRX, in contrast with
hot plastic deformation is the most common method to provide some reported results [16] indicating that DRX cannot occur be-
useful forms to steel and metal alloys. Since continuous casting cause the small strain applied during the straightening operation
followed by rolling in finishing mills is the more flexible process and because the grain size is too coarse.
for massive steel grades production, it is important to determine In fact, boron has been added to modern low carbon micro-
the plastic deformation behavior of TWIP steels under hot-work- alloyed steels, i.e., advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), to reduce
ing conditions, for their successful manufacturing in the near fu- the use of more expensive alloying elements, which improves the
ture [18]. However, their hot work hardening and microstructural hot flow behavior of steel in a similar or higher level than carbon
evolution controlled by thermal activated processes have not does [32–36]. Such studies indicate that the improved hot ductility
drawn much attention compared to their cold-working state [20]. obtained after boron additions can be associated with boron seg-
Actually, few work has been done about the study of the hot regation to austenite grain boundaries, phenomenon that in-
ductility behavior of TWIP steels [21–28], taking into account creases grain boundary cohesion. Additionally, boron facilities the
various experimental parameters, where the most significant is hot plastic flow due to a solute drag effect by boron atoms on the
the microstructural conditioning before tensile testing. Generally, austenitic grain boundaries and also to a solid solution softening
the results of these research works have shown a decrease of the effect. According to Mintz et al. [16] and Kang et al. [24,28] there is
hot ductility in the temperature range of 700–1000 °C due to the a need to find ways of improving the hot ductility of TWIP steels to
AlN precipitation and the high Mn content (i.e. the associated make them more amenable to casting, and this is where adding Ti
segregation) and the precipitation of microalloying elements such with B might be a solution. The Ti level should be high enough to
as Nb and V at grain boundaries. Likewise, a hot ductility im- ensure that the entire N is combined as TiN and that B is in solid
provement at high temperatures is attributed to the occurrence of solution, able to migrate to the boundaries. B at grain boundaries
dynamic recrystallization (DRX). A typical hot ductility curve dis- enhances metallic bonding and reduces cavity nucleation and
tinctively shows an intermediate temperature region featuring a growth during grain boundary sliding. As a matter of fact, TiN also
ductility trough where the embrittlement effect occurs with the can be less detrimental to the ductility than AlN.
highest evidence. On the other hand, the mechanisms of the hot It is worth noting that until the present time, there is a limited
ductility loss in carbon and microalloyed steels have been attrib- literature on the boron effect on the hot ductility of as-cast TWIP
uted to the nature of the grain boundary or its adjacent region, steel. Recently, Kang et al. [24] have studied the influence of both B
which can be weaker than the grain interior [29]. This leads to and Ti microalloying additions on the hot ductility of high Al and
strain concentrations at or near the grain boundary and, high N, containing and free Nb TWIP steels. Their most important
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 313

Fig. 2. Typical X-ray diffraction patterns of studied TWIP steels. (a) Metallic ingot mold (MM) and (b) Sand ingot mold (SM).

Fig. 3. True stress–true strain curves as a function of temperature and solidification condition of the TWIP steels. (a) TW–NM/MM, (b) TW–NM/SM, (c) TW–Ti/B/MM and
(d) TW–Ti/B/SM.

finding was that the addition of  0.002% B and 0.04% Ti in free Nb extremely poor ductility using a cooling rate of 60 K min  1 be-
containing TWIP steel improved the hot ductility in the tem- cause the fine precipitation of TiN. However, reducing the cooling
perature range of 700–950 °C after reheating to 1250 °C, and rate to 12 K min  1 caused the ductility to improve close to 35–40%
cooling at 60 K min  1 to the test temperature. RA values in excess RA. So, in accordance with these results, they suggested keeping a
of 40% were obtained. On the other hand, Nb containing TWIP low S level, slow secondary cooling rate, a Ti level above the
steel, when microalloyed with both B and Ti, still gave rise to stoichiometric ratio for TiN and a B addition of 0.002% can prevent
314 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 4. Peak stress (st) as a function of the temperature of the studied TWIP steels. Fig. 5. Hot ductility curves as a function of temperature of studied TWIP steels. (a)
(a) Metallic ingot mold (MM) and (b) Sand ingot mold (SM). Non-microalloyed (TW–NM) and (b) Ti/B microalloyed (TW–Ti/B).

transverse cracking. More recently, Kang et al. [28] have carried Foundry Lab of the Metallurgical Research Institute of UMSNH
out a detailed secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) char- (México) by using high purity raw materials, in a 25 kg capacity
acterization in Ti and B containing TWIP steels. The SIMS images at induction furnace. The TWIP steels were cast into 70 mm  60 mm
the temperature range of 700–900 °C indicate that boron segre- cross section metal and sand molds (MM and SM, respectively).
gates to grain boundaries [37], results which greatly agree with the The cooling rate was in the range of 0.5–2 and 0.01–0.03 °C s  1 in
improvement in hot ductility at the same temperature range. the MM and SM ingots, respectively. One TWIP steel designed as
Based on this evidence, it was suggested that B atoms act as a TW–NM, was not microalloyed, while the other one was micro-
“glue”, preventing the alloy from failing [38]. Thus, in this research alloyed with Ti/B, and here designed as TW–Ti/B. The chemical
work, the determination of hot flow behavior regarding the re- compositions of the studied TWIP steels are given in Table 1. In
lationship between hot ductility and the effect of combined Ti and order to be sure of the single austenite phase stabilization at room
B microalloying, including the solidification structure, was in- temperature of the cast TWIP steels, phase analysis was performed
vestigated in detail, taking into account that the effect of B at high by using a Siemens D5000 X-ray diffractometer, using CuKα ra-
temperatures and its role in the single austenitic phase of TWIP diation and a 2θ diffraction angle ranging from 30° to 120°. Also, a
steels has not yet been entirely understood. theoretical study on phase transformations was performed using
FactSage thermo-chemical software [39] with the FSstel database,
containing data for solutions and compounds [40]. These calcula-
2. Materials and methods tions were carried out in the temperature range between 600 °C
and 1600 °C, every 10 °C with the search for transition tempera-
Two experimental TWIP steels, with a base chemical compo- tures. The phases were described using a sub-lattice model with
sition of Fe–23Mn–1.5Al–1.3Si–0.5C (wt%), were fabricated in the carbon, nitrogen and vacancies on interstitial sites. Cylindrical
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 315

Fig. 6. Microstructure development of studied TWIP steels in the vicinity of the fracture surface at intermediate temperature range. (a) TW-NM/MM, (b) TW–NM/SM,
(c) TW–Ti/B/MM and (d) TW–Ti/B/SM.

specimens of 6 mm in diameter and 30 mm in gauge length were preparation, samples were pasted on SEM holders and painted
machined from the as-cast condition. Isothermal uniaxial hot- with silver. Every EBSD scan was carried out in the loading di-
tensile tests were performed at different temperatures in the rection with a step size of 7 mm and the SEM magnification was
range between 700 and 1100 °C and a constant true strain rate of 20  . Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination was
10  3 s  1 (which is typical during unbending operation in con- performed on carbon extraction replicas taken from sections close
tinuous casting [16]), using an Instron machine equipped with a to fracture for analyzing the chemical nature, distribution and size
heat radiant cylindrical furnace. All the tests were done in an ar- of the precipitates. A copper grid was used for this purpose. A
gon atmosphere, in order to prevent samples oxidation. The Philips TECNAI F20 transmission electron microscope operated at
thermal cycle (see Fig. 1) used in this study was as follows. First, 200 kV was used. Post-processing high resolution transmission
the specimens were heated to 1100 °C and held for 900 s in order electron microscopy (HRTEM) was carried out to analyze in depth
to homogenize the microstructure and to obtain a similar initial the nanometric order of the second-phase particles precipitated in
grain size. Then, the specimens were cooled down to the test both matrix and grain boundaries. Employing the fast Fourier
temperatures (700, 800, 900, and 1000 °C) at a cooling rate of transformation (FFT) through GATAN-TEM microscopy software it
1.66 °C s  1, and held again for 300 s. It is important to mention was possible to obtain the electron diffraction pattern of pre-
that specimens tested at 1100 °C were strained directly after cipitates, in order to derive the interplanar spacing, identifying the
homogenization treatment. Finally, the specimens were strained crystallographic nature of the precipitates.
until failure and cooled down immediately after rupture, into ar-
gon stream. The reduction of area (%RA) was measured, as a
function of deformation temperature, to evaluate hot ductility. The 3. Results and discussions
fractured surfaces were examined by scanning electron micro-
scopy (SEM). Chemical nature of the second-phase particles was 3.1. Structural analysis
determined by energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) analysis using a JEOL
6400 microscope operated with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. Typical X-ray diffraction patterns of the studied as-cast TWIP
Dynamic recrystallization was evaluated by electron backscatter steels, in both solidification condition, MM and SM, are shown in
diffraction (EBSD) using Channel 5 system software. To carry out Fig. 2(a–b). As can be seen, the structure consists mainly of FCC
this microstructural characterization, tensile tested samples were austenite lattice arrangement. Small amount of α-ferrite is iden-
cut with their longitudinal axis parallel to the loading direction tified at 116° in TW–NM and TW–Ti/B steels solidified in the MM
close to fracture tip and prepared metallographically, employing condition. The most important characteristics of this family of
colloidal silica solution for the final polishing step. After steels are the stable austenitic (FCC) phase (with low stacking fault
316 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 7. EBSD maps of the microstructure close to the fracture surface showing high angle boundaries (4 15° black lines) of the analyzed TWIP steels. (a,b) Non-microalloyed
and (c,d) Ti/B microalloyed. Recrystallized grains (GAMo 1.55°) are shown with orange color and deformed ones (GAM 41.55°) with green color. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

3.2. Tensile behavior

The effect of deformation temperature on the tensile behavior

of TW–NM and TW–Ti/B steels, solidified in both metallic (MM)
and sand (SM) ingot molds, is presented in Fig. 3(a–d). As ex-
pected, the strength increases with decreasing temperature, from
values close to 30 MPa at the highest testing temperature up to
values close to 250 MPa at the lowest testing temperature. At
700 °C the high strain hardening indicates the absence of re-
crystallization. As temperature increases, some fluctuations are
observed in the flow curves for all examined TWIP steels. Such
fluctuations are evidence of DRX, which is usually characterized
either by a sudden drop or by oscillations in the flow curve [33].
On the contrary, the tensile elongation to fracture decreases as
temperature increases. TW–Ti/B steel in both solidification con-
ditions shows larger elongation at 900 °C than the non-micro-
Fig. 8. Recrystallized volume fraction (X) close to fracture surface of the hot tensile
tested TWIP steels.
alloyed TWIP steel. As shown in Fig. 4(a–b), there is a significant
effect of the chemical composition on the mechanical properties,
i.e., TW–Ti/B steel exhibits the highest peak stress (sp). This effect
energy) and the twinning detonation deformation mode. The can be explained in terms of either solid solution or the second-
phase particles strengthening mechanisms. As the temperature
stability of the austenite phase depends on the alloying amount,
increases, peak stresses tend to be similar, which indicates the
where the high manganese content is responsible for the TWIP
weaker effect of solid solution and particles strengthening when
effect [41]. As a remarkable point in this research work, the pro-
diffusion is mainly controlled by the dislocation climbing [42]. The
posed alloys chemistry had allowed to obtain a stable austenitic flow stresses of the steels at low deformation temperature are
phase. definitively higher than ones at high temperature [43]. This is
because at low temperature, the number of slip systems is
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 317

Fig. 9. SEM analysis of Ti/B containing TWIP steel near to fracture surface. (a) SEM micrograph, (b) EDX chemical analysis for Ti(C,N) precipitated particle, and (c) EDX
chemical analysis for AlN precipitated particle.

restricted, and the processes of softening by recovery and re- 22% at 700 °C, for the MM and SM solidification condition, re-
crystallization are not possible. Therefore, strain hardening me- spectively. At 800 °C the RA values are 60% and 42%, for the MM
chanisms, such as dislocation intersections and pileups, lead to the and SM conditions, respectively. At the highest temperature, the
increasingly higher stresses required for continued deformation. RA values drop until 19% and 13%, respectively. On the other hand,
On the other hand, the influence of TWIP steel chemistry on the the TW–Ti/B steel at 700 °C exhibits 32% and 57% RA, for MM and
solidification mode has a consequence on the strength and duc- SM conditions, respectively; while at 900 °C the RA values are 50%
tility because a high heat flow dissipation rate reduces the inter- and 82%, for the same solidification conditions. At the highest
dendritic spacing, which is beneficial in terms of reduction of testing temperature, the RA values of the TW–Ti/B steel are 37.5%
microsegregation and composition homogeneity, e.g., fine den- and 26%, respectively. This hot ductility behavior has been dis-
dritic microstructures are associated with improved mechanical cussed recently in the research works of Mejía et al. [27] and Salas-
properties such as high ductility and tensile strength [44]. From Reyes et al. [26]. They studied the effect of the microalloying ele-
above, excellent control of the as-cast structure is an essential ments (i.e., Ti, V, Nb and Mo) and the solidification condition on
requirement for meeting the specifications of the final products. the hot ductility behavior of high-Mn austenitic TWIP steels. In
general, the improvement in hot ductility of the present TWIP
3.3. Hot ductility behavior steels as compared to the previously reported ones [26,27] is at-
tributed to the DRX phenomenon that takes place during de-
Results of the measured reduction in area (RA) of the TWIP formation, particularly at intermediate temperature range. This
steel specimens deformed in the temperature range of 700– behavior can be associated to the single effect of microalloying
1100 °C in both solidification conditions are shown in Fig. 5(a–b). elements, as will be discussed further on.
The obtained curves indicate that there is a general trend of The hot ductility curves of the TW–NM steel indicate that RA
moderate ductility at the lowest testing temperature (700 °C), low values in the MM condition are higher than the SM condition,
ductility at the highest testing temperature (1100 °C) and high particularly at temperatures below 1000 °C. In this way, casting in
ductility in the intermediate temperature range (800–900 °C). metallic ingot molds exhibits higher ductility due to a finer grain
Non-microalloyed TWIP steel exhibits RA values close to 40% and structure. However, for the TW–Ti/B steel the hot ductility in the
318 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 10. Phase transformation behavior and thermodynamic equilibrium compounds in TWIP steels predicted by FactSage . (a,b) Non-microalloyed, and (c,d) Ti/B

SM condition is higher than the MM condition. This behavior can grains were determined on the basis of internal grain mis-
also be attributed to the onset of the DRX and boron effect, as will orientations, i.e., grains with grain average misorientation (GAM)
be shown in the next paragraph. Thus, the present results reveal less than 1.55° were considered as recrystallized grains (in orange).
that boron addition plays a major role on softening mechanisms Larger GAM values indicate deformed grains (in green). Some
rather than on hardening [45] (see Fig. 3d), where boron addition grains display GAM values lower than 1.55° but with internal
could promote a solid solution softening effect additional to that subgrains misorientated larger than 1.55°. In this latter case they
produced by DRX and in a similar way to the role played by other are considered as substructured (in yellow). Thanks to the super-
interstitial alloying elements in the steel such as carbon [46]. imposed high angle boundaries ( 415°, black lines), it was also
Other research works [32,34] have reported that boron facilitates possible to distinguish the coarse-grained structure, being about
the hot plastic flow due to a solute drag effect by boron atoms on
1 mm in the MM condition and approximately 2 mm in the SM
the austenitic grain boundaries.
The present hot ductility curves suggest that some DRX takes
Fig. 8 shows the recrystallized volume fraction (X) of grains
place during the tensile tests at intermediate temperature range
close to the fracture surface of the hot tensile tested TWIP steels.
(800–900 °C) and it can be related to the hot ductility improve-
As shown in this figure, TWIP steels solidified in MM condition
ment. Fig. 6(a–d) shows the as-tested microstructure at the in-
exhibit larger values of X than in the SM one. During the DRX
termediate temperature range of the TW–NM and TW–Ti/B steels
process, new grains nucleate at high-angle grain boundaries such
in both MM and SM solidification conditions. These micrographs
show evidence of recrystallized grains near to the fracture surface, as prior grain boundaries. So, the dislocation density in deformed
where TW–NM/MM steel present finer DRX grains than TW–NM/ grains is high and these dislocations are arranged in dislocation
SM steel. In the same way, TW–Ti/B/MM steel behaves as non- structures. This restoration process results in local misorientations
microalloyed TWIP steel. However, TW–NM/SM and TW–Ti/B/MM of several degrees within grains [47]. Hence, it is also well-known
steels clearly show larger cavities, which explain the low hot that finer grains require a smaller critical strain for dynamic re-
ductility values given in Fig. 5. crystallization and, as a consequence, the ductility improves.
SEM-EBSD post-processing allowed to determinate the micro- From Figs. 6 and 7, a typical DRX necklace microstructure is
structure evolution of the present studied TWIP steels. Fig. 7(a–d) observed. This necklace structure is completed at a strain far be-
shows EBSD maps accounting for recrystallized and un- yond the start of the steady-state strain and is replacing all of the
recrystallized areas for all the studied cases. The recrystallized original deformed microstructure.
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 319

Fig. 11. Non-microalloyed TWIP steel solidified in metallic ingot mold (MM). (a,c,e) TEM bright field images of the second-phase particles and (b,d,f) EDX chemical analysis.

3.4. Evaluation of Ti and B additions on hot ductility thermodynamically more stable than BN. On the other hand, it is
possible that due to the formation of boron nitride (BN) at aus-
It has been reported that B in solid solution improves hot tenitic grain boundaries poor ductility may be manifested in mi-
ductility because of the segregation of B atoms to grain bound- croalloyed steels [52]. Additionally, fast cooling rates allow fine BN
aries, where vacancies are occupied, and thus prevent formation precipitation, so the small interparticle spacing would allow cracks
and propagation of microcracking at grain boundaries [48]. How- to link up easily, promoting cracking due to microvoid coalescence.
ever, to maintain the desired boron solid solution effect, strong In the present study, the microstructural analysis at the inter-
nitride-forming elements, such as Ti, Al, Zr and even B (at high mediate temperature range (800–900 °C) showed that fracture
levels), can be added to combine with the available nitrogen surface is composed of many voids, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, a
[49,50]. TiN is one of the most stable nitrides [51]. When using Ti feature more displayed in the MM solidification condition than in
to prevent B from precipitating, common steelmaking practice is the SM one. A particular behavior was observed in the TW–Ti/B–
to add at least the stoichiometric amount of Ti (i.e., Ti:N ra- MM steel at 900 °C, where fine DRX grains exist on the vicinity of
tio Z3.4) to any available N before the B addition, because TiN is large cavities between deformed austenitic grains, as also
320 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 12. Ti/B containing TWIP steel solidified in metallic ingot mold (MM). (a,c,e) TEM bright field images of the second-phase particles and (b,d,f) EDX chemical analysis.

illustrated in Fig. 9. These cavities are formed by the presence of stoichiometries M3C and M7C3. It is worth mentioning that the
different precipitated particle colonies at grain boundaries, like two-phase diagram region (liquid þ solid) displays a solidus tem-
AlN and TiN and even Ti(C,N), as shown in the EDX microanalysis perature reduction, from 1313 °C in the TW–NM steel to 1240 °C in
of the Fig. 9(b,c). The chemical nature of TW–Ti/B steel precipitates the TW–Ti/B steel (see Fig. 10(a,c)). It may be concluded that the
was thermodynamically determined previously. Fig. 10(a,b) shows solidus temperature reduction by the boron addition reduces the
the phases’ equilibrium diagrams calculated using FactSage . Ac- thermo-mechanical processing temperature range of this TWIP
cording to the thermodynamic calculations the main phase which steel (TW–Ti/B). On the other hand, precipitates such as TiC and
appears in TW–NM and TW–Ti/B steels is the austenitic solid FCC TiN, which appear as Ti(C,N) compounds are identified in the TW–
phase. Likewise, the AlN compound formation before solidification Ti/B steel. They begin to precipitate at temperatures between the
is observed, which gets more stable as the temperature decreases. start and finish of solidification. At 938 °C, Ti(C,N) compounds
AlN start forming at 1521 °C for the TW–NM steel and at 1508 °C disappear, and all the Ti would appear as pure TiC and the N,
for the TW–Ti/B steel. Other common species that are formed at which was combined with this element as TiN, partitions to the
low temperature correspond to carbide particles with the AlN. The likelihood of this transformation under real conditions is
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 321

Fig. 13. Fe23(B,C)6 compound found in TW–Ti/B–MM solidified in MM condition and hot tested at 900 °C. (a) TEM bright field, (b) EDX analysis, (c) High-resolution TEM
image, (d) FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of the image, and (e) Interplanar spacing.

probably very low. Therefore, Ti(C,N) could be present at any incidence, in general, the moderate hot ductility behavior at low
temperature, since the partition of N from Ti(C,N) to AlN is ex- temperature (700 °C) may be attributed to AlN precipitation at
pected to be sluggish. Finally, it is observed the formation of the austenitic grain boundaries and the absence of DRX. At this testing
M2B phase in Fig. 10c, which starts forming at 1240 °C, just before temperature, TWIP steels solidified in MM showed 41% and 32%
solidification ends. Its composition corresponds to compounds of values of RA, for the TW–NM and TW–Ti/B steels, respectively.
Fe2B and Mn2B type, where the relationship ratio of each com- Meanwhile, TWIP steels solidified in SM exhibited 23% and 57%,
pound with respect to the total M2B is clearly observed. It is worth respectively. On the other hand, the weight fraction (in wt%) of AlN
noting that Fe2B tends to decrease while Mn2B increases, as the in TW–NM steel is 3.34  10  2 and in TW–Ti/B steel is 3.19  10  2
temperature decreases. (see Fig. 10(b,d)), when solidification ends. The precipitation of AlN
Taking into account the above description about precipitation has been reported to be responsible for certain forms of
322 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 14. B4C compound found in TW–Ti/B–MM solidified in MM condition and hot tested at 900 °C. (a) TEM bright field, (b) EDX analysis, (c) High-resolution TEM image, (d)
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of the image, and (e) Interplanar spacing.

embrittlement and cracking in continuous cast products, having It is worth mentioning that in the current study, at the inter-
strong effects on the microstructure evolution and mechanical mediate temperature range good ductility was found in all the
properties of steels [53]. Moreover, AlN also exerts important studied cases, 440% RA despite the presence of AlN precipitates.
second order effects through its influence on the precipitation of In general, this high ductility can be attributed to the thermal
other alloy nitrides or carbonitrides. Kang et al. [23] argued that activation of two simultaneous phenomena, namely grain
the cause of the continued poor ductility o 40% of RA even at a boundary sliding and DRX [21]. As observed for the TW–NM steel,
temperature as high as 1100 °C is probably due to the presence of hot ductility is enhanced due to the onset of DRX during straining,
AlN at the austenitic grain boundaries in high Al containing TWIP phenomenon that produces fine grain microstructure, isolating
steels, restricting DRX and encouraging crack growth by grain microvoids and consequently hindering their coalescence and
boundary sliding. propagation. Thus, DRX can be recognized as one important
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 323

Fig. 15. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the MM condition hot tested at 700 °C. (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

restoration mechanism during hot deformation. Despite of AlN Fig. 9a). However, in this case good hot ductility was obtained,
precipitation before deformation, it could go through a rapid RA 450%. Hence, this replacement of S by B at grain boundaries
coarsening during deformation and could then rather accelerate helps to explain the chemical nature of precipitates such as TiC
DRX [54]. Therefore, by controlling the precipitation of nitrides and Ti(C,N) linked to the presence of S, as shown in Fig. 12a.
(i.e., so that the coarse precipitates are formed at the austenite After the formation of nitrides, the formation of the compounds
grain boundaries), steels are less susceptible to cracking during hot associated to the non-dissolved boron within the austenite matrix
deformation. Fig. 11 gives important information about the nature takes place. Thereby, because of the non-equilibrium segregation
of precipitate particles (AlN, MnS and FeS) in the present non- of boron at grain boundaries during the steel solidification, for-
microalloyed TWIP steel. Because of its importance, further dis- mation of the second-phase precipitates is promoted, whose nat-
cussion must be conducted concerning the effect of DRX during ure may be as compounds of the type M23(B,C)6, Fe2B, M3(B,C)
hot deformation on the precipitation behavior. In the TW–Ti/B [32,57] and even CxBy, localized both inside and at grain bound-
steel case, the good hot ductility needs also be explained in terms aries of the austenite. Similar results were obtained in the research
of other metallurgical mechanisms such as precipitation and work of Kang et al. [28] in TWIP steels containing different boron
chemical segregation species. concentrations. They argued the improvement in the hot ductility
First of all, embrittlement easily occurs in boron containing at the temperature range of 700–800 °C is associated with the
steels because of poor ductility possibly due to formation of boron presence of BN and Fe23(B,C)6 at grain boundaries.
nitride at austenitic grain boundary and it may even inhibit DRX of Once different particles were localized using TEM bright field
austenite during hot working [55]. Particularly, it should be on carbon replicas, Fe23(B,C)6 compound was firstly traced and
pointed out that the addition of Ti suppresses the precipitation of identified by EDX punctual analysis in a qualitative manner (see
BN and causes the formation of complex precipitates in which Fig. 13(a,b)) and then it was characterized in depth through TEM
Fe23(B,C)6 precipitates either on the MnS or on the TiN particles high resolution technique, as shown in Fig. 13(c–e). Furthermore,
[16]. Fig. 12 shows the TEM characterization through carbon re- using the HRTEM it was possible to obtain the interplanar spacing
plica of some precipitated particles found at 900 °C, where good for the crystallographic plane (640), giving a value of 1.466 Å.
values of RA were exhibited. One main feature that highlights the Juárez-Islas et al. [58] have described that the continuous pre-
present results is the incidence of S in almost all the analyzed cipitation of Fe23(B,C)6 concentrates along grain boundaries. Like-
particles by EDX. Perrot-Simonetta et al. [56] have indicated that wise, they observed that these precipitates have a depth re-
when B segregates to austenitic grain boundaries, boron replaces lationship with punctual defects such as dislocations and va-
sulfur and, consequently, the grain cohesion is enhanced. This cancies. Additionally, Henry et al. [59] have demonstrated that
phenomenon is already seen in the TW–Ti/B steel in the MM spatial density, morphology and size distribution of Fe23(B,C)6 at
condition, since after the hot-tensile testing at 900 °C is observed a grain boundaries greatly varies among grain boundaries due to the
DRX microstructure immerse in a highly cracked condition (see possible changes in the structure measured as a function of the
324 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 16. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the SM condition hot tested at 700 °C. (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

disorientation between adjacent grains. Also, it has been shown thanks to the reduction of stress concentration at grain
that the amount of Fe23(B,C)6 tends to increase as the boron con- boundaries.
tent in steels increases too [60]. Finally, there are certain temperatures for both TWIP steels
Additionally, as an attempt to characterize other boron pre- where the hot ductility starts decreasing significantly. So, at the
cipitates in the TW–Ti/B steel, it was possible to obtain the lattice higher testing temperature of 1100 °C, hot ductility tends to de-
parameter of precipitated particles of the type BxCy. Fig. 14 pre- crease to values as low as 13% RA. This undesirable behavior limits
sents the polyhedral morphology of a particle identified as B4C, the hot working temperature. It has been demonstrated that any
where the measured interplanar spacing was 1.8127 Å, located at stress concentration at certain sites may weaken the grain
the plane (211). boundary and the occurrence of grain boundary sliding cause the
Because the low strain rate, as in the current study, re- development of some cracks, thereby reducing the elongation to
crystallization and precipitation can take place simultaneously and fracture [63,64]. The current described phenomena concerns the
influence each other [61]. There are two mechanisms that affect effect of the second-phase particles located at the austenitic grain
DRX in systems containing the second-phase particles. Particle boundaries and the no occurrence of DRX. As a result, embrittle-
size and inter-particle spacing dictate whether the second-phase ment and induced cracking condition are the significant effects of
will act as a nucleation site for recrystallization, known as particle AlN and TiC and even Ti(C,N) precipitates in these TWIP steels at
stimulated nucleation (PSN), or whether it will retard re- the high testing temperatures. Therefore, Ti(C,N) could be present
crystallization by dragging boundaries, known as Zener drag effect. at any temperature, since the partition of the N from Ti(C,N) to AlN
However, it has been shown that the most important effect of is expected to be sluggish (see Fig. 10c for the TW–Ti/B steel).
microalloying elements is the formation of fine precipitates, which
in turn, retard recrystallization much more than solutes. Re- 3.5. Fracture surface analysis on hot ductility
crystallization can be delayed by precipitates via the pinning of
grain boundaries or pinning of individual dislocations [62]. Fig. 15(a–d) displays the fracture surface for the TWIP steels
In this way, it can be concluded that the presence of boron in tested at 700 °C and solidified in MM, where moderate hot duc-
this TWIP steel decreases the activation energy for the re- tility was obtained. As can be seen from these SEM fractographs,
crystallization and, hence, the DRX onset is accelerated [45]. Thus, the TW–NM steel reveals some brittle type fracture along coarse
the addition of B enhances the hot ductility behavior at the in- grain boundaries, characterized by the presence of a fibrous zone
termediate temperature range (800–900 °C) due to non-equili- near the principal developed cracks (Fig. 15a). This type of fracture
brium segregation at grain boundaries, where the grain cohesion is indicates that the failure is caused primarily by intergranular de-
maintained. The sufficient Ti addition retards the formation of cohesion, as shown in Fig. 15b. For the case of TW–Ti/B steel
detrimental fine precipitates for the hot ductility, such as nitrides/ (Fig. 15c), the above mentioned features change dramatically,
carbonitrides of boron. And moreover, the DRX phenomenon helps displaying a fracture surface composed by fine-grained structure.
to decrease cavity nucleation and growth during hot working This failure mode is promoted by cracking interconnection starting
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 325

Fig. 17. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the MM condition hot tested at intermediate temperature range (800–900 °C). (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

at small intergranular decohesions showing flat surfaces with ir- involving a broad range of length scales, from the atomic to the
regular contours, where even the polyhedral morphology of the macroscopic scale, where the characteristic mechanisms acting on
grains can be seen. On the other hand, TW–NM steel solidified in each scale differ but are interconnected. The principal nano-me-
SM (Fig. 16a) condition does not differ too much with the fracture chanisms occurring during failure of metals are attributed to the
behavior described by the MM one. However, TW–Ti/B steel in SM vacancy movement, dislocation interactions, dislocation coales-
condition (Fig. 16c) exhibits a mixed fracture ductile–brittle type cence and atomic layers separation. In the first case, vacancies
composed by the coarse-grained structure. migrate and conglomerate into clusters and at a certain point lead
The fact of having different solidification rates modifies the to void formation. As this process is diffusion controlled, it is ex-
microstructure evolution in terms of grain size and other me- clusively associated with high temperature deformation and/or
tallurgical phenomena like segregation and second-phase pre- low strain rates [66]. In the case of dislocation coalescence, this
cipitation. Thus, TWIP steels solidified into SM present larger process involves the pile-up of dislocations at an obstacle, such as
grains than MM ones. As it was mentioned before, the presence of a grain boundary, until a critical stress is reached where the dis-
AlN at grain boundaries is also associated with this fracture be- locations coalesce together to form cavities [67]. Finally, the se-
havior at the lowest temperatures. In general, an intergranular paration of atoms from their neighboring atoms by breaking
fracture type is observed at 700 °C, where it takes place due to the atomic bonds is the main process attributed to void initiation
concentration of a significant strain hardening during deformation during plastic deformation. This separation occurs preferentially in
until a certain value which overpass the grains resistance gen- brittle particles or at sites where the bond is weaker [68–69].
erating grain decohesion [65]. Therefore, possible features are prone to void nucleation as the
The fracture surface of the samples hot tested at intermediate heterogeneities found in the microstructure, i.e., the second-phase
temperature range (800–900 °C) and solidified in MM condition is particles, inclusions, different phase constituents and grain
shown in Fig. 17(a–d). In general, the observed fracture type is boundaries. The individual voids will continue growing until cer-
ductile because of the existence of many dimples having various tain conditions are reached and, as consequence, coalescence of
sizes and depths. However, TW–NM steel shows higher transversal voids occurs to form macrocracks.
area reduction than TW–Ti/B steel, which is an indicator of the hot So, in the present TWIP steels, during plastic deformation, with
ductility values obtained during hot testing (see Fig. 5). As already increasing elongation in the tensile test, more cavities coalesce in
mentioned, this behavior can be associated to the DRX occurrence the cross-sectional area of the gage section, mainly at grain
(see Fig. 7). In the case of TW–Ti/B steel, the fracture is not com- boundaries, beginning the process in those grains with crystal-
pletely associated to brittle behavior because typical features of lographic preferred orientation respect to the loading axis. Crow-
ductile failure type are still observed, i.e., the fracture surface ther and Mintz [70] reported that the large voids were originally
usually exhibits a dimpled topography rather than a cleavage one. intergranular cracks, formed at the early stage of deformation due
The occurrence of ductile fracture in metals is a process to grain boundary sliding. Subsequently, cracks get distorted into
326 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 18. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the SM condition hot tested at intermediate temperature range (800–900 °C). (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

elongated voids until final failure, as can be seen in the present intergranular and interdendritic fracture features with some
research work. smooth features, immerse in a coarse-grained structure, where
Regarding the TWIP steels solidified in SM condition, Fig. 18(a– fracture behavior is brittle. The brittleness is principally char-
d) shows the fracture surfaces, which indicates mixed ductile– acterized with intergranular separation. Particularly, TW–NM steel
brittle features related to the existence of flat and rough surfaces clearly reveals the existence of some voids related to the pre-
composed of many dimples, and where cracks developed on cipitation incidence mostly formed at grain boundaries, as it was
planes almost perpendicular to the loading direction. Fig. 18c discussed above, where grain boundary separation is much more
presents the macroscopic fracture tip of TW–Ti/B steel, which conspicuous. Regarding the TW–Ti/B steel, some globular features
exhibits the highest hot ductility value (82% RA), principally at- can be observed, which could be related to a layer of previously
tributed to the onset of DRX. Consequently, the major reduction of liquid metal. The ductility is known to be dependent on geome-
area suggests a dominant ductile deformation condition by void trical and microstructural heterogeneities of the as-cast structure
interconnection. Additionally, close microvoids coalesced by in- (i.e., chilled zone, casting surface defects, second-phase particles
ternal necking after considerable reduction of area, and their oval (distribution, morphology and spacing)), and the influence of
morphology also suggest the nucleation of some voids at the later thermomechanical conditions during rolling (i.e., triaxiality inver-
stages of the deformation. In this way, Rittel et al. [71] have sug- sion, principal stress, strain, strain rate, heat losses, etc.) [73].
gested that distant elongated voids are bridged by small voids, Therefore, cracking can proceed beyond triaxiality inversion and
whereas close voids coalesce by internal necking. will be dependent solely on the principal stress, dislocation den-
According to the austenite grain size achieved in the present sity (strain), microstructural features (second-phase particles, etc.)
TWIP steels, it can be assumed that the grain size plays a de- and intrinsic ductility of matrix. Additionally, it may be pointed
terminant factor in controlling the hot ductility of steels due to the out that at high temperatures, deformation proceeds easily with
following [72]: (i) If the fracture type is intergranular, the aspect no critical obstacles. A very important feature in these kinds of
ratio of the cracks which controls the stress concentrations at the steels is the alloying elements enrichment because of austenite
crack tip is greater in a steel with coarse grain size (see Figs. 15 and stabilization, resulting in some problems such as segregation/mi-
16), (ii) It is more difficult that a crack propagates due to grain crosegregation and localized deformation [74]. Precipitation of the
boundary sliding at triple junctions of grains in a steel with finer second-phase particles at grain boundaries may result when
grain size (i.e., DRX condition), (iii) The increased specific grain temperature variations occur and the concentration of segregated
boundary area in a finer grain size steel (for a given volume of solute at grain boundaries becomes supersatured. Thus, the sus-
precipitates) reduces the precipitate density at the grain ceptibility of a material to intergranular precipitation is dependent
boundaries. upon the solid solubility and bulk concentration of the solute in
Regarding the fracture surface analysis at the highest tem- the material, weakening grain boundaries and becoming easy
perature of 1100 °C, it can be seen from Fig. 19(a–d) that the TWIP ways for cracking propagation.
steels solidified in MM condition present a kind of combination of On the other hand, the TWIP steels subjected to low
I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329 327

Fig. 19. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the MM condition hot tested at 1100 °C. (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

solidification rate (SM condition) shown in Fig. 20(a–d) reveals 2. Ti/B additions to TWIP steels increase the peak stress (sp) value,
that the brittle fracture was more dominant, where this failure which is associated with solid-solution and precipitation
mode clearly corresponds to the increased loss of ductility, strengthening effects.
showing smooth and flat surfaces. Furthermore, the absence of 3. The studied TWIP steels exhibit good ductility at intermediate
voids and cavities on the fracture surface proves that void nu- temperature range (800–900 °C), moderate ductility at the
cleation and coalescence were not associated with the failure. In- lowest temperature (700 °C) and low ductility at the highest
stead, a dendritic structure on grain surface can be observed. temperature (1100 °C).
Therefore, it means that interdendritic microsegregation is the 4. TWIP steel solidification route seems to have no significant ef-
cause of failure mode described at the highest testing temperature. fect on the hot ductility. However, moderate fine austenitic
This fracture mechanism may be acting at minor scale, and may be grain size was obtained using metallic mold.
related with reminiscent microsegregations of solidification in- 5. TW–Ti/B steel in the SM condition showed the highest RA value
ducing an interdendritic fracture component [75]. Zarandi et al. (82%) at 900 °C, which is associated with the prevention of grain
[63] related this fracture behavior with some energy release boundary decohesion through non-equilibrium segregation of
through an alleviation of stress concentration due to the fast boron.
opening or propagation of cracks at grain boundary and/or a 6. The occurrence of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) through
sudden rupture in some parts of the specimen. Large grain formation of necklace structures at the intermediate tempera-
boundary cracks shown in Fig. 20 can be the result of such energy ture range (800–900 °C) is the main reason for the good duc-
relaxation as a sudden growth, which results in a stress drop on tility, so fine dynamically recrystallized grains reduce the stress
the stress–strain curve. state acting at grain boundaries, isolating crack propagation.
7. Ti/B addition to TWIP steel is beneficial to the hot ductility since
Ti forms stronger stable nitride compounds which reduce the
4. Conclusions formation of harmful precipitates such as BN and AlN.
8. The compounds Fe23(B,C)6 and B4C were identified in the TW–
The main conclusions of the present research work are as Ti/B steel, which in turn are less detrimental to hot ductility
follows: than boron-nitride compounds.
9. The fracture surfaces of tested TWIP steels at temperatures
1. The structural analysis in the present TWIP steels showed that showing the higher hot ductility indicate that the failure mode
single austenitic phase remains stable. Additionally, an im- is of the ductile type composed of many dimples. On the other
portant feature observed in TW–Ti/B steel is that the addition of hand, at the lowest temperature showing moderate hot ducti-
B causes a decrease in the transformation solid–liquid start lity, the failure mode is ductile–brittle. Grain boundary sliding is
temperature. the responsible embrittlement mechanism for ductility loss at
328 I. Mejía et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 648 (2015) 311–329

Fig. 20. Fracture surface behavior in TWIP steels in the SM condition hot tested at 1100 °C. (a) TW–NM and (b) TW–Ti/B.

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