Polymer Chapter
Polymer Chapter
Polymer Chapter
& Collapse
L = Nb (32.1)
(see Figure 32.1(a)). The contour length has a fixed value, no matter what the
chain conformation.
(a) Contour Length L (b) End-to-end Length r
b b
b b N
b 2
3 4
L = Nb
Figure 32.1 Two measures of the size of a polymer molecule. If there are N bonds
and each bond has length b, the contour length (a) is the sum of the lengths of all
bonds, L = Nb. The end-to-end length (b) is the vector sum, r = i=1 i , where i is
the vector representing bond i.
Another measure of polymer chain size is the end-to-end length, the length
of the vector pointing through space from one end of the chain to the other,
when the chain is in a given conformation (see Figure 32.1(b)). The end-to-end
length varies from one chain conformation to the next. The end-to-end vector
r is the vector sum over the bonds i for bonds i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N:
r= i. (32.2)
The end-to-end length cannot be greater than the contour length. The end-
to-end length changes when a polymer is subjected to applied forces. It is
related to the radius of the molecule, and can be used to interpret the vis-
cosities of polymer solutions, the scattering of light, and some of the dynamic
properties of polymer solutions.
For any vector, you can always consider the x, y, and z components indi-
vidually. The x component of the end-to-end vector is
rx = xi , (32.3)
where xi = b cos θi is the projection on the x-axis of the ith vector and θi is
the angle of bond i relative to the x-axis. If all the bond vectors have the same
length b, you get
rx = b cos θi . (32.4)
rx = b cos θi =b cos θi = 0, (32.5)
i=1 i=1
because the average over randomly oriented vectors is cos θi = 0 (see Exam-
ple 1.23). This means that monomer N of a random flight chain is in about
the same location as monomer 1, because there are as many positive steps as
negative steps, on average. Because the x, y, and z components are indepen-
dent of each other, the y and z components can be treated identically and
ry = rz = 0.
Because the mean value of the end-to-end vector is zero (rx = 0), rx
doesn’t contain useful information about the size of the molecule. The mean
square end-to-end length r 2 or rx2 is a more useful measure of molecular
size. It is related to the radius of gyration Rg by Rg2 = r 2 /6 for a linear chain
[1]. We won’t prove that relationship here. The radius of gyration, which is
always positive, is a measure of the radial dispersion of the monomers. We use
r 2 instead of Rg because the math is simpler.
The square of the magnitude of the end-to-end vector can be expressed as
a matrix of terms:
This sum involves two kinds of terms, ‘self terms’ i i (along the main
diagonal) and ‘cross terms’ i j , i = j. The self terms give i · i = b2 ,
because the product of a vector with itself is the square of its length. The cross
terms give i · j = b2 cos θ = 0 because there is no correlation between
the angles of any two bond vectors in the random-flight model. Therefore the
only terms that contribute to the sum are the self terms along the diagonal,
and there are N of those, so
r 2 = Nb2 . (32.7)
Chain Stiffness
directed along the chain conclusion also holds if you include second neighbors and third neighbors,
axis, and ψ is the angle etc., provided only that the correlations decay to zero over a number of bonds
between the chain axis and |i − j| N that is much smaller than the chain length. So the random-flight
the chemical bond. model is useful even for real chains, for which bonds are not fully independent
of their neighbors. Chain stiffness is a term sometimes used to describe the
degree of angular correlation between neighboring bonds.
In general, the effects of bond correlations can be described by
r 2 = CN Nb2 , (32.8)
where the constant CN is called the characteristic ratio. The subscript indicates
that CN can depend on the chain length N. The characteristic ratios of poly-
mers are typically greater than one, indicating that there are correlations of
orientations between near-neighbor bonds along the chain.
These arguments suggest a strategy for treating real chains. The idea is
to represent a real chain by an equivalent freely jointed chain. The equivalent
chain has virtual bonds, or Kuhn segments, each of which represents more than
one real chemical bond. The number of virtual bonds NK and the length of each
bond bK are determined by two requirements. First, the Kuhn model chain
must have the same value of r 2 as the real chain, but it is freely jointed so
its characteristic ratio equals one,
r 2 = CN Nb2 = NK bK . (32.9)
Second, the Kuhn chain has the same contour length as the real chain,
L = Nb cos ψ = NK bK , (32.10)
where ψ is the angle between the real bond and the long axis of the extended
real chain (see Figure 32.2), since that axis defines the direction of the virtual
bonds. Dividing Equation (32.9) by (32.10) gives
= (32.11)
b cos ψ
NK cos2 ψ
= . (32.12)
Example 32.1 gives the Kuhn length for polyethylene.
Another model is the wormlike chain model [2]. Its measure of stiffness is
the persistence length, which is half the Kuhn length. The persistence and Kuhn
lengths characterize the number of bonds over which orientational correlations Figure 32.3 Example of a
decay to zero along the chain. These are simplified models of bond correlations. random-walk chain
A better treatment, which we won’t explore here, is the rotational isomeric state conformation. Source: LRG
model [1, 3], which accounts not only for the angles and lengths of chemical Treloar, Physics of Rubber
bonds, but also for the different statistical weights of the various possible bond Elasticity, 2nd edition,
conformations. Oxford University Press,
To understand why polymeric materials are elastic, you need to know more New York, 1958.
than just the first and second moments, r = 0 and r 2 = Nb2 ; you need the
full distribution function of the end-to-end lengths.
(m − m∗ )2 = 3x 2 /4b2 .
P (x, N) = P ∗ e−3x
2 /2Nb 2
. (32.13)
F S 3x 2
= − = − ln P (x, N) = βx 2 + constant = + constant. (32.16)
kT k 2Nb2
Force (pN)
0 10 20 26 30
Extension (µm)
0 10 20 30
Extension (µm)
Figure 32.4 Stretching a single molecule of DNA leads to a retractive force that is
linear in the extension at low extensions, but steeper at higher extensions. The inset
is an enlargement of the y-axis, for small deformations. Source: SB Smith, L Finzi and
C Bustamante, Science 258, 1122–1126 (1992).
The retractive force felastic is defined as the derivative of the free energy,
dF 3kT x
felastic = − = −2kT βx = − . (32.17)
dx Nb2
Equation (32.17) shows that the retractive force felastic is linear in the displace-
ment x, like a Hooke’s law spring. Polymeric materials can be stretched to many
times their undeformed size. (Metal can be stretched too, but only to a much
smaller extent, and by a different, energetic, mechanism.) Fully stretched, the
size of a chain is determined by its contour length, L = Nb. In its undeformed
state, its average size√is r 2 1/2 = N 1/2 b, so a polymer chain can be stretched
by nearly a factor of N. f
N 1
Figure 32.4 shows how the retractive force depends on the stretched lengths
of single molecules of DNA. You can see the linearity between force and exten-
Figure 32.5 Chain
sion for small stretching. At large deformations, the retractive forces become
conformational elasticity is a
much stronger and the Gaussian distribution no longer applies.
vector force tending to
Now we generalize to three dimensions to describe elasticity as a vector
cause the chain ends
force that drives the chain ends together (see Figure 32.5).
(labeled N and 1) to be near
each other, on average.
Elasticity in Two and Three Dimensions
Let r represent the vector from the origin, where the chain begins, to (x, y, z),
where the chain ends (see Figure 32.6(a)). The length of the end-to-end vector
dx dy dz
x y
r r
Figure 32.6 Two different probability densities for the termini of chains that begin
at the origin (0, 0, 0). (a) The probability density P (r, N) = P (x, y, z, N) that the chain
end is between (x, y, z) and (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz). The most probable
termination point is the origin. (b) The probability density P (r , N) = 4π r 2 P (r, N) that
the chain end is anywhere in a radial shell between r and r + dr . The peak of this
distribution is predicted by Equation (32.23). Source: CR Cantor and PR Schimmel,
Biophysical Chemistry, Part II, WH Freeman, San Francisco, 1980.
10−8 10− 8
102 103 104 235 245 255
DNA Length (base pairs) DNA Length (base pairs)
Figure 32.9 (a) For long chains the DNA cyclization probability diminishes as
predicted by the Jacobson–Stockmayer theory. Shortening the chain stiffens it,
reducing the cyclization probability below the Jacobson–Stockmayer value. (b) At
higher resolution the cyclization probability depends on periodicities in the polymer,
neglected in the random-flight treatment. Source: D Shore and RL Baldwin, J Mol Biol
170, 957–981 (1983).
EXAMPLE 32.3 Most probable radius R0 . What is the most probable end-to-
end distance R = R0 of a Gaussian chain? Because this is related to the size
of the molecule, this quantity is often called the most probable radius. Begin
with the entropy, S(r ) = k ln P (r , N). Because F = −T S, using Equation (32.19)
λ yy 0 λ xx 0
λ zz 0
y0 x0
= − = − ln 4π r 2 P (r, N) = βr 2 − 2 ln r + constant. (32.22)
kT k
To get the equilibrium value r = R0 , find the minimum free energy:
d F 2
= 2βR0 − =0 (32.23)
dr kT r =R0 R0
1 2Nb2
⇒ R02 = = .
β 3
The quantity R02 = 2Nb2 /3 = (2/3)r 2 is the square of the most probable ra-
dius of the Gaussian chain. We use it starting on page 621 for treating polymer
collapse and folding processes.
If the undeformed chains are isotropic (all the directions are equivalent), then
x02 = y02 = z02 = (Nb2 )/3, and Equation (32.27) becomes
∆Fm m 2
= (λ + λ2y + λ2z − 3). (32.28)
kT 2 x
In a macroscopic material, applying a force in one direction can cause forces
and deformations in other directions. The forces per unit area in various di-
rections are called stresses and the relative displacements are called strains.
Stresses are derivatives of the free energy with respect to strains. If you deform
a material by a factor α, where the x-axis, y- axis, and z-axis deformations de-
pend on α, the free energy is a function F (λx (α), λy (α), λz (α)). The derivative
can be written in terms of λ2x , λ2y , and λ2z as
∂F ∂F dλ2x ∂F dλ2y ∂F dλ2z
= + + . (32.29)
∂α ∂λ2x dα ∂λ2y dα ∂λ2z dα
EXAMPLE 32.4 Stretch a rubber band along the x-axis. If you stretch rub-
ber, its volume remains approximately constant. Therefore, stretching along
the x-direction by λx = α leads to
λy = λz = √ . (32.32)
Next, we determine how the contact energy depends on the chain radius,
or density. Let wpp , wss , and wsp represent the energies of a contact between
two polymer segments, between two solvent molecules, and between a sol-
vent molecule and a polymer segment, respectively. Figure 32.13 and Equa-
tion (15.11) indicate that the free energy ∆g for desolvating two polymer seg-
ments and forming a contact is
wss + wpp 2
∆g = −2 wsp − = − χkT . (32.40)
2 z
The minus sign indicates that the process defining ∆g is the reverse of the
process defining χ (see Figure 15.6). The mean-field approximation gives an
estimate of the number of contacts among chain monomers. The probability
that a site adjacent to a polymer segment contains another polymer segment is
ρ = N/M, and there are z sites that are neighbors of each of the N monomers,
so the contact energy U relative to the fully solvated chain is
U= ∆g = −NkT ρχ. (32.41)
When the chain is relatively open and solvated, the density is small, ρ 1.
Then you can use the approximation ln(1 − ρ) ≈ −ρ − (1/2)ρ 2 − . . . to get
1−ρ 1−ρ ρ2
ln(1 − ρ) + 1 ≈ −ρ − − ... + 1
ρ ρ 2
≈ ρ + ρ2 . (32.43)
Substituting Equation (32.43) into Equation (32.42), and keeping only the first-
order approximation, gives the solvation free energy as a function of the aver-
age segment density,
Fsolvation 1
= Nρ −χ . (32.44)
kT 2
In Flory theory, a simple approximation relates the density ρ to the size r
N Nv
ρ= = 3 , (32.45)
M r
where v is the volume per chain segment. This relationship defines the value
of M, the number of sites on the lattice that contains the polymer chain. Com-
bining Equation (32.45) with Equations (32.22) and (32.44) gives
Felastic Fsolvation N 2v 1
+ = βr 2 − 2 ln r + − χ + constant. (32.46)
kT kT r3 2
Taking the derivative of Equation (32.46) and finding the value r = R that
causes the derivative to be zero (the most probable value of r ; Equation (32.36))
2 3N 2 v 1
2βR − − − χ = 0. (32.47)
R R4 2
You can express this in terms of R02 = 2Nb2 /3 = β−1 , the most probable ra-
dius of the unperturbed chain (see Equation (32.23)). Multiplying both sides of
Equation (32.47) by R 4 /(2R03 ), and rearranging gives
5 3
R R 3N 2 v 1
− = − χ
R0 R0 2R03 2
5/2 √
3 v 1
= −χ N. (32.48)
2 b3 2
For solvent and temperature conditions that cause χ = 0.5, the right-hand side
of Equation (32.48) equals zero. In that case, multiplying Equation (32.48) by
For solvent and temperature conditions that cause χ < 0.5 (called good sol-
vents), the right-hand side of Equation (32.48) is positive. In this regime, ex-
cluded volume causes chain expansion. For large N, the fifth-power term is
much larger than the third-power term, so
5 5/2 √
R 3 v 1
≈ − χ N ⇒ R 5 ∝ R05 N 1/2 ∝ N 3
R0 2 b3 2
⇒ R ∝ N 0.6 . (32.50)
In good solvents, the chain radius grows more steeply with chain length (R ∝
N 0.6 ) than in θ-solvents (R ∝ N 0.5 ).
Solvent and temperature conditions that cause χ > 0.5 are called poor solvents.
For a poor solvent, the right-hand side of Equation (32.48) is negative, so R/R0 <
1, and the polymer collapses into a compact conformation. For poor solvent
conditions, Equation (32.48) is no longer sufficient because of the low-density
approximation we used to derive it. A collapsed chain has a high segment
density. If you were to keep the next higher term in the density expansion
for ln(1 − ρ), however, you would find that the model predicts R ∝ N 1/3 , as
expected for a compact chain.
Polymers have many conformations of nearly equal energy, so they have broad
distributions of conformations. Stretching or squeezing or otherwise perturb-
ing polymers away from their equilibrium conformations leads to entropic
forces that oppose the perturbations. This is the basis for rubber elasticity.
One of the most important models is the random-flight theory, in which the
distribution of chain end distances is Gaussian. The rms distance between
the two ends of the chain increases as the square root of the chain length N,
r 2 1/2 = (Nb2 )1/2 . The random-flight theory applies when the chain is in a
θ-solvent. In that case, the steric tendency to expand is just balanced by the
self-attraction energy causing the chain to contract. When the solvent is poor,
the self-attractions between the chain monomers dominate and chains collapse
to compact configurations. When the solvent is good, the self-attractions are
weak and chains expand more than would be predicted by the random-flight
Problems 627