Load Flow Eksisting

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Project: Page: 1
Location: Date: 09-19-2018
Contract: SN:
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: TOMAN Config.: Normal


Bus Voltage Generation Load Load Flow XFMR

ID kV kV Ang. MW Mvar MW Mvar ID MW Mvar Amp %PF %Tap

* Bus1 150.000 150.000 0.0 3.934 0.024 0 0 BUS 978 3.934 0.024 15.1 100.0

Bus347 21.000 19.211 -11.3 0 0 0.000 -2.214 GH TELUK NILAU 3.516 1.532 115.3 91.7

BUS 978 -3.516 0.682 107.6 -98.2

Bus352 21.000 15.531 -21.3 0 0 1.336 0.647 GH PLTD -1.336 -0.647 55.2 90.0

Bus361 21.000 15.592 -21.2 0 0 0.825 0.400 GH PLTD -0.825 -0.400 34.0 90.0

Bus362 21.000 15.676 -21.2 0 0 0.861 -0.320 GH PLTD -0.861 0.320 33.8 -93.7

BUS 978 21.000 21.088 -0.8 0 0 0 0 Bus347 3.932 -0.027 107.6 100.0

Bus1 -3.932 0.027 107.6 100.0

GH PLTD 21.100 15.690 -21.0 0 0 0.002 0.000 Bus352 1.345 0.662 55.2 89.7

Bus361 0.829 0.406 34.0 89.8

Bus362 0.863 -0.316 33.8 -93.9

GH TELUK NILAU -3.039 -0.752 115.2 97.1

GH TELUK NILAU 21.100 16.628 -18.0 0 0 0.001 0.000 GH PLTD 3.175 0.965 115.2 95.7

Bus347 -3.176 -0.965 115.3 95.7

* Indicates a voltage regulated bus (voltage controlled or swing type machine connected to it)
# Indicates a bus with a load mismatch of more than 0.1 MVA

Keterangan : Tegangan Nipah 15,531 kV, Tegangan Lima 15,592 kV, Tegangan Perkantoran 15,676 kV

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