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Project: Page: 1
Location: Date: 10-25-2020
Contract: SN:
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: DECKY-LT3D Config.: Normal


Bus Voltage Generation Load Load Flow XFMR

ID kV % Mag. Ang. MW Mvar MW Mvar ID MW Mvar Amp %PF %Tap

Bus1 20.000 100.109 -0.1 0 0 0 0 Bus3 0.362 -0.537 18.7 -55.9

Bus2 -0.362 0.537 18.7 -55.9

* Bus2 150.000 100.000 0.0 0.362 -0.536 0 0 Bus1 0.362 -0.536 2.5 -55.9

Bus3 20.000 100.128 -0.1 0 0 0.175 0.000 Bus1 -0.361 0.358 14.7 -71.0

Bus4 0.186 -0.358 11.6 -46.0

Bus4 20.000 100.143 -0.1 0 0 0.060 0.000 Bus3 -0.186 0.179 7.4 -72.0

Bus5 0.125 -0.179 6.3 -57.4

Bus5 20.000 100.140 -0.2 0 0 0.125 0.000 Bus4 -0.125 0.000 3.6 100.0

* Indicates a voltage regulated bus (voltage controlled or swing type machine connected to it)
# Indicates a bus with a load mismatch of more than 0.1 MVA

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