Final Logo
Final Logo
Final Logo
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has been established by the
Government of India to assign unique numbers to all residents of India. The role that the
UIDAI envisions is to issue a unique identification number (UID) that can be verified and
authenticated in an online, cost-effective manner, and that is robust enough to eliminate
duplicate and fake identities. This, it believes, will further inclusive development and
improved governance. The unique numbers would be based on biometrics.
The first UID numbers would be issued between August 2010 to February 2011. Over five
years, the UIDAI plans to issue 600 million UIDs. The numbers will be issued through various
‘registrar’ agencies across the country.
The UIDAI is in the process of designing a logo which would capture the essence of the
mission and purpose of the UIDAI. Logo is a term used to refer to a graphic symbol or
emblem commonly employed by organisations to aid and promote instant public
Given the critical nature of the UID project and its far reaching impact on the lives of every
Indian resident, it is imperative that the powerful idea behind the project gets
communicated to its recipients in a way that is motivating. By branding the project we are in
effect placing the residents at the heart of our efforts and acknowledging that everything
we do is eventually for their benefit. A logo can then be thought of as a visual shortcut that
communicates what the brand stands for.
Below are some notes on the UID project that could help while working on creating a logo:
• The purpose of the UIDAI is to issue a unique identification number (UID) to all Indian
residents that is (a) robust enough to eliminate duplicate and fake identities, and (b)
can be verified and authenticated in an easy, cost effective way.
• A pro-poor approach: The UIDAI envisions full enrolment of residents, with a focus on
enrolling India’s poor and underprivileged communities. The Registrars that the
Authority plans to partner with (like NREGA) will help bring large numbers of the
poor and underprivileged into the UID system. The UID method of authentication,
when adopted, could also improve service delivery for the poor.
• Benefits of UID for residents: The UID would become the single source of identity
verification. Once residents enrol, they can use the number multiple times – they
would be spared the hassle of repeatedly providing supporting identity documents
each time they wish to access services such as obtaining a bank account, passport,
driving license, and so on. By providing a clear proof of identity, the UID will also
facilitate entry for poor and underprivileged residents into the formal banking
system, and the opportunity to avail services provided by the government and the
private sector. The UID will also give migrants mobility of identity. The UID based
identification represents two unique features. Universality; and every resident’s
entitlement to it. The universality is ensured because the UID will be recognized and
accepted across country and across all service providers over time.
• UID can be considered as a soft infrastructure that the Government of India is setting
up. Good examples of soft infrastructure are the telecom and banking infrastructure.
In contrast, ‘Hard’ infrastructure’ would be electricity, roads, water etc. Such soft
infrastructure enables the country to move from being a limited access economy
where access to resources and economic power is controlled by a small group of
elites to an open access model, where resources and skills are widely attainable. The
UID number can be thought of as a facility offered by the Government of India that
enables access to several benefits.
• The UID can help to create a level playing field of opportunity irrespective of state,
language, caste, creed, gender, age, geography, experience, social
hierarchy. However, the UID is not a magic wand of transformation. What the UID
does is reduce the barriers to opportunities equally for all; what each individual
achieves after these barriers are removed will vary from individual to individual.
The UIDAI invites proposals from the public for the logo. If a particular logo is found
appropriate and selected by the UIDAI, it would carry a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh to the sender
of the logo. Consolation prizes of Rs.10, 000 would also be provided.
Proposed Logos can be sent by email to indicating clearly the name, email
and contact details of the sender. The suggestion should clearly indicate the proposed logo
graphically. The suggestions should be sent by February 28th, 2010.