Saudi Arabian Poem
Saudi Arabian Poem
Saudi Arabian Poem
1. What Goes Up, Must Come Down Not a hair astray, nor skin showing,
Written By: Samiha Zubair Holding her head up high,
Thinking of the future,
In that spark, at summit Arms laden with books,
When sky is just on the way and is not the limit Head in the clouds,
Like lime being squeezed out of last drop of juice Lunch, television, studies, friends,
As throne and king, in sweet affiliation, never in truce That is how her day will go
High up taunting the call of gravity Near future, far future,
Columbarium in tornado, reunion with plummeting abyss a Blissful, brimming with expectations.
true test of vitality
Motivation a lambasted frugality, an eternal ignite for those Hey, you there! thunders across the parking lot
who drown You with the black boots the tone is raised
Is in action when what goes up starts to come down Oh, oh, reluctantly she turns,
Fear stirs,
2. DESERT OF DOUBT Flinching,
Written By: Mohammed Omar Watches wrath unleashed.
Watching sun drops down into the sea The self-righteous, bushy-bearded figure,
So much to see Crashes through the crowds,
A life goes by Bestriding his narrow world like a Colossus,
Never meant to last born to die As his entourage hurries in his wake,
Washed up emotions long forgotten A raging bull on the rampage,
Broken waves on a coast forbidden Seeing red as the girl flouts convention.
A dry cloud
In a desert of doubt Necks crane to watch,
There I lay the last bone The crowds are in on the show.
Where no sun to dawn He thunders on,
The police by his side
3. The Longing Stop, your scarf has slipped.
by Nimah Nawwab The tirade begins, gains momentum.
One day this hard land will all be The fact is,
sand, but for now - life is good the Baptist,
the false profit priest,
2. Abraham's Youth praying to the beast,
by: AaronLaLux left the light,
then mixed up the good book,
to make wrong seem right, let there,
left to right, be peace...
they rewrote the Bible backwards,
they subtracted good,
and added bad words, 3. Sitting on an old stone fence
they say it's prayer, by: Roy Liran
but it's really evil practice,
fkcn sorcerer magicians, When the last light of a lazy
rabbit in a hat tricks, autumn sun dresses these gentle
but instead of a rabbit, hills with a shimmering gown
they pull out a dove, of silvery green, I almost forget.
we've capitalized off love!", Often, my taste buds explode with
or at least, the depth of a fresh bowl of rough
the thought of it, hummus, smoothed by a lemony-rich
"here, buy lots of it!" olive oil, and my memory nearly fails.
"Don't worry you'll be fine!"
Sometimes, riding the slow train from
I don't feel fine, Haifa to Jerusalem, I see the wide
I feel like I'm, smiles of the children of a dozen
losing touch, accents, and it just about slips my mind,
with divine…
So I shout with my heart, W
here Is The LOVE! this old country is
Come here my Brothers, mine, and I love it, but
give me a hug! it is not for me.
Put down the guns, to be read on an old terrace wall, holding a neatly folded
let us embrace, flag, looking westward
let us pray together,
let us have some faith, 4. Jerusalem 'A city of peace'
Sadashivan Nair
Ishmael, Hold roses in one hand,
we are one family, In the other a dove of peace;
let us, Let's live side by side,
bless us, Hold together our souls;
all of us actually, Fight our common enemy,
let us, Poverty and joblessness;
break bread, Holy Spirits disappear,
and have peace, From Jerusalem 'A city of peace',
from the, When hold guns and stones;
West Coast, In the name of peace and freedom,
to The Middle East, Kill own brothers and kin;
this is, Seeping red blood
a New World, Flows in land and lakes;
in The Old City, Injured and dead lie in streets;
We've had, Why Abraham's land still seeks,
enough war, Sacrifice of his sons?
we need some peace, While angels appeared long before,
In the land of holy spirits,
As-Salaam Alaikum, Built temples and mosque,
Wa-Alaikum Salaam, Together, under one sky;