HW 6
HW 6
HW 6
You must do problems (1) through (4). Problem (5) is for extra credit. All rings
are commutative in this HW assignment (as it has been for the past few weeks).
You may use the fact that polynomial rings over a field are UFDs.
(1) Let R be an integral domain and p a non-zero element of R. (One says that p
is a prime element of R, or is irreducible in R, iff p is not a unit in R, but p = ab
implies either a or b is in R× .)
(a) Prove that if the principal ideal I = pR is a prime ideal, then p is a prime
element. √
(b) Let R be the ring Z[ −5]. Show that 2 is a prime element of R but that
2R is not a prime ideal. What is the primary decomposition of 2R ?
(c) Suppose p is a prime element in R. Show that if R is a UFD, then pR is a
prime ideal; then discuss the example of (b) in this context. If R is a PID,
prove that pR is even a maximal ideal of R.
(2) Establish from first principles, i.e., without quoting theorems on primary
decompositions, the following assertions concerning the set X0 , say, of zero divisors
in a (commutative) Noetherian ring R.
(a) X0 is a union of prime ideals in R.
(b) X0 contains the union Xmin of minimal prime ideals.
(c) X0 can be strictly large than Xmin (give an example).
(Hint: Check first that S := R − X0 is a multiplicative set. Then prove that
for any x ∈ X0 , the collection Tx of ideals I containing x but not meeting S is
non-empty and has a maximal element Px , which must be prime.)
I = (Y 2 − XZ) ∩ (X 2 , Z) ∩ (Y, Z 2 ),
which is not redundant. Determine Ass(I), and check which associated primes are
isolated and which ones are embedded.
(Note: The following fact was discussed in class: If N is a proper submodule of a
Noetherian module M with primary decomposition ∩m J=1 Qj with Qj primary, then
Ass(N ) consists of the primes associated the Qj ’s.)
(5) Let R be a commutative ring (̸= (0)). Let M be a maximal ideal of R with
residue field k = R/M. For any R-module N , define rkM (N ), the rank of N at
M, to be the dimension of the k-vector space N/MN (≃ N ⊗R k). Prove the
(a) If N is a free R-module with basis {xi | i ∈ I}, denoted RI , then rkM (N )
equals |I|, the cardinality of I.
(b) RI ≃ RJ =⇒ I = J.
(c) rkM (N ⊕ L) = rkM (N ) + rkM (L).
(d) rkM (N ⊗ L) = rkM (N ) · rkM (L).
(You may use known theorems on dimensions of vector spaces.)