Ideals, Homomorphisms and Factor Rings

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Chapter 3 Ideals, Homomorphisms and Factor Rings

3.1 Ring Homomorphisms and Ideals

In this section we develop some more of the abstract theory of rings. In particular we will describe those functions between rings that preserve the ring structure, and we will look at another way of forming new rings from existing ones. Denition 3.1.1 Let R be a ring. A non-empty subset S of R is a subring of R if it is itself a ring under the addition and multiplication of R. This means that S is closed under the addition and multiplication of R, that it contains the zero element of R, and that it contains the negative of each of its elements. EXAMPLES 1. Z is a subring of Q. Q is a subring of R. R is a subring of C. 2. The ring Mn (F) of n n matrices over a eld F has the following subrings : Dn (F) - the ring of diagonal n n matrices over F. Un (F) - the ring of upper triangular n n matrices over F. 3. For any eld F, F is a subring of the polynomial ring Mn (F). So also is F[x2 ], the subset of F[x] consisting of those polynomials in which the coefcient of xi is zero whenever i is odd. 4. Every (non-zero) ring R has at least two subrings - the full ring R and the zero subring {0R } 24




1. Give two more examples of subrings of Mn (Q). 2. Suppose that S is a subring of a ring R. Is it possible that S could have an identity element for multiplication that is different from the identity element of R? Could this happen if R is an integral domain? Denition 3.1.2 Let R and S be rings. A function : R S is a ring homomorphism if for all x, y R we have (x + y) = (x) + (y) and (xy) = (x)(y). EXAMPLES 1. Choose a positive integer n and dene n : Z Z/nZ to be the function that sends k Z to the congruence class modulo n to which k belongs. Then n is a ring homomorphism. 2. Let F be a eld. If a F we can dene a homomorphism a : F[x] F given by a (f(x)) = f(a) for f(x) F[x]. QUESTION FOR THE SEMINAR: Determine whether each of the following is a ring homomorphism : 1. The function det : M2 (Q) Q that associates to every matrix its determinant. 2. The function g : Z Z dened by g(n) = 2n, for n Z. 3. The function : Q[x] Q dened for f(x) Q[x] by (f(x)) = the sum of the coefcients of f(x).


Denition 3.1.3 Suppose that : R S is a homomorphism of rings. The kernel of is the subset of R dened by ker = {r R : (r) = 0S }. The image of is the subset of S dened by Im = {s S : s = (r) for some r R}.

Lemma 3.1.4 Im is a subring of S. Proof: First we need to show that Im is closed under the addition and multiplication of S. So suppose that s1 , s2 are elements of Im and let r1 , r2 be elements of R for which s1 = (r1 ) and s2 = (r2 ). Then (r1 + r2 ) = (r1 ) + (r2 ) = s1 + s2 and so s1 + s2 Im. Also (r1 r2 ) = (r1 )(r2 ) = s1 s2 and so s1 s2 Im. Next we show that 0S Im. To see this observe that (0R ) + (0r ) = (0R + 0R ) = (0R ). Subtracting the element (0R ) of S from both sides gives (0R ) = 0S . Thus 0S Im - in fact we have proved something more than this, namely that 0S is the image of 0R . Finally we show that Im contains the additive inverse in S of each of its elements. Let s Im and let r be an element of R for which (r) = s. Then (r) + (r) = (0R ) = 0S . Thus (r) is the additive inverse of s in S, i.e. s = (r) and Im contains the negative of each of its elements.


Lemma 3.1.5 ker is a subring of R. Proof: Let r1 , r2 ker . Then (r1 ) = (r2 ) = 0S . We have (r1 + r2 ) = (r1 ) + (r2 ) = 0S + 0S = 0S , and (r1 r2 ) = (r1 )(r2 ) = 0S 0S = 0S . Thus ker is closed under addition and multiplication in R. To see that 0R ker we note that (0R ) = 0S by the proof of Lemma 3.1.4 above. Finally if r ker then 0S = (r + r) = (r) + (r) = (r) + 0S and so (r) = 0 and r ker . Thus ker is a subring of R. In fact ker is not just a subring of R - it has an extra property. Suppose r ker and let x be any element of R. Then xr and rx belong to ker , since (xr) = (x)(r) = (x)0S = 0S , (rx) = (r)(x) = 0S (x) = 0S . So not only is ker closed under its own multiplication, it is also closed under the operation of multiplying an element of ker by any element of R. Denition 3.1.6 Let R be a ring. A left ideal of R is a subring IL of R with the additional property that xa IL whenever a IL and x R. A right ideal of R is a subring IR of R with the additional property that ax IR whenever a IR and x R. A two-sided ideal of R is a subring I of R with the additional property that both xa and ax are in I whenever a I and x R.

QUESTION FOR THE SEMINAR : Find some examples of left, right, or two-sided ideals in each of the following rings : Z, Q, Q[x], Z[x], M2 (Q). NOTES 1. If R is commutative then every left or right ideal of R is a two-sided ideal. We do not talk about two-sided ideals in this case, just ideals. 2. (Two-sided) ideals play a role in ring theory similar to that played by normal subgroups in group theory. 27

EXAMPLES 1. Let R be a ring. We have already seen that the kernel of any ring homomorphism with domain R is a (two-sided) ideal of R. 2. The subrings 2Z = {. . . , 2, 0, 2, 4, . . . } 3Z = {. . . , 3, 0, 3, 6, . . . } are ideals of Z. In general if n Z we will denote by nZ or n the subring of Z consisting of all the integer multiples of n. In each case n is an ideal of Z, since a multiple of n can be multiplied by any integer and the result is always a multiple of n. Note that n is the kernel of the homomorphism n : Z Z/nZ that sends k Z to the class of k modulo n. 3. Fix a polynomial f(x) Q[x]. We denote by f(x) the subring of Q[x] consisting of all those polynomials of the form g(x)f(x) for an element g(x) of Q[x]. Then f(x) is an ideal of Q[x], called the principal ideal generated by f(x). 4. Let R be any ring and let a R. We dene Ra = {ra : r R}. Then Ra is a left ideal of R called the principal left ideal generated by a. Similarly aR = {ar : r R} is the principal right ideal generated by a. If R is commutative then aR = Ra for all a R, and this ideal is called the principal ideal generated by a. It is denoted by a . In Z, nZ is the principal ideal generated by n. In general an ideal in a commutative ring is called principal if it is the principal ideal generated by some element. 5. Every non-zero ring R has at least two ideals, namely the full ring R and the zero ideal {0R }. Lemma 3.1.7 Let R be a ring, and let I be an ideal of R. If I contains a unit u of R, then I = R. Proof: Let u1 denote the inverse of u in R. Then u I implies u1 u = 1R belongs to I. Now let r R. Then r1R = r belongs to I, so R I and R = I. Corollary 3.1.8 If F is a eld, then the only ideals in F are the zero ideal (consisting only of the zero element) and F itself. 28

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