Packaging of Cosmetics

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S.Priyadharshini, Contractual TA
Under Guidance of N.B.Lalwani,
Deputy Director &Reginal Head IIP-Chennai

Introduction: Functions:

A cosmetic is a product, except soap,  Protection, Product should sell on

intended to be applied to the human body sight, Motivate, Impulse
for cleansing, beautifying, promoting buying.,Psychological, Brand, cost,
attractiveness, or altering the appearance. feel & touch.
The primary aim of packaging is the
protection of the product from all hazards
it can be exposed to during transport and  Air

handling. A cosmetic package, in addition, Oxidation, rancidity, drying and

is also required to be attractive and unique bacterial contamination, Anti-
in its features so to trigger “impulse oxidants,humectatnts, bacteriostatic
buying” in the end user. agents.

Fundamentals of packaging of  Light

cosmetics: Discolouration, change in colour,
Consumer acceptance : UVabsorbers,ingredients, coloured glass.

 The packaging must be acceptable  Heat

to the consumer in all forms . Acceleration of oxidation, drying,

Legal &Safety : breaking of emulsion

 The packaging must satisfy the  Cold

legal environmental norms of the Consistency, emulsion breaking, Double

place where it is being sold. walled Jars, stabilisers.
 The Packaging must convey the
Processes of Primary Packaging
safety requirementsduring handling
and usage Plastics

 Blow Moulding
 Injection Moulding
 Injection Blow moulding Glass
 Vacuum Forming
 Screen Printing
Metals  Frosting

 Press forming&Impact Extrusion Paper and Paper board

Glass  Offset printing

 Silver / Gold foil embossing
 Blow moulding
Packaging materials


Soda lime or surface treated

 Highly inert, compatible and high

 Attractive shapes and designs


 colour and air bubbles


Packaging of High end perfumes,

cosmetics, pharma, food.
Processes of Decoration
Tin plate, Aluminium (Cans, tubes, foils)
 Silk screen printing
 Therimage labelling
 Shrink Sleeving Packaging of cosmetics, deo sprays,
 In mould labelling pharma& food.

Metals Tinplate:

 Off set printing (sheet fed)  Good decorative appeal

 Dry Offset (wet on wet)  Good protection
 Special dispensers
 used for talcum powder and oils

Composite containers:

Paper containers with good varnish and


 Ecomnomical

 Good decorative appeal

Paper &Paper board
 Prone to attack by atmospheric
 Labels
 Cartons
 Long range studies required
 E-flute board

Extruded tubes, Rigid containers, Good Aerosol packaging

decorative appeal, Prone to oxidation, Tin containers, Aluminium containers,
Compatibility to be established with Glass containers,Propellants,Valves,
special lacquers. Dispensers

Plastics Classification

 Rigid (Blow/injection moulded) Face creams and lotions, Face powder (

loose and compact), Lipstick, Dentrifice,
 Flexibles(Tubes,sachet)&Extruded
Shaving soaps and lotions, Hair oils, Nail
Materials polish, Eyebrow pencils, Deodourants,

Polypropylene,Polystyrene,HDPE, perfumes, Depilatories



 Packaging of cosmetics, toiletries,

perfumes, pharma, food
 Face creams  Dentifrices

Ingredients: Available in both powder and paste form

Bees wax, mineral oil and water Main ingredients:

Protection required: Calcium carbonate or phosphate, surface

active agent, flavouringoils, sweeteners,
Preservation of water, perfume and light
hemectant, binder, preservative and water.
Recommended Packaging materials:
Protection required:
Ploystyrene, HDPE , glass
Moisture, compatible
 Talcum powder(loose or
Recommended Packaging materials:
Tin containers suitable lacquered,
Collapsible tubes ,Lami tubes with
Magnesium silicate, Zinc oxide, perfume closures made from Poly propylene and
and colouring matter HDPE

Protection required:  Shaving creams and foams

Loss of Odour or perfume and colouring Ingredients:
Stearic acid, coconut oil, caustic potash,
Recommended Packaging materials: caustic soda, glycerol, surfectants ,
Tin, HDPE, Composite containers, Poly preservatives, perfumes and water.

styrene Protection required:

 Lipsticks Retention of moisture, perfume

Ingredients: Recommended Packaging materials:

Oils, waxes and pigments Lamitubes, Extruded tubes, Tin containers,

Protection required: Aluminium containers with suitable

Contamination, air, temperature, light
 Depilatories ( Cream and lotions)
Recommended Packaging materials:

Rigid plastic poly styrene and aluminium

Main ingredients:Calcium and Baby products
PotassiumThioglycolates and
 Highly sensitive
Thioglycolic acid.
 Less reactive

 Less perfumes
Protection required:

Light, Carbon dioxide, Oxidation  Highest protection

Recommended Packaging materials:  High cost

Glass bottles, Lacquered collapsible tubes Cost

and plastic closures
 Very high product cost and Pkg
 Hair oils material cost.

Oils, perfumes, preservatives  Pkgmaterial 200 to 300 % of

product cost.
Protection required:

Rancidity, perfume loss Trends

Recommended Packaging materials: Low cost unit packs, Miniature packs

Transparent packaging ,Promo packs
Glass containers
(better value for money).
 Nail lacquers
Lesser weights for primary packaging –
Main ingredients: specially plastics, Consumer convenience
– Flip top caps, Spray through caps ,Shelf
Poly vinyl acetate, or tributyl phosphate,
ready packaging – suitable for modern
nitrocellulose( film former), ethers/
format stores.
ketones ( quick drying),
pigments(Titanium dioxide, Iron oxide,
ultramarine blue,chrome oxide green)

Protection required:

Solvent evaporation, transparency , caking

Recommended Packaging materials:

Glass containers , Polystyrene closures and

nylon brush.

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