Bees and Wasps
Bees and Wasps
Bees and Wasps
• Ch
t 388 FlFlorida
id Statutes,
St t t th the “M
it Law”,
L ” allows
ll for
f the
removal of arthropod pests of nuisance and public health concern.
• C
Countyt IPM P Procedural
d l Guidelines
G id li include
i l d methods
th d and d materials
t i l
for all pest management activities by county staff or contractors.
• S
t CCounty
t Ri
kM Managementt h has d
l t d tto MMS the
th ttask
k off
determining relative risk to people from stinging insects.
Standard Operating Procedure
• Standard operating procedures for stinging insects were
developed by Mosquito Management Services (MMS).
MMS is the designated
g business center for coordinatingg Sarasota
County’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
• Upon request and time permitting, MMS will identify, evaluate and
d i on managementt solutions
l ti tto reduce
d risk
i k tto people
l ffrom
stinging insects on private property.
Over the counter products may not be effective against large colonies.
It is strongly recommended that professionals be called.
Protocol for Stinging Insect Investigations on
t dPProperty
Initiating a Service Request
Sarasota County Call Center (861-5000) service requests must
include all of the information listed below:
1) The exact location - an address plus the actual site, e.g. “5531
Pinkney Avenue, large nest high in tree at northwest corner of
main building” (or provide GPS coordinates)
• F
ll i identification
id tifi ti off the
th target
t t pestt an
assessment will be made of the relative risk.
Do not go
near any
nest of
Some Commonly Encountered Bees & Wasps
Honey Bee Eastern Yellow Jacket Sand Wasp
Mud dauber nest Organ pipe wasp nest Potter wasp nest
Behavior of the Target Pest
Mud daubers, sand wasps and carpenter bees may fly around
p p when:
(1) Wasps or bees may be provisioning their nests;
(2) People enter the territorial boundaries
guarded by male wasps or bees are seeking mates.
• Depending upon the situation and time of year, bees may be non-
aggressive or aggressive.
Leather patch is
exposed to bees
Honey b
H bee stingers
and poison glands
Control of Paper Wasps
• Paper wasps will sting and are a nuisance easily controlled by removal of
the paper combs. The use of chemicals is unnecessary if proper personal
protective equipment and timing are used.
• If left alone for 24-72 hrs, bees will typically leave the area
and are not a risk for people/pets.
• Sealing the bees in their hive is the method of choice for hives with
entrances/exits in tree holes and structures.
For optimal results hives should be treated at night or very early morning. Follow up
within several hours may be necessary to treat for stragglers.
Strategies for Bees in
El t i l Equipment
Electrical E i t
• Hives in electrical equipment are usually
small but can pose a significant risk to residents
and county staff.
• Examples
E l include
i l d junction
j ti boxes
b or telecommunication
t l i ti bboxes, power
equipment, pad-mounted air conditioning and electrical transformers.
Management is by:
1) Vacuuming up a swarm or collecting the queen and workers on
the hive proper, then freezing it or dousing thoroughly with soapy water
away from the electrical outlet;
2)) Use of an insecticidal treatment such as an impregnated
p g tag.
• Collect the swarm, place it in a trash can and spray the bees
thoroughly with soapy water.
• C
ll 861-5000
861 5000 to
t initiate
i iti t a service
i requestt ffor a b
bee or
wasp problem