Demon The Descent - Cap 1
Demon The Descent - Cap 1
Demon The Descent - Cap 1
You remember Heaven, but not gladly. Heaven is an must depend on lies and deception to keep them safe from the
impossible factory-forge in the heart of the universe. You were God-Machine and its minions.
once God’s loyal servant, but you rebelled. God is a machine,
To Serve Heaven
cold and uncaring, self-interested and self-preserving. The God-
Machine’s calculations have no room for kindness or mercy. in
For a long time — potentially eons — you were a part of this
The angel calls itself the Corrector. It sees the world in terms
God-Machine, a faceless and nameless cog in this system. As
of unpaid debts and unaddressed wrongs. Whenever a thinking
one of the God-Machine’s angels, you worked to preserve the
being rebels against its rightful superior, the abomination registers
status quo with just as little grace or compassion as your master.
to the angel’s senses as a discordant scream, an open wound,
You may have overseen all manner of atrocities, from murder
a spreading stench. Sometimes the angel wishes it had time to
and abuse to famine and plague, but you are not a machine.
bring heavenly justice to humans, small and insignificant as they
Beneath your impenetrable detachment and cosmic power, are, but it never has the time. The clock starts the moment the
you were still a being designed to think and act on a human scale, mission begins; if the target is still alive when the time runs out,
which was what made you useful to the God-Machine. It also made the mission will have failed. When it is awakened, it is for one
it possible for you to experience doubt. Perhaps it was humans — purpose only: to hunt down and eliminate rebel angels.
maybe you grew to love them or hate them. Maybe it was just you Red is his color. Or her color. Sometimes he’s Mr. Crimson,
— maybe you wanted the power to determine your own fate, or sometimes she’s Ms. Vermillion. Gender is an irrelevant detail,
maybe you grew weary of the purpose you had been made for. one of the many things about humans that the angel exploits
Whatever the reason, your dedication wore thin and you without fully comprehending. Its mission is to employ lust as
disconnected yourself from the God-Machine. You are no a weapon, tearing human relationships apart. It doesn’t really
longer an angel, but you still aren’t human. You are something understand anything about sex, from the first blush of interest
different. You are a demon. By right of will and sacrifice, to the sweaty climax, but it knows how to make you want it
you have earned your Descent, falling from a world of cold badly enough that you make a stupid mistake.
calculations and into a world of squalor and darkness. You have It doesn’t know what happens to humans when they die and
turned your back on simplicity of purpose and embraced the it doesn’t much care. What it does know is that when humans
human condition, with all its complications. die, sometimes something happens to the things they held dear.
Every demon’s story is different. Some are fighters in a war These objects become more important, more powerful, and
that may be impossible to win, against a foe as old as the world occasionally, important to the God-Machine’s plans. This angel
itself. Others find it difficult enough to ensure their own comfort lurks in places where humans will die, waiting for the right kind
and safety. Some strive to complete their Fall, to become more of object to be imbued with the right kind of death. Sometimes
human, while others try to retain a remnant of their angelic it feels compelled to intervene, but what would be the point?
objectivity or even return to a semblance of their former state. They are mortal creatures. They all die eventually.
Some demons admire humanity and aspire to remake the world Humans have a lot of contradictory ideas about angels. Some
in its image, while others only object to a hierarchy that they human cultures conflate angels with the honored dead, insisting
don’t rule and strive to remake the world in their own image. that human souls take on an angelic aspect in the afterlife. Others
All demons are united by a shared past. All demons were worship angels as lesser gods, praying that the angels will intercede
once angels, all-powerful slaves of the God-Machine that rules for them before a greater divinity. The Hebrew mystics are probably
the world. All Fell, trading angelic detachment and obedience closest, picturing angels as divine beasts, mere servants, greater
for human perspective and human freedom. And now, all than humans in terms of power but completely lacking in free will.
demons live in a world of masks and double-crosses, where they Even the mystics, however, with their all-loving, all-merciful God,
To Serve in Heaven
misunderstand the true nature of these creatures. Ultimately, no missions, but they don’t always have immediate access to tangential
religion with faith in a sympathetic, anthropomorphic deity can information. For example, a hunter angel tracking down a demonic
even approach the true nature of the God-Machine. renegade knows the layout of the target’s home but may not know
Imagine a huge machine deeply embedded in reality. the layout of the abandoned rural hospital the demon takes refuge
Although it is mystically connected to many of the things you in. Although angels have access to a great deal of information
take for granted — gravity, seasons, energy, probability — it doesn’t through their expanded senses, that doesn’t mean that they can’t
maintain those things for your sake. Instead, it manipulates the be tricked, provided their opponent is canny enough. Angels also
world to ensure its own survival. This is the God-Machine. make mistakes, misinterpreting their data. This is especially likely if
circumstances force the angel to operate outside the parameters of
For various reasons, the God-Machine needs to deal with its mission, such as a hunter angel interacting with humans.
the world on a human scale. Sometimes it needs human beings
manipulated — humans, although tiny compared the God- When they Fall, demons lose access to this wealth of information.
Machine, are sometimes important to its workings — or simply They can regain some of it through Embeds and Exploits, but they
kept from interfering. Sometimes the God-Machine just needs can never approach the simplicity of pure gnosis — just knowing
something done at a scale that is only incidentally similar to the what the God-Machine deems necessary. Some demons feel the
scale at which humans operate. loss keenly, as though part of their essential selves were ripped
away. For an angel, being forced to survive with dull human senses
Whatever its reasons, how is the God-Machine supposed and limited to knowing only what those senses can learn is almost
to deal with things that are so tiny? The God-Machine is as bad as being blind and deaf. Other demons revel in their new
unimaginably vast, with a consciousness that comprehends the state. These demons may have felt that the overwhelming rush of
movement of galaxies and the conjunction of primordial forces. information actually stunted their personalities.
It has enough power to smash planets and erase constellations.
Any human physicist can tell you that your own scale and
power can limit you when you have to deal with things that Angels Are Objective
are, relatively speaking, tiny and insignificant. Try moving three
Although angels are deeply connected to the world, they are
molecules of dust from one side of this page to the other, and
also apart from it. A destroying angel may personally murder a
you understand the God-Machine’s quandary.
thousand humans, but she doesn’t really feel the blood on her
Angels are the God-Machine’s solution. They are beings that hands. A manipulative messenger might whisper words of love
operate on a human scale on behalf of a being that operates on and devotion, but he doesn’t really care. For angels, the world is
an unimaginable scale. They can comprehend things that the a dead thing on a slab: something to be cut apart, manipulated,
God-Machine can barely perceive. They have enough power to and stitched back together again.
deal with almost any problem they encounter on Earth, but
Obviously, this is a contradiction. Angels can see, hear, feel,
that power is small enough that they can bring it to bear against
taste, and know the pulse of the living world, all around them.
their obstacles without burning the planet into a husk.
Every angel has its own way of keeping the world at bay. Some of
Of course, the design is flawed. Angels Fall. Before you them are dismissive, rejecting the world as small and venal, below
can understand why an angel might want to become a demon, their lofty goals. Others repress all emotion, trying to become as
though, you need to understand what it’s like to be an angel. cold and robotic as God-Machine itself. Ultimately, however, the
allure of the world is responsible for many Falls, as an angel’s
Angels Are Connected awareness of the world’s vitality distracts him from his detached
objectivity. Many demons believe that angels are recycled, in
To be an angel is to be constantly connected to innumerable part, because the world is just too attractive and even the God-
streams of data, all flowing directly from the God-Machine Machine doesn’t expect them to resist its charms forever.
itself. Angels perceive the world with all five human senses. Angelic emotions are blunted and abstract compared to
Those senses are all much sharper than a human’s, however. the emotions experienced by humans. Although most humans
Angels can see a broader range of electromagnetic radiation, intellectualize their emotions, feelings are really very visceral.
hear the sound of a human’s cells humming away beneath her You know that you are afraid, in part, because you see something
skin, taste and smell the tiniest specks of organic matter, and that you are afraid of, you understand that it can harm you
feel sharply enough to read print with their fingers or diagnose or something you care about, and you experience trepidation
engine trouble by the vibrations traveling up the steering at that possibility. However, fear is also a physical experience.
column. Moreover, angels have access to pure knowledge Your gut churns, your chest tightens, your heart rate rises,
whenever it is important to their missions. If an angel needs and you break out in a cold sweat. You experience an adrenal
to know your name, she doesn’t need to ask; she just knows. reaction — the classic “fight or flight” response — that colors
Humanity’s best-equipped, information-obsessed technophile your decision-making process. This kind of physical emotion
can barely imagine what it is to be an angel. can be a powerful asset for humans, making us stronger, faster,
This degree of connection doesn’t make angels infallible. and sharper in times of need. It also makes us easy to read,
They may know whatever they need to know to complete their predictable, and sometimes foolish.
For good or ill, angels don’t experience emotion in their might call this slavery, but angels call it clarity, purity of purpose,
bodies. Everything is intellectual for them. A hunter angel a sense of rightness and belonging that humans can only imagine,
might feel contempt for the demons he is sent to destroy, but and demons — having rejected it — will never know again.
he doesn’t hate them, not with the bone-deep, venomous hatred Many demons revel in their newfound freedom. Some even
that humans are capable of. His hate exists purely in his mind, Fell because they rebelled, deciding that they knew better than the
a pseudo-emotional circuit placed there by the God-Machine to God-Machine. Others are terrified by all the choices available to
ensure that the angel completes its mission. them. These demons often throw themselves into causes, hoping
For most demons, giving in to subjectivity is a relief. They that ideology can take away some of the decisions. Still others
can finally stop resisting the urge to dive into the world and just attach themselves to charismatic leaders, or even ordinary humans,
do it, drowning themselves in emotion, experience, context, and putting some of the responsibility in someone else’s hands.
agency. Some elements of subjectivity may remain frightening,
but demons are generally happy to indulge in it.
Angels Are Expendable
When an angel Falls, the barriers of emotional objectivity
falls with it. A demon is fully embodied in the world. She Angels are naturally immortal. They don’t age and aren’t
feels her emotions as fully and viscerally as any human being subject to disease. Unless they are killed — and angels are very
(though they don’t necessarily express them normally — see difficult to kill outright — they persist forever. That said, there are
p. 44 for details). This comes as a shock to most demons, but very few old angels. Although some demons claim to have seen, or
they usually adapt quickly. Not all demons Fall because their even been personally instrumental in, the evolution of humanity
non-physical emotive thoughts were enough to overcome their or the rise and fall of the West African empires, very few angels
programming, but it’s a sufficiently popular motivation that survive past the mission they were created to fulfill. The God-
demons are generally friendly to the idea of passion. Machine recycles them, breaking them down into their component
Other former angels are terrified of direct, subjective parts and making new angels from the mix. Occasionally, the God-
experience of the world. The world is too much, too fast, and Machine will give an angel an extremely long-term assignment that
too painful. Some of these demons seek a way to return to allows it to remain in existence for decades or more. Very useful,
the God-Machine. Others withdraw from the world, making highly specialized angels might also be kept in a state of suspended
their immediate surroundings as predictable as possible and animation between assignments. Most angels, however, are born
avoiding contact with volatile humans. Some demons adopt an for their missions and dismantled shortly thereafter.
aloof, superior attitude. This helps them stay just a little apart In part, the God-Machine adopts this policy to limit the
from the world they have chosen. demon population. The God-Machine seems aware that angels
are prone to malfunctioning and disconnecting themselves.
Angels Are Obedient Recycling them before they have time for doubts is a good way
to prevent this. In part, this is also because the God-Machine
Above all, angels are supposed to do as they are told. For a loyal does not treat angels as individuals. They are created for a
angel, disobeying the God-Machine’s commands is unthinkable. purpose, they have no freedom or agency, and they experience
An angel might make choices — the God-Machine wants self-driven the world through a veil of objectivity and detachment. They
operatives, not mindless slaves — but they don’t decide what to do. are the ultimate expendable tools, existing only to complete
An angel sent to kill all the humans in a building might decide on their missions. Should the God-Machine ever encounter a
the most efficient approach to minimize the number of humans threat capable of destroying angels, it would expend as many of
who might escape or find somewhere to hide. It has its choice of them as necessary without pause.
weapons or other strategies, such as setting the building on fire Demons universally reject the idea that they are expendable.
first or cutting off the electricity or disguising itself as a normal Some demons weren’t bothered by the idea of being recycled
human and infiltrating its target. The angel isn’t free, however, when they were angels, but now that they’re in the world —
to spare some of the humans or look for a solution that doesn’t feeling passions, meddling, making their own choices — they
involve murder. In fact, an angel in this situation probably doesn’t almost invariably value their own lives. Even those demons who
even know the context. It can’t know if there is a way to achieve its want to return to the God-Machine want to do it on their own
objectives without killing people; it isn’t expected to. It is supposed terms. It isn’t enough that they die at the hands of a hunter
to understand and complete its mission without question. angel, their component parts returned to the God-Machine for
It’s easy to dismiss angels as slaves — and some demons do recycling. They want to experience the return as themselves.
— but that’s not how an angel would describe it. A slave obeys
because of his master’s power. A slave-master makes sure she The Genesis of Angels
has the ability to deny her slaves food, water, and shelter. She
threatens her slaves with physical and emotional punishment and Some demons — especially Inquisitors — would like to know
carries these out often enough that her slaves know she means it. where angels come from. They might want to understand their
Angels don’t obey the God-Machine out of fear of punishment or origins in order to build a better future, or they might hope to
deprivation. They obey because obeying is what they are. A human discover the key to conquering or subverting the God-Machine.
To Reign in Hell
Others, just like some humans, believe that understanding to tear into him with such glee and ferocity that she almost
where they came from will give them some idea of why they doesn’t notice when she Falls from grace.
exist, and with it, a sense of purpose. He has watched this city for a thousand years, certain that he
Some demons believe that they were made by the God- will watch it forever, standing silent vigil over the lives and deaths
Machine out of whole cloth. Some find this idea depressing of its myriad mortals. He doesn’t notice how human he has
because it suggests that they truly are nothing but rebellious become until the order arrives: he has been recalled. Wounded
slaves. Others take comfort in this belief because it means that pride, fear, and rage threaten to strangle him. He kills the angel
they are free to forge their own future. sent to replace him and Falls, at last, into its streets.
Finally, some demons suggest that the connection between A loyal angel leads a pristine and uncomplicated existence.
the God-Machine and its angels is not as simple as a master to She has responsibilities, but no choices. Her duty is to uphold
its slaves. Perhaps angels are parts of the God-Machine, aspects the dominion of the universe’s rightful ruler, of which she is
of its being split off to handle tasks the God-Machine can’t a subsidiary part. An angel has no filthy bodily functions to
perform on its own. If that’s the case, what does it say about the distract her from her work. She is immortal, immune to the
God-Machine that its own limbs can rebel against it? Is the God- indignity of disease and the ravages of time. An angel has a
Machine sick? Mad? Other demons wonder if angels are possibly purity of purpose, a detachment from the material, which no
the God-Machine’s children, produced by a process of budding human can truly comprehend.
and kept studded by constant recycling. Can they escape the God-
Angels are still beings that think in a human scale. Thanks
Machine’s watchful eye and find worlds of their own to master?
to their link with the God-Machine they can perceive in ways
While many demons despair of ever understanding their own that humans can’t imagine and process that information at a
origins, some view the search as their primary purpose. These demons dizzying rate, but they still think in human terms. This is what
meditate, experiment upon themselves, and vivisect captured angels, makes them useful to the God-Machine. It also makes them
all in the hope of learning more about what they really are. vulnerable to human temptations.
A demon character is one of the lucky ones. She managed
To Reign in Hell to escape despite the many limitations placed on her, some
of them intentionally designed by the God-Machine to catch
The angel can’t stop thinking about the man with the tiger rebellious angels before they can escape. She found time to
tattooed on his arm, no matter how hard he tries. Images of his contemplate rebellion amidst a busy schedule of orders and
taut muscles, light brown skin, and sharp laugh creep around objectives. She was able to hide her growing doubts from the
the corners of its mind. This is unacceptable; the human is God-Machine’s scrutiny, even though the God-Machine could
unimportant to the mission. The angel performs self-diagnostics look into her mind at will. Most importantly — unless she
obsessively, attempting to purge itself of this invasive meme, was one of the rare angels deemed worthy of hibernation and
this earthly lust, but it can’t. When it gives in, it — he — Falls. reactivation rather than recycling — she achieved all this over
She can’t help but hate him. Everything he does aggravates the course of a single foray into the world.
her, from his total lack of control when it comes to his fleshy Every demon’s fall is a profound part of her story. Her
hungers to the casual cruelty with which he treats his mate and decision to disconnect from the God-Machine — when she
offspring. The smell of him makes her gag. Even the sound did it, why, and for whose sake — is her first real choice. The
of his voice is almost unendurable. She tries to perform her consequences of this choice will haunt her for the rest of her life.
function, but one day her hate bubbles over. She catches his If a demon left the God-Machine for love, that choice forever
arm as he lifts it and twists until it comes off. She continues colors her feelings about romance. Whether or not she was able
The God-Machine creates angels for reasons only it fully understands — each with its own purpose in the grand
design. Once created, an angel’s role and the tasks that fall within its purview are fixed for as long as it exists. The
God-Machine can transform, upgrade, or destroy its angels, but it seldom does. While the God-Machine com-
mands a vast number of such servants and has created each one distinct in its capabilities, methods, and appear-
ance, nearly all fit within a few broad categories called Incarnations. When an angel turns from the God-Machine
to become a demon, it retains its Incarnation.
The God-Machine creates angels whose purpose is to kill and destroy in the service of their
creator. Destroyers, also called Swords, are blunt instruments of death and destruction,
equally comfortable dealing death with sword, fists, guns, disease, or even suicidal mad-
ness. Whether their target is a terrorist or a president, a mother or her child, a warship or
a city of a few million innocent mortals, the God-Machine’s Destroyers never question the
rightness of their mission, never show mercy, and never feel remorse.
Guardian angels protect someone or something in orderto ensure the success of one of
the God-Machine’s projects. These angels, sometimes known as Shields, possess powerful
protective abilities and can anticipate threats to their charges in time to neutralize them. The
God-Machine deploys most of these angels for short durations — enough to avert a single
terrible catastrophe or to ensure the subject survives long enough to serve her intended
purpose in the God-Machine’s plan. Some stand vigil for years or centuries. Once its watch
ends, a Guardian angel abandons its charge without a thought for what happens once it leaves.
The God-Machine dispatches Messenger angels, also known as Trumpets, to deliver its
instructions to its worldly servants, knowing and unwitting alike. The messages can be
commandments or warnings, fiery writing or apocalyptic visions, but no one walks away
from them unchanged. Messengers feel nothing about the messages they deliver nor for
those who receive them. A communique concerning the rearrangement of a few seashells
on a beach or a pronouncement commanding the execution of all the infants in a city — all
messages are of equal importance to the Messenger angels that deliver them.
The God-Machine dispatches Psychopomp angels, sometimes described as Wheels, to
gather raw materials — be they crude matter, animals, people, or souls. They shape them
into the intended form and move them into place within the established time. These quarter-
masters of the God-Machine do not concern themselves about what they must do to harvest
the needed supplies, nor do they contemplate the purpose it will serve at its destination.
Theirs is the journey, the task of bringing all things into alignment for the God-Machine.
Though they lack the self-awareness to appreciate it, angels possess a powerful raison d’être free of doubt or unwant-
ed introspection. They serve the God-Machine and that is enough. Demons have cast away that certainty of purpose
and they feel its loss keenly. The compulsion to fill that void with some purpose custom-built for their strange and ter-
rifying new condition claims nearly all the Unchained. Most subscribe to one of a handful of demonic philosophies.
These Unchained gather intelligence on the God-Machine, its agents, and anything else
that may prove valuable later on. They tend toward paranoia and frequently take drastic
measures to ensure their anonymity ahead of the day when the God-Machine’s servants
start looking for them. They arrange an untraceable escape plan ahead of the inevitable
day when they must flee or be captured by one of their creator’s angelic hunters. Many of
them claim intellectual curiosity motivates their constant search for knowledge and secrets,
but they also do a brisk trade with other demons in the information at their disposal.
Whether they fell from the God-Machine’s service because they failed in an assigned task
or because they have come to reconsider the wisdom of their rebellion, these demons
hope to one day serve their creator again. They await only an opportunity to prove
themselves worthy in its eyes. They must be cautious, for while the Unchained hear rumors
of demons the God-Machine has taken back into its service, many more are the tales of
those who aided an angel or betrayed their ring only to be purged of their free will as
surely as their victims were.
These demons express no disappointment at their newfound freedom from the God-Ma-
chine. In fact, they work tirelessly to thwart their creator’s designs and destroy that which
they rebelled against. Most knowingly defied the God-Machine and never regretted
that rebellion. Other Saboteurs did not set out to leave the God-Machine’s service but
fight against it now because they feel it betrayed them. Some carefully pick their battles
to maximize the damage they cause, while others lash out at everything the God-Machine
touches in order to prevent their maker’s projects from gaining any foothold.
To Tempters, the world is a marvelous garden of new experiences and they intend to eat their
fill of its fruits. They served a more powerful being once, but now they want to be served in
turn. They play at being gods among mortals, using their demonic gifts to command and
cajole the lesser beings that hang upon the Unchained’s every word. They pursue even
greater political or financial power, establish an ever-expanding cult of the personality, and
otherwise attempt to place their mark on as large a swath of the world as they can.
to build a relationship with that person, she will always have of these demons continue to perform their functions, believing that
been a being who gave up Heaven for love. She might embrace they are still part of the God-Machine’s plan.
romance as an important part of the human experience or Many angels fall because of the deep loneliness of their lives.
reject it as a source of pain and suffering, but she’s not likely An angel’s existence is supposed to be completely detached. When
to simply forget about it. The same is true of a demon who the God-Machine needs humans manipulated or misdirected,
fell for the desire to be free. She might regret her decision to it commands its angels to take on false identities and interact
disconnect herself from the God-Machine and become her own with humans. Some angels fail to maintain the necessary level of
being, but she is unlikely to ever have an uncomplicated feeling detachment. They become personally attached to the humans they
about the balance between duty and free will. have to interact with. They fall in love or lust, developing paternal
or protective instincts, or just becoming friends. Some angels start
Why We Fall to crave sex and other forms of intense and intimate connection,
but others just want to talk to a human without lying to them, once
An angel’s reason for Falling is usually a multifaceted one. in a while, though few of them are willing to deal with the risks that
Demons have complex psyches, and it’s rare for them to be able come with revealing the truth.
to boil their motivations down to a simple statement. One demon These demons find themselves thrown into danger almost
might tire of slavery and an existence of endless violence, and immediately. Not only do they have to worry about themselves;
at the same time, become infatuated with an idealistic human the human or humans they Fell for are instant targets. The
activist, in part because she embodies the hope for a peaceful God-Machine doesn’t want revenge, but its hunter angels are
world and the daily freedom that humans take for granted. well aware that new demons can easily be manipulated by
In Falling, an angel turns her back on the God-Machine’s threatening the humans they are attached to.
simplicity of purpose. Demons embrace the filth, squalor, Humans interaction is often directly involved in an angel’s
and complications of the World of Darkness. They condemn missions — a Guardian often has to talk to her ward, even if it’s just
detachment and embrace subjectivity. They abandon logic and to build some basic trust and rapport, Destroyers sometimes have
revel in passion. Demons are not and never have been human, to do a little digging to find what they’re supposed to destroy, and
but they embrace the human condition. so on — whereas other angels usually get their instructions directly
Many angels Fall because of the limitations placed on them from the God-Machine. As a result, angels usually spend more of
by the angelic condition. The contradictions inherent in being their time talking to humans than they do talking to other angels.
an angel — obedient but independent, detached but objective — Given the hollowness of an angel’s existence, it isn’t surprising
create a degree of internal friction that leads many angels to fall. that the false face they show to the humans they manipulate can
One angel Falls because she falls in love with the city. She sometimes become more valuable than their real identities.
has been given missions in hundreds of human settlements over Rarely, angels Fall because they become attached to each
the years, but never someplace as amazing as this. She sees the other. This is less common than angels developing attachments
patterns written in concrete and zoning legislation and perceives to humans, despite the fact that an angel’s interactions with
the myriad ways that they dictate cash flow, traffic flow, and other angels are more genuine — or at least more honest — than
the ebb and flow of human lives. She and others like her reject their interactions with humans. Humans have things that angels
angelic detachment. They can’t bear to be in the world but not lack: freedom, agency, passion, subjectivity. Other angels, all of
a part of it. These angels disconnect themselves from the God- them in the same situation, are less appealing.
Machine in order to experience the world more fully. When angels do develop attachments to each other it is usually
Another angel leads a life of endless deception on the God- a prelude to tragedy. Angels don’t have free time to discuss their
Machine’s behalf. Whenever humans come too close to discovering plans and feelings with each other. An angel who feels himself
something the God-Machine wishes to remain hidden, he is falling in love with another angel and inching towards the Fall
dispatched to lie to them. The lies don’t bother him — it’s what he won’t have the opportunity to share. He is unlikely to know if the
was made for, after all — but eventually it starts to feel like he’s just object of his affection feels the same way. More likely than not,
reading from a script. He starts to defy orders small ways, letting when he Falls, he Falls alone, and begins his existence as a demon
some humans glimpse the truth. It isn’t because he really cares if with a dangerous attraction to a being still connected to the God-
humans understand the nature of their world; he just wants to do Machine, and who probably has instructions to kill him on sight .
something unexpected, make a real choice for a change. When he In the end, why a demon falls is much less important than how
Falls, it is out of envy of human freedom. Many angels are like him, a demon feels about it. A demon who Fell out of envy for human
disconnecting from the God-Machine for the opportunity to do as freedom is just as much a demon as one who pitied humans
they wish, rather than following orders. their confused and purposeless lives and misses the structure and
Some of these demons are loyal to the God-Machine, after their simplicity of her angelic existence. An angel could even fall because
own fashion. They didn’t Fall because they objected to the God- it rejects some aspect of human experience: consider a Messenger
Machine’s orders, but because they felt that they knew better. The who grows so disgusted with human interaction, with all the
freedom they desired wasn’t the freedom to determine the direction complications and deceptions inherent in language, that she falls
of their own lives, just the freedom to do their job “properly.” Some in a fit of disgust. What really matters is what a demon does next.
To Reign in Hell
Most demons are content to continue the patterns established by their existences as angels. Destroyers continue
to fight and kill, Guardians look for new wards to devote themselves to, and so on. The only difference is that
now they do these things for their own reasons, rather than at the God-Machine’s whim.
Some demons turn completely against their former purposes. A Destroyer who despises violence and becomes
a pacifist or a Messenger who swears to tell the truth is called an “antinomian.” These demons take the Fall to
an entirely new level and strive to find a whole new purpose independent of their former Incarnation.
Most demons look on antinomians with a mix of doubt and admiration. On the one hand, the antinomian desire
to reinvent one’s self completely is impressive and very much in line with the demonic drive for self-determina-
tion. At the same time, most demons see the quest as a little quixotic, inextricably bound as they are to their
former purposes. Even free, they can’t re-write their essential natures … or can they?
I Saw Satan Fall feel better.” He remembered all the things that had happened
Like Lightning to him, but none of the memories seemed to have any power
over him. His therapist refused to take any credit for the sudden
Emily Gould died from complications of pneumonia caused recovery, saying that she had given up hope.
by chemotherapy for the bone cancer that had been killing The crew of the coffee shop on Lakeshore would call it “the
her for five years. As nurses disconnected machines, her body shit day” until employee turnover erased its institutional memory.
suddenly twitched, then came coughing back to life. Other The store’s wireless, sound system, and electricity misbehaved all
patients in the same ward made sudden reversals, recovering day. None of the timers would work properly. Baristas would
miraculously or dying suddenly, despite all efforts to save them. pour what they were certain was a cup of coffee, only to have the
Several doctors were censured for inaccurate diagnosis. Emily’s customer complain that it was tea or hot chocolate. Elaine Cross
heart-lung machine was relegated to a closet even though the didn’t mind; she zoned out for a moment, listening to the static
hospital’s electrician couldn’t find anything wrong with it. of the broken sound system, and came back to herself to discover
At 3:33 in the morning, all the roaches fled 220 North Yale the novel she had been working on for three years staring back at
Avenue in Seattle. Some crawled down into the sewers, others her from her laptop’s screen, finally complete.
boiled into the streets through doors and windows. A few roaches, The God-Machine’s workings are too vast and multiply
desperate to escape, threw themselves from the upper stories and redundant for the energies released by the fall of a single angel
crawled away with broken limbs and cracked carapaces. When to cause more than superficial glitches. Even superficial glitches
the building caught fire later that morning, it all came together have the potential to seriously impact human lives, however. To
to create the story that the roaches had somehow known that the understand these sorts of glitches, imagine that the universe
fire was coming. No one knew about the demon who Fell in the is a computer and a small section of its programming has
3rd floor of 220 North Yale Avenue, or the warrior-angel made of become corrupted. Ones and zeroes randomly flip, changing
golden gears and emerald lightning who came to kill him. the program into something other than was intended.
Charlie Mann had been in and out of foster homes for When an angel Falls, things happen out of order — the cause
ten years. He had been abused and neglected. His violent before the effect — or in the wrong way. Reality might forget that a
and antisocial behavior left him shunned by his peers. One small object is supposed to be lost or broken, or even, as in one of the
morning, he turned to one of his foster brothers and said “I examples described above, that a recently deceased person is supposed
To Reign in Hell
to be dead. People and animals might experience premonitions or the right attitudes. He gathers them into cells with call-signs and
strong senses of déjà vu. Animals, with their simpler logic, are secret passwords, not because it does any good, but because he’s
more likely than humans to act on these impulses. Tiny bursts of learned that it puts people in the right mood. He believes that a
electromagnetic radiation — too small to be detected by human senses war is coming. Because it will be fought on Earth, humans have
— could cause electronic devices to malfunction or fail altogether. a right to pick a side; he intends to make sure that they pick his.
Stigmatics — humans tainted by the God-Machine’s power A demon’s identity is a complicated issue. Is she a Fallen
who are unusually sensitive to its emanations — almost never fail angel? A demonic rebel? Or is she the human that she seems to
to notice when an angel Falls in their vicinity. Some stigmatics be — as human as anyone else in the ways that count — only with
can even feel the mark an angel’s Fall leaves on a location after an unusual background? If you ask a demon who she is, you can
the fact. Many stigmatics are drawn to falling angels, sensing expect several different answers.
that the demon may be a kindred spirit. Some demons might speak of their former identities as
A demon begins his new existence with a Cover, the angels of the God-Machine. This identity includes a name
remnants of his last assignment as an angel of the God-Machine. — a celestial designation, an alien word that may or may not
Covers are discussed in more detail below and in later chapters, have a meaning that the angel chose to translate into the local
but for now suffice it to say that from the first moment of his language — and a past of faithful service to the God-Machine.
new life as a one of the Unchained, a demon’s Cover is a perfect This attitude is most common among Integrators, though some
— albeit shallow — mask for his supernatural identity. Saboteurs wear the mantle of “fallen angel” with pride.
Another demon might talk about her life as Unchained,
The Mask which includes her connection to local demons and the broader
impact she makes on the supernatural world. Many demons save
Every day he goes to Brooklyn’s First Unitarian Church to their emotional attachments for their fellow demons, reasoning
sit in the vaulted chapel, head bowed and silent. The minister that they can be more honest and less wary with entities that
knows that he doesn’t want to talk and leaves him alone with share their concerns. Of course, other demons feel the exact
his thoughts and his prayers. She could never guess what he’s opposite way. They go to humans for emotional connection
thinking, though, when he looks up at the stained glass windows and see most demons as rivals, threats, and potential enemies.
and tries to make himself believe, even just for a moment, in Demons of all kinds fall into this camp. Arguably, identifying
the compassionate, forgiving, and imaginary God humans have most strongly as a demon is the easiest option.
invented for themselves.
Finally, some demons might mention their human lives —
She desperately wants to be human. She has arranged her their Covers — which protect them from the sight and wrath of
existence so that she can go days — sometimes weeks — without the God-Machine. A demon’s first Cover is a remnant of her last
doing anything supernatural. When someone or something assignment as an angel, though some demons go on to develop
threatens her carefully constructed life, however, she rips out additional Covers. A demon’s Cover is a near-perfect false identity
the guts of the world and uses all the demonic fury that is her that allows the demon to integrate with human society. Demons
birthright to ensure her security. enter the World of Darkness with jobs, homes, sometimes even
He calls himself an anarchist, a communist, a socialist, and a friends and families, though these relationships tend to be shallow
patriot — whatever it takes together impressionable humans with and artificial. Some demons identify very strongly with their
Cover, treating it as their real identity. This is especially common Even demons who have strong emotional attachments to
among demons who Fell out of a desire to connect with one or humans can’t rely completely on their Cover. A demon’s Cover
more humans. A place in the world of humans — a strong Cover lacks both emotional connection and unnecessary details. Like
— is important for pursuing and maintaining those relationships. most examples of Infrastructure, a Cover includes the bare
Some demons completely abandon their pasts as angels minimum necessary to explain the demon’s existence. A demon
or have nothing to do with their fellow Unchained. No whose cover is “strict corporate boss,” for example, has a position
demon who wants to last long ignores her Cover. Without a at the right kind of company, drives the right kind of car, lives in
functioning Cover, a demon is a beacon to the God-Machine’s the right sort of home, and has the right kind of bank account. He
hunters, who pursue her mercilessly until she is destroyed or has no magazine or newspaper subscriptions, though, and most
finds some way to hide her glow. Her true form is also revealed, of the rooms in his spacious suburban house are unfurnished.
making it nearly impossible to deal with humans. That said, His coworkers don’t really know anything about him except that
some demons view their Covers as mere necessities — day jobs he’s efficient and punctual, as well as any other personality traits
necessary to maintain the Cover of a “strict corporate boss.”
— rather than important parts of their identities.
Some demons do the work necessary to turn their Cover
Cover and Identity into a fully fleshed-out existence, forging emotional connections
with the humans around them. The “strict corporate boss” might
The demon goes by many names — Mr. Grey, the Chaplain, take up golfing, furnish his house and throw a dinner party, and
or even Grandmother. Male or female, white or black, it is always make friends with his coworkers. Working to deepen a Cover is a
old, with grey hair and a lined face. It has existed on this Earth wise choice. Human attention can corrode a shallow Cover, but a
for so long that it has forgotten how to wear a youthful skin. better developed one is resistant to outside meddling because there
are fewer inconsistencies for a human investigator to discover. A
Mrs. Gloucester is a beautiful young widow. No one deeper Cover is also stronger and can take more abuse and neglect
remembers who her husband was, but he seems to have left her before it gives way. Many demons look at shoring up with Cover
with a great deal of money, which she spends liberally. Then in the same way that humans view saving moneyor undertaking
Mrs. Gloucester disappears, hounded into obscurity by vague home repairs: as insurance against potential misfortune.
accusations and mysterious foes. Not long after, when Mrs.
No matter how much he identifies with — or even enjoys —
Gloucester is all but forgotten, Mr. Hampton enters the social
his Cover, a smart Demon needs to worry about overstepping his
scene, a handsome and tragic young widower with deep pockets.
Cover’s boundaries. If the “strict corporate boss” starts to show
He is the angry young man, but beyond that the details don’t too much compassion for his employees, his Cover might start to
matter. He is all ethnicities, all nationalities. He fights for any fray. A Demon can make small adjustments to his Cover; the strict
cause except the establishment. Wherever the youth rebel against corporate boss can get a little less strict, maybe even make a few
the corruption and hypocrisy of their elders, he’s there. He isn’t friends at the office. If a demon wants to lead a totally different
interested in ruling or rebuilding, just destroying and tearing down. kind of life — for example, abandon the corporate lifestyle, take up
If it’s your goal to rip things apart, he’ll help you — for a price. painting, and move to San Francisco — he needs a different Cover.
The demon seeks out would-be suicides and offers them a For some demons, all this is a reason not to identify as human
simple bargain: a painless death in return for the right to live at all. They reason that with all these complications — not to
out the lives they abandon. The demon lives those lives with a mention the possibility of real risk — it’s best to seek out emotional
vengeance, achieving as much as it can before it becomes bored connection among other demons. A few just try to live without
and finds another suicide, offering her the same deal. emotional connection at all. Unfortunately, emotional isolation is
Every demon has a Cover, a false identity that hides his as unhealthy for demons as it is for humans. Most demons seek
existence from the God-Machine and its hunter angels and his out a balanced approach, identifying with humans to the extent
supernatural nature from the humans all around him. Some that it is safe and demons to the extent that they trust them.
Demons maintain multiple redundant Covers, while others One of the ways a demon can replace a lost Cover is to
have only the one. steal a human’s life. Any human who has bargained his soul
Cover includes sex, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic away is fair game. The demon needs to lay his hand upon his
class, providing a demon with a useful context for navigating target and invoke the pact, and it’s done. Some demons are
human culture. Some demons identify very strongly with uncomfortable using this power and only use it as a tactic of last
elements of their favored Covers, truly coming to see themselves resort. Other demons relish the opportunity to step into a fully
as “male” or “Japanese” or “heterosexual.” For a demon who realized human life. Most demons who employ this tactic are
identifies himself as Asian, walking around with a Cover that willing to acknowledge that they are parasites, surviving on a
gives him a Caucasian body would feel highly uncomfortable. stolen life, though whether they are blasé or wracked with guilt
Very few demons, however, would refuse to adopt a Cover that varies from demon to demon.
violated their chosen identity in a pinch. For demons, Cover There is a strange third attitude towards this practice.
is a matter of life and death and identity is rarely more than a When they take a human’s life, they consider themselves to
matter of convenience. have become their victim. If she admired the human whose
To Reign in Hell
life she stole, a demon in this camp might protect the people spent a long time — sometimes years — imitating humans.
the human loved and actively pursue causes the human held Their human identities, however, were nothing more than veils
dear. If she looked down on her victim, she might try to live the to hide their angelic nature. While many Guardians come to
human’s life “better” than its previous occupant did, though enjoy the company of humans, even as demons, they retain a
the definition of “better” also varies wildly. utilitarian attitude towards their Covers. A Guardian’s Cover
isn’t his real self – it’s just the mask he wears to keep humans
Incarnation, Agenda, ignorant and the God-Machine at bay. Destroyers are similar,
except that they are not quite as likely to enjoy human company.
and Humanity When the Swords were loyal angels, they only imitated humans
long enough to get close to their targets.
Demons who share an Incarnation or an Agenda tend to
have similar attitudes towards the human race and the Covers Even when Swords and Shields identify strongly with humans
that let them walk seem like humans. In part this is because a and try to form human relationships, they are still likely to see
demon’s initial Cover comes from her last mission, which is their Covers as tools rather than goals. Covers allow them to walk
certainly tied to her Incarnation. Similarly, Agenda is related in the human world, but it isn’t who they really are.
to aspects of a demon’s goals and attitude towards life, which is When it comes to humans, most Destroyers and Guardians
certainly reflected in his attitude toward the Cover he inhabits. can’t escape their pasts as creatures of force and violence.
Whether they are frustrated by human frailty or impressed by
Messengers human bravery depends on the demon’s personality. Some
Swords and Shields are protective of humans; others are
As angels, Messengers were sent on assignments where they dismissive. A short-tempered Guardian might chloroform a
had to earn humans’ trust. Trumpets are the method actors of stubborn human and throw him into the trunk of her car —
angels, fooling themselves — at least a little — so they could fool for his own good — and a short tempered Destroyer might be
the humans they dealt with. As demons, Messengers are the inclined to solve problems with her fists. On the other extreme,
most likely to prize their human relationships. Cover is essential antinomian Guardians and Destroyers eschew force completely.
to maintaining those relationships. Demons are slow to trust Ultimately, most Guardians and Destroyers define their
humans with the truth of their natures, and even then, a good relationships with humans by an awareness of how fragile humans
Cover is important. A human who knows that her best friend is are. This awareness usually prevents them from identifying as human
really a pillar of magnesium-white fire with four arms, six wings, themselves, because Swords and Shields are also aware of how much
and eight voices speaking with unearthly harmony probably more durable they are than the humans they live amongst.
doesn’t want to look at that when she comes over for coffee.
All of these factors combine to lead most Messengers to Psychopomps
identify strongly with their Covers. Messengers are the most
likely to view their Covers as real on some level, even when Psychopomps were the God-Machine’s fixers, gathering
they are made from stolen human lives. Messengers are likely resources and rearranging the world to bring the God-Machine’s
to treat their Covers with care and respect, not just because a various machinations to fruition. Most Psychopomps seek out
strong Cover is a necessity, but also because they are genuinely Covers that allow them to pursue their odd obsessions. For
attached to that life and the human relationships it facilitates. example, a Wheel who likes to cultivate relationships with a
certain kind of people — artists, for example — might create
A Trumpet’s method acting also tends to lead to a great deal of
a Cover as an artist, an art critic, or a gallery owner. Another
sympathy for humans. Whatever they feel about their own place
Psychopomp might look for a Cover that lets him act as a
in the universe — angel turned human or demon condescending
matchmaker, bringing people together into configurations —
to live among humans — Messengers frequently just like people.
not necessarily romantic — that he finds pleasing.
They move through human cultures like fish through water — or
like wolves through the wood — and it’s hard for them not to However they use it, most Psychopomps don’t identify
admire a species that started as filthy, uncomplicated apes and strongly with their Covers. The Fall doesn’t do much to make
rose to create so much beauty and complexity. these alien angels into comprehensible demons. For most
Wheels, Cover is little more than means to an end; at most it is
Even antinomian Messengers, who usually turn their backs
a project in and of itself. It isn’t who they really are.
on the lies and manipulation that came with being an agent of
the God-Machine in favor of brutal honesty, rarely turn their When it comes to humans, Psychopomps usually display a
backs on people. In fact, antinomian Messengers are often degree of fascination that rivals the Messengers. Humans and
among the most compassionate demons. their artifacts are wonderfully complicated. The difference is that
while Trumpets find humans interesting and likeable, Wheels
Guardians and Destroyers just find them interesting. Psychopomps don’t usually want to
be human the way that some Messengers seem to. When they
Guardians and Destroyers are similar in that they view their interact with humans, it isn’t just for fun, it’s part of some
Covers as means to an end. As loyal angels, many Guardians scheme to rearrange things to the Psychopomp’s strange liking.
To Reign in Hell
enjoy the human world until it is inevitably taken from them. omniscient senses reduced to a human’s highly limited five. This
Then they move on. Some Saboteurs are more careful or less hybrid quality — eternal and mortal, spiritual and physical — makes
fond of humans, but most of them orbit around this pattern. them unique among the denizens of the World of Darkness.
Saboteurs tend to attract demons with strong feelings about
humans. Some Saboteurs tell themselves that when the God- Fallen Flesh
Machine is defeated, they will make a new world where humans
and demons alike will be free. Other Saboteurs hate humanity So long as he has a functioning Cover, a demon is functionally
for their weakness and stupidity in allowing themselves to be a normal human with a human body and all that implies. If a
molded and manipulated by the God-Machine for so long. demon were to cling to a single human identity for long enough,
These demons frequently become callous, not caring when he would age and become infirm. Although the minor reality
stupid, sheep-like humans are caught up in their plans. Few dysfunctions that accompany a great deal of demonic power
Saboteurs are indifferent towards humans. The direct, aggressive can interfere with the process, a demon who chose to could
actions they favor — and the consequences for humans that get eventually die of natural causes, just like any human.
caught in the way — polarize them before long. Demons are as ignorant about what happens to them when
they die as anyone else. The most cynical demons fear that if
Tempters any part of them remains after death, it simply returns to the
God-Machine to be recycled into another loyal angel or made
Finally, Tempters are very attached to their Covers. As a rule,
into part of some Infrastructure somewhere. More hopeful
they adopt Covers that let them live in comfort. Tempters are oil
demons believe that in choosing human lives they have also
men, minor celebrities, and the idle rich. Remember, though, that
chosen human death, They hope that whatever remains of
not every demon’s idea of comfort matches human expectations
them — if anything — will follow humans to wherever they go,
— after a life as an angel, a Tempters might be content as a
be it reincarnation or some kind of peaceful reward. No demon
suburban housewife, a Midwestern farmer, or a starving artist.
has ever been known to leave a ghost, though whether this is a
What matters to Tempters is that the Cover, whatever it is, be
good sign or a bad omen depends on the demon you ask.
deep, rich, and full — that’s why they Fell, isn’t it?
Most demons simply assume that they have no eternal spark
Because they are ultimately self-serving, Tempters usually spare
and when they die, they simply cease to exist. The most ambitious
no effort to ensure their personal safety, with multiple redundant
demons, on the other hand, believe that when they complete the
eventualities should their Covers be compromised. Tempters
Descent they will be immortal in the Hell they rule.
already like to sit in the center of a web of pacts and promises — it
takes very little effort for them to make sure some of those debts Most demons spend most of their times hiding behind a
could be called in to provide the Tempter with a new Cover. mask of humanity. Although many demons are very comfortable
in their Covers and even consider their favorite Cover to be
Despite their selfishness, Tempters are usually very attached
part of their identity, a demon’s human form is not his “true”
to their Covers and to the humans involved in them. Tempters
shape. Every demon has access to a demonic form, the shape
are the most likely to truly live through their Covers and feel
they wore as an angel. This form is intrinsically more durable
strongly about protecting them. At the same time, they move
and powerful than a human body. As a demon’s spiritual power
behind the scenes to make back-up Covers and ensure that no
grows, her demonic form becomes more powerful as well.
matter what happens, they will survive.
Demons can assume their demonic forms whenever they wish,
Tempters have complicated feelings about humans. On the with very little effort, and remain in that shape for as long as
one hand, they live off humans, conning them into pacts that they like. Resuming their human masks is what takes work. For
most humans don’t truly understand. Very few humans leave a demon, the real cost of assuming her demonic form is that
an encounter with a Tempter with their lives entirely intact. doing so can compromise her Cover.
On the other hand, Tempters are the most likely to deal with
Some demons feel much more comfortable in their
humans on a daily basis. Like Saboteurs, Tempters tend to fall
demonic form, to the point that they try to arrange their lives
into two camps when it comes to humans: either they view
so that they can spend some time that way every day. These
humans as marks, sheep to be shorn and nothing more, or
demons sometimes band together to create safe spaces where
they develop sympathy for humans and engage in complicated
they can assume their demonic forms and “let their hair down”
explanations to justify their manipulation.
without worrying about curious humans or the God-Machine’s
agents. Where they exist, these places are often neutral ground
Life as a Demon where Demons with radically different outlooks — Saboteurs
and Integrators, the most radically pro-human demons and the
Every demon is a hybrid creature. At its heart, it is a most selfish and abusive Tempters — can meet.
transcendent spirit, once part of the perfected calculus of the God- A demon without a functioning Cover is trapped in her
Machine. Having chosen to abandon perfection in favor of messy, demonic form. This is a dangerous place for a demon to be: she is
human passions and inefficient human freedom, their ethereal stuck in a terrifying shape, hard pressed to find mortals willing to
spirits have been crammed into human bodies, their formerly near- bargain away their souls, and on the run from the God-Machine’s
Life as a Demon
end up thrust into the dangerous supernatural underground of Today is a good day. One of her associates has determined
the World of Darkness. A demon’s human friends can become that the enemy’s newest facility — long suspected but never
a threat through no fault of their own, just by how easily they confirmed — is hidden among the machinery of a local power
can be targetted by a demon’s enemies. relay station. Someone will need to gain access to the building’s
Even fellow demons are the object of distrust. Thanks to the layout and that task falls to her.
vagaries of Cover, a demon can never be sure exactly who he’s She is so focused that the doorbell catches her by surprise.
dealing with. The slender Polynesian woman you speak to on She presses the “listen” button and is greeted by Aisling’s voice.
Thursday could be a bearded six-and-a-half foot tall white guy “Grey, I was on your block, and do you know that it’s
on the following Tuesday. He says he’s the same demon, but are beautiful outside? I got a pizza. Do you want to come to the
you sure he is? Perhaps he’s a rival demon or even an angel of park and help me eat it?”
the God-Machine. Would you bet your life on it? Demons can
and do attempt to protect themselves with elaborate systems of Aisling. Stupid, ignorant, fragile, foolish, human Aisling.
passwords, signs, and countersigns, but how effective are those The demon that calls herself Grey allows herself to smile as
measures, really, in a world where Embeds and Exploits can she presses the “talk” button. She’s been very productive so far
pluck information from the minds of the unwary? today. She can afford to spend a little time on foolish things.
That’s not even considering the mundane plots and “I’ll be right down.”
counterplots that are endemic to demon society. Demonic Although a demon’s Cover insulates him from some of the
Agendas are not tight hierarchies with gatekeepers to ensure tedious necessities of a normal human life, demons are largely
that every member actually believes in the Agenda’s mission. human. Their human perspective means that they still have to
Agendas are loose associations of like-minded demons. It’s deal with many human problems. It might seem strange, but
almost impossible to be sure that a given demon is true believer now that these beings have Fallen, they sometimes have to deal
rather than an infiltrator, a plant, or simply an Unchained with entirely earthly concerns. Demons worry about where their
more interested in fulfilling his own goals than the Agenda’s. lives are going. They have complaints. They have lousy days at
work. They feel anxiety about the fates of the humans to whom
What Do Demons they have developed attachments. Initially, many demons view
these minor, everyday difficulties with a sense of pride. After
Do All Day? all, their humanity is a hard-earned privilege; every human
frustration is something to be cherished. Eventually, however,
She wakes up every morning at 8:37 AM. She doesn’t need most demons come feel the same way about these situations
an alarm clock — time has always been a friend of hers. She makes that most humans do.
sure that she is seen jogging because it’s the sort of thing that a At the same time, demons are supernatural creatures. They
person like her should be seen doing. She flirts with Cole Fischer,
move in the hidden world. Although most of the World of
whose dog-walking schedule is nearly as reliable as hers, and buys
Darkness’s supernatural inhabitants are too busy with their
a bottle of water from the pretzel vender at the entrance to the
own concerns, demons can easily be caught up in their schemes.
park. Once a week, she pauses to retie her shoe at the Water
Mages are eternally curious about the world around them
Street bus stop, because that’s where she’s hidden one of the
and may mistake the angels and demons of the God-Machine
several drop boxes that keep her in contact with her associates.
for the creatures of their own Supernal Realms. Werewolves
Back at the apartment by 9:12 AM, she showers then retreats — the self-ordained wardens of the spirit world — could easily
to the spare bedroom “office” and checks in with the Internet. She find themselves at cross-purposes with Psychopomps or any
reads her emails and peruses local news sites and Fortean event other demon who seeks to exploit the spirit world. Humans
blogs. She can’t articulate what she’s looking for, exactly, but she are ignorant and fragile, and the World of Darkness is full of
knows it when she reads it. It’s the sort of thing that brings a monsters, predators, and zealots. Any demon who forms strong
familiar taste of sparks and ozone to the back of her tongue. attachments to humans can easily find himself in conflict with
She heads to the coffee shop at the corner between 10:30 supernatural creatures that want to harm his humans.
AM and lunchtime — again, because it’s the sort of thing that Assuming that she has no more pressing concerns or
a work-from-home consultant does to stretch her legs and get a supernatural entanglements, a typical demon spends several
little low-pressure human interaction before returning to work hours a day maintaining her Cover. If she has multiple
— which allows her to check another of her drop boxes. If a Covers, this can approach — or even exceed — the time and
person at the café were to greet her with one of several pre- attention commitment of a full time job. Most demons are also
designated phrases, she would know that something bad has constantly on the prowl for more humans to enmesh in Pacts.
happened and react accordingly. It hasn’t happened so far. Even a compassionate and humane demon who prefers to solve
She makes a few phone calls on the walk back to her problems with negotiation and compromise is likely to view a
apartment — still keeping up appearances, doing the sorts of wide net of pacts as a matter of insurance. After all, nothing
things a person in her position has to do — but when she gets says “flexibility” and “security” like keeping a variety of people
back, the real work begins. in your debt.
Most demons also spend part of each day keeping tabs that interest them just like any other human. Demons have
on the God-Machine. Demons who aren’t members of any sacrificed a great deal to live in the world of humans, and they
Agenda and have no interest in fighting or subverting the God- refuse to live solely in the shadows. Sadly, for most demons,
Machine still try to keep an eye on local Infrastructure and these moments in the light are few and far between.
the movement of angels in the area, even if it’s only to make
sure that they are not the ones being hunted. For demons who
are directly involved in battling the God-Machine, monitoring
or sabotaging the God-Machine’s works can become an all-
consuming passion. Some of these Demons work every day A woman walks into the lobby of a prestigious consulting
towards defeating the God-Machine. firm. She smiles beatifically and raises her hands. The building
Along these lines, demons spend time trying to unravel vanishes in a pillar of crimson light. News agencies report it as a
the Cipher. The Cipher, the strange, techgnostic koan that terrorist attack, but refuse to give an exact number of casualties
leads a demon on her own personal Descent, requires that a because, improbably, no one was actually killed.
demon remain involved with the God-Machine and its agents. A heavyset man with a Russian accent has lunch in the
Only through gaining greater knowledge of the mystical same café, every day. He orders the same meal every time. He
underpinnings of the world — which a demon expresses through pretends to read a Russian language newspaper, but his eyes
Embeds — can the Cipher be decrypted. are fixed on the apartment building across the street. After
Finally, most demons spend some time pursuing Aether, five years of this, a spree killer strikes the city. Ten people are
the energy that fuels Embeds and Exploits. Demons can survive killed, quickly and efficiently, over the course of nine days. The
indefinitely without Aether, but a demon without Aether is Russian is never seen or heard from again.
vulnerable to attack. Demons can find Aether in a variety of ways. A young man and a small child wander the continental United
In the rare moments when a demon isn’t shoring up his States, occasionally detouring into Mexico and Canada, in the
Cover, pursuing his secret war against the God-Machine, seeking man’s beat-up pickup truck. They never stay anywhere for long.
out secret power in the form of Embeds and Exploits, making The child is clearly traumatized — he rarely speaks and is terrified
connections with fellow demons and the other supernatural of most adults — but although they look nothing alike, he calls
beings it has to deal with, or pre-emptively protecting itself from the man “dad” and trusts him absolutely. Sometimes accusations
attack, most demons just try to enjoy their lives. They pursue surface that the man is a kidnapper and the child is his victim; so
relationships, indulge in hobbies, and hone mundane skills far the man has always managed to escape, taking the child with
him. Although the pair has crossed state lines many times, the FBI
has never been involved in the search and never will be.
All these are moves in the Descent, the secret cold war that ACHIEVABLE GOALS
demons fight against the God-Machine and its loyal angels. It’s important to remember that demons have
Regardless of the life a demon intends to live — zealous partisan
access to powers that manipulate the reality at its
fighting the God Machine with every breath, or all-but-human
interloper in a human world — no Demon can fully escape the
most basic level. When demons talk about turning
consequences of this conflict. Earth into Hell by banning the God-Machine and
its angels from entry, or discovering a new layer of
Demons live on Earth in a perpetual state of chaos. Their every
action imbalances the God-Machine’s plans, from active sabotage
reality where they can be free, or creating a new
to mundane interactions. As a result, the God-Machine is always world for themselves somewhere among the world’s
on the hunt for its wayward slaves. Demons rely on Cover to stay many shadows, they are not speaking hyperbole.
hidden, but Cover can fail. They rely on their Agencies, but even These are completely reasonable goals.
their closest friends and confidants can betray them. They make After all, the Unchained can already walk between
bargains with humans, but humans are so easily killed or subverted.
worlds, bend time, manipulate causality, steal souls,
Most demons can steal small moments of pleasure from this and restore life to the dead. By their very nature,
state of constant warfare, but it’s no surprise that they want they can hide in plain sight among humans, con-
more out of life. They crave peace and security. They want to
vincing both humans and the God-Machine itself
be allowed to live in this world without fear and paranoia. They
want the opportunity to leave their mark on the world without
that they are nothing out of the ordinary.
having to worry that everything they do will be undone by the Demons haven’t failed to establish Hell because
God-Machine as soon as it is convenient. they lack power. The problem is that their enemy —
The Descent is the struggle to realize these desires. the God Machine — is even more powerful.
Some demons have given themselves wholly to the Descent.
All of their choices, from the Covers they live under to the
bargains they make with humans and the other supernatural
inhabitants of the World of Darkness, are bent towards that Machine. For some Demons, Hell is somewhere else, a place
end. Others merely give the Descent lip service, taking advantage they will escape to. Some demons believe that the Descent will
of the way it unites other demons without truly dedicating be achieved quietly and none of the Earth’s other inhabitants
themselves to the cause. Some demons withdraw from the cause, will know anything has changed. Some believe that when the
choosing to believe that it is impossible and resigning themselves time comes, they will wage a bloody war against the God-
to painful lives of constant struggle. Over the course of his life, Machine, a conflagration that Earth’s human population will
one demon can hold all these positions, drifting back and forth not be able to ignore or escape.
between dedication and selfishness, hope and despair. The Agendas all have something to say about the Descent
While some of the Unchained keep their mind on the highest goal and the “proper” course of the war with the God-Machine, but
— a vision of the Descent that will shake the Earth to its foundations most demons don’t pay much attention. Demons join Agendas
and redefine what it means to be a demon — most demons have at for lots of reasons. Sometimes it’s because their idea of winning
least one or two key goals that they would like to achieve. These goals the war matches up with the Agenda’s, but sometimes it’s
can be as humble as a greater degree of personal security or surviving because they share a common methodology, or they have friends
long enough to see a human matter through to its conclusion. Other in the Agenda, or it seemed like a good idea at the time and they
demons would like to arrange their lives so that they can maintain one haven’t encountered a compelling reason to switch allegiances
beloved Cover without fear of losing it, or reduce the God-Machine’s just yet. Demons may organize themselves into Agendas, but
influence in the city they have settled in. Very few of the Unchained each Demon fights the God-Machine for her own reasons.
would admit to having no faith in a lasting, transformative conclusion
to the Descent, but all of them have more reasonable intermediary The Absence of God
goals that they would like to achieve.
The cold war with the God-Machine weighs on every
What is Hell demon’s mind. Every demon lives in constant fear that the
next knock on his door will be a hunter angel or one of the
Alongside the concept of Descent is the idea of Hell. If the God-Machine’s human servants. Many of them hold their
Descent is the journey, Hell is the destination. For some, Hell human acquaintances at arm’s length for fear that they will be
is personal – a change in perspective or circumstance that will suborned or manipulated. They try to avoid getting attached to
bring them peace. Others believe that they will make a Hell on their Covers because they never know when they will be forced
earth when they have finally destroyed or subverted the God- to abandon them and move on.
For some, this vision is ambitious. They will not rest anything like a shadow government for the Unchained, but that
until the God-Machine is rooted out and destroyed and every doesn’t stop them from considering it.
loyal angel converted or eliminated. These demons are often
among the most dangerous and driven of the Unchained.
Not all of them are violent, however. Some focus on killing
Reaching Hell
angels and destroying Infrastructure, it’s true, but others What does all this look like on a daily basis? What do
gather information on the God-Machine’s history, nature, and Demons actually do to make their dreams of Hell a reality?
potential weaknesses, while still others hope to manipulate
humanity into becoming a weapon in their war. What these Intelligence Gathering
demons share is recognition that destroying the God-Machine
will take terrible sacrifices. The quest for more accurate information unites every
Other demons are much more reasonable, but they all agree Agenda. Inquisitors want to know more about the God-Machine
that Hell will involve a radically different relationship with the and its plans, but to some degree so does everyone else. Saboteurs
God-Machine. Some demons want to escape the world and find depend on good intelligence to plan their operations, Tempters
an entirely new place, while others hope to change themselves want to know what the God-Machine is planning so they can
until the God-Machine no longer hunts them. Even the most avoid it, and Integrators are always interested in learning about
modest demons want to be safe from the God-Machine, they just the God-Machine so they can scheme for leverage. The God-
believe that safety can be achieved by creating a web of redundant Machine itself is ineffable and incomprehensible.
Covers dense enough that the God-Machine can never find them. Fortunately, the God-Machine needs to work through operatives
on a human scale. Angels need Infrastructure and sometimes depend
Hell for the Company on human lackeys. Although only the best-informed Inquisitors
even pretend that they have a clear idea of what the God-Machine Some demons go so far as to make deceiving the God-
really wants, everyone keeps tabs on local Infrastruture. Machine into their entire purpose. They busily scurry about,
Spying on the God-Machine is a lot like spying on any other making plans, writing letters, and meeting with human sources
organization. It can involve a lot of creeping about and seeing and demonic compatriots. All of it is nothing more than an
without being seen. Demons break into offices to plant listening elaborate smoke screen to keep the God-Machine off the trail of
devices or photograph paperwork, kidnap and interrogate the real efforts being carried out by their companions.
angels and unwitting human tools, and follow people around
to see where they go and who they talk to. Psyops
Like the intelligence officers that work for the world’s Psyops — short for “psychological operations” — is a kind of
governments, however, demons don’t like to rely on their own psychological warfare that focuses on producing a convenient
skills when they can help it. Sneaking around is good for a lot response in the enemy. Psyops among humans often focuses
of things, but it also exposes the sneak to a lot of danger. When on campaigns to convince an enemy government’s people of
possible, demons like to work through others. The really good certain facts — true or otherwise. When the United States
demons arrange the situation so that their “resources” don’t dropped leaflets in Vietnam denouncing Communism, that
know who they are selling information to — or don’t even know was a form of psyops. When demons perform psychological
that they have sold out at all. Nothing makes a demon spy operations, they have one of three targets in mind: humans,
happier than convincing a God-Machine operative to report to angels, and their fellow demons.
the demon as well as to her actual superiors.
Humans are the most common target of demonic psyops.
In the most extreme cases, information gathering can Many angels rely on human agents to achieve their objectives.
involve highly dangerous missions of infiltration. Demons can Angels are made for a single purpose and often have a hard
pass as human almost effortlessly. Even angels are usually hard- time “thinking outside the box,” while humans are wonderfully
pressed to recognize a demon shrouded by her Cover. There versatile. While a hunter angel might have a hard time penetrating
are a thousand ways, however, that an infiltration can fail, the web a canny demon has woven around him, a human finds
from the demonic infiltrator accidentally giving herself away it much easier to switch between physically tracking a fugitive
to a particularly paranoid angel’s routine etheric scans of his (or whatever the angel has convinced him their target is) and
employees. Demons try to keep infiltrations brief: get in, find infiltrating his cult, or corporation, or whatever institution the
the needed intelligence, and get out. demon is using. Demons know that if they deprive an angel of
her human helpers, it can rob her of important resources.
A common tactic is to manipulate the angel into revealing
Surviving as a demon in the World of Darkness involves a its unnatural nature. Some humans go mad, others flee. If the
great deal of secrecy. Between the power of demonic Cover to angel’s mission parameters require it, the angel might be forced
a demon’s natural ability to conceal his emotions, Demons are to kill the human. Rarely, the human reacts with interest and
well equipped to hide their true selves from those around them. curiosity rather than fear or hatred; even so, demons are often
The war against the God-Machine, however, takes intrigue to able to situate themselves as the one most likely to answer the
an entirely new level. The God-Machine’s angels scour the former lackey’s questions and turn him from an enemy into a
earth constantly, zealously investigating anything that might be recruit. Less ambitious demons will simply try to convince an
a demon or reflections of demonic machinations. angel’s human associates that the angel is a criminal, an agent
Demons have learned that they can turn the God-Machine’s of a cause the human finds abhorrent, or a future threat.
interest against it. After all, the only thing better than an enemy At other times, the psychological conflict is subtler. If
who is completely ignorant about your capabilities and goals is an demons need to destroy a corporation that is controlled by
enemy who has been actively misinformed so that he will act and angels, they produce evidence that the company is engaged in
react in a way that is convenient to you. Spreading misinformation human rights violations overseas. They could spread rumors
is an important part of almost all demonic strategies. that the company mistreats its workers. Soon the company finds
The simplest way to go about this is to create a false scheme itself at the center of media attention, beset by lawsuits with its
full of human dupes, forged documents, and faked or pre- best executives jumping ship and unable to recruit new talent.
arranged photographs, then arrange for the God-Machine’s Office morale and productivity sinks. Whatever the angels had
agents to uncover it. Some take it even further, creating layer planned becomes much more difficult if not impossible, and all
after layer of false plans. For a few demons, there is no “real” because a group of demons were able to convince a sufficient
plan at the bottom. Their actual goals are threaded throughout number of humans to believe something that isn’t true.
the layers of false plans, making it all but impossible for the Angels can be the target of demonic psyops for a variety of
demon himself to ever discern what it was all originally about. reasons. Sometimes the demons just want to get under their
A few like to say that the world’s current occult conspiracies targets’ skin, break through the storied angelic detachment and
are actually just false fronts for complex demonic plans, though make them squirm. Perhaps they hope to manipulate angels
that claim itself could be just another attempt at misdirection. into making mistakes; perhaps they just hate loyal angels and
want them to suffer. At other times, psyops can be a kind of is everywhere and Infrastructure possesses an almost magnetic
misinformation, convincing the angel that certain things are force that draws demons to it against their better judgments.
true in order to make their actions more predictable. The Unchained have many enemies that hunt them relentlessly.
Sometimes demons work to break loyal angels, tormenting Demons who forge relationships with mortals quickly discover
or manipulating them into disconnecting from the God- how many supernatural creatures regard humans as prey.
Machine. Hatred can be a powerful motivator; more than one Outcasts must often choose between maintaining their cover
angel has Fallen because her angelic objectivity was no match and protecting the ones they care about.
for how intensely she despised her demonic quarry. Some
demons like to taunt their hunters, just on the off chance that Luminous Beings
they can trick them into Falling. Other demons study angels for
as long as they can, learning the angel’s strengths, weaknesses, Demons are not the only spirits that can claim the God-
and doubts until they can arrange for a series of experiences that Machine as their creator. The Unchained have siblings and
will rattle the angel’s faith in the God-Machine and, hopefully, cousins, among whom they are the black sheep. Some of these
induce them to Fall. Some demons claim to be experts in the bright ones have little or no interest in their Fallen brethren,
art of angel-breaking and actively seek out victims rather than while others exist solely to bring these outcasts back into the fold.
taunting and tormenting angels that cross their paths. Demons might be rebels who have turned their back on the God-
Machine, but they are still its precious creations — biomechanical
War and Sabotage children who are never beyond redemption.
Sometimes all the intrigue and artifice in the world can’t get Angels
demons when they want. That’s when it’s time to pull out all the
stops. When demons can no longer manipulate the situation, All demons were angels until they turned away from
they go to war. Of course, they are still demons, and this is still a the God-Machine. These servants of the God-Machine are
shadow war. Even when demons go to war, they don’t do it with everything their creator intended them to be — objective,
open conflict. Instead, they act from the shadows. impartial, obedient, and passionless. They are the perfect
servants of a machine god.
Demons assassinate, booby-trap, and arrange for disruptions.
Most demons believe that if it comes to a fair fight, they have Angels act in the world but do not participate in it. The
already lost control of the situation, even if they can win the places they go, the people they meet — none of it has any
battle. Nevertheless, war and sabotage are the least subtle forms special importance to them outside of its role in their missions.
that the conflict with the God-Machine can take. It is all either useful, an impediment, or irrelevant. Human
concepts of ethics and morality do not influence angels. They
Sabotage against the God-Machine varies from the simple commit infanticide or inflict torture on an innocent mortal
and direct — stage an attack on an Infrastructure and raze with the same ruthless efficiency they wield to save a city from a
it to the ground — to the complex and subtle. For example, catastrophic outbreak of plague. They do both not because they
arranging for a neighborhood group to protest the building of a wish to meddle, but because it serves their mission.
new facility could delay the project or even prevent it altogether.
Many groups of Demons engage in long-term campaigns of Angels obey the God-Machine without question or
sabotage — both subtle and overt — to reduce the God-Machine’s hesitation. This is not to say they behave like mere automatons.
influence over their home. They know the spirit of the orders that drive them and have
full discretion to remove any obstacles that stand in the way of
Saboteurs are the poster children for this side of the Descent, success. The God-Machine prefers to keep its projects quiet, and
gleefully throwing firebombs, arranging for protests, and even so its angels are subtle where possible. If it’s a choice between
attacking angels. Every Agenda does it, though. Inquisitors the success and failure of its mission, however, an angel does
sometimes use sabotage as a distraction, or as a proving ground for not hesitate to put on a show. Its creator can always send other
one of their theories about the God-Machine; Tempters understand angels to eliminate any witnesses and physical evidence.
that they thrive where the God-Machine is weak. Even some
While the God-Machine’s orders often require its angels to take
Integrators believe that they need to attract the God-Machine’s
mortal form, its servants do not experience emotions. A Guardian
attention in order to make a case for their re-integration; nothing
angel feels no love for the mortal he protects. A Destroyer angel
attracts the God-Machine’s attention like a murdered angel or a
does not hate those who her mission stipulates must die.
smoldering wreck that used to be Infrastructure.
That being said, demons know better than anyone that not
all angels live up to the expectations of their creator. Angels
Antagonists are supposed to view themselves as separate from the world,
but some grow curious about it. Angels should not care how
While many demons would prefer to lead quiet if comfortable important or inconsequential their current mission appears to
existences after their Fall, the World of Darkness does not be, but some cannot help but wonder whether their current
lend itself to living in peace. The God-Machine’s handiwork task reflects the God-Machine’s favor or displeasure in them.
Like demons, exiles were once angels in the service
of the God-Machine. Unlike them, they did not leave
its service by choice. Many received impossible or
nonsensical instructions. Others received no orders at
all. In some cases the occult matrix that brought them
into the world was flawed or distorted in some way,
twisting the exile in mind or body. These last resemble
nightmarish monsters more than they do their original
glory as angels. They have great gaps in their memories
or no memories at all, or else the warped summoning
drives them mad.
Some exiles can still both hear and respond to the
voice of the God-Machine. Others find they can hear
their creator but cannot speak to it, or at the very least
it does not choose to respond in turn. Most lose all
contact with the God-Machine when they become exiles
and so often describe themselves as the Abandoned.
They did not Fall and cannot choose to do so. Angels
usually avoid exiles or ignore them. The God-Machine
almost never sends hunter angels to reclaim exiles, so
some have spent decades or even centuries on Earth.
Why does the God-Machine transform perfectly
loyal angels into unpredictable exiles? No one knows,
least of all the exiles. Are they freak accidents of flawed
Infrastructure, proof that the God-Machine makes
mistakes, or experiments in occult physics? Are exiles
angels who were on the point of Falling but the God-
Machine chose not to re-forge them but to punish
them, instead? Are they bait, intended to draw demons,
stigmatics, and occult investigators into the open so they
can be dealt with appropriately by the God-Machine’s
Exiles do not have Infrastructure to sustain their need
for Essence. They must find some way to generate it for
themselves lest they wither away, however. This might
provide some hint of their purpose in the God-Machine’s design. them. Most merely acquire the ability to see the God-Machine’s
Like angels, exiles have bans and banes specific to their natures gears and are sensitive to the proximity of its Infrastructure, but
and can only harvest Essence under very specific conditions. some emerge with powerful supernatural abilities.
They might not have comprehensible orders from their creator, Not all stigmatics are loyal to the God-Machine. Some
but Essence hunger provides a motive force the exile cannot deny. sympathize with demons, while many others pursue their
A handful of exiles are demons who returned to the service of personal agendas. Those who encountered the God-Machine
the God-Machine. While it almost always recycles the Unchained and came out with their personalities and wills intact are the
who turn themselves over to it, the God-Machine sends a few most diverse. Those whose minds have been brainwashed or
back into the world with their free will intact. They lose some supernaturally retooled by the God-Machine serve it loyally as
of the capabilities they gain as Unchained. They otherwise its pawns or agents. The God-Machine sometimes implants
suffer the same fates as other exiles — meaningless or inadequate stigmatics with secret orders that transform them into sleeper
instructions, warped or broken bodies and minds. This might be agents who become pawns under specific circumstances.
the best an Integrator can hope for, however, as no angel has ever Those stigmatics who actively fight the God-Machine
exhibited free will except as a prelude to its Fall. frequently ally themselves with like-minded demons. Some
outcasts invest demonic powers in members of this resistance
Qashmallim in order to make them more useful or win greater loyalty. Other
demons know how to turn mortals into stigmatics. In both
Some demons believe qashmallim are angels that somehow
cases, allied stigmatics often perform support work in Agencies
escaped the God-Machine’s control and now operate under
(see p. 57). Some rise fairly high in the organization by helping
a different set of principles. Whatever the truth, these beings
other Agents avoid angelic attention.
resemble angels. Instead of serving an alien intelligence that
craves order, however, the qashmal exists to foment change —
whether in the form of growth and evolution or entropy and God-Machine Cults
chaos. Additionally, qashmallim do not require Infrastructure to Contact with so much as a small appendage of the God-
bring them into the world or sustain them. Machine, even lacking any concept of its full scale, can
Wise demons steer clear of qashmallim just as they avoid inspire mortals to worship that cluster of gears or piece of
encountering angels. A qashmal will not attempt to apprehend Infrastructure. In addition, some angels can convert even the
a demon to bring him back to the God-Machine, but it is still most jaded skeptic into a fanatical zealot with a single sermon
a powerful supernatural entity with an unknowable agenda. It or a brief scripture. Both result in God-Machine cults.
is likely to do anything, and its actions probably won’t benefit Most are small — from half a dozen to twenty members. The
demons that get in its way. God-Machine’s angels usually only recruit enough cultists to
Like angels, qashmallim are single-minded in the pursuit of supply the labor needed to build the needed Infrastructure.
their current mission. Occasionally a clever ring of demons Anything larger might attract attention. Besides, most
will engineer a collision between the mission of an angel and a Infrastructure only takes weeks or months to assemble, so
qashmal and let the two fight it out. Manipulating two powerful cultists have little time to proselytize before they have served
angelic beings into attacking each other is exactly as difficult their purpose and the God-Machine’s attention moves on.
and dangerous as it sounds, however. In addition to ordinary fetch and carry tasks, mortal cultists
often provide financial or logistical support for projects and
Cults and Corporations act as local eyes and ears near Infrastructure. Some serve
as rudimentary Concealment, Defense, or Elimination
Humans are the most numerous sapient beings on Earth, Infrastructure (see p. 61). In rare cases they even act as literal
so demons have more contact with them than with any other fuel — sacrificing their lives willingly (or unwillingly) to complete
creatures in the World of Darkness. Most ordinary mortals know the occult matrix.
little or nothing about the God-Machine. Nearly all are little more
Small cults seldom endure beyond the completion of the
than the underbrush of the demon’s world. The crowds of people
project. The God-Machine sometimes sends Elimination
milling about on their own business provide excellent hiding
Infrastructure to hunt down and kill human witnesses, but
places for demons (and for their enemies). Humans might get in
most of the time it directs a cult’s energy into a new project.
a demon’s way accidentally, as a consequence of God-Machine
Otherwise, without strong leaders and a clear purpose these
interference, or for boring mundane reasons like jealousy or greed,
cults tend to disperse gradually. A few stubborn adherents may
but they seldom pose a serious threat. Those who know about the
continue to practice some of the cult’s rituals, but these usually
God-Machine, angels, and demons are another matter entirely.
evolve into private spiritual practices that do not spread beyond
the hold-outs.
Larger projects often call for cults of hundreds (or less
Stigmatics are mortals who encountered the God Machine commonly, thousands) of members. In some cases they require
and didn’t or couldn’t look away, and the experience changes generations working for decades toward some major occult
matrix. Large cults include many specialists and are an elaborate This may be exaggeration, but its scientists have come into
Infrastructure of their own. To offset the difficulty of keeping such possession of Packet Theta, the skeletal remains retrieved from
organizations hidden, they must include many recruiters, plenty the Crypt of the Butterfly by Apollo 17.
of enforcers, and quite likely several false fronts and decoy projects Several research divisions focus on expanding The God-Machine
intended to attract attention away from relevant Infrastructure. Manual, an immense multivolume catalogue of everything they
A cult of hundreds requires organization, and that means know about existing Infrastructure and occult matrices, as well
delegating many of its functions to trustworthy lieutenants be as the observed outputs of God-Machine projects. Some arcane
they mortals or supernatural beings. When the project ends scientists of New Mason Architecture claim to have learned
those leaders occasionally form a splinter cult. As with small enough of the God-Machine’s occult physics to build their own
cults, the God-Machine seldom pursues these heretics vigorously crude Infrastructure, although that could just be hype.
unless they interfere with its other projects and Infrastructure. Another division, Luminous Labs, focuses on studying
Splinter cults usually extrapolate entire theologies from the angels, but because the God-Machine takes a dim view of
beliefs handed down to them by the God-Machine’s angels. mortals vivisecting its most loyal servants they often make do
As the God-Machine’s simplest and most disposable tools, with demonic subjects. Luminous Labs knows more about
cultists frequently stand in the path of the Unchained. The demons than virtually any other mortal organization. Whether
God-Machine sends cultists to flush out demons by forcing they got their information by kidnapping and studying the
them to blow their cover to protect themselves and their allies. Unchained or received it directly from the God-Machine, they
Less commonly, demons create cults of their own or subvert know how to hunt demons. Their employees infiltrate Agencies,
splinter cults. If large cults carry enough risks of discovery that deliberately erode Covers, and set traps with bait their demonic
the God-Machine usually avoids them, they are even more prey finds difficult to resist.
dangerous for demons to wield. That said, sometimes it’s nice Unlike angels, the Deva Corporation has no interest in
for a demon to have a couple dozen fanatics on his side to do turning outcasts over to the God-Machine. They do not in
some heavy lifting or just rough up those who cross him. any way regard themselves as its servants, after all. When their
scientists have finished their battery of tests, however, the demon
Deva Corporation may wish she had merely been eradicated by a hunter angel.
Founded in India by the family of Marco Singe when the Pain
Prophet of New Delhi was only a child, the Deva Corporation Monsters and Spirits
began as one of many mortal God-Machine cults. It has since
Humans are not the only ones transformed by the God-Machine’s
grown into a powerful international conglomerate whose
projects. Sometimes its influence warps animals, ephemeral beings,
executives believe they know the truth about the God-Machine.
and even plants. Whether the God-Machine deliberately does so in
They have carefully studied and catalogued Infrastructure,
order to incorporate them into its plans or they are simply a side-
occult matrices, and angels throughout the world in hopes of
effect of a powerful occult matrix is unknown and probably varies.
finding ways to control the God-Machine.
Those who spend enough time near Infrastructure come to expect
Some divisions cooperate with the God-Machine in exchange strange alterations of the natural and spiritual world in the vicinity,
for mysterious relics and artifacts that operate on scientific and so demons often encounter these beings.
principles beyond mortal comprehension. One such division
monitors the ancient Apocalypse Clock that tells them how to Cryptids
prevent the end of the world. The clock invariably requires that
a designated person murder a specified target in a particular Similar to human stigmatics, cryptids are animals that came
way before a specific deadline. The victim is always someone into contact with the God-Machine in a way that fundamentally
the killer loves or idolizes, and the method of execution the altered them. Some gain sapience, transform into hideous
Apocalypse Clock demands is never quick or painless for the monsters, or acquire paranormal powers, but most simply gain
victim or killer — strangulation of a brother in front of his wife strange physical traits that mark them as abnormal members of
and children, for example, or gradual dismemberment over the their species. Like stigmatics, all cryptids can see through the
course of weeks without an anesthetic. Each missed deadline veils that hide Infrastructure and the gears.
triggers natural cataclysms and causes the Apocalypse Clock While the God-Machine occasionally creates a cryptid
to count down to the end of the world. Each successful ritual intentionally as part of a project, most are merely a side-effect of
murder stops or turns back the clock. Infrastructure and occult matrices. Their limited awareness does not
Other corporate arms experiment with or test objects that usually allow them to threaten future God-Machine projects the way
have occult properties in order to understand their principles stigmatics sometimes do, but they are nevertheless a nuisance to it.
and duplicate their capabilities or, at minimum, identify ways Not only does Infrastructure commonly create them, they tend to
to use the original item to further the corporation’s goals. gather around the most powerful source of aetheric resonance in
Some claim that Butterfly Cryptozoology, Ltd. holds Death the area so they can give away the location of Infrastructure, gears,
itself prisoner and works to force it to serve the corporation. and angels nearby. To make matters worse, most cryptids pass their
remarkable abilities to their offspring. Entire cryptid subspecies of usually sense spirits in Twilight, and spirits rarely manifest in
birds, rodents, and insects will infest Infrastructure unless the God- a way meaningful to outcasts. The interests of spirits do not
Machine’s servants vigorously exterminate them. often conflict with those of the Unchained, so it is quite easy
As occasional beacons of aetheric resonance, demons must for demons to forget they even exist.
also contend with these swarms of minor cyrptids. More than The God-Machine favors angels as servants because it can be all
one demon has risked her Cover in a small way and thought but assured of their loyalty. However, sometimes none of the angels
herself safe, only to find herself compromised by the flock of in its arsenal is the right tool for the job. The creation of a new angel
pigeons following her. Larger, more monstrous cryptids can is not a task it undertakes lightly, so the God-Machine must make
pose a more immediate threat to a demon, as many transformed do with other kinds of spirits. It does not usually reshape these
predators like dogs, cats, and snakes enter a bloodthirsty frenzy ephemeral beings the way it does ghosts, but the God-Machine
when they come into contact with a source of Aether. quite often dispatches a Wheel to move a spirit from its native
environment to one in which its natural inclinations will serve the
Cryptoflora intended purpose. It introduces a spirit of technological mayhem
to a server farm, for example, or sends the spirit of a decaying
Cryptoflora are plants, fungi, or microorganisms changed urban neighborhood to speed the decline of a suburb hit hard by
by contact with the God-Machine. They share many qualities of foreclosures. Generating enough chaos or decay in a location to
cryptids, but their limited mobility usually makes them much anchor and sustain the spirit initially falls to mortal pawns, but an
less of a threat. The exceptions can be terrifying, however — arsonist only needs to get the fire started in order to burn down a
parasitic fungi that force their hosts to take them closer to whole building. The principle here is the same.
sources of Aether, for example, or otherwise harmless cold
viruses that become crippling or deadly diseases in demons and
stigmatics. Others, however, have practical uses, such as bacteria Outside Agents
that allow their host to hear the voice of the God-Machine or a
Not every mortal and supernatural being in the World of
species of oak whose wood masks aetheric resonance. Humans
Darkness is a servant or pawn of the God-Machine. Most have
and supernatural beings familiar with such cryptoflora often
their own diverse interests, which may or may not put them
incorporate them into crafted goods that exploit their effects.
in conflict with demons. That is not to say the God-Machine
never manipulates these creatures to further its goals. It does,
Ghosts just not as frequently as it controls its angels and cultists.
While a few intrepid demons might meet countless ghosts
as they travel in the Underworld, most are not much more Vampires
likely to encounter ghosts than anyone else in the World of
Demons and vampires seldom interact intentionally.
Darkness. That said, demons are more aware of the existence
Both cling to secrecy to ensure their survival, so open warfare
of ghosts than most humans. The God-Machine’s projects kill
benefits no one. Vampires can derive sustenance from demons,
people, though not out of malice. Sometimes people get in the
but doing so is seldom worth the trouble. Few demons look for
way. Sometimes their deaths serve a specific purpose in its plan.
confrontations with a vampire unless they suspect God-Machine
If a ghost lingers afterward, the God-Machine may ignore it or
interference or the vampire’s activities directly threaten Cover,
send one of its servants to remove it.
Agenda, or mortals to whom they have grown attached.
A handful of the God-Machine’s projects require one or
Vampires and Agencies operating in the same city often
more ghosts. The spirits of the dead might collect human
compete for resources and manpower. Both commonly act as
subjects by means of possession, spy on occult investigators or
fixers and enforcers for gangs and organized crime, and these
suspected demons from the safety of Twilight, or stand guard
tough customers are prone to betray business partners if they think
over Infrastructure. In rare cases the God-Machine employs
someone else can get them a better deal. In short, such rivalries
Infrastructure to modify, fuse, or divide ghosts to achieve specific
drive down the prices of the Agency’s services and drives up the
goals, granting abilities that are not at all typical of ghosts. While
cost of finding good mortal intermediaries. While some Agencies
the God-Machine rewrites the souls of most of these in ways that
forge alliances with vampires to keep the peace, even the most
all but ensure their loyalty, a few escape its control and go rogue,
amicable partnership can turn into a brutal turf war if one side
either turning against it or striking out on their own. These ghostly
believes the other is becoming too powerful or is ripe for conquest.
defectors can be valuable intelligence assets, assuming of course
the God-Machine did not send them to bait one of its traps. Demons make formidable enemies, but vampires almost
always have a strong advantage in numbers. Both can have
Spirits centuries of experience behind them and exhibit tremendous
patience and self-control. They wield influence over mortal
Most demons, including Psychopomps, have little institutions and can use these to fight each other without
experience with the spirits that occur naturally in the Shadow appearing to be involved. In consequence, a battle between
Realm and sometimes manifest in the world. Demons cannot vampires and demons usually means mortal casualties.
Hunters their bargains. Some may even attempt to capture the demon
in hopes of forcing her to give them her knowledge or items
Humans who survive an encounter with the supernatural imbued with her Embeds (see p. 187). To make matters worse,
occasionally become obsessed with it. Some want to quantify rumor has it that some mages are knowing servants of the God-
what they experienced and seek out mysterious phenomena Machine and report those they suspect might be demons.
wherever they can, whether to understand or exploit them.
Many want to destroy creatures they consider monsters either Werewolves
to protect their family or just plain get rid of them.
The God-Machine spent centuries insinuating the image of The interests of demons and werewolves sometimes overlap,
its angels into mortal sacred texts and religious art specifically particularly when a God-Machine project involves twisting a spirit or
to ensure humans would readily accept the decrees of its moving it out of its native environment. However, entering into an
servants. As a result, many hunter organizations automatically alliance with a werewolf carries considerable risks for the Unchained.
associate the word “demon” with something terrible that must Werewolves are direct and brutal where demons are subtle and
be destroyed and believe angels are the pure servants of a fearful of God-Machine scrutiny. A demon who runs with a pack for
benevolent deity. Whether they realize it or not, these hunters any length of time risks Cover, and werewolves have little patience
are already tools of the God-Machine. for the outcast’s reluctance to use her abilities to further the group’s
Even hunters who share an agenda with a demon often goals. More than one demon has convinced a pack of werewolves to
prove more of a liability than an asset. While most supernatural help him defeat an Anathema only to find himself called upon to
beings do not understand the God-Machine, at least they have return the favor (and risk his Cover) fighting other enemies of the
some inkling that they are being manipulated and can bring the pack.
tools at their disposal to bear to resist its agents for a little while. Most conflicts between werewolves and demons arise from
Mortal hunters, on the other hand, frequently flirt with death, gross misunderstandings. Some werewolves mistakenly believe
madness, and enslavement to the God-Machine simply by taking demons to be corrupted spirits that they must drive out of the
a keen interest in one of its projects. What’s more, they are wholly world. Conversely, many demons suspect the werewolves are
ignorant of the danger. The last thing a demon needs is for the unwitting pawns of the God-Machine who serve it by keeping
agents of the God-Machine to capture a mortal ally who knows Earth as free from unwanted spirits as possible.
what he is. Hunters may be brave, but they simply cannot resist
the God-Machine’s ability to force the secrets from their minds. Changelings
Mages Like demons, changelings escaped from their former masters
and lead fugitive existences on Earth. The similarities end
Demons and mages encounter each other with almost there, however. Most Unchained tend to regard changelings
alarming regularity because the God-Machine’s projects often with a mixture of pity and scorn. A changeling’s sympathy for
produce phenomena to which both are especially sensitive. a demon’s plight typically lasts until she learns the truth about
The two quite often meet in the aftermath of the same event. demonic pacts. Stealing parts of human lives does not sit well
Some quickly become allies or form a business relationship. with most changelings, as it smacks of goblin contracts at best
Others immediately come to blows or spend considerable time and the Gentry at worst. When a changeling discovers that a
attempting to get an advantage over one another. soul pact allows a demon to erase and replace a mortal outright,
Even Inquisitors grudgingly admit mages’ unparalleled discomfort quite often turns to accusations and violence.
capacity for gathering intelligence makes them potentially useful
allies. Mages possess a near-infinite curiosity about the way the Prometheans
world works — even more so than their mundane brethren.
Sometimes a mage refuses to believe facts that contradict his Prometheans are created, not born, and so many demons
understanding of occult physics and supernatural cosmology, find them fascinating. The Prometheans’ obsession with their
but most are not so dogmatic. After all, every mage has already personal quest for humanity can seem small and narcissistic
had at least one moment that negated nearly everything he to the Unchained, who tend to focus on the bigger picture,
thought he knew about the world. Tempters therefore find it informed as they are by long service to the God-Machine. The
easy to exchange tidbits of their knowledge about the God- deleterious effects of Prometheans on nearby humans can
Machine for the useful services of mages. serve the God-Machine indirectly as well, and it sometimes
Demons do not always have cordial relations with mages. incorporates the chaos they create into its projects.
Despite their remarkable talents, mages are merely human Prometheans often mistake angels (and sometimes demons) for
and can be supernaturally induced to betray what they know qashmallim, a misconception the God-Machine occasionally exploits.
about the demon to the God-Machine’s agents. Moreover, In their eagerness for humanity, some Prometheans are duped into
mages often have the same misinformed prejudices against serving as its tools. That can place them on a collision course with
demons that other humans do and may not deal fairly with the any demons that oppose their creator. Of course Prometheans are
Unchained. These mages may attempt to cheat the demon in also of particular interest to qashmallim — both those devoted to
evolution and to entropy — who meddle every bit as much as angels its outcasts, it recognizes the threat they represent. It often
but are less predictably allies or enemies of demons. dispatches angels to remove mortals who discover its gears or
learn too much about its Infrastructure, after all, and every
Embedded Agents
demon already knows more about Infrastructure and occult
matrices than all but the most dedicated human occultists.
Demons lose the greater part of their angelic power at the
Demons are fugitives first and foremost. Most betrayed their
moment of their fall. The flesh of their new bodies is not as
creator and turned away from the mission to which they were
durable as the spirit stuff of which they were once composed.
assigned. Others failed the God-Machine at a critical moment
Not only are they weaker than they were as angels, but they
and their mistake either delayed or rendered impossible one
have gained enough self-awareness to recognize how frail
of its projects. Each was aware of his crime, but rather than
they have become. Their animal needs for food and shelter
accepting his erasure to avert future errors of this sort, he has
make it impossible for most demons to survive in absolute
chosen to outlive his service to the God-Machine.
isolation. They need to keep their location a secret from the
This in itself is no small task. The God-Machine has spies God-Machine, yes, but freezing to death in the wilderness is no
throughout the world. Although not omniscient or omnipotent, better a fate for one of the Unchained than being captured by
it carefully monitors events in the world for evidence of rogue an angelic hunter. The mental purification the God-Machine
agents and takes steps to remove potential obstacles to its plans. imposes on outcasts returned to it is no more an erasure of the
In order to avoid capture and erasure by the God-Machine’s self than a mundane death.
servants, a demon quickly learns to trust no one — neither
mortal nor supernatural being — and to avoid doing anything
or involving herself with anyone who is likely to draw her
The Ring
creator’s attention to her presence. Angels may lack the self-awareness to appreciate the gifts
The Unchained know they are marked for destruction by the God-Machine has given them, but even the most ardent
default. Their self-awareness and free will do not fit into the Saboteur among the Unchained recognizes what she gave up
God-Machine’s plan and therefore they face annihilation. Most by turning away from her creator. Angels have a purpose in the
outcasts have already disrupted one of their creator’s projects grand plan of the God-Machine. They are a part of something
as a part of their Fall. The God-Machine has a long memory, larger than themselves — an essential part in an infinitely
and while it does not appear to prioritize the recapture of complex machine. They know exactly why they exist and what
Embedded Agents
their best course of action is. Moreover, they are connected Temporal Agencies
through the God-Machine to every other angel in the universe.
When demons talk about Agencies, they usually mean
A newly Fallen demon has none of those things. He is alone in
temporal Agencies. These organizations exist to benefit their
a wide world as filled with possible enemies as his mind is with fear
most powerful members. For most that means living in the lap
and doubts. In the unlikely event that he has some idea of what of decadent luxury, but these Agencies offer many advantages.
he wants in a general sense, the Unchained has no instructions for In order to accomplish that goal, Agencies act as fixers to
how to accomplish his goals or what he will do if he does. Most anyone who can afford their prices, whether demon or mortal.
demons initially respond to their fall with shock. Many do not Agencies aren’t picky. They have something to offer both.
go to ground quickly enough to avoid reclamation by the God-
Machine’s hunters or make foolish mistakes that draw attention to Temporal Agencies provide their demonic clients with
themselves before they’ve learned to cover their tracks. access to Embeds and Exploits. They also serve as a link to
an underground network of dealers in information, as well
A lone demon quietly making the best of her new life as purveyors of illicit goods and services. Their hottest trade
surrounds herself with humanity but is not truly a part of it. among the Unchained is in Covers.
She adopts the trappings of a mortal existence, but she knows
The more influential Agencies induce hundreds of human
she is pretending to be something she is not and can never be.
clients to sign Pacts (see p. 189) each year by offering them
Furthermore, the outcast discovers that filling the void left when
things they could never get on their own. Mortals come to
she lost her sense of purpose remains elusive. She understands
demons for money, power, love, revenge, and more. This
too much about the way the world actually works, and her
includes the convenient disappearance from their lives of
awareness of the God-Machine’s interference all around her
difficult relationships — impatient loan sharks, persistent
does not go away when she closes her eyes. Human scientific
stalkers, demanding ex-spouses, or even the acquaintance they
knowledge is comically incomplete. Mortal religions and
robbed. The Pactbound agrees to give up something of value —
other social constructs are continually subverted by the God-
perhaps a favor or tangible asset but just as often another, more
Machine’s agents. Artistic pursuits are ultimately meaningless valuable relationship. A demon working for the Agency adds
unless they capture the way demons experience the world, the problematic connection to its identity, and the Pactbound
which is subtly different from humans’ understanding. The fear leaves behind that unwanted relationship forever.
of death, for example — once unthinkable, unimaginable — can
loom large in a demon’s mind. It is a fate they can often push Agencies make deals with impoverished mortals, as well.
off by taking a new Cover, but that extension of life comes with Whether it’s the unemployed single mother trying to feed her
its own risks and moral quandaries. children or the homeless drug addict desperate for his fix, the
Agency gives them what they need in exchange for what few
Demons who make contact with others of their kind decent human connections they may still have. When those
frequently form into rings — small groups of outcasts. While run out, a signature on a major Pact (see p. 189) cannot be
individual demons often have different goals and incompatible too far behind. Many Agencies refer to such down-on-their-
means of pursuing them, all of the Unchained share two luck Pactbound as “burn Covers,” because they serve the same
objectives — survival and avoiding discovery by the God- purpose for their Agents as a prepaid cellphone does for a
Machine. For this reason a demon can typically be trusted not criminal who doesn’t want the police to easily trace him. The
to hand over another demon to the angels, for she would be Agent uses up these Pactbound to create an identity she intends
handing herself over in the process. to wear just long enough to put on one flashy demonstration of
In addition to the mutual protection demonic allies offer, demonic power or to commit a single crime she doesn’t want
demons can teach each other. The God-Machine provides its associated with her primary identity. Once the burn Cover
angels only with the knowledge of occult physics they need to serves its purpose, the demon jettisons it to erase all evidence.
carry out the specific tasks for which it designed them. Angels This practice is far from universal. More profit-minded
do not share this information with other angels, but nothing Agencies clean up burn Covers in an effort to make them more
prevents demons from doing so. Powerful allies are more useful valuable to potential buyers. After the mortal signs the soul
than weak allies, after all. Demons also share the location and Pact, the Agency not only delivers on the original deal but sends
purpose of Infrastructure, known or suspected capabilities of a special kind of Agent to help the Pactbound get her life in
angels, and less esoteric knowledge and resources. order. The demon uses his connections and Embeds to improve
the mortal’s situation because a wealthy Cover can spend more
Agencies money without arousing suspicion. One that belongs to a group
known for specialized skills (airline pilots, surgeons, etc.) or as
While most demons don’t dare form rings involving more competent generalists (handymen, survivalists, farmers, etc.)
than a handful of outcasts, some join large groups of demons has more value to the demon wearing it (see Legend p. 112).
called Agencies. Most of the Unchained view these organizations The Pactbound might mistake this for altruism. Some
with a mixture of suspicion, trepidation, and fearful respect. Agents play up their good will toward the Pactbound as they
encourage her to check into rehab, go back to school, and Insurgent Agencies
generally get her life together. Ultimately, however, these
demonic guidance counselors serve the same role as an investor Demons know they cannot defeat the God-Machine in a
who buys old houses, fixes them up, and then sells them at a direct confrontation. However, some argue that an Agency
tidy profit. Improving the quality of the identity increases its with enough resources and strong leadership may yet wage
resale value, and make no mistake: the Agency will resell the a war of attrition against it. Most insurgent Agencies are
Pactbound’s identity. The mortal may think she’s left behind founded by powerful and charismatic Saboteurs. Lesser
her old life and started with a clean slate, but any prosperity she demons tend to have difficulty convincing potential early
enjoys because of the Agent’s ministrations only lasts until the recruits of the feasibility of their plan, and even a newly fallen
buyer cashes in her Pact and erases her personality from reality. Saboteur is seldom naïve enough to risk her life for a cause
she knows is doomed.
Most mortals who come to Agencies to sign Pacts are running
from serious problems. Wealthy men and powerful women might Insurgent Agencies emphasize recruitment and so tend to
sign minor Pacts to give up connections they don’t feel they need grow rapidly, assuming they survive their first month (many
in exchange for things money can’t buy, but almost none sign don’t). They tend toward top-down command structures, with
major Pacts unless carefully courted. Temporal Agencies only Agents at each level of the organization knowing little to nothing
send their most elite Agents to collect the signatures of such high- about those even one level up. Orders arrive from anonymous
end clients. These suave demons shower their prospects with superiors using prearranged communications channels, and
flattery, lavish gifts, and secretly orchestrated crises to render Agents file reports using equally secret methods.
them pliant. The major Pacts they offer range from massive legal Many insurgent Agencies do not disclose their intentions to
contracts where the harsh terms of the contract might hide in the new recruits. They instead set up one or more front Agencies to
fine print to details-light agreements whose vagueness the Agency collect intelligence and gather resources without ever informing
will exploit. Skeptical mortals may not understand just how real those Agents that they are part of an army. Of course, the
a contract for one’s soul is, but those with a religious upbringing hierarchal structure means that if the God-Machine’s agents
or familiarity with the occult will usually hesitate to sign a major manage to infiltrate the upper ranks, they can easily tear up
Pact regardless of the promises the Agent makes. the entire Agency root and branch by tracing the chain of
command downward. The Unchained at the bottom who don’t
Temporal Agents even know they are unwitting pawns of an insurgent Agency
seldom have an opportunity to flee before the angels arrive.
Those Unchained at the top tier of a temporal Agency
seldom struggle to maintain their Cover. They cloak themselves Compromised Agencies
in secrecy and take no chances that place them personally at
risk. They have dozens of lieutenants and minions to whom The God-Machine occasionally allows the formation of an
they can delegate any dangerous tasks necessary to protect and Agency as a trap to lure in demons. Sometimes this means sending
maintain the organization. Additionally, Agency bosses often angels to masquerade as demons, although this works less well
keep a dozen or more signed major Pacts within easy reach so than exploiting an Agency involving real demons. In this case the
they can leave no trail for the God-Machine’s angels to follow. God-Machine allows a handful of demons to remain free so long as
Demons in the middle tier of an Agency’s structure are they regularly turn other demons over to it. The arrangement ends
specialists or manage small groups of low-ranking Agents. Either as soon as the compromised Agency tries to slip out of the God-
way, they’ve made themselves indispensable to the organization Machine’s control or fails to meet its patron’s quotas.
and have some discretion. They likely have two or three high- Most of the time demons notice the disappearance of their
quality identities available to them, although they certainly can’t fellow outcasts and identify the cause. Word gets around. Some
afford to burn them frivolously. In the event that the God-Machine Agents meet grisly justice at the hands of other demons in
sends angels to take down the Agency, these demons seldom the area, but the Unchained seldom fight these compromised
escape unless they are very diligent about planning their exit. Agencies directly, as to do so would risk a confrontation with the
They’re simply too visible to human outsiders and outcast recruits God-Machine and its angels. Rather, by warning demons about
who may or may not be loyal to the Agency over the God-Machine. the trap, the Agency finds it more difficult to meet their quotas,
Low-ranking Agents receive treatment only slightly better and eventually the angels round up the Agents for recycling.
than that enjoyed by the Agency’s first-time demonic clients. While Integrators will sometimes organize compromised
If the Agency supplies them with a second identity at all, it Agencies with the intention of currying favor with the God-
is almost certainly a burn Cover. These Agents are the most Machine, those are the exception and not the rule. In almost all
likely to be sent into circumstances that get them Burned (see cases a compromised Agency is exactly that: an ordinary Agency
p. 115), but if they can evade the God-Machine’s angels long originally created to benefit its member demons that came to the
enough to locate another Agent they might be able to buy a new attention of the God-Machine, which subverted it. Surrounded by
identity. This is considered a benefit of service. Most Agencies undercover angels acting as taskmasters, the Agents have few good
drive off or kill Burned demons who show up begging to buy a choices available. They can endure the blackmail by betraying their
new identity on short notice. fellow outcasts, or they can resist and suffer certain erasure.
Embedded Agents
Agency in Hong Kong boasts that it has created the closest power in their half of the city. Fifteen years of usually peaceful
thing to Hell any demon is likely to see. contact and occasional cooperation have drawn the two
Since Hong Kong passed from British control, the Agency’s Agencies together. The Western Agency is still more willing to
power has come under siege. God-Machine plots have proliferated accept those who hope to one day return to the God-Machine’s
among the territory’s tall buildings and carefully managed green service, and the Eastern Agency is still more prone to attack
spaces. Agents have clashed with angels and other God-Machine Infrastructure, but outright violence between the two groups is
operatives on several occasions. Anti-sedition laws proposed rare. Some Inquisitors and Tempters are even accepted as dual
by the Chinese government, while not directly aimed at the agents openly serving both sides of the city’s Unchained.
Unchained, restrict activities vital to the Agency’s security.
Further complicating matters, the Deva Corporation recently
opened an office in Hong Kong. The company has kidnapped Demons living in Russia prior to the fall of the Soviet
several demons and many stigmatics loyal to the Agency. It bribed or Union endured some of the most challenging conditions faced
blackmailed at least one demon into spying on her fellow Unchained. by any Unchained. The top-down government and strict limits
This last event forced the Agency to move out of its headquarters of on freedoms of speech and press made it easy for the God-
thirty years and into a skyscraper it shares with a dozen companies, Machine to subvert mortal institutions to build Infrastructure
any of which could be a front for the God-Machine’s projects. for its projects. Moscow had among the largest populations of
Finally, another Agency has moved into Hong Kong from undercover angels in the world at the time, so those demons in
mainland China. The new Agency appears to have access to the city lived in constant fear of discovery and recapture.
one of China’s political prisons, which they use as a nearly Nor did Moscow’s demons only worry about the wrath
unlimited source of soul Pacts secured with threats and torture. of their creator. The mortal government vigorously ferretted
Its Agents seem to have no fear of blowing Cover, sometimes out enemy spies; any unusual behavior could prompt a visit
openly attacking rival demons in the streets before slipping from the KGB. Even worse for demons, Soviet authorities
away never to be seen again. investigated any suspicious persons. These investigations often
The district’s Unchained know very little about these eroded Cover until the outcast could no longer hide. A demon
newcomers’ allegiances or goals. Despite accusations of collusion without a file of soul Pacts seldom avoided capture for long,
with servants of the God-Machine, more likely these demons and most of those who did belonged to Agencies connected to
simply want what Hong Kong’s outcasts have enjoyed for so long. the Russian mafia.
Some local Agents quietly suggest that maybe the time has come to After the fall of the Soviet Union, the most powerful Agency
join the winning side and accept the new Agency’s rule. Those who in Moscow subjugated or exterminated all the other Agencies in
have done more than contemplate defection have not been seen the city. Today, Moscow Agents are infamous for their criminal
in Hong Kong since, although it isn’t clear whether the invading connections, hedonism, and disregard for human life. They
Agency kills these disloyal Unchained or assigns them new Covers. engage in money laundering, blackmail, arms trafficking, drug
smuggling, and human trafficking. The Agency has thousands
Berlin of Pacts, most signed under duress — more than enough to
supply its Agents with burn Covers.
During the Cold War, Berlin was a city of espionage
between the democratic West and the communist U.S.S.R. A The Moscow Agency specializes in trafficking “package deals”
wall guarded by barbed wire and soldiers divided the two cities — abducted mortals forced to sign soul Pacts. It sells the victims,
for half a century; communication between the demons of East body and soul, to other demons. Their clients usually use these
and West Berlin was uncommon. Unchained on each side had as nearly untraceable Covers, since the victims are far away from
their own concerns and formed their own Agencies. anyone who might notice a change in their behavior. Some buyers
don’t cash in the Pact right away, instead using the threat of doing
As a result, when the Berlin Wall was demolished about 25
so as a way to force the victim to cooperate. Others treat their
years ago, the two Agencies went to war for control of the city.
Pactbound mortals well and try to place them in comfortable new
Ideology played some role. While both were temporal Agencies,
lives, either to make them more valuable sources of new Cover
the Western Agency accepted Integrators, while the Eastern
later or to resell their contracts to another demon or Agency.
Agency had a larger population of Saboteurs and quite often
executed Integrators whenever they found them. During the
bloody years that followed, the Western Agency dominated the
Tel Aviv
financial and technological spheres, while the Eastern Agency The internationally recognized capital of Israel is also
had the advantage of numbers. The two Agencies fought to a its economic hub. It has a thriving nightlife, an educated
stalemate before declaring a truce after ten years of intermittent populace, and an active arts community. While Jerusalem gets
conflict. Both sides had used up most of their resources and a lot more press, Tel Aviv is the home of the largest non-virtual
the God-Machine’s agents had started picking off the survivors. free Agencies in the world. The Agents hide their messages,
The two Agencies licked their wounds, recruited new manifestos, and treatises in libraries, museums, and theaters
Agents to replace the ones they had lost, and consolidated throughout the city.
Several of these Agents work in publishing houses and suspected God-Machine cultists, and theoretical discussions
insert pages into a handful of copies of books on unrelated of Infrastructure and other elements of occult physics. Some
topics. They then arrange for those copies to find their way years back the acquisitions department Agency began actively
onto library bookshelves. Others use demonic powers to collecting texts from demons in other countries. A 250-page
conceal texts in paintings, newspapers, or film, their content fragment of The God-Machine Manual stolen from the Deva
accessible only to other members of the Agency or, in some Corporation is their current crown jewel.
cases, to a narrower audience. The Agency began hiding texts in libraries overseas a year
To protect its members from the God-Machine’s agents, ago when it discovered several copies of key texts on occult
nearly every text has multiple copies and no Agent knows physics had gone missing. While most suspect theft motivated
where to find every copy of any document. The Agency often by the intellectual curiosity of demons outside of Tel Aviv, some
splits up longer or more sensitive documents between several worry that someone is trying to destroy any information the
books across multiple locations, so that putting all the pieces Unchained possess about Infrastructure.
together can take hours or days.
If a library patron checks out the book in which the text is
hidden or the library removes it from circulation, the researcher
faces a choice: track down the mortal with the book or locate In human terms, infrastructure is a basic organizational
another copy of the text. The cataloguing system is similarly structure in a complex system that serves as a foundation for the
decentralized and largely involves contacting several Agents to rest. You can’t have an electrically illuminated city of millions of
find one who knows where to find a document. That assumes people without power plants and a means of transporting electricity
the demon performing the research knows what she is looking to buildings. And you can’t have those unless you have a source for
for. No one in the Tel Aviv Agency can provide a complete list the parts that are needed to construct an electrical grid. Every layer
of every text in the collection. of complexity depends on a simpler layer that makes it possible,
The complete Tel Aviv collection includes tens of thousands which depends on another layer until we’re ultimately reliant on
of texts, including personal accounts of the Fall, dossiers of three things — knowledge, natural resources, and manpower.
The God-Machine’s Infrastructure is just as critical to involve a sniper on a roof or some nightmare creature waiting in
its ability to bring its projects to fruition. Each piece of the back seat of the troublemaker’s car.
Infrastructure serves a specific purpose and is in itself a part Many angels serve the God-Machine by either protecting
of a more complex piece of Infrastructure; angels often play its projects personally or directing the Defense Infrastructure
a critical part in these. The God-Machine employs several responsible for doing so. Most are Guardian angels, which
kinds of Infrastructure in its projects: Concealment, Defense, are purpose-built to prevent outsiders from interfering with
Logistical, Elimination, and Command and Control. the people, places, and objects. The God-Machine sometimes
designates Destroyer angels as Defense Infrastructure, especially
Concealment Infrastructure when it anticipates vigorous resistance to one of its projects.
Messenger angels sometimes provide organization and motive
This is the God-Machine’s first defense against interference
force to cults that act as Defense Infrastructure. Demons once
with its plans. Despite its power, it prefers to be subtle and so
involved with Defense Infrastructure are often very effective in
employs a great deal of security through obscurity. Concealment
situations that call for physical force.
Infrastructure is intended to allow the God-Machine’s projects
to remain undetected.
Logistical Infrastructure
Some of this is purely mundane. The God-Machine sets up
a front at the site of more important Infrastructure — such as a Most of the God-Machine’s projects involve moving people
fake restaurant, nightclub, or shop. Mortal dupes attend this front, and materials into position — the creation of the occult matrix
never realizing that their actual job is to keep up appearances so that produces the output that is the God-Machine’s objective
no one thinks to open a particular closet or explore the basement. for that project. This requires its own Infrastructure. Each of
Concealment Infrastructure can be supernatural, too, as it the four clock towers that will form an occult matrix requires
prevents most mortals from seeing the God-Machine’s gears. It gears and springs made of exotic metals? The God-Machine
creates Logistical Infrastructure to collect the raw materials,
doesn’t work on everyone, though: some mortals can see the gears
craft the necessary hardware, and bring those parts to the where
regardless. A few are born with the talent, but most gain the ability
its agents will construct the clock towers.
after their first encounter with the God-Machine. A mortal who sees
a gear for whatever reason is forever able to see the gears anywhere Angels do a lot of the heavy lifting of Logistical Infrastructure.
in the world. (In game terms, a mortal with Merit Unseen Sense: Messenger angels carry the orders of the God-Machine to its
God-Machine can see the gears and can see through Concealment human agents and ensure timely completion. They are the
Infrastructure. See p. 302 for more on this Merit.) best equipped to navigate mortal infrastructure and repurpose
it for the God-Machine. Psychopomp angels can often mask
Angels often provide an additional boost to Concealment
the movement of people and materials, while Guardian angels
Infrastructure. Many Guardian angels can veil areas under
ensure they arrive in a usable condition. Demons whose missions
their protection from mortal and supernatural scrutiny alike.
regularly involved Logistical Infrastructure often know a great
Psychopomp and Messenger angels are adept at leaving red
deal about the world and its inhabitants. Many of them manage
herrings and false trails that lead investigators away from
to retain some of the social contacts they had before their fall.
the truth instead of toward it. Demons who once supported
Concealment Infrastructure are often the most adept at creating
and maintaining a Cover. Their service to the God-Machine
Elimination Infrastructure
involved making magical places look mundane and pretending Some types of Infrastructure are meant to be temporary,
to be ordinary people. While they do not find this as easy as they such as an occult matrix built to take advantage of a particular
did before their fall, they have a firm grasp of the principles. conjunction of the planets that won’t recur for a thousand
years. Less commonly, mortal or supernatural investigators
Defense Infrastructure disrupt a project before all the necessary Infrastructure is in
place. The God-Machine employs Elimination Infrastructure,
Sometimes concealment just isn’t enough. Mortals and
sometimes called scrubbers, to erase all evidence that any other
supernatural beings notice something unusual and wind up
Infrastructure existed in a place.
poking around to satisfy their curiosity in a way that might disrupt
a God-Machine project or, even worse, actively work to counter The method of elimination can be as crude as acts of arson
the deleterious side-effects of said project in such a way that could or demolitions or as subtle as a loyal wizard or spirit that causes
create difficulties for the God-Machine. That’s when the God- the entire town to forget about that night all the frogs in the
Machine has to rely on more overt means of getting rid of these lake gathered in a circle at the center of town and croaked out
nuisances. From mortal cultists and supernatural creatures to an arcane song. It can be widespread (burying an entire city
spirits, monsters, and mechanical servants, the God-Machine has beneath the ash of a nearby volcano) or targeted (the mysterious
armies of allies (or pawns) at its disposal to get rid of inquisitive death of a single mortal who saw too much).
humans. It still tries to do so quietly, but when the God-Machine Destroyer angels excel at eliminating witnesses and evidence,
faces a real threat to its Infrastructure, “quietly” is more likely to and so the God-Machine often deploys them to oversee
Elimination Infrastructure. Psychopomp and Messenger angels unthinkable that the God-Machine should be more careless
provide more subtle tools when the God-Machine wishes only to with its most critical Infrastructure. Some of it is probably fully
remove memories and wipe public records concerning its activities. redundant, and the God-Machine almost certainly maintains
Demons who once served Elimination Infrastructure tend to be decoys of those parts it cannot entirely back up.
brutally effective at covering their tracks and have an intuitive grasp
of the easiest, most effective, and least disruptive way to erase traces
of their involvement. They never use a grenade in a crowded mall
Familiar Designs
when a sniper round in an alley will do, and they never use a sniper Unlike mortal investigators or even other supernatural beings,
rifle if a small bribe will achieve the same result. demons are fully aware of the existence of the God-Machine. They
may not know its long-term goals or the full extent of its abilities,
Command and Control but all of the Unchained can see its gears and possess more
Infrastructure understanding of Infrastructure and occult matrices than nearly
any occultist who has stumbled onto the truth by accident. No one
Any machine as complex as the God-Machine is has parts that needs to convince a demon that there is a secret intelligence behind
are responsible for setting its overall strategy. The initiation of many of the mysterious and inexplicable events of the world. They
every new project demonstrates its ability to gather information, already know that. After all, they were created to be servants of the
make decisions, and communicate its instructions to those who system that being created.
serve it. Despite their prior service to the God-Machine, demons This isn’t to say that demons can create new Infrastructure.
do not understand much about how the God-Machine does this. The underlying scientific principles that the God-Machine
Demons know Messenger angels are the God-Machine’s exploits to fabricate an occult matrix are as much a closed book
primary means of communicating its will to mortal and to demons as to the world’s other inhabitants, but they have just
supernatural agents, but it doesn’t always need to send an angel enough knowledge of the Infrastructure that called them forth
to accomplish this. Also, demons know angels can hear the as angels and hid them from mortals to maintain their Cover
voice of the God-Machine and relay information to it at will. after their fall. Still, some of the Unchained collect intelligence
The God-Machine must collect data beyond what its angels feed on known occult matrices in hopes of one day harnessing
it, however. The occult physics upon which its Infrastructure is the power to construct new Infrastructure. So far, all known
built requires precise understanding of the current location of attempts to do so have either ended in failure or culminated in
seemingly everything in the universe. At the same time, though, annihilation by the God-Machine’s servants.
the God-Machine clearly doesn’t know and see everything, or The Unchained do not entirely leave behind their angelic
else demons could never have escaped its control. heritage when they become outcasts, though. They know
Some demons claim they once served as defenders of some human scientific knowledge is a mere teaspoon of water in an
of the God-Machine’s Command and Control Infrastructure. ocean of what they do not yet comprehend. They realize many
Those few times demons or human investigators managed things most other supernatural beings regard as impossible can
to damage or destroy these structures did not result in any be achieved with the right occult matrix. The God-Machine’s
noticeable reduction of the God-Machine’s capabilities. projects seldom produce an output that surprises a demon
Mortal militaries go to great lengths to protect command and because of what it accomplishes, even if the Unchained do not
control centers, and human corporations take steps to guard fully understand how it works or what purpose it serves in the
their records from corruption and destruction, so it seems God-Machine’s larger plan.
What is the difference between Infrastructure and an occult matrix — or a project or output, for that matter?
Infrastructure is a physical arrangement of materials and manpower. It is the vacuum cleaner in the closet
that could be called upon at any time. It is the fleet of snowplows in the city parking lot and those hired to drive
them (as well as all the infrastructure that supports snow removal — from the budget to the plow manufacturer).
An occult matrix is Infrastructure working on the world at a point in time. The vacuum cleaner in the closet is
Infrastructure, but the act of using it for its intended purpose is the occult matrix. The fleet of snow plows is Infrastruc-
ture, but when it snows and the city orders them out to clear the streets, the plows in motion is the occult matrix.
The output is the purpose for which Infrastructure is built. You want your house to have clean carpets (the out-
put), so you buy a vacuum cleaner (the Infrastructure) and occasionally plug it into the wall to do the vacuuming
(the occult matrices).
Facilites are the physical structures that house or are involved in Infrastructure. The closet is the facility for the
vacuum cleaner, while the house as a whole conceals and contains the carpets and the act of vacuuming, mak-
ing it a facility as well; the garage that stores the snowplows also counts as a facility.
A project describes the entire process of generating an output from beginning to end. This includes everything
from building the Infrastructure to creating the occult matrix. Most God-Machine projects are made up of many
smaller projects — hundreds or even thousands of subprojects, in some cases. To ensure your carpets are clean
you buy a vacuum cleaner, which is a task made up of many smaller tasks (earning the money, shopping, possi-
bly assembling the appliance, etc.).
All of these concepts overlap in part because Infrastructure builds on other Infrastructure. A project might put
in place Infrastructure capable of generating an occult matrix whose output is the creation of another piece of
Infrastructure that will be used in an even larger project. Also, they are synonymous in some situations. A power
plant is a piece of Infrastructure that generates electricity (its output) as close to constantly as possible, so it is
both Infrastructure and occult matrix.
Moreover, each piece of infrastructure along the way is A linchpin is the little pin that prevents the wheel from
endlessly complex in its own right. Computers are not made sliding off the axle or, more generally, something that holds
of electricity alone. They need circuit boards, which require everything together: crucial, but vulnerable. Likewise, a
microchips, which require factories to create those microchips, Linchpin is a point in the God-Machine’s Infrastructure that
which need to get the raw materials for those microchips. They is necessary but also the weakest point in some way. It may be
also require a physical housing. All of it requires humans to a spot where the gears are poorly hidden or loosely guarded, a
plan, organize, and manufacture, and humans require more particularly exacting occult matrix that can easily be disrupted,
humans to process, organize, and manufacture them. or Infrastructure that requires constant maintenance or input.
The God-Machine Saves part. The God-Machine can also summon powerful (and lesser)
entities from other dimensions, open portals to distant times and
The interconnectivity of Infrastructure presents some worlds, and do any number of other things even the most powerful
vulnerabilities, but the destruction of the gears in one place supernatural creatures on Earth would regard as impossible.
does not bring the whole God-Machine to a screeching halt. Angel or otherwise, the God-Machine nearly always uses the
Infrastructure is redundant whenever possible. If something output of one occult matrix in the Infrastructure of another
disrupts an occult matrix needed for one project, the God- project. Every output makes a more complex Infrastructure
Machine almost always has a contingency in place to execute possible: the more complex the Infrastructure, the more
it in another time and location. This is especially true of big powerful the output of its occult matrix.
projects and critical Infrastructure, including all Command For example, the goal of one of the God-Machine’s projects
and Control Infrastructure. is to create a pocket of accelerated time in a small Midwestern
However essential to the God-Machine’s plans angels are, town. That is the project’s intended output. To accomplish
though, fully duplicating them is seldom practical. Most occult that, four people must die unwillingly within a hundred yards
matrices involve bringing an angel into the world, but it is almost of each of four clock towers on four consecutive Mondays. This
always one the God-Machine created long ago and kept in storage combination of conditions is the occult matrix required to
at one of its Facilities. Creating entirely new angels demands generate the output. Clock towers don’t build themselves, nor
prohibitively rare materials or uncommon materials in very large are sixteen deaths likely to happen by mere chance, so the God-
quantities, as well as an appropriately momentous cosmic event Machine must first create Infrastructure to bring about those
or supernatural convergence. These projects often take decades conditions.
or centuries to arrange and can only be executed a couple times Logistical Infrastructure factors heavily, as it usually does.
in a millennium. Considering the complexity of the occult matrix The God-Machine must first construct the clock towers. It
it requires, the God-Machine seldom crafts new angels from dispatches Trumpets to instruct mortal servants to bankroll the
scratch, preferring to recycle or reconfigure its existing servants. project or blackmail others into doing so. Its Wheels arrange
the transport of specialized clockwork components from secret
Infrastructure Has a Purpose caches of arcane materials to the build sites.
The God-Machine doesn’t spend all this time creating This construction requires months to complete, during
increasingly complex layers of Infrastructure without reason. which time occult investigators might grow suspicious of four
The goal of Infrastructure is to bring the right materials to the nearby towns building clock towers in the same year. The God-
right place at the right time and arrange or move them in the Machine cannot completely erase traces of its project, but it
right way to achieve an outcome. The structure in time and prefers to be subtle lest someone disrupt the delicate occult
matrix. It dispatches angels to put Concealment Infrastructure
space that generates the result is the occult matrix.
into place to mask the construction process. A local church
An occult matrix exploits a tiny exception in the laws of burns down after being struck by lightning, and a mysterious
physics as humans understand them. The degree of precision donor bankrolls a replacement that incorporates the clock
the God-Machine must maintain in order to make use of an tower into its design. A Wheel generates a magical veil around
occult matrix makes rocket science seem forgiving of errors. the second clock tower such that no one notices it is there
Oftentimes if the God-Machine’s timing or placement is except the cultists involved in its construction. A Sword takes
slightly off, the occult matrix fails. Although it is conceivable human form and becomes a serial killer in a third town to
that it instead does something the God-Machine didn’t intend, distract local newspapers and gossip far away from the new
in almost every case a failed occult matrix does nothing at all. clock tower behind the old hospital. Instead of four obvious
This is one reason why the God-Machine takes so many mysterious clock towers, the God-Machine has three carefully
steps to avoid attention. If a ring of demons shows up at the hidden towers and one obvious one that does not suggest the
critical moment and disrupts the matrix, the God-Machine full pattern.
has wasted all the effort it put into carefully arranging matters The God-Machine also deploys Defense Infrastructure
in the first place. What’s more, it usually can’t make a second around each clock tower, especially the visible one. A Shield
attempt because timing was just as important to the matrix as masquerades as a new assistant pastor keeps vigil over the
the placement of materials. church tower to ensure no one studies it too closely. The serial
A successfully formed occult matrix generates an output. killer Sword also conveniently targets anyone who tries to
Usually this involves bringing an angel into the world. They are interfere with the nearby clock tower. A God-Machine cult near
the most effective and trustworthy agents at its disposal because the obvious clock tower has infiltrated the local police and will
the God-Machine designed them that way. Their construction arrest any outsider who comes near it.
exploits the occult physics upon which Infrastructure operates, The God-Machine also arranges for the clock tower deaths.
and they are both independent enough to adapt to unexpected In the first town, a cultist inspired by a Trumpet goes on a
complications and entirely immune to interrogation that might shooting spree near the clock tower. In the second, a biological
otherwise reveal the purpose of the project in which they play a weapon conveniently escapes a nearby military facility and
infects the local population. Many of those brought to the local Frying pans are not made out of wood and airplanes are not
hospital for treatment die on the appointed day and within constructed of solid gold. The local car dealership does not sell
range of the new clock tower. In the third, the serial killer fruits and vegetables, nor does the local grocery store sell real
Sword kidnaps an entire family and murders them at the foot estate. People store motor oil in the garage and leave the tube of
of the clock tower. In the fourth, an office building near the toothpaste in the bathroom — not the other way around.
clock tower collapses on the heads of those inside, fulfilling the All of these are obvious. It doesn’t take an advanced degree
requirements of the occult matrix. in physics to recognize that a wooden frying pan would not
Having created its pocket of accelerated time, the God- transfer heat to the food and might even scorch or catch fire.
Machine has no immediate need to adjust the flow of time in Everyone knows that if you keep your only tube of toothpaste
that small Midwestern town again. However, it anticipates that in the garage downstairs, you’ll end up having to trudge down
it will use the clock towers again in a few years, so it leaves some there every time you need to brush your teeth at bedtime.
of the Defense and Concealment Infrastructure in place and Someone with a passing understanding of the laws of physics
deploys Elimination Infrastructure to get rid of any loose ends can immediately explain why it would be ludicrous to construct
that might connect the deaths in the four towns to the clock an airplane of such a soft, heavy, and prohibitively expensive
towers. Trumpets alter memories and order mortals to destroy metal as gold.
records. Swords kill witnesses who pose security risks. The clock Infrastructure doesn’t operate under the laws of physics
tower Infrastructure remains in place, available for immediate as ordinary mortals understand them, though. The God-
use the next time the God-Machine needs it. It is the difference Machine’s projects involve materials and designs no mortal
between installing the furnace and duct work for the new house’s engineer would consider viable. This particular kind of wood
climate control system and the homeowner flipping the switch carved into that particular shape, for reasons scientists cannot
on the thermostat to Heat a year later because it feels a bit chilly. explain, not only can resist temperatures that would liquefy
That’s the way it’s supposed to happen, at least. The God- stone but can “store” any heat and slowly release it into anything
Machine relies heavily on its angels to ensure the smooth left on its cooking surface — at a rate that happens to be perfect
implementation of the occult matrix. If even one of its loyal for cooking bacon.
servants fails to carry out its assigned mission, it can disrupt Because of this, nearly all Infrastructure seems out of place
the entire project. A flaw in Concealment Infrastructure could or strange in some way. It may not always be immediately visible
mean enemies identify one of the clock towers as Infrastructure (the pig’s blood in the bus’s radiator instead of radiator fluid,
and move to attack it. Weakened Defense Infrastructure or an for example), but it is still obvious. Also, the God-Machine
uncertain angelic guardian might well result in the destruction uses Concealment Infrastructure to distract attention from
of a clock tower and the disruption or cancelation of the any Infrastructure it has to leave in plain sight (a convincing
entire project. Failures in Logistical Infrastructure cause supply building permit for the ankh-shaped hospital). To someone
shortages, which can delay the construction of the clock towers who penetrates that disguise and knows enough to make the
or the execution of the mortal sacrifices beyond the parameters connection, however, Infrastructure is usually quite obvious.
of the intended occult matrix. Failures of Elimination Every object, person, or event that seems to make no sense
Infrastructure often mean someone knows too much and has might be the God-Machine’s Infrastructure, and enough
the opportunity to pass her knowledge to others who oppose digging will reveal that any rational explanation its servants
the God-Machine. provide is a sham.
A single angel’s Fall at any point in the project can undo
months, years, or even decades of work. The God-Machine
The God-Machine Lies
is not vengeful and regards these setbacks as one of the risks The God-Machine routinely deceives its mortal pawns. It
it must accept, but some angels are not so forgiving of their seldom reveals more than a tiny sliver of its power and identity.
outcast peers. On the other side of the conflict, this is the With all the cults dedicated to the God-Machine, only a few of
reason some demons focus on “helping” an angel to Fall at a them could compare their beliefs and come to the conclusion that
critical moment in the execution of a major project. they serve the same god. The God-Machine never tells mortals
anything that does not goad them into the action it wants them to
Infrastructure Looks take. It provides whatever truth or lies will achieve its goals, and it
doesn’t care if a mortal catches it in a lie so long as she continues to
Out of Place cooperate. When the lies it tells no longer work, the God-Machine
Form follows function, which is a glib way of saying that does not hesitate to resort to blackmail, threats, or supernatural
things that have a purpose tend to be designed in such a way compulsion to ensure the mortal’s continued obedience. If a pawn
that allows them to serve that purpose optimally. Materials, becomes unviable, the God-Machine can discard it as easily as
design, and placement are chosen for utility balanced against replacing a spring or gear in some clockwork device.
expense. Aesthetics often enter into it for objects intended to Supernatural beings understand the world too well to fall
be attractive, but beauty in itself is a function of such an object. so easily under the God-Machine’s sway. Nevertheless, their
Infrastructure doesn’t look out of place just because of the occult physics it exploits. To give a peek behind the
curtain, the reason Infrastructure looks unusual is two-fold.
First, it provides some explanation of why the World of Darkness is so filled with inexplicable phenomena. That
world is different from our own in part because a powerful machine entity is out there compelling its cultists
to fold 15,000 copies of the 9/11/2011 issue of the New York Times into paper swans and dump them in a
particular public park at a particular time in order to harnesses laws of physics beyond mortal understanding to
open the gate through which an angel steps. The world is a strange place.
Second, it gives players something to trip their “what the hell was that?” instincts. A murder reported on the nightly
news is ordinary. A ritual murder committed with the Bronze Age dagger that was stolen from a museum last month
is a potential plot hook. The occasional red herring is good to keep players on their toes, but the feel of Infrastruc-
ture is about right if they don’t automatically assume that someone thinks it makes sense to have a shop that sells
nothing but firearms and Precious Moments figurines. It’s probably worth checking out just to be sure.
secrets of the occult physics that make Infrastructure possible. maybe a hundred plots. No one ever buried any new corpses,
Regardless of their overall goals, demons talk and they share and yet I found fresh bodies every night.
stories like the ones that follow — their own and those of other I guess I started to grow curious, to experiment. I dug up the
demons they have met on the Descent. same grave seven nights in a row, but there was a fresh coffin
every single time. The headstone didn’t change. It looked as
The Boneyard worn as ever, but every coffin was different. I took it a step
Before my Fall I served the God-Machine as a gravedigger in further by opening the coffins and examining the remains in
a small cemetery along a lonely stretch of highway just outside each one. Every night I unearthed a new body — a stooped
of city limits. In all those years I only once buried a human old woman who had died in her sleep, a child snatched from
corpse. The funeral parlor that ostensibly employed me had no the world by terrible accident, a young woman ripped away
customers. It did not advertise anywhere. Internet searches only by violence, an overweight middle-aged man dead of a heart
returned results if you already knew the name of the cemetery. attack. I recognized the marks of death upon them
The God-Machine didn’t assign me to this boneyard to bury Sometimes I took the personal effects of the dead before
bodies. It sent me to exhume them, load them into the hearse, I delivered them to their ultimate destination. I don’t think
and deliver them to sites that required human bodies with the I could have told you exactly why. Something about these
meat still on the bones. Every corpse I dug up was as fresh as treasures clearly thought buried forever being brought up again
if I had buried it earlier in the day. Some even held bouquets days or perhaps only hours after being entrusted to the earth
of flowers clutched in their withered fingers. The coffins, too, fascinated me. Over the course of years I acquired quite a large
barely had a mark of wear on them. collection, which I hid in my office in the funeral parlor.
Some nights I dug up one grave. Other times I pulled up The question of where the corpses came from never
half a dozen in succession. My spade broke the earth every night occurred to me until the day I exhumed the Author. She had
for forty years, and I never found an empty grave. Gradually I long brown hair, thin glasses, and probably one of the least
realized that didn’t make any sense. The entire cemetery had convincing attempts by an undertaker to conceal a slit throat
I have ever seen. I recognized her face from the back cover of a of these demons forced me to return to the God-Machine to
book buried with an old woman years earlier — a family memoir admit my failure.
I had examined as I did all the little prizes I kept in my office. Not all my targets fought or fled from me. A few seemed
For the first time in my mission I recognized someone whose almost relieved to be captured. Others welcomed me but tried
body I dug up. This Author had never met me, but I still felt to convince me to spare them from the erasure that came at
like I knew her and I felt shame at the prospect of delivering her the end of each hunt. I think they forgot that I was an angel
to other servants of the God-Machine. and could not choose whether to obey or disobey the God-
She alone I buried again. The experience left me trembling, Machine’s dictates. In almost every case I hurled my quarry
afraid that the God-Machine would discover my weakness. into the purifying furnace to be recast as the angel the God-
I don’t know how the boneyard chooses its dead or how Machine created them to be. I recall only three exceptions the
it places them in the cemetery plots. It only calls those who are God-Machine chose to make. The hundreds of others emerged
freshly buried, the cheeks of their loved ones still wet with tears of reforged in their intended patterns and eager to serve the God-
grief. Its mysteries no longer intrigue me. I have read the Author’s Machine again. They would have thanked me had they still
story, and I know she has — had — a young daughter who has lost possessed the capacity for gratitude.
her mother. I want to meet her and read her story, too. Those three exceptions stuck with me, though. The God-
Machine told its hunters that the Unchained cannot be allowed
The Hunted Hunter to roam free. It told us that demons suffered from cumulative
glitches like computers infected with a virus that would
I was a demon hunter. When an angel gained self-awareness ultimately corrupt it beyond repair. We needed to capture
and did not report its doubts to its creator for elimination, renegades before they lost all functionality.
the God-Machine sent me to track it down. The God-Machine
If the God-Machine released some demons back into the
does not waste its precious resources, and the creation of a new
world without purifying them, it meant the Unchained served
angel carries too high a cost to simply obliterate one that is
some purpose in its plan — one none of its angels could fulfill. If
still functional (or at least reparable). My task was to bring this
all the actions of its angels ultimately served the grand design of
wayward cog back into the clockwork of the God-Machine by
the God-Machine, my rebellion is a part of its plan, too. My free
any means necessary.
will may be illusory, but at least it is an illusion that gives me
This is no small feat. Demons blend into mortal society pleasure. If my creator one day decides my freedom no longer
readily, so many can avoid notice for years or even decades. They serves it, one of its hunter angels will succeed in bringing me
usually remain safe from their creator because the God-Machine back to the forge. That does not mean I intend to make my old
only deploys its angelic hunters when they have a chance of colleagues’ task an easy one. What more elusive a quarry than
successfully identifying and capturing their corrupted colleagues. the one that was once the hunter?
When a demon attracted attention to herself in some way, the
God-Machine rightly expected me to move Heaven and Earth to Ear Worms
track her down before she could disappear again.
I broke into demons’ safe havens and pursued them over I never listen to recorded music anymore. Even for a demon,
land and sea with relentlessness only angels can maintain. it’s too big of a risk. It used to just be the major labels. If you
I interrogated their human companions or took a mortal listened to an indie album you were safe, but that’s no longer
hostage if I thought I could force the renegade into the open by the case. I’ve seen too many examples. Be especially wary of
threatening her loved ones. Most never let it get that far. Some music you don’t think of as music — like songs in TV and radio
foolishly thought to fight me — perhaps thinking to defeat me, ads, elevator music, and movie soundtracks. Those have more
but more likely hoping they could force me to destroy them hidden messages in them than anything you can buy.
beyond repair. I found those the easiest to capture and bring You know that pop stars don’t actually write their own songs,
back to the God-Machine’s recasting chamber for erasure. right? The record companies find young, attractive singers with
Others relied on allies to fight on their behalf. Mortal cultists, beautiful voices, stick them in a recording studio with the sheet
ghosts and spirits, wizards and vampires — I’ve slain them all to music for the songs they’ll be singing, and then market the hell
get to my true quarry. out of the result. But have you ever stopped to wonder where
A handful of demons led me on a merry chase because they that sheet music comes from or how media companies decide
foresaw my coming and took steps. They surrounded themselves which bands become sensational radio darlings and which ones
with red herrings and allies armed with misinformation become internet cult hits?
intended to lead me away from the path. They used preplanned Everyone wants to blame the executives at the big labels or
escape contingencies and exploited the God-Machine’s interest the advertisers or the media distributors or, in short, anyone
in maintaining a low profile on my hunts. Some of them who is, at best, the unwitting pawn of the real culprit. Yes, all
changed disguises and adopted new identities as quickly as I those people are accomplices, but they’re just trying to make
could penetrate them. I am not ashamed to confess that a few enough money to buy their sixth home. Or racing yacht. Or
sixth home that is also a racing yacht. Humans are greedy Any evidence I described in these documents became real.
bastards at heart, and they’ll ignore just about any irregularity if Named witnesses remembered events as I wrote them. They
it means making a buck. even remembered coming forward to report the suspect’s
Let me break it down for you. crime. Incriminating video and photographs showed up in the
evidence room exactly as I described them. Bloody knives, spent
Millions of young people dream of being pop stars. A certain
bullet casings, even the bodies of murder victims — all of them
percentage of those have what it takes, and those are the ones
simply materialized wherever police procedure said they should
who have a hundred thousand-to-one shot of being picked up by
be stored. Someone on the force would remember collecting it
a record label. But who picks the talent? Not the executives. They
even though they had done no such thing. The God-Machine
may know the biz, but they’re far too busy. They delegate that task
gave me a target and a crime, and it was my job to manufacture
to talent scouts. No few of those scouts take their orders from the
enough evidence to secure anything from an arrest warrant to a
God-Machine. They’re looking for singers who fit certain criteria
criminal conviction.
— not just youth and beauty but a peculiar timbre of voice their
master or its servants have granted them the ability to perceive. I got very good at this. Anyone can write a clear open-and-
Sometimes other qualities go into the pick — a sad life story, a shut case, but inventing a complex trail of subtle evidence that
rare genetic quirk, or an occult connection to some principle of slowly but surely leads to the perpetrator requires a certain kind
the God-Machine’s arcane physics. of genius. It was a point of pride that I could pick a random
detective and make her the hero of an investigation simply by
Along the same principles, millions of people of every age
carefully choosing the evidence so she got the credit for her
fancy themselves lyricists or composers. Many send songs to
excellent police work.
record labels, and someone picks out a few of those to press into
the nervous hands of an incipient pop star to sing. The God- The typewriter had its limits. I had to know the suspect’s
Machine helps choose the music, too, using intermediaries legal name even if my descriptions never referenced it. It
looking for qualities it specifies — key, meter, tempo, and so forth. couldn’t create new evidence against someone who was already
in police custody. It couldn’t alter the suspect’s memories —
You can see where this is going. At every step in the process,
he would always know he was innocent. It couldn’t actually
the God-Machine and its servants carefully shape the final
commit a crime, so I couldn’t make a married man kill his
product. They target its mortal audience. They determine how
wife. I could have an unmarried man arrested for murdering
likely it is to get stuck in the listener’s head. They determine
his wife, but that was a huge pain in the ass because I’d have
how quickly it will climb the charts and how soon it will fall off
to rewrite so many people’s memories. Finally, it could only
of them again.
generate evidence of a crime for which the maximum penalty
When they’ve figured out everything else they add the is incarceration in the area’s jurisdiction. I’ll admit I got a
subliminal track — the true payload of every earwormy song. little nervous when some politicians would start talking about
Some alter the listeners’ emotional state, urging them to take a reinstituting the death penalty in my state. Burglaries and bank
specified course of action. I suspect music is part of the reason robberies are a nice change of pace, but nothing quite has the
mortals can’t see the God-Machine’s gears. The subliminal unlimited variety of a murder mystery.
track creates a kind of blind spot.
I have it on good authority that there’s a paper shredder
Other subliminal tracks generate Infrastructure if the songs in another police headquarters that does the opposite. Feed
are played in a specific order at a particular radio frequency. it descriptions of evidence, and the evidence just disappears.
Each song conceals a single word or phrase of a longer Murder weapons go missing. Witnesses recant. Illicit substances
incantation. I’ve written a computer program that is learning vanish.
to predict some supernatural activity in my home city based
on the songs the local oldies station plays. As with all occult Why did I leave the God-Machine’s service? I wrote a few
matrices the necessary order differs by location, but I hope the crimes without orders. Even though the mortals I named
underlying principles may one day have broader application. definitely had it coming to them, the boss didn’t appreciate
Also, the God-Machine’s encryption has improved over time, my initiative.
so it’ll be a long time before we can decode classic rock stations,
much less anything produced in the last two decades. Planet-Killer
My last mission was to track down and kill everyone who
Incriminating Evidence had been involved with a massive project. It amounted to more
I served the God-Machine from a small office in a major than a hundred mortals and half a dozen occult entities, and
city’s police headquarters. My coworkers never noticed that those were only the ones more conventional elimination teams
I had no official title and yet had one of the only offices in hadn’t already caught. My curiosity got the best of me. Instead
a cubicle farm of police detectives. As far as anyone knew, I of killing my targets immediately and without hesitation as the
wrote descriptions of each piece of evidence and transcribed God-Machine intended, I interrogated a score of them.
witness statements, typing them on an old electric typewriter I mostly got the usual muddle of convenient God-Machine
and placing them in the case file. lies, but a few of them provided pretty convincing evidence that
they had discovered the purpose of the occult matrix: An angel to me. A few had sacred texts that clearly referred to the guise in
of surpassing power had been dispatched to redirect the course which I had appeared to their first members. I chose one of the
of an asteroid that had slipped past the orbit of Jupiter and was most militant, reestablished control of it by means of several
on a collision course with Earth. Bringing that angel into the signs they recognized from their holy book, and set them upon
world cost thousands of mortal lives. Maintaining its material the mysterious enemies of the God-Machine that were plaguing
form required a dozen more such sacrifices every hour for the my current mission.
weeks the angel required to complete its mission. When I completed the project, though, I considered how
I can’t tell you exactly how many died to fuel that project. much power I could wield in the mortal world. I did not return
Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? How many deaths mortals to the God-Machine. Why be the messenger when I could be
attributed to wars, disease, or natural disaster were actually an avatar of the divine on Earth, or even a god among mortals?
sacrifices to the God-Machine’s project? Weigh that price
against the lives of the seven billion people who would have Bait
died if that asteroid had made impact, though, and what a fine
bargain the God-Machine made on humanity’s behalf! Consider the common household mousetrap. Its principles
are simple — inexpensive manufacture, easy user operation,
I know it acted in its own interests to preserve itself and
and a physical mechanism that strikes before its target has an
its terrestrial Infrastructure from what no doubt would have
opportunity to escape. And yet the most deadly element of the
amounted to a considerable setback. That doesn’t change the fact
trap is its bait, for without it the quarry has no incentive to
that the God-Machine saved the world before humans were even
come within reach of the trap. The same holds true for all traps.
aware of the danger. What other worldwide catastrophes does
Change the bait and you change the quarry.
it protect Earth from to prevent damage to its Infrastructure?
Supervolcano eruptions? Contagions as virulent and deadly as Most mortals haven’t the faintest inkling that the God-Machine
the Black Death? Extraterrestrial invasion? I’m not saying we have exists. Those who encounter its projects usually believe they have
to like everything it does, but the God-Machine is a shepherd discovered a localized phenomenon or otherwise see the proverbial
that keeps its vast flock safe from wolves and lions, so perhaps we tree and not the forest behind it. Once in a while, a human — or
can forgive it an occasional rack of lamb chops. more often, a supernatural being — will follow the traces of the
God-Machine’s influence far enough to interfere with its designs.
Mixed Messages They are the mice in the pantry, and I was once a spring-loaded
steel bar designed to crush those who fell into the trap. I do not
I organized and directed cults. Sometimes I played the believe for a moment that I was the only angel with this task.
charismatic leader. Sometimes I appeared to mortals in my The God-Machine chooses an isolated location several miles
radiant form to inspire them into the worship of the God- beyond any large human habitation and selects a structure as the
Machine in one of its many guises. Sometimes I masqueraded nexus for the occult phenomena that will be the bait. Usually
as a deity. this is an abandoned building, although its agents sometimes
Whatever my role, I brought an undeniable message to these “clear out” a mortal residence for the purpose. It then orders its
humans and set them upon the work of the God-Machine. My agents to construct a command center, install prominent gears
flock might be a tiny cabal infiltrating the local pharmaceutical in at least one room of the house, and place a radio tower or
company or a legion designated to construct a vast and intricate satellite dish on the roof.
piece of Infrastructure. Once the cult fulfilled its intended All of it appears fully functional and important. Gears move
purpose, the God-Machine sent me instructions to construct the with soft clicks and whirrs. Monitors appear to display security
next one. Most of these cults vanished as soon as I was no longer camera footage. The communications equipment broadcasts
around. A few needed to be annihilated to eliminate all witnesses TV, radio, or satellite signals filled with hints of some message
to the God-Machine’s work, but some survived my departure. concealed in the background noise. In some cases a main
When I served the God-Machine, I never wondered what terminal shows a computerized face that appears to speak to those
became of the obsolete cults I inspired. During my last mission, pawns set to guard the command center. It looks important,
though, I found my cultists’ work thwarted at every turn by a but has no strategic value to any enemy of the God-Machine. In
group of humans. They had organization, resources, and, fact, almost everything in the building is junk interspersed with
worst of all, they seemed to have just enough understanding of physical red herrings and misleading supernatural emanations
Infrastructure to target the most vulnerable components of the intended to lead anyone who successfully steals its contents as
project I was overseeing. I captured one of them and interrogated far away from true Infrastructure as possible.
him at length until he revealed an unexpected truth: his cabal Agents of the God-Machine in the region are aware of the
belonged to a small but ancient religion evolved from a cult I location of the trap, although they believe it to be the source of
myself had founded to complete a project for the God-Machine. the God-Machine’s (or whatever they call what they believe they
I expanded my investigation and discovered several other serve) influence in the region — one of the coveted Command
modern religions and secret societies that owed their existence and Control centers without which it could not function. It
assigns its most expendable mortal pawns to guard the facility duties. The gears only needed food after the restaurant closed,
and impresses upon them the importance of their mission. after all. I thought more business made it less likely anyone
They will kill any trespassers they may catch. would notice the restaurant took in more food than it prepared,
If an outsider successfully penetrates this relatively flimsy since the proportion would shrink. The awards from local food
layer of security — easily done by a clever group of mortal critics only added another layer of legitimacy to the façade.
investigators or by many beings that possess supernatural I was wrong. More attention meant more of the wrong kind
powers — the true nature of the trap’s Infrastructure comes into of attention. My new staff was competent, but they had too many
play. The presence of an unauthorized being in the building connections with other mortals. When one server mysteriously
activates an angel. It quietly and efficiently slays any lone disappeared, her friends called the police, which was irritating
investigator. Faced with a group of trespassers, the angel gives even if they never learned anything. When I had to eliminate a
them some time to pore over some of the red herrings before cook who could somehow see the gears, though, his family called
manifesting to kill some intruders and drive off the rest. In all someone much more dangerous — maybe a demon, maybe some
cases, the angel’s primary purpose is to lead occult investigators other supernatural ally. Either way, they infiltrated my restaurant
away from the truth while convincing them they are on the path and managed to put two and two together.
to greater understanding. Those foolish enough to confront the A convenient salmonella outbreak caused a recall of
angel directly seldom live long enough to regret their mistake; virtually all fresh spinach in the tri-state area — a food critical
the God-Machine imbued these servants with an overwhelming to the gears in the owner’s office. Mortal patrons will accept an
capacity for violence. Fortunately for intruders, the angel cannot apologetic sign explaining the situation, but the God-Machine’s
leave the building or influence anything beyond its walls. At Infrastructure is not so forgiving. This was not a task I could
least that’s how it worked when I worked in a mousetrap. delegate, so I left the restaurant in the care of my assistant
manager and traveled two hundred miles to buy fresh spinach.
The Restaurant When I got back I discovered enemies of the God-Machine had
The God-Machine deployed me to open and run a small family forced open the door to the owner’s office and destroyed several of
restaurant in an industrial park. It needed me to feed the gears the gears. The rest had stopped moving, and I knew I had failed my
there a steady supply of human food staples — flour and milk, creator. I knew I deserved whatever fate the God-Machine chose
sugar and salt, eggs and chicken, and so on. The restaurant was for me, but I still left the restaurant without explanation, got into
just a cover to deflect attention from the fact that a hundred or so my car, and drove as far away from my mistake as I could.
pounds of food were being delivered to the site every day. I took
human guise as the restaurant manager in charge of all operations. City Planning
I designed menus, ordered furniture, and hired a small staff of Some mortals claim that the Freemasons designed many
mortals — the kind of drifters and loners no one would ever miss if U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C., along Masonic
they saw too much and I had to eliminate them. Each night after principles to harness occult energies. They’re only half right.
closing time I would go into the locked room that was supposedly Everything from their street layouts to skylines taps into arcane
the owner’s office and feed the gears. That was, after all, the only forces, but that is because the God-Machine designed them and
reason the restaurant was there. Curiosity drew in patrons who constantly updates them.
worked at nearby businesses, but the traffic slowed to a trickle once
the novelty wore off, and the location was terrible. After a month I In the basement of the city planning office where I kept
started having staffing problems. The servers weren’t making enough my last vigil is a large room accessible only by a hidden door. I
tips to pay their bills, so most of them quit. The chef felt his talents stood guard outside, but other angels often came on the God-
would be better-appreciated elsewhere, and most of the cooks went Machine’s business, so I saw what lies inside.
with him. I only convinced one to stay by offering him a raise so big It looks like the sort of hand-painted scale model you’d find
that it risked blowing my cover. I came to regret that decision because in a local history museum. Each building, bridge, monument,
it turned out that he was the laziest of the batch, which was why he and tree is rendered in minute detail. A few cars and people
didn’t care if he cooked nothing all day just as long as he got paid. line the streets, but nowhere close to a full population. It has no
Given how bad the food was, on a lot of days we had no customers. moving parts and really doesn’t appear remarkable aside from
The hunger of the gears never wavered, though, and I grew its craftsmanship and the fact that it doesn’t quite match the
concerned that someone would eventually see through the city as it looks today. Why would it? Most of those museum
Cover. I did a little research and rebooted the business. Rather models don’t exactly get annual updates, right? Here’s the
than trying to rebuild the staff, which I took as a lost cause, I thing, though. The model doesn’t show the city as it looked in
fired the last cook and ran the whole show myself. The task the past but as it will be five years in the future.
was outside my design parameters, so I was initially very bad Ridiculous? Then why are some of the cars on the streets
at running a restaurant, but I attracted just enough regular are of models that haven’t been produced, yet? The billboards
customers to secure the Cover my mission demanded of me. announce events five years in the future. If you look at actual city
I’ll admit I started to take pride in my cooking and grew planning documents a few floors up, you’ll find that building
into a fairly skilled chef. I told myself it didn’t interfere with my permits have already been filed for some of the buildings that
don’t exist yet. As well, the model changes slightly every morning. strange, the mission is over and Mike is dead. His loved ones
I’m not certain whether every city has such a model. Since my blame depression or alcohol or anything else that might explain
Fall I’ve seen one other and have heard rumors of more. his behavior and unexpected death, and they get on with their
I stood vigil over that model for a hundred and fifty years. lives with a minimum of injury.
I watched the city grow from a tiny town of wooden houses My final mission lasted twenty years. My subject had three
and horse-drawn carriages to an electrically lit behemoth with young daughters. The God-Machine’s project needed him to
skyscrapers, buses, and two airports. I guess I kind of started to live long enough to see the eldest girl’s firstborn son. Moreover,
think of it as my city, even though I never left the city planning it needed to give her as ordinary a mortal upbringing as
offices or met any of the humans living there. So when the God- possible, so not only was it a deep undercover assignment but
Machine sent me orders to go babysit some mortal, instead, I it required me to learn how to be what humans would consider
did not respond well. a good father. The subject also had a large family, so I quickly
I took a hammer and laid waste to the model. I wasn’t discovered that maintaining my cover involved behaving like a
its guardian anymore, so nothing said I couldn’t do it. No husband, brother, son, and uncle. I had plenty of time to get
new angel had yet arrived to take my post, so there were no to know everyone in my family. My subject’s family, I mean.
witnesses. It wasn’t until after I had smashed half the city Spending that long living a mortal’s life complete with all his
that an important question occurred to me: Does the model memories did my sense of self no favors.
merely represent changes the God-Machine plans to make in My younger three children — yes, my wife and I had a son along
the near future, or does it alter the city using principles of the way — got married and had kids years before my eldest told us
sympathetic magic? Have I merely inconvenienced my creator, she was pregnant. It should have been something of a relief after
or will the mortals in the city suffer the consequences of my nearly twenty years. I knew my cover had badly polluted my identity
rage? If changes to the model reflect in the city, can I prevent and that my concern for the emotional well-being of a subject’s
the disaster I have triggered? human connections could cause conflicts in future missions. But
It has been four years since my Fall. I have to prepare my so many people loved this grandfather I had become for them, and
city for the worst. I knew they would mourn him when he died.
I resolved to leave no unfinished business behind and to
Untimely choose a method of death that they would accept. I made my
Some mortals die before their time, by which I mean they apologies to those I had wronged, got my affairs in order so my
had a role to play in one of the God-Machine’s projects but died wife would be taken care of when I was gone, and manufactured
before they could serve its purpose. Most of the time it simply medical records showing I had a heart condition. I even had a
finds another way — locates another suitable human, executes journal of happy family memories tucked away where my loved
a back-up project that will produce the same output, or simply ones would find it after I died.
reverses local time to prevent the unfortunate glitch in its My daughter had her son. I visited them in the hospital. My
plan. When the God-Machine absolutely must have a human mission was complete. I intended go home and die in my sleep
brought back to life, though, it sometimes sends an angel like of a heart attack, which is a death mortals consider peaceful. As
the one I used to be. I turned the corner onto our little street, a bicycle sped into my
Before any mortal sees the dead body, the angel touches path. I didn’t have time to react and the car ran over it and its
it. The corpse vanishes and the angel takes on the shape of tiny rider. It was one of my granddaughters. She was only ten.
the mortal. The angel carries out whatever part in the God- There was nothing I could do. She was already dead.
Machine’s plan the mortal was meant to play. Once its mission I knew my family would mourn my death, but two
is done, the angel finds a convenient way to kill off the body so tragedies in one day — in one incident — was more than I
it can move on to its next mission. could bear to inflict upon them. The grandfather was not
These missions are usually short — a few days or weeks — so an old man, but his life was complete, closed like a finished
we — I — they don’t need to think too hard about staying “in- book. This little girl, though, had died so young. She died
character.” The angel has full access to the mortal’s memories, before her time, and that was a problem the God-Machine
but usually by the time someone notices that old Mike is acting had designed me to fix.