Assingment 1 (Resistance, Propulsion and Machinery)
Assingment 1 (Resistance, Propulsion and Machinery)
Assingment 1 (Resistance, Propulsion and Machinery)
Course project
Resistance, propulsion and machinery
Post-Panamax cruise ship with two-floor loft cabins
Aalto 2014
1. Resistane....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Machinery..................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Propulsion................................................................................................................................... 15
References ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 25
1. Resistane
1.1. Methods
We aimed to find a method which has been proven to provide the best results. That way ITTC-57
was ruled out for being too simplistic, from a time even before the bulbows bow. A consultation
with J. Matusiak led us to evaluate using Taylor Standard Series method which was soon deemed
unfit for its limited B/T range. Next we looked into using others systematic series methods such as
MARAD, Series-60 and SSPA but again our high B/T ratio lay outside of the models limits. ITTC-
78 method was chosen because it was able to provide a rough estimation with little chance of
application error. Holtop-Mennen method (HMM) [1] [2] was chosen as it was sufficiently simple
to implement and we could find software (NavCad) to test the quality of our implementation. Input
parameters used for the estimations are presented in Table 1, Table 2 and Appendix 1. Water
properties those of ocean water.
Density of water Ρ 1025 -
Gravity acceleration G 9.81 -
Kinematic viscosity of water Μ 1.19E-06 -
Length between
𝐿𝑏𝑝 334 m -
Beam at waterline B 48 m -
Speed V 12.6 m/s -
Length and volume’s LPP 6,97
cube root relation 3
Volume 110080 m^3
The wetted surface area of the hull is found from a 3D model of the hull prepared in DelftShip
(Appendix 1).
𝑆 = 18983 𝑚2 . (2)
Now we can calculate the frictional resistance 𝑅𝐹 .
𝑅𝑓 = 1.31 ∗ 10−3 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 1.025 ∗ 12.62 ∗ 18983 = 2.19 ∗ 103 𝑁. (3)
As our ship has a bulbous bow we must also calculate its resistance. First we need to calculate
bulb characteristics such as bow emergence 𝑃𝑏 and immersion Froude number 𝐹𝑛𝑖
𝑃𝑏 = 0.56 ∗ = 1.89
9.4 − 1.5 ∗ 5.2
𝐹𝑛𝑖 = = 1.79
√9.81(9.4 − 5.2 − 0.25√30.6) + 0.15 ∗ 12.62
𝑅𝑎𝑝𝑝 = 0.5 ∗ 1.025 ∗ 12.62 ∗ 1000 ∗ 3 ∗ 1.31 ∗ 10−3 = 3.47 ∗ 105 𝑁
Transom resistance 𝑅𝑡𝑟 also plays a part in the HMM but according to our research it has no
significant effect for our ship [7] [1].
𝑅𝑡𝑟 = 0
Next we shall calculate the wave resistance of the ship. This requires the use of 12 coefficients
𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , 𝑐3 , 𝑐5 , 𝑐7 , 𝑐15 , 𝑐15 , 𝜆, 𝑚1 , 𝑚4 , 𝑑, 𝐹𝑛 which are described in [1] and [2].
The final part of resistance calculations is finding the model-ship correlation resistance. This is
dependent on coefficients 𝑐2 , 𝑐4 which can be found in [2] [1].
𝑅𝑎 = 1.025 ∗ 12.62 ∗ 18983 ∗ 0.006 ∗ (334 + 100)−0.16 − 0.00205 + 0.003 ∗ √ ∗ 0.6944
According to our Excel implementation, the resistance would be
𝑅1 = 3.92 ∗ 106 𝑁
Whereas the NavCad implementation leads us to
𝑅2 = 4.55 ∗ 106 𝑁 .
We believe this difference is relatively small and can be attributed to the different manner that
ship parameters are presented and modified.
Ship effective power, MW
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ship speed, kn
, where
k – form factor
CF – frictional coefficient of the ship according to the ITTC-1957 ship-model correlation line
CR – residual resistance coefficient
ΔCF – roughness allowance
CAA – air resistance
We are using the equation where the bilge keel is not included due to not having bilge keels, but
instead stabilizers, which can’t be compared with bilge keels.
The frictional coefficient comes from ITTC-57, which is the following [4]:
0,075 0,075
CF 0,00131
log Rn 2 2
log3,69 10 2
9 2
, where
V LWL 12.6 349
Rn 3,69 109
1,004 10 6
The residual resistance coefficient can be taken from Guldhammer and Harvald’s method graphs,
which gives us the following result from graph where =7,0 [10].
C R 0,00057
Our ships’ Froude number:
V 12,6
Fn 0,22
g LPP 9,81 335
AT 12500
C AA 0,001 0,001 0,00066 , where
S 18983
AT – ship’s transverse cross-sectional area above waterline
S - wetted surface area
The wetted surface area was found from DelftShip model and transverse sectional area estimated
based on known superstructure measurements.
The total resistance of the ship is at the maximum speed of 24.5 knots is:
1 1
RT V 2 S CT 1025 12,62 18983 0,00262 4391kN
2 2
The effective power of the ship at 24.5 knots is [11]:
PE RT V 4391000 12,6 11072035,4 57.6MW
2. Machinery
We have decided to use a power plant type arrangement with six medium-speed diesel engines and
electric generators. The power generated is used both for on-board consuming and electric
propulsion. The system consists of Wärtsilä medium-speed HFO diesel engines and bow thrusters,
ABB electrical power generators, switchboards, transformers, frequency converters and Azipod
electric propulsion units [12] as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of a diesel electric power system with Azipod
propulsion units [12] [13]:
Improved life cycle cost by reduced fuel consumption and maintenance (up tp 20% less
fuel consumed compared to conventional shaftline propulsion system).
Reduced vulnerability to single failure in the system.
Less space consumption and more flexible utilization of the on-board space.
Improved maneuverability by utilizing azimuting thrusters (smaller turning radius and
shorter crash stop distance).
Decreased propulsion noise and vibration due to shorter shaft lines and less cavitation.
Even wakefield due to the use of pulling propellers and greater freedom in choosing the
location of the propulsors.
Less resistance arising from the lack appendages such as stern thrusters, rudders and shaft
Proven technology (currently used on 108 vessels, 48 of which are cruise ships)
- Increased investment costs.
- Increased transmission losses at full load caused by additional components.
- Extra crew training might be required due to more complex machinery.
- Less damage to underwater surface from anchoring as the propulsors can be used to keep
this ship in place.
Figure 2. Simplified single line diagram of the power plant with a propulsion system [13]
Estimation using the ITTC-78, Holtrop-Mennen method and case studies of similar ships proved
the required power to be roughly 54 MW. This can be met by three Azipod XO2100 propulsion
units providing a maximum of 21 MW each [14]. Analysis of reference ships concluded that the
electric propulsors best fitting our needs are the R-R Mermaid series and ABB Azipod series,
demonstrated in Table 4. Further research revealed that the mermaid propulsors suffer from serious
reliability issues compared to more popular and proven Azipod units
of Wärtsilä engines to keep the production in Finland for job creation and logistical purposes and
because the Wärtsilä and ABB diesel-electric setup has been proven to work well in reference ships
that best resemble our concept (largest cruise ships produced).
The required electrical power output is 83818 kVA. The generators were chosen to fit the
revolution speed of the shaft and the required output power. Our chosen diesel-electric generator
system employs six Wärtsilä 14V46F engines and six ABB AMG 1600 generators. Using six
identical engines and generators reduces the total number of necessary spare parts needed onboard
as the reserves are interchangeable. The machinery system also becomes simpler to design and
easier to maintain which reduces the probability of malfunction and misuse.
The ship will also need emergency generator diesel engines to ensure power in case of a
catastrophic main engine room failure. In the forward part of the ship two MTU 16V4000 units
providing 5000 kW of power.
the mermaid propulsors suffer from serious reliability issues compared to more popular and proven
Azipod units, shown in Figure 3.
We chose to use five Wärtsilä CT3500 bow thrusters. Our choice was based on reference ships of
similar wind area and operational conditions presented in Table 5. Seeing that Wärtsilä and Rolls
Royce are the main proven manufacturers in the market segment we researched their portfolio and
concluded that as the products made by the two companies are both very competitive, we will
choose Wärtsilä for their greater experience in similar projects. The number of thrusters was
determined by extrapolation.
No info 3
Queen Mary II
Wärtsilä CT 275 4
Norwegian Epic
Wärtsilä CT 300 2
R-R TT 3300 4
Freedom of the Seas
The electrical drive system components shown in Figure 1. and Figure 2 will be supplied by ABB
to minimise compatibility problems and simplify system maintenance. The fuel distribution
components will be ordered from Wärtsilä to ensure the most efficient work mode for their engines.
The control systems of a cruise vessel are composed of a fieldbus network, control network, power
distribution network, plant network, terminals, a communication, positioning and vessel
automation system. The switchboards and transformers are necessary for the management of
electrical power distribution in the vessel and are usually located near the generators. As the
generators and propulsors are produced and fitted by ABB, the abovementioned equipment should
also fitted by the same company as an integrated solution in order to ease manufacturing and
increase compatibility.
The Water treatment, waste management and climate control systems shall be built by Aalborg
Industries, United Technologies and MTU on-site energy.
Figure 4: Machinery setup
3. Electrical balance
Electrical balance is of crucial importance in the diesel-electric ship because the energy use can be
optimized much more flexibly. The electrical balance has to be calculated for different operating
situations, as the electricity consumption varies depending on the conditions. Usage profile –
different conditions and power consumptions in those conditions– is presented in Appendix 3 Table
4. Propulsion
4.1. General
The thrust is provided by 3 fixed pitched propellers. Each propeller has 5 blades. More propeller
blades leads to smaller propeller peak loads, thus there is a decrease in the vibrational response of
the hull caused by pressure pulses from the propellers. Fixed pitch propellers were chosen, due to
the usage of Azipod propulsion. Azipods provide exceptional maneuverability and since they are
electrical propulsion units the thrust can be easily controlled by changing the propeller revolutions.
The propellers are operated by ABB XO2100 Azipod propulsion units, which each produce a
maximal power of 21 MW at ~170 rpm (Figure 5). However, the operational point of the propeller
is at ~120 rpm, where each Azipod produces ~14 MW of power, which is required to propel the
ship at the cruising speed of 22,5 knots. The required propulsive power at 22,5 knots is 41 MW.
The propeller diameters available for XO2100 Azipods are from 4,4 to 6,4 m [13]. The optimal
solution would be to choose the largest propeller possible as larger propellers are more efficient.
However, we have to check if will be able to fit the propeller under our ship. According to [17] the
clearance between the hull and the propeller blade tip should be 25-30 % of the diameter of the
propeller and the propeller tip should not extend beyond the bottom of the ship. Thus we can
calculate the minimum required clearance for the largest available propeller as follows:
Now me need to make sure that the tip of the 6,4 m propeller is not extending beyond the bottom
of the hull, i.e. that propeller tip is not lower than the draft. The draft of the ship is 9,4 m. As our
hull bottom at the location the Azipods is very close to the waterline, we can assume that the
distance to the hull bottom is equal to the draft. Thus we can use the propeller if the following
equation is satisfied:
As we can see the equation is satisfied, thus we can use the 6,4 m propeller. However, it would
beneficial if the propeller tip would be as far away as possible from the hull. This would lead to an
additional reduction of the vibrations caused by propeller pressure pulses and in addition the
propeller would be operating in a more uniform wake, thus being more efficient. Therefore, let us
maximize equation 4.2, with respect to the clearance:
We can see that the maximum clearance of the propeller tip from the hull can be 3 m for a 6,4 m
Ph – hydrostatic pressure = gh pa 1025 9,81 6,2 101325 163668 Pa
, where
h – distance from waterline to propeller axis = C + D/2 = 3 + 6,4/2 = 6,2 [m]
pa – atmospheric pressure = 101325 Pa
pv – vapor pressure of water (at T = 20 ºC) = 1294 71,7t 5,78t 2 2172
k – constant dependent on the ship type (not specified for 3 propeller ship closest is 2 propeller
ship) = 0,1
From the number of blades and the blade area ratio we can see that we need the Wagenigen B-
series graph for 5 blades and Ae/A0 = 0,750 (Wagenigen B-series for 5 blades and Ae/A0 = 0,750
Figure 6), as it is the closest to our blade area ratio.
The propeller pitch ratio and efficiency can be read from Figure 6. We can see that the at the
cruising speed of 22,5 kn the P/D ratios of 0,9 and 1,0 would give the same efficiency of ~0,63.
However, P/D ratio of 1,0 would be a better choice, as operating at the maximum speed of 24,5 kn
a propeller with P/D ratio of 1,0 would be more efficient.
Figure 6. Wagenigen B-series for 5 blades and Ae/A0 = 0,750 [18]
4.3. Cavitation
Cavitation is the formation of gas phase in the fluid due to pressure decrease. Cavitation happens
when locally the critical pressure pcr is reached i.e. when the smallest possible pressure present in
the fluid is reached [17]. Problems caused by cavitation are corrosion of propeller blades, increased
vibrations and noise.
To get an idea if we might have problems with cavitation we need to calculate the cavitation
number. The dimensionless cavitation number is calculated as follows – if the reference speed is
the advance speed and the reference pressure is the hydro static pressure [17]:
p h pv 163668 2172
3,64 4.6
1 1
V A2
1025 9,3 2
2 2
From Figure 7 we can see that for a cavitation number of 3,64 the hashed area – cavitation free
area – is from angles of attack of about -4 to 7. As we have a fixed pitched propeller the angle of
attack is always the same. Thus the blade tips – most cavitation prone areas – which usually have
an angle of attack of 0 degrees should not experience any cavitation at operation point. Even at
maximum speed of 24,5 kn our cavitation number is ~3, thus no cavitation should occur also at
maximum operational speed.
Figure 7. Cavitation number and angle of attack relation to cavitation [17]
[1] J. Holtrop and G. G. J. Mennen, "An Approximate Power Prediction Method," 1982.
[2] J. Holtrop, "A Statistical Reanalysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data," 1984.
[3] G. Jensen, "Moderne Schiffslinien.," in Handbuch der Werften Vol XXII, Hansa, 1994, p. 93.
[4] H. Schneekluth and V. Bertram, Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, 1998.
[5] A. F. Molland, S. R. Turnock and D. A. Hudson, "Hull Form Design," in Ship Resistance and
Propulsion, p. 316.
[6] A. M. Kracht, "Design of Bulbous Bows," SNAME Transactions Vol. 86, pp. 197-217, 1978.
[7] V. Bertram, Practical Ship Hydrodynamics, 2000.
[8] ITTC, Performance, Propulsion 1957 ITTC Performance Prediction Method.
[9] ITTC, "1978 ITTC Performance Prediction Method," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 13 10 2013].
[10] "Noppa, Introduction to Marine Hydrodynamics, Weekly Exercises, figures in GH,"
[Online]. Available:
[Accessed 13 10 2013].
[11] J. Matusiak, "Noppa, Introduction to Marine Hydrodynamics, osa 1b kurssimaterialista,"
[Online]. Available: [Accessed
13 10 2013].
[12] ABB AS, "Maritime electrical installations and diesel-electric propulsion".
[13] ABB, "Azipod XO Product Introduction," August 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30
9 2014].
[14] ABB, "Azipod XO data sheet," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20
September 2013].
[15] J. Varis, "Azipod energy efficiency in marine propulsion".
[16] ABB, "Azipod XO," June 2012. [Online]. Available:
and-solutions/electric-propulsion/azipod. [Accessed 30 9 2014].
[17] J. Matusiak, Laivan Propulsio, Otaniemi, 2005.
[18] M. M. Bernitsas, D. Ray and P. Kinley, "KT, KQ and Efficiency Curves for the Wagenigen
B-Series Propellers," The University of Michigan, Michigan, 1981.
Appendix 1
Delftship hydrostatics report
Appendix 2
NavCad Holtrop resistance estimation
Appendix 3
Table 6. Electrical balance
Time spent % 5 60 15 5 15 0
Speed kn 25.5 22.5 10 3 0 0
Aux. Mach. For
propulsion, cc KW 1500 1320 1320 1500 0 450
Aux. Mach. For
propulsion, pe kW 480 480 480 600 0 240
Electric propulsion kW 65000 40000 6000 3000 0 0
Heating, ventilation kW 5400 5400 5400 5400 5100 0
Deck machinery kW 390 390 390 360 900 0
Household equipment kW 1050 1050 1050 1050 1350 0
Working machinery kW 600 600 600 600 600 0
Lighting kW 2580 2850 2850 2700 2100 1290
Navigation, radio kW 150 150 150 150 75 150
Thrusters kW 0 0 0 25000 0 0
Stabilization kW 630 630 630 630 0 0
Total load kW 77780 52870 18870 40990 10125 2130
Power factor - 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Required power kW 97225 66088 23588 51238 12656 2663
Main generators in use - 6 5 2 4 1 0
Generated electrical
power kW 100800 84000 33600 67200 16800 0
Emergency generators in
use - 0 0 0 0 0 1
Generated el.
emergency power kW 0 0 0 0 0 3000
Diesel generator loading % 96.5 78.7 70.2 76.2 75.3 88.8