University of Biskra Faulty of Science and Engineering Science &technology

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University of biskra

Faulty of Science and Engineering

Science &Technology

English Exam
Exercice 01

Fill in the blanks with words from list 1

This paper presents an ……………….. controller that acts as a ………….. Contrller

(FCC) utilizing the benefits of…….. logic (FL),……..Networks (NNs)and………….

Algorithms(GAs), this controller is built to control ………..plants, where the GA is
used to train this Fuzzy Neural Controller(FNC) by adjusting of its …………. Based
on minimizing the Mean Squar of Error (MSE)criterion .These parametres of the
inculde the ……… and …….. scaling factors , the ………..and…………. of the
membership function (MFs) for the input ………and the quantisation levels of the
output variable, that are subjected to constraints on their values by the expert .
The GA used in this work is a real_coding GA with………. Selection methode and
elitisme ………. To show the……………………………. Of this FNC serval invertable
(open-loop stable) nonlinear plants have been selected to be controlled by this
FNC through ……..

List 1

Variable- FeedForward-nonlinear-parameters- input-output –hybrid-strategy-


Exercice 02

Give the expression of the following equations.

i. Absolute value of a equals b cubed minus c squard.

ii. The equation x equal to five plus or minus square root of four, has two
solutions, x equals seven and x equals three

iii. ∅ equals root of 𝒍 over N by the summation from 𝒍 to N of x sub i minus m

all to the square.

Write how should read the following equation

𝑞 𝑞
I. F≈ 𝑟1 2 2

II. T=2𝜋√ 𝐾

III. L=r× 𝑝 = 𝑟 × 𝑚

Exercice 03
Translate the following words into English
Alliages légers=……………………..
Fil de contact=……………………..
Constante diélectrique=……………………………………

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