Biaxial Bending

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Biaxial Bending of Columns

The design of columns for biaxial bending is treated differently

by different design codes. This is due to the fact that different
codes present different simplified empirical formulae to aid

In essence the design of columns for biaxial bending is exactly

similar to the design of reinforced concrete columns for uniaxial
bending. Consider a column that is subjected to bending about
two axes. The two moments can be represented graphically as
vectors and added to give the resultant moment, which is about a
single axis perpendicular to the resultant moment. Now the
design of the column section proceeds as per the standard
procedure for uniaxial bending with the added complication that
the neutral axis is no longer parallel with the top of the section.
This procedure is relatively easy to use to construct an
interaction diagram for a particular column section.
Note: See example from 3rd year notes.
Procedures suggested by Design Codes
The Eurocode 2 offers no simplified procedure. However, the
UK design codes offer a simplified approach that is suitable for

BS 8110 Approach

Mx My  h' 
≥ ⇒ M x ' = M x + β  M y
h' b'  b' 

and for

Mx My  b' 
< ⇒ M y ' = M y + β  M x
h' b'  h' 


0.7 N
β = 1.0 − but not less than 0.3
0.6bhf cu
The CP110 Code of Practice (which has been withdrawn)

Had a different but perhaps more technically justified approach.

This code required that:

α α
 Mx  M 
  +  y  ≤ 1.0
M 
 M ux   uy 

Where Mux and Muy are the maximum moment capacities about
the x and y axes with an axial load N.

The value of α is related to
N ud


f   fy 
N ud = 0.67 cu  Ac +   As
γm  γ m 

N α
N ud
≤ 0.2 1.0
0.4 1.33
0.6 1.67
≥ 0.8 2.0
Justification for CP110 Approach
The basis of the formulae presented is as follows. Consider what
a three dimensional interaction diagram for biaxial bending
would look like?

For different values of Mx and My the neutral axis will be at

different angles. For any given ratio of Mx to My the neutral axis
will be at a constant angle and we may plot an interaction
diagram by calculating the Axial load and Moment for different
depths of neutral axis.

For example the axial capacity will be given by,

No . B _ top No . B _ bot .
N ult = Fc + ∑ f si ' Asi ' + ∑ f sj Asj
i =1 j =1

where the stress in each reinforcing bar is considered separately.

A similar expression can be developed for the moment capacity.
All these interaction diagrams can be represented with a three-
dimensional interaction diagram.
This surface represents the ultimate capacity of a section under
all combinations of axial load and bending. For a given axial
load N we can draw a 2D section of the interaction diagram.
Depending on the Ratio the curve from M y,max to
N max
M x,max varies. CP 110 describes this curve as

α α
 M y ,ult   M 
  +  x ,ult  = 1
 M y ,max   M x ,max 

where alpha is dependent on .
N max

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