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Sepep Matrix

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My teaching philosophy is that through learning physical education, they can become more skilled people both on and off the field. PE can be
used as a vessel to teach students very important off field skills, such as leadership, fair play, organisation and sportsmanship, that cannot be
taught in a typical ‘classroom’. Through the use of a SEPEP model, where the focus of the program shifts to the students to take responsibility
and the teacher is a facilitator, students are able to fully utilise these life skills and then be able to transfer them into everyday practice.

The model taught over the ten-week program will be a sports education (SEPEP) focused unit with elements of teaching games for
understanding (TGFU), to implement specific netball skills and tactics, combining to form a hybrid model. I believe that this program needs to
be taught in this way as many students may be familiar with the game of Netball, they are not as familiar with the skills and tactics involved,
where TGFU will be utilised. TGFU allows students to gain a deeper understanding of different parts of the bigger game, such as the skills
involved, and the strategies used in gameplay. It is combined with a SEPEP model as to allow students to take ownership of their own learning
and allowing them develop life skills within PE.

The sports education model is a student-centred approach to physical education where the teacher shifts the main organisation and running of
the program to the students, it is important however that the teacher still mentors’ students and acts as a facilitator to ensure that everything
is still running smoothly and on task. Although students will be primarily players in their respective teams, they will have the opportunity to
develop their knowledge of off field roles, which will be shared through the term.
- 2x Sports Board
- 1x Records/statistician
- 1x Fixtures
- 1x Time keeper
- 1x Coach
- 1x Publicity
- 1x Umpire

Each role is to form connections with the other class to ensure that the competition is to be run smoothly and there is no confusion. The
teacher will create fixtures to ensure facilities are being maximised and there are no clashes with other classes, otherwise the program should
be student run.

Teaching Games for Understanding:

Teaching games for understanding (TGFU) is understood as an inquiry approach to games teaching where the play of a game is taught before
skill refinement. The TGFU approach has encouraged debate on games Teaching Games for Understanding is a student-centred approach where
the teacher acts as a facilitator and the students make their own adaptations in order to maximize the level of challenge, fun and understanding
(Griffin & Butler, 2005)
When using TGFU, the development of any game follows the model presented below. (Webb, Pearson & Forrest, 2006).
The students must first be capable of understanding the form of
the particular game and will then recognise the problems to be
solved, which are unique to that particular game. (Webb, Pearson
& Forrest, 2006).
Game Appreciation:
In recognising the purpose of the game time should be given for
athletes to see what the game is all about (Webb, Pearson &
Forrest, 2006).

Tactical Awareness:
Problem solving is a critical approach to teaching games for understanding (Webb, Pearson & Forrest, 2006).
Decision Making:
What to do, how to do it and when to do it (Webb, Pearson & Forrest, 2006).
Skill Execution:
The model also emphasises skill execution and game performance, but only after the students recognises a need for a particular kind of skill
Brief Overview of Hybrid Model - Netball Program

Year 10 Program Tuesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Introduction to SEPEP model and roles involved Netball skills 1 – Passing and catching Health
(need to book classroom)
Week 2 Netball Skills 2 – Passing and leading Netball skills 3 – Defending Health

Week 3 Netball skills 4 – Shooting Netball skills 5 – Attacking Health

Week 4 Netball skills 6 – Footwork and dodging Netball skills and tactics Health

Week 5 Netball game play and tactics SEPEP roles check in / modified games Health

Week 6 Modified games Modified games Health

Week 7 Grading games round 1 – same class Grading games round 2 – same class Health

Week 8 Grading games round 3 – same class End of season tournament Round 1 – cross class Health

Week 9 End of season tournament Round 2 – cross class End of season tournament Round 3 – cross class Health

Week 10 End of season tournament Round Finals – cross End of season wind up – awards presentation Health
Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources Assessment
Physical Education Physical Education Health /Equipment
Students will be in the classroom (needs to Teaching Model: Teacher Observation:
be booked), to get a summary of the TGFU 16 netballs Correct Technique when
SEPEP/TGFU program, this will include: Objective: 1 whistle passing.
- Team selections - Students will be able to execute a chest 1 netball court
- Role introductions pass, bounce pass, and a lob pass. 20 cones
- Nominations and selections of - Students will be able to catch a netball.
roles within the team. - Students will be able to recognise when a
1 - Students will need to form specific type of pass should be used and
committees within their roles then execute the pass to both a stationary
(e.g. coach with coach) to form and a moving target.
the boards. These boards will ACPMP099 , ACPMP103
then work out some basic Skills: See week 1 Thursday
parameters regarding how the Netball pass
season will run. Chest pass
Bounce pass
Teacher is to provide students with an Lob pass
intranet communication system that all Rules:
Cannot move when in possession of the ball.
students can partake and share
Cannot do short passes.
information in. As well as providing them
with the brief overview of the 10-week
Flat chest pass to get the ball quickly to team mate,
program (see above), so that they are
bounce pass to get around students, lob pass to get it
familiar with it. over an opponent
Student Roles:
At the end of the sessions, students will Packing up the equipment
be have: Teacher Roles
Boards formed. Explanation of the drills, provide feedback to students
Started work on allocated tasks within if they are struggling or not executing the skills
that board. correctly.
Familiar with 10 week program.
Familiar with how SEPEP/TGFU is run.
Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources Assessment
Physical Education Physical Education Health /Equipment
Teaching Model: Teaching Model: 16 netballs Observation:
TGFU TGFU 1 whistle Correct Technique when
Objective: Objective: 20 cones passing, accurate passing
 Demonstrate the correct passing  Students should learn the basics of Leading into space
technique for all 3 major passing defending in open play. Shadowing the player while
types.  Students should learn how to defend inside
Getting 3 feet back as to not
 Accurately pass to a moving the circle.
2 target. ACPMP099 , ACPMP103
violate the rules.
 Be able to lead to a position so Skills: See week 2 Thursday
that a pass can be received. Shadowing the player
ACPMP099 Moving into a position to defend
Skills: See week 2 Tuesday Intercepting the ball
3 major passes executed to a moving target. Rules:
Efficient leading and creating space on the 3-foot obstruction rules
court. Arms up when defending
Rules: Contact on opposition
Passing in pairs and groups. Cannot hit ball with closed fist
Pass in front of team-mate. Cannot block another player
Strategies/tactics Strategies/tactics
Passing the ball to the partners preferred Body position when defending so can still see
hand, so that they can reach and do not defender in peripheral vison while also being able to
have to stop. see the opposition team and the ball.
Being balanced when you pass and being Student Roles:
balanced when receiving a pass. Packing up the equipment
Student Roles: Teacher Roles
Packing up equipment Explanation of the drills
Teacher Roles:
Explanation of the drills
Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources Assessment
Physical Education Physical Education Health /Equipment
Teaching Model: Teaching Model: 16 netballs Observation:
TGFU TGFU Netball courts with goals Are players able to
Objective: Objective: 4x sets of netball bibs shoot.
 Demonstrate the correct shooting  Demonstrate correct shooting technique. Teams executing
technique  Apply attacking manoeuvres against effective attacking
ACPMP099 plays (starting to
implement some
Skills: See week 3 Tuesday  Be able to attack and score as a team.
3 Netball shooting ACPMP099 , ACPMP103
Rules: Skills: See week 3 Thursday
Shooting and then following in for Attacking play progressing into shooting.
rebounds. Rules:
Shooting off 1 and 2 feet Cannot step when shooting
Strategies/tactics: Defenders must be 3 feet.
Ball held above head. Only GS and GA are allowed to shoot and must be
Arms extended with shooting arm pretty from inside the circle.
straight and close to the ear. Strategies/tactics
Ball rests on base of fingers and thumb. Fast ball movement to catch defence off guard.
Opposite hand is placed on side of ball to Receiving ball in an advantageous place to shoot.
help steady it. Follow up with rebound if the shot does not go in.
Feet shoulder width apart with feet, hips Student Roles:
and elbow pointing towards the goal post. Packing up the equipment
Bend elbows and knees, then straighten Teacher Roles
Explanation of the drills
Flick the ball with the wrist as you release.
Follow through with arms and fingers
pointing towards the post.
The ball should travel in an arc towards
the post. Follow in for rebounds.
Student Roles:
Packing up equipment
Teacher Roles:
Explanation of the drills
Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources Assessment
Physical Education Physical Education Health /Equipment
Teaching Model: Teaching Model: 16 netballs Teacher to use
TGFU TGFU Whistle checklist to rate all
Objective: Objective: Netball court with goals students game play
 Be able to start, stop and change  Attack as a team with the aim of scoring. 4 sets of netball bibs ability out of 10.
directions quickly.  Defend as a team with the aim of stopping a This will form the
basis for later
 Create space through leading and goal being scored.
marking to see if
quick footwork.  Start to develop a sense of gameplay skills
4  Use efficient feet movements to and the tactics involved.
students have
improved. Will also
lead strongly. ACPMP099 , ACPMP103 get a rough idea if
ACPMP099 Skills: the teams are
Skills: See Tuesday Week 4 Attacking as a team even.
Using both the inside and outside feet to Defending as a team
lead to the ball. Rules:
Using the body to trick opponents and get Standard netball rules
around them. Offense rules
Ability to dodge players, create and move Defensive rules
into the open space. Strategies/tactics
Rules: How to effectively attack, leading to a shot being
Cannot step when in possession of the ball taken and a goal being score.
Strategies/tactics How to defend, by either stopping a shot or forcing a
Being balanced when receiving the ball. turnover.
Leading off both the inside and outside General netball game tactics.
foot. Student Roles:
Short and sharp steps for more explosive Packing up the equipment
leads. Teacher Roles
Student Roles: Explanation of the drills, assist with different
Packing up equipment gameplay strategies and tactics.
Teacher Roles:
Explanation of the drills
Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources Assessment
Physical Education Physical Education Health /Equipment
Teaching Model: SEPEP Roles check in: 16 netballs Students are to submit a 1-2-
TGFU All boards are to submit a hard copy of any progress or 4 sets of netball page document by the next
Objective: implemented information to the teacher to ensure that bibs lesson (Tuesday). It should
- Execute effective attacking and all is going correctly. Netball court include the following:
defending strategies, in both full All boards are to provide a brief update of progress made - What is SEPEP
and what they need to still implement and work on. - What is my role
court and half court games.
and how does that
5 Skills:
Modified games:
Teacher will run a brief session on introducing modified
fit into a SEPEP
Rules: games. - Any collaboration
Netball rules By the end of this session, students should be competent with the board
Strategies/tactics: to run the games by themselves and students will also be - What still needs to
How to attack familiar of what to do when they are the duty team. be implemented
How to defend and worked on so
General gameplay Students are to start working on assignments. that the season can
Student Roles: run effectively.
Brief fixtures This is where the official SEPEP season will start and the
Teacher Roles: teacher will now hand the lessons over to the students.
Assist with tactics and students struggling
10 Week Water Polo Matrix- Health and Physical Education year 10

Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment

Physical Education Physical Education Health Equipment
Teaching Model: Teaching Model: 4 netballs Observation of
TGFU/SEPEP TGFU/SEPEP 4 sets of netball games.
Objective: Objective: bibs
 Students will be able to successfully create  Students will be able to successfully create Netball court Ensure and check
offence in a modified game. offence in a modified game. in with students
 Students will be able to carry out effective  Students will be able to carry out effective and the various
defence and offence tactics. defence and offence tactics. boards to ensure
6 ACPMP099, ACPMP101,
they are all on task
and the season will
Gameplay: Gameplay: flow.
Students will play 5 on 5 using modified fast 5 netball Students will play 5 on 5 using modified fast 5 netball
rules. rules.
Fast 5 Rules Fast 5 Rules
Skills: Skills:
Offensive and defensive strategies Offensive and defensive strategies
Rules: Rules:
Fast 5 Rules Fast 5 Rules
Tactics Tactics
During 5v5, students will have more space to During 5v5, students will have more space to
understand the game of netball. Greater chance to understand the game of netball. Greater chance to
employ tactics. employ tactics.
Student Roles Student Roles
Setting up/packing away equipment Setting up/packing away equipment
Create fixtures Create fixtures
Explain modified rules Explain modified rules
All SEPEP boards need to have collaborated. All SEPEP boards need to have collaborated.
Teacher Roles Teacher Roles
Assist with any inquires Assist with any inquires
10 Week Water Polo Matrix- Health and Physical Education year 10

Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment

Physical Education Physical Education Health Equipment
SEPEP SEPEP 4 netballs Self reflections to
Grading games – Round 1 Grading games – Round 2 Netball court be done by
Objectives: Objectives: 4 full sets of students
 Students will be able to successfully facilitate  Students will be able to successfully facilitate netball bibs
their own training session and manage their own training session and manage
themselves/the team themselves/the team
7 ACPMP103 , ACPMP102, ACPMP099
Skills Skills
 Self-training  Carry out effective offence and defence
 Work on game tactics Rules
 Carry out effective offence and defence  Teams work on what they personally believe
Rules they need work on
 Teams work on what they personally believe  Full Netball rules apply
they need work on Strategies and Tactics
 Full netball rules  Penetrating the circle to score a goal.
Strategies and Tactics  Defending the space to cause a turnover of the
 Penetrating the circle to score a goal. other team.
 Defending the space to cause a turnover of the Student Roles
other team. Carry out designated SEPE roles
Student Roles Teacher Roles
Carry out designated SEPEP roles Facilitate learning and guide students especially in the
Teacher Roles early stages of the SEPEP module
Facilitate learning and guide students especially in the
early stages of the SEPEP module
10 Week Water Polo Matrix- Health and Physical Education year 10

Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment

Physical Education Physical Education Health Equipment
SEPEP SEPEP 4 netballs No assessment
Grading games – round 2 Round 1 Netball court
Objectives: Objective: 4 full sets of
 Students will be able to successfully facilitate their  Students are able to partake and enjoy a netball bibs
own training session and manage themselves/the Netball tournament with all being
team involved
ACPMP106, ACPMP105, ACPMP107, ACPMP103 ,  Students able to successfully run and
8 ACPMP102, ACPMP099
coordinate a SEPEP tournament
ACPMP106, ACPMP105, ACPMP107, ACPMP103 ,
Skills ACPMP102, ACPMP099
 Carry out effective offence and defence ACPMP101
 Teams work on what they personally believe they Skills:
need work on Netball gameplay
 Full Netball rules apply Rules:
Strategies and Tactics Full netball rules
 Penetrating the circle to score a goal. Student roles:
 Defending the space to cause a turnover of the other Facilitation of SEPEP and fulfilling their roles
team. Teacher Role:
Student Roles Guiding and helping where necessary
Carry out designated SEPE roles
Teacher Roles
Facilitate learning and guide students especially in the early
stages of the SEPEP module
10 Week Water Polo Matrix- Health and Physical Education year 10

Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment

Physical Education Physical Education Health Equipment
SEPEP SEPEP 4 netballs No assessment
Round 2 Round 3 Netball court
Objective: Objective: 4 full sets of
 Students are able to partake and enjoy a  Students are able to partake and enjoy a Netball netball bibs
Netball tournament with all being tournament with all being involved
involved  Students able to successfully run and coordinate a
 Students able to successfully run and SEPEP tournament
9 coordinate a SEPEP tournament
ACPMP106, ACPMP105, ACPMP107, ACPMP103 ,
ACPMP106, ACPMP105, ACPMP107, ACPMP103 , ACPMP102,
Skills: Netball gameplay
Netball gameplay Rules:
Rules: Full netball rules
Full netball rules Student roles:
Student roles: Facilitation of SEPEP and fulfilling their roles
Facilitation of SEPEP and fulfilling their roles Teacher Role:
Teacher Role: Guiding and helping where necessary
Guiding and helping where necessary
10 Week Water Polo Matrix- Health and Physical Education year 10

Week Tuesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment

Physical Education Physical Education Health Equipment
SEPEP SEPEP Awards Ceremony/Season wrap up. 4 netballs No assessment
Finals Netball court
Objective: 4 full sets of netball
 Students are able to partake and enjoy a This is to be guided by the students and the various bibs
Netball tournament with all being boards. Teacher should not offer any assistance Awards (certificates
involved unless asked, and students must approach teacher of trophies)
 Students able to successfully run and if any resources are required.
10 coordinate a SEPEP tournament
ACPMP106, ACPMP105, ACPMP107, ACPMP103 ,

Netball gameplay
Full netball rules
Student roles:
Facilitation of SEPEP and fulfilling their roles
Teacher Role:
Guiding and helping where necessary
The sport of netball was chosen as it is a globally recognised sport that is also very commonly played in Australia, with both genders playing
the sport. It has teams of 8 (32 students = 4 teams of 8), with 7 on court at one time, which allows 1 student per team off at any one stage,
reducing time that kids are sitting on the sidelines. Netball can be broken down into 5 mains skill categories, passing and catching, defence,
offence, shooting, and footwork and dodging, meaning that there can be a skill progression from week to week. Starting with basic passing and
then working through defence, then offence and shooting will be taught separately but it is important to remind students that it is part of
offence, then the last skill taught is more advanced footwork and dodging. Each week when a new skill is being taught, the teacher can
introduce specific rules regarding defence and offence etc. After this, fast 5 netball rules will be played and then into full netball rules, this is
done to introduce students to an easier to understand version and then into the full rules. The modified games are where tactics will start to
be applied and teams should be self-running by the time the grading games come around. This is where the full SEPEP season starts to take
effect and the teacher should now step back and let the students run the sessions.

Week 1
Tuesday’s session was an introduction to what a sports education and teaching games for understanding model encapsulates, it was used to
introduce the students to the expectations of the semester and what to outline of what would be covered each session. By the end of the
lesson the following should have been achieved:
- Role introductions
- Team selections
- Nominations and selections of roles within the team.
- Students will need to form committees within their roles (e.g. coach with coach) to form the boards. These boards will then work out
some basic parameters regarding how the season will run.
Thursday’s session will focus on the basic netball skill of passing and catching the ball, with no rules or gameplay to be introduced as of yet,
this is done to try and familiarise students with the fundamental skill and to form a solid base to build on in the coming weeks.
Week 2 – Week 4
This 3-week period will focus on the development of the basic offence and defence skills, leading into more complicated skills. This block of
netball skills will develop a strong base to develop in and will be applied into the modified games in the coming weeks.
Week 5- Week 6
This 2-week block is where teams will start to use the skills learnt in the previous weeks and put them into a modified game setting. Through
doing this student and their teams should start to work out what tactics work and those that don’t, this is where a sense of netball gameplay
will be developed.
Week 7 – Week 8
This block of games will be where students will be graded into pools and given rankings for the inter class SEPEP tournament. Any major
team modifications can be made during this stage and it is essential that all SEPEP roles are performing the correct way, so that the season
is running smoothly.
Week 8 – Week 10
This 3-week block of games are the inter class SEPEP tournament, in which 2 classes will be working together in order to determine the best
team over the two classes. Y this stage, the competition and lessons should be entirely student run, with the teach acting as a facilitator and
addressing any major issues. The season will culminate in a SEPEP celebration where teams and individuals will be recognised for their efforts
and some reward can be given back to the students after what is a long term.

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